Home General issues Cheesecake: what is it, the rules and recipes for cooking. Technology for making dessert “Chocolate Cheesecake Assortment technology for cooking, decorating and dispensing cheesecakes

Cheesecake: what is it, the rules and recipes for cooking. Technology for making dessert “Chocolate Cheesecake Assortment technology for cooking, decorating and dispensing cheesecakes

The classic cheesecake is an invention of British housewives, although the first mention of a cheese pie with a similar recipe is from Greek cuisine. Be that as it may, now cheesecake is more of an American dish that has many recipe variations. In almost every European country, you can find references to the recipe for cheese pie, so this dish can be conditionally considered international.

Despite the fact that there are many recipes for making this cake, there are some important details that contribute to the proper manufacture of this wonderful cake.

The main nuances of making cheesecake at home:

  • The basis for the pie can be very diverse. Usually use a ready-made biscuit or crushed cookies. There is also a no-bake cheesecake recipe with many possible variations. To do this, all the ingredients are taken ready for use, and after that the formed cake is infused in the refrigerator. Some sources may include a slow cooker cheesecake recipe in the cooking algorithm. This technique has long settled in our kitchens and many housewives are happy to try a variety of dishes and even pastries prepared in this way.
  • The filling is the main component of the cheesecake. To get the perfect taste, it should not be too liquid, creamy consistency. The original recipe uses Philadelphia type soft cream cheese. Subsequently, as usual, the composition has changed a little and now for the most part they make cheesecake from cottage cheese. To obtain a more delicate and uniform consistency, add sour cream or cream to it. You can use a suitable cheese mass or even thick homemade sour cream. The taste will not suffer from this, but for our sweet tooth it will become more familiar. This will also have a positive effect on the cost of the finished dish, because the filling accounts for about 80% of the total volume of the pie.
  • You don't need a special mold to make a cheesecake. You can use a standard plug of a suitable size. For convenience, you need to cover the bottom and edges with baking parchment or use a silicone container. If the recipe does not include baking, the cake can be made immediately in the cake shop for serving.
  • Baking a cheesecake is an extremely responsible and important moment. In no case should you overdry the cake, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. For cooking, it is necessary to bake the cheesecake at a temperature of 150-180ºС for about an hour. The finished cake should jiggle a little around the center. If in doubt, you can leave the cake in the turned off oven for another fifteen minutes, and then cool.
  • Often you can find recommendations that it is best to bake cheesecakes in a water bath. To do this, you need to take a slightly larger baking sheet and place the main one in it. Pour water between the sides, usually a level of about half the height of the baking sheet is required. Place the installed structure in the oven and bake in this way.
  • Cheesecake should cool in a calm environment, away from drafts and temperature changes. It is not recommended to cover the cake with a towel or napkin, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the structure.
  • Various fruits and berries, citrus zest (lemon cheesecake) and cocoa powder can be added to the composition. The classic strawberry cheesecake is distinguished by excellent taste, the filling of which must be added with fresh or frozen strawberries.

Each hostess determines the complete algorithm of actions on how to cook a cheesecake herself, and our selection of time-tested recipes will help you quickly make a choice and pamper your household with a delicious and healthy dessert.

The most delicious cheesecake recipes

The main ingredients can be replaced and arranged in different sequences. If the usual curd filling seems too bland, you can include orange or lemon zest in the composition, or you can pour everything with chocolate icing on top.

Most of the components are harmless and therefore cheesecakes are widely used for children's holidays as a tasty and healthy dessert.

Classic cheesecake recipe

For him, we need Philadelphia cream cheese, which can be purchased in specialized departments and large supermarkets. Its delicate taste is the best for this dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Shortbread cookies - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 150 gr;
  • Soft cream cheese - 700 gr;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • 3 eggs.

How to make a classic cheesecake:

Chop cookies and mix with melted butter. From the resulting mixture, form the bottom and sides of the base, level everything on a baking sheet. Warm the cheese to room temperature and beat it with eggs, adding one at a time. At the end, add sugar and sour cream, mix everything well.

Pour the resulting filling onto a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 160-170º C. Bake for about an hour when fully cooked. Then gently cool, avoiding sudden changes in temperature. To do this, you can leave the cake in the oven by opening the door. After the final cooling, put the cheesecake in the refrigerator for soaking for eight hours, you can overnight. After such a “hardening”, it will become unusually tender and soft.

cottage cheese dessert recipe

If you replace a rather rare and expensive cheese with ordinary cottage cheese, then such a cheesecake recipe will become more accessible even for everyday use. It is advisable to take cottage cheese of maximum fat content and a homogeneous consistency. Ideally, it is preferable to use home-made products.. To obtain the desired consistency, the cottage cheese is diluted with sour cream or cream.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ready-made biscuit in the form of a baking sheet - 1 cake;
  • Fatty cottage cheese - 700 gr;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 150 gr;
  • 3 eggs.

