Home Vegetables Soup for baby 9 months recipes. Useful recipes for soups for a child under the age of one year (babies). Mashed rice porridge

Soup for baby 9 months recipes. Useful recipes for soups for a child under the age of one year (babies). Mashed rice porridge

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Cooking steamed carrot cutlets: search by ingredients, tips, reviews, step by step photos, calorie counting, easy printing, changing portions, similar recipes

Grate peeled carrots on a fine grater. Mix with semolina, leave for 20 minutes. Add eggs to the mixture, mix. Now moisten your hands with water and form patties from the carrot mass. Now they can be rolled in breadcrumbs, breaded in semolina, you can fry just like that, in oil or without oil, you can steam it. We will do just that. Put the cutlets into the multicooker plastic bowl, pour water into the multicooker (according to the instructions), lower the grate, put the bowl on the grate, set the cooking for 40 minutes. Yes, such meatballs, steamed in a slow cooker, will not have a pretty crust, but they are more healthy. If desired raw carrots can be lightly stewed in butter before being mixed with semolina. So that the cutlets do not fall apart in the pan ...

So that the cutlets do not fall apart during frying, put swollen semolina in the minced meat. One tablespoon of semolina is enough for one and a half kilograms of minced meat.

To make cutlets more fluffy and tasty, try adding to chopped meat beaten egg white.

To chopped cutlets do not stick to each other, add potato flour to the minced meat.

Most delicious meatballs obtained by taking equal parts of ground beef and ground pork.

If you put too much bread in the cutlets, they will turn out greasy. Since bread tends to absorb the oil added during frying.

Cutlets need to be fried in a very hot frying pan. Otherwise, they will begin to lose juice and taste.

The most delicious fish cakes are obtained from large-sized silver carp stewed with vegetables.

  • Egg white - 45 kcal / 100g
  • Egg yolk - 352 kcal / 100g
  • Egg powder - 542 kcal / 100g
  • Chicken egg - 157 kcal / 100g
  • Ostrich egg - 118 kcal / 100g
  • Carrots - 33 kcal / 100g
  • Boiled carrots - 25 kcal / 100g
  • Dried carrots - 275 kcal/100g
  • Semolina - 340 kcal / 100g
Caloric content of products: Carrots, Eggs, Semolina


Vegetarian's dream - carrot cutlets in a slow cooker

I wonder who came up with the idea of ​​making carrot cutlets? I have not yet studied the information about this and do not know of any reliable version of the answer to this question. It seems to me that, according to one version of the legend, the inventor of these cutlets was a man who made carrot juice and discovered in the process that he had a lot of carrot shavings left to do something with. So he made carrot cutlets, fried them and, satisfied, washed them down with carrot juice at dinner. One way or another, if you have a juicer and like to make juice from carrots, I can offer you a recipe for carrot cutlets in a slow cooker.

Here's what I needed:

  • Carrots - 4 pieces of medium size,
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • Semolina - 100 g,
  • Oil for frying - I took butter, but you can also vegetable.
  • Greens and sour cream - in order to serve with the finished dish.

How to cook carrot cutlets in a slow cooker

I used a few products because I don’t have a juicer yet, and I grate carrots in the old fashioned way. And this activity tires me pretty quickly, to be honest. So, if chopping four carrots is still entertainment and a small load on the muscles of the hands, then industrial scales begin for me. For example, I’m definitely not able to grate a kilogram of carrots. But, if you need an impressive slide of cutlets for several people, multiply all the ingredients several times. As practice shows, there are never too many carrot cutlets.

By the way, children who have reached at least some conscious age can easily be involved in the whole process. Children can effortlessly grate all the available carrots, knead and stick cakes, and you, as the captain of the ship, will only have to issue commands, and at the end turn the multicooker on and off. However, my two-year-old offspring is able to arrange any natural disaster in a minute and a half, if he is left alone in the kitchen. Therefore, for safety reasons, I take all the cooking on myself, and the child watches and remembers.

First, I rub all the carrots on a fine grater. It turns out for a very short time and a little carrot pulp in the end, just for a dozen cutlets. You can do it in an alternative way: rub the carrots on a coarse grater, and then stew it in oil for 10-15 minutes.

