Home Bakery Tartlets with soft cheese and red caviar. Tartlets with red caviar and cream cheese. Recipe with cheese and red fish

Tartlets with soft cheese and red caviar. Tartlets with red caviar and cream cheese. Recipe with cheese and red fish

When you have a holiday, you need to put something quick, tasty and unusual on the table. Ready-made tartlets with a variety of fillings - what you need! After all, the filling can be absolutely anything! Here I have collected for you best recipes fillings for store tartlets.

Fill the tartlets with any salad, decorate with herbs, olives or something suitable on top.

Recipe 1: Stuffing for tartlets with curd cheese and herbs

Per 100 g curd cheese(Feta, Almette) - 1 clove of garlic (through a garlic press), half a glass of chopped dill. Knead until smooth, put in tartlets, decorate with slices of bell pepper (preferably different colors)

Recipe 2: Tartlets with egg filling

2.1. If there are yolks left (you used boats of boiled eggs in a different way), knead them with a fork, for 5 yolks - a teaspoon of mustard, 2 tablespoons of any chopped herbs, a tablespoon of chopped capers, a tablespoon of curd cheese ("Feta") and mayonnaise . Salt-pepper - to taste. mixed, put into baskets.

2.2. Another recipe for tartlets with egg filling

Put grated cheese on the bottom of the tartlets.
Beat: eggs, milk, salt, ground black pepper, chopped green onions. The ratio of eggs and milk is like an omelet. Pour the cheese in tartlets with the whipped mixture and put in the oven to bake for 20-25 minutes until the filling starts to brown.

Recipe 3: Tartlets with caviar

In each tartlet we put a teaspoon of cottage cheese, on top a teaspoon of caviar, a sprig of dill.

Recipe 4: Shrimp Tartlets

Finely chop 4 boiled eggs, grind Mozzarella cheese (100-150 gr), crush 1 goiter of garlic, season it all with 1-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Lightly salt. On the "pillow" of the egg-cheese mass lay out boiled shrimps (3 pieces in one tartlet). can be decorated with a few red eggs.

Recipe 5: Tartlets stuffed with smoked fish

Disassemble the mackerel or hot-smoked pink salmon into fibers (200 g), peel and chop one fresh cucumber. Mix everything with the sauce (a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of mayonnaise, a tablespoon natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream)

Recipe 6: Stuffing for pineapple tartlets

1. Pineapple in jars
2. Mayonnaise
3. Cheese
4. Garlic
Trete cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the pineapple and garlic. Mix everything with mayonnaise and put it in baskets, you can decorate with herbs. It turns out very tasty and fast.

Recipe 7: Blue Cheese Tartlets

7.1. At the bottom of the tartlet, put a teaspoon of fruit confiture (can be orange, tangerine, pear), on top of a piece of blue cheese (Dor Blue). Decorate with a leaf of arugula.

7.2. Another version of the blue cheese filling:

  • Large apple (peeled and finely chopped) - 1 pc.
  • Onion (peeled and finely chopped) - 1 pc.
  • Butter (softened) - 2 tsp.
  • Blue cheese (crumbled) - 120 g (1 cup)
  • Walnut (roasted and peeled) - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - ½ tsp

1. Turn on the oven to preheat to 180 degrees. Heat up in a small skillet butter, put onions and apples in a pan and sauté over low heat until soft. Remove pan from heat, add blue cheese, 3 tablespoons walnuts and salt, mix well.

2. Put 1 tablespoon of the filling into each tartlet and put the tartlets on a baking sheet. Put the baking sheet in the oven and bake the cheese tartlets for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle the tartlets with the remaining walnuts and bake for another 2-3 minutes.

Leave ready-made cheese tartlets at room temperature until completely cooled.

7.3. And another topping for blue cheese tartlets

blue cheese (blue cheese) - 120 g
ripe pear - 1 pc.
low-fat cream - 30 ml
ground black pepper
ready-made tartlets(you can bake them yourself from shortcrust pastry or buy ready-made

  1. Crumble the blue cheese. Wash the pear, peel and cut into cubes.
  2. In a bowl, mix the cheese, pear and cream (you can also add cream cheese if desired). Season with ground black pepper. Spoon filling into prepared tartlets.
  3. Bake at 175 degrees for 15 minutes. Serve warm.

7.4. And another topping with blue cheese and hard cheese

  • Hard cheese 100 gr
  • Egg 3 pcs
  • Cheese with blue mold 120 gr
  • Butter 2 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Cream 2 tbsp

  1. Grate both types of cheese on a fine grater and mash until smooth.
  2. Add eggs, cream, butter, salt and spices and beat until fluffy.
  3. Add 1 tsp to each tartlet. cheese cream.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake the tartlets for 10-12 minutes.
  5. Cool the tarts for 5 minutes before removing them from the molds. Serve warm.

Recipe 8: Tartlets with Avocado Cream

Pour the pulp of one avocado with 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tbsp. olive oil, basil leaves and 2 tbsp. curd cheese (Feta). Mix everything in a blender, put in tartlets.

