Home General issues How much does gelatin swell in hot water. How to dilute gelatin? Conquest of jelly and mousse heights in home cooking. For cottage cheese jelly with a delicate creamy taste, take

How much does gelatin swell in hot water. How to dilute gelatin? Conquest of jelly and mousse heights in home cooking. For cottage cheese jelly with a delicate creamy taste, take

Gelatin has great culinary possibilities, but not the easiest gastronomic fate. Many do not dare to dishes, which include it. From the article you will learn how to dilute and use gelatin in order to easily decide on the preparation of the most different dishes based on it.

What is gelatin for?

No color, no taste, no smell are the best characteristics natural gelatin. And his task is to stabilize any mass due to the collagen contained in it, to give it a shape. In the kitchen, gelatin commonly deals with jelly, confit, aspic, soufflé, mousse, and pâté. Able to become a reliable culinary companion and cold meat - it will cover on top and give an appetizing shine.
This is a universal gelling agent of protein origin. It is obtained by long-term digestion of the bones of domestic animals.

How to dilute edible gelatin

Which gelatin to choose - sheet or powder? The choice is also in the question of form. The low price speaks in favor of the latter. In terms of other parameters, sheet gelatin bypasses its “rival”.
Each sheet has a certain weight indicated on the package. So no scales are needed. If you need a smaller amount, it is convenient to cut the plate with scissors. When working with powdered gelatin, the exact proportions of dilution with water must be observed. Usually it is 1:6, less often 1:5. With a sheet, it’s easier here too: he himself will take as much liquid as needed. No measurements, and the cooking speed is higher.
Gelatin should not be boiled. At a temperature of 100 ° C, the mass becomes fibrous and viscous, collagen protein is destroyed and gelatin loses its gel-forming properties.

How to dilute gelatin for dessert and jelly

The density of the finished product is a matter of taste and culinary tasks. The effect of trembling jelly is created at a ratio of 20 g of gelatin per 1 liter of liquid. Ideal for delicate aspic and dairy desserts.

More doesn't mean better. Too much gelatin will make the dish rubbery. The key to success is keeping proportions.

Doubling the serving of gelatin for the same amount of liquid will give a firmer result. This ratio is suitable for chicken aspic, aspic, fruit jellies.
You can safely cut dishes prepared from 60 g of gelatin dissolved in a liter of liquid with a knife. For example, beef and pork jelly, fruit and berry pies or decorations for cakes and pastries.

General rules for diluting gelatin

But gelatin is not immediately immersed in a liter of liquid. The first step is breeding boiled, but be sure cold water. The colder the better. In an icy environment, proteins are not destroyed, which affect the gelling ability of the substance. But when added directly to meat broth, milk or juice, the granules will not completely dissolve.
It is important to fill the gelatin with water, and not pour it into the water. Otherwise, lumps cannot be avoided. Sheet becomes soft quickly, powder should be left to swell for 30-50 minutes. Here it is useful to check the instructions on the package.
There are several classifications of gelatin depending on its strength, measured in blooms: the greater the strength of the gelatin, the denser the texture of the product you will get as a result.
On a note:

  1. To remove the jelly from the mold, immerse it in hot water for a few seconds, then invert onto a cold plate.
  2. Gelatin is reversible. If the already thickened mass is heated to 50 ° C, it will again become liquid.
  3. From kiwi, figs and pineapple, good jelly will not work. They contain a special enzyme that prevents high-quality gelling.
  4. Rinse the bowl with cold water before soaking the powdered gelatin to prevent the crystals from sticking to the bottom.

Table of measures for diluting gelatin

Granular Gelatin:

  • 1 teaspoon - 6 g
  • 1 tablespoon-15 g
  • Faceted glass-200 g
  • Tea glass-250 g
  • Leaf gelatin:

  • 1 plate corresponds to approximately 2 g of granulated gelatin
  • 6 plates - 1 tablespoon
  • gelatin instant 15 gr instructions for jelly

    gelatin how to cook

    In the Desserts, Sweets, Baking section, to the question How to breed gelatin for a sweet dessert. set by the author Evil Duchess the best answer is How to properly dilute gelatin: 5 tips

    Council number 1. The easiest way to breed.

    In most cases, in order to dilute gelatin, it is enough to dissolve it in cold boiled water, wait until it swells, and dissolve over low heat.

    Council number 2. Compliance with proportions.

    If you forget about this rule, then the product may turn out to be "rubber". Therefore, before preparing a particular dish, remember the following proportions:

    20 g / 1 l of water - "trembling jelly";

    40-60 g / 1 liter of water - "dense jelly" that is easy to cut with a knife.

    Council number 3. Gelatin must not be boiled!

    If you forget about this rule, then it simply will not thicken.

    Council number 4. Gelatin can not be cooled in the freezer!

    In this case, the resulting mixture will crystallize.

    Council number 5. Look at the expiration date.

    Expired gelatin will ruin the whole dish.

    How to dilute gelatin for dessert?

    To prepare a sweet treat, the following method is best suited:

    soak gelatin in cold liquid for 30 minutes. for swelling (proportion: 1 part gelatin to 5 parts liquid);

    dissolve the swollen gelatin by heating it in a water bath;

    stir it constantly until completely dissolved, but do not forget that it should not be brought to a boil.

    To improve the taste of the dessert, gelatin can be dissolved not in water, but in coffee, juice or even wine. But remember that the liquid chosen as the base should complement the taste of the dessert. There will be no lumps and veins in the finished product if gelatin is added to the bulk while it is still warm. Fruits for jelly desserts need to be cut finely, otherwise the gelatin will slip.

    How to dilute gelatin for jelly or aspic?

    There are three ways to dilute gelatin to prepare these dishes. The first concerns instant gelatin, which is usually dissolved in water. In this case, the best proportion is 1:5. Water should be boiled, but cold. Gelatin will dissolve after 10 minutes, after which it can be poured into hot broth.

    But how to dilute gelatin if it is not instant, but ordinary? First you need to pour it into water in the proportion indicated on the package. It will swell for about half an hour. Then, using a water bath, it must be dissolved. Dissolved gelatin is poured into the prepared broth and brought to a boil. It is important not to let it burn or stick to the bottom.

