Home Product Ratings Salted sliced ​​cucumbers recipe. Lightly salted crispy instant cucumbers: recipes in a saucepan, in a bag, in a jar. How to make salted cucumbers crunchy. Recipe for quick pickled cucumbers

Salted sliced ​​cucumbers recipe. Lightly salted crispy instant cucumbers: recipes in a saucepan, in a bag, in a jar. How to make salted cucumbers crunchy. Recipe for quick pickled cucumbers

They are considered a traditional and widespread snack of Russian cuisine. Unlike pickled cucumbers, lightly salted cucumbers cook much faster. Unlike pickled cucumbers, which are aged in brine for a long time, lightly salted cucumbers, due to short pickling, turn out to be less salty and spicy. Hence the name.

Today there are a large number different ways cooking salted cucumbers. In recent years, recipes for pickled cucumbers have become very popular. fast food, which can be eaten in just half an hour. Such salted cucumbers are prepared in a bag with various herbs and spices, without any brine.

Cucumbers prepared in this way are also delicious, but those who have tried them know very well that they taste significantly different from classic cucumbers that were cooked in brine and aged for 2-3 days.

Quick salted cucumbers in a jar unlike salted cucumbers in the package, they have a characteristic sour taste and a more spicy aroma, due to fermentation that occurs in brine. Today I want to offer you a recipe for quick salted cucumbers in a jar, from the category grandmother's recipes. You can eat such cucumbers the next day, but if you wait 2-3 days, you can enjoy the full bouquet of their taste.

Before proceeding with the recipe and learning how to cook crispy lightly salted cucumbers, I want to give a list of herbs and spices that can be used to pickle cucumbers. In addition to the ingredients that you see below, you can use cloves, caraway seeds, dill, mushroom grass, tarragon, cherry, horseradish and grape leaves, mint, bay leaf, oak leaves for pickling cucumbers.

Basic ingredients for one liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - 4-5 pcs.,
  • Garlic - 2 cloves,
  • Dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.,
  • Parsley sprigs - 3 pcs.,
  • Currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.

Brine Ingredients:

  • Water - 1 liter,
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Coriander grains - 10-15 pcs.,
  • Black ground pepper- pinch

Quick salted cucumbers in a jar - recipe

To get truly crispy lightly salted cucumbers, it is recommended to use them immediately after they have been plucked from the garden. This is the ideal option. After lying down for a while, even in the refrigerator, the flesh of cucumbers becomes looser and less juicy. To restore freshness to cucumbers before salting or pickling, it is recommended to soak them in cold water within 1-3 hours.

The time for soaking them in water will depend on how lethargic they are. To make cucumbers pickle faster, cut off the ends on both sides. Large cucumbers can additionally be cut lengthwise into two or four parts.

Prepare the remaining ingredients for pickling cucumbers. Peel the garlic cloves. Cut them into two pieces. Small garlic cloves can be left as is. Wash the sprigs of dill, parsley and currant leaves.

Scald the jar in which you will cook salted cucumbers with boiling water, or sterilize over steam. Put currant leaves, sprigs of dill and parsley, garlic in a jar.

Fill the jar with cucumbers. Cucumbers lay out in a vertical position.

Place a sprig of parsley on top.

Prepare the brine. Pour salt into boiling water.

Add coriander seeds for flavor.

You can additionally put cloves if you like its smell, mustard seeds, allspice and black peppercorns. In the brine for lightly salted cucumbers, I added only coriander and ground black pepper. Marinade for salted cucumbers should boil for about 5 minutes.

Pour cucumbers with hot brine.

Close the jar with a plastic lid. Leave it warm for 2 days.

Quick salted cucumbers in a jar. Photo

During this time, the brine will become cloudy and become sour, and the cucumbers themselves will change their color to a more yellow one. It means that crispy salted cucumbers in a jar ready. They are incredibly tasty with boiled young with dill. And with them you can cook a lot of delicious vegetable salads. Good appetite.

Hello friends! Today we have a very tasty topic.

Raise your hand, who does NOT love juicy, crunchy, fragrant cucumbers? There are none, I'm sure!

I myself am like that. I love them both fresh and canned. But all this very quickly "gets boring", don't you agree? And I already want something new and unusual ... So?

Yes, easily!

Keep the idea! Cucumbers SMALL!

You have no idea how delicious it is!!! Do not compare them either with fresh ones, let alone with canned ones ... And in terms of usefulness, they are a hundred times superior to them!

Why? Read below.

And I will give you recipes, but how? Your own, personal, proven!

From this article you will learn:

Lightly salted instant cucumbers - the most delicious recipes

Why are salted cucumbers so useful?

And the fact that during salting, a fermentation process occurs, in which lactic acid bacteria begin to actively multiply. It is these lactic acid bacteria that are sooo useful for the good functioning of our intestines and Health in general!

