Home Preparations for the winter Dough recipes for tartlets. Dough recipes for snack baskets for festive tartlets. How to cook tartlets from dough without molds and in silicone molds at home

Dough recipes for tartlets. Dough recipes for snack baskets for festive tartlets. How to cook tartlets from dough without molds and in silicone molds at home

Tartlets - small baskets made of various dough - look spectacular on the festive table. They are not only beautiful, but also stable (unlike some sandwiches) carry the filling. They crunch nicely and are easy to handle. One is quite hygienic. Because tartlets have long been an indispensable attribute of buffet tables.

Tartlets are exquisite festive snack, which is both a delicious treat and decoration. Knowing how to make tartlets, you can find a lot of ways to surprise seasoned guests with their help. How to cook tartlets without any improvised means, special molds and special ones.

Classic tartlets without molds

The authors suggested for the test wheat flour with bran, and I used whole grain flour. I took the same stuffing, i.e. from pieces of sweet pepper and suluguni cheese, but I think that next time I will try to bake tartlets with other fillings: fried egg, egg with bacon, vegetable mix, mushrooms with cheese, etc. Or I’ll bake such tartlets and then put some kind of salad in them: vegetable, chicken, meat, mushroom ... They are quite suitable even for festive table.


  • Flour c / s - about 250 g
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Baking powder - up to 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch


  • Bulgarian pepper - 6 pcs.
  • Cheese (suluguni) - up to 150 g
  • Spices and herbs - to taste


  1. To prepare tartlets without molds, prepare the ingredients according to the list.
  2. Measure the right amount of flour, add salt, sugar, baking powder, mix
  3. Pour in a mixture of water, vegetable oil and eggs.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and knead a dense, but elastic dough. Adjust it with water or flour.
  5. Remove the seeds from the peppers and cut the wide parts into rings of the desired width (from 2 to 4 cm).
  6. I got 10 blanks, and cut the rest of the peppers into a small cube.
  7. Suluguni (or other) cheese, also cut into cubes (or grate), add spices and herbs (here is a mixture of dry provencal herbs). Salt if desired, mix, and the mass for the filling is ready.
  8. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut into triangles in such an amount that it is enough for all the pepper rings.
  9. Wrap a triangular piece of dough around each pepper ring as shown in the photo, i.e. corners - inside the ring.
  10. Spread the filling over the blanks.
  11. Bake tartlets without molds in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees.
  12. The cheese in the filling should melt and the filling should brown. The dough doesn't seem to change much.
  13. Tartlets without molds and, so to speak, from peppers with peppers are ready.

Tartlets without molds


  • Bulgarian peppers - 3 pcs.
  • Flour c / s - about 200 g
  • Water - 30 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch


  1. Prepare the ingredients for the recipe for tartlets without molds with bell pepper.
  2. The amount of flour may vary due to differences in the properties of flour from different manufacturers.
  3. In addition to whole grain flour, of course, you can take the usual baking, i.e. premium wheat or wheat with bran.
  4. How to cook tartlets without molds:
  5. To prepare the dough, combine flour with salt, sugar and baking powder.
  6. Then add water, vegetable oil and an egg.
  7. Stir the ingredients by hand or using kitchen appliances.
  8. You should get an elastic dough.
  9. For the base of the tartlets, cut the washed and seeded Bell pepper rings of the desired height. The thickness depends on how much filling is planned to be served in tartlets.
  10. The minimum height of the pepper ring is 1 cm. (Use the rest of the pepper in the filling or in other dishes.)
  11. I offer a variant of a simple filling for these tartlets.
  12. Take pickled or semi-hard cheese in the amount of 80-100 g, fresh herbs, for example, 1-2 sprigs of basil and pieces bell pepper, which remained during the preparation of tartlets.
  13. In addition to peppers and cheese, salads are suitable for filling: vegetable, chicken or meat.
  14. For the filling, you need to cut the pepper into cubes, grate the cheese, and chop fresh herbs, such as basil leaves.
  15. Stir the ingredients together without dressing.
  16. To prepare tartlets, the whole dough or pieces of dough must be rolled out to a thickness of 2-5 mm and cut into elongated triangles.
  17. Then wrap each triangle around the pepper ring so that the bottom of the tartlet is formed from the dough, as shown in the figure.
  18. Place the tartlet blanks on a baking sheet greased with oil or lined with baking paper.
  19. The filling can be either baked at the same time as the tartlets, or added already to the finished ones.
  20. Bake the tartlets in the oven at 180-200 degrees for about 15 minutes.
  21. Original tartlets prepared without the use of molds are ready. They are suitable for serving warm or cold.

Tartlets without molds with bell pepper

Easy to create, original tartlets will serve as a bright appetizer on the festive table. Whole wheat and sweet pepper tartlets topped with tangy cheese make the perfect combination.


