Home General issues Sour apple green 1 pc. Calorie content of different varieties of apples. apple in cooking

Sour apple green 1 pc. Calorie content of different varieties of apples. apple in cooking

The calorie content of a green apple per 100 grams varies depending on the type of fruit. Consider the most popular products among consumers.

The calorie content of a green apple of Grenia per 100 grams is 47.9 kcal. 100 g of fruit contains:

  • 0.41 g protein;
  • 0.39 g fat;
  • 9.8 g of carbohydrates.

Granny apples have a rich composition of vitamins and minerals, including a lot of B, H, C, PP vitamins, minerals magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc.

A feature of such apples is a large amount of water in them and a small amount of sugar. This product is classified as dietary.

Calorie green apple Granny in 1 pc. 91 kcal. One fruit contains 0.78 g of protein, 0.74 g of fat, 18.6 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie green apple Semerenko per 100 grams, in 1 pc.

The calorie content of the Semerenko green apple per 100 grams is 37.3 kcal. 100 g of fruit contains:

  • 0.53 g protein;
  • 0.38 g fat;
  • 9.2 g of carbohydrates.

Due to the high content of pectin in Semerenko apples, they are characterized by a low glycemic index. This means that when eating this fruit, the concentration of sugar in the blood will rise quite slowly.

Semerenko apples inhibit the production of uric acid, activate the breakdown of formic acid, and are included in the diet for the prevention of gout, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, and dermatitis.

Calorie green apple Semerenko in 1 pc. 59.6 kcal. In one piece of fruit, 0.85 g of protein, 0.6 g of fat, 14.7 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie green apple Golden per 100 grams, in 1 pc.

The calorie content of a green Golden apple per 100 grams is 48.2 kcal. 100 g of fruit contains:

  • 0.52 g protein;
  • 0.48 g fat;
  • 9.8 g of carbohydrates.

Green Golden apples are recommended for inclusion in the diet with high fragility of nails and hair, diseases of the eyes and the skeletal system. Vitamin C contained in the product strengthens the immune system, apple iodine is useful for the prevention of thyroid diseases.

Calorie green apple Golden in 1 pc. 84.3 kcal. One fruit contains 0.9 g of protein, 0.84 g of fat, 17.1 g of carbohydrates.

Benefits of Green Granny Apples

The following benefits of green Granny apples are known:

  • fruits are saturated with pectin, which cleanses the body of toxins and heavy metals;
  • apples are indicated for problems with hair, skin, nails, eyesight;
  • proven anti-stress properties of Granny apples;
  • with regular consumption of fruits, the likelihood of developing diseases of the respiratory system, thyroid gland, liver and colon cancer is reduced;
  • green Granny apples improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the mouth and teeth;
  • This product is indicated for high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Harm of Green Granny Apples

Despite the high usefulness of green Granny apples, in some cases they are harmful to health and well-being. So, such fruits are contraindicated:

  • with problems in the work of the stomach and intestines - apples are saturated with a large amount of fiber, which increases the load on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if a person has diseases such as ulcers, colitis, gastritis;
  • with diseases and high sensitivity of the teeth. Due to the high content of acids in apples, they are contraindicated in thinned tooth enamel.

The seeds of green Granny apples should not be eaten. They contain a lot of poisonous hydrocyanic acid.

Apples. Juicy, plump, ruddy. A traditional product for Russia, loved by both adults and children. In addition to the great aroma and refreshing taste, apples carry many useful components - vitamins, trace elements, fiber, pectin. Do you know how many calories are in an apple? There is very little that makes this wonderful fruit even more dietary product.

So what are the benefits of apples?

An apple is 87% water; There are enough calories in a red apple to provide about 3% of the daily calorie intake. The dry residue contains a lot of ballast substances - vegetable fiber, pectin, starch, which are absorbed by the body for a long time. At the same time, the average fruit has few carbohydrates and almost no fat, which determines low calorie apples.

An apple also does not contain protein and is not a balanced product. According to the content of trace elements and vitamins, a ruddy apple is a real treasure: vitamin C, B vitamins, including vitamin PP, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels; potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron - and this is not a complete list. However, you can only fully benefit from a fresh, recently picked apple.

