Home Bakery Bon appetit wishes - poems, prose, SMS. Have a nice tea party Have a nice tea party

Bon appetit wishes - poems, prose, SMS. Have a nice tea party Have a nice tea party

It's good to eat you
I want to wish now.
"Enjoy this dish" -
I'll whisper in my ear.

Appetite will be great
Now let you
Don't waste a minute
Come on, hurry up!

Put things aside
It's time for the meal.
Come on, sit down at the table
Let the appetite be pleasant.
Enjoy great food
Gain energy and strength.

I wish you bon appetit! May your favorite food bring you incredible pleasure. And pastime will pass in peace and with mood. Great food, tempting flavors and great fun!

Let it be a delicious meal
Appetite will not let you down
Let the food give you strength
And it carries energy.

Eat with sense, arrangement,
Enjoy the subtle taste
Don't listen to anyone now
Don't get distracted by anything.

Day in continuous worries rushes,
Got an appetite
And it's time to sit down
Happy to eat
May bon appetit
Will visit you immediately
Reinforce and be of good cheer
And then create, dare!

I wish you bon appetit
So that health is stronger than granite,
So that every bite eaten
It was very useful and tasty.

Energy to increase
And your mass has not changed,
From food to pleasure
You have been amazed!


Eat, eat, don't be shy
Anything you want, take a bite
Enjoy the bright taste
And ask for more!

If you eat with gusto,
Everything will be good,
Vitamins are like a magnet
Your body will take it!

And I wish you
pleasure in food,
To any meal
Grace carried everywhere!

Let the saliva run in anticipation
Let the smell drive you crazy!
Catch pleasure from food
After all, the tummy is calling to eat!

Let the food be delicious
Let it charge with energy
I wish that, along with the dish,
You've got an appetite!

Got an appetite?
You swear, eat.
Let everything fly from the plate
To crack your ears.

I wish to receive
A lot of pleasure
And devour with delight
These treats.

I wish to eat
You are satisfying, very tasty,
Let the appetite be wonderful
The dish is bright and skillful.

Pleasure wish
From the food I get
To have more strength
To live happily.

People around the world love tea and drink it every day: in the morning - to cheer up; in the evening - to keep warm; during the day - at work, at a party or in a cafe. But few people know how to brew it so that it gives all its taste and aroma to the last drop.

1. There are only 6 types of tea

All varieties of tea are obtained by processing the leaves of the same tea plant - Chinese camellia. The inscription on the package "green tea" or "black tea" is just the processing technology with which it was obtained.

Everything else - herbs (like mint), fruits (like raspberries), and so on - become not tea, but infusion.

2. You can not pour boiling water over tea

Never pour boiling water over tea, otherwise you can burn the tea leaves. But pouring boiling water over herbs or fruits is just a great idea.

The temperature of the brewing water can be determined without a thermometer. As soon as steam appears and the kettle starts to vibrate a little - this is about 65-75 ยฐ C. And when the water starts to bubble - it's 85-90 ยฐC.

3. Only use fresh water
for brewing tea

When water is boiled again, mineral substances settle on the walls of the kettle and scale forms. And oxygen is also evaporated from the water, which is necessary for the proper brewing of tea.

4. Brew tea based on the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 1 cup

Never add an extra teaspoon. By adding it, you will not make it stronger, it will simply lose its unique flavor.

5. Do not heat the kettle

The only time to heat a kettle with boiling water is when it is made of thick porcelain or very thick ceramic.

6. Remove the lid from the teapot while the tea is brewing

This saturates the leaves with oxygen and helps the aroma to develop.

7. The order of the ingredients matters

If you drink tea brewed in a teapot, pour the milk into the cup first, and only then the tea. Thus, the milk will be heated to the same temperature as the tea, and the drink will be more aromatic. If you add milk last, then cool the tea itself.

8. If you are brewing a tea bag, milk should be added at the end.

Place the bag in hot water for 3 minutes to steep, remove it, and then add the milk. If you pour in the milk right away, the fat can coat the leaves and prevent them from brewing.

