Home General issues Ingredients for the production of pasta. Own business: production of pasta Producers of stamped pasta

Ingredients for the production of pasta. Own business: production of pasta Producers of stamped pasta

And water mixing, various molding and drying methods.

Classification and range

All pasta is divided into groups A, B, C; grades (highest, first, second). The designations of pasta made using additional raw materials are supplemented with the appropriate name, for example, premium egg noodles.

The grade of products is determined by the grade of flour. The standard provides for the production of pasta of the highest grade (from flour of the highest grade - grits), the first grade (from flour of the first grade - semi-grains), the second grade (from flour of the second grade - semi-grains).

The range of pasta products is very diverse. Along with the usual products, the following varieties of pasta are produced:

  • higher egg; higher egg with an increased content of eggs;
  • tomato first and highest grades;
  • dairy products of the first and highest grades with the addition of cow's milk, whole dry skimmed cow's milk;
  • cottage cheese of the first and highest grades;
  • fortified first and highest grades;
  • fast-cooking;
  • pasta with vegetables;
  • products with dry yeast or yeast extract;
  • products with soy flour;
  • products with fish protein concentrate.

Pasta for special purposes are made, for example, for baby and diet food:

  • small (in the form of grains) products of increased biological value for baby food from premium flour with the introduction of caseite, iron glycerophosphate, vitamins B 1, B 2 and PP;
  • protein-free products (in the form of vermicelli) for medical nutrition and for children in need of a hypoprotein and gluten-free diet; are produced from a mixture of corn starch with the addition of vitamins;
  • second course items. The formed noodles are passed through an oil bath or sprayed with oil, then dried at 70-130°C. In such noodles, fat does not oxidize for 6 months. It has a high nutritional value and does not stick together when cooked;
  • items for long term storage. Fresh products are packed in heat-resistant bags and irradiated from both sides with infrared rays at 100-160 °C for 3-4 minutes. Thus, the products are sterilized, and their shelf life increases.

In addition to varietal differences, the commodity classification divides pasta into types, and types into subtypes.

The entire range of pasta products is subdivided by regulatory documentation into four types: tubular products, thread-like, tape, curly.

Each type of pasta is divided into subtypes.

TO tubular products include three subtypes - pasta, horns, feathers.

Pasta is divided into the following types: ordinary (diameter 5.6-7 mm), ordinary corrugated (diameter 5.6-7 mm), special (diameter 4.0-5.5 mm), special corrugated (diameter 4.0-5 .5 mm), amateur (with a diameter of more than 7 mm), amateur corrugated (with a diameter of more than 7 mm), straws (with a diameter of up to 4 mm).

The length of pasta is short 15-30 cm, long-more than 30 cm.

Horns - shortly cut tubular products, slightly curved, the length along the outer curve is from 1.5 to 5 cm. Horns are of the following types: ordinary (5.6-7 mm in diameter), special (4.1-5.56 mm in diameter) , straws (up to 4.1 mm in diameter), for minced meat (20 ± 3 mm in diameter).

Feathers are short-cut tubular products with an oblique cut and a length from an acute angle to a blunt cut from 3 to 10 cm. They produce the following types: amateur (more than 7 mm in diameter), ordinary (5.6-7 mm in diameter) and special (4 .1-5.56 mm).

TO thread-like products include gossamer vermicelli (section not more than 0.8 mm), ordinary (section not more than 0.9-1.5 mm) and amateur (section from 1.6 to 3.5 mm).

Tape products include primarily noodles, which are available in smooth, corrugated, sawtooth, wavy, and the like. The dimensions of the noodles are arbitrary, however, the width of the tape must be at least 3 mm, the thickness should not be more than 2 mm. Noodles are produced narrow (up to 7.0 mm inclusive) and wide (from 7.1 to 25.0 mm).

Figured products are divided into the following types: alphabet and figurines 8x2x10 mm in size; ears and bows; shells of various sizes (diameter up to 30 mm and wall thickness no more than 1.2 mm); sprockets, gears, rings (diameter 10 mm and thickness 1.55 mm); cereals and grains of rice type (with a diameter of not more than 3 mm and a length of not more than 10 mm); squares, triangles and other curly plates (thickness not more than 1.2 mm, side of a square, triangle not more than 12 mm); Bolognese stamps (plate sizes from 10x10 to 50x50 mm, thickness from 0.7 to 1.5 mm).

