Home General issues Sour cream dough for Napoleon. Cakes for Napoleon with sour cream. An unusual recipe for the familiar "Napoleon"

Sour cream dough for Napoleon. Cakes for Napoleon with sour cream. An unusual recipe for the familiar "Napoleon"

  • Add cold to flour butter and grind it into crumbs. Then pour sour cream into this crumb and salt a little. Now to knead soft dough, form a ball and, wrapping in a film, put in the cold for 2-3 hours. Divide chilled dough into 6-7 parts. Roll each part very thinly and bake the cakes in the oven. Cakes are baked very quickly, the main thing is to make sure that they do not burn.
  • To prepare a classic custard, it is necessary to boil part of the milk, then pour the mass of beaten eggs with sugar, milk and flour into the boiling milk. Stir the milk thoroughly to avoid curdling. Cream constantly stir, do not allow boiling. Then remove from heat and cool slightly. Beat the chilled cream with butter and vanilla. When all the cakes are baked, you need to grease everything with cream and fold the cake.
  • Trim uneven edges after a while, when the cakes are slightly soaked so that the cake does not break. Put the smeared cake under the press overnight. You can use a baking sheet on which to put a jar of water. In the morning, trim the edges of the Napoleon cake, cutting off the excess and smear the top layer with cream, sprinkle with crushed nuts and cake scraps.

I decided to treat my family with a cake. There was ownerless sour cream in the refrigerator, so I was looking for a cake recipe so that just this sour cream could be disposed of. I found a recipe - Napoleon cake on sour cream.

I really liked the option because, firstly, sour cream is in the ingredients, and secondly, there is little oil in the cream. Butter is part of the dough, but very little is added to the cream, which means that the cake will be tasty and not terribly high-calorie.

This pastry is not prepared quickly, I want to warn you about this right away. I baked one cake at a time, there are sixteen in total. As a result, it took two hours only for cakes.

Next time I will make large square cakes for the whole baking sheet, I hope to save time this way. Of course, the joyful faces of loved ones eating a cake with a seagull compensate for any troubles. It's nice when your efforts are appreciated.

Napoleon on sour cream is delicious! Especially if you stand at least six hours in the refrigerator. I hope my recipe is useful to you too.

Cooking steps:


For cakes

Sour cream 250 g, butter (or margarine) 250 g, flour 4 cups.

For cream

Milk 1 l, sugar 1 cup, egg 2 pcs., flour 3 tbsp. spoons, butter 2 tbsp. spoons, vanillin 1 sachet.

Cake "Napoleon" is familiar to many from early childhood. During the Soviet Union, he appeared in almost every home, however, due to shortages and interruptions in food, as well as due to the rather lengthy cooking procedure, classic recipe often changed. So, if according to all the rules the dish is made of puff pastry, then our mothers and grandmothers achieved a similar effect in a slightly different way: they baked very thin cakes, smeared them with cream and put one on top of the other. To give the food an additional flavor, the housewives used vodka, cognac and other strong alcoholic drinks. In addition, milk was replaced with water with a light hand, and cocoa powder was introduced into the dough to bake the chocolate "Napoleon".

In general, Soviet cooks had fun as best they could, modifying the recipe in their own way. However, in the classic version, the cake is a multi-tiered structure made of unleavened puff pastry with cream, the preparation of which is not for everyone. This rather laborious process takes a lot of time and effort. Well, judge for yourself: first, the dough is thinly rolled out in the form of a rectangle, then butter is placed on it, wrapping the edges with an envelope. Then they work with a rolling pin to make a thin layer, fold everything four times and leave for 20 minutes. Then the procedure is repeated in the same sequence, only this time the base is folded into three layers.

