Home A fish I change money for time: a personal chef. The best chef in Heidel

I change money for time: a personal chef. The best chef in Heidel

late for dinner

Part I: Porridge Trouble (Gilded Valley)

Talk to the tavern owner

After talking with Hilda, the owner of the inn, at the bar in the Black Hound tavern, which is located in the Gilded Valley, we learn that they have lost their best cook. We start talking about the fact that the menu is quite modest. From her, we learn that the head chef usually goes north for the necessary products. But he didn't come back. She believes he may have been kidnapped on the road in Valewood.

Part II: Tenphrit's abduction by robbers



Find a bandit camp located near the road in Valewood

A small bandit camp (2), consisting of three bandits, is holding our cook captive. Attack them immediately and kill them. After making sure that Tenfrith was not injured during the battle and that we dealt with all the bandits around, we speak with him, after which he will head back to the Gilded Valley. We return to the Gilded Valley.

Part III: Conclusion: Delicious Slice of Pie

Talk to Hilda

Returning to the Gilded Valley, we go back to the tavern. We speak with Hilda at the bar, mentioning the rescued cook. You can talk to the saved. (If you've just started the game, you'll be going through Veilwood. This gives you the opportunity to kill the bandits and free the cook on your way to the Gilded Vale. This will save you time.)

Dead Man's Revenge

Dead Man's Revenge

Part I: Lie with a bear face


Talk to Nonton

On the way to the Gilded Valley, we meet a man who is hastily getting ready, we learn that his friend was attacked by a bear located in a cave nearby.

If we have at least a small group, we can handle the bear. If not, it will be hard. Having dealt with the bear, we "stretch" to the soul of the deceased and learn about the betrayal of his friend. It turns out that Nonton betrayed Pearly and left him to die in the clutches of a bear! Our goal is changed to "Attack Nolton".

Gilded Valley

While in the Gilded Vale (before killing the bear), you can go to Ingred's house (3), where she and Nonton quickly pack up to leave town. Neither meeting Nonton in the forest, nor meeting them together in the house will start the task.

Part II: Conclusion: Nonton's Fate: Escape or Die

We head to Ingred's house, having found out that Nonton is guilty of the death of her husband, we blame him and Ingred.

We can:

1) Accept Nonton and Ingred's offer and let them escape Gilded Vale.

2) Kill Nonton and Ingred. At your discretion, you can return to the cave and tell Purley about it.

Food War

Food War

Part I: Bread problem

Gilded Valley

Hungry farmers are running out of patience with Trumbel (the owner of the mill) hiding grain from them, and it looks like the situation is about to get out of hand. The quest will begin immediately after you move north from the crooked tree to the windmill (1), where you will witness the dialogue between Sveinir and the miller Trumbel. Resolve this dispute while in the city.

Part II: Conclusion: Agreement with Trumbel or collusion with Sveinier

We can:

1) talk to Trumbel

2) talk to Sveinir..

Quest updated
Goal: Solve the Trumbel and Sveinier problem

Part III: Conclusion: Bloodless, or Bloody Negotiations

Depending on which side we take, we can kill either Trumbel or Sveinir. We can save both lives. Depending on your choice, the reward will also change.

We can:

Get Sveinir to leave the miller alone and then return to the mill and tell Trumbel about it.

Reward: 20 coins, plus 20 more if you manage to insist on an extra fee

Reaction [+ reputation]

Kill Sveinir at the inn, then return to the mill and tell Trumbel about it.

Reward: 20 coins and a shocked miller.

Reaction [+ reputation] Reputation gain in Gilded Vale.

Get Trumbel into the position of the farmers, then return to the inn and tell Sveinir about it.

Reward: 10 coins and a surprised Sveinir.

Reaction [Discount] Good discounts when trading with Hilda at the inn.

Kill Trumbel at the mill, then return to the inn and tell Sveinir about it.

Reward: no.

Reaction [- to reputation]: Minus reputation in Gilded Vale and higher prices at Hilda's inn.


Entering the cell, talk to Blatny, and then drive the second prisoner off the bunk. Next, go to the corner of the cell, open the bedside table and take the Playboy magazine, a block of cigarettes and a spoon from there. Talk to Thieves again - a guard will appear; talk to him to get a pen and paper. Use the sheet on the wall, in the place where the "Rules" hang. After giving the sergeant a note to freedom, go out into the corridor.

