Home Drinks and cocktails Cooking assignments for schoolchildren. Quiz game "culinary erudite". Cooking quiz "Lick your fingers"

Cooking assignments for schoolchildren. Quiz game "culinary erudite". Cooking quiz "Lick your fingers"

1. The name of which fruit is literally translated from Latin as “grainy”? (Garnet)

2. The name of which dish literally translates from French as "vinegar"? (The vinaigrette)

3. The name of which dish in Latin literally meant “salted with sea water”? (Marinade)

4. Drinking wine with someone as a sign of establishing a close friendship and a friendly transition to “you” is called the German word “bruderschaft”. And how is it translated? (Brotherhood)

5. Say "bread and butter" in German. (A sandwich)

6. The name of which fruit comes from the Latin language and literally means "precocious"? (Apricot)

7. The name of which fruit in Dutch literally means "apple from China"? (Orange)

8. The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word for "head"? (Cabbage)

9. The name of which vegetable in Greek means "unripe, unripe"? (Cucumber)

10. What vegetable did the Italians call the "golden apple"? (Tomato)

11. What meat product got its name from the Russian word "dilapidated", "old"? (Ham is meat prepared for the future, which means it is not fresh)

12. The name of which dish is derived from the Udmurt words "ear" and "bread"? (Dumplings. Pel - ear, nyan - bread)

13. The name of which food product was born in ancient India and literally means "sand, gravel"? (Sugar)

14. The name of which sweet comes from the Latin language and originally meant "prepared medicine"? (Candy - from "konfectum")

15. We borrowed the name of this sweet from the French language, where it meant "quince marshmallow". Name her. (Marmalade)

16. The name of which flour product in Greek means "butter cake"? (fritters)

17. The name of which meat dish in German means “a piece of paper, shavings”? (Schnitzel)

18. Which cereal got its name from the pearly color of the grains? (Perlovka - from pearl - "pearl")

19. The name of which cottage cheese dish, into which egg whites are whipped into a thick foam, also has the meaning “slap in the face” in French? (Souffle)

20. The name of which cold soup suggests that it is made from beets with tops? (Botwinya)

21. What vegetable is very well stored until spring, and therefore during Great Lent in Russia they ate more than turnips, cabbage and carrots, for which he received the name "repentant vegetable"? (radish)

22. The name of which fat is literally translated from Latin as “pearl”? (Margarine)

23. The name of which drink is translated from English as "cock's tail"? (Cocktail)

24. Raw materials for which drink are black and green? (Tea)

25. In a Georgian village, you can see the following picture: a leather bag with some kind of liquid lies on the road. Everyone who passes by this bag must kick it. What drink is prepared in this way? (Kefir - matsoni)

26. What is the name of the drink obtained from the milk of mares? (Kumiss)

27. Which drinks clearly show that they are made from citrus fruits? (Lemonade and orangeade)

28. What healing drink can be obtained in the spring forest? (Birch juice)

29. Russian church wine with a French name? (Cahors)

30. What kind of drink will you get if you pour fried pieces of bread with water and add sugar? (Kvass)

31. What kind of drink can be made from "arabica"? (Coffee)

32. What turns black coffee into a cappuccino? (Cream)

33. What is the name in the East for condensed fruit syrup and a soft drink made from fruit juice and sugar? (Sherbet)

34. Hot drink made from honey and spices? (Sbiten)

35. The name of which fermented milk drink suggests that it is very easy to prepare? (sour milk)

36. Name three foods that six out of ten fatal diseases are associated with overconsumption? (Salt, sugar, animal fats)

37. What was served in Russia instead of sauces? (explosion)

38. Where were all the classic sauces created? (In France in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries)

39. What expensive delicacy of the North German cities in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries successfully competed on the world market with furs and flax from Russia, French wines and English wool? (Baltic herring with special salting)

40. Who invented mayonnaise and what city is it named after? (In 1757, during the British siege of Mahon, French chefs diversified the menu of the besieged with a new dish made from eggs and Provence oil. Mayonnaise was named after the capital of the island of Menorca - Mahon)

41. How can you get rid of the bitterness of the grapefruit fruit? (It is necessary to remove the translucent leathery film that covers each lobule of the fetus with a case, in which quinic acid and bitter glycosides are mainly concentrated)

42. What dairy product was recommended by one of the oldest handwritten medical books "Cool Helicopter" to be used as an antidote for acute poisoning? (Sour milk - curdled milk)

43. What was called drinks in Russia? (Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea. Drinks were not drunk, but eaten)