    According to the third method, gelatin must be dissolved in a glass of water, allowing it to swell. After that, hot broth is added to it and brought to a boil. This mass is poured into the broth for 10 minutes. until ready. Boiling will not spoil the jelly, it will still harden, but if you boil for too long, you will notice the taste of gelatin. As for the amount needed for cooking, it may differ depending on the recipe. Although in most cases 2-3 tbsp is enough to solidify the broth. l. this animal glue. Gelatin should be used to prepare a variety of dishes, because it is very useful product.


    Let's talk and teach

    Without it, it is very difficult to cook many dishes: jelly, marmalade, jelly, cream. Have you guessed what we are? Of course, about gelatin!


    Gelatin is a transparent viscous liquid that has no color, no smell, no taste.

    It is produced by denaturing the fibrillar protein collagen contained in fish bones and scales, but the main raw materials for its production are still the connective tissues of bones, skins, ligaments and tendons of cattle.

    It is thanks to collagen that gelatin has a gelling property and serves as an indispensable ingredient in many recipes.

    Breeding rules

    After pouring 1 tablespoon of gelatin into the bottom of a small metal bowl, pour 100 ml of cold boiled water into it. Leave regular gelatin to swell for 50 minutes, for instant gelatin, this time can be safely halved - up to 25 minutes.

    After the specified time has elapsed, place the bowl of gelatin over a saucepan of simmering water. Keeping the bowl in a water bath, periodically stir its contents.

    After about 10 minutes, the gelatin will completely dissolve in the water. This will be confirmed by the state of absolute transparency of the liquid.

    Be careful! Do not bring gelatin to a boil, because at a temperature of C the collagen protein is destroyed, therefore gelatin will completely and irrevocably lose its gelling properties.

    If boiling did occur, pour the boiled liquid into the sewer without a drop of regret and start cooking it from the very beginning.

    After the gelatin is completely dissolved in water, cool it to C and only then add it to the dish being prepared.

    When protecting diluted gelatin from boiling, be aware that he "does not like" low temperatures. Do not put it in the freezer, because when it freezes, it will crystallize and exfoliate, and after thawing, gelatin will lose its jelly-forming properties.


    More accurate information about the ratio in which gelatin should be dissolved is contained on its packaging and in recipes for specific dishes, but we will limit ourselves to describing the general proportions and the viscosity of finished culinary masterpieces associated with them.

    The effect of trembling jelly will give the dissolution of 20 g of gelatin in 1 liter of liquid. This ratio of ingredients is optimal for delicate aspic and dairy desserts.

    When dissolved in the same amount of liquid, 40 g of gelatin, the finished product will be more dense. Recommended for chicken jelly, aspics from the tongue and fish, fruit jelly.

    For cooking beef and pork aspic, fruit and berry pies or decorations for cakes and pastries, the amount of gelatin in 1 liter of water must be increased to 60 g.

    Know that dishes prepared using gelatin are not only tasty, but also healthy!

    How to use instant gelatin?


    The most optimal way to dilute powdered gelatin is to dissolve it in cold water, since when it is added directly to broth, milk or juice, complete dissolution of gelatin granules cannot be achieved, despite any tricks.

    Having poured 1 tablespoon of gelatin on the bottom of a small metal bowl, it is necessary to fill it with 100 ml of cold boiled water. Ordinary gelatin should be left to swell for 50 minutes, for instant gelatin this time can be safely halved - up to 25 minutes.

    After the specified time has elapsed, the bowl of gelatin should be placed over a saucepan of simmering water. Keeping the bowl in a water bath, it is necessary to periodically stir its contents.

    After about 10 minutes, the gelatin will completely dissolve in the water. A sign of its complete dissolution will be the state of absolute transparency of the liquid.

    Be careful! Do not bring gelatin to a boil, because at a temperature of 1000 C, collagen protein is destroyed, therefore gelatin will lose its gelatinous properties completely and irrevocably.

    If it does boil, pour the boiled liquid into the sewer without a drop of regret and start cooking it from the very beginning.

    After the gelatin is completely dissolved in water, it is desirable to cool it down to C and only then introduce it into the dish being prepared.

    Before this, do not forget to pass the cooked gelatin through a sieve to get rid of the film on its surface formed during the heating process.

    When protecting diluted gelatin from boiling, be aware that he "does not like" low temperatures. Do not put it in the freezer, because when it freezes, it will crystallize and exfoliate, and after it thaws, the gelatin will lose its jelly-forming properties.

    Instant gelatin

    Guys, I looked through the whole community, but I did not find a clear answer. I cook beef tongue. with spices, onions, carrots, etc. I want to make filling. doing it for the first time. Here I have 2 bags of gelatin.

    Tell me please! I make a soufflé for a cake, mixed sour cream, yogurt, sugar, separately poured gelatin with juice, poured it into cream as it swelled. and it also had to be heated until dissolved, right? now just toss it?

    Made this delicious treat today. Haven't tried it yet as it freezes in the fridge. Recipe under the cut INGREDIENTS cottage cheese (300 g) sour cream (150 g) sugar (2 tbsp) gelatin (1 tbsp) orange (1 pc.) banana (1 pc.) kiwi.

    Good day. Please tell me, I bought sheet gelatin, how to use it for cream, after it swells, do I need to dissolve it somehow, if so, how. Thank you who can answer

    This is my work today)))) The recipe is under the cut. And the question: When can children be given dishes with gelatin, for example, like this. On the Internet, opinions differ completely. Blancmange curd - delicate dessert which is liked by adults and children. This one is amazing.

    Is it possible to bake charlotte with gelatin on top (won't it burn)? Otherwise, this is not written in the instructions.

    How much gelatin is needed for 3 liters of broth? And then he will soon cook, but I don’t know how much gelatin.

    The condition of the nail plates varies depending on nutrition, environmental influences, health problems and species. professional activity. Therefore, it is very important to monitor their health, take care of them in a timely manner and use products that help strengthen nails.

    girls, how many grams of gelatin do you need for different purposes? here we do not always make the cream according to the recipe, which means that the amount of gelatin is sometimes not known. Here, for example, in a souffle, how much gelatin is needed to.

    Girls, tell me, for Curd-sour cream with gelatin, what fat content should I use cottage cheese and sour cream?

