Home Bakery Interesting facts about main dishes. Amazing facts about food. Coffee is a berry

Interesting facts about main dishes. Amazing facts about food. Coffee is a berry

Everything related to food is admirable. Scientists can make diamonds out of peanut butter, and grapes can explode in the microwave! Haven't heard about it? Well, you will be interested in this list of impressive food facts that few people know about.

Scientists can process peanut butter into diamonds

Scientists have found that in peanut butter contains enough carbon, which means that it can be converted into diamonds. It is only necessary to completely remove oxygen, and then subject the product to enormous pressure for the conversion process to take place. Of course, natural diamonds will always be considered more valuable anyway.

Red Skittles made with boiled bugs

Carmine is a common food coloring, which is found in a variety of candy and other raspberry or strawberry flavored foods. It is even used in lipsticks. Carmine is obtained from crushed cochineal bugs.

Oysters are alive when they are eaten.

If you are eating raw oysters, chances are they are still alive in the process. This product quickly loses its freshness, so it is served as soon as possible - while the clams are alive. Some of them are able to exist without water for up to two weeks. If the oysters are dead, they are dangerous to eat. That is, when you order them in a restaurant, they bring you live oysters, and they die already in the process of chewing. Fortunately, they do not have a central nervous system so they don't feel pain.

Potatoes can reflect wireless internet signal

Due to the high water content and certain chemical composition potatoes are able to absorb and reflect radio waves and wireless internet signals.

All bananas in the store are clones

Despite the fact that there are more than a thousand varieties of bananas in the world, the familiar yellow fruits sold in every store are genetic clones of the Cavendish banana. These bananas don't have seeds, and they keep longer. Due to the lack of seeds, they are cloned in order to continue production. Producers fear that the lack of genetic diversity could lead to the extinction of bananas over time.

Candy and cars are covered with the same wax

Have you ever wondered why gummy bears are so glossy? They are covered with a layer of wax, and the same one that is used for polishing cars. It is completely safe for health.

The Aztecs used chocolate as a currency

The Aztecs are widely known for their love of chocolate. They used cocoa beans as money! People during the reign of the Aztecs could pay taxes with such beans.

Honey never spoils

In its natural state, honey contains a minimum of liquid, and it is acidic in nature. Under such conditions, bacteria die instantly. That is why archaeologists have found thousands of years old pots of honey, and the product in them still seemed fresh. However, honey is not the only such product - salt, sugar and rice can also be stored indefinitely.

Carrots were originally purple

Carrots once looked completely different. It was originally purple or white. The orange carrot that we all know and eat now is the result of a genetic mutation that spread in the sixteenth century - the purple variety then practically disappeared.

Cranberries bounce like a rubber ball

Cranberries are able to spring when the berries are ripe. You can check how ripe the berries are: if you throw a cranberry on the floor, it should jump like a small ball.

Wasabi is dyed horseradish

If you love to eat wasabi sushi, you should know that it is most likely just dyed horseradish. Alas, wasabi is too often faked - you need to go to a truly fine Japanese restaurant to try the real product. It's too expensive an ingredient for every restaurant to use, which is why imitation is used.

Farmed Salmon - White

Wild salmon are naturally pink due to their high diet of shrimp. In industrial cultivation, fish eat differently. The result is a white product. To provide it with a pleasant pink hue, manufacturers use vegetable pigments for coloring.

Apple pie was not invented in America

Many Americans believe that there is no more American product than Apple pie, but this is an error. Pies were invented in medieval England, and the traditional apple dessert with a lattice of pastry on top was modernized by the Dutch.

People once thought tomatoes were poisonous.

In medieval Europe, tomatoes were called "poisonous apples" because it was not uncommon for aristocrats to get sick and die after eating them. No one guessed that the problem was in the cutlery. According to historians, then zinc dishes were used, with which the tomatoes reacted, which led to poisoning. Only the spread of pizza with tomatoes from Italy gradually changed the negative attitude towards this product.

