Home Drinks and cocktails Adyghe cheese at home: delicious under any name! Recipes for making homemade Adyghe cheese. Adyghe cheese at home. Step by step recipe with photo

Adyghe cheese at home: delicious under any name! Recipes for making homemade Adyghe cheese. Adyghe cheese at home. Step by step recipe with photo

Adyghe cheese at home, which would not differ in taste from the store, anyone can do, the main thing is that there is a good and proven recipe. Adyghe received its name in honor of the republic, where local residents, the Circassians, began to produce it. Well, we are used to calling him that, but the local population calls his cheese "matekuai", which translates as cheese basket. To give the finished cheese its characteristic hemisphere appearance, it is laid out in small wicker baskets. Having settled, the cheese acquires not only the desired shape, but also a beautiful pattern, in the form of a relief left by a basket.

Thanks to its extraordinary taste, it quickly spread far beyond its borders. In every Circassian family, a recipe for Adyghe cheese was passed down from generation to generation. It was prepared both for home use and for sale.

By characteristics Adyghe cheese belongs to the group of curd cheeses and is a close relative of feta, cheese and ricotta. Adyghe cheese is made strictly from fresh cow's milk, adding rennet to it in the form of whey. Under the action of enzymes, milk curdles and falls out in flakes. At this stage of preparation, Adyghe cheese looks like cottage cheese. In principle, by and large, we can say that under the Adyghe cheese they mean a strongly compressed curd mass.

The classic Adyghe cheese is made from milk, whey and salt. That is why it has a pronounced milky smell. At the same time, there are recipes for Adyghe cheese with the addition of dried spices and herbs, raw eggs.

Adyghe cheese is tasty on its own, but it is widely used to prepare a large number of dishes, among which are salads, sauces, snacks, casseroles, khachapuri, pies. Adyghe cheese, just like halloumi cheese, can be fried on butter. It makes a great hot meal.

Adyghe cheese recipe at home, which I want to show you, is somewhat different from the production of traditional cheese in local areas. Nevertheless, the cheese turns out delicious - with the aroma of baked milk, sour-salty taste and good porous structure.

But there are a few more pluses or advantages of this cheese over the purchased one. First of all is the price. Homemade cheese is much cheaper. The second thing to note is the quality. In the supermarket, you can buy a product that is not quite fresh, and besides, it is not known from what and when it was prepared.

I would be very glad if you like this step-by-step recipe for Adyghe cheese.


  • Cow's milk - 2 liters,
  • Sour milk - 1 liter,
  • Egg - 1 pc.,
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons,

Adyghe cheese at home - recipe

After all the ingredients have been prepared, you can start making cheese. Milk to receive delicious cheese it is advisable to use homemade, since it is several times fatter than store-bought, with it the cheese will be tastier and more nutritious. Pour it into a saucepan.

Pour the sour milk or whey into a bowl.

Beat in an egg. I have seen many recipes for Adyghe cheese without eggs. The egg will in no way affect the taste of cheese, its function in the recipe is to give greater plasticity to the curd mass. Adyghe cheese prepared with the addition of an egg turns out to be denser and holds its shape better.

So, in a bowl sour milk beat in an egg. Stir with a fork.

Pour the resulting sour-milk mixture into boiling milk. Mix everything quickly with a spoon.

Add salt immediately.

Literally instantly, the milk will curl into flakes.

Boil the cheese for no more than 5-7 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat. To shape the cheese into a hemisphere, prepare a colander. Cover it with gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Pour out of the pot into a colander. Don't forget to put the colander in the bowl, as the whey will immediately drain into it.

Press the cottage cheese with a spoon to drain it from excess liquid. The separated whey can be immediately drained and used in baking. By the way, from this serum you can cook a lot flour products starting from pies and ending with . Cover the curd mass with a flat plate, and place a weight on top. The simplest thing is to put a jar filled with water.

