Home desserts Wet Easter cake - a step-by-step recipe for cooking. Easter cake crumbles: why it happens and what is the secret of perfect baking Necessary ingredients for Easter cake according to a delicious recipe

Wet Easter cake - a step-by-step recipe for cooking. Easter cake crumbles: why it happens and what is the secret of perfect baking Necessary ingredients for Easter cake according to a delicious recipe

All housewives are divided into two groups: those who agree to stay up at night and enthusiastically knead the dough for Easter cake, and those who are too lazy-once-cannot, and who go to the store for holiday pastries. Of course homemade Easter cake much tastier than store bought. However, sometimes looking at the list of products and the complex ways of turning these lists into fragrant thick crust, many give up. Easter baking, especially traditional recipes, is not given to everyone. Therefore, simplified recipes for Easter cakes were invented, which use dry yeast and much less muffin.

Here you are, please, to help 5 of the most delicious and simple recipes, and you will only need self-confidence and a positive attitude, it was not without reason that in the old days they said “What a mood - such a cake!”.

About how to prepare for cooking Easter cakes, our site has written more than once. In the current review, there will only be recipes, and they are more than simple. Of course, you don’t put as much muffin into the “quick” dough for Easter cakes as into the one that is being prepared almost overnight. However, you can soak raisins and dried cherries in rum or cognac. Add instead of regular vanillin a mixture of cardamom, nutmeg and cloves, so that the aroma turns your head, you can. If the aroma of vanillin is more familiar to you, buy real vanilla pods - you will understand the difference between store-bought "chemistry" and real fragrant vanilla. Don't replace the real butter margarine. Buy homemade chicken eggs. Take Easter baking seriously, because you cook it once a year.

So, you have decided to bake an Easter cake, and 5 of the most delicious and simple recipes are waiting for your warm hands!

Easter cakes "Bright Easter"

For test:
500 ml milk
1-1.3 kg of flour,
6 eggs
200 g butter,
200-250 g sugar,
11 g dry yeast
½ tsp vanilla,
1 pinch of salt
300 g pitted raisins.
For glaze:
2 egg whites
100 g sugar.
For decoration:
multi-colored marmalade or sprinkles.

Dilute dry yeast in warm milk, add 500 g of flour to it and put the dough in a warm place for half an hour. Separate the yolks from the proteins and rub them with sugar and vanilla. Whisk egg whites with salt until foamy. In the approached dough, add the yolks, softened butter, proteins and gradually, stirring, add the remaining flour. Knead the dough and leave it for 1 hour to rise. Then add the washed raisins, mix and wait until the dough rises again. Ready dough fill ⅓ of the greased molds and leave in this form for a while so that the dough rises and fills the molds with itself. Bake Easter cakes in an oven preheated to 150ºС until cooked. Meanwhile, prepare the frosting. To do this, beat the whites with sugar until stable peaks form. Cover hot Easter cakes with prepared icing and decorate with multi-colored pieces of marmalade, chopped nuts or ready-made sprinkles.

Easter cake "Wonderful"

For test:
1 kg flour
2 tbsp. warm milk,
250 g margarine,
6 eggs
1 st. Sahara,
1 tsp vanilla,
2 tbsp. l. dry yeast,
1 st. shelled pumpkin seeds.
For glaze:
1 protein
½ st. Sahara,
1 tsp lemon juice
1 pinch of salt.
For decoration:
100 g of multi-colored candied fruits.

For dough, mix dry yeast with 1 tsp. sugar, pour milk, mix and add 1.5 tbsp. flour. Leave the dough in a warm place for 1 hour. Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs. Mix the yolks with the remaining sugar and vanilla, add 200 g of softened margarine and mix. There, pour the dough into the total mass. Whip the egg whites and fold into the dough. Gradually add the remaining flour into it. Then add pumpkin seeds (whole or chopped), mix well and leave the dough for another 1 hour in a warm place. Lubricate the prepared baking dishes with the remaining margarine and fill them halfway with the dough. Let the dough rise and only then put the molds in the oven preheated to 180ºС. Bake for an hour. Beat the protein with a pinch of salt into a strong foam. Whisking continuously, add lemon juice and sugar. Pour hot cakes with the resulting icing, sprinkle with candied fruits on top and let the icing harden.


Easter cake "Catherine"

500 ml warm milk
9-10 Art. flour,
1 st. Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
½ st. vegetable refined oil.
200 g butter or margarine
5 eggs
2 tsp dry yeast,
½ st. seedless raisins.