Grapes will explode if heated in the microwave

You can conduct a scientific experiment: if you cut a grape in half and heat it in microwave oven, you get an explosive ball of plasma. The thing is that the berry is too small, so the electromagnetic waves are concentrated too much.

Cracker causes cavities faster than candy

You have probably heard that candy is bad for your teeth. In fact, there are many foods that are much more dangerous for your mouth, such as crackers. This is because acid destroys teeth, not sugar. When a cracker sticks to your teeth, it's a perfect environment for acid-producing bacteria to thrive.

Eating large amounts of nutmeg leads to hallucinations

Nutmeg acts as a hallucinogen in the body if consumed in large quantities. You may experience nausea, dizziness, and trouble thinking. Do not use more than two tablespoons, and then nothing threatens you.

Americans Threw Chicken Wings Until They Invented a Special Sauce

Before buffalo sauce was invented, chicken wings was taken to be discarded. It was not until the 1960s that Americans began to eat them widely, when they began to bake them with sauce and butter.

Chili creates the illusion of a burn in the mouth

Burning sensation when consumed hot pepper manifests itself only psychologically, not physically. The capsaicin in peppers affects pain receptors, the brain decides that you are eating something very hot, you begin to sweat, and your face turns red.

Popsicles were invented by accident

There is no exact information on this subject, however, there is a story about how in 1905, eleven-year-old Frank Epperson left a mixture of sparkling water and ordinary water in a glass on the street, and it froze overnight. So, he accidentally came up with a version of ice cream without milk. Over time, such a dessert began to be sold in stores, and it spread to other countries.

Processed cheese was invented in Switzerland

Most processed cheese it is produced in America, where it even comes in a can, like whipped cream, but it was invented in Switzerland. Walter Gerber and Fritz Stettler came up with this product in 1911 when they decided to find a way to extend the shelf life of ordinary cheese. This greatly facilitated the process of transportation.

Everyone knows that a person cannot live without food. Food is an integral part of every person's life. There are such extraordinary dishes and products in the world that each of us might not even know about. Interesting facts about food are the secrets of cooking, the specifics of cultivation, and the origins of products and dishes.

1. Soup "swallow's nest", which is very popular in China, is made from nests of swifts.

2. Champagne in a glass starts to foam due to dirt.

3. Fructose is a key ingredient in male sperm.

4. From a technical point of view, coffee is considered fruit juice.

5. Onions are not endowed with taste, only smell.

6. Cucumbers are 95% liquid.

7. Having drunk 100 cups of coffee in 4 hours, you can die.

8. On average, people spend about 5 years of their lives eating food.

9. Approximately 100 varieties of cabbage are found throughout the world.

10. Until recently, "sushi" was not called a dish, but a certain way of preserving fish.

11. Mandarin essential oil can improve your mood.

12. Macadamia is the most expensive nut in the world.

13. In addition to yellow bananas, red bananas are considered popular.

14. Salo did not come from Ukraine, but from Italy.

15. From coconuts you can create an environmentally friendly fuel, which can be an alternative to gasoline.

16. Cheese was first mentioned in an ancient Egyptian papyrus, since that time appearance cheese has not changed.

17. There are approximately 10,000 varieties of grapes in the world.

18. Dates take first place among all existing sweets. They contain approximately 80% sugar.

19. Bananas attract mosquitoes, so when going to the river, you should not eat them.

20. Today, chickens contain 200 times more fat than they contained 40 years ago.

21. In order to quickly lose unnecessary calories after eating fast food, you will have to run for about 8 hours.

22. In Japan, beer is considered a national drink.

23. In the magazine "Mistress" for 1902, it was possible to publish a recipe for making scrambled eggs from 5 thousand eggs.

24. A person who regularly eats chocolate and soon stops eating this product will experience “withdrawal”.

25. Sex and food have always been linked into a single concept. That is why products that look like genitals can cause sexual desire.