Put the colander with cheese in the refrigerator for a day. Turn the finished Adyghe cheese onto a plate. Cut with a knife. Everything, you can just eat it and enjoy its taste, or use it in cooking. Personally, I am Adyghe cheese from milk, step by step recipe from the photo of which we examined, I most often use it in the preparation of salads. You can find the recipe on the site. Enjoy your meal. Keep Adyghe homemade cheese in a plastic food tray or in a plastic bag in a cold place so that it does not deteriorate (do not turn sour) and does not become weathered.

Adyghe cheese at home. A photo

In addition to the above method, you can form Adyghe cheese in a slightly different way - in the form of small “bees”. To do this, prepare wide glasses - you can plastic or glass. Fill them with curd mass by a third. Place a load on top - glasses of water. Put in a cold place for at least a day.

Many believe that cheeses, presented in abundance on store shelves, cannot be prepared at home on their own. However, it is not. Cheesemaking is a whole science, but anyone can master it. Especially if you start with the most simple cheeses, for example, Adyghe. In this recipe, we will tell you how to cook Adyghe cheese at home, for this you will not need special tools, just the kitchen utensils that you have at your disposal in the kitchen. Surprisingly, this process also takes quite a bit of time. The only condition is the presence of sourdough. But with the development of homemade cheese making, this is no longer a problem. It can be bought on the Internet, sometimes such starters for cheeses are sold in pharmacies.

Taste Info Various Snacks


  • 2 liters of milk
  • sourdough for Adyghe cheese on the tip of a knife,
  • heaping tablespoon of salt.

How to cook homemade Adyghe sourdough cheese

Milk must be homemade and preferably with a high percentage of fat. Unfortunately, the quality of store-bought dairy products in most cases leaves much to be desired. And from milk restored from powder, cheese will not work in any way. Milk is best left to stand for a day in the refrigerator. Then pour it into a saucepan and heat it up a little. You don't need to boil. The temperature of the milk should be no higher than 40 degrees, that is, when you dip your finger into it, the heat should hardly be felt.

Remove the sourdough from the refrigerator first. Let her lie down for half an hour room temperature. Then dilute it in a tablespoon of boiled and chilled water and add to milk. Leave for 20 minutes. When the milk curdles into jelly, cut it with a knife so that the clear edges of the clot can be seen. Run a spoon along the bottom, but do not stir very carefully, the jelly should not turn into porridge. Leave for another 10-15 minutes, but no more.

Now wrap the sieve with clean gauze, and put the sieve itself on top of a deep pan so that the whey has a place to drain. Pour the mass into a sieve. Leave it to drain for 1-2 hours.

Then cover the cheese mass with the free end of the gauze and turn it over so that the whey is completely glass. If you want the cheese to be denser, you can put a small weight on top, such as a jar of water, and leave it like that for about half an hour. Transfer the finished cheese to a plate.

Pour 300 ml of whey from the pan and dissolve a tablespoon of salt in it.

Dip a piece of cheese with this serum and leave for half an hour - an hour.

Now you can take it out and eat. Although knowledgeable cheese makers still advise to wait a couple of days, supposedly this way the taste of cheese is revealed more fully. Store homemade Adyghe cheese in the refrigerator, wrapped in damp gauze. Its shelf life is not high, so it is advisable to eat quickly.
We have previously told

Store-bought cheeses are not at all the healthy and nutritious products that real homemade cheese is. Today, the industry is increasingly introducing chemical components, flavors, dyes, taste and appearance improvers, which make it possible to make the product look attractive and long-term storage in any conditions. Because good quality cheese you can cook only with your own hands at home - so you will be guaranteed to know what it contains and what it consists of. The right cheese contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that any dairy products are famous for, in a large concentrated amount.

Adyghe cheese is not for everyone. I would characterize this cheese as simple with a rather ascetic and unpretentious taste, but at the same time very healthy. Sophisticated gourmets usually bypass this variety, although of all the cheeses on the shelves, it remains the most natural.

I liked this cheese, and today I will tell you how I make Adyghe cheese at home, which is easy to prepare and very nutritious.