Within half an hour, the dough should be cooled, then it should be divided into two parts, each of which must be rolled out in a very thin pancake(or rectangle) no more than six millimeters. Cakes are baked in the oven, and after cooling they are smeared with cream: sour cream, custard, milk. Here you can choose any recipe. Products are superimposed one on one, while it is necessary to slightly press down each "floor" of the dish. The rest of the sweet sauce is applied on top of the cake and sprinkled with specially baked and crushed dough scraps. If desired, "Napoleon" is decorated with powdered sugar. Previously, it was cut into triangular pieces, symbolizing the headdress of a great commander, but today this is no longer so important.

As you can see classic cake requires the culinary specialist to possess special talents, skills, and practice. Therefore, this recipe can not be called easy. Naturally, there is not always time (and, frankly, desire) for such experiments. In this case, you can resort to more "mundane" and ordinary variations on the theme of "Napoleon". It is made with sour cream or custard, with condensed milk or chocolate cakes. To decorate the cake, sprinkle with nuts, pieces of baked dough. Each recipe is a unique instruction with its own subtleties and nuances. But as they say, who does not take risks does not drink champagne, so let's experiment together.

Cake "Bonaparte" with vanilla cream

Napoleon Bonaparte himself would certainly have been delighted with the most delicate taste dessert named after him. As mentioned above, traditional recipe it takes quite a lot of time, besides, the cook must have a certain practice, otherwise it is most likely that it will not work out correctly to make the dough the first time. To avoid mistakes and not waste money on food, we suggest starting with the simplest, that is, making a simple cake with sour cream and delicious vanilla cream.


  • a package of margarine (approximately 200-250 grams)
  • two cups of flour
  • sugar - to taste (two tablespoons will be enough)
  • a pinch of table salt
  • three large spoons of homemade sour cream
  • 500 milliliters of milk
  • a pack of vanillin
  • 125 grams of granulated sugar
  • 200 grams of butter
  • eight grams of flour

Cooking method:

If you have never made "Napoleon", but passionately want to cook it, do not immediately grab the classic recipe. You should start with a simple one, and then, having gained experience, you can already move on to a new, higher level of culinary skill. However, no matter what you do, remember that the cake is always prepared from room temperature products. This makes the dough much easier to knead, and it turns out more tender. Therefore, take everything out of the refrigerator in advance, and then boldly “go into battle”, as commander Bonaparte bequeathed.

So, chop the softened margarine into small pieces of the same size. Then combine them with pre-sifted flour and rub with a fork. You can resort to more easy way: grate the product on a coarse grater. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs when they turn into a homogeneous yellow foamy liquid, add salt, granulated sugar and sour cream. Then again mix the ingredients several times with a whisk and pour the mixture onto a hill of flour and margarine, in the center of which you need to make a small funnel. Knead the dough well - it should be moderately dense and at the same time not stick to your hands. If the consistency of the mass is too liquid or it sticks to the walls of the dish, add a couple more handfuls of flour.

When you do it, divide the finished dough into several parts (ten-twelve) - these are your cakes, from which Napoleon will subsequently be formed. In the meantime, temporarily wrap the blanks in cling film and refrigerate for three to four hours. If you can not wait so long, reduce the procedure to 60 minutes. Now you need to do the cream. In this case, a recipe for custard sweet sauce is proposed, but if desired, it can be replaced with another one. Highly delicious desserts obtained with impregnation of condensed milk or sour cream.

When starting cooking, proceed as follows: first sift the indicated amount of flour into a deep bowl, then carefully pour the milk slightly heated in the microwave here, but not all, but only 100 milliliters. If you introduce products in this way, you will avoid the formation of lumps (at least there will be much less of them). Now mix the ingredients thoroughly, and put the remaining milk on a minimum flame and cook, working regularly with a spoon. Do not forget to add vanilla and sugar to it. Once sweet sauce boils, turn off the burner and pour cool milk with wheat flour into it. Turn on the oven again and lightly heat the cream until it thickens, without ceasing to stir.

