Home Drinks and cocktails What kind of fish are canned food 100. What kind of fish are sprats made from? Canned food “Sprats in oil. Some rules for preparing canned food

What kind of fish are canned food 100. What kind of fish are sprats made from? Canned food “Sprats in oil. Some rules for preparing canned food

Today, probably, one cannot find such a person who has never tried canned fish. Since childhood, their taste has been familiar to many, but few have cooked them at home. And this, by the way, is not so difficult, you just need to follow some rules and recommendations. And the first question that arises is: "What kind of fish is canned food made from?" I must say that absolutely any fish is suitable for this case: river or sea. From the river it is best to take crucians, carp, roach, perch, etc. From the sea, pink salmon, herring and mackerel are perfect. In general, in order to make canned food, you can take both prickly and bony fish, since in the process of their preparation all the bones will soften and will not pose any danger.

Some rules for preparing canned food

We have already found out what kind of fish canned food is made from, let's talk about what container is used for this. So, it is best to take small jars, for example, half a liter or a liter. Such containers are great for cooking the product in the oven, because it boils so well. Banks must be sterile. They are kept steamed or placed for some time in a preheated oven. Do the same with lids. Or they pasteurize the finished product in containers. To do this, they are placed in a bowl of water, which should cover the container at least half. Canned food is boiled over medium heat for fifteen minutes, after which it is rolled up. The fish itself must be taken the one that does not have any damage. Vegetable oil is added to canned food: corn, olive or sunflower, or it can be tomato sauce with spices. Consider a few simple recipes on how to cook homemade canned fish.

Recipe for multicooker

Ingredients: one large fish, two tablespoons of tomato paste, one tablespoon of table vinegar, one carrot, two onions, salt and spices to taste.

Pre-prepared fish is rubbed well with salt and spices, put it in a slow cooker. Tomato paste is mixed with water until a liquid consistency is obtained, vinegar is added and the fish is poured with this sauce so that it completely covers it. Carrots are rubbed on a grater, onions are cut into half rings. These vegetables are spread on top of the fish, the slow cooker is closed and stewed until all the bones of the fish are softened.

If we talk about what kind of fish canned food is made according to this recipe, then it should be noted that any fresh fish is used here.

Canned fish in oil

Ingredients: one large silver carp, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Prepared fish without a head and fins is cut into small pieces, which are laid in layers in advance, sprinkled with salt and pepper, vegetable oil is added. Then the jars are placed in a saucepan on a towel and filled with water so that it covers the container halfway. The jars are sterilized for about ten hours, during which time the bones should become soft. This is how homemade canned food is obtained, fish in oil will have a pleasant taste and aroma.

Canned fish with tomato for quick use

Ingredients: one and a half kilograms of any river fish, four carrots, five onions, three ripe tomatoes, one pack of ketchup, vegetable oil, salt and spices to taste.

Before preparing canned food, it is cleaned, gutted and washed. Onions are cut into half rings, carrots are cut into circles. These vegetables are laid out in a pressure cooker, fish is placed on top, poured with oil and ketchup, salt and spices are added. Place chopped tomatoes on top. All this is brought to a boil and boiled for one hour over low heat. After the canned river fish has cooled completely, the pressure cooker is opened. The finished product is stored in a cold place for no more than a day.

Canned Mackerel

It would seem that such a product can only be purchased in a store, but at home, canned food is much tastier, and it is not difficult to make them.

Ingredients: two large mackerel (four medium), two tablespoons of tomato paste, one onion, salt and spices to taste.

Such homemade canned fish are prepared in a slow cooker. First, the fish is washed, gutted, the head, fins and tail are removed, as well as all large bones and skin. The resulting fillet is cut into pieces, which are placed tightly enough in the multicooker bowl, sprinkled with salt and spices and the “Stew” mode is turned on for four and a half hours. Over time, add pasta to the fish and cook for another two hours. The finished dish is laid out in clean jars, cooled and served on the table.

Canned river fish for long-term storage

Ingredients: fresh river fish, spices and salt to taste, vegetable oil.

Pre-prepared fish is cut into pieces, salted and sprinkled with spices at its discretion. Then the pieces are placed in a bowl and left for an hour and a half so that they marinate. Then they are placed in clean jars and covered with foil so that the fish and the resulting juice do not stick to the lids. Thus, the container is placed on a baking sheet and sent to the oven on the bottom row, choosing the medium mode. When the juice begins to boil, the temperature is reduced and the jars are left for five hours. After a while, vegetable oil is boiled and fish is poured into it, then the jars are covered with lids and rolled up.