  • Whole grain flour - 200 g
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 pinch
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Water - 40 ml
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 70-100 g
  • Dry mint (optional) - 1/4 tsp
  • Dry basil (optional) - 1/4 tsp


  1. To prepare tartlets without molds, we prepare the necessary products.
  2. Preparing the dough for tartlets: pour into a bowl whole grain flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
  3. Add egg, water and oil.
  4. Knead a homogeneous dough.
  5. We extract the seed box from the pepper, cut the pepper into wide circles (1.5-2 cm high).
  6. Cut the rest of the pepper into small cubes, sprinkle with any spices (for example, mint and basil).
  7. Add shredded cheese and mix the ingredients of the filling.
  8. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a rectangular layer and cut it into triangles.
  9. Put a circle of pepper on a triangle of dough and wrap the edges.
  10. We spread a few tablespoons of cheese filling into the resulting tartlet.
  11. We cook tartlets in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  12. Tartlets without molds, from bell pepper, are ready.

Tartlets without molds


  • Butter
  • Two glasses


  1. There are a huge number of recipes for appetizers with tartlets. In fact, it's just a lot of ways to prepare the filling for them. Baking the tartlets themselves is not the same difficult process as it may seem. There is a very simple recipe for this snack from shortcrust pastry.
  2. Such a base can be filled with any fillings and end up as cold appetizer and dessert. The process of making tartlets begins with the preparation of all necessary ingredients. To do this, you need flour, water, butter and salt. There is no need to remind you once again that all products must be fresh. Do not use spoiled food that has expired for cooking.
  3. To prepare the dough for tartlets, you need to pour the required amount of flour into a clean, dry bowl. By this time, the flour should already be sifted so that lumps and other impurities do not come across in it. After that, the usual raw flour should be added to the flour. cold water and mix the contents of the bowl. Next, you need to salt the dough.
  4. The amount of salt added is determined by the taste preferences and purpose of the tartlets, namely, by what filling they are supposed to fill before serving. For example, tartlets for a future dessert should not be too salty. On the other hand, an appetizer with cheese, tomato and herbs, salt will add additional piquancy. However, very few people like dishes that are too salty, and this should not be forgotten.
  5. Next, add oil to a bowl with flour, water and salt. It should be very soft, therefore, it should be taken out of the refrigerator before making tartlets. Let the butter stand a little in a warm place, and only then you can add it to the dough.
  6. The oil can be grated on a coarse grater and then left for a while. It will melt faster, so it will be more convenient to mix it in the total mass. Another option is to mash the already soft butter with a fork and dip it into the dough. The contents of the bowl should now be mixed as thoroughly as possible.
  7. You can use a fork for this. Thus, it will be seen when flour, water, oil and salt turn into a homogeneous mass, which is a large number of small particles of the same consistency and color.
  8. After that, you can start kneading the dough with your hands. This must be done until the dough turns into the same familiar lump that does not stick to your hands. For convenience, it is recommended to sprinkle the table with flour and knead the dough on the table, and not in a bowl.
  9. Then the resulting lump of dough is wrapped in a plastic bag or cling film and placed in the refrigerator. In the cold, it is enough to stand the dough for about 30 minutes. During this time, it will freeze enough to make it easier to roll and cut.
  10. Otherwise not firm enough shortbread dough it will simply crumble under a rolling pin, it will stick to both the table and hands. In addition, too soft dough is problematic to give the desired shape.
  11. When the time is right, take the dough out of the refrigerator, put it on a clean, dry table surface and roll out a thin cake from it. The thickness of the finished rolled sap should be no more than 0.5 cm. To keep the temperature of the dough low, you can use a bottle of cold water instead of a rolling pin.
  12. This way, the rolled out dough will still be cold enough that during shaping, it will be “obedient”, not sticky to your hands. This is especially important in this case, since this method of making tartlets implies the absence of special molds, and the use of improvised means. As improvised means, two glasses will act here: one with a large diameter, the other smaller, with sharp edges.
  13. Here is the most interesting stage. Let's see how to make tartlets without molds and give them the desired shape. To do this, with a glass with a large diameter, it is necessary to cut out circles from the rolled out layer of dough. Then, on each resulting circle, put a glass of smaller diameter and form the so-called “plate” around its bottom. This is what the finished tarts will look like.
  14. So that they do not lose their shape during baking, several punctures should be made in their bottoms with a toothpick. So, hot air will pass through the hole, and the dough itself will not swell. Before baking, you can put the tartlets in the refrigerator for another 10-15 minutes, so they better retain their shape.
  15. Then you can start baking. Cooking tartlets in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, will take 20 minutes. You can fill them with stuffing after they have cooled.

Puff pastry tartlets are a beautiful way to serve various salads and snacks. And if you fill edible baskets thick cream, then get a delicious homemade cake. These products are very popular as "plates" for gourmet caviar.


  • half a kilo pack of puff


  1. Defrost the dough as recommended by the manufacturer on the package.
  2. Sprinkle the table with flour. Roll out puff pastry in one direction.
  3. With a glass or a cup, we cut portioned circles for future tartlets. Round blanks should be an even number.
  4. Set aside half of the circles - these will be the bases for the tartlets. But from the second half we make sides. To do this, take a container with a smaller circumference than a glass.
  5. For example, any glass will do. The main thing is that when applied to a circle, a not very thin strip is formed, the wider it is, the more beautiful the finished baskets will be.
  6. We cut the sides for tartlets with a glass.
  7. We spread the resulting rings on a round base. So that the bottom of the product does not swell during baking, we pierce the circles in several places with a fork. We do not touch the sides, since they should just rise well during baking.
  8. We shift the tartlets onto a baking sheet lined with confectionery paper. In a preheated oven to 200 degrees, bake the products for 15 minutes.
  9. Once the dough has browned, it's time to take it out. Put the finished tartlets on a dish and let cool.