Who benefits from apples

  1. Those who want to lose weight calorie content of 1 piece of apple weighing 100 grams from 45 to 90 kcal . This makes the apple indispensable as a snack or as part of apple diets - apple-cottage cheese, apple seven-day, in a diet with a calculation of how many calories are eaten per day. There are enough useful substances in an apple, and long-term absorption by the body provides a feeling of satiety, while the vitamin cocktail in the composition will not allow the diet to affect the condition of hair, skin, nails.
  2. People with diseases of the endocrine system - due to the low glycemic index, apples are recommended for those suffering from diabetes. However, keep in mind that baking an apple with added sugar or honey increases the amount of calories in a baked apple.
  3. To lower cholesterol - thanks to ballast substances that adsorb fats and do not allow them to be absorbed. Apples also have a beneficial effect on the exchange of certain acids and are therefore useful for people suffering from other metabolic disorders, such as gout.
  4. Children and weakened people - as a source of natural trace elements and vitamins.

Who can't have apples

There is a category of people who need to limit apples in their diet, or even completely exclude them - these are allergy sufferers, people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer, intestinal diseases - there are few calories in a green apple and its nutritional value is low, but fiber irritates the wall of the digestive tract, increasing the symptoms of the disease and increasing gas formation.

Red or green

Apples have a huge number of varieties that amaze with their variety of colors - from pale yellow to maroon; taste - from desperately sour to sugary-sweet; weight - the fruits of some varieties reach 400 grams, and an apple-apple can weigh only 10 grams. Among red apples, sweet ones predominate, while among green ones, sour ones.

The calorie content of a green apple is slightly lower - 35 kilocalories per 100 grams. It is preferable to include green apples in diets, as well as green apples are less allergenic and it is from the green apple that they begin to introduce children to this fruit. See our detailed calorie table for all fruits.

This is how multifaceted the usual fruit turns out to be. It gives pleasure, beauty and health, because there is a saying for good reason - where there are apples on the table, there is no need for a doctor.

An apple is one of the most common fruits on the planet, it is grown on an industrial scale, along with bananas and grapes. It is applesauce that is added as the basis for most juices and jams from other fruits. Thanks to him unique properties The apple tops the rankings of the healthiest foods, and is widely used in even the most restrictive diets. The unpretentiousness of the apple tree allows this fruit to be grown almost all over the world, making it an affordable and inexpensive addition to any table.

The benefits of apples

In search of the beneficial properties of apples, a lot of research has been done, and many scientific articles have been written. The conclusions of all these works indicate one thing - apples have a wide variety of positive aspects that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The fruits contain a large amount of pectin, which helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. Pectin binds and removes excess cholesterol and heavy metals from the body.

Apples are rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestines and on the digestive system as a whole. Fiber stimulates digestion, peristalsis (contraction of the walls) of the intestine, and also removes toxins. The acids and tannins contained in the fruits stop the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines.

Nutritional and energy value

Apples have a low energy value, which does not diminish their benefits. On the contrary, due to its low calorie content, this fruit is considered an excellent dietary product.

vitamins A b-car B1 B2 B5 B6 B9 C E H K PP
Content (mg) 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.07 0.08 0.01 10 0.2 0.3 2.2 0.4
Minerals K Ca Si mg Na Ph Cl Fe I Mn Cu Mo Se Zn
Content (mg) 278 16 30 9 26 11 2 2.2 2 0.05 110 6 0.3 0.15

Glycemic index

The glycemic index is a measure of the rate at which carbohydrates in a particular food are digested in the body and how much blood sugar rises after eating it. Foods with a high glycemic index dramatically increase blood sugar levels, disrupt metabolic processes, provoke a feeling of hunger and contribute to the formation of body fat, while foods with a low glycemic index are absorbed slowly, having a beneficial effect on sugar levels and maintaining a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Apples have a low glycemic index of 30. For comparison, a banana has a glycemic index of 70 and white bread– 130. Glucose, fructose and sucrose contained in the fetus are slowly absorbed by the body and do not pose a danger to the figure. The amount of sugar in a fruit depends on the variety and weight. On average, this is 6 grams of fructose and 2 grams of fructose and sucrose. This amount of sugars stimulates metabolic processes in the body and does no harm.

