Home Vegetables What are the types of cakes? The main types of cakes, impregnations, decorations What are homemade cakes

What are the types of cakes? The main types of cakes, impregnations, decorations What are homemade cakes

You want to end any feast or ordinary dinner with a piece of delicious and beloved cake. There are a lot of recipes for such a dessert around the world. Many of them have been loved by us since childhood. A large number of pies that can be bought in Slavic countries are world-famous desserts. All recipes have a different composition of cakes, different creams, impregnations and layers. And probably there is not a single person in the world who has tasted a piece of delicious sweet pie who would not want to eat another piece.

At first glance, it seems that the preparation of such sweet desserts is a difficult task, which only professionals and masters of their craft can do, but in practice it turns out that most recipes can be prepared at home, providing your family with a dish no worse than purchased.

What are the cakes and what is the history of their origin can be found in this article.

Types of cakes

Many sweet desserts are named after their chefs, many after an event or occasion. Many are still arguing about the history of the Napoleon cake. No one doubts that it is called in honor of Napoleon, and why exactly this dessert was invented is a mystery.

One of the stories says that this dessert was invented by the chef who cooked Napoleon. He wanted to stand out so much that he took the then-famous French dessert as the basis for the cake. The chef cut the cakes lengthwise, smeared them with whipped cream, garnished with strawberry jam, and presented the great ruler with a new dessert named after him.

The second legend claims that Josephine saw how Napoleon was having fun with a young maid of honor and got angry, in order to justify himself, the ruler said that he was sharing a recipe for an invented sweet cake, which was soon presented to the public. Thus, the country learned that Napoleon was not only a commander, but also an excellent cook.

The third legend says that the name of the cake was invented in honor of the celebration of the expulsion of Bonaparte's army from Russia in 1912. This date was an anniversary, so the chefs came up with an amazing and such a popular sweet dessert for it.

"Napoleon" was so fond of all Soviet citizens that it was prepared for the New Year, March 8 and birthdays. The puff structure of the cake goes well with a lot of creams.

Cake "Sacher"

Types of sweet desserts include the Viennese Sacher Torte. The recipe for this pie is an old family secret story dating back to 1832.

The cake was invented by a cook named Sacher, who was instructed to come up with an original dessert recipe for a grand reception. The cook at that time was sixteen years old, he was the assistant to the chief cook and did not come up with anything new, taking the recipe from an old Austrian book and changing it a little. The cake was liked at the reception, but there was no sensation. And only after sixteen years, Sacher opened his own confectionery, where he baked this dessert to order.

The basis of this dessert was chocolate cakes, apricot confiture and chocolate icing. But even at that time the cake was not known to the whole world. Forty years later, Zacher's son Eduard again modernized the dessert recipe, and it was from then on that he became famous.

This cake can be tasted in a family confectionery that operates in Vienna. The confectionery is called Demel. In addition, the legendary dessert according to a mysterious recipe can also be tasted at the Sacher Hotel. Their cake, by the way, has a different taste than the one sold at Demel. There is such a dessert according to the legendary recipe is a pleasure.
As the photo shows, this dessert is served with cream.

Cake named after Linz- This is another invention of Austrian culinary specialists. Linz is a city in Austria where they prepare a delicious sweet dessert with almonds and walnuts.

The pie has a shortbread base and a rich nutty flavor. The cake starts with jam, which is closed with a mesh of dough or cut out figures. In addition, the cake is decorated with almond chips, which makes it even tastier.

Cake "Dobosh"

The names of sweet desserts are so varied and mostly due to their authors. This layered delicious cake comes from Hungary. It is easy to recognize by its appearance and shiny glaze. The highlight of this cake is that it consists of six layers and a delicious cream that does not disappear for ten days.

The basis of the puff biscuit are eggs, flour, butter and sugar. The cream consists of chocolate, eggs, butter and sugar. The cake is decorated with caramel syrup.

As already mentioned, the cake has six layers, five of which are layered with cream, and the sixth is cut into triangles. They are soaked in syrup and laid out on the fifth cake, which has cream balls. It is there that the sixth, portion-cut cake should be laid out.

Black Forest Cake

This dessert comes from Germany and will appeal to all lovers of chocolate cakes, cherries, liquor and whipped cream. Thanks to the divine combination, the cake has become world famous and can often be found at celebrations of various sizes. Cherry on dessert is a classic loved by many.