Recipe 9: Tartlets with slightly salted salmon

At the bottom of the tartlets we lay out a mixture of curd cheese with herbs (for 100 g of cheese - 2 tablespoons of dill). Top with a piece of salmon and a thin slice of lemon.

Recipe 10: Ham and Pear Tartlets

We put a leaf of lettuce in a tartlet, on top of a thin slice of pear, a cube of feta. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil and a coffee spoon balsamic vinegar. Add a few drops of the mixture to each tartlet. Now a roll of ham (take thinly sliced ​​Parma), decorate with herbs.

Recipe 11: Chicken Tartlets

11.1. boiled chicken fillet cut into small cubes (300 g), finely cut iceberg lettuce, two fresh cucumbers without peel and 1 bell pepper. Season with 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

11.2. More chicken tarts:

chicken breast - 1 pc.
champignons - 500 g
tartlets - 12 pcs.
sour cream - 200 g
hard cheese - 100 g
onion - 2 pcs
vegetable oil

Cut the chicken meat into thin strips and fry a little in a heated pan in vegetable oil. Add the finely chopped onion to the chicken and fry until the onion is golden brown. Then add the chopped mushrooms and fry until the water evaporates. Salt, pepper to taste. Add sour cream and simmer chicken with mushrooms in sour cream for 10 minutes. Cool down the stuffing. Fill the tartlets with the chicken-mushroom mixture, sprinkle with grated hard cheese and bake in a preheated oven until the cheese is golden brown. Garnish with dill and serve hot. Bon appetit!

Recipe 12: Stuffing for cod liver tartlets

Knead the cod liver with a fork, add chopped 2 eggs (boiled), 2 small pickled cucumbers, 1 onion (cut and pour over with boiling water). Mix everything with 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Recipe 13: Julienne Tartlets

I make julienne in tartlets. Rather, I make julienne in the usual way, then lay out on tartlets, sprinkle with cheese and in the oven for 5 minutes. It turns out very tasty.

Recipe 14: Fly Agaric Tartlets

mix grated cheese, chopped eggs with mayonnaise and one clove of garlic. put in a tartlet. top with half a cherry tomato, which is decorated with mayonnaise dots to make a fly agaric hat)))

Recipe 15: Pizza Tartlets

We get ready-made tartlets. Lubricate each with mayonnaise. We lay thinly sliced ​​​​sausage - through one, each variety. Top with finely grated cheese. We put a circle of cherry tomato on the cheese and send it to the oven for another 10 minutes.

Recipe 16: Tartlets with radish or cucumber (vitamin)

eggs - 5 pcs.
green radish (or radish, or fresh cucumber) - 1 pc.
green onions - 1 bunch

Boil eggs, peel and cut into cubes. green onion chop, peel the radish and grate on a coarse grater. If you use instead of radish fresh cucumber then cut it into cubes. Mix eggs, onion and radish, season with mayonnaise and salt to taste. Put the resulting salad in tartlets, decorate with slices of radish, cucumber and currant or viburnum berries. Bon appetit!

Recipe 17: Tuna Stuffed Tartlets

canned tuna - 1 can
canned corn - 300 g
hard cheese - 200 g
tomato - 2 pcs.
eggs - 2 pcs.
mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
tomato paste - 2 tbsp

Boil eggs, peel and finely chop. Mix chopped eggs with tuna. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, cut the tomatoes into cubes. Mix corn, eggs with tuna, cheese, tomatoes, season with mayonnaise, salt to taste.
Grease the inside of each tart tomato paste, lay out the resulting filling. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 12 minutes. Decorate the finished tartlets with parsley sprigs and serve hot.

17.2. More tuna tarts:

A very refined filling for tartlets is tuna and mushrooms. To prepare such a filling, you need to take 400 g of tuna (canned), 1 onion, a couple of tablespoons of oil (from a can of tuna), 140 g of mushrooms, 100 ml of cream, parsley, starch and a few slices of lemon.

We take a jar canned tuna and throw it in a colander. In the oil, which is glass, fry the onion until golden brown, then add the chopped mushrooms and cream, bring to a boil and dilute the starch in the resulting mixture, stir constantly until thick.

Put the pieces of fish into the prepared sauce and keep on fire for a few more minutes. Ready stuffing Pour into preheated tartlets. You can decorate this dish with parsley and lemon slices.

Recipe 18: Crab Stuffing for Tarts

For such a filling, you need to take 250 g crab meat, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, eggs, onions, a spoonful of butter, spicy sauce, salt and pepper.

Chop the onion and fry in oil, send the crab meat to the pan and fry with the onion for several minutes. While the meat and onions are languishing on the fire, let's prepare the sour cream sauce, for this, in a separate bowl, mix the eggs with sour cream, season with pepper, salt and hot sauce.

Received sour cream sauce Pour into skillet and simmer until thickened. In pre-prepared tartlets lay out the filling of crab meat.

