Home Kashi Durum wheat flour. What is durum wheat flour used for? Wheat flour at home

Durum wheat flour. What is durum wheat flour used for? Wheat flour at home

Strive to please yourself with exquisite aromas and tastes of intoxicating? Looking for alcohol that, on the one hand, can give unforgettable emotions, and on the other hand, guarantee pleasant atmospheric impressions during a long tasting?

For your attention Hoogarden beer, a Belgian product whose aromatic and taste characteristics have already been appreciated by experienced tasters around the world. In these drinks you will find a genuine charismatic serving that will open gradually.

Hoegaarden beer is an exquisite "Belgian" alcohol, which you will not find analogues, even if you study all "beers". This product is not filtered and is prepared according to original technology which is almost 600 years old.

Moreover, in the structure of alcohol there are only high-quality ingredients, which are closely monitored by experienced technologists.

Ingredients of Hoegarden beer

Considering in detail the composition of each representative of the Hoegaarden company, you will note the presence of unsprouted wheat, unmalted oats, barley malt, coriander and orange peel in the basis of products.

  • Colour. The visual flavor may differ, based directly on the composition. Varies from pale gold to sparkling red.
  • Aroma. Aromatic indicators are expressed by the color of spicy, fruity and berry undertones.
  • Taste. The gastronomic base pleases with softness and tenderness. Each sip gives a pleasant sensation.

Why is Hoogarden called a beer drink?

In all countries of the world, the Hoegaarden trademark is referred to as beer, while in the Russian Federation, brand representatives are beer drinks. This fact is explained by the fact that the composition of alcohol contains components that are unacceptable by the law of the country. We are talking about zest and coriander. It should be noted that the producer of Hoogarden beer in Russia is the company SUN InBev.

Did you know? In 2017, at the Brussels Beer Challenge, Hoegaarden White won a silver medal.

How to buy branded alcohol

Like other variants of the popular intoxicating drink, Hoegaarden has not escaped the attention of counterfeiters. That is, today, in an effort to purchase a branded Belgian product, you can easily stumble upon a solid set of fakes that can spoil the impressions of a measured beer tasting. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that during the tasting process, pay attention to:

  • Place of purchase. Try to buy alcohol only in proven alcohol boutiques or supermarkets. You should not look for real premium Belgian beer in stalls and grocery stores, since it is in such places that fakes are most often offered to the consumer.
  • Consistency appearance. Although the product has a natural cloudy character, in no case should there be neoplasms in its structure. Each representative of the brand is a perfectly clean and balanced drink without sediment and other unpleasant moments.
  • The shape of the bottle. Do not trust containers that have glass chips, dents, abrasions, smeared embossing, uneven labels, or other signs of a manufacturing defect. All these are signs of counterfeit, as the company responsibly approaches not only the preparation of the drink, but also bottling.

How to serve

The general impressions of tasting both Hoegaarden and alcoholic variants directly depend on compliance with a number of rules. The pouring of these drinks is carried out strictly in branded hexagonal glasses, whose thick glass section allows you to store the drink for a long time at a temperature that is cold enough for consumption.

At the same time, we note that the supply temperature should be approximately 2-3 degrees. This is an order of magnitude lower than conventional lagers. The manufacturer claims that only if the above standards are observed, the consumer will be able to fully reveal all the aromatic and gastronomic colors of the purchased product.

What products are combined with

In terms of gastronomic accompaniment to branded products, it is best to serve snacks, shellfish, fish, salads and cheese slices. With meat snacks branded drinks are relatively restrained, which is why experienced tasters recommend avoiding them.

Other uses

Tasting Hoegaarden branded foamy pure can get boring, and in this case, we recommend that you pay attention to the Bishop, Three Comrades, Green Dragon, Hoof Kick and Royal Purple cocktails. In each representative of a famous brand will show itself from a new, more interesting and fascinating side.

You can also pay attention to the recipes of other mixes. Hoegaarden beer has a versatile nature that allows it to be paired with a wide variety of foods.

Did you know? The first country where, under a license agreement, they began to produce a truly Belgian drink was Russia.