Lovers of delicate desserts with a curd base should not miss such a delicacy as a cheesecake. Such a dessert was prepared in ancient Greece and in Russia, which is confirmed. In Russia, such a cake was known as a cheese loaf. The ancient Greeks simply adored such a delicacy.

But, despite this, the recipe was entrenched in England, and the British call themselves its progenitors.
The basis of the cheesecake is cottage cheese, citrus zest, egg yolks and sand cake. At the moment, the cake has many variations and recipes. Cheesecakes are now prepared with fruit, chocolate, classic.

Kiev cake

So that trouble does not happen, and this dessert would not appear. There would be no happiness, but grief helped. The cake owes its history to Soviet confectioners, who forgot to put away a large mass of egg whites in the cold. At your own risk, cakes were prepared from these proteins, which were smeared with butter cream. The audience liked the sweet dessert so much that it won a bronze medal at the competition.

Cake "Kiev" is the hallmark of the city, its protein cakes, nuts, cream - this is the perfect combination, which is loved and revered by many sweet tooth.

Classification of cakes by place of preparation

store cakes

Shop cakes. The cakes that we see on store shelves are most often made using a conveyor type and contain many harmful additives, such as flavorings, dyes, stabilizers, and others. They allow you to improve and enhance the taste, as well as increase the shelf life of sweets, but are harmful to health. As a rule, mass-produced cakes are monotonous and often tasteless.

Homemade cakes or cakes to order

Homemade cakes or cakes to order. Such cakes are prepared either at home or in confectionery studios. When cooking, only natural products are used, and the filling and appearance depend on your tastes and wishes.

Classification of cakes by cooking method

Whole cakes can also be called a sweet pie. They are semi-open or closed, as well as solid pastry dough products. The filling, as a rule, is fruits, jam, honey, nuts, and on top such a cake is decorated with cream or icing.

Italian style cakes (Neapolitan cake). For such cakes, the frame is first baked separately - the walls, the bottom, and even the lid of the cake, and then they are filled with the filling already cold. Italian cakes, already assembled, can be re-processed to gain integrity.

Composite cakes. This type of cake is prepared and shaped in layers. The dough is baked separately, and then alternately laid in layers from the bottom up and processed differently - impregnation, spreading, filling, applying decorative elements, glaze, etc.

Types of cakes by type of cakes

Biscuit cakes. Biscuit cakes are the most delicious and popular type of cakes. To obtain the desired taste, vanilla, cocoa, coffee, nuts, almonds can be added to the biscuit dough. The cakes are soaked and stacked alternately with various fillings - cream, yogurt, chocolate, jam or creams.

Wafer cakes. Such a cake consists of wafer cakes stacked on top of each other, with coffee or chocolate spread. The easiest type of cake to prepare, with a long shelf life, but losing in taste.

Sand cakes. Prepared from separately baked crumbly shortcrust pastry without impregnation. The filling of such cakes is fruit, marmalade or cream.

Curd. This type of cake is made entirely from curd-flour confectionery mass with the addition of fruits, and decorated with icing on top.

Classification of composite cakes according to the complexity of the design

single tier- a cake consisting of one tier.

bunk- a large cake, consisting of two "floors" - with the help of a rigid frame structure (so that the upper tier does not crush the lower one), two cakes are placed one above the other.

three-tiered- the design of a three-tiered cake is similar to a two-tiered one, only there are three "floors".

There are also four-tiered, five-tiered cakes and even higher, it all depends on the confectioner's imagination.

Types of cakes by type of filling and taste

  • fruit;
  • yogurt;
  • sour cream;
  • chocolate;
  • with nuts;
  • vanilla;
  • with condensed milk;

Classification of cakes by type of decorating material

Cakes with culinary mastic. Almost all original cakes are decorated with mastic, because. due to its plasticity, it allows you to create complex decorative elements. Culinary mastic is made from powdered sugar.

Cream cakes. With the help of pastry cream, cakes are decorated with various patterns and colors.

Cakes with icing. Icing allows you to make the surface of the cake smooth and beautiful.

Cakes with fondant. Fondant is very easy to prepare and retains its properties for a long time, so it is often used to decorate the surface of the cake.

Types of cakes by shape

  • round;
  • square;
  • oval;
  • rectangular;

As well as cakes of complex shape. Complex shaped cakes are very popular at themed parties, such as a cake in the form of two hearts for a wedding banquet, in the form of a car for a child's birthday, or in the form of a tank for celebrating February 23rd.

