Home Main courses How to cook glasse at home. Coffee glasse - recipe. Choice of coffee for glace

How to cook glasse at home. Coffee glasse - recipe. Choice of coffee for glace

Julia Vern 23 283 0

Glace (or glace) is a coffee cocktail popular all over the world using ice cream. In appearance, it is a bit like Viennese coffee or latte, the difference is that the drink is served chilled.

Not all coffee lovers are ready to deny themselves the pleasure of drinking coffee in the heat, but drinking hot scalding liquid under the rays of the scorching sun turns into a test rather than a pleasure. Luckily for many people, adventurous Austrians have invented a special way to prepare a flavored drink by inventing the Glace coffee recipe.

Strictly speaking, the question of who actually invented the glass remains open to this day. There is a legend according to which a certain young Austrian on a hot summer day, going to an important business meeting, decided to run into a coffee shop to drink his favorite cappuccino. The bartender immediately set to work, rushing to serve a regular visitor, but was displeased to find that milk - a necessary component for making a drink - had ended. However, the resourceful barista found a way out by opting to use ice cream instead of the traditional milk.

The client liked the unusual drink with great taste and enchanting aroma so much that since then he began to order it. Perhaps this legend explains the information that the mix, consisting of coffee and ice cream, was invented in Austria. Subsequently, the recipe for making a cold cocktail was adopted by the French, and they also gave it a name - glasse, which in French "glacé" means "frozen", "ice".

By the way, coffee drinkers are so fond of the drink that even the popular Cies “Cold Gloss” paint tone is named after it, which gives the hair a luxurious shade of blond with exquisite ash tints.

How to write to put stress in the word "glace"

In the word “glase”, the stress is placed on the last syllable, since this structural unit is of French origin, and the French always have the last vowel sound stressed, therefore, it will be correct to say glassE.

Glase or glase? What is the correct spelling of this word? Based on the complete edition of the spelling dictionary, the last option is considered correct. In addition, the French word "glace" has one letter "c". It passed into the Russian language in an unchanged word form. However, on Wikipedia you can find other information, according to which the first option is also acceptable.

Thus, both forms are correct, by writing both “glase” and “glase”, a person will not make a spelling mistake.

What is the difference between glasse and latte?

These two coffee drinks are often confused, but sophisticated coffee lovers are well aware of the difference between glace and latte. Both of these cocktails have a milder taste compared to traditional coffee, are prepared on the basis of double espresso, contain less caffeine, which is more gentle on the body, but the ingredients in the recipes are different. Latte means “milk” in Italian, and this product is the main component that affects the taste of a coffee cocktail. To prepare a drink, you need a coffee maker equipped with a device that whips milk into a strong foam, the ratio to coffee is 2:6. Sugar is added to the composition to taste.

To prepare the glass, as mentioned earlier, a recipe with ice cream (2 scoops) is used.

By the way, it is not uncommon for glazes to be confused with Irish coffee, but the latter includes whipped cream and strong Irish whiskey.

What is coffee glace

Most people prefer the classic way of making coffee, but true gourmets know that there are a great many recipes for making this divine drink.

All coffee-based drinks that you can indulge in coffee houses and bistros are prepared with espresso: a strong aromatic coffee with a rich taste. It is made in coffee makers and coffee machines by passing hot water under pressure through compressed ground grains. Next, baristas begin to experiment by adding various ingredients to espresso, transforming ordinary coffee into a variety of cocktails. For example, whipped cream turns it into con panna, ice into coffee frappa, foamed milk into affogato, sambuca and lemon zest into a Viennese cocktail, ice cream into glass.

“Iced coffee”, as glasse is often called, is pleasantly refreshing and delights with amazing taste, which is why it is considered an exquisite dessert. The classic recipe for preparing a drink involves the use of double espresso, hot water and ice cream (added last in a proportion of 25% to the entire volume), but there are several dozen original options, among which every coffee lover will find the best and most favorite for himself.