Why are salted cucumbers so good?

And the fact that they are both wonderful snack(as an independent dish), and a wonderful addition to almost any of your dishes!

With a bang, they go with borscht, and with potatoes, and with pasta.

They are perfect as a component for salads, especially the Olivier type, for vinaigrettes, where pickles are needed.

Your “olivier” or vinaigrette will sparkle with new “notes”, unusual, juicy, interesting ...

For sandwiches - please! Excellent thing!

Yes, even just like that, with black bread - you know how delicious !!!? Mmmm...

In addition, lightly salted cucumbers can be cooked in different ways, you can spicy, you can with herbs, you can with garlic ... Who loves - please! Who likes to be very crispy - please!

And who does not want to mess around and wait for a long time - also please! - there is a quick recipe. Choose what your heart desires!

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with garlic and herbs is super-tasty and fast!

This is an insanely popular recipe because it doesn't require much time, it is also called "cucumbers in five minutes".

You will not need to prepare the brine or wait a few days. Cucumbers will be ready in 4-5 hours!

It would be even better to keep them a little longer, for example, they cooked them in the evening, and the next day - voila! - you already have delicious crispy and fragrant cucumbers!

But many do not withstand this time, and eat right there ... They are so tasty!

The recipe is simple to disgrace, which is the “it” for young, novice housewives!

The big "plus" of this recipe is that the cucumbers do not change their color during cooking, they remain the same bright beautiful green

How to salt lightly salted cucumbers in a bag - dry salting

So, we take:

  • about a kilogram of cucumbers,
  • a tablespoon of salt (less can be, see your preference),
  • one teaspoon of sugar (who basically does not want to use sugar - you can use honey, I did it - great!),
  • garlic (crush a few cloves, how much - decide for yourself how you like more),
  • a bunch of dill (I always put a big bunch!).

Now we are preparing:

  1. Choose small cucumbers so that they pickle faster. Rinse them thoroughly, cut off the ends at both ends.
  2. Rinse the greens, let the water drain, finely chop.
  3. Now we take a strong, durable plastic bag of sufficient size, put the cucumbers there.
  4. Pour salt, sugar directly into the bag, put crushed (finely chopped) garlic and dill.
  5. Now tightly tie the bag and shake its contents several times so that all the components are evenly distributed over the cucumbers.

Everything! Now you can simply put the package in the refrigerator for several hours. And then enjoy yourself and delight your loved ones with lightly salted cucumbers!

If you are wondering how the cucumbers will pickle if there is no brine and they are dry, then do not worry!

I assure you, and the brine will appear, and they will be perfectly salted, and everything will be just wonderful!

If you want to make cucumbers more piquant taste- no problem! Add your favorite spices and herbs! And every time you will have cucumbers with a new taste.

Personally, I love adding coriander, allspice, and... ground black pepper! Yes Yes! It's so yummy...!!!

Store these cucumbers in the refrigerator if you do not eat them all at once. Which I highly doubt...

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with vinegar

This is also a dry method of salting.

But its “trick” is that when cooking, you use ordinary food 9% vinegar.

What for? The process of salting cucumbers is reduced several times!

Don't want to use store table vinegar? No problem! Use . If you have a homemade one, that's great!

I also used freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of vinegar - generally excellent!

The ingredients are the same as in the previous recipe:

  • kilogram of cucumbers,
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • garlic, herbs, spices to taste.

In this recipe, add vinegar (or lemon juice, as you like, tasty this way and that) - about a spoon or two tablespoons for that many cucumbers.

If you want - you can have three, it's not a problem if you are a big fan of sour taste.

So, we are preparing:

  • my cucumbers, cut off the ends, put the cucumbers in a bag,
  • add salt, sugar, vinegar there ( lemon juice), spices, garlic, chopped herbs,
  • tightly tie (fasten) the bag and shake its contents thoroughly.
  • wait until ready (ideally 2-3 hours)!

I share my “life hack”, friends! If you cut the cucumbers in half or four parts lengthwise (depending on the thickness of the cucumbers), they will pickle even faster and be ready already ... almost immediately !!! For us, always busy and always in a hurry, this "chip" - salvation is simple!

In this case, you do not need to put the bag of cucumbers in the refrigerator. Leave it at room temperature for an hour.

Such cucumbers can be transferred to a jar and stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days, no more.

But I don’t think that they will “live” with you even until the next morning ... They are so amazingly delicious!

Pickled cucumbers with mustard in a bag

Friends, I love this recipe for salted cucumbers precisely because it contains mustard.

Yes, yes, it is she who gives cucumbers such an unusual taste! And what a scent! Mmm… And in combination with garlic and herbs, it's just amazing, I assure you!