Go right along the corridor, go to the hairdresser. Talk to the barber, inspect the bottle of cologne, the belt on the chair, and then sit down in the chair to get a haircut. After finishing the haircut, talk to the hairdresser again, then give him the magazine. Next, use the spoon on the belt to get a sharpening, take the cologne and go to the shower. There you will be met by Gray - a prisoner who will immediately start running into you. Use a sharpener on it.

Once in the punishment cell, talk to the Hammer. Then give him a pen so that the authority writes a note to the staker. Next, you will find yourself in the prison corridor, from where you need to go up to the second floor and go into the office of Major Podletsov, the head of the operational unit.

When the major hides behind the table, take the scissors from the table, then go to your cell number 13. Talk to Ali. He will tell you that you need to find fuel oil - ink for tattoos. Knock on the door of the cell - you will be let out into the corridor, from there go to the right into the courtyard of the prison. Take away the mudguard from the police "goat", and then go to the cage for walking. Talk to the guard there - get matches. Return to the cell.

Take the bowl and spoon from the table. Place the bowl in the sink. Put a splasher on a plate. With the help of matches, set fire to the rubber, when it burns out, pour the cologne into the bowl and stir the mixture with a spoon - the ink is ready. Take the bowl of ink and give it to Ali, the staker. He will make you a tattoo. After that, talk to the thieves, then go on a date. The visiting room is to the left of the camera.
Nina will give you a bag of groceries. You, in turn, will have to give the sausage and canned food to the guard. After that, he will report that you have been transferred to cell number 12. Go there.

After talking with the thieves, put a book on the table and use scissors on it - you will get money. Next, knock on the door, talk to the guard who appears. At the end of the conversation, give the sergeant money, he will bring vodka. Give the bottle to the prisoner, he will verbally convey the news from the Hammer. Use the matches on the mug that is on the table, and then fill the mug with water. Krutov will drink the solution and end up in the infirmary.

Talk to the worker, then the nurse. When the paramedic leaves the room, talk to the old man. Exit to the corridor. Take the hook from the fire shield. Use it to break the door to the treatment room and go inside.

From the shelf on the right, take the syringe, then use the hook on the two cabinets that are on the left. From there you must pick up the acid and the ampoule. Return to the room. Give the ampoule and syringe to the old man - you will get compromising evidence. After that, a guard will appear in the ward and announce the verdict to Krutov.


Once in quarantine, put acid and dirt in the bag lying on the bench. Then inspect the drain hole in the floor. There you can hide the package. Next, go through the open door for inspection. Talk to the guard - get a robe, after which you will find out the number of the barracks and you can go to the courtyard of the zone.
Go to barrack #5 and go into hut #8. There you will be met by a prisoner with a blow to the face. Take the stool by the window and use it on the prisoner. Next, talk to the authority and return to the corridor. From there, go to hut number 9, where brigadier Khalyavkin temporarily lives.

The brigadier will give the task to find a golden ring, which must be presented to the head of the zone in order to get Krutov off work. Exit to the courtyard and go left through the industrial zone gate. When the guard asks for a work order, present it.

Go to the change house and talk to the foreman. He will send you to the pantry for a tool. Take gloves and tongs from there and go to the workshop. Go to the back room, talk to Player 2 there. You will learn from him that the bet in the game is food. Exit the workshop and go to the zone. Next to barrack number 3 there is a passage to the courtyard of the dining room - you go there.

Entering the kitchen, use the tongs on the pressure cooker standing on the stove. Chef Skorovarov, in gratitude for your help, will give you the key to the pantry. Go there. Take a jar of condensed milk, a jar of stew, a pack of tea and a bar of chocolate from the shelves. Next, go to the shop to the gamblers.

Talk to the catala in the change house, and then take the cards from the table. After losing all the food, exit the workshop and go to the zone. Go to the medical unit, talk to Pilyulkina, give her a bar of chocolate - get scissors. Next, go to the shower room, take the mirror from the wall, and take the rag from the sink. She needs to plug the drain hole in the sink, then draw water and put a mirror in the water. Use the scissors on the mirror to cut it and get a small mirror. Give the scissors to the nurse, and then take the pills from the table, which stands against the right wall, and go to the catal. Give him the pills and take the deck of cards from the table - you will win your food and a golden ring. Take it to Brigadier Khalyavkin.