In the above classification list, their shape is taken as a sign for the division of pasta. Often other features are used, for example, technological, size, cross-sectional character, etc.

Depending on the way of forming Distinguish between pressed and stamped products. Figured products are stamped, the rest are obtained by pressing.

Depending on the length pasta is divided into long (from 20 to 40-50 cm), short and short cut (from 1.5 to 20 cm), soup fillings (in the form of thin flat and curly slices 1-3 mm thick).

Depending on the laying out before drying pasta is divided into straight (all hanging-drying products), loose (all short-cut products and soup fillings that are dried in bulk), skeins and bows (vermicelli and noodles of a special layout).

The assortment of pasta is constantly updated.

Pasta is characterized by high nutritional value and good digestibility. They contain at least 11 - 12% protein, 70-72% carbohydrates (mainly starch), 13% moisture and 0.5-0.7% fat, the content of minerals and fiber that are not absorbed by the body is insignificant.

The nutritional value

The main consumer advantages of pasta are:

  • high nutritional value, since the best quality wheat flour with a high content of proteins and a minimum amount of minerals is used for their manufacture;
  • high digestibility of proteins (86%), fats (90%) and carbohydrates (98%);
  • culinary advantages - the speed and simplicity of cooking (cooking time for small products is about 5 minutes, thick-walled - 15-20 minutes).

Nutritional value and consumer advantages depend on the variety and composition and the additives used.

Factors that shape quality

Main raw material for the production of pasta, special pasta flour, baking flour of the highest and first grades with a content of at least 28% gluten and water are used.

TO additional raw material include: enrichment additives - eggs, egg products, whole and powdered milk, etc.; flavoring and aromatic additives - vegetable and fruit juices; vitamin preparations - B 1, B 2, PP; improvers - surfactants used to give pasta specific organoleptic and physico-chemical properties.

Production process pasta is currently carried out on an automatic production line and consists of the operations of preparing raw materials, kneading, dough processing (kneading and rolling), molding (curly products are pressed, stamped, noodles are made by hand), drying, curing (stabilization), sorting and packaging.

Pasta quality largely depends on proper drying. Slow drying leads to sourness and moldiness, fast drying leads to cracking, uneven coloring without vitreous fracture and with unsatisfactory cooking properties. Short-cut products are dried for 20-90 minutes at a temperature of 50-70 °C, long - 16-40 minutes at a temperature of 30-50 °C.

Quality control pasta is produced according to organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

Organoleptic indicators - color, surface condition, shape, taste and smell, state after cooking and appearance in a fracture.

The color of the pasta should be uniform with a creamy or yellowish tinge. A whitish or grayish color indicates a defective raw material, a violation of the pressing or drying process.

The fracture of pressed products should be vitreous. A white flour break indicates defects in raw materials or dough processing.

The surface should be smooth, polished or slightly matte. The roughness of products is undesirable, although it disappears during cooking.

The taste and smell of dry and cooked products should be unremarkable: there should be no bitterness and high acidity, musty and moldy smells or any other extraneous tastes and odors.

Condition after cooking is the most important indicator of pasta. Cooked for 10-20 minutes, pasta should increase in volume by at least 2 times, keep its shape well, be soft, elastic, not stick together, not form lumps. Another important property associated with cooking is the persistence of dry matter.

The form must be correct, corresponding to the name of the products.

Physical and chemical quality indicators - humidity, acidity, strength and scrap content (for pasta), the content of crumbs, metal impurities, the absence of barn pests. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is made about .

We placed presentations of production and product categories on the catalog pages of the Product Center exhibition site. Food industrial enterprises offer wholesalers to buy pasta in bulk at a bargain price cheaper than imports. Companies add offers to the list for 2020 daily.

The rating of firms is made up of large well-known Russian brands and new trademarks. Pasta factories in Russia are open in Moscow and the Moscow region, Cheboksary, Rostov-on-Don, Vladimir, Krasnoyarsk and other cities of the country.