While the mass is cooling, put the butter, cut into small pieces, into the blender bowl. Pour the non-hot milk mixture here and beat thoroughly several times so that all lumps disappear and the consistency of the dish becomes more dense and uniform. Well, now it's time to bake a cake, or rather, cakes. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll each ball into a thin layer. You can give your products any shape - rectangular or round - it all depends on your wishes and the dishes in which you will cook the food. Send the first cake to the oven, preheating it to 200 degrees. As soon as it becomes a little golden, put the next product. Be careful not to overcook the dish!

When you are done with the task, let the cakes cool down a bit. Then start assembling the dessert. To make the "Napoleon" juicy and satisfying, do not spare impregnation, generously grease each cake with cream, fastening them together. Do not press hard on the cake, otherwise the dough will crumble into pieces, and the dish will be spoiled. Crush the remaining or not turned out (slightly burnt or broken) cakes with your hands, or better with a mortar. Sprinkle over dessert. Of course, you will want to eat "Napoleon" at the same moment as soon as it is ready. But keep your desires - let the dish brew, and then you will fully experience its delicate juicy taste. Bon appetit!

Dessert "Napoleon" with yolk cream

Despite the fact that "Napoleon" is familiar to almost everyone, each recipe has its own characteristics. The traditional dessert is distinguished by a rather lengthy cooking procedure, so most housewives prefer somewhat simplified options. The busiest people make ready-made puff pastry, those who are bolder and more experienced in this matter bake the cakes on their own, greasing them with cream with sour cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese-based sauce, berry puree, and custard impregnation enjoys the greatest success. Each dish has the right to exist, and it is up to you to decide which one to give preference to. Perhaps the following recipe will take root in your kitchen for a long time.


For test:

  • 500 grams white flour (well sifted)
  • butter - 225 grams
  • two cups of fresh homemade sour cream
  • sugar - three large spoons

For cream:

  • 700 milliliters boiled cow's milk
  • half a glass of sugar
  • 100 grams of butter (meaning butter)
  • three egg yolks
  • ten grams of flour

Cooking method:

Housewives who are not fond of baking often mistakenly believe that this is an incredibly complex and lengthy process. Of course, it all depends on which recipe you choose. So, yeast or biscuit dough quite demanding and capricious, so here you need to have at least a little confectionery experience behind you, otherwise the product may not work the first time. In order not to upset either yourself or your loved ones, who are looking forward to a delicious cake, we suggest stopping at a fairly simple, but incredibly delicious dish. Let's prepare a tender and non-greasy "Napoleon" with yolk-milk cream together.

So, before embarking on culinary creativity, at least 30, and preferably 60 minutes, get everything necessary products from the refrigerator. Then cut the butter and melt it on steam bath. If you have a microwave, use this kitchen appliance. After in a bowl with cream ingredient add sugar, rub it with a fork, when the mass becomes homogeneous, add sour cream and again mix everything.

The next step is sieving wheat flour. Once done, pour it into the above ingredients and knead not too much. batter. If it sticks to your hands, add a little more flour. Then divide the mass into eight to twelve equal parts (depending on how tall you want the cake to be). If time permits, let the dough rest for at least one to one and a half hours, placing it in a cool place for this.

Then roll out the cakes on a floured work surface with a rolling pin as thin as possible. As for the shape, it can be arbitrary, for example, round or in the form of a rectangle. Place on a greased baking sheet or other dish and bake in the oven until golden brown. In this case, the temperature of the furnace should not exceed 210 degrees. On average, the preparation of one cake takes about ten minutes. When finished, let the dish cool, and pay attention to the impregnation yourself.

Perhaps the most appetizing and delicious stage has come - we will master the recipe for the cream. Pour sugar into a shallow saucepan and sift here white flour. In another bowl, beat the egg yolks with a whisk, separating them from the whites in advance. Then combine them with the previous products and, after mixing, put on a small fire. Pour warm milk into a saucepan and boil the mixture until the first bubbles appear on its surface. Do not stop working with a spoon - you need to get rid of all lumps and achieve a dense homogeneous consistency. Remove the dish from the stove, cool and beat with softened butter. To do this, you can take a whisk or a regular fork.