Sand tartlets with red caviar


  • Red caviar - 100 grams
  • Tartlets from puff or shortcrust pastry small - 10 pieces
  • Butter or sour cream fatty - 100 grams
  • Dill - grams


  1. Chop the dill. Mix softened butter (or sour cream) with dill and arrange on tartlets.
  2. Spread the caviar with a teaspoon and serve the red caviar tartlets on a large plate.
  3. Be sure to cover the dish with cling film and remove it immediately before the gala dinner. Otherwise, the caviar, which dries very quickly, will turn into pebbles.
  4. Red caviar is not only tasty, but also very healthy dish. She has long ceased to be a scarce product in Russia, but still we decorate her holiday table. The fact is that dishes with red caviar look very elegant and create a feeling of a real holiday.
  5. Tartlets with caviar can be supplemented not only with sour cream, but also with soft, creamy cheese. And you can do it the old fashioned way by making baguette sandwiches with butter and a spoonful of caviar. In addition, it is now customary to decorate salads with fish and not only, Olivier and other dishes with red caviar.

Bread tarts with mushrooms

Beautiful and tasty snack to the holiday table. No dough - pieces of bread are placed in molds (for cupcakes or tartlets), the filling is mushrooms and an egg-milk mixture. Mushrooms can be used store or forest.


  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 300 g mushrooms, chopped
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 2 tbsp softened butter
  • 6 pieces of stale white bread, cut off the crusts
  • 3 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 tbsp cream (may be milk)
  • 3 tbsp grated cheese(good parmesan)
  • greenery for decoration

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 C.
  2. Melt 1 tbsp. butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and simmer for 30 seconds until fragrant. Add mushrooms and simmer for 4-6 minutes until browned and softened. Remove from heat, salt and pepper.
  3. Butter a slice of bread on one side. Place a slice of bread in a cupcake or tart tin, butter side down.
  4. Beat eggs lightly, add cream, mushrooms and mix everything. Divide the filling between molds - put on bread. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  5. Bake for about 20 minutes until the filling is firm and the top is golden brown.

Puff pastry tartlets

This type of baskets is convenient because you can create various forms of tartlets using puff pastry. You can make this dough yourself, but store-bought puff pastry tartlets will also work well.


  • frozen dough - 300 gr;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the dough from the wrapper, let it defrost at room temperature 20 to 30 minutes.
  2. Spread it with a layer, cut into 12 squares. From 6 squares, use a mold to make square holes, or make diagonal cuts and bend the corners to make a hole.
  3. The first option is more accurate, and the second is more beautiful. Choose to your taste.
  4. Lubricate whole squares with beaten yolk and put squares with a hole on top of them. Brush the top with egg yolk as well.
  5. Bake shortcrust pastry at least 200°C for about 20 minutes.

Puff pastry tartlets without molds

If you do not have baking molds, but there is a great desire to decorate the table original dishes, then in that case use ready dough. The so-called "boats" look very nice on the table. Preparing them is quite easy: Tartlets without molds

  • To do this, you need to defrost the dough, divide it into layers and cut into squares of the required size. Read more:
  • Then roll each square into a thin layer to make a rectangle.
  • Blind the short sides tightly, straighten the bottom and you can put it in the oven.
  • To make the dough not so suitable, put beans in the middle.
  • You can also roll puff pastry balls, roll them out a little on the table to the desired size, put them on a baking sheet and bake.
  • Before filling with the filling, cut off the top ball, put the yummy in the middle and cover with a lid on top. Looks very interesting.

Fillings for tartlets and their use

Ready-made mini-snacks look very elegant. At the celebrations, any fillings for tartlets for a snack can be used and such dishes are served hot or cold.

  • Vegetables. Vegetables for tartlets can be in any form: fresh, boiled, baked. Most often, an appetizer with such a filling is served hot. The connecting component can be cheese. sour cream, egg.
  • Cheese. Cheese tarts are served hot or cold. Heat treatment is usually hard varieties. Vegetables, mushrooms, berries are added to the cheese as an addition.
  • Mushrooms. A traditional snack option is mushroom tartlets. Served in any form, often with cheese and herbs.
  • Meat. For meat filling comes selected pulp without fat, skin, cartilage, films. Boiled or baked meat is mixed with sauces, cheeses or vegetables. A common option is chicken and mushroom tartlets.
  • Offal. This type of filling is rare, but they make delicious options appetizers from liver pate or boiled tongue.
  • Fish. Tartlets with red fish of the salmon family - New Year's variant snacks. Lightly salted versions of fish are more often used than boiled or baked ones.
  • Seafood. Many favorite tartlets with crab sticks, shrimp or squid are served cold with sauces.
  • Caviar. This type of filling creates an impressive effect. It is easy to prepare and expressive on the table.
  • Fruits, berries. Sweet snacks are served at the end of the feast. Sometimes fruits or vegetables can be combined with cheese or meat, but more often such fillings are accompanied by chocolate and cream.