For some reason it seems to me, no, I'm sure that this particular recipe will become your favorite. Just like mine.

In terms of ingredients - everything is simple, everything is the same as in previous recipes:

  • kilogram of cucumbers,
  • salt,
  • sugar,
  • greenery,
  • garlic,
  • vinegar (lemon juice)
  • spices.

Only to all the spices we add one more - ground dry mustard. For the first time, I do not recommend indulging in "breaking bad" and adding too much of it.

Add a little and try. If it's not enough for you, add more next time. I always put "on the eye".

Cooking technology - as in the recipe above.

Salted cucumbers in a saucepan in brine - a very tasty recipe

Another very simple recipe.

It is necessary to prepare the cucumbers by cutting off their tips, rinse, put them in any container of sufficient volume (a bowl, a saucepan, you can glass jar) and fill them with brine.

Preparing the brine is as easy as shelling pears:

  1. For one liter of water, you need to add from 1 to 3 tablespoons of salt (depending on how salty you like) + a little sugar (one or two teaspoons).
  2. Stir, boil, cool until warm.
  3. Add garlic, herbs, spices, cherries (optional).
  4. Pour the prepared cucumbers with brine so that the brine completely covers them.
  5. Leave the cucumbers at room temperature for a day or two or three, as you wish. With each subsequent day, they will become more and more saturated in taste.

My “life hack” is that I am impatient and don’t like to cook brine, boil it and wait for it to cool down…

I DO NOT understand WHY you need to boil it! Therefore, I often just pour ordinary filtered water into a large bowl (pot), add salt and sugar, spices and herbs there, lower the prepared cucumbers, cover the bowl (pot) with something - and that's it, you're done!

It remains only to wait at least a day for the cucumbers to become ready.

Salted cucumbers with mineral water

In fact, these are the same cucumbers in brine, but the “trick” is that instead of ordinary water we will use ... mineral water!

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe turn out to be just mega-crispy !!! Try it, you will love it!


  • we take one kilogram of cucumbers, cut off their tips on both sides,
  • put the cucumbers in a jar or other container where they will be cooked,
  • take a liter mineral water(in principle - any, the main thing is that its taste is pleasant to you), add a tablespoon of salt, chopped garlic, chopped herbs, spices to the water,
  • mix well and pour our cucumbers on top with such a brine,
  • close the lid and put it in the fridge
  • * in a day we get it and crack it on Health!

Quick salted cucumbers in 5 minutes

Do you know why they are called that? Because they are preparing as much as a whole ... five minutes!

Yes, yes, no more! This is a great appetizer if you come to the country house or for a picnic with friends.

That is, while you are stringing your future barbecue on skewers, while you are laying out what you brought with you from food, your cucumbers will already “arrive in time”!

This is a great super-lifesaver even if guests suddenly come to you.

While you are preparing the main course and setting the table, you can offer guests such an aperitif - something “stronger” and such an appetizer of cucumbers own cooking. Believe me, after that they will ask you for the recipe, but more than once!

You can cook both in a bag and immediately in a salad bowl (bowl), as it suits you best. Just don't forget to stir the cucumbers a couple of times while they're cooking, okay?

So, it's simple:

  • cut the cucumbers into thin long slices, cutting them lengthwise in half or into four parts,
  • salt, pepper to taste (add a little more pepper than usual, it's still spicy snack counts!),
  • add a little sugar, vinegar, chopped garlic and chopped herbs,
  • add a little vegetable oil(Olive, first cold pressed, is perfect here).

Just don't add too much oil! This is not a salad ... This is an appetizer, and you need a little oil, just to grease the cucumbers and give the appetizer an extra taste and aroma.

  • Now mix all the ingredients, wait a couple of minutes, mix again.
  • After a few minutes, you can safely serve on the table!

My observations: for some reason men really love this appetizer!

So, girls, cook, surprise, delight your loved ones!

Express - marinade for salted cucumbers - video

And I also really liked the marinade for lightly salted cucumbers from this video, I highly recommend watching it)

These are the recipes I have prepared for you today. I really hope that you will like them and you will be satisfied with the taste of lightly salted cucumbers.

Write your recipes in the comments, I will be very interested to learn something new!

Who will cook according to my recipes - also write, tell us what you got, okay?

See you soon, friends!

Alena Yasneva was with you, All Health and all-all earthly blessings!

Salted cucumbers- beautiful cold appetizer that goes well with any meal. The ease of preparation of the marinade and the amazing taste have long conquered the hearts of residents not only of the CIS countries, but also of many others.

I think you will agree with me that such a crispy dish is excellent for both holiday table(especially with strong drinks), and for everyday use as an addition to the main course for lunch or dinner.

