Home Salads and appetizers Desserts from apples southern sweets. Apple desserts - three delicious and easy recipes. Forming and baking process

Desserts from apples southern sweets. Apple desserts - three delicious and easy recipes. Forming and baking process

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apple dishes

If you do not know how to preserve apples, I will tell you! Moreover, the recipe is very simple - no sterilization-pasteurization, everything is fast and without any hassle!

I go to the airport to meet friends not with flowers, but with muffins. Soft, airy, full apple flavor and aroma. With a cup of coffee or tea, they simply melt in your mouth and immediately cheer you up!

Jam from apples comes out tender and fragrant. I cook it with apple slices. Of course, you will have to tinker with jam, but believe me, it's worth it! You can store jam at room temperature.

Chicken with apples - classic, all favourite dish. I cook such a chicken both for everyday and for festive table. The chicken comes out fragrant, tender, juicy, with a crispy crust.

Pie with apples and bananas is tender, slightly moist due to bananas. Apples bring sourness, and sweet banana gives an exotic taste. classic pie. A cake for any time of the year!

Cottage cheese charlotte with apples - delicious! Apples and cottage cheese go well together, and almond chips and cinnamon bring unique notes of taste and wonderful aroma. Plus, the scarf looks great.

Apples in batter - a delicious and lush dessert with a filling, or, if you like, with a surprise (leave the bone!). Ready in 20 minutes, looks amazing. They are delicious to eat both hot and cold.

Salad with apple and smoked salmon - delicious and unusual. You can cook it in 10 minutes. Of the additional ingredients - only mayonnaise and spices. This salad can also be served on the festive table.

Fritters with apples - very delicious pancakes cooked on kefir with the addition of apple pulp to the dough. Cooked according to this recipe, pancakes with apples are tender with a delicate aroma.

The fastest and easiest apple cinnamon pie is ready in half an hour. All you need is to thinly slice the apples. And the rest ... We take ready dough, a spoonful of sugar and cinnamon and that's it! Enjoy!

Speaking of buns with apples, soft horns from yeast dough, richly sprinkled with powder. Grandma bakes these and they always turn out just lovely!

Pie with apples and strawberries is perfect for the afternoon. Imagine a cup of coffee with milk foam and fluffy pie with sweet and sour strawberries and apple slices. Real jam!

Charlotte with apples and cottage cheese is easy and quick to prepare. Apples and cottage cheese go well together, add cinnamon and you get a wonderful dessert with a wonderful aroma and taste. Baked for half an hour.

Delicate casserole with cottage cheese and apples can replace light dinner. It's also great for an afternoon snack. And the dessert is absolutely amazing! You can eat the casserole both warm and cold.

In summer, you can buy (or pick in the garden) rhubarb. Sour rhubarb and sweet apples make a wonderful pie filling. We make a pie with rhubarb and apples open, covering the filling with a "lattice".

Biscuit with apples - the simplest and most tasty dish which I have tried. The whole cooking process takes about an hour. Apples can be cut arbitrarily. And in a biscuit - four components.

I bake a beautiful airy yeast pie with apples for the weekend. It lasts for three days, so I don’t worry about dessert on the weekend. I bake an open apple pie, so it is much more aromatic and interesting.

Classic recipe simple pie with apples should be in the arsenal of every housewife. The cake cooks quickly and looks quite decent. Shall we try?

I am making an eggless apple pie for my nephew who is allergic to eggs. It is also suitable for vegetarians. Such a pie is not much different from its egg namesake, it comes out lush and tasty.

Sometimes for an afternoon snack or Saturday-Sunday breakfast you want something sweet, made from dough and so that you can eat normally. Pancakes are such a dish for me. Especially - pancakes with caramel apples.

classical apple charlotte It's super easy to make and it always turns out great! It includes eggs, flour, sugar and apples. For the aroma, you need to drop cognac and that's it! It takes 45 minutes to cook and bake.

