Home Kashi Ways to store yeast dough. Is it possible to freeze yeast dough and how to do it right

Ways to store yeast dough. Is it possible to freeze yeast dough and how to do it right

We often love to pamper loved ones with delicious pastries. Using new recipes, you can make a mistake with the proportions and knead a lot of dough. How to get out of this situation. Let us turn to the opinion of experienced housewives who know whether it is possible to store the dough in the refrigerator.


Can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator? Our answer is yes. The dough can always be frozen. Due to the fact that it contains milk and water, it can be easily frozen. So you can freeze the remaining dough, and then defrost when necessary. What you need to consider when freezing is how much you can store.

If a large amount is mixed yeast dough, put it in a bag and store it on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Such baking can be postponed for two days, this is the maximum period. Living organisms take part in such a test, entering into the process with sugar and water, fermentation occurs at certain temperatures. We conclude that when the temperature drops, the fermentation process slows down, so it becomes possible to bake buns today, pies in a couple of days, without wasting time on a new batch. Why only two days? But because the process slows down, not stops. And leave it for a longer period, then you can safely throw it away. For two days, the muffin will retain its taste. In order to use the yeast dough after the refrigerator, it is necessary to heat it to room temperature, and then bake, fry, steam.

How much is stored

If you don’t need yeast dough in the near future, you should get special bags for storing food in the freezer. In this form, you can extend its life up to three months. It is necessary to defrost such a mass at optimal room temperatures. As a rule, all qualities are preserved. Having survived the winter, the dough will show itself perfectly fried. The dough for yeast pies in the refrigerator will lie for a couple of days, and after freezing it will simply not be recognized. The quality will not only not worsen, but will become better. If you want to use it for a cake, leave it to stand. During the proofing of the dough, it is filled with oxygen, passes the maximum increase in carbon dioxide and the mass becomes lush.

Quick defrost

When defrosting yeast dough, it will take 10-12 hours:

  • A convenient way is to get the workpiece in the evening and leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, and in the morning it will be ready for further use;
  • You can immerse in warm water, then the dough will defrost faster. Just remember to put it in a waterproof bag. After a few hours, the mass is ready for use;
  • It takes about 5 hours to quickly defrost yeast dough. You can put it near a working stove, for this put it in a saucepan, sometimes turn it around;
  • You can defrost the mass in microwave oven. Select the defrost mode, set the timer for 2 minutes.

Muffin is not subject to re-freezing. Finished puff pastry, which can be bought at any grocery store, requires special attention.


What's happened yeast-free dough- these are all types of dough that do not put yeast. It can be puff, biscuit, custard and many other types of dough.

Pizza dough can be stored for about six months. To do this, it is divided into portions, wrapped in foil and placed in the freezer. If you do not want to freeze, then it will lie in the refrigerator for several days. When frozen, defrosted, the taste is not lost.

How to store biscuit dough? It is placed in a tightly closed container or bag. In the refrigerator, it will live for a week, in the freezer you can forget for six months.

Let's talk about shortcrust pastry, it requires special care after defrosting. It needs to be kneaded again to get rid of lumps. shortcrust pastry will keep in the freezer for two to three months. The cookies will be crumbly and will melt in your mouth. Second view shortcrust pastry called chopped, it cannot be stored in the freezer, its quality will be disgusting.

Puff pastry is stored under the same conditions as pizza dough. Just wrap it in cling film first, and wrap it in a tight bag before freezing.


We bought ready-made puff pastry, came home and decided to make it. To thaw this type of dough, you can refer to the methods described above. It will take half the time to defrost it:

  • I would like to note that the defrosting method near the stove is not acceptable for puff pastry. Because it contains a large amount of oil and fat. In order not to violate the consistency of the dough, we do not defrost in this way;

  • You can wrap the mass with a towel and pile it on the battery, and after 30 minutes everything is ready for use;
  • In the microwave, the mass will go bad in 2 minutes. If you need to defrost quickly, refer to the method of immersion in warm water. Just do not overheat better longer, but better.