Manufacturing firms equip production with high-tech equipment and, following the direction of import substitution of products, launch demanded products on the market, manufactured using domestic and foreign technologies. Sale of pasta products wholesale. Enterprises produce goods in wholesale weight containers and in retail packaging (bags and boxes of 450, 500 and 1000 g).

Price lists and terms of cooperation with regional distributors are sent by representatives of supplying plants to customers' e-mails. Delivery to regions, regions and republics by transport carriers.

Production, which is quite within the power of small businesses, can be called the manufacture of pasta. There is always a demand for them in our country. Particular attention in the organization should be given to equipment for the production of pasta.

There are many types of production lines today. They are able to solve a variety of problems. Of the manufacturers of such equipment, both domestic and foreign plants are known. There are plenty to choose from, the main thing is to decide on the necessary capacities, assortment and markets for finished products.

Pasta is dried unleavened dough. The ingredients for kneading it are drinking water and flour of various qualities.. The technology is so simple that domestic businessmen began to master it even more often than the market demanded. A few years ago there was an oversupply. Many entrepreneurs were forced to close production. You can attract wholesale buyers with a variety of products and their quality. It depends on what kind of flour is used and how it is dried. Sometimes additives are added to the pasta dough, but more on that later.

pasta manufacturing technology

The mini-line consists of a pasta press type PMI 02 and a drying cabinet ШС 1 (see the description below)

The production technology has its own characteristics. Even the way the flour is stored affects the taste. It happens tare and unpacked. The latter method is more economical, as it reduces the wastage of raw materials and minimizes manual labor.

Before entering the dough mixers, the flour is carefully sifted and heated at a temperature of ten degrees. In the mixer, water is gradually added to it. The dough is kneaded for about 10 minutes. Then, to shape the dough, it is forced through a die with shaped holes using a screw. At the exit, a jet of air is supplied to the blanks. Then they are cut to size. After forming, the pasta is laid out on a tray, which is part of the press machine.

For the final removal of moisture, the products are placed in drying cabinets. For this, special baking sheets are used, which can hold about 2 kg of products. They are in the closet for about an hour until their humidity is 19%. From the cabinet, the product is scattered into cardboard boxes. In a separate storage room at a temperature of 25 degrees, they still lose moisture up to 13%. Then the products are considered ready and they can be packaged.

A separate type is fast food. They have a completely different structure, and the technology for their manufacture is different. The most valuable pasta is made from durum wheat (duruma). They are assigned the category "A". Categories "B" and "C" are pasta made from flour, the quality of which is lower. Chicken eggs, egg powder or dairy products, vegetable concentrates are used as additives to the main ingredients. Sometimes food coloring is allowed for mass production. In order for pasta to retain its shape during cooking, surfactants are added to them. Diet foods and baby pasta are saturated with iron glycerophosphate. Often for children, even fruit or vegetable puree is added to them.

What equipment to choose for the production of pasta?

For start-up entrepreneurs, a small production line of the PMI 02 type can be advised. It is equipped with two drying cabinets. Double-bunker press PMI 02 is capable of kneading, shaping, cutting and pre-drying the product. There are no special requirements for raw materials. This equipment is ready to work with soft and coarse flour.

The device performs almost all stages of the technological process, from mixing to shaping and drying. The press can be used stand-alone or complete with a dryer. It comes with a set of interchangeable dies. The shape of the product can be customized according to market needs or national preferences. The press quickly produces products, and their quality meets the requirements of the consumer.

Technical characteristics of the press Type PMI 02:

Drying cabinet ShS-1 is used to bring products to a moisture content of 19%. Drying in it occurs due to forced blowing with hot air. The temperature in it is maintained automatically. Below are the technical characteristics of the drying cabinet СШ-1:

For restaurants and cafes, you can buy a very simple model. It's called a pasta machine. Sometimes it is used even at home. The machine comes in two models: with and without dough mixer. A professional machine that only forms dough costs from $30. If there is a dough kneading function, then a pasta machine will cost about $ 300. Experts say that with such equipment you can not only delight your family with delicious dishes, but even start a small home business. The main thing is to stock up on a large number of nozzles and recipes for making delicious dough.