A little more, and "Napoleon" will take center stage on your table. Thoroughly coat each cake gentle cream by applying it in a generous layer. Lay out the products in layers, one on top of the other. With the remaining custard sauce, process the food on all sides and put it in a cold room. Ideally, the cake is soaked for about five hours, but if you can’t stand it, soak for at least 120 minutes.

There are a lot of ways to decorate a dessert: some sprinkle it with fried and chopped walnuts or peanuts, others with whipped cream or grated chocolate. It is not recommended to use fruits in this case, because it will not be Napoleon at all. It is not so important how you will give the dish an attractive appearance, do as you please. The main thing is to find the right recipe and bake a delicious cake. Our site, created for all culinary lovers who want to improve their skills, will help you with this. Even if you do not know how to cook, then learning this is not a problem here. As they say, there would be a desire.

An unusual recipe for the familiar "Napoleon"

This time we offer to study an unusual recipe for a well-known dessert. Say that "Napoleon" with vodka does not sound very appetizing? Then you have never cooked such a cake. Optional alcoholic drink can be replaced with cognac or sweet liquor. To give the dish a brighter and richer taste, vanillin is added to the cream. The dish will be an excellent companion of hot fragrant tea. So why not have a festive family dinner for no reason at all?


Cake dough:

  • 250-300 grams of flour
  • fresh margarine - one pack
  • a glass of sour cream
  • five milliliters of vodka
  • oil for greasing dishes (take any)
  • ½ liter pasteurized warm milk
  • four eggs
  • a cup of sugar
  • a piece of butter (no more than 60 grams)
  • vanilla sugar - optional


  • a handful of toasted and shelled peanuts

Cooking method:

There is a recipe for "Napoleon" with the addition of butter and margarine. Let's use the latter: cut the product into small pieces and rub it with sifted flour. Using a fork, turn the ingredients into fine crumbs, then pour in the vodka and sour cream. Knead the dough thoroughly with your hands, then wrap it in a special cling film or plastic bag. Place the mass on the top shelf in the refrigerator.

Now you have a whole hour of time to slowly prepare the cream. To do this, whisk whole eggs with a whisk, add granulated sugar and the required amount of flour to them. With gentle confident movements, working with a kitchen appliance, get rid of lumps. A blender or mixer will help to achieve perfect uniformity. Now heat the milk (note that you don’t need to boil it in any case) and pour it into the rest of the products. Throw a pinch of vanillin into the cream, if desired. Send the mixture to a quiet fire and cook until it begins to thicken gradually. Then remove from the stove and put a piece of butter into it, then mix and cool the cream.

Let's go back to the test; the cake is made from thin cakes of any shape. So take the mass out of the refrigerator and roll it into several thin layers. Carefully cut the edges of the products with a knife and put them on a baking sheet, the surface of which is desirable to grease with oil: vegetable or creamy. If you do not want to process the dishes, special parchment or foil will help to avoid burning. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake all the cakes in turn. As soon as you notice that they are browned, feel free to remove the products. Then soak Napoleon with vanilla custard and leave for two to four hours. Just before serving, garnish with chopped pan-dried peanuts. Happy tea!

Also in Soviet times the cake, about which so much has been said today, was made from butter to improve its texture, condensed milk, powdered sugar were often added, vanilla sugar was used to give an unusual flavor and strong alcohol- cognac or vodka. homemade baking was and remains an exceptionally creative subject: every family has its own traditions, every hostess has her own secrets. Someone prefers a custard recipe or butter cream, others, on the contrary, recognize only lighter impregnation. When not at hand the right ingredients, you can lubricate the product with homemade jam or liquid jam. As the people say, the need for invention is cunning. It's not a sin to use your imagination here.