Experienced housewives try not to resort to purchased dough. But they also use them. Before defrosting, it is recommended to study the instructions for the test. Then it won't let you down.

Summing up

Knowing the conditions for storing the dough in a refrigerator or freezer, the requirements for freezing and thawing each type of dough, you can safely use a store-bought one or knead a tasty one just enough homemade dough, and then use it for several months, pampering loved ones and surprising friends with great pastries. After reading the article, we can firmly answer the main question of interest. You can ask, we will answer of course Yes.

Buns, pies, kulebyaki, cheesecakes, pretzels ... The list of pastries from yeast dough is endless.

Hostesses know how long it takes to prepare yeast dough and how laborious it is.

Yeast dough has always required an individual approach, because it “lives” and “breathes” thanks to the yeast that makes it fluffy and light, as well as to the warm enough air surrounding it. In a cold room, the yeast dough simply does not rise and turns sour.

Therefore, knowing this feature of the yeast dough, you can save it for further use: for one day, for two, for a month ...

How to store yeast dough in the refrigerator

If baking yeast dough needs to be postponed for one day, then such a dough is stored in the refrigerator. But it's not enough just to put it on the shelf.

Knowing its peculiarity to constantly rise, you need to make sure that it does not peroxide in the refrigerator. Indeed, in it, even placed in the refrigerator, fermentation will continue, only at a slower pace. And if you put the dough that has already risen in the refrigerator, then it will reach the maximum rise, then it will begin to fall off and turn sour.

Such a dough is unlikely to rise even in a warm place. A strongly pronounced smell of mash will come from it. It is better not to bake products from such a dough in the oven, because the pastries will turn out pale, heavy and rubbery. This dough is suitable only for pies, which are best deep-fried in a pan.

So that the dough in the refrigerator does not peroxide, before removing it there, you need to knead it well again, removing all carbon dioxide. Then put the dough in a strong plastic bag, be sure to leave room to rise about twice, and tie well. If there is not enough space in the bag, then the dough, rising, will break the bag and come out.

Yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Further storage significantly degrades its taste and quality.

To use such a dough, you need to get it out of the refrigerator, remove it from the bag, put it on a table dusted with flour and knead well.

Then the dough should be put in a bowl, covered with a thick towel or a lid with a small hole and left in a warm place to rise.

Finished products from such a test are slightly different in palatability from baking the initial batch, but given that there are many recipes from yeast dough, and very different ones, no one will even notice this difference.

How to store yeast dough in the freezer

If the yeast dough is not planned to be used in the near future, then it must be frozen.

To do this, it must be placed in the freezer as soon as possible, preventing its peroxidation.

Therefore, the yeast dough must be well kneaded, removing all carbon dioxide from it, put it in a tight plastic bag, giving it a flat shape (to freeze faster), and tie it. Immediately place in the freezer, choosing the coldest place for this.

Frozen yeast dough can be stored for up to three months. without losing their taste.

To defrost such a yeast dough, you need to get it out of the freezer and, without removing it from the bag, put it in a saucepan with a lid.

When the dough becomes soft, but still cold, take it out of the bag and knead well. Then they proceed with the dough in the same way as with any yeast: put it in a bowl, cover it with a lid or a plastic bag (not airtight, as the dough must “breathe”) and leave it in a warm place to rise.

Such yeast dough is used for making buns, pies, pies.

Products from it can be baked in the oven, as well as deep-fried in a pan.

There are different opinions regarding the quality of dough products that have undergone storage. Most people think that it is better to start baking immediately after kneading. Others notice that after deep freezing, the dough becomes especially soft and elastic. Be that as it may, subject to the simple rules for storing the workpiece, the finished products will be lush and tasty.

Source: depositphotos.com

Every housewife knows that yeast dough becomes airy due to the work of microorganisms - unicellular fungi (yeast). Yeast "wakes up" when placed in a mixture of liquid and sugar. To create best conditions for fermentation, the container with the dough is placed in a warm place without drafts, covered with a cloth on top, leaving access to oxygen. At positive temperatures, the fermentation process that has begun cannot be stopped, therefore, an unused baking workpiece quickly peroxides and becomes unusable.