Do not count the number of existing marinades and recipes, and I am not able to describe them all, but I will try to tell you the main nuances and tips in this article. You need to understand that this is not a troublesome conservation. The ambassador of a vegetable takes a minimum of time, and any container can be suitable, whether it be a pan, a jar or a regular bag.

Of course, for pickling it is better to choose small, hard cucumbers with pimples. But for this case, other types are also suitable, for example, lettuce. I want to pay special attention to the amount of salt. It's listed in recipes, but everyone's tastes are different, so follow your own taste preferences. For example, I do not like too salty dishes, but for some they may seem insipid. In general, everything comes with experience, once you try to do the salting yourself, you will understand what and how much you need. Let's get started already...

A classic recipe for crispy cucumbers in brine for a 3 liter jar

Many are wondering how to cook lightly salted cucumbers according to classic recipe? But the answer is simple. Traditionally, they are salted in a jar with hot brine, and in order for them to be crispy, they must first be soaked in water for an hour. Then the cucumbers will remain firm and juicy!

So our grandmothers salted vegetables when it was not yet various recipes in a bag or in various containers.

We will need (for a 3-liter jar):

  • cucumbers - 2.5 kg;
  • salt - 4 tablespoons;
  • inflorescences and stalk of dill - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • black peppercorns - 12 pcs.;
  • currant leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • cherry leaf - 3-4 pieces;
  • horseradish leaf - 1 pc.


If you like it spicy, you can add chopped hot pepper.

The output is great dish on the table. Just don’t be surprised if such a three-liter jar ends up lightning fast, because cucumbers are so delicious that it’s impossible to stop eating them. good recipe fast food is now in your piggy bank.

A quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with garlic and dill in 5 minutes

A lot of my friends are interested in how to pickle instant cucumbers in a bag. Yes, this is the fastest and easiest way you can think of! You will spend no more than 5 minutes on preparation, then 1 hour in the refrigerator - and that’s it, crispy salted cucumbers will delight you with their taste for a long time!

We will need:


In general, according to the recipe, you need to use a tablespoon of salt, but it turns out too salty for me. Therefore, I put 0.5 tablespoons. It's up to you to decide on your taste preferences.

Imagine, in less than 2 hours in the refrigerator, you will cook incredibly delicious lightly salted cucumbers! By the way, the package can be anything, as long as it is airtight. But the best fit is the one in my photo. It is very convenient to use.

How to make salted cucumbers in mineral water quickly and tasty?

Cucumbers salted in mineral sparkling water turn out to be very, very elastic, all their juice remains inside. Juicy and crispy, you won’t even have anything to put in the fridge after the first serving, how delicious they are!

We will need:


If you do not have seasoning for salting, then it does not matter, you can replace it by adding peppercorns, bay leaves, horseradish leaves, currants.

Cucumbers in cold brine are most often prepared from plain water from a filter or tap. For those who do not want to use such water, there is an alternative - mineral water. Once you try it, you won't want to experiment with other recipes.

Video how to salt cucumbers in a jar in cold water with sugar so that they are crispy

Many housewives prefer cold brine, the preparation of which also has its own secrets. For example, this recipe with sugar, which makes our cucumbers more rich in taste and crunchy. I suggest watching the video, and then you will definitely have no questions about the cooking process.

We need for a 2-liter jar:

  • cucumbers - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • dill - 20 g;
  • garlic - 10 g;
  • hot pepper to taste.


Lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan with hot brine according to the classic recipe

For some, the ambassador in a saucepan is more convenient than in a jar. Currant and horseradish leaves make the surface of cucumbers shiny and beautiful. Well, the taste, of course, is unsurpassed, fragrant and very fresh.

We will need:


As you can see, everything is very simple: I put all the products in a saucepan and poured the marinade. Everything, nothing more is required of you, and the appetizer will be ready the very next day. Well, isn't it a fairy tale?

How to cook instant cucumbers with garlic and herbs at home with cold pickle without horseradish?

Quick cooking is a very reasonable name for lightly salted cucumbers. According to this recipe, they will be ready in a day, which is quite fast. And the process itself is very fast, it takes very little time to prepare the products.

We will need:


As you can see, salted cucumbers are ideal for beginner cooks. There is nothing complicated in their preparation, and you will spend quite a bit of time. But the result is amazing!

After our sweets are ready, store them in the refrigerator. Preferably eaten within a week. But, I think, you will not need this information, since such an appetizer flies off the table in the first place!

Bon Appetit!

Cucumbers ripen in greenhouses at our dachas, fill vegetable stalls in the markets and shelves in stores. Fresh green and crispy, you immediately want to just eat them and prepare salads, and then we take on the preparations for the winter. We salt and pickle cucumbers to enjoy them in a few months. But I wanted to eat fragrant pickles right now. What to do? And you urgently need to find a proven and simple recipe for pickled instant cucumbers. After hours or even minutes, you have delicious, crispy pickled cucumbers on your table.

