Home Kashi Dry matter in cheese whey. Specifications for pasteurized milk whey - that. Dietary properties of curd whey

Dry matter in cheese whey. Specifications for pasteurized milk whey - that. Dietary properties of curd whey

The composition of milk whey varies considerably and depends for cheese whey - on the type of cheese produced and its fat content; cottage cheese - from the method of production of cottage cheese and its fat content; casein - on the type of casein produced. The distribution of the main components of raw milk in the process of obtaining natural cheese is shown in Figure 1. The distribution of the main components of raw materials in the production of "fatty" cottage cheese is similar to cheese, but from skimmed milk it differs markedly.

Depending on the type of the main product, cheese, curd or casein whey is obtained (table 1).

Table 1 - Composition and properties of whey


Milk serum


cottage cheese


Dry matter, %,


milk fat

mineral salts

Acidity, °T

Density, kg / m 3

The main component in the composition of whey is lactose, which is 70-75% in dry matter. At the same time, there is somewhat less lactose in the curd whey due to fermentation into lactic acid, which affects the acidity of the whey. The degree of transition of individual components of milk into whey is associated with the processes of gelation and syneresis. 6.3-12.4% fat passes into milk whey, and its absolute content, depending on the fat content of the feedstock and technology, varies widely - from 0.05 to 0.5%.

Milk fat is more dispersed in whey than in whole milk. So, for example, the number of fat globules smaller than 2 microns in whey is 72.6, and in milk 51.9%.

100 g of whey contains 0.135 mg of nitrogen, incl. 65% protein and 35% non-protein nitrogen compounds. In terms of protein using the accepted coefficient (6.38), this value is 0.5-1.5% and depends on the method of normalization and heat treatment of the mixture, protein coagulation and clot syneresis. The fractional composition of whey proteins includes up to 10 items, differing in content, isoelectric point and denaturation temperature.

The composition of the carbohydrate complex of whey includes monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and amino sugars. Curd whey contains 0.7-1.6% glucose, which is due to the hydrolysis of lactose during the production of cottage cheese. Of the amino sugars in the serum, neuraminic acid, sialic acid, ketopentose were found. Oligosaccharides are represented by lactose, lactulose and serologically active sugars close to blood composition.

The quantitative content of anions (5.831 g/l) and cations (3.323 g/l) in whey corresponds to whole milk. In the process of production of some types of cheeses - Russian, Poshekhonsky and others, part of the whey (about 30%) turns out to be salty.

The quality of whey in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation must meet the following requirements. Appearance - a homogeneous liquid of a greenish color without impurities (white sediment is allowed), taste and smell - clean, characteristic of whey without extraneous flavors (for curd and casein whey, slightly sour, for salty with a touch of salt). Density not lower than 1023 kg/m3; acidity, respectively (° T), no more: cheese - 20, curd - 75, casein - 70.

In the process of storage without processing, its composition and properties change. Lactose, as the least stable component, undergoes enzymatic hydrolysis as a result of the action of lactic acid bacteria. As a result, titratable acidity increases, pH decreases, and serum turbidity increases. Hydrolysis of proteins and fat occurs, the taste of whey changes, unwanted and even harmful substances can accumulate.

In practice, it is believed that when whey is stored without processing for 12 hours, it loses up to 25% of its energy value.

To preserve the original quality of whey, it is subjected to heat treatment (pasteurization, cooling) or preservatives approved by the health authorities are added. This treatment allows you to successfully preserve the quality of the serum for 24-36 hours.

Cheese whey is a valuable food raw material, including all components of milk. About 50% of milk solids pass into cheese whey, including 88-94% of milk sugar, 20-25% of proteins, 6-12% of milk fat, 59-65% of minerals.

The composition of whey carbohydrates is similar to the carbohydrate composition of milk: monosaccharides (glucose, galactose, etc.), their derivatives, disaccharides - lactose and more complex oligosaccharides. The main carbohydrate of whey is lactose, monosaccharides are present in it in a smaller amount, oligosaccharides - in the form of traces.

The mass fraction of nitrogen-containing substances in cheese whey ranges from 0.5 to 1.1%. The most important proteins contained in serum are β-lactoglobulin, α-lactoalbumin, serum albumin, immunoglobulins and proteose peptones. In addition, cheese whey contains a polypeptide, which is a detached part of the k-casein molecule. In the form of traces, various enzymes and iron-containing proteins are also present in the serum. Depending on the conditions of production and storage, a number of foreign proteins of microbial origin can be detected in serum.