Charlotte with apples and cinnamon I bake from ready-made yeast puff pastry. It turns out quickly and tasty. The only thing is to peel and cut apples. I serve Charlotte to the table with creamy ice cream.

Adjika with apples - sharp workpiece, which will improve any meat, fish, as well as vegetarian dish. Adjika prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very tasty and beautiful red color.

In the morning, especially on weekends, you want to pamper yourself with something sweet, tender, fragrant. Such a delicacy for me is milk pancakes with apples. With powdered sugar, honey, jam... Delicious!

A quick apple pie is cooked in a little over half an hour. It turns out very tasty, crunchy, slightly falling apart, but with a scoop of vanilla ice cream there is nothing better! Everyone can make a pie!

Delicate charlotte with apples and bananas everyone will like it. Bananas attached to traditional charlotte new taste, and lemon juice will allow bananas to look good in the dough. It will take a little over an hour to cook.

Cabbage salad with apples - fresh and healthy. Good for those who love meat, and those who do not eat it. Great for weight loss. Take sour apples, any cabbage.

We have a tradition in our family - on Sunday morning we bake pancakes. In the tape-autumn season, flour pancakes with apples are especially popular. I bake a whole bunch of pancakes that disappear in minutes.

Apples baked with cottage cheese - a tasty, healthy and quick dish to prepare. And the scent is magical! It can be served for dessert or an afternoon snack. The dish is also suitable for those who are on a diet.

A favorite children's porridge has grown into a favorite adult dessert. Does it often happen to eat semolina? Treat yourself to an apple pie! It is prepared very quickly and simply. Apples are better to take sour varieties.

Apple pies are a classic! You can use any dough for them, but the filling for apple pies should be only the most delicious! There are several ways to prepare such a filling.

Dried apple compote is prepared according to a simple recipe. dried apples must be filled with water and boiled. The taste of such a compote is richer and brighter than its fresh version. Compote is boiled for half an hour.

This is my favorite apple puff pastry recipe. He is very simple. Any apples for the pie will do. The sweeter the apples, the sweeter the cake will be. You can enjoy them within an hour.

I often make baked apples in the oven for children for an afternoon snack. While they sleep during the day, the apples have time to bake. The longer they languish, the tastier they turn out. I have an old proven recipe. Here it is!

Baked apples with sugar are very tasty, they are served for dessert in many restaurants. This is a good alternative to a piece of cake, much more healthy, because baked apples retain their beneficial properties.

Charlotte with apples on kefir is a light, tasty, healthy dessert. It is done elementary, you need a few minutes to cut the apples and knead the dough. Products for the pie are always at hand. Let's try!

Pie on kefir with apples is very easy and quick to cook. This is the go-to dish when you need to quickly build something sweet and tasty. An excellent pie turns out - I recommend to cook!

It is very easy to make pancakes on kefir with apples, they turn out tasty and healthy. Children love this breakfast very much, and adults also like kefir pancakes with apples. Here's an easy recipe for you!

fluffy pancakes with apples - lovely healthy breakfast, since apples reduce the fat content and harmfulness of fritters. Apple filler makes this dish tasty, gives a slight sourness. Very tasty!

Surprisingly tasty, sweet, with natural aroma and color, apple jam five minutes at home is well suited for filling in any pastries, as well as for pancakes or cereals. Try :)

Tarte Tatin with apples is an old upside down French pie. Preparing is very simple, do not be afraid - you just need to fry the apples in butter and sugar, and then everything is as usual. I share the recipe.

I make apple compote for the winter from the "white filling" variety. Apples are small, fit well in a jar. The compote is delicious, tender, summery. I make it in large jars, this is how my grandmother used to do it.

In the season of a rich harvest for apples and pears, I advise, in addition to habitual recipes conservation, make jam. At the same time, combine both fruits and remember the wonderful taste from childhood.