44. The name of which dairy product among the Caucasian peoples comes from the word "health"? (Kefir from the word "kef" - "health")

45. What two berries are poetically called "northern grapes"? (Cranberries and gooseberries)

46. ​​What is the difference between dried apricots and apricots? (Dried apricots are fruits of ripe apricots cut in half lengthwise and dried without pits in the sun. Apricots are dried apricot fruits with pits. “Kuru” is translated from Turkic languages ​​as “dry”)

47. What cereal is pearl barley made from? (From barley. And they called her that for her mother-of-pearl color)

48. How can the liver, spleen, heart, tongue, brain, intestines, kidneys, bones of farm animals be called in one culinary word? (offal)

49. A famous Italian dish named after an equally famous city? (Pizza. Pisa)

50. Where did the word "soup" come from? (From the Italian "uppa", which means something soft, something that is drunk)

51. The absence of what daily dish on the table in some old books was considered evidence of trouble in the house? (Soup)

52. What product was used in ancient times instead of sugar? (Honey and pressed date juice syrup)

53. About what product the poet of the Middle Ages Victor Masi left us these words: “... you are poetry, the bouquet of our dinner. What would life mean if you didn't exist? (About cheese)

54. Which product doctors and scientists characterize as follows: “food that knows no taboos”, “perfect product”, “natural concentrate of the beneficial properties of milk”, “the softest food product”, “diet for everyone”? (Cottage cheese)

55. Which pig meat was considered a delicacy in Ancient Greece? (Died of overeating)

56. In which country did vegetarians appear? (In India around 1000 BC)

57. Where did noodles first appear and when? (In China in the first century AD)

58. With what water was wine mixed in ancient Greece? (with sea water)

59. Where did the very first restaurants in the world appear? (In China, in 1153 in Kaifeng)

60. What is another name for wild garlic? (Bear bow)

61. Which of the eggs is most useful: raw, soft-boiled, hard-boiled or fried? (soft boiled)

62. Where was the very first cookbook created? (In Mesopotamia in 1700 BC)

63. In what water does champagne cool faster - raw or boiled? Who owns this discovery? (Boiled. This discovery belongs to Nero)

64. Where did chewing gum appear and when? (In Central America in the XIII-XIV centuries)

65. Where did cocoa originate? (In Mexico)

66. Cocoa + red hot pepper + cornmeal + water. What drink did the Aztecs prepare from this mixture? (Cocoa)

67. When did coffee appear and where did it grow? (Coffee is mentioned for the first time in the tenth century AD. It grew in Ethiopia)

68. When and where did you start drinking beer? (In Mesopotamia and Egypt in the third millennium BC)

69. What is gyuvech? (Bulgarian dish of vegetables baked in the oven with lamb)

70. What is the literal translation of the word "symposium"? (From the Greek word "symposion", literally - a feast)

71. What was the original name of the food that was put into sea water for salting? (Marinade)

72. Chinese chefs claim that you can cook food from anything except ... What is the poetic image of what you can’t cook food from, which Chinese chefs call. (From the reflection of the moon in the lake)