Nutritional value of different varieties

Nutritional and energy value of apples different varieties they do not differ too much, just as they do not differ in the set of vitamins and useful microelements. Mainly, the difference is present in the sugar content, which affects the taste and calorie content of the fruit. Consider the most popular Russian and foreign varieties:

Variety Calorie content (kcal) Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g)
granny smith 47 0,39 019 9,7
Golden 53 0,42 0,18 10,7
Red Delicious 49 0,21 0,21 10,4
fuji 68 0,36 0,22 18,6
White filling 45 0,41 0,36 9,8
Antonovka 51 0,33 0,12 11,5
Simirenko 45 0,40 0,19 10
Ranetki 47 0,23 0,20 9,8

About cooking apples

Apples can be consumed not only fresh, there are many processing methods, and many recipes with them. The fruits can be baked, preserved, made into juices, jams and preserves, used as a filling for pies and pies, even dried. Unfortunately, their useful properties in processing, slicing, and even just when long-term storage partially or completely lost. At heat treatment fruit loses most of the vitamins, but increases the amount of pectin, which has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels.

calories and the nutritional value will also vary, mainly depending on the amount of water that will remain in the product after processing, and on the addition of other ingredients during cooking. The energy value and glycemic index will increase rapidly if sugar or honey is added to the fruit, such a product can no longer be called dietary.

Baked apples

Baked apples - a traditional dish Russian cuisine. They can be served with honey, nuts, cranberries or caramel, as a side dish for meat or poultry, or as a dessert on their own.

You can bake apples both whole and in slices. If you remove the core, the fruit can be stuffed with nuts, raisins or cottage cheese, which will favorably affect the variety of the table. For baking, you should choose sour green fruits, such as granny smith or antonovka. During the heat treatment, the sucrose contained in the fruit breaks down into glucose and fructose, which allows the baked fruit to be absorbed better than fresh. The amount of pectin, which has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels in the body, also increases.

If earlier it was necessary to preheat the oven to cook baked apples, now there are many recipes for cooking them in the microwave, double boiler and slow cooker, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the cooking process.

During heat treatment, some of the vitamins are destroyed, but all the minerals remain, which allows you to still count the baked apple useful product. Due to the low calorie content, high digestibility and digestive benefits, there are special diets based on baked apples.

But it should be remembered that any additives to this dish significantly change the nutritional and energy value product. So, for example, the calorie content of a baked apple is only 46 calories per 100 grams, and with the addition of honey this figure rises to 90 calories, with sugar - 70-80 calories, depending on the amount of the additive. The sugar level rises from 10 to 17-19 grams. So do not abuse sweeteners, but it is better to completely abandon them. Also, you should not peel the fruits before baking - the bulk of vitamins and minerals are contained just in the peel or under it.

dried apples

This type of cooking, like drying, appeared in ancient times. They dried and dried not only fruits, but also meat. Without appropriate technologies, this was the only source of vitamins and microelements in the winter.

A dried apple retains almost all the vitamins and beneficial properties of a fresh fruit. It will be useful to add it to the diet as a snack, or to replace chips and snacks with it. You can not only use dried apples in their natural form, but as a filling for a pie, cook compotes from them, which will also serve as an excellent source of vitamins.

For drying, fruits of any variety are suitable. The thickness of the slices should not exceed one centimeter. To keep the light color when drying, apple slices are dipped in boiling water for a few minutes. The drying process itself takes place in the oven, at a temperature of 60-90 degrees, depending on the desired effect, and lasts from four to eight hours.

The finished dried apple should be firm, but should not break. In the southern regions, you can dry in the sun, in which case the whole process takes several days. Store dried apples in a glass container, cloth bag or paper bag. room temperature. Do not store in plastic or refrigeration.

The nutritional value of a dried apple is much higher than a fresh one, due to the lack of moisture in it. The calorie content of such a product ranges from 270-300 calories, and the amount of vitamins and minerals increases by 5-6 times.

Dried apples

Unlike dried ones, dried apples are already a full-fledged dessert. They are prepared using a large amount of sugar, and the amount of vitamins and the degree of benefit, alas, give way to an amazing taste and aroma. Apples are cut into slices about two centimeters thick, covered with sugar, and left under oppression for a day, allowing excess juice to drain. Then they are dried in a slightly heated oven for two to three hours. For cooking delicious treats it is very important not to overcook the slices in the oven.

Sun-dried apple is soft and sweet, and it is recommended to store it only in a tightly closed glass container. The calorie content of a dried apple is 280 calories per 100 grams of the product. The sugar content in it is 50-60 grams!