26. Caramel was invented by the Arabs, and once upon a time it was used as a means for depilation.

27. In ancient times, drinking fresh milk was considered a luxury, because it was difficult to keep it.

28. Beans in ancient times were considered symbols of the embryo.

29. Approximately 27 million Europeans eat at McDonald's every day.

30. Neil Armstrong ate a turkey as his first meal on the moon.

31. Huge amount food additives, which are endowed with a bright color, cause overexcitability.

32. Grapes in the microwave can explode.

33. President Richard Nils's favorite drink is a dry martini.

34. Those people who drink coffee and have sex are much more likely to enjoy themselves than those who do not drink coffee at all.

35. Mango has been known to people for more than 4 thousand years.

36. The appearance of blue cheese is associated with a legend when a shepherd chased a beautiful girl and left his breakfast in a cave.

37. In Spain in the 9th century, it was popular to eat whale tongue.

38. Eskimos know how to make wine for their seagulls.

39. Until now, it is not known who inspired the creation of donuts.

40. In the 19th century in the UK, they cooked turtle soup, which was created from cow embryos.

41. A lot more is exported to the Netherlands soy sauce than in Japan.

42. From the potatoes that were brought to the states, they first created a dessert dish.

43. In the Maldives, Coca-Cola is made from sea water.

44. In Asia, about 4 million cats are eaten annually.

45. It is forbidden to eat in Saudi Arabia nutmeg because it can cause hallucinations.

46. ​​A banana tree is actually not a tree, but a huge grass.

47. In Eastern countries, ketchup was originally invented as an addition to fish.

48. In Japan and Sicily, hedgehog caviar is a fairly popular dish.

49. An omelette is sold in New York, the cost of which is $ 1,000.

50. Apple seeds contain cyanide.

51. Peanuts are used in the process of making dynamite.

52. Strawberries are considered the only fruit in which the bones are placed on the outside.

53. Honey has been produced by bees for 150 million years.

54. Drinking 0.5 liters of sweet soda every day, you can become 31% fatter.

55. Calvados is called apple vodka.

57. About 44 billion noodles fast food people use in a year.

58. In Norway, they make beer soup, which is called olebrod.

59. About 20 thousand varieties of beer drink are known in the world.

60.More than 40% of the almonds that are mined in the world are given to the production of chocolate.

61. Plombir is able to relieve fatigue and overstrain.

62. The first collection of recipes for cooking was published in 62 AD. There were dishes that Claudius liked.

63. Poisonous lead was used by the Romans as a way to sweeten food.

64. In the Scandinavian countries, it is popular to cook dishes from rotten and fermented fish.

65. The doctor, who was invited to the hopelessly ill boy, allowed him to eat whatever he wanted. The boy soon recovered completely.

