Home Preparations for the winter How to make baby jelly. Birthday for children: sweet table. blackberry jelly recipe

How to make baby jelly. Birthday for children: sweet table. blackberry jelly recipe

Every parent wants to treat their child to something tasty. At the same time, sweets and chocolate are not the best option for this, as they contain preservatives, dyes, flavors, and other harmful substances. A great solution would be fruit jelly made from natural products: juices (fruit and berry), pieces of fruit and berries, gelatin and sugar. These dishes are great taste qualities so the kids love it.


  1. Berries - 50g
  2. Gelatin - 1 leaf
  3. Water - 200g
  4. Sugar - 30g

To treat a child to this jelly, wash the berries (50g) with boiled water, mash with a spoon and squeeze out 1 tsp. juice, which will later need to be mixed with ready-made jelly. Pour berry pomace with boiling water (1 cup) and heat until steam appears. Then throw them several times on a sieve to clean them well of the remnants of the berries. Soak one gelatin leaf in cold water. Put a decoction of berries with sugar on the stove, then dip the squeezed gelatin (gelatin leaf soaked in water) into it. Boil, stirring constantly. Then the jelly must be filtered through gauze, poured into clean molds, cooled slightly, add raw juice to it, and then put in the cold.

Serve the jelly to the child after cooling.

Read also: Kissel and mousse for a child.


  1. Pears - 150g
  2. Redcurrant jelly - 30g
  3. Sugar - 30g
  4. Almonds - 10g

To prepare pear jelly for a child, peel the pear, grate with lemon and cook until soft in a syrup consisting of 0.5 tbsp. water and sugar (30g). After that, remove to a saucer and refrigerate. Then cover the pear with jelly (2 tablespoons) from red currant prepared according to the previous recipe.

After cooling, you can serve to the child.

(5 servings)


  1. Lemon - 1 pc.
  2. Gelatin - 3 leaves
  3. Sugar - 200g
  4. Water - 500g

To prepare lemon jelly for a child, pour boiling water over a medium-sized lemon, cut it across and squeeze the juice out of it (conveniently on a press slide). In this case, the juice from one lemon will be about 35g. Then wipe the zest from the lemon, dip it in 0.5 liters of boiling water and add sugar (1 tablespoon) to it. Boil everything with pre-soaked gelatin, then strain, cool slightly, add squeezed lemon juice, strain again, pour into molds (5 pieces) and put in the freezer for 1 hour.

In the same way, tangerine and / or orange jelly can be prepared for a child.

Read also: Fruits and berries for a child.


  1. Milk - 0.5 st.
  2. Gelatin - 2 leaves
  3. Sugar - 60g
  4. Lemon - 0.25 pcs.

To prepare milk jelly for a child, boil milk (0.5 tbsp.), Sugar (60 g) and lemon peel (0.25 tbsp.) Together. Then strain and refrigerate. Soak 4-5 min. in cold water 2 leaves of gelatin, squeeze, dissolve in hot water (1 tablespoon), strain and mix with milk. After that add lemon juice(half a spoon), mix and pour the future jelly into cups to cool and serve to the child.


  1. Plums - 100g
  2. Gelatin - 1-2 leaves
  3. Sugar - 25g
  4. Lemon - 0.5 pcs.

To treat a child with plum jelly, in 2st. water slowly boil (30 min.) plums (100 g), zest from half a lemon and sugar (1 tbsp.). Do this with the lid closed. Then wipe everything through the sieve and soak the gelatin (2 leaves) in a small amount of hot water. After that, mix everything, pour into a mold, cool and can be served to the child.

Read also: Mousse for a child.


  1. Apples - 200g
  2. Gelatin - 1 leaf
  3. Sugar - 30g
  4. Lemon juice - 5g

To prepare apple jelly for baby, wash 200g of apples and cut each into 8 pieces. Then boil in half a glass of water for softness apple slices and still hot, mash them into a mush. Then add 30g of sugar to it and let it boil. Soak a leaf of gelatin in water (cold), squeeze and dissolve in applesauce(in liquid portion). Then combine gelatin with puree, add 1 tsp. lemon juice, pour into a mold and refrigerate.

Serve the child with cream or boiled chilled milk.