    How to properly dilute gelatin

    To dilute gelatin, it is usually enough to dissolve it in cooled boiled water, let it swell, and then dissolve it over low heat. But at the same time, you should not forget about some subtleties. To prevent the jelly from turning out “rubber”, the correct proportions should be strictly observed when preparing it. "Trembling jelly" will turn out if the proportions of gelatin and water are 20 g per 1 liter. If you take gelatin and dilute them in one liter of water, you get a "dense jelly" that is easily cut with a knife. Do not forget that gelatin cannot be boiled, otherwise it simply will not thicken. Harms gelatin and sudden cooling. To prevent the resulting mixture from crystallizing, do not place it in the freezer. When buying gelatin, special attention should be paid to the expiration date of the product, since expired gelatin can spoil the dish.

    A sweet treat is best prepared according to the following recipe: in a ratio of 1: 5, soak gelatin in cold liquid for about half an hour. After that, the swollen gelatin must be carefully dissolved in a water bath, stirring it until it is completely dissolved. Do not bring the mixture to a boil.

    Gelatin dissolved in juice, coffee or wine will give a special taste to the dessert. But do not forget that the liquid taken as the basis should only harmoniously complement the taste of the delicacy. Lumps and streaks will not appear in the finished product if gelatin is added to the bulk of the dessert at the moment when it is still warm. So that gelatin in jelly desserts does not slip off berries and fruits, it is better to cut the fruits finely.

    The preparation of aspic and jelly requires a slightly different approach. For such dishes, there are several ways to dilute gelatin. The best ratio for instant gelatin is 1:5 to water. In cold boiled water, such gelatin will dissolve after 10 minutes, after which it will be ready to be added to hot broth.

    Ordinary gelatin should be diluted in water in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer on the package, then left to swell for 30 minutes. After this time, dissolve the gelatin in a water bath, pour into the prepared broth, and bring everything to a boil.

    The third method involves dissolving gelatin in a glass of water until it swells. When the gelatin swells well, it is necessary to add part of the hot broth to it and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Then the resulting mass is poured into the broth. This should be done 10 minutes before being ready. Do not boil aspic for too long, otherwise ready dish there will be a taste of gelatin.

    Gelatin is a very useful product, so it makes sense to use it to prepare a wide variety of dishes.

    How to dilute gelatin?

    Gelatin is popular with housewives who love to pamper their family and guests with delicious and beautiful aspics, aspics, desserts and original confectionery.

    Before diluting gelatin, carefully read the instructions. Wafers and powders require different soak times. In order to save time, you can always use instant granules.

    The optimal ratio of gelatin and water will be 1:10, that is, you need to take 10 tablespoons of liquid per tablespoon of gelatin. This is enough to completely dissolve the granules. Soak the gelatin for a minute. If you are dealing with instant gelatin, minutes will suffice. After the expiration date, stir the liquid, make sure that the gelatin has completely dissolved. If undissolved particles remain, you can let it stand for another 5-10 minutes, but it is better to strain the liquid and continue cooking.

    Gelatin (translated from Latin as “frozen”) is a protein product of animal origin that has no taste and smell. Edible gelatin is widely used in cooking as a thickening base for meat and fish aspic, fruit jelly, marshmallows, marmalade, and various creams.

    Gelatin is usually produced in the form of powder or plates. Information on how to dilute edible gelatin is usually found on the product packaging. However, there are general recommendations, knowledge of which will help not to be mistaken in proportions and prepare a tasty and beautiful dish.

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    At the stage of pre-preparation of gelatin, there are several points to consider that may not be mentioned in the culinary recipe:

    • Dissolved gelatin should not be brought to a boil (otherwise it will not thicken);
    • Soaking instant gelatin will take much less time than usual;
    • Fruit for jelly is recommended to be cut into small pieces;
    • You can not cool the gelatin mixture in the freezer, otherwise it will crystallize;
    • It is imperative to pay attention to the expiration date of the product, since expired gelatin can ruin the entire dish;
    • In order to transfer the finished jelly to a plate, pour boiling water over the mold with it. After a few seconds, when the walls warm up, the form should be turned over onto a dish;
    • For the preparation of jelly, it is most convenient to use metal or silicone molds.


    When planning to dilute edible gelatin, it is important to carefully observe the proportions. When too much gelatin is added, the product may turn out to be “rubber”, and when too little is added, the dish will not harden:

    • If you take 20 g of gelatin per 1 liter of liquid, the result will be a gentle “trembling” jelly;
    • In the case when gelatin is placed on 1 liter of liquid, the jelly will come out dense.

    Cooking method

    The initial stage of cooking using edible gelatin is the same:

    • First of all, gelatin is poured with a small amount of boiled water. room temperature and leave a minute;
    • When the gelatin swells and becomes like a sponge, it is added to the previously prepared warm mixture (syrup, broth, etc.). In this case, the amount of water with which the gelatin was poured should be taken into account in the total amount of liquid indicated in the recipe;
    • The mixture should be heated, but not brought to a boil;
    • Constantly stirring the mixture, completely dissolve the gelatin.

    The resulting gelatin base should be added in accordance with the recipe for meat, fish, fruits, berries, cream, or used as an independent dish. For quick cooling, the form with a gelatin solution should be placed in a container with ice water, and then put in the refrigerator for several hours.

    Which gelatin is better: regular or instant and why?

    I can say for sure that regular gelatin is somewhat better. When preparing an instant, for some reason it not only does not completely dissolve, but it is still difficult to wash it off the walls of the dish later. I don’t really want to turn this event into a grandiose kitchen epic.

    It's not that difficult to soak regular gelatin for the specified amount of time and then make a normal dish without any problems with lumps. You can think a little and remember about similar products fast food. Most often, they are less useful, as they are subject to additional processing to facilitate their further preparation.

    I am for regular gelatin, as you understand. Let me remind you that this is a very useful product in terms of the content of proteins, amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other benefits.

    Without it, it is very difficult to cook many dishes: jelly, jelly, cream. Have you guessed what we are? Of course, about gelatin!


    Gelatin is a transparent viscous liquid that has no color, no smell, no taste. It is produced by denaturing the fibrillar protein collagen contained in fish bones and scales, but the main raw materials for its production are still the connective tissues of bones, skins, ligaments and tendons of cattle.

    It is thanks to collagen that gelatin has a gelling property and is an indispensable ingredient in many culinary recipes.