Then I add the eggs to the mixture and mix everything again.

From the resulting carrot "minced meat" I tear off pieces and make cakes.

They do not stick to my hands, which makes me extremely happy. I have tried cooking in different ways. carrot cutlets: rolled in semolina (still possible in breadcrumbs) and fried in a slow cooker like pancakes. This method is great in cases where the slow cooker remains the only device for cooking food - in the country or on a trip. You can also fry the cakes without oil if you use a baking stand. And the easiest way is steam cooking. In any case, I think so. After all, frying still requires personal presence: you need to be close to the multicooker every 15-20 minutes and turn the cakes over with a spatula. A with steam cutlets everything is simpler: turned on for 40 minutes and left. And you don't have to flip anything.

The only point: cutlets are obtained without a crispy crust, like fried cutlets. It's just these light carrot nuggets. :) But not only the form is important, but also the content. Try it! With sour cream you should like it.

Preparation time: 1 hour. Servings: 3.

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Steamed carrot cutlets in a slow cooker

Carrot cutlets in a slow cooker are a delicious addition to the side dish, which always turns out tender, with a juicy and dense structure, and also extremely tasty.

Steamed food is very healthy nowadays as it does not contain oils and fats which negatively affect our health.

It is also important to note that carrot cutlets in a slow cooker are perfect for young children who are just starting to master a variety of "adult" foods.

Steamed carrot cutlets are obtained with a light, tender crust, which gives the dish piquancy and extra flavor. The filling of cutlets, on the contrary, turns out to be dense, but amazingly tasty. It is better to serve such a dish hot, while it is endowed with an extraordinary aroma and softness.

Anyone will like this consistency of cutlets. Moreover, few will understand that the dish is actually made from the well-known carrot.

What is the main benefit of the dish

Steamed carrot cutlets are endowed with many vitamins and beneficial properties that are required for both children and adults. Everyone knows that carrots have a positive effect on vision, cardiovascular activity, as well as the general condition of the body. Therefore, carrot dishes can be safely served on the table as breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It is impossible not to notice that such an addition to the side dish will seem even tastier if you are going to make cutlets with herbs, which will give the dish an additional aroma and extraordinary taste.

What should the dish be served with?

Steamed carrot cutlets can be served with almost any side dish:

  • groats
  • potatoes
  • stewed vegetables
  • rice

In addition, they can be safely combined with meat dishes as a supplement.

If you are going to serve the appetizer on its own, you can season it with mayonnaise, sour cream or any sauce. The only exception: cutlets will not turn out very tasty if you add adjika or ketchup to them.

Cooking method

Many people think that you need to bake carrot cutlets from shavings. Although in fact, any form of vegetable can be used for cooking.


The first step is to prepare the carrots.

Step 1

We clean the carrots, wash them and three on a fine grater.

Step 2

Pour salt, semolina into the carrot mass and mix thoroughly. Then we leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes so that the carrots let the juice go, and semolina slightly swollen.

Step 3

Pour the eggs into the mass and mix the products again. Add spices and chopped herbs. That's all - minced meat is ready.

Step 4

Pour a little water into the bowl of the multicooker, put the container from the double boiler into the device and set the “Steam cooking” mode.

After that, put the minced meat in a slow cooker with a spoon and wait until it is baked (if you want, you can roll the minced meat in breadcrumbs).

On average, it takes 15-20 minutes - 10 on one side, 15 on the other.

That's all - steamed cutlets are ready.

You just have to transfer them to a plate and you can serve. If desired, you can pour them with mayonnaise or sour cream sauce.


Delicious carrot cutlets

Today we will cook food that is healthy for both adults and young children - carrot cutlets in a slow cooker. Moreover, carrot cutlets can be given to children from the age of one and a half years.

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved carrot cakes. But before we didn’t cook them ourselves, but bought a semi-finished product in Culinary stores. At home, they simply put semi-finished products in a frying pan and fried them. Then these shops disappeared and closed. And since the love for the dish remained, I had to cook carrot cutlets at home myself from and to.