Most of all, children love sweets and magic. Kids are trying to decorate this world and make it diverse and unusual both for themselves and for adults.

Agree, this is quite a difficult job for their age. So why not help them? You can easily combine their favorite things to make a colorful, bright and sweet miracle. With this miracle, today we will have jelly.

General principles for making jelly for children

Like any magic, jelly can be of various shapes, colors. This dessert is perfect for any holiday or event. The beauty of a dish directly depends on its diversity and creativity. Many believe that the main task of jelly is to save us from the heat on summer days, others are of the opinion that jelly is relevant for children on winter days, showing kids other colors that differ from winter white. The correct opinion is that jelly is suitable at any time of the year, since everyone always wants to make the days brighter for themselves, their children, relatives and friends.

You can diversify jelly not only by color or a combination of them, but also by design, because taste is important exactly as much as appearance. Well, if you are preparing jelly for children, then the percentage of beauty exceeds 50%, since it is not easy to interest a child.

Many mothers are concerned about one common question: is it possible for children to have jelly. Opinions are divided by exactly half, just like the opinion of doctors and specialists. Some argue that gelatin contains the amino acid glycine, which is important for the body. Also, at times, instead of gelatin, agar-agar is added, in which pectin is present. It removes toxins from the body. The opinion of other experts is as follows: too much sugar is unhealthy, and in this dessert, it is not only directly added, but also present in fruits. Also, jelly broth contains harmful components and fats. And if you are not going to cook jelly according to old, homemade recipes, but simply buy a ready-made pack in the store, then the danger and harm of the product will become even more threatening to the child's body. After all, these bags contain a large amount of dye and flavor. But first of all, you need to start from the age of the baby. Doctors advise not to give such a dessert to children under 1.5–2 years old.

Let's start with the simplest first. In many desserts, the “main special” jelly includes not only juice and fruits, but also sour cream, cottage cheese, milk, etc. Naturally, this all takes more time and effort. Therefore, the easiest way is jelly with multi-colored layers.

Recipe 1. Dessert "Striped Jelly"


150g powdered sugar;

600g sour cream (yogurt or cream);

150 ml of milk;

25g gelatin;

1 l 50 ml of hot boiled water;

3 packs of multi-colored jelly (weighing 90g each).

1. First of all, pour gelatin with hot milk. Mix and leave in this form for half an hour. It is important that it swell at room temperature.

2. Let's do jelly. Pour it into a prepared bowl with hot water weighing 400g and mix everything well.

3. The same steps should be repeated with the remaining two bags.

4. We take a glass dish for baking, the size of which is 25/15. Before using it for jelly, you should keep the dishes in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes for half an hour.

5. Pour half of the same color onto the bottom of the mold. For example, green.

6. We send it to the refrigerator for complete solidification, but before that you need to hold the jelly on the table at room temperature until the ingredient has cooled.

7. While the green layer of jelly hardens, sour cream should be prepared. Pour it into a bowl and add powdered sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, but do not beat too hard to a thick mass.

8. Add gelatin to sour cream and mix everything.

9. Soon, when the sour cream jelly is ready, and the green color hardens well, it's time to make the second layer of sour cream. We drink 7-9 tablespoons over the green frozen mass. The layer should be small. We send the mass back to the refrigerator, until completely solidified. sour cream jelly.

10. Sour cream cake frozen. The next color suits the case. For my taste today it will be red. Pour about 15 tablespoons of red jelly, so much into green.

11. After hardening, repeat the procedure with sour cream.

12. Pour half of the last layer onto the already thickened sour cream.

13. When the yellow jelly hardens, cover it with sour cream and repeat the whole process again, that is, all of the above 12 points.

14. We send the finished rainbow to the refrigerator for about 8 hours so that it freezes well.

Your dessert, jelly for children, is ready and the only thing left is to cut it correctly or get the sweetness without destroying the structure. To do this, dip the knife in hot water for about 10 seconds. We wipe the knife with a napkin and draw along the edges of the jelly cake, thereby unsticking it from the walls of the dishes, when the knife has cooled down, repeat the same procedure with boiled water. After lowering the bottom and sides of the jelly into boiled water for 5-7 seconds. It remains to put the plank on top and turn the dish over, carefully changing the location. Cut into pieces also with a hot knife.