After talking with the foreman, give the ring and listen to the news. Go to the change house on the industrial zone. There, talk to the foreman, give him a pack of tea, and then go to the dryer to Kosolapov. The passage there is located between the sharpening workshop and the workshop in which the katal sits. After giving the stew to Kosolapov, pick up the reinforcing bar lying in a pile of rubbish to the right of the convict. With a piece of iron in your pocket, go to the sharpening shop. Give the jar of condensed milk to the grinder Tupilin, after that give him an iron rod - you will get a sharpening that you need to pick up from the table. Go to your barrack. Gray will be waiting for you in the hut. First talk to him, and then stab him with a shiv.

Once in the "owner's" office, talk to him, then push the telephone set off the table. When the colonel bends down to pick up the phone, take the watch off the table. Go out to the reception room, pick up the secretary's cosmetic bag from the table and go out into the corridor, where escort soldiers are waiting for you to escort you to the punishment cell.

Pick up the note from the floor. It says that Seryy is waiting for Krutov for analysis at the loading bay. The passage there is located in the industrial area, to the left of the sharpening shop. When you get to the site, turn on the switch, and then climb into the crane cabin. There, press the "power" button, then pull the grab lever - the logs will fall on Gray's homies. Next, return to the hut and talk to the thug who is sitting on the bed. You will learn from him that the person who looks at the zone - Darkness - scored the arrow for you. Now you need to enlist the support of the convicts, led by foreman Trudolyubov.

The person you need is in barrack number 7. After talking with him, leave the room and go to the barracks to Khalyavkin. From him you will receive an order to work in the allotment. Next, go to the kitchen, to the right of it is the passage to the stall. Once next to the outlet, inspect the door, remove the fire extinguisher from the wall and go to the quarantine. Near the puddle in front of the quarantine building there is a place where you can throw a fire extinguisher. Having done this, you will be able to go into quarantine and pick up a stuffed bag with compromising evidence and acid from there. Next, return to the stall. Use the acid on the lock, take the cigarettes and go to the zone gate. At the exit, present the work order to the guard, pick up the chainsaw leaning against the quarantine wall, and go out the gate.

Get into the cab of the truck - automatically move to the logging site. Use the saw on the tree, when the tree trunk falls on the truck, go right across the screen to Durogonov's hut. Talk to the owner of the house. Next, exchange his watch for a bottle of moonshine, then return to the plot and get into the ZIL cabin.

Arriving at the zone, go to barrack number 3. There, talk to Klava, give him the cosmetic bag stolen from the secretary of the head of the zone. After that, go to barrack number 7, talk to Trudolyubov, give cigarettes and moonshine. When the prisoner tells you to follow him, go to the dryer where Kosolapov is standing. There, on the right side of the screen, there is a passage "behind the dryer". Behind the dryer you will meet Darkness. After talking with him, show the authority an envelope with compromising evidence that Dried gave you. At the end of the arrow, go to your barracks and talk to Brigadier Khalyavkin there.

Go to the administration building to visit the assembly hall, where you need to talk to Sergeant Vertukhaev. The soldier will give you a task - to get beautiful backgammon for him. Go to the workshop, where in the right edge you will find a convict named Samodelkin. For work, the craftsman will ask you to get food for him. Take the knife from the workbench and go to the kitchen.

After talking with the cook, it will become clear that he will not give food just like that. Go outside, use a knife on the right window to cut glass, and then go up the stairs to the roof. Use the glass on the chimney, then go downstairs and talk to the cook again. The cook will beg you to fix the "broken" pump. Return to the roof, remove the glass from the pipe, then go to the kitchen, talk to the cook and, finally, take a can of stew from the table. Having given it to Samodelkin, you will receive backgammon. Give them to Vertukhaev, and then go to the dressing room, the entrance to which is located in the assembly hall. There, take the tape from the table and use it on the artist. Everything. End of the game.