How to make cheesecake:

Beat cottage cheese with sour cream, add eggs and sugar one at a time. The resulting mixture should be thick enough so as not to spread over the mold. You can additionally wrap the sides with foil or parchment. Bake in an oven preheated to 180º C for about an hour. After cooling and insisting in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

New York cheesecake recipe

The name itself already testifies to the American roots of this dessert. The recipe for New York cheesecake is incredibly simple and involves baking in the oven. To do this, you can prepare the already known base of crushed cookies, and then proceed to the manufacture of the filling.

Do you want something interesting?

Required Ingredients:

  • Shortbread cookies - 150 gr;
  • Butter - 70 gr;
  • Soft cheese of any suitable variety - 650 gr;
  • Sugar - 100 gr;
  • Sour cream or cream 20% fat - 200 ml;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Vanilla and salt to taste.

How to make New York Cheesecake:

Mix cheese with eggs, sour cream (cream) and beat together with sugar. Vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt are added at the end, transfer everything to the finished base.

Bake preferably in a water bath for about an hour. Leave in the turned off oven to cool completely, then transfer to the refrigerator. The cake is surprisingly tender and delicious.

With banana

In order to prepare a banana cheesecake, it is necessary to add a banana, crushed to a puree state, to the cheese or curd mass. Banana cheesecake with cottage cheese has an excellent taste and is especially suitable for small sweet teeth. Thanks to this duet, the dessert will become not only tasty, but also healthy.

With added chocolate

You can prepare chocolate cheesecake according to any of the proposed recipes by adding a little crushed or melted chocolate to the composition.

The best option is to pour the finished cake with chocolate icing.

This must be done after it has completely solidified so that the chocolate does not drip. This is an unusually tasty dish, which is also distinguished by its original appearance and elegant serving to the table.

Useful option with pumpkin

It is simply impossible to pass by such a recipe! The most useful autumn vegetable perfectly harmonizes with the rest of the ingredients in this dessert. The pumpkin cheesecake recipe is sure to add to your family cookbook, and will also become one of the most favorite dishes for daily tea drinking.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Pumpkin - 900 gr;
  • Soft cheese - 300 gr;
  • Cream - 250 ml;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Gelatin - 2 packs.

How to make Pumpkin Cheesecake:

Bake the peeled and washed pumpkin in foil in the oven until the flesh is soft. After that, beat in a blender until the consistency of puree. Add cheese, powder and beat again. Make a base of cookies and butter according to the above recipe.

Pour gelatin with milk and leave to swell. Heat and dissolve in warm liquid, leave to cool. Whip the cream well, add the dissolved gelatin and cream to the chopped pumpkin and beat everything with a blender or mixer.

Place the resulting mixture on the prepared base, smooth it well and refrigerate overnight for impregnation. Decorate before serving to your taste.

Cooking with mascarpone cheese

The exceptionally delicate taste of this dessert can surprise the most capricious gourmet. For its preparation, soft Mascarpone cheese is used, so the taste of sunny, cheerful Italy clearly appears in this dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Mascarpone - 500 gr;
  • Cream - 200 ml;
  • Sugar sand - 150 gr;
  • Gelatin - 2 packs.

How to make Mascarpone Cheesecake:

Crush the cookies and mix with butter. After laying out in the form, forming the base, as already described earlier. Soak gelatin in cold water, the volume of which will be indicated in the instructions on the package (may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer), usually half a glass of water per pack of dry mix.

Beat sugar and cream with a mixer until thick foam. After adding mascarpone, mixing thoroughly, but without whipping - the mixture should not be too airy.

Melt the dissolved gelatin over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Gradually pour into the cheese - creamy mass and mix until smooth.

We spread the resulting mixture on the prepared cookie base, level it well and leave it in the refrigerator until it hardens for 2-3 hours. This recipe does not require baking, which saves a lot of time. The finished cake can be decorated with grated chocolate, berries or fruits.

Cheesecake recipe in a slow cooker

To cook a cheesecake in a slow cooker, you must select the appropriate mode. A base of cookies or a finished biscuit is laid out at the bottom of the container. The filling can also be taken from any recipe you like. After that, the appropriate mode is selected and in a few minutes your cake will be ready. The cooking time depends on the multicooker model and should be indicated in the recipe book.

To quickly and accurately remove the finished cake from the container, you can use the steam bowl.

