Home Salads and appetizers Applesauce in a slow cooker. The best recipes for applesauce for the winter at home with a photo. Applesauce sissy - an unforgettable taste of childhood: video

Applesauce in a slow cooker. The best recipes for applesauce for the winter at home with a photo. Applesauce sissy - an unforgettable taste of childhood: video

Applesauce offer children up to a year as the first fruit complementary foods. Therefore, every mother is somehow familiar with this recipe. Of course, you can buy ready-made canned puree in the store, but it is much better to cook it yourself. In this case, you will be calm about the quality of the product that your baby will eat. The slow cooker greatly facilitates the process of preparing applesauce.

Cooking applesauce in a slow cooker has several advantages over in the usual way brewing:

– The multicooker preserves everything as much as possible beneficial features fruit;

- The puree is very delicate in consistency;

- Cooking mashed potatoes in a slow cooker frees up time, as it does not require the constant presence of mom during the cooking process.

In this recipe, in addition to apples, a couple of strawberries are used. If your baby is just getting acquainted with this product, exclude berries from the ingredients.

Ingredients for 1 serving:
apple - 1 large or 2 medium
strawberries - 2 berries

Applesauce in a slow cooker, recipe:

Wash and peel apples.

Prepare the strawberries (the berries will have time to defrost while the puree is being prepared).

Cut out the core of the apples.

Pour about 200 ml of water into the multicooker.

Place the apple slices in a steaming bowl.

Set the steam cooking program for 5 minutes.

In some multicookers, the minimum time is programmed for 10 minutes, as, for example, in the Panasonic SR-TMH10ATW multicooker. In this case, turn off the multicooker when 5 minutes remain on the timer.

The apples are soft, carefully transfer them to the blender bowl. Add strawberries.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

In order to cook applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter, we don’t need anything other than the apples themselves, we don’t even need sugar at all. That is, it is a very simple and budget type of homemade preparations. But it's applesauce. cooked according to this recipe, you can safely give it to a child, even a very small one - unlike store-bought counterparts, you know for sure that this food contains only apples, and there are no preservatives, dyes and taste enhancers. It can also be used as a filling in pies, croissants and other baked goods. Well, isn't it a wonderful preparation for the winter?

- apples.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We carefully select apples - according to variety and degree of ripeness. (I have “white pouring” apples. Medium-sized, but all ripe and very sweet.)

We wash the apples thoroughly with cold running water, peel and peel the seed box. If the apples are crushed, then this part must be removed. Just carefully cut out all the damaged areas. Here you need to be very careful not to let the spoiled parts of the apples get into the puree. Then we cut the apples into approximately the same small pieces.

You have probably noticed that apples darken very quickly in the air - this is due to the action of oxidative enzymes. And the process of preparing apples is quite lengthy. Therefore, in order to avoid darkening of sliced ​​apples, proceed as follows: prepare a 1% salt solution (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water). We lower the pieces of apples into a container with this solution immediately after they have been cut. And we keep apples in it until the next action with them.

Using a blender, grind the apples until smooth. If you have a lot of apples, then grind in parts, put each pounded portion immediately into the multicooker bowl.

When all the apples are already folded into the slow cooker, close it and turn on the "stewing" mode, set the time - 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, after the signal, open the lid and mix the apples with a plastic spatula. Apples remain the same white color, but still raw - this can be seen from their appearance and yes, it tastes great. We close it again, again the “extinguishing” mode for 20 minutes.

During this time, the applesauce in the slow cooker will be fully cooked. At the same time, it will change color a little: it will become darker, a warm apricot shade will appear. But the puree itself will be very tender, airy. Be sure to try it so you know what goodies you will cover. Just don’t get too carried away with tasting, otherwise there will be nothing to put in jars.

While the slow cooker is running, prepare the jars. We wash them with water and baking soda. Then rinse thoroughly hot water. We do the same with lids.
Then we sterilize the jars and lids in any way convenient for you (either in the oven or steamed).

Wipe hot sterilized jars dry with a clean towel and fill with puree. The puree is thick, so lightly tap the jars on the countertop to remove the accumulated air. We cover the jars with lids. We install in a wide pan with a flat stand at the bottom (or a plate). Pour hot water over the "neck" of the jar and put on fire. We sterilize - from the moment the water boils in the pan, 100-gram jars - 7 minutes, 200-gram jars - 10 minutes, and 0.5-liter jars - 20 minutes.

Carefully remove the jars from the pan in which they were sterilized, and roll up (screw) the lids. We turn the jars upside down and cool in this form.

Tips & Tricks:
A wonderful fact - for this blank, you can use ugly-shaped apples, and with cracks, and flattened ones. That is, all those fruits that are not so appetizing to eat are suitable for an applesauce recipe. But remember that it is impossible to process wormy, rotten, moldy apples, in any case (which is generally typical for other homemade preparations). The only requirement for apples is that they must be of the same variety and, of course, ripe.
Apples of the same variety behave in the same way during cooking - they become soft at the same time, boil soft and become ready at the same time. The same is true for fruits of different degrees of ripeness, but of the same variety: ripe fruits will boil, which means they will be ready earlier than unripe ones. But unripe fruits are not sweet enough - puree can be sour.