If your color is frozen while "waiting your turn", put on a steam yuan and melt to a liquid state.

Recipe 2. Rainbow Orange Jelly

The peculiarity of the dessert is its presentation. Ordinary glasses or beautiful dishes will not look as creative as we can!


3 oranges;

3 colors of jelly (in our case, these are peach, strawberry and kiwi);

Cooking progress:

1. Pour the contents of the purchased package into a bowl in which 400g of hot water has already been poured.

2. Cut the orange in half. With a teaspoon, carefully cut out the inside of the fruit without damaging the peel. We put the inside on a plate and with a clear conscience we can eat it. We do this process with each half.

3. Pour the jelly into the orange peel at the very edges, carefully holding it so that the orange does not turn over and spill the syrup. Leave everything in the fridge to chill.

4. Last step: cut the halves into two slices. But first, let's dip the knife in hot water so as not to harm the jelly.

Jelly for kids is ready!

Recipe 3. Jelly "Easter Eggs"

This time, let's try to diversify the ingredient and instead of store-bought jelly, prepare from drinks and juices. For this we need:

A glass of orange juice;

A glass of Tarragon Drink;

A glass of cherry lemonade;

A glass of drink with orange and tangerine;

A glass of Coca-Cola;

25g gelatin;

1. Add gelatin to a full glass of orange juice and mix well. We do the same with the rest of the glasses. We leave the glasses for forty minutes.

2. We prepare the "dishes". With a knife, make a small hole from the blunt end of the egg.

3. We turn the egg over so that its inside slowly drains. Once everything drains, wash the egg. We rinse until completely clean water flows.

4. We do the whole operation with the rest of the eggs.

5. By the time we finish all this, the drinks will mix well with the gelatin and you can proceed to the fun part. With the help of a syringe, we collect the syrup of one drink and pour the eggs into the hole. We do the same procedure with the rest of the eggs and drinks.

6. About 12 hours should pass for the jelly to harden well and you can get the dessert from the refrigerator.

7. There remains a solemn moment: to clean the eggs. There is nothing complicated here. We peel it like a normal egg from the shell.

Looking at such an egg, one can say with accuracy that this is jelly for children. Although, we are all children at times!

Recipe 4. Vanilla Panna Cottu with Berry Jelly


For panna cottu:

250g cream from 33% Lake Peipus;

250g thick yogurt;

80g sugar.

8g instant gelatin + 50g cold water;

For jelly:

300 g of frozen berries (cherries, strawberries, currants, raspberries);

80 g of sugar;

8 g gelatin (instant / leaf) + 50 g cold water for it;

Juice and zest of 1/2 lemon;

Vanilla extract or pods.


1. Soak gelatin in cold water to swell in two different cups for two layers of 8g each.

2. Pour the cream into a saucepan and add the seeds from the vanilla pod, or cut it in half.

3. Using a knife, carefully remove the top powder of the vanilla sticks, throw them into a saucepan. We send sticks there.

4. Pour sugar into the cream. We transfer the saucepan to the stove and heat almost to a boil, stirring gently. After the first bubbles of boiling, turn off the fire.

5. Strain through a fine sieve, add gelatin and mix well.

6. Add yogurt. Tip: use a blender. The result is much better.

7. We take glasses or cups. We lean it on something so that the angle between the glass and the table is approximately 30-45. Pour the syrup into a glass. The shape should be triangular. Let's cool down.

8. Go to the berry layer. We spread the strawberries in a ladle and 80 g of sugar, zest and juice of half a lemon (using a sieve).

9. We put the ladle on the stove so that they melt. As soon as the water boils, you can remove it from the stove.

10. Using a blender, make strawberry puree. Add gelatin while the puree is hot and continue to churn everything with a blender.

11. Cool the strawberry puree until room temperature.

12. We return to the creamy layer. If it has become more or less elastic and does not stick to your fingers, then you can cover it with berry puree. To cover the rest of the berry puree and not spill due to an acute angle, you need to pour a little and wait for it to harden. Then slowly increase the degree and bring the glass closer to the vertical position each time. When fully prepared, send to the refrigerator.

Ponna Cotta can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. Bon Appetit!