What are the types of this drink

In order to diversify your personal tasting with a bright and at the same time charismatic drink, you will certainly pay attention to the flavor of the products of the famous Hoegaarden brand. Each of the presented products has its own unique tasting indicators, and therefore, in them you will definitely find your standard of intoxication. The company's most popular products include:

  • Hoegaarden Original White. White unfiltered Hoegarden with natural haze with golden reflections. The aroma is built on wheat, apple and banana notes. Gastronomic outlines are underlined by tones of coriander, pastries and citrus.

  • Hoegaarden Forbidden Fruit. Elegant - light - with a rich bouquet, which is dominated by carnation trails, applesauce and cherries. The gastronomic foundation is expressed by the outlines of nuts, raisins, chocolate and figs.
  • Hoegaarden Grand Cru. Unfiltered Hoogarden beer with a delicate fruity-spicy aroma. The taste is dominated by undertones of biscuit and candied fruit.

  • Hoegaarden Rose. Light fruity hoppy, characterized by a pinkish-orange hue. The aromatic and taste characteristics are dominated by tones of strawberry, raspberry, yeast esters and millet.
  • Beer Hougaarden Non-alcoholic. foamy with a spicy-sour tint in the aroma and distinct outlines of orange and coriander in the taste.

Whose beer is Hoogarden and interesting facts from the history of the brand

Hoegarden beer is produced by the Belgian company of the same name, which is part of the large international corporation Anheuser-Busch InBev.

In particular, the name of the trademark allows you to make a correct assumption about its origin. For the first time, this intoxicating product began to be made by the monks of the monasteries of the Hoogarden district. The recipe for the original drink was invented in the 14th century, and the first documentary mention of the product can be found in archives dated 1445.

Did you know? Today Hoegarden brand products can be found in more than 70 countries around the world.

Hoppy with non-trivial characteristics

Expand your own knowledge in the field of stylish alcoholic beverages, trusting trademarks who have already managed to prove themselves from the best side in the international arena.

Hoogarden products give the consumer a lot of unique taste and aroma notes, which are subsequently remembered for a long period of time. Each representative of the brand is a unique product, whose nature fascinates with its rich and colorful color.

Head to the nearest alcohol store for a bottle of premium European unfiltered foam with an exclusive taste and aroma.

Hoegaarden is a Belgian brand known for the popular wheat (white) beer produced by the brewery of the same name. Unfiltered top-fermented beer is brewed old recipe from unmalted wheat, special Hoegarden yeast and others not typical for traditional beer ingredients - coriander and orange peel Curacao.

The Hoegaarden brand is named after the district of the same name in Flanders, where white beer was brewed first by monks and then by brewers until the 1930s. After the Second World War, the brewery was destroyed and could not function normally. Despite the attempts of the owners to return the former power and glory to the enterprise, in 1957 it went bankrupt and closed.

Almost a decade later, in 1966, Peter Selys managed to revive the production of wheat beer in Hoegarden by building a new brewery on the site of the destroyed one. Later, he sold the plant to Interbrew, which invested 60 million euros in its modernization. Today, the Hoegaarden brand is represented on the world beer market with three types of beer: White (wheat unfiltered), Grand Cru (strong wheat beer with fruit flavors) and Forbidden Fruit (red unfiltered beer with a bitter taste).

The uniqueness of products manufactured under the Hoogarden brand lies in their composition. The beer is brewed with the addition of coriander and orange zest, which give the beer an elegant refreshing taste that is best preserved when the drink is served very cold. Because of its white color and low serving temperature, Hoegarden is called the "cold sun". This foamy drink is brewed using a unique technology that involves double fermentation, which consists in adding live yeast to the beer poured into kegs and bottles.

Since 2005, licensed production of this brand of beer has been launched in Russia.

"Hoogarden" — price in WineStyle

Beer "Hoogarden" in WineStyle stores can be bought at a price of 66 rubles. - that's the price non-alcoholic beer in a volume of 0.33 liters. A standard bottle of beer can be bought at a price of 120 rubles.

The one who loves homebaked bread and homemade pasta, will agree with me that the most important point is the right choice of flour. In order to choose the right flour for the best result, or, more importantly, to mix different types of flour together correctly, you need to know their basic characteristics.
First of all, you need to consider what grain the flour is made from.
I only write about what I have tried myself, so I will mention here the types and varieties of flour that I have tried and are familiar with.