Whey-derived whey proteins can serve as an additional source of essential amino acids such as arginine, histidane, methionine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan, leucine and isoleucine. In addition, whey contains 0.1-0.6% casein dust (0.5% on average). These are casein particles less than 1 mm in size, formed as a result of crushing the curd.

The content of milk fat in whey obtained in the production of rennet cheeses is 0.3-0.6%. This value depends both on the type of cheese produced and the physical and chemical parameters of raw materials, as well as on the factors that determine the course of technological processes. Milk fat in whey is more dispersed than in whole milk, which has a positive effect on its digestibility.

In cheese whey, there are somewhat fewer minerals than in whole milk, since some of the salts and trace elements pass into the main product - cheese. The content of mineral substances ranges from 0.3-0.8%. Mineral substances in cheese whey are in various forms of true and molecular solutions, colloidal and insoluble state in the form of salts of organic and inorganic acids.

Of the cations in the serum, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium predominate, of the anions - the remains of citric, phosphoric and lactic acids.

Both fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins pass into cheese whey from milk, and water-soluble vitamins pass to a much greater extent than fat-soluble ones. So, the degree of transition (in%) is: thiamine (B1) - 88%, riboflavin (B2) - 91%, cobalin (B12) - 58%, ascorbic acid (C) - 78%, retinol (A) - 11% , tocopherol (E) - 32%.

The specific yellowish-greenish color of cheese whey is due to the presence of riboflavin. The content of vitamins in whey is subject to fluctuations and decreases sharply during storage.

Of the organic acids in the serum, there are lactic, citric, nucleic and volatile fatty acids - acetic, formic, propionic, butyric.

      Dietary supplement

(Sea buckthorn juice)

Sea buckthorn juice stimulates digestion, increasing the secretion of digestive enzymes and bile, increases the resistance (resistance) of the body to infections, has a biostimulating effect, increasing the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin and total blood protein.

Serotonin, a biologically active substance from the group of amines, has a normalizing effect on the work of the nervous and digestive systems, the lack of which in the tissues of the nervous system and the digestive tract causes serious disturbances in their work. Juice is invaluable in the treatment of eye diseases: night blindness, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyes, eyelids, blood vessels.

Among the many useful properties of sea buckthorn juice is the stimulation of all muscles, including the heart. 100 ml of sea buckthorn juice fills the daily requirement for vitamin C and routine.

The content of ursolic acid in sea buckthorn is important. In action, it approaches the hormone of the adrenal glands. It is used in the treatment of Addison's disease (bronze disease). Ursolic acid has strong anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Therefore, it is very effective in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, erosions, and various inflammatory processes.

Nutritional value of the product (100 ml.)

The amount of nutrients that sea buckthorn juice contains allows you to effectively use it to treat numerous diseases, as well as to improve the general condition of the body. The juice increases the level of protein and hemoglobin in the blood, stimulates the digestive processes, and also significantly strengthens the immune system.

      Thickeners and mechanism of action

Consistency is an important characteristic of a food product. Often, products are represented by a colloidal system: emulsions,

foams, suspensions, gels. To create them, additives are needed that have properties aimed at giving the product a stable structure.

that will keep the system in balance.

One of the solutions to this problem is the introduction of a thickener into the product.

Thickeners are substances that increase the viscosity of food products. The main property of thickeners is the improvement and preservation of the structure of the food product, which makes it possible to obtain products with the required consistency, which improves taste perception. Due to the ability of thickeners to increase the viscosity of aqueous media, they are used

for stabilization of such dispersed systems as: suspensions, emulsions and foams

Thickeners are hydrocolloids in nature. Thickener molecules are presented in the form of linear or branched polymer chains coiled into balls.

Due to the peculiarities of their structure and numerous polar groups, especially hydroxyl, thickeners added to the food product begin to interact with the water present in it.

Polar water molecules are located around the polar groups of the thickener.

Due to solvation, often accompanied by untwisting of the molecule,

the mobility of water molecules decreases, and the viscosity of the solution increases.