In addition to ice cream - the main component of glasse - you can add to coffee:

  • liqueurs;
  • syrups;
  • whipped cream;
  • cocoa;
  • bananas;
  • chocolate;
  • confectionery sprinkles;
  • condensed milk;
  • spices;
  • powdered sugar;
  • coconut flakes;
  • candy crumb;
  • toppings.

The list can be continued for a long time, the beauty of glass lies in the unlimited ability to improvise and add ingredients to the recipe at your discretion. There are also many varieties of ice cream, but experts believe that it is preferable to use classic white ice cream or creme brulee.

However, one cannot fail to note the fact that glasse coffee is a very high-calorie drink. One cup of this magnificent dessert contains at least 150 calories, and, as additional components (chocolate, cream, syrups) are added, the calorie content of the cocktail will increase, sometimes reaching 450 kcal. Therefore, for people who are concerned about the problem of excess weight, you should not get carried away with glass, unless you treat yourself to it from time to time.

Glasse coffee can be prepared at home, there is nothing complicated about it.

Classic glace recipe

To prepare two servings of a cocktail you will need:

  • freshly brewed coffee - 300 ml;
  • ice cream or cream ice cream - 100 g.

It is also necessary to prepare in advance special molds for cutting ice cream balls, drinking straws, coffee spoons, napkins or coasters, canonical glasses or wine glasses in which the drink will be served.

Cooking method:

  1. Brew coffee using a glasse machine or a French press.
  2. Strain the hot drink and carefully pour into a pre-prepared serving dish.
  3. Cool the ice cream, cut out the balls.
  4. Pour ice cream into coffee glasses.

Instead of ground coffee, the recipe allows the use of instant coffee, which, of course, loses to a natural product in taste and aroma.

This method of preparing glace has a refined taste. For its preparation, it is better to take coffee with a strong roast.


  • coffee (as strong as possible) - 200 ml;
  • medium fat milk - 200 ml;
  • ice cream - 100 g;
  • sugar to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Brew coffee.
  2. Cool the hot drink and mix it with cold milk (ratio 1:1).
  3. Pour coffee into bowls, top with ice cream scoops.

White glass is great for cooling down on a hot summer day!

Coffee "Paradise"

This option is a real paradise for gourmets!

What will be required:

  • coffee - 250 ml:
  • ice cream or ice cream - 100 g;
  • whipped cream - 2 tablespoons (you can use the finished product);
  • chocolate syrup - 2 tablespoons;
  • caramel candies or crumbs - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • finely ground cocoa - optional.

How to cook the Paradise glasse:

  1. Brew espresso, cool. The approximate temperature of the drink should be no more than 15 degrees.
  2. Grind powdered sugar, mix with whipped cream.
  3. Mix powdered sugar with chilled whipped cream. Cream should be strong and not drip off a spoon.
  4. Pour chocolate syrup into the bottom of the glasses, pour coffee on top.
  5. Decorate the drink with whipped cream, cocoa, ice cream balls.

The final touch is the decoration of the glass with candy crumbs. Drink immediately and enjoy the multifaceted palette of taste and aroma of the drink.

Sunrise Coffee

And this is not just coffee anymore, the Sunrise recipe is a full-fledged nutritious and very high-calorie dessert (300 kcal). The secret of a breathtakingly delicious drink is that it is prepared with egg yolks.

List of ingredients:

  • ground coffee - 100 g;
  • chicken yolks - 5 pieces;
  • ice cream - 300 g;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet.

How to make coffee:

Beat the granulated sugar and yolks with a mixer.

  1. Brew espresso. In this case, it must be brought to a boil, but not boiled. Cool down.
  2. Pour over coffee yolks, sprinkle with vanilla sugar, boil, without bringing to a boil, so that the mass becomes homogeneous.
  3. Cool, pour a thick drink into glasses.
  4. Put ice cream on top.

If desired, dessert can be sprinkled with chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa.

Professional baristas recommend using only high-quality coffee, the taste of this product determines how the glass will turn out. A little trick: if you add a pinch of sugar or cocoa to it when brewing espresso, then the drink will acquire a special sophistication.