Jelly for kids and adults with 3D flowers

Flower No1 "carnation"

We will need:

Lemon juice;

10 g of gelatin per 200 ml of water.


A glass of beetroot juice;

A glass of carrot juice;

A glass of spinach juice;

1. Warm up the milk. We put it on fire. We bring it to 80, you can understand this when it almost boils, and turn off the fire. Combine with already swollen gelatin in water. Pour 15 g of gelatin into 250 ml of water. It is important that milk contains a large amount of gelatin.

2. Making the base. Add water, sugar and a pinch of citric acid to the swollen gelatin. Stir and leave everything in the refrigerator to thicken.

3. As soon as the milk with gelatin has dissolved, you can combine it with juice.

4. For 100 ml of beetroot juice, add 5 tablespoons of milk with gelatin. The same was repeated with a glass of spinach juice.

5. We draw carrot juice mixed with milk and gelatin into the syringe up to the 10th scale. We release air.

6. We lower the syringe into the jelly, a little short of reaching the bottom. We put it in a vertical position. We made one main vertical strip in the middle. A couple of drops were released from above and we pierce the base through them, without pressing the syringe itself, thereby passing the top drops inward. It is important not to move the syringe inside so that a thin strip is obtained. When the drops from above, through which you pierced holes, run out, wipe them with a napkin right on the surface of the base.

7. Let's move on to the petals. We introduce the syringe at an angle of 30 and move it a little wide, drawing a carnation petal. The 3D effect gives the distance between the petals.

8. Let's move on to the leaves. We take a teaspoon and pierce the jelly with an angle. It will turn out a semicircular petal, and without removing the spoon, we start the green color. Thus, the petals are smoothed out.

9. The last trick: we lower the plate into hot water for a few seconds, of course, so that it does not reach the edge of the plate. Then we take it out and turn it over. But before that, you need to send the plate to the refrigerator for 10 minutes so that the flower freezes.

*Milk is used for a clear contrast of colors, since without milk the petals would not be visible. But! In no case should milk be added to cherry and Orange juice. The milk will curdle and turn into flakes.*

Flower 2 "chrysanthemum"

We will need:

Lemon juice;

10 g of gelatin per 200 ml of water;


A glass of beetroot juice;

A glass of carrot juice;

Medical syringe 10-20 cc;

The recipe is the same as in the "carnation". The only difference is the technique of preparing the petals. Everything is much simpler here:

1. Immerse the syringe with carrot juice vertically, make a couple of penetrations, up to 7.

2. We collect beet catfish and in the same way as with carrot juice, we make penetrations, only at an angle.

3. When we make a leaf, we stick the knife like a teaspoon, just a little bit. Behind him is a syringe with already green spinach and we introduce it a little at a time.

We take out and be proud of our creation!

These amazingly delicious sweet juice jelly desserts literally melt in your mouth. And this is no accident, because in their preparation, for the most part, gelatin is used, which dissolves under the influence of heat, while at low temperature it gels, acquiring a frozen form.

The frozen treats were especially loved by the children. Made from various fruit juices, compotes, they delight with bright colors and amazing taste. In addition, this is not only an ordinary useless sweetness. Jelly and marmalade have a positive effect on the development of the child's body.

The gelatin jelly contained in their composition is, firstly, a dietary product that is best absorbed by the body. Secondly, it strengthens the bones and is especially valuable for various fractures and cracks in the bones. Thirdly, due to the rather high content of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, pectin and other vitamins, as well as amino acids in gelatin, heart muscles are strengthened and mental activity is increased.

I often pamper my child with this tender delicacy. And for its preparation, you practically do not have to spend much money, because. This is a pretty economical meal.

  • Juice and gelatin jelly is suitable for a child from 2 years old.

All we need is:

  • gelatin 20 gr.
  • cherry juice 2 tbsp.
  • apricot juice 2 tbsp.
  • sugar

Jelly for a child from gelatin and juice - a recipe with a photo:

For the preparation of jelly, in no case do not use aluminum utensils. The best option is enameled.
Soak gelatin in 100 ml of cold water and leave to swell for 20 minutes.

It should increase in size by 2-3 times.
Next, put on a very slow fire so that the gelatin dissolves, but do not bring to a boil.