Recipe 19: Stuffing for tartlets with cheese and tomatoes

cherry tomatoes, cut into halves, are placed in tartlets;
rubs processed cheese(or dairy)
put in the oven for 3-5 minutes
topped with beaten egg
and put in the oven for another 3-5 minutes
garnished with fresh herbs

19.2. Another stuffing with tomatoes for tartlets

tomatoes - 300 g
hard cheese - 200 g
Parmesan cheese - 25 g
eggs - 2 pcs
olive oil- 2 tablespoons
garlic - 2 cloves

First you need to prepare the tomatoes. Of course, only small tomatoes (the so-called cherry tomatoes) will do. They need to be cut into halves and put on a baking sheet. Then brush each with a mixture of olive oil and crushed garlic. You can simply put grated garlic on each half and drip olive oil. We bake the tomatoes in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 20-30 minutes.
Grated cheese should be beaten with an egg.
We spread the whipped cheese in the tartlets and, making indentations, put the baked halves of the tomatoes. Sprinkle grated Parmesan on top.
Bake in the oven at the same temperature for another 20 minutes.

Recipe 20: Tartlets stuffed with cheese and salted mushrooms

- 100 gr. cheese;
- a clove of garlic;
- head of onion;
- 100 gr. salted mushrooms;
boiled carrots;
- Mayonnaise or sour cream, dill.

Finely chop the mushrooms, and the carrots and onions in the form of circles. Mix cheese (grated) and garlic with sour cream or mayonnaise (depending on what you choose). Mix the mixture thoroughly, add pepper and lay out in pre-prepared tartlets. Decorate with dill.

Recently, stuffed tartlets can be found not only on buffet tables, but also at traditional festive feasts. Housewives are cooking more and more various snacks in tartlets, and the fillings for tartlets are simply amazing with their variety of options. Therefore, if you are planning an office buffet or home feast, festive tartlets with filling will surely please all your guests.

Small and neat shortbread dough baskets with different fillings look not only appetizing, but also very elegant. Therefore, festive tartlets and various snacks in tartlets can always be found at events such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, christenings, office receptions, or catering.

How to cook stuffed tartlets?

To prepare tartlets for the festive table, you need to buy ready-made tartlets in advance, or bake baskets at home. Tartlets are sand, waffle and puff. Most often, I cook dishes in tartlets using shortbread tartlets, and you can see how to cook shortbread dough tartlets.

Options for filling tartlets for holiday table, there is a great variety: salads in tartlets, julienne, pates, mousses, mono ingredients and their various mixes. And so that your appetizer in tartlets or salad in tartlets become a real highlight of the festive table, I recommend that you read the article to the end.

But be sure to cook the filling for tartlets yourself - ready-made salads from the supermarket have no place on your table! I bring to your attention, dear friends, a selection of recipes for stuffing tartlets, which I hope you enjoy.

If you have your favorite tart appetizer, delicious tart toppings, or a tried and tested tart salad, please share the recipe in the comments.

Tartlets with red fish, caviar and curd cheese

I suggest you cook tartlets with red fish, caviar and curd cheese - delicious and simple snack which is ready in minutes. The recipe for tartlets with red fish and cut can’t even be called a recipe, it’s more of an idea than you can fill tartlets in conditions of general employment of the hostess before the holidays. You only need to buy all the ingredients in the supermarket, and fill sand baskets.Recipe with photo.

Tartlets with avocado and red fish

I propose to cook tartlets with avocado, red fish and curd cheese. An appetizer with avocado in tartlets with red fish turns out to be very tasty, beautiful, elegant, and will decorate any holiday table. Avocado pasta for tartlets is prepared with the addition of curd cheese, and when ready, it keeps its shape perfectly. Delicate taste avocado and curd cheese are very harmoniously combined with slightly salted fish, so the appetizer can be safely attributed to a win-win and versatile options. Recipe with photo.

Cheese balls in tartlets "Piglets"

On the eve of the New Year, I hasten to please you with a new tasty and original recipe that is sure to bring a smile to your guests. We will prepare a delicious snack in tartlets in the form of cute pigs, as the next 2019 will be the year of the pig. As a result, a cheese appetizer in tartlets will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, which is important for the festive table. How to cook cheese balls in tartlets, I wrote.

Tartlets with caviar and cream cheese

If we are talking about such a delicacy as red caviar, then there can be no compromises - an appetizer with red caviar in tartlets is perhaps one of the best ready-made solutions. I can assure you that the filling for caviar and cream cheese tartlets is a very successful combination of ingredients. You can see the recipe with a photo step by step.

Filling for tartlets with pineapple and crab sticks

If you don’t know how to fill tartlets, I bring to your attention a very tasty and festive version of the filling. Meet - tartlets with pineapple, crab sticks and cheese! It turns out very tasty and beautiful baskets with filling that will delight your guests. Recipe with photo.

Tartlets with shrimps, caviar and curd cheese

I propose to cook tartlets with shrimps, caviar and curd cheese - a festive and original appetizer for a feast or buffet table. An appetizer with shrimp in tartlets will delight your guests not only with an appetizing look, but also great taste. Recipe with photo.

Appetizer of beets and herring in tartlets

Are you looking for an inexpensive shortcrust pastry filling? An appetizer of beets and herring in tartlets will decorate your holiday and will not “hit” your pocket. The ingredients are the most available, the process cooking easy and fast, and as a result, such beautiful tartlets with herring come out that they can rightfully claim to be the highlight of your holiday menu. Recipe with photo.