A coffee drink known as coffee glace is a cold dessert made from natural coffee with the addition of ice cream. When and in what country this cocktail appeared is unknown. Some consider Austria to be his homeland, others - France. The name indicates precisely the French origin: the word glace from this language is translated as "ice". That is why many dictionaries recorded the spelling of the word "glase" not with two letters "s", but with one. There is no single recipe for glace coffee, but it is generally accepted that a quarter of the cocktail should be ice cream. The coffee base itself is brewed from medium-roasted Arabica coffee in a Turk or using a coffee maker or coffee machine. Otherwise, much depends on the imagination of the barista.

Cooking features

In order for coffee to look according to any of the selected recipes to be tasty and aromatic, you need to know a few things:

  • A drink made from soluble granules is always inferior in its organoleptic properties to natural coffee.
  • Store coffee preferably in grains, grinding them immediately before brewing. Esters quickly evaporate from the powder, which is why coffee stored in ground form loses some of the aroma.
  • If you decide to include sugar in your coffee drink, you can add it during coffee brewing or immediately after it has been prepared, since this sweet product does not dissolve well in a chilled liquid. If you have already cooled the coffee, and then decided to sweeten it, it is better to use syrup for this.
  • If you have brewed Turkish coffee, you can cool it down without filtering it. Then it will acquire a richer taste. However, before preparing a cold cocktail based on black coffee, it still needs to be filtered, otherwise it will not be very pleasant to drink it.
  • When brewing coffee in a cezve, it should not be allowed to boil, but it must be brought to a boil over low heat 2-3 times.
  • Cooling coffee to make a cold coffee cocktail to room temperature is not enough. Before that, it is placed for 10-15 minutes in the freezer.
  • Not every ice cream is suitable for making coffee. Preference is given to ice cream or ice cream. Milk desserts with fruit fillings are not suitable for making a coffee cocktail, as they distort its taste and aroma.

Glaze coffee is served in transparent glasses or glasses with ice cream balls on top. It's a good idea to sprinkle it with cocoa, grated chocolate, cinnamon, or candy chips. For dessert, a straw or a small spoon is served, which is convenient for eating ice cream.

Glace coffee is one of the most high-calorie options for coffee drinks, so those who are on a diet should not get carried away with it.

Easy coffee glaze recipe

  • fine grinding coffee - 20 g;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • sugar (optional) - 5 g;
  • ice cream (plombir or cream) - 60-100 g;
  • ground cinnamon (optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Warm up the Turk, pour ground coffee into it.
  • Add sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. Sugar will add sweetness to the drink, cinnamon will make its aroma even softer and more seductive.
  • Fill with water. It is desirable to use filtered or spring water: from water with high hardness, coffee turns out to be less tasty.
  • Put the Turk on a slow fire. Wait until the coffee starts to boil.
  • Remove the cezve from the heat, count to 10 and return to the stove.
  • When the coffee begins to boil again, remove it completely from the stove, stir, cover and leave to cool.
  • After the coffee has cooled to room temperature, strain it through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Remove for 10-15 minutes in the freezer.
  • Pour coffee into glasses. A drink made from the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe is enough for two servings.
  • Pour ice cream into glasses, sprinkle with cinnamon and serve.

Festive video recipe:

Don't forget to put a straw in each glass. Separately, you can serve a spoon for ice cream. This glace coffee recipe is often referred to as a classic.

White coffee glaze

  • black coffee - 0.2 l;
  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • ice cream - 100-120 g;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Brew black coffee in any way convenient for you, dissolve sugar in it.
  • Let the coffee cool, strain if necessary.
  • Mix coffee with chilled milk, pour into glasses.
  • Add scoops of ice cream.

When serving, the drink can be sprinkled with grated chocolate, black or white. The coffee drink prepared according to this recipe is not too strong, it has a mild and pleasant taste. Even children will like this cocktail, although it is still not worth offering it to too young creatures.