66. After the advent of sugar, it was considered a luxury and it was fashionable among the princes to have black teeth.

67. The largest dish cooked in the world is a fried camel stuffed with chickens, eggs, and fish.

68. The oldest soup, which is confirmed by archaeologists, was cooked from a hippopotamus.

69. Peanut butter is a component of glycerin.

70. Average people eat about 20-25 tons of food in their entire lives.

71. In Japan, they sell ice cream that tastes like wings, a cactus, and also a buffalo tongue.

72. In Alaska, such a dish as fish heads is common.

73. In Madagascar, they eat zebra stew with the addition of tomato.

74. In Indonesia, smoked bats are sold in the middle of the streets.

75. In Spain, honey is added to human milk substitutes for newborns.

76. Cabbage was invented in China.

77. In ancient Rome, the woodpecker was considered a sacred bird, and it was strictly forbidden to eat it.

78. As part of grape juice there is a lacquer thinner (ethyl acetate).

79. One bottle of Coke contains the same amount of caffeine as one cup of coffee.

80. Apples help you wake up early in the morning.

81. Refined sugar is the only product in the world that does not contain any nutrients.

82. A kilo of chips is more expensive than a kilo of potatoes.

83. In Germany, you will not be able to meet fans of diet food.

84. To clean teeth in Siberia, larch resin was used.

86. In Japan, to make meat more tasty, animals are killed at night.

87. There is a restaurant in America that offers visitors to try dishes made from insects.

88. In order not to suffer from a cough, you need to eat chocolate and drink cocoa.

89. Ancient Greeks lubricated their bodies olive oil in order to protect your body from the effects of cancer.

90. In the 1770s, the well-known canned food in jars began to be created for the first time.

91. White wine is made from grapes of any variety and shade.

92. Every year, people eat approximately 567 billion chicken eggs.

93. Tomatoes in Russia were considered "mad berries", and they were poisonous.

94. Until now, it is not known what a pineapple is: a vegetable or a fruit.

95. Potatoes make people fat by leaps and bounds, because it has a high content of starch.

96. If you eat a piece of chocolate between main meals, your appetite will decrease significantly.

97. Italians one thread pasta called spaghetto.

There are almost two hundred countries in the world, and National cuisine each of them is unique in its own way. Moreover, residents of different regions sometimes look with distrust at what their neighbors cook, although often one cuisine is no worse than another. And it's good, probably, to be a traveling gourmet - you can try all kinds of yummy in different parts of the Earth.

Interesting facts about food in different countries.

  1. Since the inhabitants of Japan have been eating a lot of seafood since ancient times, special microorganisms have appeared in their digestive system that allow them to more efficiently break down such food.
  2. Initially, Europeans ate the tops, not the fruit of the carrot. In Portugal, jams are still made from carrot tops(cm. ).
  3. The Scandinavian countries have several traditional dishes from spoiled fish - in Iceland they cook hakarl from rotten shark meat, and in Sweden surströmming from sour herring is very popular.
  4. In Chile, it is not customary to eat with your hands - no matter what is on the plate, a well-mannered person should use cutlery (see).
  5. Popular in China, noodles cannot be cut into pieces, as they symbolize longevity and health.
  6. In Japan, it is customary to slurp loudly while eating, especially when eating soups and noodles. This is how the Japanese show the chef how much they liked the treat.
  7. In Kazakhstan, guests are never served a full cup of tea, as courting them is considered a pleasant and honorable duty. If the Kazakh nevertheless filled the cup to the brim, it means that the visitor is not welcome in the house.
  8. In France, it is customary to put bread on the table, and not on the edge of the plate. In addition, eating buns or toast before the main course is considered bad manners.
  9. The head of the Catholic Church declared the large South American rodent capybara a fish so that the meat of these animals could be eaten during fasting. Dishes from these relatives of guinea pigs are still present in the cuisine of many countries of the world (see).
  10. The largest dish in the world is a fried camel, which has been cooked in Morocco since ancient times. The animal carcass is stuffed with a whole ram, 20 chickens, 60 eggs and other ingredients.
  11. French Camembert cheese becomes especially tasty before its expiration date.
  12. Chrysanthemum petal desserts are extremely popular in China and Japan.
  13. The ancient Romans were the first to decorate dishes with a sprig of parsley - they believed that this plant was able to neutralize the poison if the food was poisoned by enemies.
  14. About 27 million Americans eat at McDonald's every day.
  15. In the Philippines, a coconut split without serrations is considered a good omen (see).
  16. Until the middle of the 19th century, in French restaurants, the guest was brought all the ordered dishes at once. Then the Russian prince visited Paris and talked about an alternative serving, when food is brought gradually, in the order that appears on the menu. This method of serving began to be used everywhere and is still called service a la russe.
  17. EU legislators have officially recognized cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, rhubarb, carrots and ginger as fruits.
  18. In Japan, it is considered good manners to eat sushi with your hands - this is how a restaurant guest shows respect for the chef.
  19. Cake "Napoleon" was first prepared by Moscow confectioners in honor of the centenary of the expulsion of the French emperor from Russia. Initially, the dessert was triangular in remembrance of the Frenchman's headdress.
  20. AT Ancient Russia borsch was called a decoction of hogweed on beet kvass.

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