Combine half of the gelatin with two glasses apricot juice and a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar. For these purposes, I use apricots in own juice, canned during holiday season. You can also take ordinary juice bought at the supermarket.

Bring the liquid to a boil, remove from heat and pour into bowls, bowls, cups. Who likes what.

Pour the second half with two glasses of cherry juice, add sugar for sweetness, and also bring to a boil, pour into containers.

When the fruit liquid has cooled, send it to the refrigerator until completely solidified.
Jelly from juice and gelatin for the child is ready. Bon Appetit.

Soak gelatin in cold water, pour boiling water, mix well and pour into yogurt, whipped on steam bath. Season with lemon zest. Pour into glass jars and refrigerate to set. Sprinkle with grated chocolate before serving.

Ingredients: yogurt - 250 g, gelatin - 1 teaspoon,
water - 1 tablespoon, boiling water - 1 teaspoon.

milk jelly recipe

Soak gelatin in a little water. Put sugar, lemon peel into the cream and boil. Then strain and cool slightly. Pour swollen gelatin into warm cream, add 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice, stir and pour into glasses. Put in refrigerator.

Ingredients: cream - 1/2 cup, sugar - 60 g, gelatin - 2 teaspoons, lemon - 1/4 pc.

Jelly recipes for children from fruits and berries

apricot jelly recipe

Remove pits from apricots, pour 1/2 cup of hot water, add sugar and cook for 5-7 minutes. Then wipe the apricots through a sieve and mix with the syrup in which they were cooked. Dissolve gelatin in a small amount of cold water and pour, stirring, into apricot puree. Cool the jelly and refrigerate for 2-3 hours to set.

Ingredients: apricots - 3-4 pieces, water - 1/2 cup, sugar - 1 tablespoon, gelatin - 1 teaspoon.

Apricot marshmallow recipe

Wash the apricots, cut in half and remove the pits. Boil the apricots in a small amount of water and rub through a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting puree and cook until thickened. Beat the cooled proteins in a strong foam and combine with boiling apricot puree. Add gelatin dissolved in water, stir, pour into glass vases and cool. When serving, drizzle with fruit juice or syrup and garnish with fruit pieces.

Ingredients: apricots - 200 g, proteins - 4 pieces, sugar - 120 g, gelatin - 1 teaspoon.

blueberry jelly recipe

Squeeze juice from ripe blueberries. Cook sugar syrup. Dissolve gelatin swollen in water in hot sugar syrup, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat, add blueberry juice, stir, pour into sockets and cool. Place in refrigerator to chill.

Ingredients: juice - 1 cup, gelatin - 1 tablespoon, sugar - 1 cup, water - 1 liter.

Jelly pear recipe

Make sugar syrup from 1/2 cup water and 3 teaspoons sugar. Peel the pear, grate with lemon, put in boiling sugar syrup and cook until soft. Then put the pear on a saucer, cool and pour over 2 tablespoons of redcurrant jelly.

Ingredients: pears - 150 g, water - 1/2 cup, sugar - 30 g, red currant jelly - 30 g.

strawberry jelly recipe

Grind eggs with sugar. Pour 3 tablespoons of milk to the resulting mixture, mix thoroughly and combine with berries rubbed through a sieve. Then add gelatin dissolved in water, mix everything well again, pour into glass cups and refrigerate to harden.

Compound; berries - 3 tablespoons, sugar - 1 tablespoon, milk - 3 tablespoons, eggs - 2 pcs, gelatin - 2 g, water - 1 tablespoon.

cranberry jelly recipe

Sort the berries, wash, blanch for 4-5 minutes in hot water, then squeeze the juice. Pour the pomace with the water remaining after blanching, add sugar, citric acid(to preserve the bright color), heat to a boil, mix, remove the foam, pour in the gelatin dissolved in a small amount of water. Heat for 2-3 minutes without boiling, strain, mix with juice and pour into sockets. Place in refrigerator to chill.

Ingredients: water - 500 ml, cranberry - 1/2 cup, sugar - 2/3 cup, gelatin - 1 tablespoon, citric acid - 0.5 g.