73. Fish, which all the bones were counted and removed. (Fillet)

74. What grows in the field, which can be said to be the full edge of the cob? (Corn)

75. Seasoning that gives pepper to eaters. (Adjika)

76. What word makes a small tangerine related to a hefty grapefruit? (Citrus)

77. Meat of the fish king. (Sturgeon)

78. What is the name of the spree dough? (Opara)

79. What product named a month that is not on the calendar? (Honey. Newlyweds spend their honeymoon after the wedding)

80. What is the name of a wild strawberry? (Strawberry)

81. Culinary decoration for the ears. (Noodles)

82. What culinary product can be said to be a “wounded dish”? (Roll)

83. What part of the egg was rejected by the meringue, but eggnog was attracted? (Yolk)

84. Name the most common candy bird. (Cockerel)

85. A simplified version of a hot dog sausage. (Sausage)

86. Which berry got its name from the smelly leaves? (Currant - from the word "stench" - an unpleasant smell)

87. What one word, but not "food", can be called borscht, and soup, and fish soup, and shi? ("First")

88. She is good both under a fur coat and without it. (Herring)

89. Invisible but useful part of food. (Vitamin)

90. Fruit explosive. (Garnet)

91. Soup with salad in one bottle. (Okroshka)

92. Edible watermelon rind mummy. (candied fruit)

93. What kind of pickle in Russia did they eat with their hands? (Pie with pickles)

94. What is the name of a meat snack that shivers? (Junior, jelly)

95. What festive outfit does a herring wear? (Fur coat)

96. What is the name of the mushrooms that appear on the jam? (Mold)

97. She tastes great, even black, even red. (Caviar. Currant)

98. What kind of berry can a summer resident grow only by turning his six acres into a swamp? (Cranberries)

99. What is the name of "glue" for jelly that does not want to harden? (Gelatin)

100. What is the name of an octopus that does not come out in height, but comes out in taste? (Squid)

101. What sweets, loved by many children, contain the word "chalk"? (KaraMEL, Marmelad)

102. What dish is ready at the cook's at any moment of the day or night? (Ear - COOK)

103. How to feed the whole family with one crumb? (Add the letter “O” to it, and you get “okroshka”)

104. What kind of rectangular cubes do modern women play in the kitchen? (bouillon cubes)

105. How to make sour kefir sweet without sugar and jam? (Replace the letter "K" with "3": kefir - marshmallow)

106. What salad can be found among French names? (Olivier salad)

107. What is very cold inside a herring? (Ice - herring)

108. Name the final curdled confection. (Roll)

109. Say "stick" in French. (Baton)

110. Bread of Caucasian nationality? (Pita)

111. What delicacy in Italy and France are pigs looking for? (truffle mushrooms)

112. What "worms" are loved in Russia no less than in their native Italy? (Vermicelli. "Vermicello" in Italian "worms")

113. What is cooked, but then not eaten? (cast iron, steel, bay leaf)

114. Who bakes, fries all day, but does not treat pancakes? (The sun)

115. What terrible monsters eat only eyes? (Smoke, soap, shampoo)

116. What do housewives put out but don't give anyone to eat? (Light, candles)

117. Truffle, but not a mushroom; iris, but not a flower? (Candy)

118. "The Cloudy Garden", where the apple turned out to be that fruit. (Paradise)

119. Processed cheese with warm human relations in its name. ("Friendship")

120. What meat dish should every cook know how to cook? (Navy pasta)


  1. To expand and systematize students' knowledge about proper nutrition, about healthy products.
  2. Develop your horizons and vocabulary. Develop teamwork skills, develop a sense of cooperation.
  3. To instill in students the desire for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Members: 5th grade students, 9th grade students (jury members), teacher (host of the event).

Equipment: illustrations, multimedia equipment.

Planned results: students will learn to systematize knowledge about proper nutrition, about healthy foods; expand their horizons and vocabulary; will be able to develop teamwork skills, a sense of cooperation.

Event progress:

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children!

We don't live to eat, we eat to live.
Let these words of the famous Socrates become the motto of our meeting today. Today we will play a game - a quiz "Connoisseurs of proper nutrition." We will arrange a competition and find out which of the teams is the best connoisseur of proper nutrition. I suggest you, dear guys, show your skills and knowledge in the game - a quiz. Together we will try to figure out what “proper nutrition” means, which foods are healthy and which are dangerous to our health. Two teams will participate in the quiz, the jury will work (high school students). The jury members will carefully monitor the answers and evaluate each task, at the end of the quiz our esteemed jury will sum up the results of the quiz. For each correct answer, the team will receive an orange - a symbol of victory. Whichever team has the most oranges wins. The winners will be awarded the title of "Connoisseurs of Proper Nutrition". I wish you all good luck!

(Representation of teams, jury)

1 competition "Milk rivers, kissel banks"

"Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy!" Even Eastern doctors hundreds of years ago attributed magical properties to milk. They believed that milk promotes the development of intelligence, makes a person more intelligent, helps him understand the world around him and distinguish good from evil, and this is exactly what you guys need so much! Therefore, in order for a child to grow up healthy, he must definitely drink at least one glass of milk daily! This truly unique product contains all the main vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the child. Let's check how well you know the properties of this product.

1. What happens when milk is soured?

  • curdled milk
  • Yogurt
  • Butter
  1. The first meal of a newborn baby?
  • Milk
  • Kefir

3. Why do children need milk?

  • For happiness
  • For the mood
  • For growth
  1. What is butter made from?
  • From cream
  • From cottage cheese
  • From sour cream
  1. What cold dessert, loved by children, is made from milk?
  • Cottage cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Pudding
  1. What is the fermented mare's milk called?
  • Kumys
  • Ryazhenka
  • Kefir

2 competition "Vegetables from the garden"

Vegetables are very healthy foods that every person needs to protect immunity and good health, they are especially important for a growing child's body.

