Home A fish Unusual apple and pear jam. Jam from apples and pears for the winter. Pear-apple jam with orange slices

Unusual apple and pear jam. Jam from apples and pears for the winter. Pear-apple jam with orange slices

Fruits and berries


Pear, apple and plum jam you can safely call Assorted jam, and as you know, such jam is a storehouse useful qualities. This seemingly ordinary preparation for the winter, cooked at home, due to the combination of several types of fruits, forms a completely new taste, which achieves all sorts of praise among other similar blanks.

For the preparation of valuable jam, we decided to choose pears, apples and plums, but it is possible to exclude any fruit and add your favorite. The technology of its preparation in this case will remain the same as in the following. step by step recipe with instructions and photos.

Homemade jam is always in high demand because it is made from natural products and is very delicious treat. By the way, fruit blanks are in perfect harmony with any flour product, dairy products, and they can also become the basis for the preparation of various original sauces.

An unusual fruit jam for the winter should be made by every housewife, if only because it contains important microcomponents, which the human body lacks on cold days. On winter evenings, this dessert will be the main delicacy on the table during tea drinking.

Whatever jam recipe you choose, the fruits for this delicacy should be strong, with dense pulp. When choosing pear varieties, stop at the forest beauty or Clapp's favorite- These are large and juicy pears with a thin peel. Of apples, varieties with sourness are best suited. They include Golden Kitayka, Antonovka and Slavyanka. Before starting work, the fruits are thoroughly washed, wormholes and damaged areas are cut out, and peeled. You also need to remove the tails of the fruit, seed pods and receptacle. We cut into pieces and slices, as you like, but for uniform cooking, the pieces should be approximately the same size.

Pear and apple jam

Since the flesh of apples in the air begins to darken quickly, oxidizing, the prepared pieces should be immersed in a weak saline solution for 30 minutes. In general, the technology for making apple and pear jam is very simple. Small fruits can not be cut, but used whole, simply by removing the lower part along with the stalk. If you are using Antonovk y, immerse the apples for 3-5 minutes in a soda solution - thanks to this, they will not boil soft during the preparation of the treat.

To prepare a dessert according to this recipe, take 1 kg of fruit and 1.5 kg of granulated sugar. When increasing the weight of pears and apples, do not forget to proportionally increase the amount of sugar, otherwise the jam will turn out not so sweet. Or just take sweeter varieties of apples. It is boiled in three steps, thanks to which the fruit slices are completely saturated with delicious syrup, and the jam itself will become brightly transparent and will not boil.

Jam cooked according to a traditional recipe

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. We cut the fruit, put them in a large basin and sprinkle with sugar on top. For a couple of hours, leave the fruits in such a form that apples and pears let the juice flow.
  2. We put the container with the fruits on the stove over medium heat and bring the mixture to about 80 degrees, stirring constantly and not letting it boil.
  3. We remove the delicacy from the stove, close the basin with a lid and leave for 10 hours.
  4. We again transfer the future jam to the fire and bring to a boil. Stir the mass from time to time, preferably with a wooden spoon, so as not to spoil the color of the dessert.
  5. As soon as the jam begins to boil, turn off the heat and set aside until the next day.
  6. For the third time, put the apple-pear delicacy on the stove, bring to a boil. As soon as this happens, start transferring the jam to the jars without turning off the fire.

At the end, we roll up the jars, turn them upside down and leave them wrapped in a warm blanket for a couple of hours. After two days, jars of jam can be transferred to the pantry for storage.

Modern technology frees us from the need to spend hours at the stove, wasting time preparing jams, jams, and other desserts. This is especially helped by the slow cooker, which will do almost everything for you - just load the ingredients and turn on the appropriate mode. In the preparation of pear-apple jam according to classic recipe there is nothing complicated in the multicooker. We cut the fruit, put them in a cooking container and sprinkle sugar on top. Leave the fruit until the next morning to release the juice.