Redcurrant or cranberry jelly recipe

Sort the berries and rinse with boiled water, mash with a spoon and squeeze the juice through gauze, which is then added to the finished jelly. Pour the pomace with a glass of boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes, then put it on a sieve and let the broth drain. Soak gelatin in a little cold water. Add 3 teaspoons of sugar to the broth, bring to a boil and, stirring, pour in the swollen gelatin. Boil for 1-2 minutes, not letting it boil, then strain through cheesecloth, mix with pre-squeezed juice and pour into a mold.
Cool and put in a cold place for 2-3 hours.

Ingredients: berries - 50 g, water - 1 glass, sugar - 30 g, gelatin - 5 g.

red currant jelly recipe

Squeeze currant juice. Prepare sugar syrup and mix it with juice, add gelatin swollen in water, bring the mixture to a boil, add citric acid. Filter the resulting jelly through cheesecloth folded in half and pour into vases. Cool down.

Composition for 4 servings: berries - 50-60 g, sugar - 50-60 g, gelatin - 12 g, citric acid - 0.5 g, water - 400 ml.

orange jelly recipe

Peel the orange, cut into thin slices, remove the grains, sprinkle the slices with sugar (1/4 cup) and leave for half an hour to form the juice. Boil syrup from 1/4 cup sugar and 300 ml water. Pour the swollen gelatin and zest into the syrup. Syrup, stirring, bring to a boil and, removing from heat, add orange juice. Strain the hot syrup, pour into vases with a layer of 1 cm and let it harden. Put a slice of orange on the frozen layer and pour over the jelly again.

Ingredients: orange - 1 piece, sugar - 100 g, gelatin - 3 teaspoons

Mixed fruit jelly recipe

Peel the pears, remove the skin from the apricots and peaches. Make syrup with 2 cups water and 1/2 cup sugar. Put fruits into boiling syrup, bring to a boil twice, then put on a dish, cool and carefully cut into 2-4 parts. Cut the seed nest off the pear, remove the pits from the apricots and peaches, and then transfer the fruit to a small bowl (if desired, you can add a few ripe, skinless grapes and pits). Dissolve gelatin in a small amount of cold water and pour, stirring, into the hot syrup in which the fruit was boiled. Pour fruit with a little warm syrup and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Ingredients: pear - 1 pc, grapes - 50 g, apricots - 2 pcs, peaches - 2 pcs, water - 0.5 l, sugar - 100 g, gelatin - 1.5 teaspoons.

plum jelly recipe

Pour sweet fruits with a glass of cold water, put a tablespoon of sugar, lemon zest and cook over low heat under a lid for 25-30 minutes. Rub the fruits through a sieve, stir with the sugar syrup in which they were boiled, and pour the swollen gelatin into the resulting puree. Mix well, pour into a mold and refrigerate to set.

Ingredients: plums - 100 g, sugar - 1 tablespoon, water - 0.5 l, gelatin - 1.5 teaspoons.

rhubarb jelly recipe

Peeled and chopped rhubarb pour a glass of cold water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and boil under a lid over low heat. Rub boiled rhubarb through a sieve, add swollen gelatin and a tablespoon of heavy cream to the resulting puree. Heat the mixture while stirring. Do not bring to a boil. Pour into molds, let cool and serve with cold cream.

Ingredients for two servings: rhubarb - 200 g, sugar - 2 tablespoons, water - 1 cup, cream - 25 g, gelatin - 1 teaspoon.

apple jelly recipe

2-3 small apples cut into 4 pieces each, pour 1/2 cup of water and boil. Then rub through a sieve, add a tablespoon of sugar and boil. Soak gelatin in a small amount of cold water, combine with puree, add a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix well and cool. Serve with cold boiled milk or cream.

Ingredients: apples - 200 g, sugar - 1 tablespoon, water - 1/2 cup, gelatin - 1 teaspoon, lemon juice - 5 g.

blackberry jelly recipe

Squeeze out the juice, carefully separating the bones. Prepare sugar syrup and mix with juice; then add gelatin swollen in water and bring to a boil. Without waiting for complete cooling, add half of the protein of 1 egg, stir and complete cooling.

Ingredients: blackberries - 100 g, sugar - 100 g, gelatin - 1.5 teaspoons, egg - 1, water - 250 ml.

jam jelly recipe

Soak gelatin in a little cold water. Dilute berry jam with hot boiled water and strain through a strainer or gauze. V berry syrup put sugar, boil, cool a little and combine with swollen gelatin. Put the berries from the jam into molds and pour over the jelly. Cool and place in the refrigerator to set.