  1. Which vegetable is very good for vision?
  • Carrot
  • Cabbage
  • Tomato
  1. What vegetable is called the second bread?
  • Eggplant
  • Potato
  • Cucumber
  1. Which vegetable has the most vitamin C?
  • in cabbage
  • In beets
  • In sweet red pepper
  1. What is another name for a tomato?
  • Tomato
  • Signor
  1. This vegetable in green pods is a favorite children's treat in the country garden.
  • Peas
  • Beans
  1. One of the largest vegetables
  • Pumpkin
  • Eggplant
  • vegetable marrow

Physical education "Vegetables"

One, two, three, four, walking in place

Children vegetables taught: Jumping in place

Onion, radish, zucchini, Tilts left and right

Horseradish, carrot, garlic Clap hands

3rd competition "Vitamin Family"

Vitamins "revive" proteins, fats and carbohydrates, ensure their functions. They help the body grow and develop. Without them, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are ballast. Guys, what vitamins do you know? (children speak)

  1. What vitamin does a person get by sunbathing?
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  1. What foods contain vitamin C?
  • Rosehip, lemon, cabbage
  • Cucumber, peas, potatoes
  • Apple, pear, pineapple
  1. Which vitamin is called the "growth vitamin"?
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin A
  1. What vitamin deficiency causes flaky skin?
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin A
  1. The main source of vitamins is...
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Sweets
  • Meat products
  1. What foods contain vitamin E?
  • Fish, vegetables
  • Eggs, nuts, dairy products, vegetable oils
  • Fruit, chocolate

4 competition "Exotic fruits"

Surely, no one will argue with the fact that fruits are very beneficial for our health. After all, it is one of the main sources of vitamins and minerals. And for you guys, these products are even more important.

  1. What is a dried pitted apricot called?
  • Prunes
  • Dried apricots
  1. Name the fruit called "royal fruit"
  • Apple
  • Pear
  • A pineapple
  1. Name the softest fruit
  • Peach
  • Apricot
  • Orange
  1. Sweetish fruit with a small stone inside, similar to a cherry
  • Mango
  • Plum
  • Cherries
  1. Which fruit has a monument erected in the city of Odessa?
  • Orange
  • Mandarin
  • Lemon
  1. Which fruit contains a third of the daily requirement of vitamin C?
  • in an apple
  • in a lemon
  • in a pear

The game "Useful - not useful"

Guys, now let's play with you. If the product is useful, clap your hands and loudly say “Yes!” If it is not useful, then everyone stomp together and say “No! »

There are harmful and healthy foods.

Who will give the correct answer

What is useful and what is not?

Apple juice (Yeah)

Pepsi, lemonade (No)

Roasted sunflower seeds (No)

Sugar - refined (No)

The pies are hot (Yeah)

Crispy chips (No)

Milk and porridge (Yes)

Fruit, curdled milk (Yeah)

5 competition "Drinks"

The need for human fluid intake has long been known. Doctors say that the supply of moisture in the body should be at least 2 liters. This is how much water you need to drink daily. However, drinks are different. Guys, drink less carbonated drinks, because they contain substances that are harmful to your body. Give preference to drinks that are healthy.

  1. What is the name of a refreshing drink, a mixture of water and juices from berries or fruits with the addition of honey or sugar?
  • Morse
  • Lemonade
  1. This drink is usually brewed from dried fruits.
  • Compote
  • Kissel
  1. This white drink of animal origin is simply necessary for a person from the first birthday
  • Kefir
  • Milk
  1. What juice is called the "king of vitamins"?
  • Peach
  • Pomegranate
  • Orange
  1. This drink is considered harmful to the child's body.
  • carbonated sweet water
  • Mineral water
  1. What is the name of a sweet dessert jelly-like drink made from fresh and dried fruits and berries, fruit and berry juices, syrups, jams?
  • Kefir
  • Kissel

6 competition "Porridge - our joy"

Porridge is a very healthy, nutritious, tasty and essential food that children should eat every day for breakfast. It has been proven that all cereals are good for children. Each of the cereals contains a unique complex of essential substances: vegetable proteins and carbohydrates, minerals, B vitamins.

  1. Don't spoil the porridge...
  • Oil painting
  • sour cream
  • chocolate
  1. What is the name of porridge cooked from a mixture of several cereals?
  • Happiness
  • friendship
  • Love
  1. What kind of porridge is called beauty porridge?
  • oatmeal
  • semolina
  • Rice
  1. What porridge improves the condition of teeth and gums?
  • Rice
  • corn
  • Barley
  1. What kind of porridge is called "pearl"?
  • barley
  • buckwheat
  • millet
  1. What is the highest calorie cereal? Also in this porridge there are vitamins B1, B2, the mineral potassium.
  • barley
  • semolina
  • oatmeal

Summing up the results of the quiz, awarding the winners.