First of all, this

farina di grano tenere (triticum aestivum) - soft wheat flour,

farina di grano duro (triticum turgidum durum) - durum wheat flour,

farina di segale (secale cereale)- Rye flour

farina di farro (triticum turgidum dicoccum) - spelled flour

Soft wheat flour

In Italy, soft wheat flour differs in terms of ash content. The ash content of flour is the amount of minerals contained in it. The higher the ash content in the flour, i.e. the more it contains mineral salts, the lower its quality.
According to this indicator, the following types of flour exist in Italy:

Italian flour type Ash content Output
flour type 00 0,55% 50%
type 0 flour 0,65% 72%
type 1 flour 0,80% 80%
type 2 flour 0,95% 85%
wholemeal flour
1,70% 100%

In the table I give the ash content and the so-called "yield". The output in flour milling is the amount of flour obtained by grinding 100 parts by weight of grain. Wholemeal flour, as you can see, has a 100% yield, because. for its manufacture, the whole grain is used, all its components: the inner part of the grain (endosperm), and the shells, and the germ. For the manufacture of type 00 flour, only the inner part of the grain (endosperm) is used.

The table does not show some subtypes of Italian flour, because, for example, I personally for homemade pasta chose flour type 00 with the nomination calibrata, which means - calibrated, i.e. large, special grinding. This flour has a yellowish tint, feels like sand to the touch. It makes an excellent sfolia (layer of rolled out dough), it rolls well, does not tear, dries quickly, it is easy to manipulate, and the finished product is as if rough to the touch, what is called pasta ruvida, i.e. pasta ruvida. rough paste. Sauce sticks better to such a pasta, it does not roll off it. In the region of Emilia-Romagna, this dough is especially appreciated, from which tagliatelle and lasagna are made here.

If we compare Italian and Russian flour, we get the following picture:

Type of Russian flour Ash content Output
Premium flour 0,55% 30%
Flour of the first grade 0,75% 72%
Flour of the second grade 1,25% 85%
Whole flour 0,07-2,0% 96%

But it is not enough to know only the ash content and the yield of flour in order to understand how flour will behave in the process of kneading and baking bread. To do this, there are various parameters among which the most important is the strength of flour, which is denoted by the letter W. To measure this parameter, a tool called Chopin's alveorgaf is used. Flour with a high W value absorbs more water and is more suitable for long proofing. The strength of the flour affects the volume of baking and the porosity of the crumb - the higher the W value, the more porous, dense and elastic the finished product is.
This strength parameter is not indicated on flour packages for home use, however, there is a table that will help you understand the strength of flour, based on the amount of proteins in it, which can be read on a pack of flour.

Russian flour of the highest grade has a weak strength and a low percentage of proteins - 10.3. Therefore, for example, pizza from it turns out to be lush, high, finely porous, for Italian pizza such indicators are not typical. But there is still a replacement for such flour - flour with a high protein content. Different manufacturers in Russia designate such flour in different ways - special, reinforced, extra. Most importantly, when buying, make sure that the protein content in the flour is appropriate.

In Italy you can find a very strong type of flour. This is Manitoba flour. It allows you to produce long proofing dough, up to 15 hours. Manitoba is the name of an Indian tribe and one of the Canadian regions where this special type of grain is grown, which is high in gluten. Today, other types of flour with W>350 are called Manitoba, regardless of the origin of the grain.
In Italy, you can find Manitoba flour with a protein content of 21.53%. This is a rather expensive flour and is suitable for baking panettone and other pastries that require particularly long proofing.
Many recipes advise mixing Manitoba with other types of flour.
Here's how, for example, in these my recipes that I attached to the post:
Maritozzi buns

Italian Easter braid

sandwich croissants

Recently, I especially fell in love with wholemeal flour (integrale). Wholemeal flour in Russia includes wholemeal flour (96% flour yield from raw materials) and whole grain flour (100% flour yield). Of course, someone will say that you can’t bake from such flour sweet muffin. He will be right if he says that such flour rises poorly, often falls off, and the finished product has an unsightly appearance and gray color. But on the other hand, having eaten such bread, a person is saturated faster. This flour is rich in fiber, which is so necessary for us, because it cleanses the body of toxins and feeds the microflora of our intestines, on the state of which immunity and health depend. In a word, long live bran!