How to store yeast dough? We will share secrets that will help not only save unused leftovers, but also prepare the basis for baking in advance so that you don’t waste time kneading every time.

Storing dough in the refrigerator

How long can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator? The best option is to leave it in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. For example, you could not finish baking in the evening, and plan to finish it in the morning. For the fermentation process, which occurs due to yeast, heat and air are needed. In a cool place, such processes slow down, but do not stop completely. Therefore, you should not hope that the product will last for a long time - after about 24 hours the mixture will ferment and turn sour.

Before placing the dough in the refrigerator, it must be prepared. The mass is kneaded to remove all carbon dioxide from it, rolled into a ball and then lubricated with vegetable oil. The mass is placed in a regular plastic bag, leaving approximately as much free space in it as the dough itself takes. Make sure to make a few holes in the bag for ventilation. You can put the dough in a capacious bowl and tighten the top with cling film. The container is placed on the shelf of the refrigerator, which is located as far as possible from the freezer. In a cool place, the yeast will continue to work, and most likely in the morning you will find that the container is full.

Before baking pies or buns, you need to thoroughly knead the workpiece, put it in a warm, dry place, covered with a towel and providing oxygen. After the dough has risen, it will be possible to cook pastries from it.

Storing dough in the freezer

Since yeast dough cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, the only way to prepare it for future use is to place it in the freezer. It is better to freeze the newly mixed mass. If you put the dough overnight in the refrigerator, and then simply transfer it to the freezer, then this workpiece cannot become the basis for delicious dish. In this case, you need to remove the chilled mass from the refrigerator, knead it properly and only then place it for long-term storage.

Preparing the dough before freezing will be the same as before short-term storage - it is thoroughly kneaded and lubricated with oil. The dough is placed in a vacuum bag and flattened so that it thaws faster. You can put the workpiece in Plastic container Then its bottom will need to be lightly sprinkled with flour. Store yeast dough in the freezer without loss of properties should be up to 3 months. It is better to write the date of freezing on the package so that you know exactly when the shelf life expires.

Source: depositphotos.com

When defrosting, the package is first transferred to the refrigerator, where its contents gradually thaw. Then the dough is taken out of the bag, kneaded and laid out in a container, which is placed in a warm place. It is impossible to re-freeze such a workpiece, therefore, before long-term storage the total mass is divided into small portions.

There are other ways to defrost:

  • the workpiece is placed in a container with warm water in a waterproof bag, the defrosting process will take from 2 to 5 hours;
  • you can place the dough near the working stove, gradually turning the container so that the heating occurs evenly, the product will be ready for further cooking after 5 hours;
  • in the microwave at the “defrost” mode, a small piece will melt in 2-3 minutes.

As you can see, storing yeast dough is not difficult at all, and if the technology is followed, even a frozen mass can turn into lush and fragrant pastries in just a few hours.

Text: Natalia Mironova

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In the modern world, a rare housewife, when preparing food, ignores semi-finished products. Remarkable know-how saves time and makes life easier for inexperienced cooks. Store-bought yeast dough simplifies the process of making homemade muffins. It is only necessary to know the terms and methods of its storage.

Storing yeast dough in the refrigerator

Can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator? Not only possible, but necessary. Cold slows down the course of many processes caused by the vital activity of bacteria. For the manufacture of dough, yeast is used - a whole colony of microorganisms that feed on glucose and its derivatives. If there is not enough sugar in the dough, then the yeast will simply begin to acidify the dough, making it unsuitable for food. The dough can also become sour when the microorganisms multiply greatly and will feel a lack of nutrition.

Storing yeast dough in the refrigerator lowers the temperature of the medium and inhibits the activity of microorganisms. Yeast breathes in oxygen and breathes out carbon dioxide. That is why the dough greatly increases in size if it is in a favorable temperature environment. It is best stored in a bag that has plenty of free space. The package must be tied up to prevent the dough from being airy.