Macromolecules that, when swollen, partially or completely transform into an elongated state, increase viscosity to the greatest extent, since the hydrodynamic resistance of long elongated polymer chains is the greatest. The increase in viscosity occurs exponentially with increasing chain length.

With an increase in the degree of branching of the hydrocolloid molecule, a decrease in viscosity occurs, since the located side chains interfere with the binding of water molecules. If polar and non-polar groups are located predominantly at the ends of the chain, then this contributes to the binding of water and an increase in viscosity. For macromolecules with a high degree of branching, obtaining a high viscosity is possible only in concentrated solutions. The properties of thickeners, mainly neutral polysaccharides, can be changed by chemical modification: by introducing neutral or ionic substituents into the molecule.

Thickeners are not able to form elastic strong gels. It is not always possible to clearly distinguish between gelling agents and thickeners. There are substances that can have to varying degrees the properties of both a gelling agent and a thickener. Some thickeners under certain conditions, for example, at a certain concentration of sugar,

calcium ions or pH value, are able to form strong elastic gels.

The effectiveness of hydrocolloids is affected not only by the structural features of their molecules (chain length, degree of branching,

the nature of monomer units and functional groups and their location in the molecule, the presence of glycosidic bonds), but also the composition of the food product,

method of obtaining it and storage conditions. The size and shape of their particles have a great influence on the dissolution and dispersion of hydrocolloids.

specific surface, granulometric composition. The method of preparation of the solution (dispersion) is also important: the intensity and time of mixing, temperature, pH value, the presence of electrolytes,

minerals and hydrated substances, e.g. sugars,

the possibility of forming complexes with other compounds present in the system, decomposition processes that are caused by enzymes or microorganisms. There are thickeners capable of forming associations with other high molecular weight components of the food product, which causes a noticeable increase in viscosity.

Applications: instant soups and sauces,

products, fruit preparations and other fruit processing products,

drinks, sour cream, yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk products, dry dairy products, ice cream, desserts, kissels, mayonnaises and other emulsified sauces, margarines, cheeses, foods, low-calorie diet foods. Measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment, utensils and materials

Areometers according to GOST 18481, type AM, scale division 0.5 kg/m 3 , without thermometer or type AMT, division value 1.0 kg/m 3 , with thermometer.

Cylinder - 1 39 (45, 50) / 265 (280, 415) according to GOST 18481.

Liquid glass thermometer according to GOST 28498, measuring range from 0 ºС to 100 ºС and scale division 0.5 ºС.

Laboratory filter paper according to GOST 12026.

It is allowed to use other measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment that are not inferior to the above in terms of metrological and technical characteristics and provide the necessary measurement accuracy. Preparing for measurements

The density of products is determined at a temperature of (20.0 ± 2.0) o C. If the temperature of the product under investigation does not correspond to the specified one, the sample is heated in a water bath or cooled under running cold water.

Hydrometers and glass cylinders should be thoroughly washed with detergent solutions, rinsed with distilled water, and the remaining moisture removed with filter paper.

After preparing the hydrometer for measurement, it is not allowed to touch its working surface with your hands. The hydrometer is taken by the upper part of the rod, free from the scale.

A sample with a volume of 0.10 or 0.25 dm 3 is thoroughly mixed and carefully, in order to avoid the formation of foam, is poured along the wall into a dry cylinder, which should be kept in a slightly inclined position. Taking measurements

The cylinder with the test sample of the product is placed on a flat horizontal surface and the temperature of the sample is measured. The reading of the temperature readings is carried out no earlier than 2-4 minutes after the thermometer is lowered into the sample.

A dry, clean hydrometer is slowly lowered into the test sample, immersing it until 3-4 mm remains to the expected mark of the hydrometer scale, then leaving it in a free floating state. In this case, the hydrometer should not touch the walls of the cylinder.

The location of the cylinder with the sample on a horizontal surface should be, in relation to the light source, convenient for reading the readings on the density scale and the thermometer scale.

The first reading of the density readings ( ρ 1) is carried out visually from the scale of the hydrometer 3 minutes after setting it in a stationary position. After that, the hydrometer is carefully raised to a height to the level of the ballast in it and lowered again, leaving it in a free floating state. After establishing it in a stationary state, a second reading of the density readings is carried out ( ρ 2). When reading the density reading, the eyes should be at the level of the meniscus. The readings are taken along the upper edge of the meniscus.