If you ask any sweet tooth the name of your favorite cakes, you can get a whole list of these delicacies in response. Some of them will be familiar to almost everyone, others will baffle. Although, if you look at the recipe, it becomes clear that this is a familiar dish, only known with a completely different name. About what cakes are, and their names are described in this material.

Historians argue about everything. Well, that's how they work. There is still a lot of controversy about who invented cakes first. Of course, many countries want to have a championship in the confectionery art, and each country believes that its confectioners are “ahead of the rest”.

There are cakes that have long been world famous. Among them are "" and "Cheesecake", "Tiramisu" and "Black Forest", "Sacher" and "Dobosh", "Linz" and "Esterhazy". Great-tasting cakes, invented by Soviet masters, are also known throughout the world and were even brought to world leaders as a gift. Who does not know the names of cakes, such as "Napoleon", "Kiev", "Prague" (or Prague), "Bird's milk", "Honey cake", "Count's ruins", etc.

Important! If you want to know the real taste of the world-famous delicacy, then you need to try it not in your favorite cafe or by purchasing it at the nearest confectionery factory, but in the country where it was invented, so to speak, “at home”. The taste of any dish depends on the products from which it is prepared, but many of them are not exported and are known only in their own country.

Varieties of cakes

A list where there is only the name of the cakes will not say anything about what it is made of. Here are the confectioners and share the cakes, so to speak, by type:

  • Biscuit cakes;
  • Medoviki;
  • Napoleons;
  • Wafer cakes;
  • sand cakes;
  • Curd cakes;
  • Pancake cakes;
  • Prague;
  • Tiramisu;
  • Cakes without baking.

In addition, the listed types of cakes have dozens of recipes and their own names. Their photos look so appetizing that you immediately want to try, and all at once.

biscuit cakes

Biscuit dough, which is prepared on the basis of chilled eggs, flour and sugar, is one of the simplest and most popular among confectioners. It rarely fails even for someone who decided on a confectionery experiment for the first time.

The dough comes out filled with air, light, elastic, easily cut in the right direction, lends itself perfectly to all kinds of impregnations. It is used both in the preparation of everyday desserts, cakes and other sweets, and for all kinds of solemn and even exhibition products.

Even a seemingly simple biscuit can be prepared in different ways. In a water bath and "cold", using sour cream or margarine (butter). Proteins in some recipes are recommended to be whipped separately from the yolks and only then mixed, while in other recipes, eggs are completely whipped with sugar.

Lemon zest and raisins, coconut and poppy seeds, dried fruits and chocolate pieces can be added to biscuit cakes.

Important! The main thing here is to know the measure, otherwise the biscuit overflowing with filler may simply not rise.
Having learned how to make a biscuit base, you will be able to make cakes with sour cream, cottage cheese or chocolate cream, with meringue and fruit jelly, with condensed milk, banana and many more options for this delicacy.

There are such recipes for cakes, in which, along with biscuits, they use cakes from the lightest, crispy and melt-in-your-mouth layers of meringue. Among them is the Kiev cake, beloved by many.


Honey has been added to baked goods since ancient Egypt. In the form of a cake in Europe, the first honey cake was introduced back in the 12th century. The Russian royal court also liked to eat honey cake with custard in milk. The cake usually came out tender and dainty, with a light scent of bee-picked treats and the scent of a summer day.

Honey cakes "Bee" and "Winnie the Pooh", "Ryzhik" and "", "Miracle", "Anechka" and with other names, will delight both children and adults with a sweet tooth.


A delicacy named after the French emperor is a favorite delicacy of a huge audience. In the classic version of its preparation - cakes from unleavened puff pastry are smeared with custard, decorated with crumbs and infused for several hours. The process of its preparation is quite long, but the result is so delightful that it is worth it.

You can, of course, take ready-made store-bought dough and bags of cream, brew it, smear the cakes - and that's it! But if you tinker with the cakes on your own, choose and prepare cream with your “golden hands” with passion, the result will be the enthusiastic praise of everyone who has tried your confectionery miracle.

Important! There are a huge number of recipes with the name Napoleon, and each housewife, for sure, in addition to the already known ones, invented her own unique recipe. Moreover, it may not even be sweet, but, for example, with chicken, cheese and mushrooms.

sand cakes

The classic shortbread dough is made from flour with the addition of a large amount of fat and eggs. Ready cakes come out crispy, but at the same time tender. If you make them thin enough, they will not crumble and have time to soak.