Filling for tartlets with caviar and avocado

It's hard to imagine more festive snack than baskets with caviar, but if you add avocado to this appetizer, it turns out, without exaggeration, just an enchanting filling for tartlets. The salty taste of red caviar blends perfectly with delicate nut butter from avocado, and the sourness of lemon adds bright touches to the overall flavor palette of this appetizer with red caviar in tartlets. How to make tartlets with caviar and avocado, look.

Olivier salad in tartlets

What salad to put in tartlets? Of course, Olivier! To give the salad a festive look, I decided to cook New Year's tartlets with Olivier salad. It turned out interesting and cute baskets with Olivier salad, which the children especially liked. Recipe with photo.

Appetizer with red caviar in tartlets with cheese and sour cream paste

This appetizer with red caviar in tartlets turned out delicious! Baskets with caviar and sour cream cheese pasta pleasantly surprised all my guests. If you need original and delicious stuffing for tartlets with caviar, be sure to pay attention to this recipe. How to make tartlets with caviar and sour cream cheese paste (recipe with photo), I wrote.

Stuffing for tartlets with cod liver and cheese

Cod liver in tartlets is a bold and unexpected solution, and if you need a delicious filling for tartlets that will appeal to all guests, I can safely recommend tartlets with cod liver and cheese. Tender cod liver combined with cheese and egg is a classic, but original submission in sand baskets entitles this appetizer to a new tasty interesting life. How to cook baskets with cod liver (recipe with photo), look.

Salad in tartlets with chicken and orange "Pleasure"

Simple fillings for tartlets are the best solution for busy housewives, and salad in tartlets with chicken, orange and cheese is a vivid confirmation of this. If you are looking for delicious salad for tartlets, be sure to pay attention to tartlets with chicken and cheese. Tender chicken fillet is wonderfully combined with juicy orange and hard cheese, and walnuts unite the taste, creating a harmonious combination of all ingredients. How to cook baskets with chicken and orange (recipe with photo), I wrote.

Salad in tartlets with crab sticks and red caviar

The simplest thing you can put in tartlets is crab stick filling for tartlets. But to make the salad baskets look more impressive, red caviar is used as a decoration. Such an appetizer with red caviar in tartlets with crab salad It's quick and easy to make, but this crab stick filling for tartlets contains another secret ingredient. Read all the details with a photo of how to cook tartlets with crab stick salad and caviar.

Salad in tartlets "Carousel"

simple and delicious saladthe best stuffing for finished tarts. I bring to your attention delicious tartlets with ham and Korean carrots that will not go unnoticed at your feast. This filling for ham tartlets is quick and easy to prepare, and ready-made salad baskets look elegant and appetizing. How to cook a salad in Carousel tartlets (recipe with photo), you can see.

Salad in tartlets with smoked chicken and mushrooms

Simple and tasty salads in tartlets for a snack continue to conquer modern housewives and salad in tartlets with chicken and mushrooms is a vivid confirmation of this. After all, the filling for chicken tartlets is prepared without much hassle, because the recipe uses ready-made smoked chicken breast.

And complement this delicious salad in baskets - mushrooms, processed cheese and garlic. I am sure you will also like this recipe for stuffed tartlets. How to cook salad in tartlets with smoked chicken and mushrooms (recipe with step by step photos), I wrote.

Tartlets with red fish and salad

I propose to cook festive red fish tartlets filled with hard cheese salad, chicken eggs and fresh cucumber. The ingredients are perfectly combined with each other, creating a delicate harmonious taste. Try it too! See how to cook.

Tartlets stuffed with crab sticks and cod liver

You can see how to cook tartlets stuffed with crab sticks and cod liver.

Filling for tartlets with pineapple and cheese

Overseas pineapple is incredibly combined with garlic and cheese, and a light sweetish taste does not spoil this appetizer at all, but rather gives it a certain southern piquancy. Recipe .

Tartlets with red fish and cheese pate

A very simple and successful appetizer in tartlets with red fish. If you are looking for something to fill the tartlets for an appetizer, then I wholeheartedly recommend that you prepare baskets with red fish and cheese pate.

It turns out a beautiful, original and tasty snack on the festive table, which will appeal to all your guests. Recipe for tartlets with red fish and cheese pate, you can see.

Potato tartlets with chicken and cheese

How to cook potato tartlets with chicken cheese, you can see

Salad in tartlets "Spring"

This salad with egg and cucumber is unlikely to receive a palm among original snacks, but thanks to an interesting serving in sand tartlets, it turns into an interesting snack. Salad recipe.

Stuffing for tartlets with crab sticks and mushrooms

Such a delicious filling for tartlets is a win-win option, and everyone who has tried it likes 100%. It turns out an interesting snack for wine, or other strong drinks. Recipe .

Salad in tartlets with crab sticks and shrimps "Sea Breeze"

Greetings, dear friends! Holidays are in full swing, and it's time to cook delicious snacks to the holiday table. Earlier, I told you about the most diverse ones, and today's recipe will also certainly please you. We will prepare tartlets with red fish, caviar and curd cheese - a delicious and simple snack that is prepared in minutes.