The readings on hydrometers AM and AMT are carried out to half of the smallest division of the scale.

The discrepancy between parallel density measurements should not exceed 0.5 kg/m 3 . Processing measurement results

For the average value of the hydrometer readings at the temperature of the test sample (20.0 ± 2.0) ° C, the arithmetic mean of the results of two readings is taken ρ 1 and ρ 2 obtained under repeatability conditions.

Reproducibility limit R is the absolute difference between the results of two parallel measurements obtained under reproducibility conditions - with a confidence level at R\u003d 0.95 should not exceed 0.8 kg / m 3.

The limits of the permissible absolute error in determining the density of milk whey by the areometric method are ± 0.5 kg/m 3 .

The conversion of the density value of whey to the mass fraction of solids is carried out in accordance with table 2.

Table 2

Density, kg / m 3 Mass fraction of solids, %
cheese whey curd and casein whey
5,60 5,40
5,80 5,60
6,00 5,70
6,20 5,90
6,30 6,10
6,40 6,20
6,50 6,30
6,70 6,50
6,90 6,80
7,20 7,00
7,40 7,25

Method for determining the mass fraction of dry substances by drying

Method Essence

The method is based on the change in the mass of the sample of the analyzed product under the influence of temperature. Measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment, glassware, materials and reagents

Non-automatic scales in accordance with GOST OIML R 76-1 with limits of permissible absolute error of not more than ± 0.1 mg.

Electric drying cabinet without forced convection (ventilation) of air, providing temperature maintenance (102 ± 2) o C.

Mechanical watches according to GOST 3145.

Electric stove according to GOST 14919.

Pipettes 1(2)–1(2)–10 according to GOST 29228.

Aluminum laboratory bottles with a diameter of 50 mm, a height of 38 mm
GOST 25336.

Desiccator 2–100 (140, 190) according to GOST 25336.

Glass sticks.

Sieve with holes 1.0–1.5 mm.

Crucible tongs.

Filter paper according to GOST 12026.

Sand washed and calcined.

Hydrochloric acid according to GOST 3118, concentrated.

Calcium chloride technical according to GOST 450, anhydrous, calcined.

Distilled water according to GOST 6709.

All reagents used must be chemical grade or analytical grade.

It is allowed to use other measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment that are not inferior to the above in terms of metrological and technical characteristics and provide the necessary measurement accuracy, as well as reagents and materials in quality no worse than the above. Preparing for measurements

The sand is sifted on a baking sheet through a sieve with a hole diameter of 1.5 mm, then through a sieve with a hole diameter of 0.5 mm. That part of the sand that remained on the second sieve is taken into the cup and washed several times with drinking water until a transparent layer above the sand. The water is drained, a solution of hydrochloric acid is added until the sand is completely covered and left for 12–14 hours, mixed with a spatula (spoon) 3–5 times.

Hydrochloric acid is drained and the sand is washed with drinking water by decantation until a neutral reaction (control is carried out using indicator paper). Then the sand is washed with distilled water, transferred to an evaporating cup, dried in an oven at a temperature of (130 ± 5) ° C and calcined in a muffle furnace at a temperature not lower than 500 ° C until organic matter is completely removed (10 minutes after the smoke emission stops ).

Prepared sand is stored in a plastic container with a closed lid. Taking measurements

A metal weighing bottle with 20–30 g of sand prepared according to and a glass rod not protruding beyond the edges of the weighing bottle is placed in an oven at a temperature of (102 ± 2) ° C and kept at this temperature for 30–40 minutes. Then the bottle is taken out of the cabinet, placed in a desiccator, covered with a lid, incubated for 40 minutes, then weighed. 10 cm 3 of a specific product are measured into a weighing bottle with a pipette and weighed. Then the bottle is placed in an oven. The beginning of drying is considered the time of reaching the temperature (102 ± 2) ° C in the air space of the drying cabinet.

After 2 hours, the bottle is removed from the oven, placed in a desiccator, covered with a lid, cooled for 40 minutes and weighed.

Subsequent weighings are carried out after drying after 1 hour until the difference between subsequent weighings is equal to or less than 0.001 g. Processing measurement results

Mass fraction of dry matter WITH, %, calculated by formula (1)

where m- weight of the bottle with sand and a glass rod, g;

m 0 – weight of bottle with sand, glass rod and product before drying, g;

m 1 - the mass of the bottle with sand, a glass rod, the product after drying, g.