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-Collect potatoes and go to the cook-

quest chain 1


Task: You need to collect potatoes near Velia and talk to the cook. (you need to collect with a sickle).

Reward: 10 Influence Points; stove, potatoes 5 pcs., water for cooking 3 pcs.

-preparation for cooking-

quest chain 1


Task: You need to buy a house and install a stove there. If there is a house with a stove, the task is automatically considered completed.

Reward: 10 Influence Points; wine vinegar 3 pcs., salt 1 pc., a pot of soup (15 points for the interior).

-First course-

quest chain 1

Velia, NPC - David Pinto (cook in a tavern).

Task: You need to prepare a soup according to the recipe: wine vinegar 3 pcs., Potatoes 6 pcs., Salt 1 pc., Water 3 pcs. (cereal soup)

Reward: 40 Influence Points; water for cooking 5 pcs., craft experience (for cooking soup, the level "Beginner 2" is given, after completing the task you will receive "Beginner 3" and 33%.

-Artemio Ingredients-

quest chain 1

Velia, NPC - David Pinto (cook in a tavern).

Task: You need to meet with Artemo (local drunkard, standing not far from the tavern).

Reward: 10 Influence Points; corn 3 pcs, apple 2 pcs, yeast 1 pc, water for cooking 10 pcs.

-Collection- Pure alcohol-

quest chain 1


Task: It is necessary to prepare corn flour and boil pure alcohol: yeast 1 pc, flour 1 pc, fruit 1 pc.

(preparation of pure alcohol 1 pcs = 33% craft experience)

Reward: 10 Influence Points; corn 3 pcs., yeast 2 pcs., water for cooking 5 pcs.

-Make moonshine-

quest chain 1

Velia, NPC - Artemio, near the tavern.

Task: Moonshine needs to be made. Artemio's recipe does not speak. Here it is: 3 doughs (the dough is prepared by mixing water and flour), 1 pure alcohol, 5 pcs. water for cooking and 2 yeast.

(making moonshine 1 piece = 34% craft experience, get the level "Beginner 4")

Reward: 40 Influence Points; vase for home (10 decor point).

-Meat dishes-

quest chain 1

Velia, NPC - David Pinto (cook in a tavern).

Task: You need to get 5 pcs. ferret meat with a cleaver. Ferrets roam near Velia.

Reward: 10 Influence Points; potatoes 2 pcs.; wine vinegar 2 pcs.

-Meat stew-

quest chain 1

Velia, NPC - David Pinto (cook in a tavern).

Task: You need to cook meat stew: 2 pcs. flour, 3 pcs. water for cooking, meat 5 pcs., wine vinegar 2 pcs.

Reward: 40 Influence Points; dish dryer (10 decor points), craft experience (for cooking 21% + turning in the quest 52%, "Beginner 4")

-Other stew ingredients-

quest chain 1

Velia, NPC - David Pinto (cook in a tavern).

Task: You need to cook meat stew: 2 pcs. flour, 3 pcs. water for cooking, meat 5 pcs., wine vinegar 2 pcs., but with other meat. For example, not a ferret, but a fox or a wolf. He doesn't really care, just cook the stew again.

Reward: 40 Influence Points; steel ducat 3000 silver, craft experience (for cooking 20% ​​+ turning in the quest +2 levels and 55% total - "Beginner 7")

-New dish-

quest chain 1

Velia, NPC - David Pinto (cook in a tavern).

Task: You need to talk to Evelyn on the banks of the Velia.

Reward: 10 Influence Points.

-Ingredients for battered fish-

quest chain 1


Task: Catch a shallow water goby.

Reward: 40 Influence, cornmeal x3, grapeseed oil x2

-Fish in batter-

quest chain 1

Velia, NPC - Evelyn (fisherman on the shore in Velia)

Task: Cook fish in batter. They don't give a prescription. Here it is: 1 raw fish, 3 pcs. flour, 2 grape oil.

Reward: 40 Influence Points, craft experience 20%

-Masters of Serendian Cuisine-

quest chain 1

Velia, NPC - Shelley (the wife of the cook in the tavern).

Task: Meet Chef Berman at Heidel Guard Post.

Reward: 40 Influence Points.