Sand cakes are prepared with jam, jam, various fresh berries. You can decorate such a cake to your taste: cream with cream, mint leaves, citrus zest, etc. There are recipes in which shortbread cakes are combined with biscuit and with meringue, protein cream, fresh cherries, etc.

Curd cakes

Cottage cheese, as a part of the cake, will enable every housewife to feel not like a banal cook, but a real artist, the creator of an unusual dish. This lactic acid product can become a sweet or savory masterpiece.

When preparing cakes, cottage cheese can be used both for baking cakes and for making the most delicate cream. Its white color can remain white. And if you use natural dyes or cocoa, the result can be cake layers of almost all the colors of the rainbow.

Candied fruits and raisins, nuts and prunes, fresh fruits or dried apricots can be added to cottage cheese. Cottage cheese cake can be prepared on a shortbread or biscuit basis. There are many no-bake curd cakes based on broken cookies.

Whatever the name of the cakes, their list will help you choose the perfect option for every occasion.

Try these homemade cakes

Angels tears

Three chocolates


Broken glass

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Recipes of original cakes

Cake "Spartacus"

Cake "Spartak" is a chocolate-honey cake. It consists of cakes and cream. Cakes are soaked with butter cream and become juicy and tender. Decorate the cake with condensed milk honeycombs and bees.

Cake "Great Chocolate Wall"

The Great Chocolate Wall cake is a very original and unusual cake that is now wildly popular in America. You definitely haven't tried anything like this!

Cake "Three milk"

Three milk cake (Tres Leches) is one of the most popular cakes among French housewives. The cake is quite simple, therefore it is perfect for cooking at home.

Cake "SpongeBob"

SpongeBob is an internationally popular cartoon character adored by children. I recommend making a cake that will delight any child. The SpongeBob cake recipe is not easy, but it's worth it!

Cake "Leningradsky"

Cake "Leningradsky" - a cake that, back in the Soviet era, was no less popular than the famous Kiev one. I’m telling you how to make the Leningradsky cake - the one that was sold in the Union.

Zebra" cake"

The Zebra cake was probably prepared by every hostess at the beginning of her culinary career. It is not difficult to cook it, but it turns out it is festive and beautiful.

Cake "Snickers"

The recipe for a sponge cake with nuts and cream, which is very similar in texture and taste to a Snickers chocolate bar. Hence the name - Snickers cake.

Cake "Brownie"

Cake "Brownie" migrated to us from across the ocean - initially it was very popular in America, but today it is well known with us. How to make Brownie Cake.

Cake "Temptation of Adam"

Cake "Temptation of Adam" is really a very tasty temptation, which is not easy to resist. Making the Adam's Temptation cake is not too easy, but believe me - it's worth it.

Cake "Enchantress"

The familiar purchased Enchantress cake can be prepared at home. Biscuit dough, custard and chocolate icing are the main components of this delicious cake.

Honey cake"

The well-known honey cake is a pleasure that even people who are indifferent to sweets cannot refuse. I tell you how to make a cake "Honey cake" at home.

Cake "Lady fingers"

Cake "Lady's fingers" - the most delicate cake with a deep chocolate-creamy taste. The cake got its name from the elongated cookie that is included in its composition and looks like an elegant lady's finger.

Cake "Raffaello"

Light and delicious cake with cream and coconut flakes, reminiscent of the taste of famous sweets. Cake "Raffaello" is perfect for a festive table, and for a romantic dinner.

Cake "Prague"

The recipe for making a festive Prague cake is for your attention. Cake "Prague" in our family has been the most desired for many years, so we learned how to cook it at home.

Cake Minecraft is a cake based on the popular computer game. A delicious gift for a gamer or a child who is fond of this game. I tell you how to make a Minecraft cake at home!

Cake "Milk girl"

Already by the name, you can guess that the "Milk Girl" cake is a very light, airy milk cake. By the way, otherwise it is also called a cake for lovers. I share the cake recipe.

Cake "Strawberry"

Cake "Strawberry" - a delicious biscuit puff cake with strawberries. You'll have to try to cook it, but it's worth it. I tell you how to make a strawberry cake at home.

Caprese cake - a cake that Gorky, Tchaikovsky, Lenin and Stanislavsky probably ate. A traditional cake from the Italian island of Capri, without which the local dessert table is indispensable.