Lightly salted cucumbers are cooked very quickly and this is not quite a way to preserve them, since it does not guarantee the reliability of the storage of the finished product. It's more of a cooking method. quick snack, which is planned to be eaten in the next day or a maximum of two. I salted a small amount of cucumbers - a saucepan for example - and in the evening I already ate at dinner. Or take it to a barbecue picnic.

By the way, this is a great way to prepare snacks on the go. If you have heard about pickling pickled cucumbers in a bag, then imagine that you have prepared them, packed the bag in a picnic basket and left. Upon arrival in nature, after a couple of hours, you can already eat. This is what I mean by speed and convenience.

If you go out into nature by car, then generally an ideal option. At least take a pot or a jar with you, but it will also be shaken up on the road in order to salt more evenly.

But enough lyrics, let me tell you more than one recipe for lightly salted instant cucumbers, but even several.

Quick recipe for crispy lightly salted cucumbers with photo

This recipe for salted cucumbers, it seems to me, can be called basic. It is on it that classic salted cucumbers are obtained, very tasty and crispy. Fresh herbs and garlic will add aroma and taste to cucumbers, and they will be no worse than pickled or pickled cucumbers that we harvest for the winter.

For salting, you will need a large container, which will immediately include the entire volume of cucumbers and marinade. Since salted cucumbers can only be stored in the refrigerator, keep in mind that this container will enter it until the moment you eat cucumbers for lunch, dinner or at the festive table.

You can take a large bowl, saucepan, even a plastic container with a lid.

  • fresh cucumbers- 1 kg,
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch,
  • garlic - 6 cloves,
  • horseradish leaves, currants, cherries, basil - 1-2 leaves optional,
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs,
  • peppercorns - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • coriander seeds - 0.5 teaspoon,


1. Prepare all the ingredients of the recipe. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends. If the cucumbers are freshly picked and still firm and resilient, then you can pickle them right away. If they lay down for a while, were bought in a store and a little wilted, then hold them for a couple of hours in cold water.

2. Prepare the marinade. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, add salt, pepper, coriander and bay leaf there. Put water on the stove and bring to a boil. You do not need to cook for a long time, as soon as it boils, remove it.

This will be a hot marinade for lightly salted cucumbers.

3. Cut or coarsely chop all the greens with your hands. Currant or cherry leaves also need to be torn at least in half, this will help them give more of their juice and taste to cucumbers. Then, lay layers of greens and cucumbers. Below should be a pillow of greens and garlic, then a layer of cucumbers, garlic, greens again on top. Cut the garlic into large pieces, you can halves lengthwise or just crush each clove with a knife.

4. Cool the marinade to about 80 degrees. This will keep the green color of the cucumbers. If you pour boiling water over them, they will boil and turn brownish, like pickled cucumbers in jars.

Pour cucumbers with marinade so that they are completely immersed in liquid. To do this, it is convenient to use a saucer or plate, which is placed on top of the cucumbers directly in the pickling container. This plate will not allow the cucumbers to float, which is characteristic of them.

5. Cover the container with cucumbers with a lid or cling film and leave to cool at room temperature. After they have cooled, put them in the refrigerator. Leave them in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours.

This recipe for lightly salted cucumbers is good because during the cooking process you can stop exactly at the moment when you consider the cucumbers salted enough for your taste. The longer they sit in brine, the more salty and spicy they become.

But try not to leave them for more than a day. Since there are no serious preservative ingredients, such cucumbers are not stored for a long time. And besides, the longer they lie, the less crunch remains in the cucumbers, they soften and are saturated with water.

It is best to cook salted cucumbers just enough to eat in one or two meals or a large family feast.

Recipe for lightly salted instant cucumbers in a bag with mustard

For some, this is an unusual recipe for lightly salted cucumbers, because everyone is used to pickling just salt and spices, in extreme cases with the addition of sugar. But I have found from my own experience that unusual recipes are often worth a try.

Salted cucumbers with mustard are very tender and spicy, and not at all hot. Be sure to try them once. A small bag to the table or as a snack for a holiday. Men, believe me, will appreciate this yummy.

To prepare such cucumbers, you will need about 4 hours of time and a package. You can take a bag with a zipper that closes hermetically, or you can use a strong bag for food products. for reliability, you can put the bag in the bag so that the released brine does not leak.

This recipe for making lightly salted cucumbers is considered a dry method, because we will not make a liquid pickle with you. We use only the cucumbers and spices themselves. All juice will give vegetables.