    Breeding rules

    The most optimal way to dilute powdered gelatin is to dissolve it with cold, since when it is added directly to broth, milk or juice, it will not be possible to achieve complete dissolution of gelatin granules, despite any tricks.

    After pouring 1 gelatin on the bottom of a small metal bowl, fill it with 100 ml of cold boiled water. Leave regular gelatin to swell for 50 minutes, for instant gelatin, this time can be safely halved - up to 25 minutes.

    After the specified time has elapsed, place the bowl of gelatin over a saucepan of simmering water. Keeping the bowl in a water bath, periodically stir its contents.

    After about 10 minutes, the gelatin will completely dissolve in the water. This will be confirmed by the state of absolute transparency of the liquid.

    Be careful! Do not bring gelatin to a boil, because at a temperature of 100 0 C, collagen protein is destroyed, therefore gelatin will completely and irrevocably lose its gelling properties.

    If boiling nevertheless happened, without a drop of regret, pour the boiled liquid into and start cooking it from the very beginning.

    After the gelatin is completely dissolved in water, cool it to 50-60 0 C and only then add it to the dish being prepared.

    Before this, do not forget to pass the cooked gelatin through a sieve to get rid of the film on its surface formed during the heating process.

    When protecting diluted gelatin from boiling, be aware that he "does not like" low temperatures. Do not put it in the freezer, because when it freezes, it will crystallize and exfoliate, and after thawing, gelatin will lose its jelly-forming properties.


    More accurate information about the ratio in which gelatin should be dissolved is contained on its packaging and in recipes for specific dishes, but we will limit ourselves to describing the general proportions and the viscosity of finished culinary masterpieces associated with them.

    The effect of trembling jelly will give the dissolution of 20 g of gelatin in 1 liter of liquid. This ratio of ingredients is optimal for delicate aspic and dairy desserts.

    When dissolved in the same amount of liquid, 40 g of gelatin, the finished product will be more dense. Recommended for chicken, jellies from tongue and fish, fruit jelly.

    For the preparation of beef and pork jelly, fruit and berry pies or decorations for cakes and pastries, the amount of gelatin in 1 liter of water must be increased to 60 g.

    Many goodies are prepared using gelatin. The most popular delicacy is jelly. But this is only the beginning of a long list of what you can cook with it. Mysterious-sounding panna cotta, sambuca, familiar aspic, sour cream, meat and fish roll, pudding, soufflé.

    Fashionistas and beauties have found its use in facial skin and hair care.

    In general, whatever one may say, everyone needs to know how to melt gelatin in the microwave. You can, of course, dissolve it in a water bath, but microwave greatly simplifies the process.

    There is nothing difficult in the question of how to dissolve gelatin in the microwave. But first, a few words about him and the rules for working with him.

    Straw-colored powder, granular or finely ground, as well as leafy, is a substance obtained from ligaments, bones and tendons of cattle. It can also be made from fish scales and bones.

    It is odorless and tasteless, almost transparent when dissolved. It swells in cold water, dissolves in hot water.

    As part of other products as an additive, it is labeled as E441.

    Produce A and B gelatin. A - from the collagen of pigskins treated with acid, B - from the bones of cattle treated with alkali. A has a lower viscosity, the gelling properties of both groups are the same.

    There is no difference between granular, finely ground and sheet.

    Work rules

    1. Follow the proportions so as not to get a rubbery substance at the exit. If you dissolve 20 g of gelatin in 1 liter of liquid, you will get a “trembling” jelly, and 40-60 g will be cut with a knife. The average proportion is 1:5.
    2. When heating the crystals to dissolve, do not bring to a boil, otherwise you will get a viscous mass that has lost its gelling properties.
    3. Do not chill in the freezer, otherwise you will get lumps.
    4. Where it is added and the gelatinous mass should be of the same temperature.
    5. Do not use expired.

    Weigh without scales

    • 1 teaspoon granulated - 6 g;
    • 1 dining room - 15 g;
    • 1 faceted glass - 200 g;
    • 1 thin glass - 250 g;
    • 1 leaf plate - 2 g granular;
    • 6 plates - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

    How to melt in the microwave

    Pour gelatin into a bowl, pour in a little warm water, mix and leave for 10-30 minutes to swell.

    Dissolve in a microwave at a power of 300 W for 1-2 minutes, at full power 25 sec.-1 min. The time depends on the amount of powder to be dissolved.

    After cooling, pour into the broth for aspic, fruit or berry syrup for jelly. To stir thoroughly. If undissolved crystals are visible in the bowl, then pour through a strainer.

    simple recipes

    Cherry jelly sweets: 200 ml of good cherry nectar with sugar, 10 g of gelatin and coconut flakes.

    Soak gelatin in nectar. After swelling, dissolve in the microwave. Pour into small molds (it is possible in one, but with not very high sides). Sprinkle with shredded coconut. Put to freeze in the refrigerator. If you used a large form, cut into portions.

    Raspberry jelly: 125 ml of cold milk, 125 g of raspberries, 50 ml of raspberry syrup and rum, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin, 2 tablespoons of sugar.

    Soak in milk. Melt the swollen in the microwave. Mash the raspberries in a puree, pour in the syrup and rum, add sugar, mix. Pour in the gelling mass, mix. Divide among glasses, glasses or bowls. Cool down in the refrigerator. Top with whipped cream as a garnish before serving.

    What else can be delicious to cook:

    Edible gelatin is widely used in cooking for the preparation of jelly-like masses and compositions such as jellies, meat and fish jellies, various sweet dishes, desserts and confectionery. Modern instant food gelatin is a powder, small grains or granules of light yellow color, which are produced at food industry enterprises from raw materials of animal origin (bones and connective tissues of cattle) by alkaline and acid hydrolysis, followed by drying and grinding. Gelatin contains about 87% of collagen protein, which is the main protein component of connective and bone tissues. When water and some liquid media are added - decoctions, broths, juices, dairy products - gelatin is restored, swells, absorbing liquid, upon further heating it is converted into a liquid solution with a dissolution medium, and upon subsequent cooling it forms a gelatinous mass. These special properties of gelatin determine its widespread use in cooking. In addition, gelatin contributes to the formation and stable retention of foam when added to whipped egg whites, cream, sour cream, which allows it to be used for making lush desserts (mousses, sambuca, creams, etc.)