Now we know not only what kind of fish canned food is made from, but also in what way it can be done. To date, there are a lot of recipes.

Mostly perceived as something ordinary, for every day. Most of them are used for making salads and as fillings for pies. Only some are served as an independent snack, and even on the festive table. These are sprats in oil. In Soviet times, they were completely in short supply. It was considered a great success to get a jar of real Riga sprats. True, as then, many are interested in what kind of fish and how they are made? And most importantly, is it possible to cook delicious sprats at home?

Raw materials for sprats

When you open a can of these canned food, you can see small fish laid in a row. They lie side by side next to each other. This is what perfect sprats look like. What kind of fish is this - most become interested when a not so rosy picture appears. After all, for the manufacture of mouth-watering canned food, only high-quality raw materials should be used.

Modern sprats are mainly made from small fish belonging to the herring genus. Simply put, it's either herring. Although in reality there is a fish under this name from the Latin "sprattus". But sprats are never made from it. But this is not as important as the quality of raw fish carcasses. They should be 7-9 cm long (just enough to fit in a jar), have no damage to the skin and be distinguished by an even color. The rest already depends not on what kind of fish sprats are made from, but on the method of preparation.

Production technology

To date, 2 technologies are used for the production of sprats. According to one of them, raw fish is washed under cold water, briefly dipped in a saline solution, and then, passing a thin wire through the gills, they are suspended. In this form, the sprat is sent to the smokehouse for several hours. After that, her head and tail fin are removed and placed in a jar, and this is done only by hand. Then it is poured with a mixture of vegetable and mustard oils, rolled up, sterilized and sent for 2-3 months for maturation.

The second method of producing sprats is somewhat simpler and cheaper. In this case, salted fish without additional smoking is placed in a jar. And in order to give it the desired look and aroma, it is added along with oil. Unfortunately, this technology is being used more and more often. Moreover, manufacturers claim that more useful sprats are obtained this way. What kind of fish, I wonder, will be harmless after treatment with chemical reagents? The question is moot. Otherwise, this technology is similar to the previous one.

Benefit and harm

Of course, like any other fish, sprats are rich in protein and amino acids, which are easily absorbed by the body. In addition, the available polyunsaturated fats in fish oil strengthen the heart muscle and vascular walls, and are recommended for use in diseases of the joints. The high content of vitamins B, A and E slows down the aging process of the skin and has a preventive effect in diabetes and osteoporosis.

However, due to the technology of preparation, these sprats are not so useful. What kind of fish will not become more nutritious when oil is added? None. So, for 100 grams of these canned foods, there are 375 kcal. And this is a lot, considering that on average it is half of one can. In addition, when smoked in sprats, carcinogens are formed (mainly benzopyrene). With regular use, they can provoke cancer and other pathologies. As they say, everything is good in moderation.

The agony of choice

If in Soviet times sprats were in short supply, today store shelves are simply bursting with different cans. Today, their production is established everywhere, not only in the Baltic States and Kaliningrad. But it is better, as practice shows, to continue to choose those that are closer to Riga. For the quality of the final product, it is very important from which fish sprats are made. The closer to the place of catch, the more likely it was that fresh, unfrozen raw materials were used.

First of all, you should carefully consider the bank itself. It should be smooth, without damage and swelling. On the top cover, the marking is usually knocked out. It is she who will help you choose high-quality sprats. This is what kind of fish, you can also determine with its help. If the code contains the numbers "137", then such canned food is made from the Baltic sprat. But the presence of the code "C20" indicates the low quality of raw materials. Also, according to GOST, the fish in the jar must be at least 75%, and the composition includes only sprat or herring, vegetable oil and salt.

homemade recipe

Those who would like to enjoy delicious smoked fish without harmful additives and carcinogens are increasingly interested in how to cook. And it turns out that it is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose a quality sprat and be patient.

Gut one kilogram of small fish, remove heads and tail fins. Place in a thick layer in a deep saucepan with a thick bottom. In this case, each layer must be salted, add peppercorns and bay leaf. Brew a glass of strong tea in advance (take at least 3 tea bags for 250 ml of boiling water) and cool. Add it to the laid fish along with a glass of vegetable oil. Close the lid and put in the oven for 2.5-3 hours at 110 degrees to bake. Such sprats not only do not differ in taste from store-bought ones, but are also much more useful.

Canned fish today can be purchased at any store, but sometimes their quality leaves much to be desired. If you love them very much, but don't want to poison yourself and your loved ones, try making them yourself! What kind of fish is canned? For those who live in places with access to the sea, there is where to roam and what to choose from. The inhabitants of the middle zone are left to process the river product - bream, crucian carp, roach, pike, carp, carp, etc.