For the first time, I was terribly scared - everything seemed very complicated and long. But in fact, it turned out that there is no such complexity at all. And yes, not too long. The biggest difficulty is to grate carrots on a manual grater. And when he “settled” in my house food processor with a vegetable grater attachment, this process is no longer intimidating. Then came the “miracle pot,” which saved me from having to stand near the stove while stewing carrots. Indeed, in the slow cooker there is a mode where the vegetable will really be extinguished, and will not burn or fry. In general, it is a pleasure to cook carrot cutlets in a slow cooker, so treat yourself and your children to this healthy dish more often.

1. Let's prepare the carrots - as we follow, wash, peel and wash again. Pour ¼ milk into a regular glass (fat content to your taste), but a little more milk may go. We measure the mango. You will also need an egg, salt, breadcrumbs and oil for frying. If desired, you can add sugar, and replace the semolina with hercules. But hercules should be one that does not require long cooking.

2. Grind carrots on a large or medium grater. Immediately put the carrots in a multicooker pan.

3. Pour out the milk. If you wish to sweeten, add granulated sugar at this stage. Next, close the multicooker and turn on the "Extinguish" mode for 1 hour. (Let me remind you that in Oursson MP5010PSD this program is without pressure and extinguishes very delicately (without active boiling) despite the high power of the device).

4. Approximately 10 minutes before the signal, pour semolina and mix. So that the semolina does not turn out to be lumpy, pour it in a thin stream. Close the lid and leave until the end of the program. Then you can let it stand on the heating for 10-15 minutes.


  • carrots - 1 pc. large or 2 pcs. medium
  • egg- 1 PC.
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • milk - 1 multi-glass
  • semolina - ½ multi-glass
  • granulated sugar - ½ multi-glass
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch

The unforgettable taste of carrot cutlets we all remember from kindergarten. And now, already in adulthood, I want to return at least a little bit the sensations from that happy and carefree time. Of course, the easiest way to achieve this is by changing your ordinary diet.

For carrot cutlets, the best time is autumn, the carrots are already ripe, they have absorbed all the necessary moisture and are saturated with sweetness. But well-preserved carrots over the winter are perfect for this purpose. We will cook carrot cutlets in a slow cooker not lean, we use milk, eggs and butter in the recipe. Milk can be any, both homemade and store-bought. Butter is better to buy homemade, if there is only store-bought, then it is always of the highest quality. There will be no further guidance. Just stock up on everything you need and get started, step-by-step instruction already waiting!

Cooking method

  1. Grate carrots for cutlets on a fine grater. Soften the butter to room temperature.

  2. Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl. Set the Steam mode to 10 minutes.

  3. When the multicooker beeps (it means that the milk has boiled), open the lid and send the carrots into it. Add sugar and a pinch of salt.

  4. Switch the slow cooker to the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for 15 minutes.

  5. Then turn off the multicooker. Pour semolina, mix well so that there are no lumps left, and let the mixture cool.

  6. Release the bowl of the multicooker and wash it, carrot cutlets will be fried in it. With a cooled base for cutlets, you can work. Add a chicken egg to it and mix, minced carrot is ready!

  7. Form patties with your hands. Roll in breadcrumbs. Fry the carrot cutlets in a slow cooker in butter for 5-7 minutes on one side. Program "Frying".

  8. Then bring to readiness on the other side, 4 minutes is enough.

  9. Serve ready cutlets with sour cream sauce and fresh herbs.

You can also offer carrot cutlets a light side dish from

Time: 30 min.

Servings: 2-3

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Steamed carrot cutlets in a slow cooker

Carrot cutlets in a slow cooker are a delicious addition to the side dish, which always turns out tender, with a juicy and dense structure, and also extremely tasty.

Steamed food is very healthy nowadays as it does not contain oils and fats which negatively affect our health.

It is also important to note that carrot cutlets in a slow cooker are perfect for young children who are just starting to master a variety of "adult" foods.

Steamed carrot cutlets are obtained with a light, tender crust, which gives the dish piquancy and extra flavor. The filling of cutlets, on the contrary, turns out to be dense, but amazingly tasty. It is better to serve such a dish hot, while it is endowed with an extraordinary aroma and softness.