Coffee glace with chocolate syrup and lollipops

  • espresso or black coffee - 0.25 l;
  • whipping cream (fatty) - 40 ml;
  • chocolate syrup - 40 ml;
  • ice cream - 100 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • small caramel candies - 10 g;
  • cocoa powder - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Brew espresso. If you don't have a coffee machine, you can make black coffee in a different way.
  • Cool the coffee to the temperature of fresh milk and put it in the freezer for a quarter of an hour. If you brewed it in a cezve, it is recommended to strain the drink before placing it in the freezer.
  • Pour sugar into a coffee grinder, grind to a powder state.
  • Mix powdered sugar with cold cream and beat them using a mixer or blender.
  • Pour a spoonful of chocolate syrup into the bottom of transparent glasses.
  • Pour chilled coffee into glasses.
  • Top with whipped cream and scoops of ice cream.
  • Sprinkle with caramel chips (lollipops) and cocoa powder.

A coffee cocktail made according to this recipe is an exquisite delicacy that few people will refuse. Unusual decoration makes it even more seductive.

Glace coffee is one of the coffee drinks that are served cold. One of its main ingredients is ice cream, which turns the cocktail into an exquisite delicacy.

Glace (or glace) is a popular coffee "cocktail" with the addition of ice cream. Visually, it resembles and, however, unlike these drinks, glace must be served cold (from French glacé translates as icy, frozen).

For making coffee with a glass at home, either creme brulee or is suitable. And with the addition of cinnamon, this drink is even more rich and fragrant.

Ingredients for 1-2 servings:

  • ground coffee - 2 teaspoons (or to taste);
  • ice cream (ice cream) - 60-70 g;
  • drinking water - 250 ml;
  • ground cinnamon (optional) - a pinch;
  • sugar - optional and to taste.

Coffee glasse recipe at home with photo

  1. We start preparing the drink by brewing coffee. We lower finely ground coffee beans into the Turk, the dosage of which is adjusted according to personal preferences. At will, you can both lower and increase the strength of the future drink.
  2. For flavor, throw a pinch of ground cinnamon. If there is a desire to make the drink sweeter, at this stage we put sugar in the Turk.
  3. Pour in cold drinking water and put the container on fire. As soon as the liquid begins to rise, remove the cezve from the stove, not allowing the drink to boil. To maximize the coffee flavor and aroma, you can again place the container on the fire and repeat the procedure.
  4. Since the glasse is served cold, first completely cool the freshly brewed coffee and only then filter it through a fine sieve and pour it into portioned cups / glasses.
  5. We lower a portion of a dense ice cream into each container. To decorate and enhance the aroma, you can supplement the drink with cinnamon sticks. You can also use chocolate grated with small chips for decoration.
  6. Coffee glasse at home is ready! Enjoy a refreshing dessert drink!

Happy coffee drinking!

Coffee glass is a very popular and familiar drink.

This drink is not difficult to prepare, but it has excellent taste. The French word glace gave it its name. It is translated as adjectives - icy, icy, frozen, frozen. Many people know the taste of the classic glaze - this is coffee with a ball of white ice cream.

This is a high-calorie drink, about 150 kcal per cup, but it seems to me that once a week you can treat yourself, your beloved, to this delicious dessert. The beauty is that we are allowed to improvise with the ingredients while making it. If desired, to the classic ingredients of this drink - coffee and, you can add syrups, liqueurs, cocoa, powdered sugar, candy, coconut crumbs, whipped cream, spices.

There are little secrets of its preparation.

For preparation, it is desirable to use Arabica coffee beans of medium roast and white ice cream.
A minor touch, but an important one. The drink will taste better if you add a pinch of sugar to it when preparing it. You can also enrich the taste with a pinch of cocoa. Do not add sugar to the finished drink.

Glace attracts us with a contrasting combination of bitter coffee and cold ice cream, which gradually melts, softens and saturates the drink.

Often the question arises of whether to write the name of your favorite drink with one or two letters "c". In this regard, Wikipedia says that both options have the right to exist. Pronounced softly "la", not "la". The stress is on the last syllable.

The classic recipe is simple and simple

For one serving take:

  • 150 ml freshly brewed coffee;
  • 50-60 g of ice cream, ice cream is better.