A pie is turned over at its bottom, and then carefully onto a plate or dish. Next, you need to act according to the technology described above: the cake first cools down naturally, and then “rests” in the refrigerator, the advantage of this method will be faster cooking and a guarantee of a good result.

no bake cheesecake recipe

For such a recipe, it is necessary to take exclusively ready-made ingredients: a biscuit or crushed cookie crumbs mixed with butter. The filling should also be completely ready, so there are no eggs in this recipe. A simple no-bake cheesecake can be made with the following ingredients.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Soft cheese or cottage cheese - 600 gr;
  • Cream or fat sour cream - 200 ml;
  • Sugar sand - 150 gr;
  • Gelatin - 2 packs.

How to make no bake cheesecake:

Pour gelatin with water, insist and heat until completely dissolved. After sieve from solid residues and mix with pre-whipped cheese, cream and sugar. Pour the mixture into the prepared base of cookies and butter and leave to harden in the refrigerator overnight. Serve garnished with berries or chocolate chips to your taste.

Such a cake can be immediately prepared in a decorative cake rack so that the serving to the table is beautiful and spectacular.

Low calorie diet option

Despite the fact that the calorie content of cheesecake is quite high: approximately 400-600 kcal / 100 g, it is quite possible to consume such sweets during a diet. The main secret is to replace some ingredients with less high-calorie ones.. Thus, it is possible to reduce its nutritional value to about 300kcal/100g. and at least occasionally indulge in delicious while dieting.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 180 gr;
  • Butter - 90 gr;
  • Soft cheese - 200 gr;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr;
  • Yogurt - 200 ml;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar (powder) - 150 gr;
  • Vanillin - 2 teaspoons.

How to make Diet Cheesecake:

Crush cookies and mix with butter. Put in a prepared baking dish in a thin layer, not forgetting to make sides of two to three centimeters. Bake the resulting mixture for ten minutes in an oven preheated to 180º C.

Mix all other ingredients and beat with a mixer until smooth. Gently spread the resulting mass over the base and bake in a water bath for about half an hour. Then cool and put in the refrigerator for final impregnation for 3-4 hours. Before serving, you can decorate with fruit and grated chocolate chips.

Cheesecake is a versatile dessert, simple yet surprisingly delicious. For its preparation, you can choose a minimum of products, and the process itself will not take much time. The best option is a cheesecake without baking with cottage cheese, it can be prepared for a children's birthday and just for the arrival of guests.

An unusually tender cheesecake turns out in a slow cooker, the main thing is to choose the appropriate mode. Such a solution will further simplify the task and make cooking almost automated. In our article, there are several best recipes for making cheesecake, so you can safely proceed and try at least one of them.

Cheesecake is a delicious cheese-containing dessert with a delicate texture and pleasant aroma. It is very popular among European and Eastern peoples. It is prepared according to several different recipes. The most interesting options will be discussed in today's article.

A bit of history

Many of us think that America is the birthplace of this dessert. In fact, things are somewhat different. Even the ancient Greeks knew what it was. Cheesecake was invented by the inhabitants of the island of Samos. The first mention of such a treat dates back to the VIII-VII centuries BC. They were enjoyed by famous athletes and guests at weddings.

Over time, the ancient Romans also learned about the delicate curd dessert. Since then, cheesecake has become a favorite delicacy of Julius Caesar and court nobles. A little later, the recipes for this dish came to England and other European countries. And after that, thanks to the settlers, the Americans learned about them.

According to another version, the birthplace of this dessert is the Middle East. Many experts are inclined to think that it was there that the first cheesecake was prepared, and that this dish was originally made from fermented milk. At first, it was brought to a curd consistency. And then citrus zest, honey and egg yolks were added there, and then baked. Much later, the recipe began to be supplemented with other ingredients.

We think you already understood that cheesecake is a dessert made on the basis of selected varieties of cream cheese or cottage cheese. In addition, its composition necessarily contains butter and crumbled crumbly cookies. Sour cream, sugar, chocolate, nuts, berries or pieces of fruit are often added to the filling.

It is important that all ingredients used to make the cheesecake come to room temperature. To do this, they are removed from the refrigerator in advance. To prevent the surface of the dessert from cracking, the curd mass is whipped at low speeds. It is recommended to bake it at one hundred and sixty degrees. It is desirable to do this in a detachable form, so that later it would be easier to get the dessert without damaging it. Cool the browned cheesecake gradually. First, it is left in an open oven, and then on the table.

Classic cottage cheese cheesecake

The recipe for this dessert is so simple that any beginner will master it without any problems. So that during the cooking process you do not have additional difficulties, check in advance whether you have on hand:

  • 300 grams of shortbread cookies.
  • Half a pack of butter.
  • 600 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 100 milliliters of sour cream.
  • 200 grams of sugar.
  • 6 chicken eggs.
  • Baking powder, starch and lemon.

Process description

To make sure that cheesecake is an incredibly simple and delicious dessert, you need to try making it yourself at least once. To do this, eggs, cottage cheese and butter are taken out of the refrigerator in advance. Once all these products have warmed up to room temperature, you can proceed to further steps.

