Home Soups Apple donuts recipe. apple donuts recipe

Apple donuts recipe. apple donuts recipe

And indeed it is! Donuts with apples - what could be better for tea drinking? Especially in September, when apples delight us with a bountiful harvest. However, in this wonderful pastry, the filling is half the battle and half the taste! And then there's the dough...

My today's donuts with yeasted apples. The dough is very soft, tender, airy. By the way, it is great for any cooking method - for regular frying, and for deep-frying, and for baking. I kneaded the dough for 1 kilogram of flour and the total yield was 1650 grams. I confess that I divided it into two dishes, because I wanted to please everyone at once - both guests and family. From 1000 grams of dough I made just sweet donuts in a pan, and put 650 grams on. I will share his recipe with you tomorrow, dear readers, exactly on Chrysanthemum Day, which is widely celebrated in Japan.

In order not to confuse or confuse you, I have given in the list of products the amount of ingredients that is needed to bake donuts from all the kneaded dough. Well, you already reduce by 2 or 3 times, if necessary.

In the meantime, back to today's recipe. These donuts are made with yeast and milk. I took milk 50/50 with water. I love this combination. With water, the dough is more pliable and easy to work with, and with milk it is tastier. Accordingly, using this ratio, you can kill two birds with one stone!

I also like the combination of butter and vegetable oil in yeast dough. The situation is similar to the tandem of milk and water. Butter gives taste and softness to the dough, and vegetable - splendor, lightness. As for sugar, you are free to do as you wish. Because I planned more savory pie, then did not put sugar. However, for sweet pastries, in my opinion, it is also not needed)) After all, there will be a filling with sugar! Where else? But I'm already used to this state of affairs. You do as you please and those whom you will feed!

Well, as for the filling, I have donuts with apples and sugar. Everything. That is, two ingredients. But you can sprinkle with cinnamon or vanilla if desired. It will be delicious too!



  • milk - 200 ml
  • water - 200 ml
  • butter- 100 g
  • sunflower oil- 50 ml
  • eggs - 1 piece
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • sugar - to taste (I did not put)
  • dry yeast - 11 g
  • premium wheat flour - 1 kg (8 cups)*
  • * 1 cup = 200 ml liquid = 125 g flour


  • apples - 16 small pieces
  • sugar - to taste (80 g was enough for me)

Deep frying:

When I knead the dough for 1 kg of flour, I always take a capacious plastic bowl. After all, it is necessary that not only it is convenient to knead the dough, but also there is room for it to rise with an increase in volume by 2-2.5 times.
I sifted the flour and poured out a package of dry yeast, mixed it.

I cracked an egg into a glass of warm (not hot!) water. Salt was also added here. If you decide to add sugar, do so at this stage.
Whipped lightly. You can use a knife, fork or regular whisk.

Pour this mixture into the flour.

Since donuts are made with yeast and milk, then she sent warm milk and melted butter, which had already cooled down a bit, right here. The overall temperature of the dough should be pleasantly warm, 35-40 degrees.

In the process of kneading, poured in vegetable oil.

She rolled the dough into a ball. The amount of flour you may get is somewhat different, because wheat gluten is different. Focus on the situation. If cool, you can add water or milk, if on the contrary the dough sticks to your hands, then a little more flour.

When the dough for donuts with apples rose, I kneaded it with a fist and returned it to the heat again until it rose again and increased by 2-2.5 times.

I divided the dough into approximately equal pieces the size of standard pies.

I rolled each piece into a round cake (you don’t need to do it thinly). I put sliced ​​apples in the center and sprinkled with sugar.
While the dough is rising, you can separately work on the filling. Rinse apples, remove peel and core. Cut into small cubes, put in a container with a resealable lid to reduce contact with air. You should not immediately fall asleep with sugar, as the apples will give juice and the filling will turn out to be more liquid. However, if you like this option, I don't mind at all;)
I usually don’t prepare the filling, but I do it along the way, when I roll out the dough. It's more comfortable for me.

Covered with a second cake.

With a glass with a sharp edge, I cut out a circle-bomb-donut! I removed the rest of the dough, so that later I could roll it into a ball and make cakes again.

Thus formed all the other donuts with apples.

In a deep frying pan (you can use a cauldron if you prefer), I warmed up refined sunflower oil well. Remember that only cleaned is suitable for deep-frying!
She laid out the blanks in hot oil. Covered with a lid and fried over medium heat until blushed, then turned over to the other side and also waited for browning. The first batch takes longer to bake because the pan is not hot enough yet. The rest will go faster. You should not make a very small fire, because the donuts will fry for a long time and will be saturated with oil. You don’t need a large one either, otherwise they will burn, but will not bake.

I put the donuts with apples on a paper towel with a slotted spoon to remove excess oil.

That's all! Is the tea brewed? Not? Then go to the teapot! However... it is unlikely that you will have time, because the family will already begin to carry one donut after another...

If desired, they can be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top - it will be beautiful, but at the same time more sweet. By the way, this is a great solution if it suddenly seemed to you that you didn’t add enough sugar))


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Let's talk about donuts today. Donuts are a very famous dish all over the world, but of course we associate donuts with America.