Calculations are carried out to the third decimal place, followed by rounding to the second decimal place.

The final measurement result is taken as the arithmetic mean of two parallel determinations performed under repeatability conditions, and rounded to the second decimal place, if the acceptance condition is met: the absolute difference between the results of two parallel measurements does not exceed the limit of repeatability (convergence), r= 0.10% at R=0,95.

Reproducibility limit R- the absolute difference between the results of two parallel measurements obtained under reproducibility conditions, - at R=0,95, should not exceed 0.20%.

Limits of absolute measurement error at R=0.95 is ±0.10%.

Individual entrepreneur


OKP 92 2930



I.I. Ivanov

"___" _______________ 2015

Whey milk



TU 9229-001-XXXXXXXXXX-2015

(introduced for the first time)

Date of entry into force

"___" __________ 2015

No expiration date


IP Ivanov I.I.



No. p / p Section name Page
Application area 3
1 Quality and safety requirements 4
2 Marking 7
3 Package 10
4 Acceptance rules 11
5 Control methods 13
6 Rules for transportation and storage 14
Annex A List of regulatory documents referenced in the TS 15
Annex B Information on nutritional and energy value of 100 grams of the product 18
Change Registration Sheet 19

Application area

These technical conditions apply to pasteurized milk whey (hereinafter referred to as "serum"), intended for sale through a retail network, catering establishments, as well as directly to the consumer upon his preliminary order, and establish product quality requirements that ensure its safety for life and public health, and can be used when declaring the above products.

Pasteurized milk whey is made from non-salted curd and cheese whey and is intended for direct consumption and for the preparation of okroshka, kvass, and culinary products.

Whey perfectly satisfies hunger, thanks to which it can be used as an effective natural remedy for weight loss and is the basis of various diets. The energy substances and various mineral salts that make up the whey allow the body to function normally with any diet. Whey contains a special sugar - lactose, which is slowly absorbed in the intestines. This is good because the processes of fermentation and gas formation slow down, and the vital activity of the intestinal microflora returns to normal in two to three weeks. The body practically does not use lactose in the formation of body fat. Therefore, this product is useful for anyone who is overweight. It can also be used to fight cravings for sweet foods, due to the fact that whey protein is easily absorbed by the body. In addition, whey, due to the high content of vitamin B 2 , activates fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Serum contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as many vitamins. Whey helps the body remove toxins and excess fluid, as well as break down harmful deposits without compromising health.

An example of recording products when ordering them and in other documents:

"Whey milk cottage cheesepasteurized TU 9229-001-ХХХХХХХХ-2015”.

These specifications are the property of IP XXX , Russia and may not be partially or completely copied, replicated or used without the permission of the owner.

The list of documents referenced in these specifications is given in Appendix A.

1. Requirements for quality and safety.

1.1. Whey must meet the requirements of these specifications and be produced in compliance with TR CU 033/2013, TR CU 021/2011, TR CU 022/2011, TR TS 005/2011, GOST R 53438, as well as other sanitary norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner (control in accordance with SP 1.1.1058), according to recipes (flow charts) and technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. In terms of organoleptic indicators, whey must comply with the requirements of TR TS 033/2013 (Appendix 3) given in Table 1.

Table 1 Curd

Name of indicator


Feature content
Appearance and texture
Taste and smell Peculiar to whey, sour

Table 1.1 Cheese

Name of indicator


Feature content
Appearance and texture Transparent or translucent homogeneous liquid. Presence of protein sediment is allowed
Taste and smell Peculiar to whey, sweetish or salty
Color Pale green to light yellow

1.3. According to the physicochemical parameters, the whey must meet the requirements given in Table 2.

Table 2 Curd

Name of indicator Indicator value
1 2
titratable acidity, ° T, no more 70,0
Density, kg/m 3 , not less than 1023
Mass fraction of lactose,%, at least 3,5
Mass fraction of fat,%, no more 0,2

Table 2.1 Cheese

Name of indicator Indicator value
1 2
titratable acidity, ° T, no more 20,0
Density, kg/m3 1023
Mass fraction of solids, %, not less than 5,5
Mass fraction of lactose, %, not less than 4,0
Mass fraction of fat,%, no more 0,1

1.4. Serum safety requirements, including requirements for toxic elements, potentially hazardous substances, mycotoxins, pesticides, radionuclides contained in it, must comply with TR TS 021/2011 (Appendix 4), TR CU 033/2013 (Appendix 4) and are given in Table 3.