Jam is a fruit puree boiled with sugar. Apple jam is especially thick thanks to pectin, a natural thickener that only increases as a result of heat treatment.

The process of making jam is quite long and laborious, in addition to preparing the raw materials ( applesauce) it is necessary to keep it on fire for several hours, stirring regularly. As a result, now meet homemade on the table apple jam- a rarity. It is much easier to buy it in a store, the price of jam is quite low, and the assortment is always large.

Homemade jam will have a brighter taste and the absence of many preservatives that manufacturers add to their product. So that the jam does not ferment, and the consistency is dense, sugar must be added to it at least 60 percent. Otherwise, the wrong proportions will have to be more than compensated for with artificial preservatives and thickeners. Homemade jam also does not have to be mashed to an ideal state, small soft pieces of an apple that is translucent from long-term cooking will only improve its taste.

A lot of sugar is added to the jam, which does not allow this type of apple product to be called dietary. Jam calorie content - 230-240 calories, more than 60 grams of sugar per 100 grams of product. Most of the vitamins and minerals are lost from prolonged cooking.

Apples and pastries

Apple filling has become a classic for muffins, pies and pies. You can use both fresh apples and jam. These are the two most popular types of apple fillings. In the case of jam, everything is simple - it does not need to be further processed or added sugar before being used as a filling.

Using fresh apples for the filling, you need to consider that it will give a lot of juice during the cooking process. As a rule, when preparing wind pies, the fresh fruit is cut into cubes, sprinkled with sugar and placed in the dough. During the baking process, the apples will have time to bake properly, giving a sufficient amount of juice, so that such pies will be very juicy. If the pies are fried in a pan, for starters, chopped apples should be stewed with sugar for several minutes. When frying, the dough cooks much faster, and a fresh apple does not have time to bake inside.

The calorie content of pies with apples varies from 200 calories (wind) to 280 (fried). It can be further reduced if you do not add sugar to the filling.

Choosing the Right Apples

To enjoy the taste of apples and get a good portion of vitamins and minerals, you need to take into account several nuances when choosing apples, namely:

  • First of all, you need to understand that each fruit has its own season. For apples, this is August-October. And if in the middle of winter the apples of winter varieties are still full useful vitamins, then in spring or early summer on the shelves you can find only fruits treated with the strongest chemicals, which have completely lost any useful properties;
  • the surface must be smooth, without damage, dark spots and dents;
  • there should be no wrinkles on the surface of the fruit. This indicates the withering of the fruit, its taste will be hopelessly spoiled, not to mention the beneficial properties;
  • choose fruits of medium size, as natural as possible in appearance. Apples that are too large, or have an ideal uniform color, have been treated with growth enhancers and ripening accelerators;
  • the fruit should not be sticky or too shiny, this is a sign of chemical treatment for longer storage;
  • the smell does not have to be apple. Most varieties have little to no smell unless the skin is broken.

If you nevertheless purchased a beaten apple, or found signs of decay already during storage, immediately separate it from the rest. The process of rotting in apples quickly spreads not only inside the fruit, but also to neighboring fruits.

You can learn about the dangers and benefits of apples, as well as their calorie content, in the following short video:

Summing up

A well-chosen apple will become a valuable source of nutrients and a necessary element of any diet. The benefits of one apple a day can hardly be overestimated, and desserts with its participation have a bright taste and a wonderful fruity aroma that cannot be confused with anything. With all these qualities, for energy, vivacity and well-being, apples should become an integral part of the diet for everyone.

In contact with

Apples help to eat less and lose weight at the same time, therefore they are rightfully considered an ideal dietary product. And what kind of apples has the lowest calorie content, you will learn from the article.

An apple is considered a kind of symbol that personifies proper nutrition. This is not surprising: thanks to a set of useful properties at a very low calorie content, it is rightfully an integral element of the diet of even the most strict diet.