Preparing fruit for jam

After that, turn on the equipment, set the "Extinguishing" mode and leave the multicooker for two hours, while every 30 minutes you need to mix the mass. When the jam is ready, pour it into sterilized containers.

The process is exactly the same in a bread machine. True, you should select the "Jam" mode. Due to the fact that the capacity in the bread machine is smaller, you will have to take 0.5 kg of apples and pears and 0.7 kg of sugar. If you decide to add spices (vanilla, cloves) to the jam, this should be done 10-15 minutes before the end of the cooking process. A delicacy ready and packaged in jars can be stored for about two years, after which it is undesirable to eat jam. And here open jam best eaten a few weeks in advance by storing the container in the refrigerator.

To make the jam less sweet and give it a thick consistency, take a few oranges in addition to pears and apples. This recipe includes the following ingredients: 1 kg of fruit, 3 liters of water, 3 kg of sugar. Peel apples and pears, remove the core with stones, cut the fruit into pieces of the same size and dip in boiling water for 5 minutes. Thanks to this, they will not darken, and the jam will be almost transparent. Use a slotted spoon to catch the fruit (do not pour out the liquid, but save it) and cool under running cold water.

Sliced ​​orange for jam

We also clean the oranges, carefully remove the white film (or the jam will be bitter), take out the seeds. Cut the soft part into slices of medium size. That's it, now it's time to prepare the syrup. In the saved water from fruits doused with boiling water, we pour sugar and bring to a boil. For 7-10 minutes, constantly stir the liquid so that the sugar dissolves and does not stick to the bottom of the pan - in this case, the jam will have a burnt aftertaste. After the syrup thickens, we immerse all the fruits in it, bring the mixture to a boil, cool and repeat the procedure three times.

Thanks to this, it will thicken and retain useful trace elements. Just roll up the treat in jars and send it to the basement for storage. When preparing this dessert, there are a few tricks to keep in mind. If you choose soft varieties of pears, it is better not to pour boiling water over them - they will turn into mashed potatoes almost immediately. Fruits in this case should be dipped into the syrup after the apples. You can make jam in the form of mashed potatoes: in this case, pears and apples must be passed through a meat grinder, and oranges simply cut into pieces.

Three delicious recipes - with cranberries, nuts and chocolate

Jam will turn out very tasty if you add cranberries with nuts to it. Wash about 1 kg of berries, dry, rub through a sieve, removing excess water. Puree pour 350 ml of water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Take 0.5 kg of pears and apples, peel, cut into slices and throw them to the cranberries, pour 2 kg of sugar on top. Boil the sweet mass for about an hour, removing the foam. 20 minutes before readiness, add 500 g of chopped walnuts to the jam.

Second unusual recipe jam involves the use of cinnamon, which will give a delicacy spicy taste. To prepare it, take: 1 kg of apples, 0.5 kg of pears, 500 g of sugar, cinnamon - 1 spoon or stick. We clean the fruit, cut out the core, cut into small slices. We put everything in a deep saucepan, add cinnamon and fill the pears with apples with water. Cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat, add sugar, knead and wait until the mass boils, then boil the same amount. We lay out the delicacy on the banks and roll them up.

One more really sweet recipe jams - with the addition of chocolate and nuts. First, take all the products you need to make jam: 500 g of pears, 100 g of apples, 300 g of sugar, 100 g of chocolate (preferably bitter), 50 g of nuts. Grind pears with apples in a food processor, pour into a saucepan, add water with sugar, boil until the mass thickens. At the end, add nuts and melted chocolate.

Every summer, I without fail preserve pear- apple jam for the winter. And there are several reasons: the jam is prepared quite quickly and simply, it is stored just fine all winter, it turns out very tasty and fragrant. I serve it with pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes or cottage cheese desserts. Yes, and it is quite possible to fill pies with them, because this jam is thick, there is no liquid syrup in it. Everyone who has tried it says delicate taste and beautiful color.