How much can you earn making pasta?

As for the large scale, the producers of domestic pasta initially invest about 500 thousand rubles in a small workshop. With a production volume of 4500 kg of products per month and an average price per kilogram of 39 rubles, the income will be 175.5 thousand rubles. The net profit in this case will be about 150 thousand rubles. In general, the industry has a profitability level of 20%. With such indicators, investments will pay off within 12 - 24 months.

How much can you earn in the production of pasta

Profit from the production of pasta depends on the capacity of the enterprise. The profitability of this business is 10 - 25%, with an established production and sales market, investments will pay off in 12 - 16 months. After that, the business will begin to generate income of 100 - 150 thousand rubles per month, subject to the manufacture and sale of 3 - 4 thousand kilograms of pasta.

How to choose equipment for the production of pasta

For the production of pasta, you need to purchase the following devices:
- flour sifter;
- press machine for pasta;
- apparatus for drying;
- machine for filling and packaging of finished products.
High-quality specialized equipment is supplied by Italian manufacturers. Their machines and units are distinguished by high reliability, high-quality service and long-term warranty service. Due to the modularity of the devices, their readjustment allows to produce a wide range of products on one conveyor.

Pasta production technology

The technological process of pasta production includes several stages:
1. Flour is weighed, cleaned and mixed, which makes it possible to achieve the quality indicators of the original product and prevent malfunctions of the vacuum press;
2. Pasta dough is prepared in dough mixers. The composition of the dough usually includes only water and flour, other ingredients (eggs, dyes) increase the cost of production, which reduces the profitability of the enterprise; To begin

The owners of the patent RU 2430516:

The invention relates to the food industry. The composition for the production of pasta contains durum wheat flour, soft wheat flour and chickpea flour in the following ratio of components, wt.%: durum wheat flour 5, soft wheat flour 85, chickpea flour 10. The invention allows to obtain a product with increased biological value, with improved organoleptic and structural-mechanical quality indicators. 2 tab.

The invention relates to the food industry and can be used in the production of pasta of increased biological value.

Known composition of the test for the production of pasta, including durum wheat flour or bread flour soft wheat premium and water. In addition, in the form of additives in the dough for pasta, flour of other crops is used, for example, peas (Medvedev G.M. Technology of pasta production. - M.: Kolos, 1999, p. 7, p. 50-52).

The disadvantage of using only wheat flour in pasta dough is the high starch content, which leads to a caloric content of the finished product and a low protein content. In addition, when flour of legumes, such as peas, is added to wheat flour, there is also an insufficient amount of protein.

Known composition of the test for the production of pasta (prototype - RF patent for invention No. 2289952), including wheat flour, water and protein-containing additives - flour of legumes, namely, either pea flour in an amount of 10% by weight of wheat flour, or lentil flour in an amount 10% by weight of wheat flour, or a complex additive consisting of bean flour in an amount of 2.5% by weight of wheat flour and rowanberry puree in an amount of 7.5% by weight of wheat flour, while the content of raw gluten in wheat flour should not be below 28%.

The disadvantage of the prototype is that when added to wheat flour protein-containing additives in the form of pea and lentil flour in the dough for pasta is not enough amino acids and minerals.

The technical task is to create a composition for the production of pasta with high biological value, with improved organoleptic and structural-mechanical quality indicators.

The technical problem is achieved by the fact that the composition for the production of pasta contains durum wheat flour, soft wheat flour and chickpea flour in the following ratio, wt.%:

chickpea flour - 10

The difference between the present invention and the prototype is that chickpea flour is used in the composition for the production of pasta, in the following ratio, wt.%:

durum wheat flour - 5

flour baking soft wheat - 85

chickpea flour - 10

The composition for the production of pasta is prepared as follows. Durum wheat flour in an amount of 5% is mixed with baking soft wheat flour in an amount of 85% and with chickpea flour in an amount of 10%. The amount of water per kneading is determined by calculation, taking into account the moisture content of soft baking wheat flour, durum wheat flour and chickpea flour. The prepared mixture of these three types of flour and water is fed into the first trough of the dough mixer, after which the finely lumpy dough, homogeneous in moisture, enters the second trough of the dough mixer connected to the screw chamber. Pasta presses are used to make pasta. Pressed pasta is dried in cabinet dryers.