We will need:

Milk (preferably country milk) - 2 liters
- curdled milk (or kefir) - 500-700 grams
- salt, spices to taste
- thick gauze and strainer

As you can see, there are a minimum of ingredients, and there will be a maximum of benefits from such cheese. Here is the number of products from which approximately 400-600 grams of Adyghe cheese will come out (the amount of product yield depends on the quality of the milk used).
What is important, after making the cheese, nothing will have to be thrown away or poured out - everything will go into action.
We take a three-liter (not less in volume) pan, pour all the milk into it and put it on medium heat (maybe a little less than average).

We bring to the state that bubbles and a film appear on the surface of the milk. You don't have to wait for the milk to boil.

Then, stirring the milk with a wooden spoon, gradually pour all the curdled milk into it. After that, do not stop stirring. We also leave the fire under the pan on medium.

You will see how the milk begins to curdle before your eyes, gathering into white lumps, and the whey remaining from under it will gradually turn from white to yellow-greenish in color.

As soon as this happens, the fire on the stove under the milk can be turned off, and stirring can be continued for another minute.
Now we are preparing the dishes into which we will pour the whey and lay out the future Adyghe cheese. For this, a large bowl is suitable, on top of which we place a strainer with gauze laid in it. It is better to take gauze dense so that the yield of cheese is maximum.

Carefully and carefully lay out and pour the contents of the pan into the prepared dish.
After letting the cheese drain a little and lie down in a sieve, with a quick and deft movement we shift it into a small deep bowl.

It is not necessary to completely deprive cheese of all whey - it is a natural moisturizer for the finished product.
Now, while the cheese is hot, you can flavor it with salt and spices to your taste.

Spices change the taste of cheese - it becomes more saturated, fragrant, but at the same time loses its pronounced milky flavor. Therefore, I often add only a little salt. How I do it - trying not to destroy the formed lump on the sides, I sprinkle it with salt on top and, for example, gently push the salt inside with a spoon. Then you can sprinkle a little spices on a cheese cap.
Now you need to let the cheese cool at room temperature, after which you can eat it or put it in the refrigerator, covering the cup with a lid or a piece of cloth. This cheese is stored for a very short time - in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Now a couple of important words about the whey that remains after making the cheese. Never throw it down the sink!

It is best to pour the whey into a convenient dish and leave it for 3-4 days in a dark place at room temperature for fermentation - you will get an excellent sour whey for making pancakes, pancakes, cookies and other pastries. Already sour whey for long-term storage can be put in the freezer.

That's it! Adyghe cheese home cooking ready - eat to your health!

Milk can be used from the supermarket pasteurized 3.2% fat or homemade. From home products, of course, the result will be tastier and healthier. But it is not always possible to get. Choose the right saucepan or saucepan. Pour milk. Put on fire. Bring to the boil.

Use kefir more acidic than any fat content. Instead, you can take whey or yogurt, preferably homemade. Pour kefir into boiled milk.

Mix with a spoon. In such conditions, curd clots will begin to form before your eyes. At this point, remove the saucepan or saucepan from the heat. Stir and leave for a few minutes. After this time, the cheese clots will sink to the bottom. On top you will see a light green serum.

Prepare a colander with small holes. Line a colander with a double layer of gauze. Place the colander in a tall pot. Pour the curd mixture carefully. Salt a little, stir. Leave for 5-10 minutes to glass the liquid. Lift the edges of the gauze on all sides and wring out a little, helping with your hands.

It's good if you have a mold for making cheese at home. Otherwise, choose a suitable convex plate or mold. Place a ball of cheese in a plate, twist the gauze tail with a spiral.

At this step, I propose my construction for the formation of a cheese head. Take a deep container. Place a clean half-liter jar with the hole down. Put a plate of cheese on a jar, cheese side to the jar. Press down with any weight from above. Leave for 10-12 hours. During this time, all the liquid part should go. You have the right to invent and make your own device.

Now prepare the salt solution to give our cheese a unique taste. Dissolve the salt in the serum. Remove the cheese head from the gauze, place in a suitable deep dish. Pour in salted whey. Leave to infuse for 2-5 days in the refrigerator. The longer you insist in the saline solution, the more salty it will be. If you want a weak taste, try after two days. After this time, take out the Adyghe masterpiece and enjoy. I think our detailed and affordable recipe, you will need.

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