Home Soups What is Whole Grain Bread Made of? Whole grain bread - recipes with photos. How to make whole wheat bread with sourdough or yeast. What you need to know when choosing whole grain bread

What is Whole Grain Bread Made of? Whole grain bread - recipes with photos. How to make whole wheat bread with sourdough or yeast. What you need to know when choosing whole grain bread

Along with sugar, baked goods are often cited as a major contributor to obesity. Indeed, wheat (white) bread contains very few substances useful for the body, but a lot of calories that are harmful to the figure.

It turns out that white wheat bread, as well as sweet pastries, cakes, pastries and cookies create an additional load on the pancreas, forcing it to produce additional servings of insulin. How to choose the “right” and healthy bread in all respects?

Manufacturers of bread products often resort to many tricks in the fight for a buyer. What are the names alone worth - “Health”, “Dietary”, “Cereal”, etc. It is impossible to do without a careful study of the information on the packaging, because beautiful name does not guarantee the entry of nutrients into the body.

How to make sure your bread is whole grain

Whole grain bread is very beneficial for health, figure and well-being. Each slice of this bread contains about 3 grams of intestinal-friendly fiber. The choice of real whole grain bread is simple - read the list of ingredients on the package. If whole grains come first, feel free to put them in your grocery basket. Flour for baking such bread is taken unrefined, that is, all biologically active and useful components remain in it.

It is worth paying special attention to the inscriptions like "natural rye" or "natural wheat". Such labels do not guarantee that the bread is whole grain. Ordinary refined "empty" flour is also natural. The word "natural" does not mean that the grain is not cleared of the germ and shells. Also, manufacturers like to disguise the most common flour under such beautiful and incomprehensible names as “multi-grain, enriched, multi-grain”, etc. Who has enough imagination for what newfangled words. All this is done to attract a gullible, naive and unenlightened buyer who does not particularly understand the intricacies of the process.

Bread with nuts, grains, seeds and dried fruits

A bun heavily sprinkled with seeds or nuts (such as sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, etc.) gives the impression of a healthier option to eat than a simple loaf. However, it should be remembered that these ingredients add to the overall energy value product extra calories. For example, just 20 grams of sunflower seeds added to the dough will increase the calorie content of the bun by 120 kcal.

In addition to additional calories, it happens that unscrupulous manufacturers they mask with various additives (healthy nuts, seeds, dried fruits) bread products made from the most ordinary flour, so that the buyer thinks that it is dietary useful product. Pay attention to the calorie content of the product. Read the list of ingredients, the first component should be "whole grain". If this is not the case, then put the bread aside: in front of you is a product made from simple flour, only due to additives more high-calorie.

What else to pay attention to

The next point that you should pay attention to when studying the composition of the product is the presence of fats. Everyone knows that both vegetable and animal fats are sources of additional kilocalories. The composition of bread sometimes contains hydrogenated vegetable oils, cooking oil, margarine, vegetable oil. Try not to choose such products. Sugar, sugar syrup, molasses, caramel are also often present in the list of ingredients of "diet and healthy" bread. Apart from extra calories and irritation of the pancreas, they will not add anything to your body.

Salt is an indispensable component of any bread product. It is added not only for taste, but also to control the yeast in the dough. Try to choose the bread in which salt, as an ingredient, is in one of the last places. And of course, after water and flour. The fact is that in the list of components of any product, in the first place are those ingredients, the percentage of which is maximum, and vice versa.

Healthy bread products that are a source of fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals are baked from whole grain flour, which has in its composition the germ and bran. A careful study of the list of ingredients is a guarantee of purchasing a quality product.

Any curious consumer is interested in the composition of whole grain bread. Well, this endeavor is commendable, for man is what he eats. Let all adherents calm down: the composition of whole-grain bread is not so rich in component components, but this product contains so many useful substances that ruddy buns and a sweet little bun never dreamed of such a content.

Why Choose Whole Grain Bread?

On its composition and appearance . All information on the product label is written not at all for Rospotrebnadzor, but for the buyer. And everyone has eyes. Bread ingredients are listed in decreasing order of their quantity in a bakery product. And if “Baking wheat flour of the first grade” is in the first place, then such bread has nothing to do with whole grains. Whole grain bread with bran - an unreal product. Where else to pour them, if there is more than enough bran in such flour. The black whole wheat bread- the same absurd product, because black bread is obtained by adding brewed rye flour or malt. And in whole grain bread, there cannot be such components, and the color of such a product is gray, with very noticeable inclusions of bran.
The presence of preservatives and other "chemistry" in such a product is not provided. But the fact is that now most of the products are manufactured not according to GOST, but according to TU. That is, manufacturers are free to change the recipe at their discretion. What should buyers do? Be extremely careful when buying and always read what is written on the label. By the way, a product such as whole grain bread, calorie content is different: from 180 to 225 kcal. This is due to the absence or presence of additives that change this indicator. For example, a product containing sunflower seeds in its composition will be more nutritious than a product with the addition of garlic.