Remember baby food? Especially from apples! I always tried to "steal" at least a little bit from my little sister. Yummy! What about mashed potatoes? Real jam! I suggest making apple puree for the winter.

American Apple pie as we joke, this is a pie for adults. It is prepared with rum and therefore has a light heady aroma. The pie is full of apple slices, and it also looks beautiful and appetizing.

Vegetarian apple pie - very tasty and light pie, which I cook not only with apples, but also with carrots and oranges. Pie has delicate taste and pleasant aroma.

Jam from melon and apples, prepared according to traditional recipe, is the favorite in our family. This jam contains many vitamins, the aroma and taste are wonderful, and with a fresh bun - a miracle!

"The most delicious" apple pie

There are some dishes that make you salivate just thinking about them. The "most delicious" apple pie is one such dish. Fantastic tasty pie, which is prepared, contrary to expectations, is extremely simple.

Apple pastille is made from Antonovka apples. This sweet and sour apple variety is ideal for culinary purposes. Apples must be baked whole so that the flesh does not darken. Want to try?

Apple fig - delicious, healthy treat which keeps well in cartons or closed banks. Apple figs can be cut into shapes and used to decorate baked goods.

Baked apples with delicious stuffing- in just 10 minutes! Light, tender and healthy dessert for you and your children. Cooking apples baked in the microwave is very easy - everyone can do it!

Apples baked with cinnamon in the microwave is our family's favorite dessert, there is little that can compare with it in terms of aroma. And I, as a person in charge of the kitchen, like the dessert for its simplicity of preparation. Ready!

Favorite apple pie can be easily cooked in the microwave. A minimum of effort and products, and the result is magnificent! The recipe for apple pie in the microwave is simple and will be clear to everyone.

Prunes and apple tart is the perfect tart to satisfy your sweet tooth without ruining your figure during the summer season. Sweet and not too high-calorie pie.

Jam from apples with oranges turns out to be tasty and transparent amber. When in the apple season you are puzzled about what to do with them, the orange comes to the rescue. I recommend this original jam!

Antonovka jam is the most fragrant apple jam. These apples are not dessert apples at all, they are a little sour, but they make excellent jam. My grandma often made this jam. Recommend!

Among dozens of recipes for apple jam, I want to present my own - with cinnamon and vanilla. It can be used both as a dessert for tea and as a filling for a pie. The recipe is simple, but lengthy.

Very tasty and beautiful cake with pears and apples prepared in style Danish cuisine- with the addition of rosemary to the dough and the formation of an appetizing icing crust. Very good pie, I advise!

Fresh apple salad is very tasty, fresh and diet salad, which is prepared from celery, walnuts, raisins, lemon juice, apples and honey. It makes for a very summery combination!

Apple cookies according to this recipe are very soft, rich, almost not sweet, with light fragrance apples, cinnamon and nutmeg. Interested? :) Then the apple cookie recipe is for you!

Charlotte in the microwave, the recipe of which I am sharing today, is a delicate, airy and unusually fragrant popular apple pie. Traditionally belongs to European cuisine, but is very popular with us.

A traditional Slavic recipe for a healthy and tasty dessert - now using new technologies :) Why not, because it's much faster. So, cook apples with honey in the microwave!

Apfelkren (German Apfelkren) - sweet and sour sauce, which is used to give original taste meat and poultry dishes. To your attention - a simple recipe for apfelkren sauce.

Do you want to know how to cook an airy apple charlotte without worries and hassle? Then this recipe is for you! Read how to cook charlotte with apples in a slow cooker.

Applesauce is a thick sweet and sour sauce made from apples and served as a seasoning for meat dishes and desserts. I tell you how to cook applesauce at home.

From apples you can cook not only desserts but sweets. Apples stuffed minced meat- very original and unusual, but at the same time tasty and hearty meal capable of surprising your eaters.

Who doesn't want to treat themselves to a fresh homemade cakes? Well, a slow cooker will help you save time and effort. Read the recipe for tender and airy charlotte cooked in a slow cooker.