I cook pear-apple jam in a special saucepan with a ceramic non-stick coating. It doesn't burn anything and that makes me happy. I recommend that you also choose the right dishes for cooking jam for the winter.


  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 10 g vanillin;
  • sugar (to taste) - at least 1 kg per 2 kg of fruit.


Choose the right fruit for jam. Strong fruits, not overripe, are best suited, so that after heat treatment leftover pieces of fruit. If you take too ripe fruit - you get jam. Wash them thoroughly under the tap.

Cut the apples into thin slices, remove the core, cut the tail.

Do the same with pears - cut into thin slices, remove the seed box, ponytails.

Transfer the chopped fruit to a convenient deep dish (pot or bowl), sprinkle with sugar. The amount of sugar may vary depending on the sweetness of the fruit. Stir and leave for an hour - the fruits should let the juice go.

Transfer the fruit to a container in which the jam will be cooked. Add 200 ml of water and start cooking fruit preparation for the winter. Remember to stir with a wooden spatula, otherwise the fruit may stick to the bottom of the pan.

After 20 minutes, the fruit will boil well. Turn off the gas and let them cool for 20-30 minutes.

Add vanilla, stir. If desired, you can add a little cinnamon (I do not always add it). Don't overdo it or the cinnamon and vanilla will overpower the apples and pears. Bring the jam to a boil, boil for 10 minutes and turn off.

Arrange the jam in sterile jars to the very top, screw tightly with sterile lids. Be sure to tip over and wrap with a blanket until the jam has cooled.

Store pear and apple jam in a cool and dark place. If you want something sweet - better option and you can't imagine. Pear-apple jam is perfectly stored for more than a year.

Recipe sent by Yulia Smirnykh

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5 comments to “Pear-apple jam for the winter”

The jam looks so beautiful in a jar. I make apple jam every year. And I have never cooked pear-apple and have never even tried it. Quite interesting recipe from in a simple way cooking. I see you add vanillin and cinnamon, it's interesting. This means that the note of these mixtures is then felt in the taste. I will take into account all your advice and will try to cook this dish with pleasure. I hope I get the same color as yours!

Tatyana, they didn’t try in vain. Everything will work out, there are still a lot of pears and apples, you will have time to cook this season.

By the way, if anyone likes the spicy taste of jam, you can add cardamom at the end of cooking. Quantity - according to your preference. This is advice from personal experience, a wonderful aroma and taste is obtained. Cardamom goes well with vanilla and cinnamon.

Thanks for the recipe, today I closed 3 jars! It’s a pity that I saw the advice with cardamom late ...

Never cooked pears with apples either. This year I decided to try it. I cut everything into small cubes, I hope it will be tasty! Thanks!

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We offer a recipe for apple-pear jam, which has a simple cooking process, amazing taste and aroma. To create an amber delicacy, prepare all the ingredients according to the list below. If you are using a sweet pear, then opt for sour apples to achieve a balanced flavor. Jam from pears and apples can turn out different, depending on the variety of fruits and on the degree of maturity. In order for the fruit slices to come out translucent after cooking, it is necessary to use slightly unripe fruits. If you want to preserve the integrity of the pieces as much as possible, leave the skin, otherwise it is peeled off.


  • 450 grams of pears;
  • 550 grams of apples;
  • 100 milliliters of water;
  • 500 grams of sugar.

Jam from apples and pears with slices "amber"

Wash apples and pears in water, free from peel and seed box inside. Cut the resulting pulp into small pieces.

Place the segments in a spacious container. Choose glass or ceramic dishes, metal is not suitable, as it can lead to oxidation of the product. Use an enameled container only if it does not contain chips. Pour fruit abundantly with granulated sugar, set aside for several hours so that the fruits release juice. After a while, pour a little water into the fruit, as they will not be able to release a lot of juice.

Pour the mixture into a saucepan, place on the burner. After boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum, remove the foam that has formed on the surface.

Boil the jam for the next 40 minutes, until it thickens and darkens. The pieces of fruit should become slightly translucent.

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