With the help of delicious tartlets, you can turn an ordinary table into a festive one, with beautiful and delicious snacks. Tartlets, universal dough baskets, came to us from France. They are intended for filling with various snacks, salads and desserts from whipped cream, cream, berries, and fruits.

I will show you how easy it is to make tartlets from sour cream dough at home. My simple recipe is accompanied by step-by-step photos taken and you can easily repeat it at home. Everything will be clear and understandable. If you prepare such baskets for the festive table setting in advance, then it is easy to fill them with a variety of freshly prepared fillings and simply put them on the festive table.

For sour cream dough, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • sour cream - 150 gr;
  • butter - 50 gr;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt.

Not even experienced hostess knows that before baking our beautiful baskets, you need to start the dough. This is what we will do. The proposed universal and simple sour cream dough recipe is the best suited for baking delicious serving baskets.

How to make dough for tartlets

First, sift the flour, filling it with oxygen. Butter cut into pieces and "chopped" with flour. It is possible to grind the butter through a coarse grater, sprinkling it with flour. Add a pinch of salt.

Now, add sour cream. The photo clearly shows how the other ingredients in the bowl look at this moment.

Quickly knead the dough for tartlets. As soon as the formed ball stops sticking to your hands, cover it with a film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

We roll out the finished dough into a layer 0.5 cm high and cut out circles from it. Cupcake molds, metal or silicone, lubricate vegetable oil and lay out the cut circles of dough, evenly distributing on the surface of the form. We put them on a baking sheet and bake at 200 ° C until golden brown. Ready-made baskets need to be filled chilled.

After the tasty dough for tartlets turned into beautiful pastries It's time to think about toppings. Universal sour cream dough allows them to be used as variety of salads, and for filling with sweet fillings in the form of airy dessert creams, ice cream, whipped cream and.

Try filling homemade tartlets, or put some red caviar in serving baskets and garnish with a green onion. Fantasize and fill a comfortable and original pastries your favorite salads, appetizers and desserts. I'm sure your guests will remember your holiday treats for a long time.

In this photo in front of you are filled baskets with.

And this is how I decorated sweet tartlets with cream.

Use my simple tartlet dough recipe and let your holiday table always be the most beautiful and delicious. 🙂

Tartlets are small edible baskets for serving snacks. They are baked from different test and we offer you several options.

Homemade tartlet dough recipe


  • margarine - 200 g;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 100 g.


Sift the flour in advance and mix it with chopped pieces of margarine. Thoroughly knead everything into crumbs and set aside. Separately, beat the egg, gradually add salt and sugar. Then carefully pour the mixture into the flour and mix soft dough. We send it to the refrigerator for 15 minutes. After that, we pinch off pieces from it, put them in molds and distribute the dough over the entire surface, leveling with our fingers. We send the blanks to a preheated oven and bake for about 10 minutes. That's all, a very tasty dough for tartlets is ready!

How to make puff pastry tartlets?


  • yeast - 500 g;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.


So, we take the defrosted puff pastry, lay it out on a flat surface sprinkled with flour, and roll it out with a rolling pin into a thin layer. Then we cut it into small squares and make cruciform cuts on each blank with a knife right in the center. Now carefully transfer them to a baking sheet and prick in several places with a fork. We send the tartlets to a preheated oven and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. After that, cool them and proceed to the filling to your taste.

shortcrust pastry recipe for tartlets


  • flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh milk - 100 ml;
  • margarine - 200 g;
  • baking powder - a pinch;
  • fine salt - a pinch.


To prepare dough for tartlets at home, take softened margarine and grind it in a bowl, gradually adding milk. Then we introduce egg yolks and mix thoroughly with a whisk. Next, pour in parts of the sifted flour, throw fine salt and baking powder. We mix the mass with our hands to an elastic and lush consistency and cool for 30 minutes, putting it in the refrigerator. Next, roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut into circles, put in cupcake molds and evenly distribute along the bottom and walls. We bake unsweetened dough for tartlets in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until browned.

Today, festive tartlets with filling are an integral part of any feast. And I am very pleased with the fact that tartlets with filling for a snack can be found not only in restaurants, but also at a sincere family holiday or a friendly office buffet.

It is difficult to surprise sophisticated guests with traditional, even the most original and exquisite appetizers, but the original serving of appetizers and salads in tartlets is a completely different matter. Festive tartlets look very elegant and appetizing, and salads in tartlets are conveniently served at receptions and field events. Today on the Internet you can find many recipes for filling tartlets for a festive table: from the most traditional fillings to unusual and sophisticated ones. But still I prefer simple snacks in tartlets from affordable products that you can always buy in a supermarket near the house.

Dear friends, I bring to your attention an interesting selection of recipes for stuffing tartlets, which I hope will come in handy. It is very interesting to know what kind of tartlets you cook for the festive table? I look forward to your comments and feedback!

What can be put in tartlets? The easiest option is the filling for tartlets from crab sticks. But, in my version, tartlets with crab sticks bear little resemblance to the classic crab salad. Paired with olives and pineapple, this tartlet salad is simply amazing: spicy taste green olives perfectly complement the delicacy of crab sticks, and canned pineapple gives the appetizer that much-needed festive touch. Recipe with step by step photos we look.