Pour a little warm milk into a 0.5 l jar, add 2 tsp. sugar and yeast, mix and put the dough in a warm place so that it rises. Sift the flour into a wide container, but not all, but about 8 cups. In a separate bowl, dilute eggs, salt, vegetable and butter, separately mashed with sugar, in milk. Pour the mixture into the flour sifted in advance, then the dough and add the raisins. Knead the dough, gradually adding the rest of the flour. You will get a lot of dough, it will be enough to cook several Easter cakes. Spread the dough on greased forms and bake in an oven preheated to 180ºС until cooked. Cool the baked Easter cakes, pour over the icing made from 1 protein and 1 tbsp. sugar, whipped with a mixer, Decorate the Easter cakes as you wish.

And to make Easter cakes really right, you can also try “night” recipes. With this method, yeast, even dry yeast, will be able to raise much more muffin in the dough, which means that your Easter cakes will be the most delicious.

Kulich "Resurrection"

For test:
3 art. flour,
1 st. warm milk,
200 g butter,
1 st. Sahara,
2 eggs,
2 tsp dry yeast,
½ st. raisins,
vanillin - to taste.
For glaze:
3 squirrels,
1 st. Sahara.

From the evening in enamel pan put, without stirring, yeast, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbutter, sugar (sweet teeth can increase the amount of sugar by adding half more to the glass of sugar indicated in the recipe) and washed raisins. Regarding the latter, I would like to give advice: take dark raisins for this pastry. When it is infused overnight, the dough will turn out to be a very pleasant cream color. Pour everything with a glass of warm milk, cover with a clean towel and leave until the morning. In the morning, add flour and vanillin to this mass to taste. Knead the dough well and spread it into greased molds, filling them halfway. Let the dough stand until it doubles in size. Now put the cake in the oven and bake at a temperature of 200ºС until cooked. From time to time, check the readiness of baking with a wooden stick. Coat the finished cake with icing, decorate with sprinkles and dry in an open oven.

Easter cake "Glorious" with saffron

7.5 Art. flour,
1.5 st. milk,
1.5 st. Sahara,
1.5 st. melted butter,
8 eggs
1.5 sachets of dry yeast
vanilla - to taste
2 tbsp. l. dry saffron, diluted in a small amount of water,
0.5 st. raisins.

Beat eggs with sugar, add melted butter, milk, spices and flour mixed with dry yeast to the mixture. Leave the mixture overnight in a warm place. During this time, beat the risen dough a couple of times. It shouldn't be cool. Grease the baking molds with oil, sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs. Fill the molds ⅓ full with the dough and let it rise a little. Bake Easter cakes in an oven preheated to 180-200ºС until cooked, checking it with a wooden stick or a torch. Sprinkle the finished cakes with powdered sugar and decorate as you wish.

Happy Easter! Joy to you and your families!

Larisa Shuftaykina

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I made it according to the recipe with say7, on sour cream, it differs radically from the Pokhlebkin recipe. [link-1] Then OOOlga gave a link to the cottage cheese cake from the "cook" website. [link-1] I was interested in this one, I thought to try it.

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Lost the cookie recipe. - get-togethers. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and Good afternoon, that year, according to the recipe from the confa, I cooked crazy delicious Easter cakes. I only remember that it was very fatty, there was butter, cottage cheese and / or ...

Kulich and Easter. Bakery products. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking, festive menus and receptions, food selection. In order for the proteins to whip into a lush foam, they must be very cold. Easter cake and Easter - according to old recipes.

The recipe for Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter - for the Resurrection of Christ. How to cook Easter cake and Easter. next time I'll try to make an Easter cake, I already wrote down the recipe .. Comment on the article "Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes."

Easter cake and Easter - according to old recipes. Recipes for Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter are passed down from generation to generation in many homes. For me, this is the standard - a dense, heavy Easter cake of my great-grandmother Lidia Dmitrievna Krasnova.

Recipe: Easter cake. Announcements from the Cookbook. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking, festive menus and receptions, selection Recipes for Easter cake, Easter and other sweets for Easter table. About Easter and Easter cakes. My recipe!.

Easter, however. Give advice! 1. Plz share the Easter recipe with your favorite-tested. And then last year I cooked according to the recipe of Yulia Vysotskaya, it turned out so tasteless! 2. And one more thing - where do you buy ready-made Easter cake, so that it’s just very tasty, huh?