The recipe for tartlets with red fish and cut can’t even be called a recipe, it’s more of an idea than you can fill tartlets in conditions of general employment of the hostess before the holidays. You only need to buy all the ingredients in the supermarket, and fill the sand baskets. Such baskets with red fish turn out to be very tasty, beautiful, and all your guests will certainly like it.


  • 16 pcs. small sand tartlets
  • 50 gr. red fish (slightly salted)
  • 50 gr. red caviar
  • 135 gr. curd cheese
  • parsley for decoration

How to cook tartlets with red fish, caviar and curd cheese:

We fill sand tartlets curd cheese: this can be done with a teaspoon, or, like me, use a curly pastry nozzle for cream and a disposable bag. It turns out beautiful and festive.

Next, we cut the red fish into very thin slices, and carefully fold each piece into the shape of a rose, or roll. We put the red fish in tartlets with curd cream, and do not forget to leave a little more room for red caviar.

At the end, add the red game to the tartlets. It is convenient to do this with a coffee spoon.

If desired, you can decorate ready-made tartlets with red fish, caviar and curd cheese with parsley sprigs.

Tartlets with red fish and curd cheese can be prepared in advance, and put the appetizer in the refrigerator, tightening the plate with cling film. For 4-5 hours in the refrigerator with a snack, absolutely nothing will happen.

Appetizers on the festive table in the form of tartlets and pleasing to the eye, and give a kind of flavor zest to the menu. In this article we will talk about how to cook tartlets with caviar on your own.

No wonder the French are considered universally recognized culinary gurus - the example of tartlets, popular all over the world, is quite eloquent. Literally, the name of this dish is translated as "small open pie". Let's see how delicious and interesting it is to stuff such a miniature pie with caviar.

Ideas for small tartlets, canapes with caviar for the festive table and buffet: photo

Tartlets with red caviar and butter: a delicious recipe

You will need:

  • Red caviar- 150 g.
  • Butter- 100 g.
  • Lemon, parsley for decoration

IMPORTANT: Butter should be pre-cooled.

  • Place in each basket a piece of butter
  • Place a teaspoon on top caviar. By the way, the sequence can be different - oil can decorate a snack
  • Lemon or greens will give finishing touch appetizer

Delicious recipes for tartlets with red caviar and curd cheese

For this simple dish you will need:

  • Cottage cheese- package
  • Greenery

Cooking will take a minimum of time:

  • open the packaging with caviar and cheese. First, place on the bottom of each of the tartlets cheese
  • Caviar layered on top of cheese
  • Appetizer is being decorated greenery

Next recipe both elegant and savory. For the filling you will need:

  • One canned tuna in own juice
  • Cottage cheese- 200 g.
  • Pickle medium size
  • toothbrush garlic
  • Mayonnaise- 1 tbsp. l.
  • jar red caviar
  • Dill
  • Salt and pepper taste

IMPORTANT: This amount of ingredients is enough on average for 18-20 tartlets.

  • Primarily open a can of tuna and drain the juice
  • Samo the meat will shift is in some container. Add there also cheese
  • Finely chop the cucumber pour into the same container
  • Pass through the garlic prepared tooth. Add this porridge to the rest of the ingredients
  • The last thing to add to the filling mayonnaise, salt and pepper
  • Paste carefully mixed up

IMPORTANT: Fill tartlets with filling just before serving. With red caviar and dill, the appetizer is also decorated last.

Festive tartlets with black caviar: recipes

Looks interesting enough tartlets with black caviar and cucumber. They are perfect for when if there is no time to bake or buy dough baskets.

  • To start cut cucumber into slices. You can make small indentations
  • Place in such recesses some cheese- perfect for feta and cheese
  • Superimposed on top teaspoon of caviar
  • You can decorate the appetizer greenery

IMPORTANT: This recipe is the perfect combination of beauty and health. Among all the methods of preparing tartlets, it is considered the most dietary.

Perfectly black caviar is combined and With butter. It is recommended to decorate such an appetizer parsley.

Tartlets with red caviar and salmon: recipe

You will need to stock up:

  • Salmon steak- 250 g.
  • red caviar- 1 can
  • curd cheese- 150 g.
  • greenery

Let's start cooking:

  • First thing steam the fish- small pieces just in this form are cooked perfectly. Recommended salt steak, treat it with lemon juice. If you wish, you can add some spices.

IMPORTANT: Steamed fish should cook for 8-10 minutes.

  • Let the fish cool down and then remove bones and skin.
  • Next, you can or cut steak into smaller pieces, or use a blender. In the latter case, grind the fish along with the cheese.
  • The final touch - adding mixture and caviar in baskets. green leaf top will make the appetizer brighter and tastier.

Tartlets with avocado and caviar: recipe

This recipe uses very popular with gourmets, because the salty taste of caviar goes well with avocado nut paste. Some chefs add lemon acid to this palette. Total will need:

  • Red caviar- 75 g
  • Avocado- 1 PC
  • Lemon- half. Do not neglect this product - lemon juice will give avocado puree a beautiful shade
  • Salt
  • Parsley or cucumber for decoration

IMPORTANT: The choice of avocados must be approached with special attention. The fruit should be ripe and with bright flesh. Of course, the pulp is not visible when buying, but you should not take a fruit that is soft to the touch - there is a risk of acquiring an overripe product. The best option is a hard avocado with a bright green peel.