Now the summer has flown by and left behind, but we know: autumn, of course, is ahead :) And this means it's time for pumpkins, potatoes and apples. For all occasions, we already have, but here are 5 apple desserts that you must try to cook this weekend!

This apple sauce is versatile. It can be used as a pie filling or as a topping for ice cream or yogurt. Not only is this dish tasty and healthy, but after it there is also a wonderful smell in the kitchen.

Ingredients for applesauce:

  • 2 cups peeled and diced apples;
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch dissolved in 1 teaspoon water
  • Ingredients for Cinnamon Sugar Bread:
  • 5 wheat cakes, with a radius of 15 cm (make your own or replace with thin pita bread);
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1 ½ tablespoons of sugar.

You can cook the dish both on the stove and in the microwave.

  1. Combine all ingredients for applesauce except cornstarch and water in a small saucepan.
  2. Heat for a few minutes until the mixture boils and the apples begin to release juice.
  3. Add starch with water to the sauce.
  4. We return to the stove or microwave, bring to a boil again and wait until the sauce thickens a little.
  5. Remove from heat (the longer you hold, the thicker the sauce will be) and set aside. The sauce can be served warm or chilled. It will be delicious either way!
  6. Cut the cakes into 4 parts so that they turn out to be wedges.
  7. We put the cakes in a frying pan, greased with oil.
  8. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Fry (or bake at 210ºC) until golden brown, about 5-8 minutes.
  9. Let the bread cool and serve with apple sauce.

Must-have this fall! And the sweetest way to celebrate her arrival.

Donut Ingredients:

  • 2 apples;
  • 1 ½ cups apple cider (about 25 tablespoons)
  • 3 ½ cups flour;
  • 4 teaspoon baking powder;
  • ¼ teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg;
  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar;
  • 1 large egg and 1 egg yolk;
  • ¼ cup milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of vanillin;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Glaze Ingredients:

  • 1 glass of apple cider;
  • 1/4 cup sugar;
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar and 2 teaspoons cinnamon.
  1. Coarsely chop the apples (do not peel). Combine with 1 1/2 cups of cider in a medium saucepan. Place over medium heat, cover and simmer until tender, about 10 minutes. Then remove the lid and continue to cook for about 8 minutes, until the apples are soft and the cider is almost completely evaporated.
  2. Puree the mixture with an immersion blender or food processor until a homogeneous mass is obtained. You should have about 1 cup of the mixture. If more, then you still need to hold it on fire so that the mass is boiled. Let the mixture cool down.
  3. Whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda, 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon, salt, and nutmeg in a medium bowl.
  4. Mix 2/3 cup sugar and butter in another bowl with a mixer on medium speed. Add the egg and yolk, and then gradually stir in the applesauce. Then add half of the flour, followed by milk and vanilla, and then the rest of the flour. Knead the dough, it should be slightly sticky. Do not overmix!
  5. We spread the dough on a lightly floured sheet of parchment paper and roll it into a rectangle about 18x28 cm, about 1.5 cm thick. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.
  6. In the meantime, make the frosting. Cook 1 cup cider in a small saucepan over medium heat until reduced to 1/4 cup. Beat the resulting mixture with sugar until a smooth and shiny mass is formed, then set aside. Mix 1/2 cup granulated sugar and 2 teaspoons cinnamon in a shallow bowl. Also set aside.
  7. Heat up 3 tablespoons vegetable oil in a heavy bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Flatten the baking sheet with a paper towel. Cut the chilled dough into 12 pieces, flatten slightly, and then cut out the middle. Dip 2 or 3 donuts in hot oil and fry until golden brown, 1 to 2 minutes per side, adjusting the heat as needed. Place on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  8. Dip one side of the donuts in the glaze, letting the excess drip off.
  9. Then sprinkle this side with cinnamon sugar or dip in the cinnamon-sugar mixture. Serve apple donuts warm to the table.