For cooking you will need:

  • medium-sized cucumbers with pimples - 0.5 kg,
  • dill - 0.5 bunch,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • salt - 0.5 tablespoon,
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • dry table mustard - 1 teaspoon (without tubercle).


1. Prepare spices. Wash cucumbers and dill well.

2. Cut off the tips from the cucumbers and place them in a bag. I draw your attention to the fact that all cucumbers should be approximately the same size, otherwise they will be salted in different ways and will have a different taste.

3. Finely chop the garlic or grate it. Add to cucumbers.

4. Mix salt, sugar and mustard in a separate cup. Then pour this mixture into the cucumber bag.

5. Put the dill in the bag. This can be done as a whole, or tear it with your hands into large branches. We need dill for taste, so it doesn’t really matter how it is cut. The size of its twigs plays a role when used. If you like to eat dill together, cut it smaller, the dill will stick to the cucumbers and will complement the appetizer, almost like a salad.

6. Zip or tie up the bag and give it a good shake. It is necessary that the cucumbers are evenly covered with all the spices. Then leave the bag of cucumbers for 2 hours at room temperature. Then refrigerate for another 2 hours. After 4 hours, the cucumbers will be ready.

If you wait a little longer, the cucumbers will pickle more.

This recipe for lightly salted cucumbers is perfect for a picnic. All you have to do is cook the cucumbers and pickle them on the way to your summer cottage or outdoor picnic spot. Calculate the time of the trip and the pickling of cucumbers, so that by the time everyone sits down at the table, everything is ready.

Useful advice! If you don't have a portable picnic cooler, you can purchase a thermal pack. It keeps the temperature of both hot and cold foods well. if you put sealed packaging (for example, a disposable bag) with ice along with the products, then you will get a mini refrigerator. You can also cook pickled cucumbers there.

Recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in 15 minutes in slices

But what if the guests are already on the doorstep? And if you want salted cucumbers right now in the middle of the night? I immediately remembered the happy days of pregnancy.

But all these situations will not be a problem if you know how to cook lightly salted cucumbers in 15 minutes. Sleight of hand and no cheating. The guests are already seated on the sofas, and maybe a bottle of something delicious is cooling. Let's go to the kitchen and get ready!

You will need:

  • cucumbers - 300 grams,
  • dill - 2-3 sprigs,
  • garlic - 1 clove,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.


It’s hard to come up with an easier recipe for lightly salted cucumbers.

1. Take cucumbers of any size, wash them and cut into circles. Not too thick: 2 to 5 mm.

2. Place them in a jar or plastic container with a lid. A small package will do as well.

3. Finely chop the dill and garlic (can be passed through a garlic press or grated). Pour them into a jar with cucumbers. Sprinkle with a teaspoon of salt. If you want, add a pinch of spicy spices, such as cumin, coriander, and whatever you like. These spices will give a brighter taste.

Then shake everything well.

Place the jar in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. After this time, you can get it and try it. Cucumbers will turn out very juicy, green and crispy. They will already be cut and even look like a salad. Just take and eat, and treat guests.

You can even get a little creative here by adding other vegetables. Then you will definitely get a real salad. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Crispy lightly salted cucumbers - a recipe for cooking in a 3-liter jar

Probably, many from childhood can remember how a grandmother or mother prepared a large three-liter jar of lightly salted cucumbers and put it in the refrigerator. How the whole family gathered for lunch or dinner and took out these crispy, still quite green, lightly salted cucumbers.

I have such a memory. It was a delicacy of our childhood, then there were not so many different dishes and something cooked by one's own hands was very much appreciated. This was especially noticeable for residents of large cities who did not have their own garden.

Of course, I can’t remember exactly that recipe for lightly salted cucumbers, but I found and use a very similar recipe in my kitchen. This is a recipe for lightly salted instant cucumbers right in a large glass jar.

Now a good three-liter jar can be easily bought at a hardware store or a large supermarket. Especially during the harvest season in summer and autumn.

I just want to warn you. Recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in three liter jar does not tolerate fuss. Cucumbers will cook for about a day. The thing is that we will cook them with hot brine and immediately a large volume.

For cooking you will need:

  • cucumbers - measure the number of cucumbers with the jar in which you plan to pickle
  • dill greens - a bunch,
  • fresh garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • coarse rock salt - 2 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • spices to taste (black pepper, allspice, coriander seeds, etc. by a pinch)


1. Thoroughly wash small fresh cucumbers with pimples. Cut off the "butt" at both ends. Store-bought cucumbers or those picked long ago from the garden are best soaked in ice water for at least two hours, this will make them hard and crispy.

2. Wash the pickling jar thoroughly. It is not necessary to sterilize, given that the jar will be stored in the refrigerator (make room in it in advance).