Tartlets with red caviar

Are you looking for delicious toppings for tartlets? Perhaps I can help you. I suggest you try to cook very delicious baskets with caviar, as a snack on the festive table. An appetizer with red caviar in tartlets looks very impressive and appetizing, and additional ingredients in the form of butter, quail eggs and fresh cucumber perfectly complement the filling for tartlets with caviar. How to make caviar tartlets (recipe with step by step photos), you can see.

Tartlets with pineapple and chicken are a great snack option for a buffet table. They are easy to make and anyone can do it. The filling for pineapple and chicken tartlets keeps well in the refrigerator for several days, so it can be prepared in advance, and then put into dough baskets before the guests arrive. Recipe with photo.

Tartlets with cod liver and cucumber

One of the filling options for tartlets is cod liver. This appetizer is prepared quickly and very simply, literally in a matter of minutes. And it is better to do it immediately before serving, so that the tartlets do not soften and do not lose their shape. See recipe with photo.

Appetizer in tartlets with shrimps and curd paste

Very often, for the arrival of guests, I prepare some interesting snacks in tartlets. The fact is that festive tartlets with filling look very advantageous and are very popular. So, if you are looking for a spectacular appetizer, then this is just the case. As a confirmation of my words, I want to introduce you to the recipe for shrimp tartlets and curd paste. Cooking tartlets with shrimp and curd paste, you can see.

Dishes with tartlets will decorate even the most modest holiday table, and if you are looking for interesting and inexpensive snacks for the holiday, pay attention to salad in tartlets with cod liver. Cute and cute cod liver baskets are quick and easy to prepare, and eaten by guests even faster.

The filling for cod liver tartlets is prepared with the addition of carrots and pickled cucumber. Cod liver in tartlets goes well with pickled cucumber, delicate carrots, and boiled eggs. We look at the recipe for making tartlets.

Filling for tartlets with caviar and green butter

If you want to diversify such a classic appetizer as caviar and butter tartlets, then pay attention to green butter. Baskets with caviar and green butter will surely please you interesting taste and beautiful appearance. You can see how to cook tartlets with red caviar and green butter (recipe with photo step by step).

Tartlets with red fish and cheese

Delicious snacks in tartlets, it is not at all difficult and not long, as it might seem at first glance, and festive tartlets with red fish and cheese are a vivid confirmation of this. An appetizer in baskets with red fish turns out to be very tasty and bright. Therefore, if you are looking for something to stuff tartlets, I safely recommend the filling for tartlets with red fish and cheese. See the recipe with step by step photos.

Tartlets with feta cheese and tomatoes

Stuffing for ready-made tartlets it doesn't have to be complicated and time consuming. Here, for example, like these baskets stuffed with feta cheese and tomato. It turns out delicious stuffing for tartlets and Greek salad on one plate. How to cook tartlets stuffed with feta cheese and tomato, I wrote.

Salad in tartlets "Meat Rhapsody"

If you are looking for something to fill the tartlets for the festive table, I strongly recommend that you prepare tartlets with Meat Rhapsody salad. Salad in baskets turns out to be light, spicy, lush and at the same time satisfying, apples are not guessed in it - your men will also be satisfied. Another plus is that the salad does not “flow” and the salad baskets remain crumbly. Try it! Recipe with photo step by step.

Salad in tartlets "Family"

Are you looking for light salad in tarts? I suggest you try to cook holiday tartlets with "Family" salad. Stuffing for tartlets with Korean carrot, fresh cucumber and pickled mushrooms is prepared quickly and simply, and the result will certainly please you. Such mushroom salad in tartlets is perfect for both a family home holiday and an office buffet. …

Tartlets with herring and green onions

Such an appetizer in baskets is easily absorbed in the first place, this has already been verified. The filling for herring tartlets is prepared very simply, and the company of the herring is: cheese, egg and apple. One of the advantages of this recipe is that there are very few ingredients, just a few.

Another plus is that the ingredients are quite affordable for the average consumer. Therefore, if you need to cook holiday tartlets and you need a delicious filling for tartlets, I definitely recommend herring tartlets! Recipe with photo step by step .

Salad in tartlets "Mushroom basket"

Today it is difficult to surprise anyone with a salad with chicken and mushrooms, but if you serve this salad with chicken in tartlets in an original way, the effect will be completely different. The recipe for chicken and mushroom tartlets is simple, tasty and unpretentious, but all your guests will definitely like small and neat chicken baskets. How to cook a salad in "Mushroom Basket" tartlets can be viewed at the link.

Julienne in tartlets

You won’t surprise anyone with traditional julienne on the festive table, but tartlets with julienne filling are a completely different matter! Tartlets with mushrooms baked in the oven with chicken and mushrooms are not beaten, original, and incredibly tasty. In addition, such julienne in tartlets can be served on the buffet table. You can see the recipe with a photo step by step.

Festive tartlets with cheese and red fish

Fish filling for tartlets is one of the most combinations, and if you use red fish and shortbread dough baskets in the recipe, then the success of the recipe is guaranteed. Delicious tartlets stuffed with processed cheese, cucumber, eggs and red fish. A great option for an office buffet reception or home feast! You can see the recipe for tartlets stuffed with red fish and cheese at the link.