Teacher: I would like to end our meeting with the words of Tolstoy L.N.: “If people ate only when they were very hungry, and if they ate simple, clean and healthy food, then they would not know diseases and could control their soul and body." See you soon!


  • identify the degree of awareness and depth of knowledge of students;
  • to raise interest in knowledge of "cooking";
  • develop logical thinking.

Event progress

Quiz "Culinary Scholar"

  1. Introductory word of the teacher.
  2. Two teams of participants are recruited. Selected by the jury. First, a question is asked to the first team, if it does not answer, then the second can answer. For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point. At the end of the quiz, the jury calculates the points and announces the results. The winning team will be awarded prizes.

Questions for the quiz.

  • A cook on a ship? (Cook)
  • Tasty show? (Gusto)
  • Honey tree? (Linden.)
  • Mini bagel? (Baranka)
  • Mirror fish? (Carp)
  • What is served at the end of dinner? (Dessert)
  • Cabbage soup? (Shi)
  • "Clothing" boiled potatoes? (Uniform)
  • Specially processed grain, ready for making cereals, soups, pilaf? (Krupa)
  • A gourd plant? (Watermelon)
  • A glass vessel with a high leg for mineral water and other drinks? (Wine glass)
  • Tall cylindrical loaf, usually Easter? (Kulich)
  • Sugar lumps? (Refined)
  • Daily meal? (Dinner)
  • Ceramic dishes? (Porcelain)
  • Southern juicy sweet fruit with a stone, shaggy to the touch? (Peach)
  • Net weight of the product? (Net)
  • The art of cooking? (Cooking)
  • Name a vegetable that has been grown in Russia for a long time, the name comes from the Latin “head”? (Cabbage)
  • Big confection? (Cake)
  • List of dishes in a cafe? (Menu)
  • Candied fruit slice? (candied fruit)
  • A piece of liquid? (A drop)
  • A mare's milk product? (Kumiss)
  • Common name for beets, carrots, turnips? (root vegetable)
  • Traditional Russian drink? (Kvass)
  • The earliest vegetable, a root crop? (Radish)
  • For divulging the secret of what delicacy the confectioner of King Charles of Austria was threatened with the death penalty? (Ice cream)
  • Name the fruit of seven grains? (Corn)
  • Russian folk tale about a successful vegetable grower? (Turnip)
  • A pungent but very healthy vegetable? (Onion)
  • An ancient feast, and today a scientific conference? (Symposium)
  • Semi-finished product for bread and flour confectionery? (Dough)
  • Leaf vegetable or cold dish? (Salad)
  • What is the product about which they say “was born in water, but is afraid of water”? (Salt)
  • Sweet potato? (Sweet potato)
  • Kind of dry biscuit? (Cracker)
  • Russian national dish, which is defined in the dictionary as “little pies” with meat or other fillings, boiled in boiling water? (Dumplings)
  • What plant is added to coffee? (Chicory)
  • What vegetable was brought to Europe from Peru? (Potato)
  • Red hot vegetable? (Pepper)
  • What is the name of a set of tableware or tea utensils? (Service)
  • Cooking, what product is never successful on the first try? (Crap)
  • The baked surface of a loaf of bread? (Crust)
  • A small sausage used boiled? (Sausage, sausage)
  • A barbecue grill? (Barbecue)
  • A microelement that is added to table salt? (Iodine)
  • Jelly in a cake? (Jelly)
  • A drink made from boiled fruit? (Compote)
  • Emperor cake? ("Napoleon")

Game "Field of Wonders"


  • to deepen knowledge of "Cookery";
  • develop the need for knowledge and skills;
  • cultivate perseverance in achieving the goal.

KMO: roulette wheel showing the number of points; board with tasks, prizes.

Event progress

The host of the game, by means of a lot, selects nine participants to play in three rounds. A question is asked for each round, the participants answer by spinning the roulette wheel, scoring points and naming the letters of the alphabet. One is determined in each round. The game is played with the audience. Participants and winners are awarded prizes and gifts. The game takes place with funny and witty comments from the host.

  • 1 round. Question: Name a flour confectionery baked in a Russian oven, which has passed many tests and is eaten because of its naivety. (Kolobok).
  • Round 2 Question: An oval cake of an oblong shape, wider and at the same time narrower than a closed cake. It is prepared from yeast or puff pastry with different types of fillings. (Kulebyak).
  • 3 round. Question: An ancient delicacy of many peoples. At first it was used for ritual purposes, and then as a treat. The recipe includes the following ingredients: herbs, seeds, bark, roots. (Gingerbread).
  • Round 4 Question: The name of this product comes from the Slavic word "wheel". This word in Russia characterizes a person who has seen the world, experienced, experienced a lot in life. Hint: “If you want to eat ..., then don’t sit on the stove.” (Kalach).