"Honey cake

Honey cake (or Medovik) is very popular in Russia. Both adults and children adore him. This cake is usually baked for the holidays. Despite the fact that everyone knows honey cake and often eats it, they want it.

Cake "Schwarzwald"

Want to make a lasting impression on your guests? Prepare the Black Forest Cake! Guests will be pleasantly surprised not only by the unusual taste of the cake, but also by its beauty! Ready!

Cake "Count ruins"

The recipe for making the "Count ruins" cake is to help everyone who decides to bake some spectacular cake for the festive table. Cooking it with step by step photos will be much easier;)

Cake "Anthill"

The recipe for a delicious holiday cake "Anthill". The taste of this cake is probably familiar to everyone since childhood. It is not difficult to prepare "Anthill" at home - the recipe will help you with this.

Hungarian cake "Dobos"

Hungarian cake Dobos is an incredibly delicious puff cake covered with delicate chocolate icing. Preparing it is quite simple. Much harder to stop when you try :)

Cake "Izba" with cherry

This is not only one of the most delicious, but also beautiful cakes! Its unusual appearance and stunning cherry flavor will impress any sweet tooth. So, a simple recipe for a cake "Izba" with cherries.

Cake "Barbie"

If it seems to you that only a professional pastry chef can make a Barbie cake, then you are mistaken. It can be prepared by anyone who stocks up with patience and the necessary ingredients.

Napoleon cake"

A simple recipe for making a festive and beloved Napoleon cake. Such a cake will decorate any festive table, will delight both children and adults. And the sweet tooth of Napoleon is completely delighted!

Cake "Truffle"

Cake "Truffle" is a unique delicacy that any lover of sweets (especially chocolate) will be happy with. Such a cake, without a doubt, will decorate your holiday table!

Cake "Romance"

Here is a recipe for chocolate-cherry cake with cognac. This cake is perfect for Valentine's Day. Chocolate cake with cherries is a classic. Therefore, I recommend a red dress to him!

Cake "Negro in foam"

Cake "Negro in foam" - it's delicious and fast! He will help you out when guests are about to arrive, and there is absolutely no time to cook something extraordinary. I advise you to take note of the recipe!

Mini cake "Esterhazy"

Cake "Esterhazy" came to us from the former Austria-Hungary. Today it is very common in Germany. I tell you the recipe, the Esterhazy cake, according to which it will turn out just magical!

Cake "Bear"

Of course, for a child's birthday, you can buy a beautiful cake in the store. But cooked with your own hands, it will delight your child even more.

Cake "Sheep"

For a birthday for children, a very interesting cake. Here the kid will be surprised to see such a wonderful cake.

Cake "Smetannik"

Cake "Smetannik" is prepared very simply. It is tender, delicious, refined. This is a wonderful end to a holiday or an ordinary evening, which, after a piece of such a cake, will definitely become festive.

Cake "Natasha"

I bring to your attention a classic, fairly simple and delicious Natasha cake. It is simply adored by both adults and children, and each time it can be different.

Cake "Three chocolates"

Delight your loved ones with a delicious cake made from layers of milk, white and dark chocolate, cream liqueur and whipped cream, which tastes like soft and airy ice cream!

Cake "Snake"

Do you want to surprise your guests and please the children? Then I bring to your attention a simple recipe for the "Snake" cake, because it differs not only in its cool taste, but also in its festive appearance.

Cake "General"

If you have not tried the General cake yet, then be sure to hurry to the kitchen. This combination of appetizing and soft cake with the most delicate cream will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cake "Anechka"

I bring to your attention a very simple, but incredibly delicious Anechka cake. Crispy cakes with the most delicate sour cream and nuts - this delicacy will appeal to both adults and children.

Cake "Beloved Mom"

Delicious hearty cream cake "Beloved Mom" ​​is easy to make. Biscuit cakes and thick cream.

Cake "Monastic hut"

Preparing the cake "Monastic hut" with cranberries. The preparation is simple, the cream is amazing! Let's bake together.

Cake "Spider-Man"

Cake "Spider-Man" is a real decoration of a children's holiday! The child will be delighted with such a dessert no less than with gifts, because the cake not only looks impressive, but also eats deliciously! Ready!

Cake "Luntik"

"Luntik" is an excellent cake for a festive table in honor of your child's birthday! The cake looks very interesting and colorful, which will undoubtedly delight children.

Cake "For lovers"

Cake "For lovers" takes about four hours to prepare. He needs to brew in the refrigerator. Therefore, start preparing it in advance. I will tell you the recipe for biscuit and icing for the cake.