  • You need to prepare the filling as follows:
  • Divide an avocado into two parts remove the bone
  • teaspoon separate the pulp that is bright in color. Brown doesn't fit.
  • Add lemon juice and start turn the pulp into a puree. You can do this with a fork and a blender - it all depends on the softness of the product.

IMPORTANT: Observe the color of the resulting puree. If the puree starts to darken within 15 minutes, add some extra lemon juice. The fact is that the acidity of each lemon is individual, so it is advisable to keep this product in stock.

  • Now you can fill the baskets green filling, and on top lay out the caviar
  • You can also thinly sliced ​​cucumber and decorate the dish sprigs of parsley

How to cook tartlets with egg and caviar?

  • Caviar black
  • Eggs- 5 pieces.
  • green onion
  • Butter

Let's get started with the appetizers:

  • Pre boil hard boiled eggs
  • In every basket put some oil

  • Cut the eggs into quarters. Put each piece in a tartlet

Eggs in tartlets should be placed in this way

  • Side of the eggs place the caviar

  • You can decorate the appetizer with onion feathers- so it will look more interesting

Tartlets with pollock caviar: recipe

As for the filling, you need to fill the baskets as follows:

  • slightly salted trout cut into pieces. Each of them placed in the form of a ring into a tartlet

  • Caviar is squeezed out using a pastry syringe
  • The final stage - decor of tartlets olives, herbs

How to cook tartlets with capelin caviar and cream cheese?

Tartlets for such a snack can be made both shortbread and waffle dough.

Cream cheese you can cook and on one's own. For this:

  • Mix sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk until smooth. Their number depends on your taste preferences.
  • Salt the mixture and if you prefer a sour taste, add lemon juice.
  • Should be in a colander lay gauze in 3-4 layers- now you can discard the mixture.
  • All this covered and hidden in the fridge approximately for two days.

IMPORTANT: As an alternative to cream cheese, sour cream can also be used. You just need to put it first on a colander covered with gauze. When the whey descends, a mass is formed that looks like cream cheese.

Now you can start filling the tartlets. This is done in the following sequence: cheese, caviar, and then greens optional.

How to cook tartlets with cod caviar?

For the filling of such an appetizer you will need:

  • Caviar- 300 g.
  • Tomato
  • Egg- 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise

Easy to prepare:

  • boil eggs
  • Shift caviar in a deep bowl knead her
  • Add to caviar container finely chopped eggs
  • Add there and finely chopped tomato
  • Everything stir and season with mayonnaise

Tartlets with shrimps and red caviar: delicious recipes

For the manufacture of the filling will come in handy:

  • Caviar
  • Eggs- 3 pcs.
  • Shrimps- 250 gr.
  • crab meat- 1 pack
  • Corn- half a jar
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt

Getting Started:

  • First you need boil eggs
  • Then chop eggs and crab meat

IMPORTANT: Some housewives think that the larger the pieces of filling, the better. Actually this is a delusion. It is best to cut the filling for tartlets finely.

  • Add corn, all stir.
  • Now you can spread the stuffing seasoning it mayonnaise and adding to taste salt.
  • Shrimps are placed on tartlets separately.

For next filling will need:

  • Shrimps
  • Caviar
  • mussels
  • Greenery
  • Cheese hard or soft

Getting Started:

  • If you chose hard cheese, grate him and mix with mayonnaise
  • Spread this mixture or soft cheese for tartlets

IMPORTANT: Garlic goes well with this appetizer. Only it should not be cut into pieces, but pressed into the cheese mass.

  • Then baskets filled with shrimps, mussels, herbs and of course caviar

Tartlets with mascarpone and caviar: recipe

Mascarpone cheese is quite unusual - soft and very creamy. In combination with red caviar, it will be an excellent appetizer for the festive table.

For the filling you need:

  • Caviar- jar
  • Mascarpone cheese- 250 g.
  • Dill
  • Shallot
  • Salt pepper

Making tartlets is easy:

  • Chop the dill
  • cut finely onion
  • Whip the cheese adding herbs and onions. Add salt, pepper
  • Further the mixture is laid out in baskets decorated with caviar

How to cook tartlets with melted cheese and caviar?

boil eggs and separate the whites from the yolks

  • Yolks are not needed, but Here the proteins are crushed to a state of porridge either a grater or a fork.
  • Further processed cheese is processed with a grater. Need it add to proteins, season with mayonnaise.

  • So you can decorate it all - you can spread the filling on tartlets, and from above decorate it with caviar.

How to cook pike caviar tartlets?

Pike caviar is no less tasty than red and black, and its nutritional value is equal to sturgeon and red fish.

The recipe, as it seems at first, is simple - mix caviar with butter and fill tartlets with it. However, you need to know how to cook caviar:

Pike caviar is located in the so-called "bags". Wash them out under cold water

Carefully break the joints of the "bags" and get the caviar

IMPORTANT: Do not worry if you cannot remove the entire film at once - you can do this during the cooking process.