-The best chef in Heidel-

quest chain 1

Heidel guard post, The NPC is Node Manager Berman.

Task: Meet Chef Olivia in Heidel.

Reward: 10 Influence Points, 15 eggs.

-Ability Check-

quest chain 1

Heidel, NPC - cook Olivia.

Task: prepare boiled eggs: egg 3 pcs., wine vinegar 1 pc., salt 1 pc., cooking water 6 pcs. Important! - do not eat eggs, they will need to be given in the next quest.

Reward: 15 eggs, craft experience (level 1 from new 7 to new 8)

-Vegetables in batter-

quest chain 1

Heidel, NPC - cook Olivia.

Task: prepare vegetables in batter: vegetables 4, grape oil 6, egg 2, dough 3. Important! - do not eat vegetables, they will need to be given in the next quest.

Reward: 90 influence points, craft experience (+ level, up to "beginner 9" and 33%)

-Sweet juice-

quest chain 1

Heidel, NPC - cook Olivia.

Task: prepare fruit juice: apple 4, salt 1, sugar 3, cooking water 5.

Reward: 90 influence points, 10 pcs. garlic, craft experience (newbie 9 and 96%). Important! - do not drink the juice yourself, you will need to give it to the next quest.

-Olivia's confession-

quest chain 1

Heidel, NPC - cook Olivia.

Task: prepare fish fillets: raw fish 1, garlic 2, salt 2, cooking water 3.

Reward: 90 influence points, crafting experience (newbie 10 and 48%)

-Farm cook-

quest chain 1

Heidel, NPC - cook Olivia.

Task: Meet Chef Vanimo at the Moretti Plantation.

Reward: 15 influence points, black pepper seeds.

-Share your meal-

quest chain 1

Heidel, NPC - cook Olivia.

Task: give Johan the boiled eggs, Farrah the fruit juice, Buruk the battered vegetables. You need to give it to three men who are standing near the upper stable of Heidel near Captain Enrico Manchini.

Reward: 90 influence points, crafting experience, bronze ducat (5000), strawberry or grape seeds. (at the level of "student 3" + 27%)

-grilled goblin sausage-

quest chain 1

Moretti Plantation, NPC - Vanimo.

Task: cook fried sausages. Recipe: meat 6, salt 2, black pepper 2, onion 1.

Reward: 90 influence points, craft experience, (at Apprentice 3 + 24%)

-Harmony of ingredients-

quest chain 1

Moretti Plantation, NPC - Vanimo.

Task: prepare a seafood salad. Recipe: squid 1 (or turtle), boletus 1, seasoning 2. Seasoning recipe: olive oil 1 + cooking water 1 + salt 2 + egg 1.

Reward: 90 influence points, craft experience, (at the level of "apprentice 4" + 23%)

-Beer - for workers-

Heidel, NPC - worker (not far from the upper stable, they are cutting down the forest).

Task: brew 10 beer and give it to the workers.

Reward: energy 5, silver ducat (10,000), crafting experience (level "Apprentice 4" + 44%)


Heidel, NPC - The owner of the inn "Golden Toad" (near the alchemist Lara).

Task: Collect Yellowbeak Meat x20

Reward: energy 5, silver ducat (10,000) 2 pcs., craft experience (level "Apprentice 7" + 38%)


Velia, NPC - Shelley, the wife of the cook in the tavern.

Task: cook an omelette - 5 pcs. Omelet recipe: 5 cereals, 2 olive oil, 5 egg, 2 salt

Reward: Influence experience 70, choice: 5 milk / 5 boar meat / 5 eggs / 5 potatoes, craft experience (level "Apprentice 7" + 5%)

-Cat food-

Velia, NPC - furniture merchant Silius.

Task: cook good food. Recipe: flour 4, fish (raw) 1 or 2 dried, meat 6, cooking water 3.

Reward: Influence XP 40

-Meat soup-

Heidel, NPC soldier, standing a little distance from node manager Jemkas Vorsbane (Heidel Mine)

Task: cook meat soup 5 pcs. Recipe: meat 5, cooking water 4, black pepper 1, cream 2.