In one bowl, crumbled cookies, butter and a quarter of all available sugar are combined. The resulting mass is evenly distributed along the bottom of the detachable refractory mold, not forgetting to make high sides.

Now you can do the stuffing. To prepare it, the cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, combined with egg yolks, sour cream, lemon juice and sugar residues. All lightly beat with a mixer, gradually adding baking powder and starch. As for proteins, they are placed in the refrigerator. After twenty minutes, the product is whipped into a thick dense foam and gently introduced into the curd mass. The finished filling is laid out on a sand base and sent to the oven. A classic cheesecake is baked from cottage cheese, the recipe of which is presented a little higher, at one hundred and forty degrees. Typically, this process takes about fifty minutes. The finished dessert is cooled in an open oven and carefully removed from the mold. Then it is sprinkled with powdered sugar, cut into portions and served with tea.

cherry cheesecake

Using the technology described below, a very light and airy dessert is obtained. It has a pleasant berry flavor and delicate texture. Therefore, it can be served not only for a family tea party, but also for any holiday. To prepare it you will need:

  • 500 grams of shortcrust pastry.
  • A kilo of canned cherries.
  • Egg.
  • ½ cup sugar.
  • 500 grams of cream cheese.
  • Tablespoon of flour.
  • Vanillin.


This is one of the easiest cheesecake options, so any beginner can make it with ease. First of all, you need to do a test. It is divided into two equal pieces. One of them is rolled out in a layer and placed in a refractory mold, not forgetting to build the sides.

To prepare the filling, in a suitable container, combine the egg, sugar and cream cheese. All beat well with a mixer or whisk and spread over the dough. Lay the cherry on top in an even layer. The surface of the future dessert is decorated with strips of dough, making a mesh out of them. Bake a cherry cheesecake at standard temperature. After forty minutes, the oven is turned off. Cut the dessert only after it has completely cooled. Otherwise, it will simply fall apart under the knife.

Cheesecake without baking

The technology for preparing this dessert is very different from the previous options. In this case, the oven will not be used. Due to the absence of heat treatment, all products retain all valuable vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a tender cheesecake will be not only tasty, but also healthy. To prepare it you will need:

  • A pack of butter.
  • Half a kilo of not too fat cottage cheese.
  • ½ cup sugar.
  • 200 grams of heavy cream.
  • 5 tablespoons of agar-agar (two of them will go to make jelly).
  • About 300 grams of any berries or fruits.
  • 50 milliliters of water.
  • Berry syrup.
  • Coconut cookies.

The crumbled cookies are combined with soft butter and the resulting mixture is spread on the bottom of a deep mold covered with cling film. All this is removed in the refrigerator and proceed to create the filling. To prepare it, grated cottage cheese, sugar and any berries or pieces of fruit are combined in one bowl.

In a separate saucepan, boil the cream, combined with three tablespoons of agar-agar. The resulting liquid is cooled and combined with the curd mass. The finished filling is gently mixed and spread on the frozen cookies. All this is poured into jelly made from agar-agar, sugar and water. The form with the almost ready dessert is removed in the refrigerator. He must stay there for at least four hours. Ideally, the cooling process should last all night. After this time, the frozen cheesecake is removed from the mold by gently pulling the edges of the cling film, and cut into portions. Serve it with fragrant herbal tea or a cup of delicious strong coffee. Bon Appetit!

cheesecake- a classic dish of American cuisine, which has firmly entered the menu of cafes around the world. It is quite simple to prepare, and the result is an incredibly tasty and delicate dessert. We will make classics of the genre - Cheesecake New York. Shall we try cooking?

The hardest part about making cheesecake is finding the right cream cheese. According to authentic recipes, Philadelphia cheese is used. The main drawback of this cheese is that it is now very difficult to find it in Russian stores. In search of analogues, I tried many different cheeses and settled on the Danish curd cheese Arla Natura Creamy. But at present, again, you can’t get it in Russia, so you have to buy Russian-made curd cheeses, which are on the shelves once or twice and that’s it. For example, Bon Cream Cream Cheese - it turns out very well, besides, it is one of the most budget options at the moment. Also, I think Almette Creamy and Hochland Creamy will do.

No processed cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream and Mascarpone are suitable. And even more so Creme bonjour and other unhealthy cheeses. We don't make casseroles.

Total cooking time for cheesecake: 8-10 hours (taking into account its “ripening” in the refrigerator)!


  • shortbread cookies 300 g
  • butter 100 g
  • cream cheese 600 g
  • sugar 150 g
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • cream 30-35% 200 ml

Instead of heavy cream, you can use 20% cream.