Donuts are very diverse - but they are all very tasty. Today we offer a recipe for apple donuts. They are prepared very quickly and easily.

Serve warm, but even if the donuts have cooled down, it's okay. All the same, they will remain very tasty, lush and appetizing.


3-4 apples
wheat flour - 100 gr
egg - 1 pc.
milk - 100 ml.
sugar 1-1.5 tbsp.
a pinch of salt
cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
vegetable oil (odorless) for frying


To begin with, we need to prepare the dough, or rather the batter for our apples.

We combine the egg, milk, sugar and salt, add a pinch of cinnamon and of course flour. Mix everything well, you can use a mixer. The dough should turn out homogeneous, without lumps. .

Now let's deal with apples. They need to be peeled, core removed and cut into rings, 0.5 - 0.8 cm each. Dip apple rings in the resulting batter and fry on both sides in well-heated oil. If you are a big fan of cinnamon, then at this stage apples can also be sprinkled with cinnamon, and sprinkle donuts on top.

We spread the finished donuts on a paper napkin to get rid of excess fat. Sprinkle the donuts on top with a mixture of powdered sugar and cinnamon.

Donuts are served while still warm.

Bon Appetit!

Donut Ideas

In this recipe, apples can be replaced with other fruits, such as pears or canned pineapples (rings). It will turn out very tasty too.

The shitty thing about donuts is that they must be fried in a lot of oil.


The history of this dish goes back to ancient Rome. Even the ancient Romans prepared a dish called "globules" - these were dough balls fried in fat and anointed with honey.

All corners of the world have their own donuts, they have different stuffing and they are called differently, but the principle of preparation has been preserved.

The analogue of a donut in Russia is a donut, which also has a beautiful ruddy color, and it is also fried in a large amount of oil.

Step 1: prepare the dough.

Mix kefir with milk and leave them on the table so that the mixture warms up.
When kefir with milk will become room temperature, send yeast to them and mix. Add egg and sugar as well. And stir well.
Add vegetable oil, stirring constantly, and then pour out the flour in portions and knead the dough.
Cover the dough and leave it in a warm place for 1 hour. Stir the risen dough several times during the process.

Step 2: Make donuts.

Donuts can be formed in different ways. You can sprinkle the countertop with flour, roll out the dough and cut circles out of it with a glass. Or you can just pinch off a piece of dough, form a cake with your hands and fill it with stuffing.
For the filling, simply grate peeled apples and add sugar to them. Or you can sauté apples with sugar in a pan. It's all about taste and desire.
Fill the cakes with apples and blind them. Ideally, donuts should be round, but as things go, the shape will not affect the taste in any way.
Let the shaped donuts stand 5-10 minutes. For the breakdown of the test.

Step 3: Fry the donuts with apples.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and send donuts into it.

Fry until golden brown on both sides. There should be enough oil so that the donuts are half covered with it.

Step 4: serve donuts with apples.

Before serving, donuts with apples should be allowed to cool slightly so that they can be eaten without burning. You can sprinkle them with powdered sugar if you like.
Bon Appetit!

Can be added to dough if desired. orange peel and vanillin for flavor, and cinnamon in apples.

I have a niece who, in her less than 3 years, flatly refused to eat fruits and vegetables, preferring cookies, some meat and a lot of sweets. Since the girl was extremely persistent, my sister and I endlessly invented and searched for different recipes that our little fussy eater would eat.

At that time, the Internet was a curiosity, so we leafed through magazines together and invented a little ourselves. We have tomato-meat pancakes, a meat roll with vegetable filling and mass fruit desserts. It was ice cream applesauce, and banana and peach muffins, and we also made apple donuts once.

They were so unrealistically delicious that the next portion was much larger. Most delicious option apple filling - sweet and sour hard apples. They are not very fried, and have their own pronounced taste, which is transferred to the batter. Such pastries taste like cakes, and not banal fried apples.

Cooking time - 20 minutes

Servings - 2


    2 firm apples

    2 tbsp. l. potato starch

    2 tbsp. l. wheat flour

    60 ml ice water

    200 ml refined vegetable oil

    a pinch of baking powder for dough

    ground cinnamon for sprinkling


The first thing you need to do is prepare the batter. For high-quality mixing of dry ingredients, it is better to combine them, and then sift. This is how we combine flour, baking powder and starch. The texture of the potato variety is looser, and the batter is more tender than when using cornstarch.

Break in the egg and add half cold water.

We beat with a whisk. The batter should be a little thick, but not too thick - like dough for thin pancakes. If too thick, add water little by little.

Apples are peeled and cut into circles 5 mm thick. We extract the middle with a special knife, cutting or work with a knife with a sharp edge, removing the core.

Pour oil into the pan and heat well. Dip the apple slices in the batter, completely immersing the pieces in the dough.

We spread the apples a little apart from each other in boiling oil. Fry on both sides until done.

Put the fried pieces on a paper towel to get rid of excess oil.

Sprinkle slightly chilled rings with ground cinnamon - and you can serve.

If you plan to serve apple rings hot, serve them with sour cream or thick homemade yogurt.

And if cold, sprinkle them with additional powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon, and add hot cocoa or mint tea.

The traditional serving of this dessert is with a scoop of delicious creamy ice cream.

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