    1. How to use edible gelatin in home cooking? Most likely, you will use today's standard instant, packaged in bags of 25 grams. The easiest way is to refer you to the manufacturer's recommendations, which boil down to the fact that 5 grams of gelatin should be poured into a glass of hot liquid that you are going to gel, stir until dissolved and cool. In principle, it works, especially if there is no time or desire to delve into the nuances. And the nuances are:
    2. The ratio of gelatin and liquid for preparing different dishes, snacks, desserts is somewhat different, due to the fact that the liquid media into which gelatin is introduced are heterogeneous in composition and they need different concentrations of gelatin to keep it in a stable consistency and optimal density.
    3. When preparing fruit and berry jellies and gelatin mousses, 5-6 grams should be taken per glass of finished jelly, for cream desserts - 4 grams, for those desserts that contain egg whites and fruit purees in addition to gelatin, 3 grams is enough. But for cooking (meat or fish jelly) for jellied meat and fish products, you will need up to 7-8 grams, because. jelly should cover the product with a thin layer and at the same time not thaw at room temperature. So when using gelatin to prepare complex gelled dishes, you should be guided by the recommendations outlined in specific recipes.
    4. In a full, with a mountain, a tablespoon is placed up to 15 grams of gelatin, in a full, with a mountain, a teaspoon -5 grams. To determine the size of a serving of gelatin, you can also visually divide the contents of the bag into parts, pouring it out onto the board in the form of a uniform path and dividing it into parts.
    5. Even instant gelatin will still perform better if it is restored not in a quick hot way, but gradually, starting with cold soaking. If the recipe allows, it is best to soak the gelatin in boiled cold water, as in juice, syrup, non-fat broth, milk or cream, gelatin recovers somewhat worse. Liquids should be taken 6-8 times more than you use gelatin, then complete absorption will occur, and in this form gelatin will be perfectly introduced into any liquid medium, providing a reliable and stable structure for the future jelly. Reconstitution of instant gelatin takes only 15-20 minutes, and the result will be much better. It is in this form, when introduced into the boiling liquid medium that you are going to gel, that it will completely dissolve in it, it will not stick to the walls of the dishes and the spoon.
    6. It remains only to correctly introduce the prepared gelatin into the gelling medium. The clarified broth prepared by you, or a strained decoction of fruits, berries for jelly, should boil over low heat before the introduction of gelatin. We introduce the swollen gelatin, mix thoroughly and, continuing to stir, bring to a boil. We turn off the fire. Let cool before proceeding with pouring into moulds.
    7. When preparing those dishes that provide for the introduction of gelatin into masses that are not subject to boiling (curd masses for cheesecakes and individual puddings, some types of desserts based on fruit purees, etc.) - we introduce prepared hot or slightly cooled after boiling gelatin according to the recommendations set out in this particular recipe.

    Gelatin should not be subjected to prolonged heating, especially prolonged boiling, only bring to a boil with vigorous stirring. If you boil for a long time, the gelling properties deteriorate, the jelly can even exfoliate when it cools down with the release of part of the liquid and the consistency of the jelly will be disturbed. You should also not abruptly cool the gelling composition after bringing to a boil. Let it cool quietly to room temperature, and only then pour it into molds and send it to the cold. Well, he likes gelatin to take a leisurely approach to himself - both before and after. 🙂

    Is edible gelatin good or bad? In principle, it is not harmful to a healthy person, if you use foods containing gelatin in reasonable quantities. Gelatin is not a synthetic product, which is already a good thing. Its composition is dominated by collagen, which contains a large amount of the amino acid glycine, which, although not essential, nevertheless performs a number of important functions in the body.

    Gelatin is also used in medicine for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and recovery after surgical interventions, as well as for the manufacture of shells for medicines, in cosmetology and technical industries for the production of adhesives and film coatings. So, it would probably be more correct for us to regard edible gelatin not as a valuable nutritional component, but as a composition that is useful in many cases for solving culinary problems.

    Happy gelling!

    Gelatin is commercially available in the form of coarse-grained powder or plates. In order for it to be used in dishes, both one and the other must be diluted. Gelatin is diluted with any liquid (water, juice, broth) - it depends on which dish it will then be added to. It can be fruit jelly, sour cream soufflé, meat or fish aspic. Using gelatin, you can even make a cake. Now we will tell you how to dilute gelatin, and give some of the simplest recipes using it.

    Dilute gelatin powder as follows:

    1. Pour as much gelatin into the ladle as indicated in a particular recipe. For reference: 15 g of gelatin (without top) is placed in one standard tablespoon.
    2. Pour it with five tablespoons of warm water, juice or broth.
    3. Let the gelatin swell - it will take 10-15 minutes.
    4. Pour half a glass of the same liquid in which it swelled into the swollen gelatin.
    5. Put the ladle in a water bath and, constantly stirring the contents, ensure that a thick, viscous mass is obtained in the ladle. Make sure that the contents do not boil.
    6. If, after a water bath, undissolved grains of gelatin remain in the container, then strain the contents through a kitchen strainer.
    Add the diluted gelatin to the main liquid that you will use for the dish. At the same time, make sure that the amount of liquid required in the recipe is not violated. For example, if 1 liter of juice is provided for making jelly, then take 5 tablespoons (see No. 2 in point 1) and half a glass (see No. 4 in point 1) from this liter.

    Gelatin, which goes on sale in the form of plates, is diluted a little differently:

    1. Pour the required number of plates with cold water.
    2. After 5-7 minutes, drain the water, and squeeze the plates well from moisture.
    3. Place the swollen plates in a ladle and cover with juice, broth or water.
    4. Place the ladle on water bath and constantly stir the mixture. Make sure it doesn't boil.
    5. Pour the prepared gelatin mass into the main liquid.

    For any dishes (jelly, aspic, jelly) the following amount of gelatin is required, calculated per liter of liquid:

    • for a slightly gelled dish, as if "breathing" - 15 g;
    • for normal jelly - 20 g;
    • for very strong jelly - 25 g.

    Strong jelly can be used to cut decorations from it for any dishes.

    With the help of gelatin, you can cook delicious and original fruit-sour cream jelly:

    1. Dilute 10 g of gelatin in water.
    2. Beat 500 ml of sour cream and 1 cup of sugar.
    3. Pour diluted gelatin into whipped sour cream and mix well.
    4. Take four transparent glasses and pour 125 ml of sour cream into each.
    5. Put the glasses in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
    6. From 10 g of gelatin and 500 fruit juice, make the second part of the jelly.
    7. On frozen sour cream jelly lay out pieces of fresh fruit or berries.
    8. Fill them with the prepared fruit mixture.
    9. Place glasses with two-layer jelly again in the refrigerator to solidify.