Easter cake and Easter - according to old recipes. The recipe for Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter - for the Resurrection of Christ. How to bake Easter cake and cook Easter: detailed recipes.

Easter cake help save!. Bakery products. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking, a festive menu and receiving guests, the choice of dough, yes, and the Easter cake turns out to be loose or airy, Easter cakes should not be like that, this is a hard-to-digest dense product ...

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Recipe: Easter cake. To begin with, we will make a dough, for which we mix yeast, milk and a couple of glasses of flour. Carefully remove the finished products, put them on a dish. It is delicious and beautiful, our Easter cake baked for Easter!

Easter recipes: pie instead of Easter cake and Easter with chocolate. Easter 2016: Easter cottage cheese recipe and Easter pie with bulgur. Easter cake and Easter - according to old recipes. Classic raw Easter. Curd mass with raisins - this is Easter, which is accepted ...

Thanks for the Easter cake recipes, but how does anyone make Easter? I've been making "raw easter" for a few years now. the problem is the final Kulich and Easter - according to old recipes. If you are using dry yeast, then add it along with the first batch of flour and increase by a third ...

Easter cake. Girls, please tell me the recipes (but only checked by you personally!) Easter cake. In order for the proteins to whip into a lush foam, they must be very cold. Easter cake and Easter - according to old recipes.

Section: My recipe! ( quick cake without steam). a few more recipes for Easter. Pour the hot mass into the cooked cottage cheese, mix thoroughly. There were recipes for cakes. And mine basic recipe yeast dough (good because it is suitable for ANY ...

share the recipe for Easter and Easter cakes. Learn to cook! Cooking. Culinary recipes, cooking help and advice, holiday menu and hosting, the choice if you have an Easter or Easter cake recipe, share it!! By Sunday, thank you.

Once I got tired of store-bought Easter cakes, although it was difficult to call them even Easter cakes, they were dry and were stored before selling, it seems, for at least a month. Dry, almost tasteless, incomprehensible pieces of crumbling baked dough. Neither raisins nor beautiful icing corrected the impression. Therefore, the idea came to my mind that it was time to master this simple task and start baking Easter cake on my own. It went quite well, but something was still missing. And quite recently, I made the discovery that there is a wet Easter cake. It is soft, tender and not at all dry on the inside. Wet air pulp turns it into something unique. Not a cake or cupcake, but very, very tasty.

How to cook a delicious wet Easter cake for the holiday

In order for the wet cake to retain the pleasant softness and moisture of its crumb after baking, you need to know a few secrets and follow the small rules for preparing the dough. Now I will tell about them.

These ingredients are enough for six medium-sized Easter cakes, if measured with paper forms that are sold in the store.

For the cake you will need:

  • flour - 800-850 gr,
  • cream 30%+ - 200 ml,
  • milk - 100 ml,
  • fresh yeast - 30 gr (pressed 10 gr),
  • butter - 200 gr,
  • sugar - 200 gr,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • egg yolk - 4 pcs,
  • vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon,
  • raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits - 200 gr,
  • a pinch of salt.


1. Soak the candied fruits and dried fruits that you are going to use in baking Easter cake in water in advance. By the time they are added to the dough, they should soften and dry so as not to add excess moisture to the finished dough.

2. Prepare dough for the test. To do this, heat 100 ml of milk, you can in the microwave or on the stove, put yeast in the milk, one tablespoon of sugar and 3-4 tablespoons of flour. Mix everything thoroughly to get a mass similar in density to sour cream. If too runny, add a little more flour.

3. Cover the bowl with the dough with cling film and place in a warm place to ripen. The dough should ferment and noticeably increase in volume, no less than two times. If it rises less, then you used not very good yeast. On average, it takes 20-30 minutes.

4. Break 2 whole eggs into a large bowl and separate 4 yolks. Lightly beat them with a pinch of salt so that the whites and yolks are mixed until smooth. After that, pour granulated sugar into the eggs and beat for 5-7 minutes until all the sugar is rubbed, and the mass becomes thick and fluffy. At the same time, it will become much lighter in color and increase in volume by about two times.

If you like Easter cakes to be bright, elegant yellow, now you can add a natural dye - turmeric or saffron. Easter cakes will not change in taste, but will be very ruddy on the outside and yellow on the inside.