Durum wheat flour

I love using durum wheat flour. In durum wheat flour, starch grains are smaller and harder, its consistency is fine-grained, and there is relatively much gluten. Such flour is strong, absorbs more water and goes to baking bread and, of course, to making pasta- pastes.
Semola is obtained by grinding durum wheat. It is yellowish in color and does not look like powder, but like fine sand. Secondary grinding practiced in southern Italy durum wheat(semola rimacinata). Bread baked from durum wheat has a special crumb texture, a yellowish color associated with a high content of carotenoids. This bread keeps well. The most famous semola bread is bread di Altamura. Compared to soft wheat, semolina has a higher protein content (14-15%), dietary fiber(9-19%) and mineral salts (potassium, iron, phosphorus) and vitamins of group E, B1, B3.

I will add that in Russia this is second-class flour, also called "durum". This is the flour, on the packaging of which is GOST 16439-70. It is under this GOST that the Russian industry produces flour from durum wheat.

Rye flour

It must be said that rye flour is little used in Italy. Much less than we would like. However, almost all Italians who have ever tasted my black bread were delighted with it. Recently in Italy they began to produce a ready-made mix for baking black bread. Its composition is as follows:
89.3% is flour from the following cereals and grains -

soft wheat flour type 00
Rye flour
sesame seeds
barley flour
corn flour
flour from oatmeal
rice flour.
Then cane sugar is added, sea ​​salt, dextrose, malt flour.

It turns out unusually fragrant, very dark bread, which remains soft for several days.

Rye flour is also included in the finished composition called "7 cereals" along with soft and durum wheat, spelled, oats, corn and barley. This flour looks like whole wheat flour.

spelled flour

"I will serve you well,
Diligently and very well
In a year for three clicks on your forehead,
Give me some boiled spelt."

Yes, yes, it was this spelled that Balda asked the priest. Spelled (in Italian farro, in German dinkel) is the oldest cereal, wheat, containing the largest amount of proteins - from 27% to 37%. Gluten proteins, which this cereal is so rich in, contain 18 essential amino acids for the body, which cannot be obtained from animal food. The ancient Romans and Egyptians regularly ate it. She is mentioned in the poems of Homer, in the writings of Herodotus, Theophrastus, Columella. Spelled was sown on a vast territory from Ethiopia and South Arabia to Transcaucasia. Spelled was distributed almost throughout Europe. For some reason that I don't understand, over time it was almost completely abandoned, but in the last 20 years, interest in spelled has returned with renewed vigor. I even found such interesting information that in Wales, for example, a bakery was opened where you can buy the most expensive bread in the country - “Bread of Heaven”. It costs 2 pounds sterling, which is four times more expensive than ordinary bread, and according to the producers, it is made from real spelled wheat, which was present at the table of Christ and the apostles during their last meal.
They also write that studies conducted in the United States have proven that spelled gluten in half the cases does not cause allergies in people who are sensitive to this element in wheat grain. Some scientists even claim that it, on the contrary, helps fight celiac disease.
The spelled grain is protected by tight-fitting scales, which protects it from adverse environmental influences, so spelled can grow in almost all climatic zones. Spelled is unpretentious.
In Italy, there are many recipes with this wonderful cereal, which in some sources is referred to as “black caviar of cereals”.
Spelled flour is universal. It comes in whole grain and white.
Spelled flour can be successfully replaced with soft wheat flour. The dish will only benefit from this in terms of taste and, of course, usefulness.
Gluten characteristics make spelled flour an excellent product for baking healthy bread. Products made from this flour are distinguished by a crispy crust, a dense crumb and an indescribable aroma and taste.
Any pasta with or without filling is made from this flour, it is also suitable for sweet pastries, cakes, cookies, not forgetting pancakes and tortillas. It makes excellent strudel dough and phyllo dough. Spelled flour thickens sauces. It is great for bechamel, sweet creams and puddings. Spelled flour and the cereal itself add a delicate nutty flavor to the dish and many people use it for this reason alone. You just need to remember two important things: spelled flour requires more water during kneading and the dough rises more slowly than soft wheat flour. But when it comes to benefits and health, you can wait a bit, right?