3. Wash all the greens, put some on the bottom of the jar, add chopped garlic there.

4. Place one layer of cucumbers over the bottom of the jar. Add some more herbs and garlic on top. Then more cucumbers. So lay in layers alternately until the jar is full.

5. Prepare the brine. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan and put salt, sugar and spices that you have chosen into it. Boil water in a saucepan.

6. Pour cucumbers with hot, but not boiling brine to the very top of the jar.

7. Close the lid and leave to cool at room temperature. Given the size of the jar, this will take several hours.

8. When the jar has cooled, put it in the refrigerator and leave it until the next day. Cucumbers will be ready a day after filling the jar with brine.

Quick salted cucumbers with vinegar

But according to this recipe, they are prepared simply amazingly. delicious cucumbers, the highlight of this method is that it is used for pickling, including vinegar. Thanks to him, lightly salted cucumbers are obtained almost like pickled ones. How do you like pickled cucumbers? It seemed interesting to me and I prepared such houses.

Perhaps it was one of the interesting culinary discoveries of this summer. I recommend that you try to cook these cucumbers. The recipe is very simple and nothing is used that does not exist in the kitchen of any hostess or owner.

Today I will share recipes for lightly salted instant cucumbers in a saucepan. They can be prepared in small quantities for immediate consumption. If you salt more, then after a while they will be fermented.

Lightly salted cucumbers: a recipe with garlic and dill in a saucepan

The first recipe that I will share will be a recipe for lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and dill in a saucepan.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • 2 kilograms of young, pimply cucumbers;
  • A tablespoon of salt with a large slide;
  • A bunch of dill with inflorescences;
  • Large head of garlic;
  • Horseradish root about 5 centimeters;
  • Dessert spoon of coriander beans.

Salting lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan:

  1. To begin with, we will hold the washed fruits for some time in cold water. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours.
  2. To prepare the filling, boil a liter of water with salt.
  3. Put half the dill, thinly sliced ​​horseradish root, garlic cut into plates in a bowl. Distribute cucumbers on top. Lay on top the second half of the dill, coriander grains.
  4. Fill with hot filling. Cover with a plate. If there are sheets of horseradish, then they can cover the vegetables.

You can try in the morning.

How to lightly salt cucumbers with cold brine

And now we will use the recipe for quick cooking lightly salted cucumbers in cold water in a saucepan. Salting in a cold way is cooked a little longer, but it turns out fragrant, crispy, retains the green color of the fruit.

  • Cucumbers - 2 kilos;
  • Salt - 35 grams;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Hot pepper - half a pod;
  • Dill with an umbrella - a small bunch;
  • Horseradish leaf -2 pieces;
  • Tarragon - 5 branches;
  • Currant leaves - 6 pieces.

Cooking at home:

  1. According to the recipe, pickle cucumbers in a saucepan in spring or well water. In extreme cases, you can take filtered. Just not boiled.
  2. Salting dishes should be enameled. Do not salt in an aluminum pan to avoid oxidation.
  3. We put all the products provided for in the recipe in layers in a container. The top layer should be green.
  4. Pour the prepared cucumber preparation with a liter of water with salt dissolved in it. Cover with a lid, leave in the room. After two days, the pickle with a simple salting will be ready.

I take a test on the second day. Husband likes more sour. Try it whichever you like. If you want to ferment cucumbers, then leave them warm for a couple of days.

Large cucumbers: how to pickle tasty and fast

These cucumbers are prepared quickly, in just half an hour. It turns out very tasty, odorous, crispy.

We will need:

  • 4 large cucumbers;
  • 4 large cloves of garlic;
  • Large bunch of dill;
  • Coffee spoon of ground coriander;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • Dessert spoon of vinegar;
  • Half a glass of fragrant sunflower oil.

How to do it quickly:

  1. You can pickle in a saucepan, but only a small one. Or in a large bowl with a lid.
  2. Washed and dried fruits are cut into quarters. Rinse the greens, let dry on a paper towel, cut not very finely. Crush whole garlic cloves, then finely chop.
  3. Put everything you need according to the recipe in a bowl, cover with a lid, shake well several times. We put in the refrigerator. After twenty minutes, mix our snack. After another quarter of an hour, the appetizer is served to the table.

On a note

In this recipe, salt, vinegar, oil can be adjusted to your liking.

Recipe for salted instant cucumbers with boiling water in a saucepan

According to this recipe, lightly salted instant cucumbers in a saucepan are poured with boiling water, so they are prepared in a day.

Have to take:

  • cucumbers;
  • Dill with seeds;
  • Horseradish leaf and root;
  • Garlic;
  • Cherry and currant leaves;
  • Salt - 50 grams per liter of water.

I do not specify the amount of spices. It all depends on the amount of vegetables and the taste of the hostess.