How long can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator in a bag? At the temperature maintained in the refrigerator, that is, from 4 to 12 degrees, the shelf life of the dough is up to 30 hours. The dough can be stored in the freezer for up to six months.

Despite the fact that the cold slows down the vital activity of the yeast in the dough, fermentation still occurs, albeit at a slow pace. This is sometimes used experienced housewives who are waiting for guests and, while preparing several dishes at the same time, try to minimize household chores.

They knead flour, yeast and other ingredients according to their favorite and proven recipe, cover the resulting mass with an airtight film and leave the yeast dough in the refrigerator overnight, where it slowly rises in the morning.

When leaving yeast dough in the fridge for pies and muffins, do you need to know any other nuances? Although the same test will be made similar bakery products, but the amount of sugar in them is not the same. In a more insipid, “for pies”, the composition of the dough includes only water, flour, yeast, salt and a small amount of sugar and fat. A lot of sugar, fat-containing products are put in the muffin, eggs and milk are added. There is more nutrient medium for yeast in the pastry, they multiply faster even in adverse conditions of low temperature. This means that such a dough can turn sour much faster. You can not store it longer than 12 hours even in the refrigerator.

There are many videos with master classes for making rich and simple yeast dough. It's time to practice at home putting the dough for baking. There are several varieties of flour available in stores. different types fats (margarine, butter or vegetable oil), choose baker's yeast of any consistency - from liquid to instant, with increased lifting power.

If you want to try out a yeast dough recipe in the fridge, then stop at the simplest - for pies.

Quick Pie Dough Recipe

  • Flour - 4 or 5 glasses;
  • Yeast (dry - 10 g per 1 kg of flour);
  • Water - 0.5-0.7 liters;
  • Vegetable oil - from 50 to 150 ml (the minimum amount of fat is put in the pies that are fried);
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  • Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water in a bowl. Wait until a thick cap of foam appears on the surface of the mixture.
  • Add salt, vegetable oil to the liquid and mix thoroughly.
  • Add flour bit by bit, mixing well.
  • Sprinkle the table with flour and put the dough on it.
  • Press the dough in flour, turning and folding until it comes together into a ball.
  • Put the dough in a plastic bag, tie at the end, after releasing the air.
  • Leave to store in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • Start preparing the filling.

There is another type of yeast dough - puff. Differs from the usual amount of oil content. This dough is produced in the form of sheets separated by parchment paper. As you can see in the photo, the sheets can be square or rolled into a tube. Stores sell it frozen.

It is better to store such a dough in the freezer of the refrigerator without any options. Its features are closer to sweet dough than to one that is made for pies. If the temperature is not low enough, the yeast begins to ferment actively, increasing the dough in size. Unfortunately, the packaging of puff pastry does not provide additional space to increase the volume. Packaging, as a rule, in such cases, is broken. The parchment release paper is "glued" inside the two layers of dough. The dough itself begins to come into contact with the surface of the refrigerator shelves, and the sterility of the environment is violated.

Often, when kneading dough, it turns out more than is necessary for the preparation of a particular dish. So that it does not deteriorate until the next time, it is necessary to store it properly. We will now tell you how to do this.

Storage of yeast dough

Yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Therefore, if you do not plan to use the dough during this time, then put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. In it, such a dough can be stored for about 2-3 weeks, but be sure to defrost it warm so that it rises again.

Storage of yeast-free dough

It is best to store pizza dough in portions, wrap each of them in cling film and put in the freezer. It can be stored in it for up to 5 months. If you have leftover biscuit dough, then first transfer it to a hermetically sealed container. Then wrap it in plastic wrap. You can store the dough on the shelf of the refrigerator for no more than 7 days, and in the freezer - up to 4 months.

Sand and puff pastry should be wrapped immediately in a plastic bag. Be sure to tie it well to prevent the penetration of foreign odors. You can store shortbread and puff pastry for several days in the refrigerator or for 2-3 months in the freezer.

Find out how to properly set, knead and defrost dough in these articles.

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