Super game. Question: What was called in Russia - the symbol of the Sun? (Crap).

game with the audience. Questions:

  • What won't fit into the biggest pan? (her cover)
  • What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)
  • What does half an apple look like? (To the other half).

Rules of the game: Rules of the game: 1. How many teams can take part in the quiz. 2. The right of the first move is played by lot. 3. The screen is divided into 5 sectors on certain topics. Each topic includes 10 questions. The team selects any sector number and follows the hyperlink to the question slide. 4. For each correct answer, the team receives 100 points and the right to choose the next question. If the answer is incorrect, the team is penalized by 100 points and the right to answer goes to the team whose captain raises his hand first. 5. The correct answer appears on the question slide after a mouse click. 6. To return to the theme slide, you need to click on the owl.

Interesting about apples Chocolate Milk and dairy products Nutritional supplements (E) Miscellaneous

On the territory of which modern country did the first apples appear on our planet? did the first apples appear on our planet? 1. Greece 2. Kazakhstan 3. Israel 4. Italy After many years of research, scientists have proven that Kazakhstan is the birthplace of apples on our planet. Apples appeared not far from the former capital of Kazakhstan - Almaty. "Almaty" is translated as "Apple".

Where are most of the nutrients found in an apple? 1. In the handle 1. In the handle 2. In the pulp 2. In the pulp 3. In the pits 3. In the pits 4. In the peel 4. In the peel Most useful elements are contained in the peel of apples. In addition to the peel and pulp, the bones of apples are also considered useful (it is recommended to eat 2-3 pieces per day).

Which country is the world's leading apple producer? 1.USA 2.Turkey 3.China 4.Italy The world leader in the production of apples is China. In 2011, more than 30 million tons were collected there. The second place is occupied by the USA - more than 4 million tons.

One of the reasons for the start of which war was an apple? 1. The War of the Roses 1. The War of the Roses 2. The Trojan War 3. The Hundred Years' War 4. The First Punic War According to the legend, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite argued about who was the most beautiful. Their dispute was to be resolved by Paris. For victory in the dispute, Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman - Helen - the wife of King Menelaus. Paris rewarded Aphrodite with an apple on which was written "To the most beautiful". After the abduction of Helen, the Trojan War began. So the expression "apple of discord" appeared.

On what Orthodox holiday do they bless apples and treat them to relatives and the poor? 1. Nativity of Christ 2. Easter 3. Transfiguration of the Lord 4. Baptism of the Lord Bless the apples on the Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior) - August 19th. According to tradition: until this day, eating apples is not allowed.

Apples help prolong life 1. Yes 2. No Eating one apple a day can increase life expectancy by 3 years. Apples contain a lot of pectin. Pectin is able to absorb radioactive substances, heavy metals, cholesterol and remove them from the body. Thus, pectin cleanses the intestines, restores its microflora, reduces blood sugar, cleanses the blood and stimulates the immune system.

What fruit do the people of the Netherlands call the "Chinese apple"? 1. Grapefruit 1. Grapefruit 2. Tomato 2. Tomato 3. Orange 3. Orange 4. Lemon 4. Lemon "Chinese apples" are called oranges by the inhabitants of the Netherlands.

Which of the following foods does not contain apples? 1. Charlotte 2. Cider 3. Tkemali sauce 4. Calvados Georgian Tkemali sauce is not prepared from apples. It includes plum-tkemali and spices. Cider is a low-alcohol drink made from apple juice. Calvados is an apple alcoholic drink obtained by distilling cider. Charlotte is a sweet apple pie.

World Chocolate Day is celebrated ... September 2. December 7 July May This holiday was invented on July 11, 1995 in France.

In 2010, a chocolate record was set - the largest chocolate bar was made. How much did she weigh? 1. 2.5 tons 2. 4.41 tons 3. 6.28 tons 4. 8.15 tons The weight of the largest chocolate bar is 4.41 tons. Its length is 5.6 m, width - 2.75 m, height - 25 cm. The manufacturer is the Armenian confectionery factory Grand Candy.