The number of ingredients is calculated for baking in a form with a diameter of 20-22 cm, for a form of 26 cm we increase the number of ingredients by 1.5-2 times, unless, of course, you like a low cheesecake. If you are going to cook a version of the cheesecake without sides, only with a shortbread base, then use 150 g of cookies and 50 g of butter.

The weight of the cheesecake at the exit is approximately 1.5 kg.


In advance, we take out all the necessary products (eggs, cheese, cream and butter) from the refrigerator and leave them to “warm up” to room temperature.

After 30 minutes, we take the basis - a sand layer. To do this, take any shortbread cookies that you like. White, dark, with nuts - any. I used baby biscuits, they contain butter, not margarine. A trifle, but nice. You can do it yourself.

Cooking sand crumbs. To do this, you need to grind the cookies. The easiest ways are a blender or food processor. The method is a little more complicated: we crumble and roll the cookies put into the bag with a rolling pin.

At this point, our oil has melted on its own, has become plastic and is ready for further work. I do not recommend melting the butter, as it is distributed in the sand crumb in the form of drops, does not hold well and will flow out during baking.

We combine crumbs and butter. You should get a loose mass.

Now we pour our blank into the form. It is best to use a detachable form, I have a form with a diameter of 24 cm. The bottom can be covered with baking paper - it will be easier to remove the cheesecake. We tamp an even layer with something flat - for example, the bottom of an aluminum mug. You can do it with sides, you can do it without, I love it when a cheesecake has a side. We put the finished base for 5-10 minutes in the oven, heated to 180-200 ° C. Then take it out of the oven and leave to cool.

Now for the actual cheesecake. Stir the cottage cheese / cream cheese with sugar well until smooth. The easiest way to do this is with a mixer. But! We only need to mix evenly, do not beat! So we do everything at minimum speed, otherwise bubbles will appear and our cheesecake will look like a holey cheese.

Add eggs one at a time. Mix very well after each addition of eggs. Let's not rush. We try not to beat the mass too much - if the mixture is oversaturated with air bubbles, the cheesecake may swell and crack during baking. Therefore, we are now working not with a mixer, but with a spatula or whisk.

And at the very end, add the cream (you do not need to whip them) and mix gently again. Pour the filling into the form with the base.

Lightly tap the mold on the table a couple of times (this way we will avoid bubbles and inhomogeneity of the dough, since those bubbles that are close to the top border of the cheesecake will come out).

Next, we will bake the cheesecake. In all sorts of different recipes on the Internet, it is proposed to wrap the form in foil, pour water into a baking sheet and, in fact, bake in a water bath. This is done so that the cheesecake does not rise too much and does not crack. But in the end, we have only a wet base and the complexity of cooking. We will bake it like this: first we put it in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 15 minutes, and then reduce the temperature to 110 ° C and bring the cheesecake to readiness for about an hour. It all depends on some features, for example, on the diameter of your form. Here, navigate like this - the center of the cheesecake should tremble a little (if you move the form), but not be too liquid. It took me 15 minutes + 1 hour to bake a 24 cm cheesecake. I usually put the baking sheet a little closer to the bottom of the oven. If you are afraid that the top of your cheesecake will burn, then prepare a sheet of foil in advance so that in which case you can cover the top of the mold. Cheesecake loves to be watched while it's in the oven, it's important not to neglect it. You don’t need to monitor constantly, but once every 5-10 minutes you should look in and look through the glass at the state of the cheesecake. If the top of the cheesecake starts to rise and crack towards the end of cooking, this is a clear sign of overcooking.

But that's not all. It is also important to properly chill the cheesecake. If it is quickly pulled out of the oven, then it will probably crack. Why do we need a cracked cheesecake?! Cheesecake needs to be chilled in several stages. Immediately after turning it off, it must be left for 40-60 minutes in the oven with the door ajar, then hold for half an hour at room temperature. Next, you need to run a knife along the walls of the form, and after that put it in the refrigerator. Gradual cooling greatly reduces the risk of cracking the cake!

Cheesecake New York it turns out very soft and uniform. The texture is like a very delicate cottage cheese mixture. To complete the taste, the cheesecake should be in the refrigerator for at least 6-8 hours, I always leave it overnight and the morning will be happier from a great dessert to coffee. Here you can also train your willpower. The peak of taste falls on the third day, this is not a joke. It must be assumed that after turning off the oven, the process of preparing a cheesecake is not over. When cooled and in the refrigerator, the cheesecake continues to cook, but in a slightly different sense from our usual understanding.

Optionally, you can put slices of juicy ripe fruits or berries on the cheesecake. Or serve it classic - a clean cheesecake with a mint leaf and a little strawberry sauce. Bon Appetit!

By the way, there is another option to cook if you really really wanted chocolate to raise a dull mood. And if you are too lazy to bake a cheesecake or there is no oven, then pay attention to the recipe.