Table 1 shows comparative data on indicators of protein content, essential amino acids and minerals in pasta prepared according to the prototype and the proposed composition.

Table 1
Indicators Pasta
Composition according to the prototype (with lentil flour) The composition of the prototype (with pea flour) Proposed Composition
Protein content, %
The content of essential amino acids, g per 100 g
13,02 12,44 14,26
protein, including 28,83 28,80 29,26
Lysine 2,97 2,85 3,26
Threonine 2,68 2,64 2,86
Valine 4,69 4,65 4,88
Leucine 7,03 6,76 6,99
Isoleiiin 3,66 3,64 3,74
Meteonin 1,65 2,13 2,87
tryptophan 1,52 1,32 0,87
Phenylalanine 4,63 4,81 5,99
Mineral composition, mg
Potassium 382,2 388,1 410,5
Calcium 59,6 60,2 70,7
Magnesium 101,6 102,4 106,7
Phosphorus 406,5 399,7 419,1
Iron 5,2 5,8 5,9

As can be seen from table 1, the content of essential amino acids in products with the addition of chickpea flour increased by 12%. The content of minerals compared with the prototype increased by 9%.

The introduction of chickpea flour into the recipe of pasta is explained by the need to enrich it with balanced essential amino acids and minerals, which are contained in chickpea flour more than in pea and bean flour. The use of a protein-containing additive in the form of chickpea flour in an amount of less than 10% leads to a deterioration in organoleptic quality indicators and a decrease in biological value. The use of this additive in an amount of more than 10% worsens the structural and mechanical quality indicators.

The introduction of wheat flour into the recipe of pasta dough in combination of its different types - durum wheat flour and soft varieties, and at the same time soft flour for baking in the largest quantitative ratio (85%) is explained by the fact that this type of flour is the most common and available in food industry. In the formulation of the present invention, the flour quality improver is a natural additive in the form of durum wheat flour. When using durum flour less than 5%, the structural and mechanical characteristics of pasta deteriorate, and the use of more than 5% is inappropriate, because. the addition of this flour in an amount of 5% is sufficient to achieve optimal structural and mechanical properties.

Table 2 shows the quality indicators of the cooking properties of pasta, the composition of which is prepared according to the prototype and the invention.

As can be seen from table 2, pasta prepared according to the invention has good cooking properties: the main indicator of cooking properties - the loss of solids in the cooking environment - is 7.8% lower compared to the composition made according to the prototype.

Example. To obtain a dough for the production of pasta, soft wheat flour in the amount of 8.5 kg, durum wheat flour in the amount of 0.5 kg and chickpea flour in the amount of 1 kg are pre-mixed and the mixture is sieved. Carry out the following steps according to the above method of preparing the dough.

The resulting pasta with a protein-containing additive in the form of chickpea flour has a high content of protein, essential amino acids and minerals. Cooked pasta with a protein-containing chickpea additive has the correct shape, elastic texture and an attractive yellow tint.

Thus, the proposed composition for the production of pasta makes it possible to obtain products of increased biological value with improved organoleptic and structural-mechanical quality indicators.

Composition for the production of pasta, containing durum wheat flour, soft wheat flour and chickpea flour in the following ratio, wt.%.

The production of pasta consists of the following stages: preparation of raw materials, dough preparation, shaping, drying and packaging.

Raw material For pasta production, wheat flour of the highest or 1st grade is used, obtained by milling pasta from durum wheat (durum) or from soft high-vitreous wheat. Pasta flour should contain a significant amount of gluten (30% or more). It is allowed to manufacture products from baking wheat flour, in which the amount of gluten of the appropriate quality must be at least 28%.

In world practice, pasta flour is divided into semolina (refined medium fractions of durum wheat grinding) and farina (refined medium fractions of soft wheat grinding).

Pasta flour differs significantly from baking flour: it has a grainy structure, a high content of gluten, good elasticity, not sticky, not short-tearing, which affects the elastic-plastic and strength properties of the dough.