Table 3

Potentially hazardous substances, toxic elements, mycotoxins, radionuclides Norm, mg/kg, no more
1 2
- Levomycetin, less than 0.01 mg/kg not allowed
- tetracycline group, less than 0.0003 mg/kg not allowed
- streptomycin, less than 0.2 mg/kg not allowed
- penicillin, less than 0.004 mg/kg not allowed
Toxic elements:
- lead 0,1
- arsenic 0,05
- Mercury 0,005
- cadmium 0,03
- GCCH (ɑ,β,ɣ-isomers)



(in terms of fat)

- DDT and its metabolites


(in terms of fat)

- aflatoxin M1 0,0005
- dioxins


(in terms of fat)

Specific (volume) activity Sr -90, Bq/kg, max 25
Specific (volume) activity of Cs -137, Bq/kg, not more than 100

1.5. Serum microbiological safety indicators should not exceed the permissible levels established by TR TS 033/2013 (Appendix 8) and given in Table 4.

Table 4

Name of indicator Indicator value
QMAFAnM, CFU, g 1x10 5
BGKP (coliforms) in 0.01 g. not allowed
Pathogenic, including salmonella, in 25 g not allowed
Staphylococcus S. aureus, in 1 g not allowed
Listeria L. mono-cyt genes, in 25 g not allowed
  1. Raw material requirements

The raw materials used for the manufacture of products, in terms of safety, must comply with the requirements of TR TS 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products".

For the production of whey, the following types of raw materials are used:

Drinking milk according to GOST 31450;

Lactic acid according to the manufacturer's specifications or other regulatory and technical documentation approved for use by the Rospotrebnadzor authorities;

Rennet according to the manufacturer's specifications or other regulatory and technical documentation, approved for use by the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor.

6. Rules for transportation and storage

6.1. Whey is transported in special vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of especially perishable goods in force on the transport of the corresponding type.

6.2. The transport used for the transportation of whey must have a sanitary passport issued by the authorized bodies in the prescribed manner, must be clean, easily sanitized, and in good condition.

6.3. Whey for transportation is released at its temperature not higher than 6 ° WITH.

6.4. Serum immediately after its receipt should be cooled to a temperature not exceeding 6 ° WITH.

6.5. Shelf life of serum at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C - no more than 5 days.

Powdered whey is recommended for use by men and women. It is used in various fields, often included in sports nutrition, as it favorably affects the growth of muscle mass. The product improves health, is a success with those who are trying to lose weight.

Description and composition

The product is obtained from processed milk, which is used in the production of cheese. To make whey, the liquid is first clarified, then pasteurized, thickened and dried. At the same time, trace elements and vitamins necessary for the human body remain intact. This raw material is not genetically modified. It contains 94% water. The remaining components are sugar, trace elements and vitamins. The result is a powder that is diluted with water before use.

If necessary, the already concentrated product is additionally demineralized in order to achieve the required level of acidity. For this, the electrodialysis method is used, thanks to which the end result pleases with high quality. The suitability of raw materials is determined by laboratory tests. The product is put on sale in accordance with the normative and technical documentation.

High biological value has made the product in demand in various industries. Most often, whey is used as a substitute for powdered milk.

From this product, a person receives vitamin B, which promotes good blood circulation, improves metabolism. For bones, whey can provide the necessary calcium. Phosphorus has a stimulating effect on cell growth, carbohydrates provide the necessary energy.

In addition, the product is rich in:

  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins A, E, C;
  • choline, nicotinic acid and biotin.

Benefits and indications

If we talk about the benefits of dry whey, then it has not only a tonic, but also a calming, cleansing effect. Doctors recommend introducing it into the diet for those who need to cleanse the kidneys, liver and bladder, eliminate skin problems, get rid of gastrointestinal diseases, cope with coronary disease, atherosclerosis.

weight loss

Often, nutritionists prescribe this product to people who are struggling with being overweight. Whey is not only a wonderful cleansing of the body from salts and toxins. It can even remove some poisons.