Autumn pastries with apples, cinnamon and nutmeg It's like a big cozy blanket. What could be nicer on a cold rainy day?! This dish is a great dessert for a party or dinner. You can serve apples baked in dough with a scoop of ice cream or with your favorite sauce.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 3 cups flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 240 ml melted butter;
  • ⅓ cup of ice water.
  • Filling Ingredients:
  • 8 medium apples (peel and remove the core);
  • 8 teaspoons of butter;
  • 7 teaspoons of granulated sugar;
  • 1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon.

Sauce Ingredients:

  • 1 ½ cups sugar;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • ½ cup oil.

If you don’t want to mess around with dessert for a long time, then this recipe is for you. If you want to cook something special for your loved one, this recipe is also for you :)

Dough Ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup flour;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of ice water.

Filling Ingredients:

  • 4-6 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon potato starch;
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1 medium apple, peeled and coarsely chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice.
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly oil a small but deep baking dish. Put aside.
  2. In a small bowl, mix flour, sugar and salt. Add oil and mix the ingredients with a knife. As a result, rough pieces of chopped dough are formed. Add 2 tablespoons of ice water and mix with your fingers until smooth. If the dough is a little dry, you can add a little more water. Knead the dough for 1-2 minutes, then wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  3. We are preparing the stuffing. Mix sugar, starch and cinnamon. Add apples and lemon juice. Mix everything well so that the apples are evenly covered with cinnamon-sugar mixture, and set aside.
  4. Line a work surface with parchment paper and sprinkle with flour. Roll out the dough into a circle about 1.6 cm thick. The circle should match the size of the prepared baking dish (including covering the sides). We remove the excess dough.
  5. Spread the apples on the dough. We collect the rest of the dough and roll it into a layer. From it, using molds (for example, in the form of hearts), we cut out the figures that we put on the top of the pie.
  6. Top everything with a little milk and sprinkle with sugar, if necessary.
  7. Bake at 180°C for 35-40 minutes (if the top starts to brown quickly, cover the cake with foil 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking).
  8. Let the cake cool for 10 minutes, then you can serve it to the table. The cake can be stored in the refrigerator, in an airtight container, for up to two days.

In that amazing dish everything goes together: sweet, salty, and crunchy.

  • 1 baguette, thinly sliced
  • from 170 to 220 grams soft cheese(for example, Bree);
  • 1-2 fresh apples, thinly sliced
  • 1/4-1/2 cup chopped walnuts (lightly toasted or sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar)
  • honey for topping
  1. Preheat the oven to 210°C.
  2. Lightly sprinkle olive oil or brush the baguette slices with a brush, put on a baking sheet in one layer. Toast for about 5 minutes, or until light brown, until the baguette slices begin to crackle slightly.
  3. We take the bread out of the oven. We put a plump piece of brie on each slice of baguette and send it back to the oven until the cheese is melted. It only takes a couple of minutes, so stay close to the stove and keep an eye on the process!

Apples are considered healthy, low-calorie and nutritious, in addition, they are rich in vitamins, fiber, pectin and natural acids. Many dishes can be prepared from them - fruit salads, casseroles, pies, juices, sweet desserts and drinks. Some housewives cook their fruit jams, jams, marmalade, others dry, prepare compotes for the winter. Soaked, baked or dried apples are a great treat for children and adults, especially if they are collected in their own garden, and not bought in a store.

What can you make from apples for dessert? Great amount different dishes, especially if there is flour, sugar, other fruits and dairy products at home. Let's share with you the most tasty options summer-autumn treats, we will talk about appetizing snacks and apple sweets.

Sweet roses from apples and dough

For this original dessert you will need ripe fruits of red-pink color and puff pastry from the store. Just 20 minutes of witchcraft in the kitchen - and almost real roses will turn out from ordinary fruits. For aroma and flavor enhancement, you can add cinnamon, vanilla sugar or powdered sugar to the recipe.