9. Remove the leaves from the teapot after it has been brewed

10. Never squeeze the bag against the side of the cup

Otherwise, you will squeeze out the tannins and the tea will become bitter. Just take it out. If you like strong tea with a slightly bitter taste, try Assam second-hand or Kenyan tea.

11. Why tea brewed in a teapot tastes better

Loose leaf tea has a wider leaf surface, resulting in a deeper and richer flavor. Especially if you brew it in a large teapot, where the aroma is at its best.

Tea bags are designed to brew tea quickly. Yes, the leaves in it are much smaller and may not be of very good quality. The compromise is pyramids that give you the benefits of loose leaf tea and the convenience of sachets.

12. Is green tea caffeine free?

Since all varieties are made from the same plant, all tea has about the same amount of caffeine, including green tea. And no one can guarantee that one tea contains more antioxidants than another. Because it depends on the quality of tea, weather and other conditions.

And to relax, it is better to drink decoctions of chamomile and honey.

With berries, apple, honey and herbs! We prepare delicious and healthy tea that will help you warm up and cheer you up on an autumn evening.

Tea is like a hug. Only in a cup.

When it's bad weather outside and you don't feel like going out, a cup of tea is just happiness... and you can drink this happiness...

Will you have lemon or mint tea?

Can I have tea with you?

- What will you drink tea with? With jam or lemon?

- With pleasure!

Shelves full of tea always make me feel euphoric. I love looking at them for a long time. There are varieties of tea that seem to take you on a long journey: the aroma, bright colors of the packages and thin fancy letters on them fascinate, like cardboard mirages, lures for tourists. Sophie de Villenoisy "How I Decided to Die of Happiness"

Let's sit again

For fragrant tea

And we'll talk about everything

Hours without noticing ...

Watch good films, listen to cheerful music, drink tea, walk, get enough sleep and, most importantly, believe that everything will work out for you. And that's when everything will be fine!

I want tea...

In casual company...

In a quiet, pleasant placeโ€ฆ

๐Ÿ“– According to Nikolai's experience, sincerity is something like herbal tea: kind people advise you to try it for lack of other means. Lee Bardugo "King of Scars"

๐Ÿ“– We don't need much - just a pack of cigarettes, ginger tea, chocolate sabers and each other.

Elchin Safarli "I was promised you"

๐Ÿ“– I'm sure that in order to understand if you love a woman, you need to drink tea with her and feel: are you happy now? Other drinks are distracting. John Shemyakin "Wild master in a wild field"

๐Ÿ“– I can even hear you breaking off cookies now, sitting at the table in your kitchen, having a cup of tea. Behind it you hide your desire and wait for my call. Your desire is so strong that I cannot but appear where my other half is waiting for me ... cookies. Rinat Valiullin "Coffee in the Morning Sky"

๐Ÿ“– I took a sip of tea, noting with satisfaction that it was piping hot and strong enough. I hated weakness of any kind, and above all in my tea. Deanna Rayborn Veronica Speedwell. "Intriguing Beginning"

๐Ÿ“– The most effective means for untying the tongue of women of a certain age and temperament is tea. Stephen King "The Wizard and the Crystal"

๐Ÿ“– I know some people call tea the word โ€œbrewingโ€ and generously dilute it with water. So, please forget about this tradition. Max Fry "The New Tea Book"

If everything is incomprehensible, and everything is already in itself, and does not depend on you, you just need to stop and drink tea. Everything will fall apart on its own, get better on its own).

When brewing fragrant tea, it should be remembered that according to the Tea Code, one should talk about good things over a cup of tea: about Nature, about Art, about Beauty...

I'm chasing hot teas

I rustle candy in the morning

Replenishing stocks for the day

Make yourself a fasting day today - do not load yourself! Better drink tea with delicious ๐Ÿ˜Š

Pause for aromatic tea...

Frozen soul? Make some tea :)

How much does it take to start a great day? A cup of hot tea and a kiss from a loved one. Think positive.

In any incomprehensible situation, put the kettle on))

Everyone knows that there is nothing better than a cup of tea to raise the tone and uplift the fallen spirit, in which all guides and instructions, both Western and Eastern, converge.