Is it possible to bake such bread yourself?

It is not possible, but it is necessary! Moreover, their whole grain flour is sold in the store. True, it costs twice as much flour premium, which, in fact, is very funny, because everything should be the other way around. After all, the higher the yield of flour from grain, the cheaper it is. For example, the yield of premium flour is 30%, and the yield of flour from whole grains is 100%. That is, such a product does not go through any additional technological stages, but it costs more. Again absurd. Let's put it down to marketing.

Whole grain bread, the recipe of which is quite simple, is better to bake at home, using not only a bread machine, but also other devices for this purpose. Whole wheat bread in the oven even a child will bake, the main thing is to know recipe. Here he is:

  • Premium wheat flour - 400g.
  • Whole wheat flour (it is also made from whole grains) - 300g.
  • Yeast - 3 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Water - 400 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp

Technology: yeast is diluted with a small amount of warm water, and half a spoonful of sugar is added to this mixture. The yeast mixture is placed for half an hour in a warm place to activate. After that, all the ingredients are mixed together (except for the butter), and a ball is formed from the dough, which is coated with butter and placed in a bowl, which is placed in a warm place. The dough should come up. The process takes approximately 1 hour. After that, 2-3 loaves are formed from the dough, which should be separated for half an hour. After that, cuts are made on the surface of the loaves in order to release excess carbon dioxide formed as a result of fermentation. If this is not done, the crust will burst. Bread is baked in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.


Along with the excessive use of sugar, love for all kinds of bakery products has always been considered and is considered the main reason leading to obesity. Indeed, wheat or, as they often say, white contains a minimum of substances useful to humans, but it can harm the figure due to the abundance of calories.

And wheat bread, and rich sweet pastries, as well as flour confectionery: cakes, cookies and pastries overload the pancreas, literally forcing it to synthesize more and more portions of insulin. This can not but affect the well-being, health and appearance of a person.

However, not all bread is as bad as wheat muffins. There is also the right one, healing in all respects, and you just need to be able to choose it.

Manufacturers bakery products goes to any lengths to attract the attention of buyers to their products. However, not all buns and loaves bearing proud names: “Health”, “Grain”, “Dietary” or “Cereal” are worthy to get on the table of a person who cares about their health. You should not make a purchase without carefully reading the information that is indicated on the label, because the name alone does not guarantee the presence of useful substances in the product.

How to distinguish whole grain bread

Grain bread is very useful for health, and for maintaining a toned figure and for good daily well-being. One slice of whole grain bread contains about three grams of fiber, which is indispensable for the proper functioning of the intestines. You can distinguish it by reading the label, if whole grain is in the first place in the list, then the product is worthy to get on the table. Flour for such bread is not made from grains cleaned from coarse layers, but from whole grains, which means that all active biological components are preserved in it.

But an indication of the naturalness of raw materials cannot say anything. The flour used for baking is in any case not synthetic, whether it is from rye or wheat raw materials. After all, the main thing is not written anywhere that a particular whole grain bread. The inscription "natural" is not equivalent to the fact that the grain for flour is not cleared of a valuable germ and coarse shells. Promise to the buyer enriched beneficial substances bread or a promotional story about using multiple grains can't replace the single word "whole grain."

Bread with nuts and seeds

Sprinkled with ruddy seeds or nuts, pastries will certainly leave the impression of a healthier food product than an ordinary white loaf. However, it is important to remember here that any additional ingredients, and especially highly nutritious nuts, sesame, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, become a significant addition to the energy value of the bread itself.
For example, a 20-gram serving of sunflower seeds for sprinkling, falling into the dough or on the crust of a roll, will increase its calorie content by as much as 120 kcal.

In addition to excess calories, bread with seeds, dried fruits or nuts becomes much more expensive, but still does not become a dietary and healthy product. Therefore, when buying, it is important to pay attention to the calorie content of the finished product, and also not to be too lazy and study the list of components, where whole grains should be listed first. If something is wrong, it is better to put the bread back on the shelf. After all, it is most likely made from ordinary flour and is only disguised as a useful product due to all kinds of additives.

What to look out for

When studying the packaging of bread, you should pay attention to the presence of fat in the composition of the product. Not only that, both vegetable and all animal fats are a source of additional calories.
Bakery products sometimes contain hydrogenated oils that are not very healthy, cooking or palm fat, margarine, or some other types of oil. It is better to find dietary bread with a minimum amount of fat in the composition.