  • puff pastry - 1 pack;
  • red apples - 2 pieces;
  • lemon juice - 2 teaspoons;
  • flour - a tablespoon;
  • any thick jam(apricot, orange, peach) - 3 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon or vanillin to taste.


To create this sweet dessert, you can use different products: chocolate, honey, sugar, thick jam. In just 3 minutes, peeled apples make an appetizing treat that both children and adults will try with pleasure. Separately, a delicate sour cream is prepared, which is poured over already prepared portions.

Dessert Ingredients:

  • 4 apples;
  • 4 teaspoons honey, jam or grated chocolate (optional)
  • a piece of butter;

Ingredients for sour cream:

  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar - 3 teaspoons.


  1. We take apples, cut off the top, take out the insides with seeds.
  2. We place inside a spoonful of honey, chocolate, jam or granulated sugar.
  3. Place a small piece of butter on top.
  4. We put the dessert in the microwave for 4 minutes, setting the maximum power. Be sure to cover the dish with a plastic lid during cooking.
  5. To make cream, mix sour cream and vanilla sugar.
  6. Serve apples, watered sour cream can be sprinkled with cinnamon on top if desired.

Toddlers and older children love sweets, so mom can cook an interesting dish from apples with an unusual surprise inside. This delicacy looks very appetizing, reminiscent of a cake or a lollipop.


  • granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • water - 4 tablespoons;
  • bitter chocolate - bar (180 grams);
  • 4 sweet apples with a dense peel.


  1. We take a saucepan, melt sugar in it, add 4 tablespoons of water.
  2. Cook the syrup until it turns brownish-golden in color.
  3. Separately, in a water bath or in a microwave, melt a bar of chocolate.
  4. We clean apples from seeds with a sharp knife or a special device. Stick an ice cream stick inside.
  5. Holding the stick, dip the apples first in sugar syrup then drizzle with melted chocolate. If you want to make the dessert even tastier, sprinkle with chopped nuts or confectionery powder.

Baking with apples has a delicate taste and sweet aroma of ripe fruits. Such a dessert can be served with tea, strong coffee or milk drinks. cook quick pie it is possible in just half an hour, the products can be found at home at every housewife.


  • apples - 2 pieces;
  • condensed milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon - a teaspoon;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • flour - 200 grams;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • baking powder for dough - half a teaspoon;
  • butter - a teaspoon;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet.


  1. Whip chicken eggs with condensed milk and granulated sugar using a mixer. Add vanilla and baking powder.
  2. Then add flour and knead the dough for charlotte.
  3. We clean the apples from seeds, cut into slices of any shape.
  4. Lubricate the heated form with butter, spread apple slices, sprinkle with cinnamon. Fill them with batter on top.
  5. We bake the cake in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 190 degrees.

It's time for the hot summer various salads, including fruit. In this case, an apple can add sweetness, sourness or set off the taste of peaches, strawberries, and other ripe fruits. As a dressing, it is recommended to use sour cream or natural yogurt without preservatives, dyes.


  • 1 green apple;
  • 2 peaches;
  • half a glass of pomegranate seeds;
  • half a glass of strawberries;
  • 3 tablespoons sweet yogurt


  1. Wash fruits and berries, dry them, remove seeds and seeds.
  2. Cut strawberries in half or quarters. We clean the pomegranate seeds from white partitions, lightly press with a pestle to squeeze out the juice.
  3. Cut the apple and peaches into cubes.
  4. We mix the ingredients, pour sweet yogurt on top, serve with fruit drinks.

Any dessert can be diversified or changed by adding other berries, fruits, mint sprigs for flavor.

Hello, dear friends and guests of the site "I am a villager"! Today we will prepare apple desserts, three whole delicious and simple prescription. The recipes are not complicated, you can cook among other things.

My family gobble up with pleasure!