  1. The fruits must be washed, cut off the tails. Divide seasonings in half. Half lay out the bottom of the dishes, place the vegetables, on them the second half of the seasonings.
  2. We boil water with salt, pour the fruits prepared for salting with it. We place a plate on top, close the lid.
  3. After 12 hours, you can try. But again, be guided by your taste. Someone will like it more in a day, and someone in two.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Lightly salted cucumbers in 5 hours

Now I will tell you how to salt lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan without spending a lot of time on this process.

  • A kilogram of cucumbers;
  • Dessert spoon of salt;
  • dill bush;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

How to make cucumbers quickly:

In the container we put the washed cucumbers without tails, herbs and garlic. Sprinkle vegetables with salt and pour boiling water. After five hours, put the container with the snack in the cold.

As you can see, in this recipe we used a simple salting.

Cucumbers with mustard

We are preparing:

  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers;
  • Dill bush with seeds;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • cherry leaves;
  • currant leaves;
  • Hot pepper;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 grams of salt;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • A tablespoon of mustard with a mountain.
  1. Cucumbers are immersed in water for a couple of hours. We lay out the bottom of the dish with greens, add chopped bitter pepper, garlic. On top of the greens we lay cucumbers with cut tails. Sprinkle mustard on top of vegetables.
  2. Pour salt and sugar into hot, boiled water. Mix well. Pour the resulting brine into a container with vegetables.
  3. Leave the pickle warm for a few hours. Then we put it in the refrigerator. By the evening cucumbers are ready.

As you can see, the recipe for salted cucumbers is simple, but the cucumbers are crispy and very tasty.

Lightly salted chopped cucumbers in a saucepan in 5 minutes

This lightly salted cucumber recipe can be made in a saucepan in five minutes.

We will need:

  • A kilogram of gherkins;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • A bunch of dill;
  • 35 grams of salt;
  • Juice of half a small lemon.

We cut the gherkins into four parts, before removing the ponytails. Chop dill and garlic. We put the prepared products in a container, squeeze the garlic there. Sprinkle vegetables with salt, pour over lemon juice. Mix well. We put the container with the snack in the refrigerator. We try chopped gherkins in five minutes.

I hope that quick recipe in 5 minutes you will like it, and you will take note of it.

"Barrel" cucumbers - the same taste in a convenient container

Not every housewife has a basement for storing pickles in a barrel or bucket, so pay attention to the recipe for barrel cucumbers in a saucepan.

  • 1.5 kilograms of medium-sized cucumbers;
  • 60 grams of salt;
  • Litere of water;
  • 0.5 heads of garlic;
  • A small bunch of dill with seeds;
  • 5 currant leaves;
  • 3 cherry leaves;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • Horseradish leaf;
  • 6 peppercorns;
  • 3 pieces of cloves;
  • Coffee spoon of mustard seeds.

We spread the bottom of the dish with washed greens. We also put garlic, cut into two halves, and spices with mustard.

  1. We wash the cucumbers well, cut off the tails. Prepared vegetables are laid on top of the greens.
  2. We put a bucket of water on the stove, after boiling, add salt, stir well.
  3. We cool the filling. We pour cucumbers.
  4. We press the vegetables with a plate, put a jar of water on top.

The snack should stand in a cool place for two weeks.

Appetizer with apples

We are preparing:

  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers;
  • 0.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 4 cherry leaves;
  • 4 currant leaves;
  • 4 peppercorns;
  • 10 pieces of cloves;
  • Laurel leaf;
  • Litere of water;
  • 3 dessert spoons salt.

How to salt in a saucepan:

Cut the apples into quarters and remove the seeds. Trim the stems off the cucumbers. My greens. In a stainless steel pan, alternating, lay out greens, cucumbers, apples, spices. Boil water with salt. Pour cucumbers with hot brine, set the load. After a day, we put the pickle in the cold.

Savory appetizer

Prepared from gherkins using unusual seasonings.


  • 5 peas of black and allspice;
  • A teaspoon of sugar;
  • Sprig of mint;
  • Lime;
  • A bunch of green dill;
  • 1.5 kilograms of gherkins;
  • Tablespoon of sea salt.

Peppers are placed in a bag, rolled with a rolling pin to crumbs, mixed with sugar, salt. There we add the zest, removed from the washed and dried lime with a fine grater.

  1. Washed gherkins with trimmed tails are cut in half.
  2. Mix with prepared spices, chopped herbs, lime juice.
  3. We leave in the room for an hour. Then we send it to the refrigerator. After 30 minutes, the snack will be ready.

I advise you to watch the video recipe for cooking cucumbers in a saucepan.

If you want to make pickles, be sure to use the recipes for easy-salted instant cucumbers in a saucepan. Share your favorite recipes with your friends.

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