Sugar-free yeast bread cannot be in the composition, but if sugar syrup, caramel or molasses is indicated on the label, then one can doubt the dietary purpose of such bread and its belonging to healthy foods. In addition to extra calories, introducing it into the diet will cause mandatory irritation of the pancreas, but obviously it will not add health.

Bakers cannot do without salt. It is added not only to improve the taste, but also for the proper functioning of yeast in the dough. But it is worth choosing the bread where salt is indicated in one of the last places in the list of ingredients, and exactly after the most important flour and water.

Many of you have heard about the benefits of whole grain bread, especially when losing weight, but not everyone knows. Let's try to figure out: what is the use of such bread, what it consists of and dispel a few myths.

Lose weight with whole grain bread

Now you know why you can lose weight if you replace ordinary bread in your diet with “coarse”.

What you need to know when choosing whole grain bread?

  • First of all, pay attention to the splendor of bread. The bread we need should not be too airy and fluffy, and bran should also be visible.
  • Whole grain bread, as a rule, is not light.
  • Pay attention to the label. Look for words like “whole grain flour”, “whole grain”, “wheat”, “oats”, etc. And guidelines like "fortified/multi-grain flour" should alert you. Most likely this is not the bread that you need.
  • Some manufacturers are strewn with sesame seeds, seeds and grains of the usual White bread. Don't be fooled by this, again, look at the label.

What does wholemeal bread look like?

Chances are you already have an idea about what does whole grain bread look like if you didn't know. However, we advise you to take a look at the pictures below.

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Fans of baking from premium flour should think about the fact that it does not benefit the body, but it contains empty carbohydrates and a lot of calories, which then appear as excess weight. It is necessary to eat bread or loaves of flour with bran, which has retained the value of the grain germ and coarse shells.

What is whole grain bread

How to choose a useful product in the store? Maybe you should pay attention to the names: "Health", "Grain", "Dietary", "Cereal"? There is no guarantee that the benefits of whole grain bread are provided by beautiful words. A guarantee can only be given by the fact that the product is baked from unrefined flour, contains active biological components, fiber, which helps the body to work. It spares the pancreas, does not allow it to produce extra portions of insulin, it should be used in diabetes and obesity.

Whole grain bread - calories

For wholemeal bread low calorie because it contains a lot of fiber and ordinary water. If it is baked from wheat, then a 100-gram piece can contain up to 250 kcal. Rye has especially low rates, for example, Borodinsky has the least calories -190. But sometimes, due to fats and additives, the calorie content of whole grain bread increases to 290 kcal. . It can also decrease (200 kcal per 100 g) if you put pieces of finely chopped vegetables into the dough. Such pastries are even healthier and more beautiful - the photos show this well.

Whole grain bread - composition

Wholemeal bread can be sold everywhere. It is worth studying the list of constituent components, given that those with the maximum content are in the first place. Whole grain breads sometimes include cooking oil, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and margarine. They enhance nutrition. If the recipe for whole grain bread includes a lot of sweets that contribute to weight gain: sugar, sugar syrup, molasses, caramel, the product should be discarded. Salt is always added to bread products, but it should not be too much.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) is as follows: if 100 g of the product contains approximately 290 kcal, then carbohydrates are 52 g, protein is 8 g and fat is only 4 g. Proteins are the building material for the body, carbohydrates and fats are the source energy, minerals provide metabolism. Fiber absorbs harmful substances and normalizes digestion. Vitamins B1, B2, PP and E normalize metabolism.

How to make whole grain bread

Whole grain bread at home is worth baking from natural products on homemade sourdough. But if the hostess does not want to cook it on her own, then baking powder, soda or yeast can be used, although their benefits are doubtful: they roam in the human body, it is unpleasant and harmful. The main thing in the recipe is coarse grain flour, since the product made from it is not only tasty, but also rich in useful substances.

Whole grain bread recipes

There are many recipes for whole grain bread. The main products for its preparation are flour with bran, yeast - dry or fresh, warm water, salt, sugar. If you wish, you can add oil, fats, herbs, grains, seeds, honey. Good bread cooked on kefir. You can bake it in an electric or gas oven, in a slow cooker or a bread machine, strictly following all the instructions. It turns out simply, quickly, tirelessly. Sourdough baking will take longer, but it's worth mastering. The recipe with photos is below.

Whole grain bread in a bread machine

  • Cooking time: 240 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 240 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

How to cook pastries without much effort? Baking whole grain bread in a bread machine using yeast is a great option. It is necessary to prepare the ingredients, load them and select the desired program. For those who have mastered classic recipe, it is worth baking a more time-consuming, but very tasty whole grain sourdough bread (starter). But we must remember that the main condition for success is compliance with the instructions for the bread machine.