The product will become indispensable for people with puffiness, as it helps to remove excess fluid from the body. In addition, dry whey helps to restore the intestinal microflora, it is perfectly absorbed. This is the main assistant to the body on a fasting day.

A sufficient amount of lactose prevents the formation of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. The use of whey reduces the feeling of hunger, but at the same time, the product provides useful substances necessary for a person.

Serum has an amazing effect when used by women, because it not only significantly improves the condition of the skin, but also restores its elasticity. In addition, the product helps to strengthen hair and nails, activates their growth. For this and many other reasons, it is actively used in modern cosmetology. Serum helps men build muscle mass, burn unnecessary fats.

Use in the food industry

It is worth saying that whey protein in its composition is most similar to human milk. Among the main advantages of the product, an immunostimulating effect is noted, since such whey contains more cysteine ​​and tryptophan than casein. It is these elements that help regenerate liver protein, form hemoglobin and increase the amount of glutathione.

In the bread industry, whey is widely used by many manufacturers. The resulting solution serves as the basis for creating the starter. The result is wonderful baked goods. The quality of such bread is at a high level, as is its nutritional value. The addition of the product allows you to create wonderful bagels and drying, which have the necessary fragility, acquire an attractive gloss in the oven.

Whey is present in many desserts. With its addition, waffles, gingerbread, cookies, pastes, mousses, jellies and sweets are made. In the manufacture of sweets, whey powder replaces part of the powdered sugar. It is introduced into the composition at the stage of kneading the paste. Using the product can significantly reduce production costs.

On the basis of the described product, amazing kissels are obtained. To obtain a drink, it is necessary to dilute whey in warm water, add starch and flavorings.

It should be noted that the use of the product, regardless of where and how it was used, has a beneficial effect on the human body. Therefore, it is widely used not only in the baking industry, but also in the meat, dairy industries, and in the production of baby food. The only case in which cheese whey can be harmful is individual intolerance to the product. Otherwise, it is completely safe for both adults and children.

For information on the beneficial properties of whey, see the following video.

Dairy whey powder is a powder made from minor dairy products through a drying process. You will read about the composition, benefits, harms and other qualities of whey in this article.

Dry whey. This product is prepared only from natural raw materials that have not experienced any genetic influences or modifications. This salty-sweet product has a white or slightly yellowish tint. Practically odorless, sometimes exudes a light specific aroma. There may be small lumps that gently fall apart when pressed.Dry whey has beneficial properties that are used by athletes to increase muscle mass.This product has a composition rich in vitamins and minerals, including such minerals and vitamins as vitamins A and B, organic acids, vitamin PP and H, potassium, cobalt, iron, iodine, etc.It contains almost all trace elements and salts of substances soluble in water. There are especially a lot of B vitamins in dry whey, which are very effective in the processes of calm and relaxation. Also, vitamins of this group are indispensable in the fight against beriberi and lack of nutrients in the human body, these vitamins replenish their supply.The composition of the protein contained in dry whey contains enzymes and substances similar in composition to the protein component of mother's milk, and cow's milk protein is in many respects different from the protein contained in the milk of a nursing woman. This indicator makes it possible to use whey powder in the production of infant formula, the fats of which have an increased dispersion compared to cow's milk fats, which contributes to easier absorption of baby food by the child's body.Dry whey is widely used in various fields, by different people, regardless of their gender and age category. The male sex can use whey as an anabolic for muscle growth, it turns out that by talking about the use of whey in sports, we have lifted the veil in the secret of athletes' secret nutrition. The beautiful half of our society, with the help of dry whey, can remove accumulated toxins or unnecessary liquid. Whey can be taken every day, thus adding more protein to your body without gaining weight. This product effectively satisfies the feeling of hunger, which can be actively used if you are on a diet and restrict yourself in nutrition.Elderly people are recommended to drink whey in the treatment of latent forms of beriberi, atherosclerosis, hypertension problems and diseases of the cardiovascular system. For babies, whey serves as a source of useful vitamins, microelements, salts, substances that increase the protective functions of the child's body. This dairy product improves blood pressure, increases overall vitality, and normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.Goat milk whey has especially useful properties, it helps in the treatment of gastric and pulmonary insufficiency, improves blood composition in such diseases as anemia.

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