Cheesecake is a sweet cheesecake served for dessert. It is prepared in many cafes and restaurants. At the same time, there is no single recipe for a traditional American cheesecake, because each pastry chef prepares it in his own way: someone uses sour cream to make the glaze, and someone uses cream, and some prefer to add condensed milk. Some people prefer Mascarpone cheesecake, others prefer Philadelphia or Ricotta. Therefore, everyone who decides to cook a classic cheesecake has their own recipe. But whatever the recipe, the dessert is not only beautiful, as in the photo, but also delicious.

Cheesecake is a pie, the main ingredient of which is soft cheese or just cottage cheese.

Many housewives are sure that it is almost impossible to cook this dessert at home, because the cheesecake recipe is complicated. It would be a misconception that only professional confectioners can make this cake. In fact, if you follow the recipe exactly, you end up with a wonderful classic cheesecake. It is also called "New York".

"Cheesecake" literally translates as "cheese pie". The very name suggests that cheese is present in the composition of the pie. But not every cheese is suitable for cooking. What kind of cheese is used to make "New York", or a classic cheesecake?

To prepare New York cheesecake, like any other dessert, we need soft cream cheese, it has a creamy texture and a very delicate taste. But do not use processed cheeses. They are completely irrelevant here.

Yes, cream cheese is very similar in texture to cottage cheese. But replacing it with ordinary cottage cheese will not work. After all, any curd product will give the dish a sour taste. Nevertheless, some housewives replace expensive cheeses with cottage cheese when preparing this pie.

Philadelphia cheese is best for cheesecake. It is made from sour cream and cream. This cheese is very tender and pleasant to the taste.

You can replace Philadelphia with Mascarpone cheese if the recipe allows it. "Mascarpone" in its consistency resembles heavy cream. You can find his photo, description of the composition on the Internet. With this neutral-tasting cheese, you will be able to make a very tender classic cheesecake. In addition to cheesecake, Mascarpone is used to make tiramisu, a famous Italian dessert.

Cheese for cheesecake is better to buy in briquettes

It is better to buy cheese packed in a briquette. Those cheeses that are sold in tubes have already been whipped. And in the process of cooking, you will have to beat the cheese again, which will lead to excessive airiness. This is highly undesirable for our dessert.

Making a traditional pie

This dessert is popular all over the world. No wonder housewives want to cook it at home. So, in order to prepare 8-10 servings of a real New York cheesecake, you will need the following ingredients:

For the base:

  • cookies or crackers (for example, "Jubilee") - 300 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 150 g.

For filling:

  • Philadelphia cheese - 450 g;
  • egg - 5 pcs.;
  • flour - 3.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups .;
  • zest of half a lemon.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • vanilla - 0.5 tsp

The recipe is this: first, grind the cookies with a meat grinder, blender or just with your hands, mix it with sugar and butter until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting mass is tightly tamped in a detachable form. This will be the base for the cheesecake. The base must be baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes, and then cooled. It is not necessary to remove the base from the mold.

Treat base ready to bake

Mix Philadelphia cheese at room temperature with sugar, lemon zest and juice, salt and vanilla. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer at low speed. Whisking constantly, add the flour, then the eggs.

The resulting homogeneous mass must be poured into a mold with a base, after lubricating the edges of the mold with oil. We put the form in the oven for one hour. Then let cool for 10-15 minutes.

While the dessert is cooling, prepare the frosting. To do this, mix sour cream, vanilla and sugar in a blender. Spread the frosting over the top of the New York cheesecake and bake for another 7-10 minutes.

After baking, carefully remove the cake from the mold. Drizzle with syrup before serving and garnish with berries. In order to decorate the dessert in an original way, you can view some photos with examples. Cheesecake "New York" is ready!

The nuances of making cheese dessert

Baking a New York dessert, or any other, is very simple at first glance, because when you study the recipe, you don’t notice any difficulties. But there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account in order for the cheese dessert to turn out not only amazing in taste, but also beautiful, as in the photos that the Internet is full of.

Firstly, during the baking process, the cake should never rise. To do this, beat all the ingredients better with a fork or whisk by hand. If you still decide to use a mixer, then beat the mass at the lowest speed. This way less air gets in.

Surprise your friends and loved ones - bake a cheesecake!

Cheese should be whipped only once. When adding ingredients later, it is best to simply mix until smooth. In this way, you will avoid excessive air ingress into the cheese mass.

To make the dessert beautiful and not cracked on top when cooling, you need to bake it at a low temperature. The cheesecake mold in the oven is best placed in a container of water. By building a kind of water bath, you can avoid burning the bottom and edges of your cheesecake.

Water in this container must be poured exactly half the form. In no case should she get into the pie, otherwise the dessert will be spoiled. It is good if the diameter of the form with water is larger than the form with cheesecake. The distance between the walls of these two forms should be at least 3 - 5 cm.