To make coffee, you need to take 11 grams of ground Arabica beans and 150 ml of pure water. We cook it as we like - in a Turk, in a French press, in a coffee maker.

We take a tall transparent glass. Place a scoop of ice cream on the bottom. Then pour strained freshly brewed coffee. If we have espresso, then naturally we do not filter. Ready! You can decorate our masterpiece with whipped cream and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. And you can without additional frills. The taste will be amazing. Serve and consume immediately.

Who constantly prepares, noticed that the drink cannot be the same even if it is prepared by the same person. He is always different. Is always! I mean a drink, not a person

And its taste depends not only on the variety of ingredients used. Everything is clear here, because the quality of products can be different. And fat content, and freshness, and quantity, and bookmark order. Everything matters here.

But the mood of the soul at the time of preparation is everything. A drink made in a positive mood will give you more flavor, bring more benefits to the body and be more tender than the one you prepare in a gloomy mood.

Down with bad thoughts! We just throw them out of our heads in a landfill. To begin with, I propose to say the following:

"I happily let go of my past. Life is beautiful and so am I"

No need to fuss and rush. Process is creativity at its core. For example, the first time I cooked in a Turk. This is now my espresso coffee maker, a faithful assistant and a great worker in my kitchen. It buzzes a little strainedly and here you are, Tamarochka, a cup of espresso. She has been working for me for a long time, she is already tired and often breaks down, poor thing.

But in Turkey it is a completely different matter. Here, first, you need to twist the coffee grinder with the handles, then I didn’t have an electric one. Oh, how long ago that was! The grinding is fine, fine, into dust. The water is pure spring water. An electric stove, even at the lowest power, quickly completes the preparation of divine nectar. Turku aside, off the stove and slowly pour the created potion into a cup. And there already add everything that the soul requires. Don't spoil anything!

Enough of the lyrics, let's move on to choosing what will please us the most. She cooked everything with pleasure, tried it herself and treated everyone who was at hand. And at hand was at that moment, as always, her husband.

Sometimes I, and someone almost very often, has no time at all, and the body requires something fragrant, cold and even burning the insides. It is for this emergency that I suggest using it. You can't argue with the body. Give him what he asks for immediately. Even in the office, there is no problem pampering yourself with a couple of simple tricks.

Prepare for one serving:

  • Cream 10% - one tablespoon;
  • Condensed milk - no more than one tablespoon;
  • Instant coffee - one teaspoon;
  • Crushed ice - one to two tablespoons;
  • Water - half a two-hundred-gram glass.

Almost all the ingredients are available to every housewife constantly in the refrigerator.

How to do

Let's start with the preparation of dishes, that is, a glass. It must be placed in the freezer for no more than 20 minutes. The role of a beautiful presentation cannot be overestimated. Imagine a tall transparent vessel, slightly fogged up after being frozen. Even empty is already beautiful!

Then cream, condensed milk, water, crushed ice and, of course, instant coffee, mix in a mixer. The mass quickly becomes homogeneous, and we fill a chilled glass with it.

Indeed, very quickly, and most importantly, delicious. Agree!

Everything is delicious with nuts. Since childhood, many people know that the daily use of nuts is necessary and important for the body. And there is no need to talk about the value of walnuts and pistachios, it's just an axiom.

Coffee glass recipe with nuts

To prepare one serving you will need:

  • Black coffee just cooked - 40 ml;
  • Milk with a fat content of 2.5% - 40 milliliters;
  • Vanilla ice cream - two balls of 50 grams each;
  • Cane sugar - at will and taste, but not more than 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • Chopped walnuts - half a teaspoon;
  • Pistachios - half a teaspoon.


We find the best glass in our home glassware collection. We prepare black natural coffee in any way possible. In still hot we put sugar, if there is such a desire, and milk. Stir and cool to about ten degrees. In principle, while you are fiddling with other ingredients, it will cool down on its own.

Pour the resulting mixture into the prepared glass, with a special spoon (I advise everyone to buy it) form two balls of ice cream and carefully put it into the drink so as not to splatter yourself. That, in my opinion, makes the dessert scalding.