  • Now add to the container with caviar salt. Average for 130 g of caviar you will need one tablespoon of salt.
  • Now beat caviar with salt for 15 minutes- this will allow the eggs to separate, and the films to detach from the eggs.
  • Once on the surface white salt deposits appeared- you are on the right track! Add 60 ml. vegetable oil and that's it stir. Now the caviar is ready to become a filling for tartlets.

Salad with caviar for filling tartlets

For salmon salad you will need:

  • Red caviar- 70 g. However, you can change the quantity at your discretion.
  • Salmon or other red fish- 250 g.
  • Eggs- 4 things.

IMPORTANT: It is highly desirable that the yolks are bright - then the filling for tartlets will turn out to be festive. For this, it is best to use homemade eggs.

  • Canned pineapple- 150 g.
  • hard cheese, preferably parmesan - 50 g.
  • Olives
  • Mayonnaise- 1.5 tbsp. l. Bold recommended
  • bunch of dill

The salad is made as follows:

  • Finely chopped fish fillet and put in a deep salad bowl
  • Hard boil eggs, finely chop them up and send to the same salad bowl

IMPORTANT: For this case, boil eggs in boiling water for at least 10 minutes.

  • Now take the pineapples and drain the liquid- otherwise, the salad will turn out to be watery and the tartlets will “spread”. If you don't want a sweet taste, rinse the pieces with boiled water.
  • finely chop
  • in the same bowl add half of the prepared caviar
  • Carefully mix everything, season with mayonnaise. Again stir
  • Spread the mixture by baskets
  • Grate the cheese, and then sprinkle them on tarts
  • Decorate an appetizer cut olives, the rest of the caviar, dill
  • Many people associate caviar with holiday menu. But why make sandwiches if you can arrange a snack in the form of tartlets? They will become a real decoration, and quite tasty.

Natural red or black caviar is already gorgeous! We are all used to smearing it on a sandwich with butter. But it's so boring! Tartlets are the best solution for appetizers with caviar! Sand baskets give full scope to imagination, allow you to use the most different fillings and turn the appetizer into a small masterpiece.

Caviar Tartlets - General Cooking Principles

Tartlets for caviar can be prepared independently from unsweetened shortcrust pastry. In principle, they are made easily if there are special molds. But more often they buy ready-made baskets, they are inexpensive, they look neat. Tartlets vary in size. The smallest products are used for caviar with butter. If you plan to make multi-component fillings, then it is better to purchase large baskets so that everything fits in them.

What is used besides caviar:

Cheese different types;

Shrimps and other seafood;

Crab sticks;


Vegetables, greens.

Caviar is usually laid out on top. You can make a full-fledged layer that covers the entire surface so that the filling does not show through it. In large tartlets with salads, caviar is used for decoration, laid out in small piles or scattered over the surface in the form of pearls. Serve tartlets immediately after cooking or a slight cooling. It is not recommended to store the prepared snack.

Ordinary tartlets with caviar and butter

Recipe chic appetizer from tartlets with caviar. The right way basket filling, proportions, features. Both red and black caviar are suitable for appetizers. The number of products is not specified.



Dill greens.


1. Butter should not be hard. It is very important to remove it from the refrigerator in advance so that the product softens. Otherwise, the oil will lie crooked, when trying to distribute it inside the basket, the tartlet is easily damaged.

2. We collect half a teaspoon of oil for a standard tartlet. Spread in an even layer along the bottom of the product.

3. Now a layer of caviar. It should be thicker. We put a full teaspoon in each tartlet. You can add 1.5 tablespoons. Spread evenly over the surface.

4. Now dill. We wash the greens with cold water, shake off the droplets, lay them out on a small branch on top of the caviar. You can also use parsley, but dill has a milder taste and goes better with caviar.

5. We shift the tartlets onto a plate, between them you can spread the rest of the greens. Cool and serve.

Tartlets with caviar and soft cheese

For such tartlets, you can use cottage cheese or any other soft cheese. To make the filling oily and blend perfectly with caviar, oil is also added to it.


120 g of cheese;

30 g of oil;

15-20 small tartlets;

A little dill;

100 g caviar.


1. Beat cheese and softened butter until smooth. If the cheese is fatty, you can cook without oil, but it still tastes better with it.

2. Add 0.5 tsp to cheese. chopped dill. Cut the greens very finely, rub everything together.

3. We lay out the cheese filling in tartlets so that it fills them 2/3. Level the top with a teaspoon.

4. Now we make a layer of caviar, distribute it so that there are as few gaps as possible.

5. Put a small sprig of dill on top.

6. We shift the tartlets to the dish. If a cheese filling left, then you can put it in a confectionery syringe or in a bag, squeeze small flowers onto the caviar, write letters or draw any pattern.

Tartlets with caviar and crab sticks

Economical option. For such tartlets with caviar, it is better to use not very small baskets, which can fit about 1 tablespoon of the filling.