Sometimes there comes a time at home when family members ask for something delicious, homemade. So you start flipping through your notebooks and look for proven recipes. Well, now the Internet is at hand, I went to my friends on a familiar site and looked after a yummy.

I have for you delicious recipes, easy to prepare, they can not fail. Try it when guests are on the doorstep, and there is nothing to treat, the easiest option is my three recipes!
Since a lot of apples have grown, then the recipes will be about them. Let's get started.

  • 3 medium apples (I like to take with sourness),
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 1 tbsp sugar (for me it's sweet, I take 0.5 tbsp),
  • 3 eggs,
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda
  • 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar (for quenching),
  • 1 pinch of vanillin
  • oil for greasing the mold.

You can cook this quick pie in the oven and microwave, I tried it here and there, it turns out great.

Beat the eggs with sugar well, add the sifted flour, vanillin, soda slaked with vinegar and mix everything well.

My apples, peel and cut into thin slices, add to the dough and mix.
Grease a baking sheet or mold with oil and pour the dough.

If you cook in the oven, then preheat it to 160 degrees and put the cake for 10-15 minutes, I can smell it.

If you are cooking in the microwave, put on the highest power and the cake will be ready in 7-10 minutes.

The first time I baked in the microwave, it turned out to be very pale, then I spied on the Internet, you need to switch the mode to the grill at the end of cooking, and you will have a ruddy pie.
Still, I like to cook pies in the oven more.
OK it's all over Now! Take it out and put it on beautiful dish, tasty!

I invite you to go here and you will learn simple and delicious recipes for apple blanks for the winter.

In you will learn all about the benefits and harms of apples.

Apples with sour cream

Just take a few fruits, clean, cut into slices and put in a mold or on a baking sheet.
Whip sour cream with sugar, take sugar, as you like, if you have a sweet tooth, then more, I put 3 tablespoons of sugar on 200 g of sour cream. You can add a little cinnamon or vanilla.

You can also add berries to sour cream or pour them on top. I tried to grate chocolate on top when you take it out of the oven.

Pour in whipped cream and put in a preheated oven or microwave. Cooking time from 3 to 7 minutes. Simple, fast and delicious!

Most delicious dessert « apple crumble”, it turns out to be very appetizing, this dessert came to us from England, and is popular with our sweet tooth.

Dessert "Apple Crumble" in Russian

I violate the technology of its preparation a little, but it turns out no less tasty.

  • 4 apples
  • 100 gr flour
  • 50 gr butter,
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 100 gr of any nuts (if not at hand, you can do without them),
  • 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon.

We clean the fruits and cut into large slices. Put them in a mold and put them in the oven for a few minutes, so that they become soft.

At this time, prepare the crumbs: mix flour, sugar and softened butter (butter can be melted) and grind to make crumbs. Add cinnamon if desired.

We cover the apples with crumbs and put in an oven preheated to 180 gr, bake for 20 minutes.
We take out and sprinkle with nut crumbs, it is possible without nuts.

It can be eaten hot or cold, delicious in any!

If you plan to make this dessert for a holiday, bake it in separate molds, for each guest a separate serving. Guests will be happy!

The site "I am a villager" wishes you Bon appetit and great mood!

Dear friends, if the article was useful to you, share it with your friends, press the buttons of social networks. Write what desserts you cook, it's very interesting to know.

I suggest watching a video recipe for another delicious dessert in 5 minutes, I especially recommend it for losing weight.


Apple Desserts: Sweet Recipes

A culinary classic for all time. You can experiment with their ingredients indefinitely. So let's talk about how to make apple desserts, very different, tasty and healthy.

Apple and friends

Apples are able to create successful combinations with almost any product. And even the simplest dessert of bananas, oranges, pears and apples without any frills will be a win-win solution. In addition, it will help you get in shape after hearty holidays and at the same time treat yourself to something tasty. Take an apple, a banana, a pear, an orange, a couple of peaches and half a glass of blueberries and strawberries. We clean the fruits from the peel and seeds, cut them into cubes, combine with berries. Spraying everything lemon juice, season with vanilla yogurt and mix - a light low-calorie apple dessert is ready.