Ingredients: jam - 50 g, water - 150 ml, sugar - 1 tablespoon, gelatin - 1.5 teaspoons.

It is rare to find a child who does not like sweets. Some parents think that there is nothing wrong with daily use sweets, sweet desserts, and buy them for children. Other parents, mindful of tooth decay and other health problems, exclude sweets from the child's diet. Which of them is right, and is there a "golden mean"?

It turns out that there are “healthy sweets”, if you can call them that. They will satisfy the needs of sweet-toothed babies, replace harmful sweets and cakes, and at the same time will not have a harmful effect on health. One of them is jelly. Parents want to clarify whether harm is possible for children from eating jelly, what age allows giving it to babies, and whether there are contraindications for use.

Jelly is a gelatinous food mass, which is a colloidal solution with gelatin added to it as a thickener. The gelling agent can also be pectin or agar-agar. The basis of sweet jelly is usually fruits and berries.

Gelatin is a product that is obtained during the processing of animal connective tissues, the denaturation of the collagen protein contained in them. To obtain agar-agar, brown and red algae rich in iodine are used.

Pectin is obtained from fruits (mainly from citrus fruits and from). Most pectin is contained in the peel and seed boxes of fruits, but it is also found in the pulp. Fruits containing a large amount of pectin do not require the addition of gelling agents, since the pectin contained in them gives the gelatinous appearance to the fruit syrup. Such a jelly can be made from apples, and its natural color can be obtained using (green) or carmine (red).

Another option for jelly is jelly or aspic. The dish is usually prepared without a gelling agent. Broth cooked with animal bones is poured into special trays into pieces of meat or fish, allowed to harden.

Composition and calories

Aspic is a type of jelly. Gelatin is not needed to prepare it, since the basis of the dish is bone broth.

The composition of the jelly and its calorie content depend on the product taken as the basis of the dessert and, of course, on the amount of added sugar. Fruit and berry juice contains vitamins and minerals, the amount and type of which depends on the type of fruit used.

Most often, the juice contains potassium and other minerals, as well as organic acids.

Characteristics of food and energy value jelly depending on the products taken for the base:

  • the content ranges from 2 to 6 g / 100 g of finished jelly (only meat and fish have more than 20 g of protein);
  • carbohydrates in the composition - from 14 g () to 65 g / 100 g ();
  • fat is found in fruit desserts very little (tenths or even hundredths of a gram), and only in jelly with cream they are 12 g / 100 g, and in meat and fish aspic even more than 20 g;
  • the calorie content of 100 g of dessert is on average about 85 kcal, only in aspic it is 140 kcal, and in jelly with cream - 249 kcal.


Jelly is a dessert made from natural products: berry or fruit juices with the addition of sugar and gelatin. Such a delicacy will appeal even to those children who are reluctant to eat berries and fruits. In spite of heat treatment, the dessert still retains minerals and part of the vitamins from the used products.

Therefore, natural jelly, properly prepared, will bring significant benefits to a growing child's body:

  1. Both pectin and gelatin improve intestinal motility, help cleanse it of toxins, toxic substances, and fecal stones.
  2. A very useful property of jelly, aimed at strengthening the bone and connective tissue systems of the body. With regular use of jelly (jelly, aspic), the bones grow together faster after an injury. Dessert trace elements strengthen joints, teeth, prevent cartilage thinning, heal hair and nails.
  3. Glucose, which is part of the dessert, nourishes the brain, increases the intellectual abilities of the child, which is important for schoolchildren.
  4. When using jelly, blood clotting increases, so it is advisable to give it to children with nosebleeds, bleeding gums.
  5. One of useful properties dishes is to strengthen the vascular wall. It becomes more elastic, which contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. This may be useful for teenagers with.
  6. The presence of magnesium and potassium in the composition of the jelly will ensure the correct rhythm of heart contractions.
  7. The low calorie content of jelly, unlike other sweets, makes it dietary product. Dessert is perfectly digested and at the same time is not deposited in the form of fat accumulations.
  8. Unlike a number of other products, jelly does not contain aggressive substances that cause irritation of the mucous membranes and increase the secretion of the digestive glands.
  9. The amino acid glycine contained in gelatin activates metabolic biochemical processes in cells and tissues. In addition, glycine is involved in the regulation of nerve impulses, contributes to the normalization of the psychological state of the child under stress.