Tartlets with red caviar and cream cheese

Very tasty and elegant appetizer with red caviar in tartlets! Baskets with caviar and cream cheese are tastier than sandwiches. Tartlets with red caviar and cheese - The best way surprise guests original presentation such a delicacy as red caviar. See the recipe step by step with photos.

How to fill tartlets?

Recipes for tartlet fillings can be very diverse, but if you are preparing snacks in tartlets for a large number of people, it is better to build on their taste preferences, or choose universal tartlet fillings. Salad in tartlets, julienne, pate, mousse, cream, individual products like red caviar, or pickled mushrooms, and this is not all that you can stuff tartlets with. In tartlets, you can serve not only salads, cold and hot appetizers, but also desserts. After all, there is nothing easier than filling tartlets with your favorite cream and decorating with berries!

This is classic snack, which will decorate the table of any holiday. Dough recipes and methods for baking baskets are listed in this article.

For many years now, stuffed tartlets - the leading snack on any holiday table or buffet. This happens because its easy to cook, you can start with any ingredients, and it’s convenient to eat.

Tartlet is a kind edible dough bowl small size. Optionally, it can be stuffed with vegetables, fruits, pâté, meat or fish salad, cream or jam. Lots of options. The dish immediately attracts the attention of guests, among all the treats on the table, and always, as they say, "scatters with a bang."

The key to a successful tartlet is delicious dough, which can be supplemented with filling. You can buy it, of course, in the store already in the finished state. However, for those who want to create their own unique dish, it is useful to know recipes home cooking test with your own hands.

Tartlets - ready meal

Puff pastry for tartlets (plain):

Would need:

  • Flour- 550 g (plus another 30 g for sprinkling, be sure to sift the flour).
  • Margarine– 220 g (can be replaced with a spread)
  • Egg- 2 pcs.
  • Water


  • First of all, you should sift the flour through a sieve. It's good if you do it twice.
  • Whisk the eggs together with the water
  • Melt the margarine in the microwave and mix it into the egg mixture.
  • Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and form into a ball.
  • The dough should be wrapped with a film and left to "rest".
  • The finished dough should be laid out in baking molds. Also, puff pastry can be cut into circles and baked, laid out on parchment.
  • Such a dough is baked quickly enough, 15 minutes will be enough at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.

Home baskets

Delicious shortbread dough for tartlets: recipe

Puff pastry is quite light, and shortbread has a pleasant density. Delicious shortbread dough can very well complement any filling.

You will need:

  • Flour- 500 g (plus about 30 more g for sprinkling, be sure to sift the flour).
  • Eggs- 8 pcs.
  • Water– 3 cups (peeled, not hot)
  • Butter(73% fat content) - 250 g (soft)
  • Salt or sugar(depending on the type of tartlet)


  • Water should be poured into a saucepan
  • Put the saucepan on a small fire and add the butter to the water.
  • Mix thoroughly until the butter is melted.
  • The mass should not be too hot
  • Gradually mixing in the flour (half of the whole part), knead a sufficiently “liquid” custard dough.
  • Stir in all the eggs gradually, knead the dough, adding all the flour.
  • The dough will be quite soft and elastic. Cut out circles with a glass or cup, which are then carefully placed in baking dishes.
  • Shortbread dough is baked quickly enough and 15 minutes will be enough at a temperature of 200 degrees.

IMPORTANT: Shortbread tartlets are suitable for meat and sweet fillings. The main thing is to add sugar to the dough for sweet tartlets.

Step by step cooking sand tartlets

How to make dough for tartlets the easiest way?

In order to quickly prepare tartlets for the festive table, many housewives will need a simple dough recipe that is very quick to cook.

You will need:

  • Flour- 2 cups sifted flour
  • Sour cream - 1 cup (200 ml, sour cream can be used with any fat content).
  • Butter (73%)- 100 g (can be replaced with a vegetable-cream mixture "spread").
  • Salt and sugar(if you cook sweet tartlets).


  • Butter should be melted at room temperature until soft.
  • Flour must be sifted, you can twice.
  • Flour should be poured onto the work surface in a slide.
  • Soft butter should be mixed with sour cream and gradually, adding the creamy mass to the flour, knead the dough.
  • The resulting dough should be wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator to “rest” for at least half an hour.
  • After the “rest”, the dough is cut into circles with the neck of a glass. The resulting circles are placed in molds and crushed with fingers.
  • Tartlets should be baked for about 25 minutes, while the oven temperature should not exceed 200 degrees.

IMPORTANT: If you need to fill the tartlets with fruit, cream or jam, add sugar to the dough.

Step-by-step preparation of sweet tartlets

You will need:

  • Flour- 600 g (about 3.5 cups, sift)
  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Yeast- 1 tsp (use dry bakery)
  • Salt- pinch
  • Sugar- 1 tsp for yeast (add more if tartlets are confectionery).
  • Egg- 2 pcs.


  • Heat milk until warm and add sugar to it.
  • Pour the yeast into warm milk and let it dissolve and ferment.
  • Then gradually stir the eggs into the milk.
  • Gradually add the flour little by little and knead the dough.
  • So that the dough does not stick to the surface on which you knead it, and does not remain on your hands, you should grease them with vegetable oil.
  • The finished dough should “rest” a little, and only then it can be laid out in baking molds.
  • Tartlets are baked for about half an hour, provided that the oven temperature is no more than 200 degrees.