But if we talk about the classic canons of dessert preparation, then "Napoleon" must be fatty, satisfying and very sweet. Such a dish deals a crushing blow to the female figure, so modern ladies in the struggle for beauty prefer less high-calorie combinations. So, in many restaurants they serve a cake soaked in fruit and berry puree, and for fans of unusual original cuisine, they offer a choice of pear filling with blue cheese. To reduce the calorie content of food, professional chefs resort to a wide variety of methods, for example, adding pureed leafy greens or spinach to the dough, but this is a completely different culinary story.

We, acting as assistants and guides in the world of novice confectioners, recommend remembering a few rules for the future. When choosing flour, buy wheat flour with 40% gluten content. In addition, do not be lazy to sift it. If you are making a classic "Napoleon", kneading the mass, add a little vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice- they promote lamination.

Roll out the cakes at a temperature not lower than fifteen degrees, otherwise the oil will harden, and there will be a high probability that the dough will begin to crumble. When sending the products to the oven, pierce them with a fork in several places so that they do not swell. Want to make a crispy cake? Then lubricate it with cream just before serving. And more juicy and delicate dessert It turns out if you give him time to soak. Follow these tips and your dessert is guaranteed to be a success!

2016-05-18T10:20:06+00:00 admin desserts

For convenience, the cakes can be baked in a couple of days. It is advisable to give a day for impregnation of the cake.
I measure products with a glass of 250 ml.
I added 350 g of sugar to the cream, which is enough for my taste, besides, the fruits on the cake added sweetness. If you like it sweeter and do not plan to decorate the cake with fruits, add 500 g of sugar.
The idea of ​​​​fruit decoration, I confess, I borrowed from Kamelena :)
I warn you, the cake is impressive! Weighing 4 kilograms! Enough for the guests, and a piece "to take away from the bunny", and a piece for the neighbors, and a piece "for tomorrow" !!!.

Let's start with a test. Beat soft butter with a mixer with sugar until fluffy, add sour cream and one egg at a time, continuing to beat for another couple of minutes.

Pour 400 g of flour with the addition of soda to the liquid ingredients (no need to quench), knead the dough first with a spoon and then with your hands, laying it on a dough mat or on the table, adding the remaining flour. I took 500 g of flour, the dough should be soft and elastic and practically not stick to your hands!

Ready dough roll into a ball and cut into 4 parts, and then, each quarter into three more. It turns out 12 koloboks of dough. Cover them with a kitchen towel so they don't dry out.

We take a piece of dough, sprinkle with flour and, on a surface dusted with flour, roll it into a circle. The dough is very elastic, creases do not remain on it, so we help with our hands to make a more flexible circle. After rolling the dough onto a rolling pin, transfer to a baking sheet covered with a baking mat or parchment. You can roll out immediately on what is convenient to bake.

Bake in an oven preheated to 200C for 3-6 minutes until tanned. While one cake is baking, roll out the other. Finished cakes stack up.
If you will not immediately collect the cake, cover the cakes with a kitchen towel.

Cooking cream. Put eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar, flour and 200 ml of milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Beat with a mixer until light foam. Add the remaining 1.3 liters of milk, mix and put on fire below medium.

With constant stirring, bring the cream to a boil. It will get thick. Leave to cool until slightly warm.

Add soft butter to the cream and mix thoroughly until smooth. The butter slowly melts into a warm cream.

You can collect the cake! I collected the cake right on the table, on parchment, and transferred the finished cake to a dish. To do this, overlap two sheets of parchment. Then, holding them, transfer the cake to a dish. And take it out from under the cake: just spread the paper in different directions.
Leave two cakes for the powder. Lubricate the rest of the cakes with cream (it took me 3 full tablespoons for each cake) and stack on top of each other. If necessary, press down with your hand if the cakes are swollen in places. Leave a couple of spoons of cream on the sides of the cake.