    Do you want to surprise your friends and family? Prepare an unusual cake using gelatin.

    1. Bake a biscuit or buy a store-bought one - only 500 g.
    2. Cut the biscuit into 2cm x 2cm cubes.
    3. Cut banana, kiwi, strawberries, tangerines into the same cubes. Take any fruits, but in general they should also be 500 g.
    4. From one liter of sour cream and 25 g of gelatin, prepare a sour cream mixture. Before adding diluted gelatin to sour cream, beat it with two glasses of sugar.
    5. Take a deep bowl and cover it with cling film.
    6. Pour one cup of the sour cream-gelatin mixture into the bottom of the bowl.
    7. Mix the biscuit slices and fruit slices on the sour cream.
    8. Fill this layer with sour cream.
    9. Next, lay out the biscuit and fruit again.
    10. Fill the bowl to the top, alternating sour cream and biscuit-fruit layers.
    11. Place the bowl in the refrigerator overnight.
    12. Before serving, dip the bowl of cake for a couple of seconds in hot water.
    13. Place a large flat dish on top of the bowl and turn everything together so that the cake is on the dish.
    14. Remove the film from the cake and cut it into portions.

    If you have cooked aspic, but it has not frozen, then heat it up and dilute the gelatin in this broth. Add it to a dish and put it in a cold place - the jelly will be saved.

    Harsh modern realities show that many housewives bypass recipes that contain gelatin. Their arguments are as follows:

    • I don’t know how to properly dilute gelatin;
    • I'm afraid that it will not freeze - an empty translation of products;
    • I'm afraid of the smell of gelatin in the finished dish.

    Probably, all these fears "come from childhood", when the trees were large, and Soviet gelatin was poured into several glasses of water, swelled for an hour and, when heated, smelled so that all the neighbors knew about the potential dish on your plate. Well, plus everything, he froze through time.

    Not much joy, right? Forget about it! Modern manufacturers have taken care of your peace of mind by enriching the market with instant and sheet gelatin. Below we will tell you how to work with it, how to dilute gelatin for aspic, and so on.

    Brief educational program

    Gelatin is a product that is used in many areas of human activity, whether it is cosmetology, pharmacology or the food industry. It is a protein of animal origin, obtained by digestion of the bones and tendons of animals. Due to this, the protein content in the product rolls over - 88 per 100 grams! Naturally, the calorie content did not disappoint - 360 kcal per 100 grams. This is a very valuable product, because in addition to the main function of gelling the liquid, gelatin is a good help for those who seek to strengthen the joints.

    Types of gelatin

    Before we figure out how to dilute gelatin, you need to know how it happens, since the principles of processing depend on it:

    • Powdered gelatin. It is a slightly transparent powder, let's say a yellowish tint. To work, it must be soaked in a small amount of cold liquid, allowed to swell, then strain and dissolve in the liquid you need (juice, broth, etc.) by heating. Don't let it boil! The optimum temperature is 80 ° C. It’s very good if you initially soak the gelatin in the same liquid in which you will dissolve it - you don’t have to filter it. However, it is better to play it safe and, after heating, strain the mass in order to remove everything that could not dissolve.
    • Leaf gelatin. Great alternative to powder. The principle of working with it is as follows: you soak the required number of sheets in cold water until softened, and then add it to a preheated liquid. The recommendations regarding temperature remain the same, since it will not work to dilute gelatin for jelly and other dishes by boiling it.

    Jellied or aspic?

    What is the difference? It is traditionally believed that jelly turns into "jelly" by long-term digestion of a special meat broth with pieces of meat, then the aspic gets its consistency due to the addition of gelling products from the outside.

    However, in practice it turns out that it is quite difficult to find meat that can qualitatively "fix" the future dish, so gelatin is now added to jelly, only in a smaller amount than to jelly. This is especially true for chicken dishes. How to dilute gelatin for jelly? Soak it in a small amount of cold broth for 5 minutes, then add it to the warm mass of the future dish, stir until smooth and pour into a mold.

    aspic recipe

    Recipes using gelatin first caught on in the kitchens of American housewives after World War II, as everyone wanted spectacular, beautiful dishes that demonstrated and emphasized a certain standard of living. This cup did not pass over time and Russia, so below we present to your attention the recipe for portioned aspics with beef, especially since we already know how to dilute gelatin. Products are designed for 4 servings:

    • beef fillet - 150 grams;
    • gelatin powder - 10 grams;
    • carrots - 100 grams;
    • boiled egg - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 50 grams;
    • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
    • cold water - 75 ml;
    • allspice - 3 pcs.;
    • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste;
    • cranberries for decoration.

    This dish will look especially good if you make it in silicone molds.

    Since diluting gelatin for aspic is as easy as shelling pears, and the process does not take much time, it is necessary first of all to prepare all other products.

    • To do this, peel the onions, carrots, put them in a saucepan along with the meat, pour 0.5 liters of water and cook over low heat for about an hour.
    • Add bay leaf, salt and pepper to the meat, cook for another quarter of an hour. Remove the saucepan from the heat and set aside.
    • Soak gelatin in water for 5 minutes.
    • Remove the meat from the broth and strain 250 ml of the latter.
    • Heat the strained broth and dissolve the gelatin in it.
    • Since it is not always possible to dissolve gelatin without lumps, to be sure, strain the broth through a fine sieve.
    • Separate the protein from the yolk. You will not need the latter in this dish.
    • Cut carrots, protein and meat into equal cubes, mix.
    • Put on the bottom of the forms under the jellied greens and cranberries, on them - a mixture of protein, meat and carrots.
    • Carefully pour the broth with gelatin into the molds.
    • Put in a cold place until completely solidified. It will take 3-5 hours.

    No Dessert

    All this is fine, of course, but you also want sweets. Therefore, we offer you a wonderful portioned version of creamy berry jelly. All products are given for 4 servings:

    Let's do the cream layer first. How to dilute gelatin for jelly, we found out earlier. In this case, fill it immediately with cold cream (100 grams) and leave to swell.