The problem of fish disposal is especially acute for avid fishermen and their families, because the catch is so large that it is simply not possible to eat everything at once.

Canned fish: the easiest recipe for cooking

All you need for this is salt, pepper and bay leaf. It should be noted right away that the advantage of such home canning is that the product is environmentally friendly and safe for health, because there are no preservatives, taste and smell enhancers in these canned food, which means that even small children can safely offer them.

  • clean the fish, gut and wash. Cut into small pieces, salt to taste. Leave aside for 1.5 hours;
  • Wash jars with a volume of 0.5 liters, put 2 bay leaves and 3 peppercorns on the bottom. Fill containers with salted product and cover with foil on top;
  • jars must be placed on a wire rack in the oven. In this case, the grating itself must be set to the second division from the bottom;
  • Pour a little water into a baking sheet and set to the first division from the bottom. It will collect liquid boiling in jars and thus will not allow the inner walls to get dirty and covered with soot and soot;
  • turn the toggle switch to the mark of 180 ⁰С, and as soon as the filling in the jars boils, lower the temperature to 100–120 ⁰С. Stew the product for 8 hours, and half an hour before readiness, you need to carefully pour sunflower oil into jars and cover with lids;
  • roll up after 30 minutes.

Canned fish cooked in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, this dish is easier and faster to cook: there are fewer dirty dishes, since everything is done in the bowl of the appliance. A great thing for those housewives who love to cook, but can’t find free time to cook intricate dishes.

  • onions in the amount of 4 pieces, peel and chop, rinse 2 large carrots and grate on a coarse grater;
  • pour vegetables into the bowl of the appliance and turn on the "frying" or "baking" mode. Fry until golden brown and send 1.4 kg of capelin or sprat to vegetables;
  • by this time you should have cooked a tomato from 12 medium tomatoes. If there are none or not enough, tomato paste will help out. Pour capelin with tomato, salt, add a couple of bay leaves and spices for fish;
  • close the lid and set the "extinguishing" mode for 4 hours;
  • after this time, arrange ready-made canned food in pre-sterilized jars and roll up with boiled lids.

Autoclave canned fish

To autoclave 3 jars of canned food, 0.5 liters each, you will need 2 kg of fresh river fish, 9% vinegar at the rate of 7 ml per container, salt to taste, peppercorns and vegetable oil, it is better to take not sunflower, but corn, olive, linseed, pumpkin or walnut.

  • to obtain canned food from river fish at home, the fish must be cleaned, gutted and washed. Cut off heads. Medium or large pieces can even be cut also along the ridge;
  • putting the first layer of the gifts of the river in a glass container, salt, drop vinegar, throw 1-3 peas of pepper and pour oil. Perform the same actions with the second and all subsequent layers;
  • there should be empty space from the lid to the finger so that the jar does not explode. Roll up and put in the autoclave in layers, fill with water, which should cover the jars to a height of at least 2 cm;
  • close the unit, tighten the bolts and pump out air from it to a pressure of 1.2 atm. The tightness of the connection can be checked by ear or with soapy water;
  • to get canned fish at home under an autoclave, you need to kindle a fire or heat it with blowtorches. Water should be heated to a temperature of 112 ⁰С. This will be enough to kill all pathogens and achieve the ideal taste of the product;
  • after 50–70 minutes, the fire is removed and the autoclave is left to cool. After cooling to ambient temperature, but not lower than 30 ⁰С, carefully bleed air through the spool and open the unit door. Drain the water through the hose and remove the cans.

Canned fish, vegetables and legumes

To prepare canned food at home, you will need freshly caught carp, beans, shallots and spices.

  • cut carp, salt, pepper. Put a little black peppercorns, bay leaf and horseradish on the bottom of sterilized half-liter jars. Then a layer of well-washed beans and onions - peeled and cut into half rings. Those who like it spicier can add chili peppers;
  • Now it's the carp's turn. Then again a layer of vegetables and seasonings and so on. Now you need a large saucepan, in which you need to put the jars and pour so much water so that it covers them only half;
  • put on the stove. The optimal cooking time is 5 hours. After that, roll up pre-boiled lids.

That's all the recipes. Now you know what to do with the catch brought by your husband, and you will be able to enjoy delicious fish throughout the year, and treat your acquaintances and friends. Bon Appetit!