We trim the sides: tap the edges of the cakes with the wide side of the knife, uneven edges will crumble, the crumbs will stick to the cream.

Break the cakes that were left for sprinkling into large pieces, put them in a bowl and crush with a rolling pin until large crumbs. Spread the rest of the cream on the sides of the cake and sprinkle with sprinkles. If you decorate the cake with fruits, then do not sprinkle the place under the decor with crumbs, make only a border.

Prepare the jelly for the cake according to the instructions. While it is cooling down, put the peaches and kiwi cut into slices in a fan, add berries. Apply clear jelly to fruit. Send the cake to the refrigerator at least overnight.
If such a jelly was not at hand, you can make a confectionery gel yourself. For this, 0.5 tsp. gelatin mixed with 2 tbsp. l. sugar, add 50 ml of water, heat the mixture until gelatin and sugar dissolve. Cool the mixture to a warm state and, using a culinary brush, apply to the fruit.

If you are a lover of the "classics of the genre", "Napoleon" will definitely appeal to you!
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Cozy family evenings!

I want to express my sincere gratitude to registered users, whom we know "by sight" and not registered, but who, nevertheless, also take an active part in the discussion of recipes, share photo reports. Believe me, it is very motivating when you see that recipes are in demand! Enjoy cooking next year! Let all the dishes come out "with a bang", and the satisfied faces of households, guests, colleagues will be confirmation of this!
May the whole year be accompanied by good luck and success in all endeavors, and peace and mutual understanding reign in families!

As many are accustomed to the fact that the famous Napoleon cake is made either with condensed milk or with custard. Of course, a cake soaked in custard is a classic of the genre. We are all used to seeing culinary masterpieces in shops and confectioneries. The recipe for such a delicacy is familiar to everyone from early childhood, when Napoleon was baked by his mother or grandmother.

But, as everyone knows, laziness is the engine of progress.

At some point, I baked cake layers, but I forgot about the need to buy milk and condensed milk. I looked in the refrigerator, and there is lonely sour cream. It’s almost night outside, the supermarket is still open outside the window, but I didn’t feel like getting dressed and going out, so I decided that it wouldn’t be worse if I soaked my Napoleon with sour cream. The cake was exclusively for Saturday tea drinking with homemade, and not for a festive dinner, and without hesitation for a long time, I soaked the cakes with sour cream. I put it in the refrigerator for the night, and in the morning the pieces of the cake scattered with such speed that I didn’t have time to notice where the whole Napoleon had disappeared.

The recipe for sour cream is so simple that even a schoolgirl will cook it in 5-10 minutes, 0.5 kg of high-fat sour cream and 2/3 cup of fine granulated sugar. Beat sour cream into a good elastic mass and gradually add sugar, without turning off the mixer. You can soak any cakes with a similar cream, the main thing is that they are already cooled down, and the cake will exceed all your expectations. The taste will be so tender that the hands themselves will reach for the next piece.

After the first experiment, rummaging around on the Internet, I found a few more Napoleon recipes with sour cream, changing them a little, or rather removing vanilla sugar, which is not welcome in our house, I began to cook Napoleon with sour cream much more often than with custard. These recipes will be presented below for your judgment. Try to cook a cake, which we used to call Napoleon with just such a cream, and you will be surprised how the taste of a dish familiar from an early age will change.

The first recipe in a pan and with sour cream

This recipe is very simple, and the taste of the cake is no worse than the classic Napoleon. If for some reason you cannot use the oven, then this is not a reason to refuse your family delicious pastries. What ingredients does this recipe contain? There are not many of them and it could also be called a budget option, if not sour cream, since sour cream comes out almost golden for this cake.


  • Margarine for baking - 200 gr.;
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Sour cream - 0.5 kg .;
  • Sugar sand - 1 cup.

The last 2 ingredients will go for the cream.