Additional raw materials are various additives that enrich products (egg, dairy, vitamins) or affect their taste and color (vegetable, fruit).

Cooking pasta dough. This is the simplest dough, which is made from flour and water, does not undergo fermentation or artificial leavening. During dough kneading, there is a gradual swelling of starch grains and flour proteins, as well as a uniform distribution of moisture throughout the dough mass. Then it is subjected to intensive mechanical processing in the screw chamber of the press, where it turns into a non-porous, elastic-plastic mass. In the production of long products, to give them greater plasticity, soft (32-34% moisture) or medium (29-31% moisture) kneading is used. And in the production of short - medium or hard (27-28% moisture) batch to prevent sticking of products during drying.

Product molding carried out in two ways: pressing and stamping. This operation determines the appearance of the product (roughness), density and cooking properties.

Pressing is carried out in screw presses ending with a matrix. The shape of the products depends on the configuration of the cross section of the forming holes of the matrix. The holes of the matrix can be with liners - tubular products are obtained, solid round - thread-like, solid slit-like - tape-like and figured. Various figured products are obtained by stamping from a thin dough shaped like a ribbon, and noodles are obtained by cutting into pieces of a dough ribbon.

Drying- the most important stage in the production of pasta. The duration of this operation depends on the type of product, the type of dryers and the drying mode used: 30 minutes - for noodles and vermicelli at a temperature of 50-70 "C; 16-40 hours for long tubular products at a temperature of 30-50 ° C. Drying is carried out to moisture finished products 12-13%.As the dough dehydrates, it loses its original properties, passing from the plastic state through the zone of elastic properties to the state of a brittle body.When drying, the products shrink, i.e., their size decreases.For uniform shrinkage and reduction of cracking and curvature drying is carried out gradually, alternating it with softening.Excessively long drying can lead to darkening of the product as a result of the activity of enzymes and the formation of melanoidins, as well as souring and molding.If the drying is excessive, cracks form.

After drying, the finished product is cooled and sent to packaging. Before packaging, sorting is carried out and products that are not dried, cracked, severely deformed, with high acidity, moldy are removed.

Package. Pasta is produced packaged and by weight. Products are packaged with a net weight of not more than 1 kg in cardboard boxes, paper bags, bags made of cellophane or polymer film, which are then packed in a shipping container. Bulk products are packed only in shipping containers (wooden, plank, plywood, corrugated cardboard boxes) lined with clean wrapping paper. The products are packed tightly in boxes, the gaps inside are filled with paper.

New technologies for the production of pasta. Due to the insufficient amount of high-quality raw materials (pasta flour from durum wheat), new technologies are being developed that allow the production of high-quality products from medium- and low-quality raw materials. This is, for example, the use of high and ultra-high temperature drying regimes (SHT). The production time is reduced and the possibility of using non-traditional raw materials - flour from soft varieties of wheat, from rice and corn or mixed flour is created. Drying is carried out at a drying air temperature of 85 °C and above in several stages, most often in two: preliminary - to a moisture content of products of 20% at a minimum temperature of 60 °C (the limit of complete pasteurization of pasta); final - to the final moisture content of the product at a temperature of 90 "C, when the likelihood of the Maillard reaction occurs. The best results are obtained when using modes bordering on the beginning of the Maillard reaction in the dried products, i.e. leading to its very beginning. As a result, pasta have a brighter color compared to products dried under milder conditions.Products are of good quality, as they retain their shape after cooking.SHT modes allow you to get a highly developed coagulated lattice, which contains starch grains that have not had time to swell.In conditions of moisture deficiency products acquire a secondary structure as a result of the so-called starch modification (partial gelatinization), which allows changing the physical properties of the dough and the quality of the final product.

The production of instant pasta can also be attributed to new technologies. There are several options for their production: traditional pressing followed by steaming and drying (fast cooking products); cold pressing with a cooking step (instead of steaming) followed by drying; thermal molding (short-term high-temperature extrusion) followed by drying (products that do not require cooking). It is possible to make instant products from extruded flour, as well as processing it with IR radiation.

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