Anyone will like this consistency of cutlets. Moreover, few will understand that the dish is actually made from the well-known carrot.

Steamed carrot cutlets are endowed with many vitamins and beneficial properties that are required for both children and adults. Everyone knows that carrots have a positive effect on vision, cardiovascular activity, as well as the general condition of the body. Therefore, carrot dishes can be safely served on the table as breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It is impossible not to notice that such an addition to the side dish will seem even tastier if you are going to make cutlets with herbs, which will give the dish an additional aroma and extraordinary taste.

What should the dish be served with?

Steamed carrot cutlets can be served with almost any side dish:

  • groats
  • potatoes
  • stewed vegetables
  • rice

In addition, they can be safely combined with meat dishes as an addition.

If you are going to serve the appetizer on its own, you can season it with mayonnaise, sour cream or any sauce. The only exception: cutlets will not turn out very tasty if you add adjika or ketchup to them.

Cooking method

Many people think that you need to bake carrot cutlets from shavings. Although in fact, any form of vegetable can be used for cooking.


The first step is to prepare the carrots.

Step 1

We clean the carrots, wash them and three on a fine grater.

Step 2

Pour salt, semolina into the carrot mass and mix thoroughly. After that, leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes, so that the carrots start up the juice, and the semolina swells slightly.

Step 3

Pour the eggs into the mass and mix the products again. Add spices and chopped herbs. That's all - minced meat is ready.

Step 4

Pour a little water into the bowl of the multicooker, put the container from the double boiler into the device and set the “Steam cooking” mode.

After that, put the minced meat in a slow cooker with a spoon and wait until it is baked (if you want, you can roll the minced meat in breadcrumbs).

On average, it takes 15-20 minutes - 10 on one side, 15 on the other.

That's all - steamed cutlets are ready.

You just have to transfer them to a plate and you can serve. If desired, you can pour them with mayonnaise or sour cream sauce.

The desire to diversify the diet will certainly push the preparation of carrot cutlets. This is useful and beautiful dish must be introduced into the children's diet from the age of one. How to make carrot cutlets so that their taste is not boring? We answer!


Dietary nutrition is the main component of a healthy lifestyle. A properly selected menu is designed to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. At the same time, the calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed the energy consumption of a person.

Contrary to popular belief, diet menu can be delicious and varied. If you eat right for a month, then this lifestyle will become familiar and natural. Over time, there will be a desire to seek pleasure not in junk food, but in other areas of life.

Interesting: Psychologists say that any habit is fixed within 21 days. Try to eat right in just 3 weeks and switch to a healthy lifestyle forever!

Today, experts offer many diets for men and women. They can be aimed both at losing weight and at. Sparing diets are also in demand. They are designed to reduce the load on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent and alleviate exacerbations of gastritis, pancreatitis and other diseases.

Main courses

Second courses are the basis of any diet. A properly selected protein base, along with a side dish, should be light and nutritious dish. What principles should be observed when developing a menu?


As a protein meat component, it is better to choose fish, poultry or meat low-fat varieties. The most useful are:

  • (sea, river);
  • veal;
  • beef;
  • rabbit;
  • (fillet).

It is better to refuse pork, lamb, bird thighs or drumsticks for now. They contain too much fat and cholesterol. Irrational consumption of such products, along with a sedentary lifestyle, can lead to cardiovascular and oncological diseases.


Vegetables and fruits must be present in the daily diet. with butter or yogurt dressing are recognized as an excellent side dish. Vegetables can be baked on the grill or in the oven, eaten as a light independent dish.

The fruits will become the best dessert. They contain vitamins, coarse fiber and trace elements.

Heat treatment

In order for the products to retain the maximum benefit, it is necessary to properly prepare them. What are the preferred methods for diet food?

  • extinguishing;
  • baking;
  • steam cooking.

It is better to refuse frying in oil or deep fat. Boiling oil releases dangerous carcinogens. They accumulate in the body and can cause cancer.


You need to eat in small portions. After eating, a slight feeling of hunger should remain in the stomach. It is necessary to try to chew food thoroughly, eat slowly and leisurely.