It is better to discard sour cream on cheesecloth so that excess liquid is drained. You should not do this the night before baking, the time is enough for the cakes to bake and cool. That is, the first thing you do is hang sour cream in cheesecloth over a saucepan, and only after that you start making dough. You should not take too fat and thick rustic sour cream, as it is too expensive and it will not soak the cake layers.

Let's start preparing the dough.

It is necessary to cut the margarine into small pieces and wait until it melts a little. Then put it in a bowl and add flour there. It is better to sift the flour beforehand so that the cake turns out to be more magnificent, and the cakes are well saturated with cream. Further, the recipe advises chopping margarine with a knife, constantly mixing it with flour. But this is somewhat difficult to do in a bowl, so you can mix everything with your hands. In this case, the margarine melts from the warmth of the palms and better absorbs the flour. When you get a small crumb, you can mix water with vinegar and add to the dough blank.

It is important to know!

According to the Ministry of Health, diets, exercise, pills and liposuction are the main methods today. weight loss, however, judging by the fact that the number of overweight people continues to grow, none of them is truly massive and effective. Everything changed when "Bee Slim" appeared, drops for burning fat.

Says, doctor of the highest medical category, nutritionist, Sauta Leonid Alexandrovich..

After the dough is ready, it must be wrapped in cling film or put in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After this time, take the bag out of the cold, cut into equal pieces and roll out the cakes. The thickness of each layer should be small, otherwise the cakes will be baked in a pan for a long time. Next, we cut the blanks according to the diameter of the bottom and begin to fry them on both sides. Put the finished cakes on a dish. Lastly, we fry the trimmings from the cakes to create a decoration that will resemble the classic Napoleon.

After all the layers are baked, you need to prepare the cream, for this we beat the sour cream with a mixer and gradually add a glass of sugar to it.

We coat the layers of the cake with the finished cream.

We create a decoration from finely chopped baked leftovers and remove the finished Napoleon for one night in the refrigerator for impregnation.

In the morning you can have breakfast delicious cake with sour cream.

But this is not the only recipe for how to cook a Napoleon cake with sour cream, so we will consider other options for this dish.

In addition to the fact that the cream may contain sour cream, there is a recipe where sour cream is also included in the dough.

Napoleon cake with sour cream everywhere

To prepare the cakes you will need:

  • Sour cream - 200 gr.;
  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Margarine - 200 gr.;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar sand - 2/3 cup.

Cream Ingredients:

  • Sour cream - 0.7 kg .;
  • Sugar sand - 1 cup.

We start, like the first recipe, to bake our cake by weighing sour cream.

Next, knead the dough, for this we grind margarine and mix it with flour. You can do this not only with your hands, but also with the help of food processor. Pour soda into sour cream and let it stand until all the flour is mixed into fine crumbs with flour. Next, add sour cream with soda to the crumbs and mix. After the workpiece is ready, add eggs and sugar. Once again, carefully knead with your hands, divide into 10 koloboks of equal size and remove the dough in a cup closed with a film in the freezer for about thirty minutes.

After this time, we take out the koloboks and roll each one on parchment for baking. We cut according to the template and leave the trimmings right there on the parchment, only slightly moving away from the main cake. We prick the main layer with a fork in several places. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, but no more than 5 minutes each layer.

We repeat this procedure 10 times, after which we let the cakes cool, and at this time we turn the trimmings into crumbs using a simple rolling pin or the same food processor. Also at this time it is necessary to prepare a cream, the recipe of which is familiar to all girls from early childhood.

First, beat the sour cream separately with a mixer, and then add sugar to it in a thin stream, while not stopping whisking.

We coat all the cakes with cream, put them on top of each other.

After the cake is fully assembled, it is also necessary to coat the sides of it and sprinkle with crumbs on all sides.

The finished cake, the recipe of which is presented, is left to soak for two hours at room temperature and then put it in the fridge overnight. In the morning you can enjoy wonderful, melt-in-your-mouth pastries.

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