Beneficial features

  1. To lose weight, eat one fresh apple 15 minutes before meals. Scientists have found that this helps to absorb 180 fewer calories from food.
  2. This effective remedy to lower blood cholesterol levels. Pectin in the composition binds and removes excess cholesterol from the liver. It can significantly reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and blockage of blood vessels.
  3. Pectins remove compounds of heavy and radioactive metals (strontium, cobalt, lead, etc.) from the body.
  4. Apple fiber (100 g of fruit contains 2.4 g of fiber) is very useful for the gastrointestinal tract. One apple with the skin contains about 3.5 g of insoluble fiber, which is more than 10% of the fiber needed by the body per day. Insoluble fiber stimulates digestion, prevents constipation, and greatly reduces the risk of colon cancer.
  5. They contain apple and citric acid, which are involved in the creation of tissues and stimulate metabolism. This is especially helpful in diabetes.
  6. Potassium together with tannins prevents the formation of excess uric acid and removes bile from the body. It is a natural prevention of gout, urolithiasis and salt deposits.
  7. Phytoncides are natural antibiotics that destroy the pathogens of the influenza virus, Staphylococcus aureus, and dysentery.
  8. They contain a large amount of antioxidants, in particular quercetin. Quercetin in combination with vitamin C prevents free radicals from having a detrimental effect on the body.
  9. Malic acids are good for gums and teeth. They stimulate blood flow to the gums and eliminate plaque on the tooth enamel. In addition, malic organic acids help the body absorb iron from other products: fish, meat, poultry.
  10. They have a diuretic effect, so they are useful for edema, dropsy and jaundice. Doctors strongly recommend including fresh apples in the diet for diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, and overweight.

Nutritional and energy value

In these fruits, almost everything is useful: from the peel to the seeds. 2 - 3 apples (or 300 g) per day practically satisfy the daily human need for plant foods. An apple contains 82.3 g of water, 8 g of organic acids, 0.1 g of unsaturated fatty acids, 9 g of mono- and disaccharides, 0.8 g of starch, 0.5 g of ash per 100 g. The calorie content of an apple is 35 - 60 kcal per 100 g of product (depending on the variety).

BJU and calorie content of different varieties

The energy value increases in proportion to the size of the fruit. To calculate accurately, use a kitchen scale.

Granny Smith green apple calories- 47.5 kcal. Contains 0.42 g of protein, 0.41 g of fat and 9.7 g of carbohydrates. In variety Semerenko- 0.41 g of proteins, 0.41 g of fat and 9.2 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content - 40 calories.

Calorie content of the red apple variety Idared- 50 calories. It contains 0.40 g of protein, 0.40 g of fat, 10 g of carbohydrates.

Yellow apple variety Golden contains 0.46 g of protein, 0.22 g of fat and 10.7 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content - 53 calories.


The calorie content of baked without additional ingredients and fresh fruits is no different. If you bake with sugar and honey, supplements increase the calorie content. So, the calorie content of baked apples without sugar is 50 - 60 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of baked apples + 10 g of honey (33 calories) will be 90 - 130 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of baked apples with sugar (10 g - 40 calories) - 100 - 150 kcal per 100 g.


Energy value 100 g dried apples higher than fresh. It is 200 - 235 kcal per 100 g (depending on the variety).


In 100 g dried apples 240 - 250 calories. The calorie content of 100 g of dried fruits is higher than 100 g of fresh ones, for the reason that due to the evaporation of moisture, the concentration of substances in the fruits increases. So, in their 100 g contains 57 g of sugar.


The calorie content of apple jam is 190 - 130 calories per 100 g. It depends on the type of fruit used and the amount of sugar.


The energy value of an apple pie depends on the dough (puff or yeast) and the method of preparation. After all, when frying, it is used vegetable oil, which significantly increases the calorie content of the ingredients. The calorie content of puff pastry pies with apples is 290 - 370 kcal per 100 g (in one pie weighing 60 g there will be 150 - 200 kcal). Calorie content of fried pies yeast dough- 320 - 400 kcal per 100 g (calorie content of one pie weighing 60 g - 175 - 220 kcal).

Vitamins (per 100 g)

  • Vitamin PP - 0.3 mg: promotes tissue growth and is involved in fat metabolism.
  • Beta-carotene - 0.03 mg: increases stress resistance, protects against the effects of radiation, strengthens the immune system.
  • A - 5 mcg: promotes the growth of new cells.
  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.03 mg: supports the work of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems.
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.02 mg: protects against infectious diseases, improves vision.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.07 mg: Supports normal functioning nervous system regulates protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.08 mg: regulates the metabolism of amino acids, stimulates the production of antibodies and hemoglobin.
  • B9 (folic acid) - 2 mcg: participates in the construction of new cells, supports the immune system at a normal level.
  • C - 10 mg: Strengthens the immune system.
  • E - 0.2 mg: participates in the formation of collagen and elastic fibers, due to which the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, participates in the formation of hemoglobin, strengthens the functioning of the muscular system.
  • H (biotin) - 0.3 mcg: normalizes blood sugar levels, improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, stimulates the work of the nervous system.
  • K (phylloquinone) - 2.2 mcg: strengthens the skeletal system, participates in the construction of heart and lung tissues.