It is necessary to distinguish between the effect on the body of jelly prepared at home and bought in a store.

A dessert prepared by mother herself with a small amount of sugar will not have a harmful effect if the dish is not abused. Excessive sweetness can cause nausea, contribute to the development.

Of course, the child should not have berries and fruits or other ingredients used to make jelly.

As for the jelly purchased in the store, then, unfortunately, it may contain harmful ingredients that are quite often used by manufacturers. These include dyes and flavors. These chemicals can not only cause an allergic reaction, but also provoke a malfunction of the digestive organs.

Abuse of a store-bought sweet dessert can lead to. For obese children, jelly can be made at home using a natural sweetener such as malt instead of sugar.

The broth for aspic contains not only a lot of fat, but also a lot of extractive substances. It is not suitable for feeding toddlers and older children with liver and pancreas diseases. Therefore, it is not worth insisting on the use of jelly by a child. But since it is usually prepared on holidays, if children wish, it is permissible for them to use this dish in small quantities.

When to give jelly

Most experts believe that sweet jelly can be given to a baby from 1.5 years old. Of course, the optimal home cooking desserts from products that mom is sure of.

You need to start giving jelly to your baby with a small trial portion - 0.5 or a maximum of 1 tsp, in order to follow the body's reaction to a new product. In the absence of rashes and redness on the skin, indigestion, the portion can be gradually increased.

When changing the ingredients in the composition of the jelly, give a small portion again and monitor the reaction. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to include a sweet dessert in the menu once a week.

Jelly should be given to the baby as a dessert, a treat should not replace the main course. It is not recommended to offer jelly to children in the evening, as in this case they will not sleep well.

homemade jelly

Jelly made by caring hands of mother from natural products is a delicious and very healthy dessert.

There are a lot of options for making jelly at home. The basis for it can be various berries and fruits rich in minerals and vitamins - oranges, etc.

In the summer, you need to use fresh, thoroughly washed fruits. Out of season, you can prepare a sweet dessert from frozen fruits and berries or from home-made fruit and berry juices. Store-bought juices or concentrates cannot be used.

For children who consume little milk, you can prepare milk (curd,) jelly and attract the child with a new taste of the product. In any version of the dish, it is desirable to use a minimum amount of sugar.

Recipes often indicate the use of gelatin as a thickener, it is cheaper than pectin and agar-agar. But agar-agar is a rather economical ingredient: it should be only 1% of the fruit or curd mass. In addition, it does not require such thorough mixing and quickly hardens.

It is desirable to use agar-agar for making jelly for overweight children: it quickly satisfies hunger and gives a feeling of satiety. You can buy ready-made pectin in the form of an odorless cream-colored powder. Its dose should be approximately 1.8% of the gelled mass.

  • When using gelatin to prepare a dessert, you should first fill it with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1: 8 and leave for an hour and a half.
  • After that, you need to mix the gelatin so that it completely dissolves, add it to the jelly base and mix again.
  • Then the mixture must be filtered and brought to a boil.
  • When hot, jelly should be poured into molds in portions and cooled for about 2 hours until completely solidified at 2-8 0 C.
  • You can store fruit and berry jelly in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 hours.

Before serving, bowls with dessert are recommended to be immersed (by 2/3 in height) in a container of hot water for a couple of seconds. Then, lightly shaking the mold, spread the jelly on a saucer or in a vase.

Summary for parents

Harmful chocolates and cakes in the child's diet can be replaced with a sweet dessert in the form of fruit and berry jelly. This will make it possible not only to pamper your beloved child, but also to reduce the risk of caries, to prevent children from being overweight.

The fruits used for cooking will saturate the child's body with minerals and vitamins. The child will receive a special benefit by eating a delicacy prepared by his mother - this will exclude the content of ingredients with a harmful effect in the sweet dessert. Lots of options homemade jelly allows you to pamper children and diversify their menu.

Video recipe for sour cream jelly with fruits:

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