Cake "Napoleon" in a hurry

Everyone knows the cake. But the recipe is simplified for those who do not have time for the classic performance of this masterpiece. The taste will not suffer :) So, we are preparing the Napoleon cake in a hurry!

Cake "Food of the Gods"

By the name, you must have already guessed how delicious this cake is! You can’t call it light or low-calorie, but the words “yummy” and “gorgeous” are perfect for describing it! Ready!

Halloween Vampire Cake

I don't really like Halloween baked goods with skulls and torn fingers and stuff. Chocolate figurines of bats and red cream on a biscuit cake look much more "edible".

Cake "Oriental Beauty"

Very tasty and easy to prepare cake "Oriental Beauty" is prepared with a small surprise - dates. They are like a beauty under a veil, hidden at the bottom of the cake. Try it.

Cake "For my beloved wife"

Cake "Beloved grandmother"

I made this unusual cake for the first time for my grandmother's birthday. To surprise her. I managed! Color cake "Beloved grandmother" and almond paste - very tasty!

Biscuit Cake "Fish"

Fish Cookie Cake is the easiest and most economical cake I know. The recipe for the Rybki cookie cake is so simple that even a child can figure it out.

Cake "For a beloved girl"

A delicious and very unusual cake "For a beloved girl" was invented by my husband for my birthday. With pineapples, pistachios and cherries.

Cake "Ferrero Rocher"

I saw the Ferrero Rocher cake recipe in a cooking show. Liked it very much. It is not difficult at all, and the cake is prepared easily and cream. Garnished with Ferrero Rocher sweets. Try it.

Cake "Rainbow"

Cake "Rainbow" is shock, delight and fun! Imagine, I run to my friend, and her children eat paints smeared on a plate. But they calmed me down and gave me a whole piece of colored cake. Here is the prescription!

Cake "Pancho"

Your attention - the recipe for making the original holiday cake "Pancho" at home. The cake is festive, it will look good on the table in honor of the birthday.

Cake pigeon's milk"

We all love Bird's Milk cake very much. Do you know that this cake is a Soviet invention? For the first time this cake was prepared in 1980 in the Moscow hotel Prague.

Cake "Golden key"

Cake "Golden Key" will fall in love with your children! It is prepared with boiled condensed milk and whipped cream. I share the recipe.

Sushi cake "Starfish"

Dedicated to all sushi lovers. Similar in taste, but much more original in serving, the Starfish sushi cake will surely delight you. Yes, sushi can also be served as a cake! :)

Cake "For Valentine's Day"

Chocolate cake "For Valentine's Day" with strawberries in the shape of a heart. Simple recipe. Try it.

Cake "Tiramisu"

Tiramisu cake is a famous Italian dessert. It is easy to cook and does not need to be baked; he insists in the refrigerator. I usually cook it the next day in the evening. This cake is fresh and bright.

Cake "Hedgehog"

If you want to surprise your child with a homemade delicacy, then I bring to your attention the "Hedgehog" cake. This recipe only seems complicated in appearance, but the main thing is just not to be afraid to act and everything will work out.

Cake "Soccer ball"

Is your child into football? Then make him a birthday cake "Soccer Ball"! The child will be delighted with such a dessert, because the cake not only looks cool - it is also very tasty!

Cake "Black Prince"

Here is a simple step-by-step recipe for making chocolate cake with cream. Each step is illustrated with photographs. This cake is perfect for any occasion. Cake "Black Prince" - delicious.

Cake "Mashenka"

A simple recipe for a cake with condensed milk cream, which can even be prepared for dinner.

Cake "Vanka Curly"

Recipe for a cake with sour cream and chocolate icing.

Cake "Drunken Cherry"

Cake "Drunken Cherry" - chic, wonderful, topped with juicy cherries. A piece of this cake with a cup of coffee guarantees an unforgettable experience. Chocolate, cherries, delicate cream and rum - a great combination!

The very names of these cakes have become household names: "Napoleon", "Cheesecake", "Sacher", "Esterhazy", "Kiev", "Danube Waves", "Bird's Milk" ...
Here, let's say "Napoleon". Indeed, the name is almost a household name for a puff cake. There are two versions of the origin of this famous cake. One is romantic, the other is historical.