Apple curd fantasy

You can complicate the recipe and make a delicious apple dessert in the microwave, slow cooker or oven. In this case, a dessert of cottage cheese and apples will be very useful. First, boil 250 g of rice in 1 liter of milk. And while it is cooking, cut 400 g of apples, flavor them with lemon juice and cinnamon. Separately, mix 250 g of cottage cheese with 50 g of butter, 4 beaten eggs, 100 g of sugar and lemon zest. Now combine cottage cheese with rice porridge. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, sprinkle it with semolina, pour the curd mass and distribute the chopped fruit on top. Bake curd dessert with apples will be 35 minutes at 180 °C.

An apple on a featherbed

For many, a sweet dessert made from apples and eggs is, first of all, a tender air charlotte. Cut 3 apples into large pieces for her and sprinkle with lemon juice. Beat the whites of three eggs into a strong foam, gradually add 150 g of sugar, 3 yolks, 50 g of melted margarine and a pinch of vanilla. Then slowly pour in 200 g of flour, 1 tsp. baking powder and a pinch of salt. Grease a baking dish with butter and lay out half of the dough. Pour apples on top and close them with the second half of the dough. This one is quite diet dessert from apples will be baked for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. The main thing is not to open the oven earlier so that the dough does not fall off.

Sweet apple heart

Apples can be baked on their own. Fruit prepared in this way retains most of its useful substances and are better absorbed. A dessert of baked apples and oatmeal is doubly beneficial in this regard. We take a few apples, cut off the caps and part of the peel from above, cut out the pulp to make pots. Finely chop the apple pulp and mix it with 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal, crushed dates, cinnamon and sugar to taste. We start apple “pots” with this mixture, put a slice of butter on top of each and bake in the oven for 15–20 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. Such a dessert baked apples- a great alternative to high-calorie baked goods.

apple canon

Recipes which can be listed endlessly, it is difficult to imagine without homemade pies. In 300 g of sifted flour, put 150 g of chopped butter and lightly salt. We knead the dough, gradually pouring in 100 ml of water, roll up the ball and send it to the refrigerator for an hour. When the dough has cooled, roll out a thick layer and place it in an oiled baking dish. Brush dough on top apple jam and lay out the apple slices in a spiral, starting from the edge and gradually approaching the center. We send the cake to the oven preheated to 200 ° C for half an hour. If you are expecting guests, this simple and quick recipe apples will always help out.

Apple with a surprise

Want to make a delicious apple dessert for kids? Then the first thing you need to intrigue them. Melt 200 g of sugar in a saucepan, add 4 tbsp. l. water and soak the syrup until golden brown. Meanwhile, in a water bath, melt a bar of dark chocolate. First, dip the apple into the syrup, and when it drains, pour over it with melted chocolate. Sprinkle the fruit with crushed almonds and colored confectionery powder on top. When the sweet shell hardens, you can give the apple to the child. Such a dessert of fresh apples without flour and baking will surely appeal to him.

Apple-pumpkin duet

A refined dessert of pumpkin, apples and honey will please many gourmets. 4 apples cut into slices and stewed in butter 5 minutes. When they give juice, add cinnamon and honey. Cut 400 g of pumpkin into cubes, add to apples and simmer until it softens. ready mix cool, pour into a blender, add 200 ml natural yogurt and beat into a homogeneous mass. Then we introduce 10 g of gelatin, dissolved in 2 tbsp. l. water, and a little more honey. Beat the mass again so that the gelatin seizes and the resulting souffle freezes. Pour it into bowls or cocktail glasses and decorate with whipped cream with berries.

Delight your family and friends with these recipes. And if you know how to make an apple dessert in an original way, and you have your own author's recipe, share it with us.

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