Glycemic index and sugar

Apples have a low glycemic index (30 - compared, for example, with honey, whose glycemic index is 90, or watermelon - 72), that is, they are slowly absorbed by the body. Therefore, they are not a threat to harmony. The amount of sugar in apples depends on the variety and the weight of the fruit. They contain about 10% simple sugars: 2.0 g glucose, 5.5 g fructose, 1.5 g sucrose per 100 g. Glucose is the main source of energy for the body and stimulates metabolic processes. Fructose stimulates brain activity and provides a tonic effect for the entire body. Sucrose is a compound of glucose and fructose. Despite the debate about the dangers of sucrose, a small amount of it will not harm the body (if you do not abuse these fruits). Useful property sucrose is the ability to protect the liver from the effects of toxins. So, a Golden apple weighing 50 g contains about 4.7 g of sugar.


Iron is involved in the production of hemoglobin, which allows red blood cells to oxygenate all the cells of the body. The combination of folic acid and iron in these fruits activates the process of hematopoiesis, so their consumption is an ideal prevention of leukemia. The iron content in apples is 2.5 mg per 100 g.

What to look for when buying

  • When buying apples in a supermarket, pay attention to their appearance. As a rule, to give shine, they are treated with chemicals that are very harmful to the gastrointestinal tract. If you bought these - as an option, peel off the peel from them or rinse the fruits well with running warm water, then wipe thoroughly.
  • The beta-carotene contained in the fruit can cause an allergic reaction.
  • If you suffer from gastritis, hyperacidity, ulcers or other diseases of the digestive system, refrain from consuming acidic varieties. The fruits of other varieties should be peeled.
  • Do not abuse, because excess fiber can provoke digestive disorders, colic, flatulence. The norm is the consumption of no more than 400 g per day with normal nutrition and no more than 1 kg on fasting days.


Red apples are rich in vitamins and minerals. They contain a lot of vitamins B, C, A, PP, H, minerals of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, nickel, sodium.

Due to the high content of fiber and pectin, red apples are useful for normalizing the functioning of the digestive tract. Regular consumption of such fruits helps to prevent heart disease, blood vessels, oncology, atherosclerosis.

The calorie content of a sweet red apple per 100 grams is about 51 kcal. 100 g of fruit contains:

  • 0.4 g protein;
  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 10 g of carbohydrates.

Sweet red apples have a wider scope than sour varieties of fruit. Such apples can be included in the diet in small quantities, even with exacerbations of diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas.

The properties of sweet red apples have been proven to restore the energy balance in the body. The product is indicated for strengthening the immune system, preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Calorie content of a red apple in 1 pc.

Calorie content of a red apple in 1 pc. (we are talking about a medium-sized fruit) is 100 kcal. One fruit contains:

  • 0.8 g protein;
  • 0.8 g fat;
  • 20 g of carbohydrates.

red apple benefits

The following benefits of the red apple have been proven:

  • fruits are saturated with pectin, which cleanses the body of toxins;
  • vitamins of groups B, E, C of red apples are necessary to maintain the health of the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, and help strengthen the immune system;
  • the product contains a lot of calcium, which supports the health of the musculoskeletal system;
  • apple tannins are useful for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • if there are no contraindications, it is recommended to eat 1 red apple on an empty stomach. Such eating of fruit will help get rid of constipation;
  • red apple sugars are useful for restoring the body's physical and mental strength after heavy loads;
  • red apples are an excellent remedy for stress, apathy and bad mood;
  • due to the low calorie content, red apples can be used during diets and weight loss.

Harm of red apples

Despite the fact that the benefits of red apples are very high, this product has contraindications:

  • such a product is used in limited quantities for chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
  • there are a lot of acids in sour red apples that can provoke an ulcer, gastritis, and are harmful to tooth enamel;
  • specialists in proper nutrition recommend peeling red apples. It is in it that a large amount of chemicals accumulate, which are sprayed on the fruit during cultivation.

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