Simple but delicious recipes tartlets

Sweet tartlet dough: recipes

Such tartlets will successfully complement sweet table for children and adults. They can be filled with any filling: cream, cottage cheese, fruit, chocolate mousse.

You will need:

  • Flour
  • Butter - 1 pack (200 g of any fat content, you can use a vegetable-cream mixture instead).
  • Sugar- 2 or 3 cups (adjust the sweetness of the tartlets to taste and preferences yourself).
  • Egg- 2 pcs. (chicken)


  • Melt the butter in the microwave
  • Mix melted butter with sugar and eggs. Gradually add flour and knead an elastic dough.
  • The dough should be wrapped in a film and held for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  • Cut the dough into circles using the neck of a glass and place them in molds, crushing the edges with your fingers.
  • Tartlets are baked quickly enough, 20-25 minutes will be enough, provided that the oven temperature is no more than 190-200 degrees.

Sweet tartlets - ways to make dough and recipe

Unsweetened dough recipe for tartlets

You will need:

  • Flour- 1 heaping glass (approximately 300 g)
  • Butter– 1 pack (200 g, can be replaced with a spread)
  • Egg- 3 pcs. (use only yolks)
  • Salt- a pinch or more, to navigate to taste


  • Flour and salt are gradually mixed into the mass
  • The resulting dough is wrapped with cling film and stored in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • After that, the dough is rolled out, cut out and placed in molds.
  • Bake tartlets for 25 minutes. Temperature oven should be no more than 200 degrees.

Universal tartlets

How to cook dough for deep-fried tartlets?

Deep-frying - the original way to cook tartlets. They are very elastic, oily and hold their shape well. Such tartlets can be stuffed with cream, caviar or liver pate. Delicious!

IMPORTANT: In addition to the fact that you need to have such a device as deep-fried(by the way, it can be replaced using oil and saucepan), it is important to "think" design for dipping dough in hot oil. To do this, use a metal mold fixed on a metal stick. The mold can also be held with pliers (clean).

You will need:

  • Flour- the quantity is not limited. You should look at the density of the dough: not too steep and not too liquid.
  • Egg- 1 PC.
  • Milk- 1 cup (you can use milk of any fat content).


  • Milk is mixed with eggs using a mixer. The mass can be salted to taste.
  • Gradually stir in the flour until the dough has the desired consistency.
  • Cut the dough into circles and put it into molds.
  • Dip the dough mold into the hot oil. Fry the dough should be no more than a minute. Let the tartlet cool and only then fill with the filling.

Yeast-free puff pastry tartlets: dough recipe

You will need:

  • Flour- 500 g (plus about 30 more for sprinkling, be sure to sift the flour).
  • Margarine- 220 g (can be replaced with a vegetable-cream mixture "spread" or even butter).
  • Egg- 2 pcs.
  • Water- 1 cup (peeled, warm)


  • Mix eggs with milk
  • Melt the margarine in the microwave, mix it with the egg mass.
  • Gradually stir in the sifted flour and knead the dough.
  • Let the dough rest for half an hour before baking.
  • The finished dough should be laid out in baking molds.
  • Such a dough is baked quickly enough, fifteen minutes will be enough at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.

Tartlets without use yeast dough

Yeast dough tartlets: dough recipe

You will need:

  • Flour- 500 g (about 2 cups, sift)
  • Milk- 1 cup (200 ml of any fat content)
  • Sugar- 100 g (if you bake sweet tartlets)
  • Yeast- 1 sachet (this is about 10 g, use dry bakery).
  • Salt- pinch
  • Sugar- 1 tbsp. for yeast fermentation
  • Egg- 2 pcs.


  • Heat the milk, dissolve the sugar in it and add the yeast. Leave to ferment for 15 minutes.
  • Add eggs to milk and mix thoroughly.
  • Gradually add flour in small portions and knead the dough.
  • The finished dough should rest a little.
  • Divide the dough rounds into the molds.
  • Tartlets are baked for about half an hour, provided that the oven temperature is no more than 200 degrees.

Yeast-based tartlets

How to cook delicious diet dough for tartlets?

You will need:

  • Flour- 0.5 cup (use whole grains)
  • Egg- 1 PC.
  • Cottage cheese– 100 g (0% fat content)
  • Starch- 2 tbsp. (corn only)


  • Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve
  • Egg and starch interfere with cottage cheese
  • Add flour
  • The resulting dough should be placed with your fingers in a mold
  • If the dough is crumbly enough, add just a little water.
  • Bake these tartlets for 15 minutes at a temperature of no more than 170-180 degrees.

How to cook delicious unleavened dough for tartlets?