According to the first, romantic, the beautiful Josephine somehow caught Napoleon in a spicy occupation - he was whispering something to a lady of the court. The emperor was not embarrassed and announced that he had confided to the lady the secret secret of the new delicacy, and randomly gave out a set of ingredients. Josephine, of course, did not believe (and would you believe in her place?) And called the court confectioner in order to shame her husband. To her surprise (and to the surprise of Napoleon himself), the new cake turned out amazing. The cake was named after the resourceful emperor.
The historical version is slightly less prosaic, but more plausible and is confirmed by a number of sources. In 1912, Russia celebrated the centenary of the Patriotic War, the centenary of the expulsion of the French from the country. Moscow confectioners baked a layer cake in the form of a triangular hat. "Napoleon" suddenly came into vogue. This layered cake really liked the most diverse segments of the population (what a pun!), And literally every house began to bake it.
Viennese cuisine is famous for cakes Sacher, Linz and Esterhazy.
then an Austrian cake, very popular in Europe. It was invented and baked by the Austrian culinary specialist Franz Sacher, who from the age of fourteen worked in the kitchen of Metternich himself, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chancellor of the Austrian Empire. Initially, this cake was called "Black Peter" and consisted of chocolate cakes and tangerine jam, covered with chocolate icing. Franz Sacher was sixteen years old when he surprised the prince's guests with a new dessert, and it happened in 1832. Where he got the recipe from is unknown, but there is a version that, in fact, his sister Zachera came up with it. Chocolate cakes were already known to the Austrian public at that time and chocolate cakes were mentioned in the cookbooks of 1719, but the addition of tangerine jam is a culinary invention. Most likely, he combined chocolate cakes and a recipe for the then-famous chocolate-coated apricot marmalade.

"Esterhazy"- almond-chocolate cake, popular in Hungary, Germany and Austria. Named after Pal Antal Esterházy, Foreign Minister of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Who invented this cake - history is not known, there is only a legend that it was first prepared by his court chef for the birthday of the minister's son. Esterharzie cake was especially loved by European aristocrats. Its distinguishing feature is a gossamer pattern, which is applied with liquid chocolate to the surface of the cake. In the original recipe, dark chocolate was drawn on white sugar icing, but now it is sometimes done the other way around. Under the glaze are five cakes baked from egg whites with the addition of almonds, flour and butter. Between the cakes is a delicate butter cream with the addition of cognac.

And the most famous Austrian cake is almond Linz. This is an amazingly delicious cake, the recipe of which was invented 300 years ago. Almond butter dough, jam, the obligatory lattice of dough and often flaked almonds for decoration ... The last and final recipe for the cake was developed by a pastry chef from Bavaria, Johann Conrad Vogel, who settled in Linz. He began to be called "the benefactor in a white apron", was elected an honorary citizen of Linz, and one of the streets of the city was given his name.

Hungarian confectioners, who worked closely with the Austrian ones during the general Austro-Hungarian monarchy, gave the world the famous "Dobosh". This cake has history. In 1885, for the Hungarian National Exhibition, confectioner Jozsef Dobos came up with his masterpiece - a cake of 6 biscuit layers with chocolate cream, which does not spoil for at least 10 days. Dobos published his cake recipe in 1906, and in modern Hungary, Dobos cake is prepared according to the original recipe. "Dobos" was the favorite cake of the Empress of Austria-Hungary Elisabeth, the wife of Franz Joseph.

You can not ignore such a famous cake as "Schwarzwald" or "Black forest". Black Forest cherry cake (Black Forest cake, Black Forest cake, also through English Black Forest cake) is a cake with whipped cream and cherries. Appeared in Germany in the early 1930s, and now has already gained worldwide fame. At the Black Forest cherry cake, biscuit chocolate cakes are soaked in kirschwasser, the filling is made from cherries. Cherry and chocolate chips are used to decorate the cake.

World-famous cakes, which every connoisseur of confectionery art knows about, include " Cheesecake"- a cheese cake with a rich, rich creamy taste and an exceptionally delicate structure. The first mention of a cheesecake, or rather, the progenitor of all modern types of this dessert, was made by the ancient Greek physician Aegimius, who described in detail the methods of making cheese pies. This is indirectly confirmed by the mention of the work of the Greek in the works of Pliny the Elder. According to John Segreto, who wrote the book Cheesecake Madness, the first cheesecakes appeared on the island of Samos in the 8th-7th centuries. BC. This delicacy in Greece was treated to Olympic athletes and wedding guests. Having reached Ancient Rome, Julius Caesar fell in love with the dessert, which automatically made its preparation mandatory in the homes of the nobility. The Roman hobby was inherited by European colonies, first of all, to England, where it received a long-term residence permit. It is interesting that cheesecake, or rather a loaf of cheese, has been known in Ancient Russia since the 13th century. In any case, since that time there have been written references to such a dish.