Sprinkle the top with walnuts and pistachios. Do not crush, but it is better to chop nuts with a knife. They need very few. But how they decorate the drink and enrich its taste. Make it elegant and sophisticated.

Serve immediately. Time works against the drink. What's next? You can watch a bit how slowly the ice cream sinks into the nectar and the dessert gradually changes its color scheme. It's time, it's time to take the first sip.

I have long noticed how many dishes are successfully combined with fruits and berries. So you will never spoil coffee cocktails by adding them, but you will only emphasize the unique taste.

Coffee glasse recipe with pineapple

To prepare one serving, you need to prepare

  • Freshly brewed coffee - 100 ml or 0.5 cups;
  • Pineapple juice or syrup from canned - 40 ml or 1/5 cup;
  • Vanilla flavored ice cream - 2 balls of 50 grams;
  • Pineapple pieces fresh or frozen or canned;
  • Cream 10% - 50 grams;
  • Chocolate chips - one teaspoon;
  • Biscuit cookies or puff pastry tubes;
  • Cane sugar to taste


If we have pineapple, then we prepare fresh squeezed juice. If we decide to use canned, then open the jar with a can opener and pour the syrup in the same amount according to the recipe. Here, the sugar is already adjusted to your taste. Don't overdo it.

I had a fresh pineapple so I used it. However, it can be seen in the photo. We prepare coffee according to your favorite recipe. We cool. We mix it with juice or syrup, with cream, sugar. At the same time, we take out a bowl with a high leg from the cabinet, put two balls of ice cream in it.

Add fresh or canned pineapple pieces. Cooking chocolate chips. I want to emphasize that I like shavings more. In the photo there is a grater, with which I usually do it. Note! If you use graters with other blades, you get not shavings, but a small, nondescript chocolate sprinkle. And the taste, by the way, is changing. It is from such seemingly trifles that what pleases and nourishes us is born.

Add it to the drink for decoration. And the final touch for decoration - we arrange the cookies as our heart desires. you can break them randomly. If small tubes are simply lowered into the drink. Serve immediately with a straw and a spoon.

Coffee glasse recipe with vanilla syrup

In order to enjoy this delicious drink, you must have the following ingredients:

  • Ice cream cream or ice cream - 50 grams;
  • Cream, milk whipped for decoration - 50 ml;
  • Freshly brewed coffee - no more than half a glass;
  • Vanilla syrup - 30 ml;


When the coffee is ready, we quickly mix it with vanilla syrup. Pour the mixture into the prepared glass or glass, add a scoop of ice cream. Pure, without additives and impurities. We crown with the most delicate cloud of whipped cream. You can whip cream with powdered sugar in a mixer. I bought a can of them beforehand. By the way, it lasts a long time. Well, very tasty! For those who do not have enough sugar, you can add it at the initial stage.

And my final step is that I offer you a little bit of risk. Who does not risk, as you know .....

Coffee glasse flambé for special occasions

This recipe is for solemn and mysterious events, meetings taking place in the evening. You can close the windows with blackout curtains during the daytime to get the appropriate effect. It is advisable to serve the drink in complete darkness. Why I will tell further. You can cook with both instant coffee and natural coffee. But since I love natural, it is present in my recipe.

We need for one cup:

  • Freshly brewed coffee - 40-50 ml;
  • Vanilla flavored sugar - half a teaspoon;
  • Vanilla ice cream - two balls of 50 grams;
  • Cognac - 20 ml;
  • Sugar in pieces - 1-2 pieces


As always, we prepare coffee according to our favorite recipe, you can also use instant coffee. Add vanilla sugar to the finished drink and leave to cool. We take a tall heat-resistant glass, put two scoops of ice cream into it. Pour chilled drink into it.

In a small bowl with a long handle, so as not to burn yourself, over low heat, heat up a gram of cognac with pieces of sugar and set it on fire. Pour the hot mixture into the drink. We are being careful. Safety is paramount.