    Beat the remaining cream with a mixer until firm peaks and add condensed milk to them, mix until smooth.

    Melt the gelatin on the smallest fire or in a water bath, avoiding boiling. Let the mass cool slightly and stir in the cream with condensed milk. Pour immediately into 4 glasses and chill in the refrigerator.

    Rinse the berries, dry, cut if necessary and put on a frozen jelly layer.

    From juice and special gelatin for the cake, cook the final filling - how to dilute the gelatin for jelly will definitely be written on the package.

    Let the mass cool to a warm state (otherwise the creamy layer will float), pour the same amount into glasses and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

    A bright, summery, refreshing, light and healthy dessert - all this can be said about the gelatin jelly recipe. It is prepared from countless berries and fruits, dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese and milk) are used as the basis. The delicacy can be served in portions or prepared in the form of a cake. The main thing is that it does not take much time to create this delicious beauty, and all the subtleties will be discussed below.

    In cooking, several gelling agents are used: pectin, which is obtained from fruits (citrus fruits, apples), agar-agar - the same substance of plant origin (from algae) and gelatin, obtained from animal raw materials.

    The latter product is most often found in culinary recipes. Therefore, before proceeding with how to make gelatin jelly, you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules for its preliminary preparation.

    First, gelatin is soaked in cold water. The amount of water is taken depending on which product is used. Sheet gelatin can be poured with a very large amount of water, since it can then be easily drained. For a powder or granular product, liquids are usually taken 3-5 times more than the weight of gelatin.

    Swelling time may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. In this matter, it is worth focusing on the terms indicated on the package.

    Melt the gelatin saturated with moisture to a liquid state, but so that it does not lose its gelling properties, it should not be allowed to boil. Therefore, the best way to melt is a steam bath or a microwave oven in the “Defrost” mode. After that, gelatin is completely ready for further use.

    For this dessert, fruit juices without pulp with a rich color, such as grape, pomegranate, orange or cherry, are suitable. Using them as a base allows you to get a bright treat with a rich fruity taste.

    • 500 ml of any fruit juice;
    • 100 ml of water;
    • sugar to taste, if the juice is not sweet enough;
    • 25 g gelatin.

    Cooking technology:

    1. Pour water into the thickener and leave to swell according to the recommendations on the package.
    2. Sweeten the juice of fruits or berries to taste and send it to the stove, wait for it to boil and boil for about ten minutes.
    3. If the gelatin is already swollen, but water remains, carefully drain it. Remove the hot juice from the heat and put the gelatin into it, stir the jelly base until all the gelatin particles disperse.
    4. Pour the slightly cooled mixture into prepared molds. Garnish with fresh fruit if desired. Let the dessert cool completely in the refrigerator.

    Cherry, raspberry or other jam can be the basis of a refreshing summer treat - jam jelly. If the preparation contains pieces of fruit or whole berries, they will add zest to the dessert.

    The list of ingredients needed for jelly:

    • 200 ml of jam;
    • 100 g of sugar;
    • 500 ml of water;
    • 25 g gelatin.


    1. Prepare gelatin for further use (soak and dissolve until liquid) as indicated in the instructions on the package. The amount of water needed to prepare it is not included in the list of ingredients.
    2. Pour the jam with the amount of water indicated in the recipe, add sugar and stir. Then boil the mixture for 10 minutes and cool to about 50 degrees.
    3. Combine the jam base and liquid gelatin, pour everything into molds and put in the refrigerator for four hours until completely solidified. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream and garnish with a sprig of mint.

    Cooking from sour cream

    Sour cream jelly is undeservedly considered a high-calorie dessert, because, contrary to popular belief, non-fat fat is ideal for its preparation. homemade sour cream, and a store product with a fat content of 15%.

    To prepare a gentle sour cream dessert on gelatin, you will need:

    • 400 g low-fat sour cream;
    • 120 g of sugar;
    • 10 g vanilla sugar;
    • 30 g gelatin.

    Sequence of actions:

    1. In order for the sugar to dissolve faster in sour cream, and for the gelatin not to curl up in lumps in it, remove all the dessert ingredients from the refrigerator in advance, allowing them to warm to room temperature.
    2. Beat sour cream with a mixer until fluffy, gradually adding vanilla and regular sugar.
    3. When all the grains disperse into dairy product, put a couple of tablespoons of sweet sour cream into a container with prepared liquid gelatin, mix and combine with the total mass.
    4. Arrange sour cream jelly in bowls and send in the cold until solidified. Part of the jelly can be dyed brown with cocoa and laid out in a mold, like multi-colored dough when baking a Zebra pie. You can also do puff dessert, alternating fruits (any, except kiwi and pineapple) and jelly.

    Homemade milk jelly

    For the simplest milk jelly, only three ingredients are needed: prepared gelatin, milk and sugar. But this low-calorie dessert can be varied by adding various spices (vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon), chocolate or cocoa, coffee and fruit.

    For a classic homemade milk jelly take:

    • 200 ml of milk;
    • 4 yolks;
    • 100 g of sugar;
    • 10 g of gelatin;
    • vanilla powder to taste.


    1. Put milk on fire and bring to a boil. In the meantime, add sugar and vanilla to the yolks, grind everything until a homogeneous creamy mass.
    2. Pour hot milk into the yolks with sugar, stir until smooth. Then lay out the swollen gelatin and warm everything up a little with constant stirring, without heating the mass above 60 degrees.
    3. Pour hot milk jelly into prepared dry containers and, after it reaches room temperature, put it in the refrigerator until it is completely stabilized.

    Jelly can be served in bowls, cups or other molds in which it has solidified, or you can dip the mold in hot water for a couple of minutes and carefully remove the jelly onto a plate. This creates more opportunities for spectacular delivery.

    How to make dessert from compote

    Regarding the use winter preparations for cooking summer desserts, then you can cook not only jelly from jam, but also from compote. A pinch can add a special taste to the dish. citric acid, vanilla or cinnamon.

    The ratio of components for compote jelly will be as follows:

    • 500 ml compote;
    • 30 g gelatin.