Canned fish today can be purchased at any store, but sometimes their quality leaves much to be desired. If you love them very much, but don't want to poison yourself and your loved ones, try making them yourself! What kind of fish is canned? For those who live in places with access to the sea, there is where to roam and what to choose from. The inhabitants of the middle zone are left to process the river product - bream, crucian carp, roach, pike, carp, carp, etc.

The problem of fish disposal is especially acute for avid fishermen and their families, because the catch is so large that it is simply not possible to eat everything at once.

All you need for this is salt, pepper and bay leaf. It should be noted right away that the advantage of such home canning is that the product is environmentally friendly and safe for health, because there are no preservatives, taste and smell enhancers in these canned food, which means that even small children can safely offer them.

Cooking steps:

  • clean the fish, gut and wash. Cut into small pieces, salt to taste. Leave aside for 1.5 hours;
  • Wash jars with a volume of 0.5 liters, put 2 bay leaves and 3 peppercorns on the bottom. Fill containers with salted product and cover with foil on top;
  • jars must be placed on a wire rack in the oven. In this case, the grating itself must be set to the second division from the bottom;
  • Pour a little water into a baking sheet and set to the first division from the bottom. It will collect liquid boiling in jars and thus will not allow the inner walls to get dirty and covered with soot and soot;
  • turn the toggle switch to the mark of 180 ⁰С, and as soon as the filling in the jars boils, lower the temperature to 100–120 ⁰С. Stew the product for 8 hours, and half an hour before readiness, you need to carefully pour sunflower oil into jars and cover with lids;
  • roll up after 30 minutes.

Canned fish cooked in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, this dish is easier and faster to cook: there are fewer dirty dishes, since everything is done in the bowl of the appliance. A great thing for those housewives who love to cook, but can’t find free time to cook intricate dishes.

Cooking steps:

  • onions in the amount of 4 pieces, peel and chop, rinse 2 large carrots and grate on a coarse grater;
  • pour vegetables into the bowl of the appliance and turn on the "frying" or "baking" mode. Fry until golden brown and send 1.4 kg of capelin or sprat to vegetables;
  • by this time you should have cooked a tomato from 12 medium tomatoes. If there are none or not enough, tomato paste will help out. Pour capelin with tomato, salt, add a couple of bay leaves and spices for fish;
  • close the lid and set the "extinguishing" mode for 4 hours;
  • after this time, arrange ready-made canned food in pre-sterilized jars and roll up with boiled lids.

Autoclave canned fish

To autoclave 3 jars of canned food, 0.5 liters each, you will need 2 kg of fresh river fish, 9% vinegar at the rate of 7 ml per container, salt to taste, peppercorns and vegetable oil, it is better to take not sunflower, but corn, olive, linseed, pumpkin or walnut.

Cooking steps:

  • to obtain canned food from river fish at home, the fish must be cleaned, gutted and washed. Cut off heads. Medium or large pieces can even be cut also along the ridge;
  • putting the first layer of the gifts of the river in a glass container, salt, drop vinegar, throw 1-3 peas of pepper and pour oil. Perform the same actions with the second and all subsequent layers;
  • there should be empty space from the lid to the finger so that the jar does not explode. Roll up and put in the autoclave in layers, fill with water, which should cover the jars to a height of at least 2 cm;
  • close the unit, tighten the bolts and pump out air from it to a pressure of 1.2 atm. The tightness of the connection can be checked by ear or with soapy water;
  • to get canned fish at home under an autoclave, you need to kindle a fire or heat it with blowtorches. Water should be heated to a temperature of 112 ⁰С. This will be enough to kill all pathogens and achieve the ideal taste of the product;
  • after 50–70 minutes, the fire is removed and the autoclave is left to cool. After cooling to ambient temperature, but not lower than 30 ⁰С, carefully bleed air through the spool and open the unit door. Drain the water through the hose and remove the cans.

Canned fish, vegetables and legumes

To prepare canned food at home, you will need freshly caught carp, beans, shallots and spices.

Cooking steps:

  • cut carp, salt, pepper. Put a little black peppercorns, bay leaf and horseradish on the bottom of sterilized half-liter jars. Then a layer of well-washed beans and onions - peeled and cut into half rings. Those who like it spicier can add chili peppers;
  • Now it's the carp's turn. Then again a layer of vegetables and seasonings and so on. Now you need a large saucepan, in which you need to put the jars and pour so much water so that it covers them only half;
  • put on the stove. The optimal cooking time is 5 hours. After that, roll up pre-boiled lids.

That's all the recipes. Now you know what to do with the catch brought by your husband, and you will be able to enjoy delicious fish throughout the year, and treat your acquaintances and friends. Bon Appetit!

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