Josรฉ Sarmago "The Book of Names"

Tea - unless you drink it the Russian way - you can't drink it with sugar. Yes, I realize I'm in the minority here. But still, how can a person who is able to kill the taste of tea with sugar call himself a teapot? With the same success, you can flavor tea with pepper or salt. Tea is supposed to be bitter, just like beer. Having sweetened it, you are not drinking tea, you are drinking sugar, which you could just as well dissolve in hot water. George Orwell, A Great Cup of Tea

Tea is always a good idea.
Don't look for an excuse, just treat yourself to tea...

"Can we come over for tea?"

โ€œJust for tea?โ€

โ€” No... more jam.

Tea is a huge world placed in a small cup.

It's wonderful when you have someone to brew a second mug of tea.

Tea is the most affordable and honest medicine that heals without turning your pocket inside out.

Not only tea, gloves, a blanket are warm... Everything can be warm - conversations, glances, letters, people... This is that special feeling that gives us the strength to live, believe, dream, love...

- You have some kind of tea cult ...

โ€œI only have rooibos, hibiscus, pu-erh, black, green, oolongs, four types of mate, three cups for different types of tea, two teapots ... What a cult, what are you talking about ...

Through a dreamy window

Gentle rays of the sun

On my cheek

Three pinches of tea

God, what else do you need?!

Autumn... Rain... The time of the warmest hugs, the most comfortable evenings, the most sincere words...

Tea is not drunk anywhere. Tea is personal.

Brew tea only with the correct brew:

with happiness, luck, adventure and good mood!

The best evening is an evening with warm tea and a warm person.

Tea drinking has a rare virtue: to bring a particle of calm harmony into our existence.

Is it possible to feel something if you have not drunk strong fragrant tea? Tea is the rise of the soul!

Tea is a divine drink that gives us a reason to eat half a kilo of sweets and a couple of pieces of cake before going to bed with a clear conscience ใƒ„

And me tea. Seven glasses...

It's time to postpone everything
Although they do not, of course, have an edge,
And forget all worries
Drinking tea with jam.

Sweet tea is smoking in a mug,
To him a lemon and sweets,
And you rest easy
Leaving all the fuss somewhere.

Enjoy life now
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
Let relaxation be more often
For a fragrant cup of tea.

Happy tea drinking
I wish from the bottom of my heart.
Sip by sip enjoy
You can't rush into this.

May each new cup
It will bring a special taste.
And with this pleasant meal,
Good mood will come to you!

Let this divine drink give strength and give amazing vigor for new achievements, so that every cup in a cheerful company evokes only positive emotions and a great mood. I wish you a pleasant pastime and no less pleasant tea drinking!

The spirit of the English abroad is not alien to us:
We also know a lot about tea drinking.
In support of old London traditions,
Where tea is known to be drunk at five o "clock,

I also invite you to fragrant,
A smoky teacup inviting a seagull,
So that you enjoy the incredible
Cozy atmosphere. down the throat

Breathe in, drink vivacity drink,
Good evening with the mood to pass,
And after drinking tea, excess strength
I found my way to you immediately.

Let the smell of tea fresh, fragrant
At the moment your whet your appetite!
Let the tea party be pleasant
It will lift your spirits and invigorate!

Jam, honey, sweets and cookies,
Pancakes, cheesecakes with golden crust
Let, together with tea, give pleasure,
And a positive attitude!

Let the Teapot as a professional majordomo, blushing and hot, surrounded by cute girlfriends of the Cups in starched saucer skirts, offer you the most fragrant and invigorating tea. Aunt Jam with her restless nieces Cookies will freeze in a respectful curtsy, taking off her lace hat. And all this to make your tea party unforgettable.

Tea lovers are kind people,
Nothing ritual can break them:
Favorite cups, spoons and saucers,
Sweets and dryers are served on the table.

In the teapot, the amber liquid ripens,
The divine smell is already in the air.
Let the tea be poured with a stream of fragrant,
Let the conversation be simple and pleasant.

Let your soul rest from the hustle and bustle of the noisy world, get rid of eternal worries, tune in to the positive with a cup of fragrant tea and a leisurely pleasant conversation. Let tea drinking turn into a relaxation session that will allow you to gain strength for high achievements.

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