By the way, any other alcoholic drink with a strength of 40 degrees or more is suitable for the final chord with a fiery focus. Children naturally do not give such a drink to try.

Further, for me, in the process of drinking flambé, it is important to quickly contrive and grab a piece of ice cream until the drink completely absorbs it. I like to taste sweet first and then bitter. Just a bomb, an explosion is a flambe. Surprise and delight of contrasting sensations. In life, everything also happens, for me, at least often. Delight, the rise of emotions to the limit and bam! disappointment, sobering from illusions.

Glace coffee is a dessert for all times and for all peoples. Very good in any weather and bad weather too. Harmony and sophistication in one bottle, excuse me, a glass.

See you soon on the blog pages.

Real coffee lovers are not accustomed to giving up their favorite drink even in summer. However, not everyone will drink a hot Americano or cappuccino on a hot day. That is why in the menu of coffee houses you can find coffee drinks that will give you coolness and invigorate, glass is one of them. This drink is worthy of close attention, and therefore we decided to devote today's conversation to it. You will learn not only what a glasse is, but also learn how to cook it.

France is considered the birthplace of glasse, because a large number of admirers of this aromatic drink live there. Nevertheless, it is often said that the first glasse appeared in Austria. But, you see, it does not matter at all who was the first to prepare this drink, the fact that it is currently popular everywhere is much more important.

Meet, look!

Glace is a cold coffee drink with ice cream. However, calling it only a drink is unfair, because it is often served as a dessert. And since this is a dessert, it would be appropriate to report on its calorie content. 100 grams of the product contains 154 kcal.

How to cook glace at home

The set of ingredients for the classic glace includes espresso and ice cream, but there are about a dozen variations of this coffee dessert. Right now we will tell you how to create some of them.

Classic glace

You will need:

  • freshly ground coffee - 10 grams,
  • sugar - 25 grams,
  • water - 150 ml,
  • ice cream (ice cream, creme brulee or vanilla) - 50 grams.

Cooking method

  1. We make espresso. If you do not have a coffee machine, then you can brew a portion of aromatic coffee in a Turk over moderate heat.
  2. Ready coffee is filtered.
  3. Add sugar. We mix.
  4. Put a scoop of ice cream in a cup.
  5. Pour freshly brewed, but cooled down coffee along the wall of the cup. The ice cream should be on top, the layers should not be mixed. Glasse is ready!

Glace with instant coffee

When there is no time or opportunity to brew a real glace, but you still want to treat yourself to a portion of dessert, you can try to create a culinary masterpiece from instant coffee.

You will need:

  • instant coffee - 1 tablespoon,
  • water - 150 ml,
  • ice cream - 1 scoop,
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Pour coffee with hot water.
  2. Add sugar. We mix. Let the coffee cool down.
  3. We put ice cream in a serving cup (it is advisable to use ice cream or vanilla, fruit delicacy can spoil the taste of the finished dessert).
  4. Pour coffee in a thin stream into a cup of ice cream. If desired, the dessert can be decorated with grated chocolate. Enjoy!

Glace with egg yolk

You will need:

  • coffee beans - 2 teaspoons,
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • water - 150 ml,
  • egg yolks - 2 pieces,
  • ice cream - 50 grams.

Cooking method

  1. From the specified amount of water and coffee, we brew espresso.
  2. Rub the yolks with sugar.
  3. We combine the egg mass with coffee. We put in a water bath. Stirring constantly, cook the mixture for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Pour the egg and coffee composition into cups.
  5. Put ice cream on top. If desired, the drink can be poured with chocolate syrup.

Glace with liqueur and ice

The dessert prepared according to this recipe is somewhat different from the classic one, but if you drink alcohol, then you should like it.

You will need:

  • finely ground coffee beans - 2 teaspoons,
  • water - 150 ml,
  • ice cream - 40 grams,
  • liquor - 25 ml.

Cooking method

  1. We brew a portion of black coffee.
  2. Put ice cream in a cup.
  3. Pour in coffee and the indicated amount of liquor to your liking (creamy is perfect). Unusual alcoholic glass is ready. You can take a sample!

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