5. Melt the butter until soft enough to be easily mixed into the dough. You can simply take the butter out of the fridge beforehand and let it stand at room temperature, or you can warm it up a bit in the microwave.

6. When the dough rises, it should stand up with a thick perforated cap. Now we will gradually add it to the beaten eggs.

7. In a bowl with eggs, put all the dough and pour about 50 ml of warm cream. Take a spoon and mix gently so that the beaten eggs and dough do not deflate. The air bubbles in them will give us splendor and airiness in the finished cake. A wet cake should not bake into a dense paste, but should remain airy.

8. After 2-3 minutes of stirring, add half of the soft butter, a little more cream and about 100 grams of sifted flour to the bowl. Then knead further. This is best done with a spoon or a special mixer with a dough attachment, but at low speed.

9. After adding part of the flour and butter, knead the dough for 2-3 minutes. Then add the second part of the butter and another 150-200 grams of flour, a little cream. Stir again until the flour is mixed and there are no lumps. Repeat with the remaining flour and cream until the cream runs out and there are 100 grams of flour left for the final batch. This difficult process It is needed so that the dough is better mixed and at the same time there are no lumps left. It will remain soft, thick and plastic.

10. The dough should now rise. To do this, cover it with a film and put it in a warm place until it is swollen and fills the entire bowl with itself, or rather, it does not increase at least twice. If your bowl is too small for this, it is better to transfer the dough to a larger container, otherwise it will come out on the table.

11. After about an hour and a half, our dough will swell to the whole bowl, having doubled in size. Now we will knead it further.

12. To further knead the dough, sprinkle a clean dry table with flour, spread the flour and place the dough on top. Start kneading with your hands, turning over, folding in half and squeezing. The dough will be oily enough not to stick to your hands, but you can lightly dust your hands with flour. Knead for a few minutes. Just enough flour should be added so that the dough stops actively spreading on the table, as soon as it remains an elastic round lump, no more flour is needed. But it should not lose its softness either.

13. To knead the raisins and candied fruits, stretch the dough on the table. Sprinkle dried fruits on top and roll up. Then continue kneading until all the berries are evenly distributed in the dough.

14. Ready dough divide into equal parts. In our case, there will be six of them according to the size of the cake molds. Important rule - raw dough should occupy a third of the form, the rest of the space remains under the rise when baking. Don't put more dough in each mold, make more molds or bake in two batches. Form each piece of dough into a ball before putting it into the mold. Once all the dough has been placed in the molds, cover them with a clean towel and leave for about an hour to allow the dough to rise again. Then the wet Easter cake will turn out magnificent.

15. Easter cakes are baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Depending on the size, it may take 30-40 minutes to bake. To know for sure that they are ready, pierce the middle with a wooden stick, the stick should come out dry. In this case, the Easter cakes are ready and it's time to take them out. Do NOT rush to pull them out of the mold, they must cool completely for this.

16. Pour the finished wet Easter cake with sweet icing, decorate with dried fruits and confectionery sprinkles. Show your imagination and make them elegant and festive.

In fact, a good Easter cake should last the entire Easter week and even longer. But... First of all, even homemade baking after cutting, it becomes not so fragrant and slowly dries up. Secondly, our stores sell Easter cakes much more like cupcakes. And they dry beautifully. So what to do? Quick, quick to eat Easter cakes? Throw away boring baked goods? But after all, the Easter cakes consecrated in the church cannot be thrown out in any way, and it’s a pity that they are not consecrated. So, we will figure out how to use dried-up Easter cupcakes, or try to give them a fresh look. We present 6 ways to deal with dried Easter cakes:

Option 1. Make breading

The simplest and probably The best way. Cut the stale cake into slices, leave to dry completely until the evening. And then grind in a blender, if it is not there, grate it. And everything turns out great. breadcrumbs, sweet and fragrant. Of course, it is better not to roll chops in them, but using such crackers for preparing baking dishes, for cheesecakes or sweet vegetable cutlets is just fine.

Option 2. Make croutons

The old way - soak a hard cake with a mixture of milk and eggs. For the option with white bread, it is recommended to add sugar to the mixture, but the cake is already sweet, so we won’t. Cut the cake into slices, dip in the egg-milk mixture for 10 seconds, and then fry in butter.

Option 3. Fry croutons

Easter cake can simply be cut into cubes and dried in a pan. And then drink tea with these crackers. Or add them to fruit puree soup, or to milkshake, or even into a healthy energy smoothie of berries and fruits.