Dough Ingredients:

  • flour - 105 g
  • water -110 g
  • sourdough - 10 g

Ingredients for making dough:

  • whole grain flour - 375 g;
  • water - 240 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • butter- 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 0.75 tsp;
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Mix 10 g of sourdough with 110 g of water (settled), add 105 g of sifted flour.
  2. Close the lid, leave to ferment overnight. The temperature is preferably room temperature.
  3. Pour 240 g of water into the dough, add flour, mix, cover, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Add oil, salt, sugar to the resulting mixture, knead. Transfer the dough into a bag and refrigerate for 8-10 hours.
  5. Distribute it in a bucket of a bread machine, turn on the "Dough" mode. The mass will mix and rise twice.
  6. Then leave it alone for an hour and a half before starting the Baking program.

Whole grain bread without yeast

How to cook under conditions home cooking wholegrain unleavened bread? It's fast. unleavened dough mixed with kefir. Apart from wheat flour coarse grinding is recommended to add hercules ( oat flakes), rye flour. It's healthy food, but very tasty. Such whole grain bread can be baked using a conventional oven, but if you have a slow cooker or bread machine, the process is much easier.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 20 min.
  • Number of servings: for 6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 260 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner, for making sandwiches, sandwiches.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.


  • whole grain flour - one and a half glasses;
  • rye flour - 0.5 cups:
  • oatmeal - 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • kefir 2.5% - 250 ml;
  • baking soda- 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Mix flour, oatmeal, soda, sugar, salt,
  2. Vegetable oil combine with kefir, mix with flour.
  3. Lubricate the Redmond or Panasonic bowl with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, lay out the dough.
  4. Start the program "Baking" for 30 minutes.
  5. Turn the bread over and set the same mode again.
  6. After half an hour, take out the bread, cover with a towel for one and a half to two hours.

Whole grain sourdough bread

It would be nice to learn how to make whole grain sourdough bread! It will definitely turn out tasty, it will look beautiful, beckon with a crispy crust, dense fragrant crumb. It is worth taking the time to make the sourdough successful. To do this, it will need to be “fed” in time, then the natural yeast will raise bread dough.

  • Cooking time: 3-4 hours.
  • Calorie content: 250 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container: 4kg.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner, for a snack, for diet food.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.


  • rye flour - 100 g;
  • whole grain flour - 2-2.1 kg;
  • water - 2-2.1 liters;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 9 tsp;
  • seeds - 150 g.
  • vegetable oil.

How to make sourdough:

  1. Mix 100 g of coarse rye flour and 100 ml of water. Cover with a damp cloth and keep warm.
  2. After two days, drain half of the mass and add 50 g of flour and water. This must be done for 14 days. The future sourdough will become larger, it will begin to bubble (see photo).
  3. Pour into a jar with a lid that has holes.
  4. Store in the cold, feed on time so that the starter (starter) is always at hand.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour into a deep bowl "starter" room temperature, add all the water, a kilogram of whole grain rye flour and a spoonful of honey. Mix, leave for 5-6 hours. Sourdough loves warmth!
  2. Set aside 500 g of starter culture for the next time. All that is left will go to baking bread.
  3. Add salt and honey, stir until they dissolve.
  4. Pour the rest of the flour, seeds of your favorite crops (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin), mix thoroughly
  5. Fill greased molds halfway with dough, sprinkle with seeds. Leave the dough for 1-2 hours - let it stand and rise a little. You can form round loaves directly on the baking sheet.
  6. Send the molds to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes, then reduce the heat to 180 degrees and bake for at least an hour.
  7. Put the bread taken out of the oven on a towel, cover and wait until it cools down. Fresh whole grain bread is good with butter.

Whole grain bread in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 2.5 - 3 hours
  • Number of servings: for 7-8 people.
  • Calorie content: 240 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for sandwiches.
  • Type of cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy

Modern household appliances will help you prepare bread from whole grain flour at home. good pastries makes Redmond. Whole-grain bread in a slow cooker with yeast will turn out well if you follow the rules specified in the instructions attached to the appliance. Do not neglect spices, herbs, seeds - they will add aroma and piquancy to the bread.


  • flour - 500 g
  • water - 300 ml
  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of flour, yeast, salt, sugar.
  2. Pour in warm water, mix everything. It will turn out a dough, it is best to put it in heat for half an hour or an hour.
  3. Combine the sifted flour with the dough, pour in the oil and knead the dough. It should not remain on the hands when kneading.
  4. Cover the dough with a napkin and let rise for 40 minutes, then knead again.
  5. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil, shift the dough, close the lid, start the "Heating" for 15 minutes.
  6. Complete the process in the "Baking" mode - 40 minutes.
  7. Then turn the bread over. Bake for 25 minutes in a special basket until golden brown.
  8. After 10 minutes, take out the finished fragrant delicacy on a dish, let it cool under a towel.

Video: whole wheat bread recipe in the oven

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