You will need:

  • Flour- 1 cup (about 250-300 g, sift)
  • Butter– 200 g (1 pack, 73% fat)
  • Egg- 3 pcs. (use only yolks in the recipe)


  • The butter softens and mixes thoroughly with the yolks.
  • Flour pours in gradually
  • The dough is elastic and easily fits into molds.
  • Bake for 10-15 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 200 degrees.

delicious dough for do-it-yourself tartlets

Tartlets - rye flour dough: recipe

You will need:

  • Rye flour- 1 cup (250-300 g, no need to sift).
  • Eggs- 2 pcs.
  • Baking powder- 0.5 tsp
  • Salt- to taste (you can not add at all)
  • Butter- 20 g (can be replaced with margarine)


  • Eggs are beaten and mixed with butter
  • Baking powder and flour are mixed into the mass
  • If the mass is too soft, add more rye or wheat flour.
  • Put the dough into molds and bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Tartlets: choux pastry recipe

You will need:

  • Flour– 0.5 kg (sifting is not necessary)
  • Eggs- 8 pcs.
  • Milk- 3 cups (you can use any fat content).
  • Butter- 200 g (can be replaced with a vegetable-cream mixture).
  • Salt- to taste (optional)


  • Eggs are beaten with butter
  • Milk is added to the mass
  • The mass is put on fire and mixed thoroughly
  • Gradually add flour and knead the dough without bringing it to a boil.
  • When the mass becomes too dense to mix, turn off the heat.
  • Let the dough cool. Adding flour, knead the dough with your hands.
  • The dough is very elastic. Put it in molds and bake for 25 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.

Lenten tartlets: dough recipes

You will need:

  • Flour - the quantity is not limited, see the density.
  • Vegetable oil- 0.5 cups (use any).
  • Water- 1 cup (can be replaced with apple juice)
  • Honey- 1 tbsp. (any, if the tartlets are sweet)
  • Sugar to taste(for sweet and salt for regular)


  • Flour is sifted through a sieve, you can twice
  • Water and oil should be added to the flour, kneading the dough (if you add honey, it dissolves in advance in water).
  • The dough is put into molds and baked for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of no more than 200 degrees.

Lenten tartlets

Waffle dough for tartlets: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour - 1.5 cups (be sure to sift)
  • Egg- 1 PC.
  • Milk- 1 cup (you can use any fat content).
  • Margarine- 50 g (can be replaced with a vegetable-cream mixture).
  • Sugar- 0.5 cup (you can adjust the amount of sugar to taste).
  • Soda- 0.5 tsp (can be replaced with baking powder).
  • Salt- to taste (can be completely excluded)


  • Flour is sifted together with soda or baking powder
  • In a bowl, milk is mixed with egg and margarine
  • All ingredients are mixed, sugar is added
  • The density of the dough should be similar to very thick sour cream.
  • The dough is poured into molds and sent to hot oven(200-220 degrees) for 15 minutes.

Tartlets from ready-made puff pastry without molds

Ready-made puff pastry, which can be bought at the store, simplifies the preparation of tartlets for every housewife. This dough is very delicious and quick to prepare. In the shop you can choose how yeast and yeast-free dough.

Working with store-bought dough is not at all difficult and you won’t even need special baking dishes. Just take a sheet of dough out of the package and use a glass (or a glass) to cut proportionally even circles out of it.

Then find a glass or any other object with a round bottom of a smaller diameter. Make an indentation in the cut out circle. If necessary, lift the edges of the tartlet slightly upward by hand. During baking, the dough will, of course, increase in size and rise, but the characteristic shape of the basket will still remain.

IMPORTANT: The baking conditions and the time of keeping the dough in the oven are written on each individual packaging of the manufacturer.

Baking tartlets without molds

Dough for tartlets in silicone molds: recipes

Silicone baking molds essential simplify the work and the process of preparing tartlets. It is much more convenient and easier to take out a ready-made basket from such a mold. In addition, the dough does not stick to the edges, even if there is little oil in it.

Universal recipe for dough for tartlets in silicone molds:

  • Flour - 2 cups (be sure to sift)
  • Butter - 100 g (can be replaced with margarine or vegetable-cream mixture).
  • Sour cream - 60 g (any fat content)
  • Salt and sugar (in the case of baking sweet tartlets) to taste.

silicone molds

How to buy silicone tart molds on Aliexpress?

There are situations in life when the necessary kitchen equipment is not at hand and it is simply not possible to buy it nearby. In such situations, housewives and cooks come to the aid of the largest modern trading resource - Aliexpress.

Here, every interested buyer in the section "For home and garden” can find the item “Kitchen”. This folder contains a lot of kitchen utensils and tools, so necessary in daily use and the creation of culinary masterpieces.

Store prices are very democratic and any of your purchases on Aliexpress will have a good discount, will delight you with gift bonuses and free delivery. Here you can buy the best molds for baking. The store pleases with an assortment of models, sizes and shapes of molds.

How long do shortcrust pastry tartlets keep?

Purchased tartlets from any dough are a must have a shelf life on the packaging. But what to do if after the event you have a lot of tartlets prepared by your own hands that are not filled with filling?

The fact is that if you store them correctly, you can easily prolong their "service life". sand baskets can be neatly folded one into one, wrapped in cling film and store in the freezer until the next holiday. Such tartlets are quickly defrosted and freezing does not affect their taste in any way!

Tartlet baskets - forms and types: photo

There are a huge number of types and forms of tartlets, as well as baskets for stuffing. Some of them should be baked from home-made dough, others from purchased ones. Unusual and "simple" are tartlets made from a sheet of pita bread.
Cheese tarts

Video: "Tartlets video recipe"

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