Cracks can also appear due to too long baking time. The cake is considered ready when its edges have already hardened enough, and the middle trembles a little when shaken. It is at this stage that the oven should be turned off, and the cake itself should be left in it for another hour. After that, the middle of the cheesecake will no longer look damp, but cracks will not appear on the surface.

If it was not possible to avoid cracks on the surface of the cake - do not be discouraged, they can be easily hidden. Decorate your cake with jam and fruit, and cracks will not be visible.

Press the button or scroll down for recipe .

I owe this cake! I promised many and now, finally, I fulfill the promise!
My friends, I brought this fantastic Cheesecake recipe with me from New York, where I literally conducted an investigation in order to find out What is the real New York Cheesecake? what it tastes like and how to cook it properly. I went to an amazing restaurant Junior's, where I tasted the most authentic Cheesecake, touched the history and, in a conversation with the staff, learned the history of the cake, the secrets of its phenomenal popularity and, of course, took the recipe with me.

Today is the real truth.

I'll tell you everything that I managed to find out:

What is cheesecake made from?
- How is it stored?
- How it is baked.

To begin with, I want to state with confidence that the Cheesecake that I already have in the magazine is very authentic. This has been verified by me. So, please love and favor, if anything,. In the recipe that I brought from Junior's, there is one significant difference...

... Biscuit, absolutely fantastic cake against my sandy.

Last time we had a heated argument about What is the correct American Cheesecake made of?.
There were versions that from Mascarpone and cottage cheese, which I disputed as best I could. It's true, friends, I was clearly told that there should be no cottage cheese and no Mascarpone in the right Cheesecake. So, let's call a spade a spade. I was clearly told: "Real Cheesecake only with Philadelphia...". By the way, about cottage cheese. As such, I did not find (natural) cottage cheese in the states. Make cakes with cottage cheese and Mascarpone, but keep in mind that these are variations. In some regions of America, Cheesecakes on sour cream, multi-layered are popular. In Greece they use feta, in Italy - ricotta, in Germany, as I heard, just cottage cheese, in Japan - a combination of corn starch and proteins.

The same applies to any toppings in the form of chocolate or caramel and fruits. In the classic version, a cake is just a cake and no extra paraphernalia.

About storage.
This question has always interested me personally. In our restaurants, Cheesecakes obviously come frozen. "Permissible!" - They told me in Junior "s. Yes, yes, they too
freeze their cakes. How else can you deliver a fresh cake over long distances?

About baking.
And here was my truth. Only in a pan with water and nothing else. Do not want to get the worst cracks in the middle of the cake - do not be too lazy to put the form in
big one filled with water.

Well, let's move on to the most important thing?

Real New York Cheesecake


form 22 cm

1 Biscuit (recipe below)
1 kg Philadelphia
375 g sugar (I have 240 g)
35 g cornstarch
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
170 g whipping cream


40 g sifted flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
2 large eggs, divided into yolks and whites
65 g sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 drops lemon extract
30 g butter, melted
1/4 tsp cream of tartar



1. Preheat the oven to 170 C. Grease the bottom and edges of the baking dish with oil. Wrap the outside tightly with foil. Make sure that both the bottom and the edges of the form are tightly covered with foil. There shouldn't be any "holes".
2. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a small bowl.
3. Beat the yolks at high speed for 3 minutes (1-2 minutes*). Still beating, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and beat for about 5 minutes ( 2-3 minutes), until the mass brightens and thickens. Add extracts, beat.
4. Sift the flour into the yolk mass and gently combine it with a spatula or hand. Mix in the oil.

5. In a mixer bowl, combine the whites and cream of tartar. Start whipping at a slow speed, gradually increasing it to high speed (in Kitchen 8 speed). Gradually add remaining sugar and beat until stiff peaks (about 3-4 minutes). Introduce about 1/3 of the proteins into the dough, gently with the help of a spatula, without whipping the mass, but with scooping movements from the bottom up. Enter the rest of the proteins in the same way. It is important not to beat. If white grains remain, it's okay - they will disappear during baking.

6. Gently spread the batter in a baking dish and bake until golden brown, about 10 minutes. You can check the readiness as follows: press the cake with your finger; if the dough takes its original shape ("springs") - the biscuit is ready. Cool in shape.

* In brackets is the whipping time in a planetary mixer, for example, KitchenAid.


1. Preheat the oven to 170 C.
2. Place 250 g of cream cheese, 75 g of sugar and corn starch in a mixing bowl. Beat at low speed until elastic, about 3 minutes. (1-2 minutes), periodically scraping the mass from the edges of the bowl.

Mix in the remaining cream cheese, 250 g each, according to the scheme: add - beat, add - beat.