Is it true that the ancient Mayans and Aztecs believed that cocoa trees were sent from heaven 1. Yes 2. No Yes. The fruits of these trees, according to the Mayans and Aztecs, give wisdom and strength. Aztec chocolate was different from modern chocolate, it was with the addition of hot peppers, corn and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

During the filming of Alfred Hitchcock's Psychosis, chocolate syrup was used instead of Blood 2. Medicines 3. Dirt In the 1960 film Psychosis, chocolate syrup was used instead of blood.

Before the exam, Japanese students often consume chocolates of this brand, because their name "sets up for victory." What kind of chocolates are we talking about? 1. Kit Kat 2. Cadbury 3. Nestle 4. Aero Kit Kat. The name is consonant with the Japanese words "kitto katsu" ("definitely win").

It is known that Hippocrates healed a large number of his patients with the help of milk. What disease did he treat with milk? 1. Heart diseases 2. Digestive diseases 3. Consumption 4. Plague With the help of goat's milk, Hippocrates treated consumption. The famous doctor S.P. Botkin said: milk is "a precious remedy in the treatment of diseases of the heart and kidneys." And the famous Russian doctor IP Pavlov proved that milk helps patients with poor digestion.

The secret of making which dairy product was hidden by the Highlanders? 1. Ryazhenki 2. Kefir 3. Curdled milk 4. Yoghurt Kefir was “born” in the Caucasus and the recipe for this drink was kept secret for a long time. The highlanders had a belief that if one of them tells about how to cook kefir, sells or donates kefir fungi, then all the leaven will die and the whole people will be deprived of food.

Is it true that milk strengthens the substance of the brain and improves memory? 1. Yes 2. No Milk contains proteins with a high content of amino acids, which improve the transmission of nerve signals in the brain. With the regular use of only 2 glasses of milk a day, the risk of memory loss and dementia is significantly reduced.

A fermented milk product obtained by mixing sheep, goat and cow milk, sometimes with an admixture of camel milk is called ... 1. Kaimak 2. Tarak 3. Airan 4. Shubat Tarak is one of the main fermented milk products of the Mongols, Buryats, Altaians, Tuvans and Kalmyks.

Which animal's milk has the highest fat content? 1. Whale 2. Mares 3. Seals 4. Sheep The fattest is seal milk - on average about 53%. Whale milk contains about 45% fat, sheep - an average of 7.3%, while mare's milk contains only about 1.5% fat.

The second wife of Nero Poppaea, who was known as a great beauty, always took 500 donkeys with her on a trip in order to be able to take milk baths that improve the skin. Why did Nero's wife, Poppea, always take donkeys on campaigns? 1. She drank at least 1 a day. She drank at least 2 liters of milk a day. 2. She treated her cough with hot milk. cough. 3. She breastfed her children 4. She took milk baths.

Which of the following is allowed in Russia but prohibited in Japan, Norway, USA, Canada? 1. Sorbic acid 2. Synthetic coloring Green S 3. Red amaranth Synthetic food coloring Green S (E142). Coal tar dye. It can be found in canned peas, mint sauce, potato-based dry snacks, and is also widely used as an Easter egg dye.

Which of the following is added to almost every chewing gum? 1. Carotene (E162a) 2. Orsin (E182) 3. Titanium dioxide (E171) Titanium dioxide is used in the food industry as a bleaching agent. According to unverified data, it can cause liver and kidney disease.

E326, potassium lactate, protect food from oxidation, rancidity and discoloration. Included in dry biscuits, cheese, confectionery and baby food. Which of the following is a natural and harmless "E" additive? 1. Potassium lactate (E326) 2. Citrus red (E121) 3. Lactic acid (E270)

"Chinese Restaurant Syndrome": there is a burning sensation and numbness of the face and neck, a headache from pain and pain in the chest, which even doctors mistake for a heart attack. The reason is the dietary supplement monosodium glutamate, which disrupts the normal transmission of nerve impulses. "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome": there is a burning sensation and numbness of the face and neck, a headache from pain and pain in the chest, which even doctors mistake for a heart attack. The reason is the dietary supplement monosodium glutamate, which disrupts the normal transmission of nerve impulses. Monosodium glutamate (E621) causes "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome". 1. Yes 2. No

Aspartame (E951) is a synthetic sugar substitute. Drinking drinks with aspartame does not quench thirst. It is found in almost all lemonades and carbonated drinks. It can cause headaches, migraines, tinnitus, allergies, depression, insomnia, and even brain cancer. What happens to drinks due to aspartame (E951)? 1. Drinks are addictive 2. Drinks do not quench thirst 3. Drinks foam