In addition, since sugar is not used at all in this type of preservation, it is necessary to choose sweet varieties of apples. Such as "Antonovskie" will not work - the puree will be very sour.

When choosing jars in which you will close applesauce for the winter, be guided by what you will use it for later. If you are preparing it for a child, then it is better to use small, 100-gram jars (or 200 grams). If you prepare puree as a filling in pies, it is better to use half-liter jars.

Such puree can also be cooked on the stove, but in a slow cooker the process is noticeably simplified - you do not have to worry that something will burn, stick to the pan, etc.
A slow cooker will greatly simplify the process of making applesauce.
The sequence of actions in the process of preparing apples can be slightly changed. One way is to start mashing the apple chunks right away instead of mashing them with a blender. If the pieces are first kneaded with a blender (as I did), then the process of preparing apples will be almost completed on this. If you first cook apples in a slow cooker, then after 20 minutes you will still need to grind the apples with a blender to get an airy homogeneous puree. Semi-prepared mashed potatoes grind much faster, so if you are cooking a large amount, it is more advisable to grind after pre-cooking. But if you don’t want to interrupt the cooking process in a slow cooker later (for example, you just won’t have time for this), then we’ll use a blender before it.

If you don't have much puree and you intend to store it in the refrigerator, you can do without sterilizing the jars with it.

1. For applesauce, take the ripest apples. It doesn't matter which variety you choose: the puree will be delicious either way. We will wash them, peel and core, remove all “bruised” places. Cut the apples into small pieces and send them to the multicooker bowl.

2. Pour sugar in the proportions indicated in the recipe and turn on the slow cooker by setting the Quenching mode. You may think that there is too little sugar. Don't worry, it's enough to make the apples juice, and we can bring the puree to taste later. After 5-7 minutes after the start of cooking, check if the apples have released juice. If you come across a dryish variety, and there is not enough liquid, add a little water, otherwise the puree will not turn out tender and uniform.

3. After 15–20 minutes, check the apples, if they are a little dense, let them stew for another 5–7 minutes. Cool the finished apple raw material a little and turn it into a homogeneous puree using an immersion blender.

4. Add condensed milk and mix our dessert thoroughly. You can adjust the sweetness of the final product as you wish by increasing or decreasing the proportions: after all, cooking is an art! So let's do what we like! In fact, that was the end of the cooking. As you can see - everything is simple!

5. If you want to enjoy applesauce in winter, place it in clean, well-heated jars and close with sterile lids.

6. Applesauce with condensed milk for the winter will be a great addition to pancakes and pancakes. It has only one drawback: it ends quickly. Try it and see for yourself!

fruit and vegetable puree- Mandatory products for children's diet. Now you can easily buy ready-made baby purees in jars, there are plenty of them on store shelves. However, the most useful delicious puree- this is cooked by the hands of a caring mother. At the request of readers from the heading "" I will show how it is very easy to cook natural and inexpensive applesauce in a slow cooker at home, because apples are perhaps the most affordable fruits, especially now, in the season when they are local, not imported. Homemade applesauce will be more than just a replacement for you baby food in jars, but also an excellent dessert, an addition to pancakes, a filling in pies. If you are preparing applesauce for babies, then green apples are recommended, since they are less allergenic than red ones.


  • chopped apples - a whole slow cooker
  • water - 50-100 ml

How to make applesauce for the winter:

Wash the apples, cut out the middle with seeds, cut arbitrarily. I didn't peel the skin. Who has a lot of free time, can remove the skin from apples. I am calm for my apples, they are from my garden.

Put chopped apples in multicookers so that there is a whole bowl, apples will shrink during cooking. Add 50-100 ml of water. The amount of water depends on the juiciness and softness of the apples.

In principle, you can not add water to the slow cooker, nothing will burn in it. But this recipe for applesauce, I got from my grandmother, when they were still cooking it on the stove in a saucepan, water was a must there. Out of habit, I add now, when I cook mashed potatoes in a slow cooker.

Turn on the "extinguishing" program for 1 hour.

During this time, the apples will settle and become soft. If you want to cook more mashed potatoes at a time, you can gradually add chopped apples to the slow cooker.

After the signal, I transferred the steamed apples from the multicooker to another container and rubbed it with an immersion blender until a smooth, tender consistency. Owners of ceramic bowls can use the blender right in the slow cooker.

I again put the grated apple mass into the multicooker bowl, turned on the “stewing” program, and brought it to a boil. I literally boiled in 5 minutes. Be careful, the hot mass "flops" and splashes, you will hear the puree hitting the lid of the multicooker, so it's time to turn it off.

I immediately rolled the puree into prepared sterilized jars with metal lids. I keep jars at home room temperature. My applesauce turned out to be quite thick like this.

I did not add sugar, I had sweet Arkad apples. In more sour apples I add quite a bit of sugar, literally 2-3 tablespoons.

Apples for puree can be used in any color, any variety. The consistency and color of the finished applesauce depends on the variety and color of apples. Also, the color depends on whether the apples are peeled before cooking or not.

Adult cinnamon lovers can add this spice to the puree. Children, especially the smallest, should not add it.

Bon appetit!!!

For the recipe for applesauce in a slow cooker, we thank Baibakova Oksana!

Sincerely, .

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