Option 4. Soak with syrup

If the cake has just begun to dry, then you can soak it with rum or cognac syrup. And eat quickly. 1 tablespoon of sugar should be dissolved in 1 glass of rum or cognac, cut off the top of the cake and spread the syrup over the surface. Then heat the cake in the oven at a temperature of 100-120 degrees.

Option 5. Cook "Potato"

500 g dried cake

1 glass of rum

2/3 cans of condensed milk

50 g cocoa

130 g butter

Step 1. Grind Easter cake in a blender. Melt butter.

Step 2. Mix cookies, cocoa, butter, condensed milk, add rum. Mix everything until smooth.

Step 3. Blind small cylinders, approximately 50 g each. Refrigerate for 2 hours.

Step 4. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Option 6. Make the base for the cheesecake

For the base:

300 g dried cake

150 g butter

For cheese cream:

3 jars Philadelphia cheese

250 g sugar

180 ml cream

lemon zest

Step 1. Punch Easter cake in a blender to small crumbs.

Step 2. Melt the butter and mix with the crumbs until smooth.

Step 3. Place the butter mixture in a baking dish, tamping with a spoon.

Step 4. Bake the base for 10 minutes in an oven heated to 180 degrees.

Step 5. Grind sugar into powder.

Step 6. Beat cheese with sugar, add eggs one at a time, without stopping beating.

Step 7. In a separate bowl, whip the cream, mix with the cheese mass. Add lemon zest.

Step 8. Put the cream on a sand base, bake in a water bath in the oven at 160 degrees for about 60 minutes.

Kulich is a confectionery muffin, which, as a rule, is baked for Easter. Everyone probably knows Easter cake to make it airy and soft. Properly prepared muffin can be stored for up to three months. Usually the dough starts to knead the day before the holiday, then let it brew all night. Baked must be consecrated in the church.

We have prepared several useful tips from which you will learn how to bake an Easter cake. The first rule says that in order for the pastries to turn out good, you need to pray. Our ancestors never started kneading dough without reading a prayer, and even more so Easter products. The quality of Easter cakes depends entirely on the ingredients used - the products must be the first freshness. Of course, preference is given to village eggs, milk, cream, butter and sour cream.

If you don't have the opportunity to purchase environmentally friendly ingredients, then carefully choose products in stores and be sure to look at their composition and expiration date. Although many people know how to bake Easter cake for Easter, not everyone gets a delicious muffin, but all because the ingredients must be warm before cooking, and in no case cold, otherwise the baking will turn out stale. For cooking Easter baking used only fresh yeast- it is not recommended to put on dry. Butter must be subjected to heat treatment, and then cooled to room temperature, and only after that is introduced directly into the dough.

How to bake an Easter cake, enriched with oxygen?

Very simple. For this sponge dough you need to carefully knock out and knead. It is when it is knocked out that excess carbon dioxide leaves it, it is enriched with oxygen, and this contributes to an increase in the volume of the Easter dough. To obtain a bright yellow color, saffron is also used (5 drops of tincture are used per kilogram of dough). Candied fruits, raisins, and poppy seeds are added to the finished and well-kneaded dough to give the pastries a special taste. Now you know, by all means.


For sweet dough the following will be required:

A kilogram of flour;

six eggs;

One and a half glasses of warm milk;

Three hundred grams of butter;

Two glasses of granulated sugar;

Fresh yeast - 50 grams;

Vanillin, raisins (200 gr.), candied fruits (100 gr.), a little salt.

For glaze:

3/4 cup sugar;

One protein;

Colored powder or shavings.

For dough: dissolve the yeast in milk and add 500 grams of flour - mix well, cover with a towel and leave for several hours in a warm place.

When our dough rises twice, add whipped yolks with sugar, salt, vanilla and butter to it, then mix everything. Next, we introduce whipped proteins and the rest of the flour - knead the mass, cover with a napkin and leave to approach.

After about an hour, the dough will increase in volume by one and a half times, then you can add dried fruits and nuts. Knead the dough for the last time and leave to rise again.

Grease the forms with oil or cover with parchment paper, put them on 1/3 butter dough, smearing the top with a beaten egg - bake until the Easter increases in size and is covered with a golden crust.

Place the baked cookies on a plate and let cool. When the cake is completely cooled, it can be glazed and decorated.

Now you know how to bake an Easter cake, the main thing is to follow all the rules, and then you will get delicious pastries.

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