Quillaia extract (E999). Large doses of quillaia extract can cause liver damage, convulsions, spasms, and respiratory disorders. This foaming agent is used in the manufacture of beer, soft drinks, ice cream and sugar confectionery. What substance are we talking about? 1. Sodium phosphates (E339) 2. Quillaya extract (E999) 3. Sodium lactate (E325)

Around 1700, the chamberlain of King Ferdinand II, Gennaro Spadacchini, invented a fork with four prongs to make it easier to eat pasta. Prior to this, forks had only two prongs, so pasta would constantly slide off of them. Around 1700, the chamberlain of King Ferdinand II, Gennaro Spadaccini, invented a fork with four prongs to make it easier to eat pasta. Prior to this, forks had only two tines, so the pasta kept slipping off them. We owe pasta the invention of one of the table setting items. What? 1. Special bowl 2. Napkins 3. Forks with four prongs

Scandinavian legend says that if a young man and a girl take a bite from the same loaf, even if by accident, they are doomed to fall in love with each other. According to an ancient Scandinavian sign: a guy and a girl will fall in love if ... 1. they break bread... 2. they eat a piece of bread from one loaf 3. they sow rye together...

The most expensive tea in the world is called Da Hong Pao, which means “Big Red Robe” in Chinese. The name of the tea was due to the fact that in May, when the buds swell, the tea bushes look like they are dressed in red clothes. In 2005, 20 grams of tea (four spoons) was sold at an auction for $25,000. The most expensive tea in the world is called Da Hong Pao, which means Big White Robe 2. Big Black Robe 3. Big Red Robe 4. Big Pearl Robe

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world - one kilogram costs about dollars. Saffron is the hand-picked and dried stamens of a flower from the crocus family. The most expensive spice in the world is... 1. Capsicum vanilla 2. Saffron 3. Pink pepper

Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, wore potato flowers in her hair as a decoration. How did Louis XVI's wife, Marie Antoinette, use potatoes? 1. I made hand baths from potato broth 2. I inserted potato flowers into my hair 3. I made potato face masks

In 1665, the court physician Samuel Collins prescribed a recipe for Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich - “Coffee boiled by Persians and Turks is known ... there is a fair amount of medicine against rhinitis and headaches.” Once the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was prescribed coffee as a medicine. What disease was the king treated for? 1. Renal colic 1. Renal colic 2. Cold 3. Sleep disorder

Internet resources (material)

Internet resources (illustrations) rigjpg.pnghttp://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/4/78/669/ _0_64dfc_ffa6c0ac_o vesyam/bryugge/muzei/bryugge-muzei-shokolada/image_preview

Internet resources (illustrations)

Nutrition is one of the key means of maintaining life, health, good working capacity of a person. It's no secret that a person "is what he eats." Therefore, the food consumed by us - special attention! Human nutrition should be rational, balanced, correct.

The food quiz for kids contains 12 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

1. Which potato is healthier?
Potato boiled in skin +
Potatoes, peeled and boiled whole
Potato cut into pieces

2. Which food contains the most vitamin C?
in lemons
In oranges
In sweet, bell pepper +

3. In ancient times, they made bouquets from them, decorated dwellings during the days of festivities. These plants flaunted on the coins. What is it about?
About nettle, wood lice
About celery, parsley, dill +
About cornflowers, daisies, lilies

4. This product is "from seven ailments." What product are we talking about?
Bow +

5. What is an omelet?
Scrambled eggs cooked with milk +

6. A joke question. Who is a "barbarian" according to the Clueless Dictionary
Answer: cook (var-var)

7. Vitamin P is necessary for the human body. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels. What do you think, which foods contain the most vitamin P?
Eggs, bread, pasta, cereals
Beans, soybeans, apricots, greens
Citrus fruits, black currant, rosehip +

8. Continue the proverb:
“Not everything is useful that gets into your mouth ... climbed”
“The mill is strong with water, and man ... with food”
"When I eat, I am deaf ... and dumb"
"The nightingale is not fed with fables"
“What you bake ... then eat”

9. These fruits taste good. Their homeland is Northern Iran, Asia Minor. About 2000 varieties are known. The cultivars of this plant originated from multiple, natural crosses of blackthorn and cherry plum. There are a lot of useful sugars, vitamins, biologically valuable substances in this food product. What food product are you talking about?
Plum +

10. Carlson convinced the Kid that it was from this food that all happiness would come. What food product are you talking about?
Pies +

“Believe me, Carlson: happiness is not in pies ... Are you crazy?! And what else?

11. This cereal is considered the most ancient. What cereal do you mean?
Wheat +

12. This huge berry is called “mother” and is added to porridge. They also make dishes out of it. What berry are we talking about?
Pumpkin +

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