Another point of view on the origin of cheesecake belongs to Joan Nathan, who believes that this dessert comes from the Middle East. There, the ancestral cheesecake was prepared as follows: milk was curdled, honey, lemon zest and egg yolks were added, mixed and baked. It was this recipe, according to Nathan, that came to Europe along with the crusaders returning from campaigns.

The use of tender cheese mass (namely, mascarpone cheese, and no other) differs and "Tiramisu"- a product of the Italian confectionery genius. Coffee, chocolate, and often alcohol soaking are combined with the incredible tenderness of this dessert with a spicy name: it literally translates as “lift me up”. A decent version claims that tiramisu was invented in the 60s of the twentieth century, and the name means "cheer me up." Those who are sure that tiramisu was invented in Siena in the 17th century claim that the nobles ate this dessert before love dates to strengthen their strength - hence the name ..

The Soviet confectionery school also created its own brands. All residents of the post-Soviet space are aware "Kiev Cake". The heyday of the popularity of the Kiev cake fell on the days of the USSR. They came up with this air-nut cake at a Kiev confectionery factory. The names of his "parents" are Konstantin Petrenko and Nadezhda Chernogor. It happened in 1956, when the girl was seventeen years old. At her own risk, she baked three pieces of new cakes, which immediately received the most rave reviews. Further, a special creamy layer was invented for this cake, and it was a real triumph - a year later, "Kiev Cake" received a bronze medal at a confectionery competition. Nadezhda Chernogor worked all her life in one place and always tasted every batch of baked "Kiev Cakes" at work. The mother of “Kievsky” had occasion to cook non-standard cakes. One of them was baked for the 300th anniversary of the American Navy, it was made by special order. And also - a three-tiered one in honor of Brezhnev's 70th birthday: it consisted of 70 different pieces and weighed more than 5 kilograms. During its more than fifty years of history, the cake has become one of the symbols of Kiev.

And here is the cake "Pavlova" although it owes its birth in 1926 to the great ballerina Anna Pavlova, it was created ... in Australia (according to another version - in New Zealand). And the stress, by the way, is placed on the second syllable. His appearance is connected with the tour of the ballerina on a distant continent. The cake itself is the most delicate meringue, airy, like a ballerina's jump. Cream - custard, obligatory ingredient - meringue. From above, this airy tenderness is strewn with fresh tropical berries and fruits or (European version) - raspberries. The cake is especially popular in Australia and New Zealand, where there is still a fierce debate about the dessert's birthplace.

complex history and "Bird's milk". On the one hand, "Bird's milk" was invented by the Poles. For the first time "Ptasie mleczko" was made in 1930. However, this soufflé cake became a brand in the USSR. The delicacy began to be produced starting in 1968 at the Rot-Front factory as an experiment. But due to the complexity of the technology, these were meager batches. Oddly enough, but even in those years, the prescription documentation for "Bird's Milk" was not approved by the USSR Ministry of Food Industry for some reason. Case from the category of curiosities.
Although "Rot-Front" produced small batches of this delicacy already in the 60s, the official invention of the "correct" (with a cake layer, with a soufflé using agar-agar algae) "Bird's milk" in the Soviet Union in the early 80s belongs to the legendary confectioner of the restaurant "Prague" Vladimir Mikhailovich Guralnik. A patent was even issued in 1982 for the invention of this cake (which, by the way, was later withdrawn from him).

By the way, let's not forget about the cake. "Prague", whose fame is also very high. The fact is that Vladimir Guralnik also invented it! As a student, he watched in 1955, he watched Czech confectioners who came to Moscow and shared their confectionery experience with Moscow culinary specialists. Vladimir Guralnik developed his own recipe for this cake made of chocolate cakes and a cream layer. True, and with this cake we got into a mess. What they bake for us in Moscow is a miserable imitation of the famous "Prague". For a real cake, you need to go, of course, to the city of the same name. The Czechs themselves, without sparing, add dark rum to this cake, soak the cakes with four types of butter cream, which are prepared on the basis of cognac and Chartreuse and Benedictine liqueurs, and pour thick chocolate icing on top of the cake. The taste is extraordinary.

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