Reward: Influence experience 40, energy 5, cooking experience (at the level of "Apprentice 7" + 10%)

-Meat stew-

Heidel, NPC - cook at the node "Heidel's outpost"

Task: cook meat stew 5 pcs. Recipe: Meat 5, Flour 2, Wine Vinegar 2, Cooking Water 3.

Reward: Influence experience 40, energy 5, cooking experience (at the level of "Apprentice 8" + 6%)

-Roasted Vegetables-

Heidel, NPC - Heidel Watchtower Node Manager Berman

Task: cook roasted vegetables 5 pcs. Recipe: 5 vegetables, 2 olive oil, 2 red peppers, 1 salt.

Reward: Influence experience 40, energy 5, cooking experience (at the level of "Apprentice 8" + 8%)

-Sea menu-

Heidel, NPC - Resident, standing in front of the merchant of the Suite.

Task: cook fried seafood 5 pcs. Recipe: seafood 1, red pepper 2, vegetables 4, white sauce 2.

Reward: Influence experience 40, energy 5, cooking experience (at Expert 3 level + 4%)

-Pet food-

Heidel, NPC - Melissa, stands not far from the alchemist Lara, opposite the blacksmith.

Task: prepare good food for animals. Recipe: meat 6, flour 4, fish 1, cooking water 3.

Reward: Experience Influence 40.

-Fish in batter-

Heidel, NPC - soldier, stands near the caretaker of the wharf Sillen.

Task: cook fish in batter - 5 servings. Recipe: fish 1, flour 2, grapeseed oil 2.

Reward: Influence experience 40, energy 5, craft experience (at the level of "Apprentice 8" + 8%)

- Oatmeal, sir!

Heidel, NPC - manager Joel.

Task: cook oatmeal - 5 servings. Recipe: flour 9, milk 3, honey 2, onion 3.

Reward: Influence experience 40, energy 5, craft experience (at the level of "Expert 3" + 2%)

On Saturday, a cook came to my house to prepare food for the week ahead. Curious to know what happened and how much it cost?

Who to look for?

I was looking not just for an au pair, but for a professional. A female chef with a category of at least 4 and work experience of 20 years. Who would come to my house and cook according to my recipes and menu food for the week ahead.

Found! Meet Galina in the photo, a cook of the 5th category, with more work experience than I live.

Where did I look

vito.ru, section “offer of services”, keywords “cook in the family” and “cook at home”

profi.ru - section "Home staff, service" "Cooks at home"

The problem in my search was that the vast majority of chefs are men. And somehow I didn’t want to let a stranger into the house. Finding a woman was harder, but possible. After talking on the phone with several candidates, I invited Galina.

How much is it?

All the chefs I spoke to were not charged for an hour of work, but "for an exit." That is, for the day that they will spend in the family, preparing the right amount of dishes. If it is up to 10 dishes, then the cost is 2-3 thousand. For example, if it is simple, home cooking (such as meatballs, soups, pasta, etc.), then 2000 rubles. If something complex, such as meat rolls, complex salads with intricately combed sauces, then 3000 r.

After evaluating the menu, Galina and I agreed on 2000 rubles

Who cooked what?

What I froze:

  • Pilaf with chicken
  • Buckwheat soup with meat
  • Pasta with cabbage (one to one dumplings with cabbage to taste)
  • Chicken liver curry
  • Fritters on kefir

Remaining in the fridge:

  • Soup with millet and vegetables
  • Lazy oatmeal in a jar
  • Cottage cheese casserole
  • Pizza

And this means that all week I do not need not only to cook, but also to clean the kitchen, wash the stove, pans, pots. buy groceries, etc. Yo-ho, I'm on vacation :) I have freed up time to properly prepare for the start of the “Good Housewife Cooking School” and direct all my energy into work.

I changed 2000 rubles. for 10 hours of free time. It seems to me that this is the best exchange for the whole time of the experiment!

What helped me

It was easier for me, because I already used my master classes, I sell them, you can buy them. For example, this “We cook once a week” costs 490 rubles, you can buy it here. You can cook them yourself or ask someone else to cook them.

Since I now have a full refrigerator of ready-made food, I will continue my experiment in a week, when my supplies run out.

How do you like the idea of ​​hiring a personal chef to prepare meals for the whole week? Would you agree to pay 2-3 thousand rubles not to cook all week?

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