The essence of the technique

Carrot cutlets in the Soviet years could be tasted in every dining room. Today they are offered to try only for kids in kindergarten.

Today, carrot cutlets are losing their relevance. The reason for this is the opinion of boring and insipid palatability dishes.

This is fundamentally wrong. Today, nutritionists offer many recipes for carrot cutlets for every taste. They can be spicy, slightly spicy and even sweet. Inexpensive and healthy dish diversify the diet and make light dinner for those who are losing weight.

The main ingredient of cutlets, of course, is freshly grated carrots. This root crop is deservedly recognized as the champion in content. beneficial vitamins and micronutrients.

It contains a huge amount of useful beta-carotene, which, after entering the body, is transformed into vitamin A. This vitamin supports human vision, participates in the formation of bone tissue, and forms immunity.

Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant, which means it prolongs youth and protects the body from harmful substances.

Carrots will saturate the body:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron.

Cooking cutlets is better in a double boiler. So they retain the maximum useful properties of a bright orange vegetable. In addition, this method of preparation is the best suited for baby food. The kid will definitely like bright orange cutlets-suns.


Surprise and please the household with useful and delicious food our recipes will help. We offer several options for completely different steam carrot cutlets. Try it and choose your favorite recipe!

Classic for kids

The classic recipe for steamed carrot cutlets is ideal for children from one year old. Cooking them is very easy and fast.

  1. Half a kilo of carrots wash, peel and grate on the smallest grater. You can use a blender;
  2. Put the carrots in a saucepan, add 60 ml of milk or cream, butter and sugar to taste;
  3. Simmer on low heat for 15 minutes;
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of semolina and another 10 ml of milk;
  5. Simmer another 7 minutes;
  6. Remove from heat and add raw yolk;
  7. To stir thoroughly;
  8. Form small balls from the resulting mass, you can bread them in breadcrumbs or semolina;
  9. Place on a greased steamer rack and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Cutlets can be served as an independent dish or side dish. They will make a great couple meatballs or chicken meatballs.

Sweet with raisins and apple

Great for being useful diet dessert. Delicious fruit and vegetable cutlets will definitely appeal to children and girls who follow their figure.

  1. 60 grams of black raisins scalded with boiling water;
  2. Finely chop two green apples;
  3. Combine fruits in a saucepan;
  4. Pour a glass of water, add sugar;
  5. Simmer until softened over low heat, cool;
  6. Grate 800 grams of peeled carrots;
  7. Combine with stewed fruits;
  8. Add two teaspoons butter, whipped yatsko and 90 grams of semolina;
  9. To stir thoroughly;
  10. Form small balls, breaded in flour or breadcrumbs;
  11. Cook in a double boiler for about half an hour

Important: the mass may seem liquid, but do not rush to add semolina. In the process of separating the juice, the cereal will swell and create the desired consistency.

Sweet meatballs are delicious served with sour cream sauce or natural yogurt. But the kids will be happy to eat cutlets with condensed milk.

With chicken fillet

  1. Fillet of one chicken breast finely chop with a knife or pass through a meat grinder;
  2. Grate three medium carrots;
  3. Finely chop or grate one bell pepper;
  4. Simmer vegetables over low heat until tender;
  5. Mix the workpiece with chicken meat;
  6. Add spices and salt to taste;
  7. Form small koloboks;
  8. Transfer them to an oiled wire rack;
  9. Boil after boiling water in a double boiler for about 25-30 minutes.

Such cutlets will make a wonderful diet dinner. Rice or potatoes are great as a side dish.

A storehouse of vitamins

So, carrot cutlets carry everything beneficial features orange vegetable. They saturate the body with beta-carotene, vitamins C and K. Carrot cutlets are completely non-caloric. They will never add extra centimeters to the waist or hips.

Carrot cutlets are great for feeding children from a year old. They diversify the diet and prevent vitamin deficiency in the body.

Meatballs are prepared quickly and easily. They can be fried in a small amount of oil, so they will acquire a golden crust. For diet food, baking and steaming are best suited.

Experiment and eat differently!

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