10 tartlets;

50 g of hard cheese;

120 g crab sticks;

1 clove of garlic;

Mayonnaise, salt;

A little dill;

2 spoons of caviar.


1. Cut crab sticks small cubes. Pour into a bowl.

2. Add grated cheese, squeeze out a small clove of garlic, salt and season the filling with mayonnaise. The amount of sauce is up to you, but don't add too much.

3. You can add 1 chopped pineapple ring to such a salad, it will be even tastier.

4. We distribute the prepared filling among the tartlets. It should reach the very top.

5. We make a small depression in the central part with a teaspoon, pour red caviar, decorate with a sprig of dill.

6. Or lay out the eggs in an even layer, covering the entire filling.

7. The most economical option is to scatter the eggs on top in a chaotic manner. But you can lay out a pattern of them. Painstaking, but very beautiful.

Tartlets with caviar, cheese and eggs

For such tartlets with caviar, you can use any cheese; by default, hard cheese is indicated in the recipe. The amount of mayonnaise must be adjusted. The filling should be thick, use good sauce.


100 g of hard cheese;

100 g of caviar;


1 clove of garlic;

To decorate the greens.


1. Cook eggs. Peel the shells, finely chop, pour into a bowl. Eggs need to be cooled well, you can put them in the freezer for a few minutes while the rest of the ingredients are being prepared.

2. Grate hard cheese with the smallest cells. Along with the cheese, you can chop a clove of garlic.

3. Mix everything together. You can add some greens.

4. Add mayonnaise. We put on a spoon, mix well each time, we monitor the consistency. We try the filling to taste, you can add black pepper and other spices, but do not add salt.

5. We lay out the minced cheese in tartlets, leaving room for caviar.

6. We apply a layer of eggs, decorate the appetizer with greens, put it on a dish.

Tartlets with caviar and shrimps

A variant of a chic appetizer with amazing taste and a royal look. You can use any shrimp, but smaller ones are better. It is better to use small baskets so that everything can be placed in them.


10-12 tartlets;

120 g of cheese;

100 g of caviar;

250 g shrimp;

A clove of garlic.


1. Hard boiled eggs are used. We chop them finely in autumn. Add grated garlic and cheese, season with mayonnaise. The amount of sauce indicated is approximate. If you want to make a fatter filling, add softened butter.

2. Boil shrimp in salted water, peel, cool well.

3. Open a jar of caviar, prepare tartlets.

4. Fill the baskets with salad.

5. Lay out a layer of red caviar. You can make an economical option or impose a product from the heart.

6. Now we stick a shrimp into each tartlet so that the tail sticks up. We distribute all the shrimp.

7. We transfer the tartlets to a dish with greens, they do not need further decoration.

Tartlets with caviar, mozzarella and Bulgarian cheese

A variant of very appetizing tartlets with tender mozzarella cheese. Of course, you can take any other type of cheese, but it is better if it is just as tender and soft.


150 g mozzarella;

1 yellow pepper;


A little sour cream;

2 sprigs of dill;

100 g caviar.


1. Rub the boiled egg finely.

2. Grind the mozzarella too, mix with the egg.

3. We chop a couple of sprigs of dill, pour into the filling.

4. We free the yellow bell pepper from seeds. If the pod is large, then use half. Cut into small cubes, the size of a caviar.

5. Fill the filling with sour cream or fat mayonnaise, mix thoroughly. Garlic, black pepper can be added to taste.

6. Fill the tartlets with the resulting minced meat. If large baskets are used, then it can be applied with a slide. In small tartlets, you need to leave room for a layer of caviar.

7. Lay the eggs on top and you're done! If desired, put small sprigs of dill or decorate with a piece of bell pepper.

Tartlets with caviar, cream cheese and cucumber

Another option for cheese tartlets. As an addition, fresh cucumber is used. Choose a vegetable with a thin skin and small seeds, it is important that the cucumber is tender and fits into the taste of the dish.


10 tartlets;

1 small cucumber;

100 g cream cheese;

80 g of caviar;


1. Stir cream cheese to achieve a uniform consistency. We lay out in tartlets, fill 2/3 of the volume.

2. Wash the cucumber, cut into circles of medium thickness. The number of pieces should be equal to tartlets, that is, we need 10 pieces.

3. We put on the side of each tartlet a circle of cucumber on the edge, let it peek out a little from the basket.

4. Between the cucumber and the edge opposite from it, with a teaspoon, lay out a slide of caviar.

5. Decorate with a small branch of greenery and you're done! You can serve the appetizer immediately or keep it in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.

When buying caviar, it is advisable to look at the date of manufacture. If the product was released in winter, then, most likely, frozen caviar was used. Therefore, there will be more moisture in the jar, the product will flow on the tartlets and shortbread dough may sag. Lay such caviar less and not to the very brim to avoid trouble.

Real caviar is soft, spreads when crushed with fingers and does not splash. If it is difficult to crush the caviar, a click is made, and the internal contents scatter in all directions, then you bought a fake.

Most often, tartlets are decorated with dill, as it goes well with all fillings and goes well with caviar. But this is not the rule. Parsley can also be used if there is cheese in the tartlets. Choose the most tender and young leaves.

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