    Cooking process:

    1. Strain compote to filter fruits and berries. Pour the required amount of liquid and pour gelatin over it. Leave the mixture alone for 30 minutes.
    2. Then put the compote with gelatin on the fire and warm it up, avoiding boiling, until all the grains are completely dissolved.
    3. Pour half of the jelly base into silicone molds for cupcakes and send to the refrigerator, filling them to the middle.
    4. When the jelly in the molds hardens, put the compote berries on it and pour the remaining jelly over it. Serve after complete solidification, removing from the molds.

    Variant of kefir

    By the same principle as sour cream jelly, a dessert is prepared based on another fermented milk product- kefir. The dish can be just white, or you can prepare a beautiful multi-colored treat using food coloring, but even without them it will turn out to make a beautiful vanilla-chocolate jelly.

    It will require:

    • 1000 ml of kefir;
    • 120 g of sugar;
    • 100 g dark chocolate without additives;
    • 15 g of gelatin;
    • 3 g vanillin.

    Recipe step by step:

    1. Kefir at room temperature with a mixer running at medium speed, beat together with sugar and vanilla.
    2. When all the sweetener crystals have melted, add the prepared gelatin. Divide the jelly base into two equal parts.
    3. To serve, take beautiful stemmed wine glasses. Fix them in a horizontal position at an angle so that they can be filled halfway with liquid. Pour vanilla jelly on kefir and refrigerate.
    4. Melt a bar of chocolate in a steam bath and add to the second part of the jelly, whipping the mass with a mixer. When the white part hardens, put the glasses upright and fill them with chocolate jelly, after which the dessert is ready to serve.

    Curd jelly with gelatin

    Curd jelly can only be prepared on the basis of cottage cheese, sugar and prepared gelatin. In this case, it is better to soak and dissolve it not in water, but in milk. But there is a more gentle recipe cottage cheese dessert more like a soufflé.

    For cottage cheese jelly with a delicate creamy taste, take:

    • 900 g of soft diet cottage cheese;
    • 100 ml vanilla syrup;
    • 20 g vanilla sugar;
    • 16 g gelatin;
    • 250 ml heavy cream for whipping

    How to make jelly from gelatin and cottage cheese:

    1. Put the cottage cheese in a container of a suitable size, pour vanilla syrup into it and grind with a submersible blender until smooth. Next, add the prepared liquid gelatin and mix everything again with a blender.
    2. Whip the chilled cream to firm peaks with vanilla sugar. In order not to overwhip the cream and dissolve all the particles, sugar can be ground in a coffee grinder into powder.
    3. Next, gently mix both masses (creamy and cottage cheese) with a spatula. Arrange in prepared containers and after solidification, you can enjoy the creamy curd tenderness.

    From strawberries at home

    In strawberry season, it would be a big mistake not to try to cook delicious jelly from juice and whole strawberries.

    For its preparation you will need:

    • 550 g of strawberries;
    • 220 g of granulated sugar;
    • 200 ml of cold water;
    • 15 g gelatin.

    We prepare strawberry dessert as follows;

    1. Strawberries, sort out the stalks, rinse and dry on a paper towel. Squeeze juice from about half of the total number of berries.
    2. Pour the rest of the strawberries with sugar and pour water, bring to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes. Next, decant the broth, and carefully arrange the berries in molds.
    3. Prepare gelatin using strawberry broth. Combine the dissolved thickener with strawberry juice and pour the berries over it, and after waiting for everything to harden, you can proceed to the tasting.

    Cranberry step by step

    The jelly recipe with gelatin and cranberries allows you to get not only very useful, but also original dessert. After all, the benefits of cranberries are preserved due to the fact that the pureed berries are not affected by high temperatures, and the pink airy jelly foam makes the dish more interesting.

    The proportions of the ingredients used:

    • 160 g fresh or frozen cranberries;
    • 100 g of sugar;
    • 500 ml of water;
    • 10 g gelatin.

    Cooking steps:

    1. First, pour gelatin into 100 ml of cold water and safely forget about it for the next 30 minutes.
    2. Cranberries if a frozen product is used, thaw beforehand, then rinse, dry and puree with a blender.
    3. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve. Pour the cake with the remaining 400 ml of water and send to the fire, and the mashed puree will be needed a little later.
    4. Pour sugar into boiled water with cake and boil for a couple of minutes until it is completely dissolved, remove from heat.
    5. When the liquid cools down a little, add the swollen and melted gelatin into it. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve and mix with cranberry puree.
    6. Pour 2/3 of the liquid jelly into portioned dishes, without adding a few centimeters to the brim, and refrigerate until completely solidified.
    7. Cool the rest of the jelly to the state of liquid jelly and beat with a mixer into foam, which is then distributed over the frozen jelly, and put the dessert back in the refrigerator.

    Homemade plum treat

    Plum along with other fruits and berries can also be a great base for a delicious sweet and sour jelly.

    In this case, you need to take:

    • 150 g of ripe plum fruits;
    • 100 g sugar (the amount of this ingredient can be adjusted depending on personal preference);
    • 600 ml of drinking water;
    • 20 g gelatin.

    Homemade plum gelatin jelly recipe step by step:

    1. Cut the washed plums after removing the stones into small pieces, pour 0.5 liters of water, add sugar and boil everything on the stove after boiling for five minutes.
    2. Using the remaining 100 ml of water, prepare the prescription amount of gelatin.
    3. Pour hot plums in syrup into a blender bowl and smash into a homogeneous homogeneous mass. Then return to the pan and combine with prepared gelatin.
    4. When the jelly has cooled to room temperature, it should be distributed in portioned containers and sent for 2-4 hours in the cold.

    Cherry jelly with gelatin

    This dessert looks like an expensive restaurant dish, if you pour it into bowls, and before serving, decorate with whipped cream and a cocktail cherry. You can make cherry jelly from jam, juice or compote, and in season you can take fresh cherries.

    List of products used:

    • 300 g cherries;
    • 150 g of sugar;
    • 600 ml of water;
    • 20 g gelatin.

    How to cook:

    1. Pour the gelling component into 100 ml of water and leave to absorb moisture. Depending on the product used, it will take up to half an hour.
    2. Place the remaining water and sugar in a saucepan of the proper size, stir and put on fire.
    3. While the syrup is boiling, remove the pits from the washed cherries. Then put them in a boiling sugar solution and boil for ten minutes.
    4. Remove the cherries from the heat, transfer the swollen gelatin to them, which stir until smooth. After that, it remains only to pour the jelly into bowls and let it harden.

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