3. Increase the mixer speed to medium, while continuing to beat, add the remaining sugar and vanilla extract.

Add eggs one at a time, beating each time (20-30 seconds). Then pour in the cream, beat until a homogeneous, smooth mass (1-2 minutes). Don't overbeat!

Evenly distribute the mass over the surface of the biscuit.

4. Place the mold in a larger mold filled with hot water. Pour water at least 2-3 cm into the Cheesecake mold. Bake 1 hour 15 minutes. Remove the cheesecake from the water bath, transfer to a wire rack and let cool for 2 hours. Then cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

PS. Bon appetit and delicious evening!


I didn't add starch to mine. Here, to be honest, I did not notice a significant difference in taste or texture. Unless, with starch, the cream is more dense. I reduced the amount of sugar. But this is individual, so add as much as you see fit. The amount of sugar does not affect the quality of the cake.
As for cream tar tar (tartar). His goal is more resistant proteins. Add optional.

* In brackets is the whipping time in a planetary mixer, for example, KitchenAid. I make such notes because the whipping time will differ depending on the unit used.

Original New York Cheesecake

I "m sure my American readers know that the best cheesecake in the world can be found in New York at a place called Junior's... I have so many requests from my readers and friends for this cake since I came back home from the USA Thank you everyone for your patient waiting for this New York Cheesecake recipe. Before I found this one I tried different recipes. I experimented with cheesecake filling and crust, added new components, read a lot of information. And once I got what I wanted It takes a bit of hubris to describe a recipe as "perfect". Look for I already have in my blog. Believe me, it"s absolutely perfect and I was so amazed when I had a piece of cheesecake in Junior"s. .. They are very much alike, my cake and the one I had in New York. But there is a difference that amazed me greatly. I "m used to make a cheesecake crust with a cookie dough but they bake so light and fluffy sponge crust in Junior "s that I have to admit it" s really the best cheesecake in the world. Well, it might be exaggerated but I don't know how to describe it. It's perfect!

Makes one 9-inch Cheesecake, about 2.5 inches high


1 recipe 9-inch Junior's Sponge Cake Crust (recipe follows)
Four 8-ounce packages cream cheese, at room temperature
1 2/3 cups sugar (I added just about 1 cup)
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
2 extra-large eggs
3/4 cup heavy or whipping cream


1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Generously butter the bottom and sides of a 9-inch springform pan. Wrap the outside with aluminum foil, covering the bottom and extending all the way up the sides. Make and bake the cake crust and leave it in the pan. Keep the oven on.
2. Put one package of the cream cheese, 1/3 cup of the sugar, and the cornstarch in a large bowl and beat with an electric mixer on low until creamy, about 3 minutes, scraping down the bowl several times. Blend in the remaining cream cheese, one package at a time, scraping down the bowl after each one.
3. Increase the mixer speed to medium and beat in the remaining 1 1/3 cups sugar, then the vanilla. Blend in the eggs, one at a time, beating well after adding each one. Beat in the cream just until completely blended. Be careful not to overmix! Gently spoon the batter over the crust.
4. Place the cake in a large shallow pan containing hot water that comes about 1 inch up the sides of the springform. Bake until the edges are light golden brown and the top is slightly golden tan, about 1 1/4 hours. Remove the cheesecake from the water bath, transfer to a wire rack, and let cool for two hours. Then, leave the cake in the pan, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until completely cold, preferably overnight or for at least 4 hours.

Junior's Sponge Cake Crust

For one 9-inch cake crust
1/3 cup sifted cake flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
two extra-large eggs, separated
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 drops pure lemon extract
2 tablespoons unsulted butter, melted
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar


1. Preheat the oven to 350 F and generously butter the bottom and sides of a 9-inch springform pan (preferably a nonstick one). Wrap the outside with aluminum foil, covering the bottom and extending all the way up the sides.
2. In a small bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, and salt together.
3. Beat the egg yolks in a large bowl with an electric mixer on high for 3 minutes. With the mixer running, slowly add two tablespoons of the sugar and beat until thick light yellow ribbons form, about 5 minutes more. Beat in the extracts.
4. Sift the flour mixture over the batter and stir it in by hand, just until no more white flecks appear. Now, blend in the melted butter.
5. Put the egg whites and cream of tartar into the bowl and beat with a mixer on high until frothy. Gradually add the remaining sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form (the whites will stand up and look glossy, not dry). Fold about 1/3 of the whites into the batter, then the remaining whites. Don't worry if you still see a few white specks, as they'll disappear during baking.
6. Gently spread out the batter over the bottom of the pan, and bake just until set and golden, about 10 minutes. Touch the cake gently in the center. If it springs back, it's done. Watch carefully and don't let the top brown. Leave the crust in the pan and place on a wire rack to cool. Leave the oven on while you prepare the batter.

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