And today I found in my kitchen
flour for frying
flour for piadina
flour for sweet baking with baking powder
rice flour
corn flour
almond flour.

But more about that some other time.

Wheat ranks third in terms of crops among grain crops, second only to rice and corn. Historians believe that wheat was one of the first domestic crops and appeared several thousand years ago in Turkey. The wheat that is grown now appeared as a result of natural selection of the ancient (variety of spelt).
Distinguish between durum and soft wheat varieties. Their main difference (in relation to cooking, of course) is the protein content. Durum wheat contains more protein and is better for baking bread. Soft wheat varieties are great for sweet pastries. All-purpose flour is obtained by combining these two varieties of wheat.
For even greater variety, wheat is planted and harvested in different time year (winter and spring wheat). It can also be red-grained and white-grained (depending on the variety). But not all countries divide wheat into so many types. In some countries, they are divided only into soft and durum wheat.

Industrial wheat flour

In industry, wheat flour varieties are determined mainly by two characteristics - ash content and gluten content in flour. Ash content is the amount of dry mineral substances remaining after burning 100 grams of flour. Mineral substances, firstly, do not burn, and secondly, they are contained in the outer shells of the grain and the ash content of the flour makes it possible to determine the bran content in the flour. Those. the lower the ash content, the less bran got into the flour and the whiter the flour. Ash content is from 0.5% (for premium flour) to 1.80% (for wholemeal flour). There are several standards in the world for determining ash content. In America, ash content is determined by the ratio of the weight of ash to the total weight of flour, but in Russia (and throughout Europe).
The second important parameter that determines the quality of flour is the content of gluten in it.
The content of gluten in Russia and in the West is regulated differently. Russian standards give norms for the content of raw gluten, other countries are guided by the content of dry. The coefficient for converting dry gluten into raw gluten is 2.65.

Russian flour

In Russia, it is customary to divide wheat flour into 3 classes - baking, general purpose flour and durum wheat flour (durum).
Bread flour is produced from soft wheat or with the addition of up to 20% durum wheat to it.
Varieties of baking flour (according to GOST R 52189-2003)

  • Extra. Color: white or white with a cream tint, ash content 0.45, gluten content not less than 28%.
  • Top grade. Color: white or white with a cream tint, ash content 0.55, gluten content not less than 28%.
  • Krupchatka. Color: white or cream with a yellowish tint, ash content 0.60, gluten content not less than 30%. The size of flour grains is 0.16-0.20 mm.
  • First grade. Colour: white or white with a yellowish tinge, ash content 0.75, gluten content not less than 30%.
  • Second grade. Color: white or white with a yellowish or grayish tint, ash content 1.25, gluten content not less than 25%.
  • Wallpaper flour. Colour: white with a yellowish or grayish tinge with noticeable particles of grain shells, ash content not more than 2.0, gluten content not less than 20%.

All purpose flour is no longer divided into varieties, but is divided into types. But what exactly the manufacturer put in the package can be judged by the alphanumeric code.
The type of flour depends on the degree of grinding, the mass fraction of ash or whiteness, the mass fraction of raw gluten.
Designations of types of wheat flour of general purpose:
M - the raw material for manufacturing is soft wheat
MK - the raw material for the manufacture is coarse soft wheat
The first two digits are the largest mass fraction of ash (minerals)
The second two digits are the smallest mass fraction of raw gluten

Types of general purpose flour in accordance with GOST R 52189-2003 “Wheat flour. General technical conditions»

  • M 45-23
  • M 55-23
  • M 75-23
  • M 100-25
  • MK 55-23
  • MK 75-23
  • M 125-20
  • M 145-23

In total, wheat flour of general purpose, depending on the type, may contain 20-25% gluten, 45-145% minerals. It is used for the production of bakery, confectionery and culinary products.
Durum wheat flour divided into three varieties:

  • Top grade (krupka). Color: light cream with a yellow tint, ash content 0.90, gluten content not less than 26%. Grain size up to 0.56 mm
  • First grade (semi-grain). Colour: light cream, ash content 1.20, gluten content not less than 28%. Grain size up to 0.39 mm
  • Second grade. Color: cream with a yellowish tinge, ash content 1.90, gluten content not less than 25%. The grain size is 0.18-0.27 mm.

american flour

In the US, there are no such standards for flour as we have. And flour is divided there very conditionally in terms of gluten content and type of wheat. Wheat is divided into winter and spring, red and white (according to the color of the grain shells), as well as hard and soft varieties. Flour made from red durum wheat has its own unique, rather strong aroma and rather rough texture. At the same time, white durum wheat flour is slightly softer and creates more texture in baked goods.
There is all-purpose (an analogue of our general-purpose flour), whole wheat (whole grain or wholemeal), bread flour (bread flour, similar, but not quite like our baking flour), confectionery flour (pastry flour and cake flour). Pastry flour and cake flour are low in gluten (6 to 8% for cake flour and 8 to 9% for pastry flour). Confectionery flour is made from the central part of the grain - the endosperm and therefore has a very low ash content (0.35-0.45%). The difference is that pastry flour is not bleached flour, while cake flour is always bleached. Confectionery flour, as the name implies, is only suitable for yeast-free confectionery- cookies, etc.
Some other varieties are also produced in the USA, but these are rare and are used mostly by professionals. Therefore, I did not include them in the review.

Italian flour

I already wrote a big article.

Wheat flour at home

With all the variety of wheat flour in the store, I almost stopped buying it. Although I did not come to this immediately. Before that, there was a long way of realizing that refined wheat flour is not the most useful product and is only suitable for baking, which is eaten quite rarely. For flour for every day (and I bake bread daily), refined flour is not suitable. Indeed, for some reason, bran and germ are removed from whole wheat grains, i.e. all the most useful, leave one starch, which, moreover, is sometimes bleached chemically. It is foolish to deprive yourself of so many nutrients and vitamins, and then it is painful to think about which vitamins in tablets to buy for yourself and what my body lacks again.
Yes, I do not argue, it is convenient to cook from refined flour - hundreds of thousands of recipes are designed for its use and it is always in the store. However, choosing healthier foods has never been easy.
First I will describe the grinding of flour in industry.
Wheat grain consists of three layers: bran, germ and endosperm. Grinding wheat in modern conditions begins with the removal of bran. Nature provided a layer of bran to nourish the wheat germ itself. Therefore, most of the nutrients in wheat are found in the outer layer, in the bran, and are absent from premium flour. The grain then goes through a second milling stage, during which the germ is removed, which also contains nutrients and is even sold as a separate product. Ultimately, the endosperm remains, which is then also crushed and bleached (not always). During all stages of grinding, the flour is sifted, and the resulting siftings ( semolina and grits Artek) are also sold as a separate product.
Flour is ground at home either with a grain mill or with a powerful blender. Varietal grinding can also be reproduced at home. To do this, you will have to ask for flour through special sizing sieves. However, not all sieves can be safely purchased at the store. And the process is not fast. For myself, I managed with only 2 sieves that you can buy from us - with cells of 1.5 and 0.5 mm. I will not say that I often use them to remove bran. And top grade wheat flour cannot be obtained with such sieves.
Another important point regarding homemade wheat flour. Wheat flour after grinding should ripen. Freshly ground flour without special treatment is of little use for baking bread of normal quality. It also absorbs water worse, and the dough turns out sticky and spreading during proofing. Bakery products from freshly ground flour have a reduced volume (due to the greater density and low porosity of the product), have various crumb defects, often have a surface covered with small cracks.
However, after some time, the quality of the flour improves. The duration of flour maturation depends on storage conditions, as well as on the grain itself. But also long-term storage(especially under adverse conditions) is also not good - the quality of the flour is deteriorating (the flour seems to overripe). The time from which the deterioration of the baking properties of flour begins also depends on the storage conditions.
If initially the gluten of the grain was weak, then after 1.5-2 months of resting (ripening) it becomes of medium strength.

Table of measures and weights

1 cup wheat grains = 180 g
1 cup whole wheat flour = 120 g
1 cup wheat grains = 1 1/2 cups wheat flour

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