Home Dessert Butter: benefits at the tip of a knife. Butter; benefits and harms, facts and myths about the product

Butter: benefits at the tip of a knife. Butter; benefits and harms, facts and myths about the product

The first mention of such a product as butter dates back to 2000 BC. At that time, the Indians composed songs for him, but nevertheless, the ancient Jews were the first who came up with the idea of ​​whipping milk to a solid state, because there are mentions of the product even in the Old Testament.

Among Russian people, the product became popular around the ninth century. It was prepared by whipping cream, milk and sour cream. And the most common method is to melt the cream in a wood-fired oven. An oily liquid was separated from the cream, it was collected in a separate vessel and beaten by hand. After the oil became solid, it was washed with water and consumed. Oil was rarely prepared, because the whole cooking process was not cheap and only rich people could afford to use it daily. In addition, the oil is not stored for a long time at room temperature, so it had to be reheated again and again, as a result of which the entire product was divided into two parts: at the bottom there was a low-fat mass, and at the top, on the contrary, fat in its pure form. It was collected in a separate container, and when it cooled down, it crystallized. Thus, ghee was previously obtained.

In addition to ghee, in ancient times they also prepared salted butter, which today many consider harmful. Although it is in no way inferior to an ordinary creamy product, it contains 81 percent fat and one and a half percent salt, but it is stored much longer than usual.

The benefits of butter

Butter- one of the most controversial products. Scientists and ordinary housewives have not yet come to a consensus on what is more in oil: benefit or harm. Many women who want to lose weight have forever abandoned this useful and valuable product for the body. There is an opinion, which many famous scientists rely on, that oil contributes to the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in blood vessels and blood, because in the future it also threatens problems in the cardiovascular system.

For example, in England, doctors forbid the use of butter, up to its complete exclusion from the menu. It is advised to cook dishes only with vegetable oil or, in extreme cases, replace it with margarine, and drink milk only with zero fat content. If all the recommendations are followed, then, according to doctors, it is possible to reduce mortality from vascular diseases, which today numbers 200,000 people a year. But English farmers, on the contrary, protest against this, arguing that the oil contains a lot of useful and nutritious components that are simply necessary for a person. Most nutritionists agree with farmers that if you use this product in moderation, it will only benefit the body.

An adult healthy person needs to consume 10 grams of butter per day, sometimes this figure can be increased to 30 grams.

What is useful butter:

  1. The digestibility of the product reaches 98.5%. A high calorie content provides the body with strength and energy.
  2. With the constant use of oil in the human body, the process of cell renewal is activated. This is especially true for brain cells.
  3. The oil has a positive effect on the production of sex hormones, so it is useful for women planning a child to eat it.
  4. Vitamin E, which is contained in a sufficient amount in the product, is very useful for hair, skin and nails. And also for those who build muscle mass in the gyms.
  5. Vitamin A maintains normal vision and restores the health of the mucous membranes.
  6. Vitamin D is essential for growing bodies and those with bone and dental problems. These vitamins are fat-soluble, which means that they are absorbed by the body only together with natural fat which is what butter is.
  1. Inhabitants of the North. They always eat a little of this product in severe frost and thereby protect their body from low temperatures.
  2. To small children in the period of active growth. At this age, the lack of fat turns into poor intellectual abilities up to a delay in the development of the brain. In schoolchildren, a lack of fat affects academic performance, memory, and general ability to learn.
  3. Those who have and duodenal ulcer. In this case, you need to eat oil daily, but not more than 20 grams per day, then the wounds will heal.
  4. For those who monitor their weight and are on. No margarine can be compared with butter in its properties. But in order to lose weight, MirSovetov recommends using it in very small amounts, no more than 10 grams per day.
  5. If there is pain in bladder, you need to eat butter with a soft-boiled egg, and by mixing butter with wine, you can. With dysentery, a drunk glass of pomegranate juice will help, to which a teaspoon of butter has been added.
  6. During an epidemic and with colds, it is useful to eat garlic oil and lemon. To prepare lemon, you need to take 300 grams of oil, squeeze the juice from the lemon and finely chop about 50 grams of parsley. Mix all the ingredients, salt to taste and you can eat no more than a teaspoon per day. And garlic oil is prepared as follows: 350 grams of oil is stirred with 20 g of crushed garlic. Eat on bread or add to your favorite dishes.

The use of oil in traditional medicine

Since ancient times, people have been treating certain diseases with this natural product. For example, for young children, when they only need to lubricate their gums with oil, after that the gums soften, pain and inflammation subside for a while and the whole process goes much easier.

As a result, scientists from all over the world spent huge sums of money on research on the dangers of butter, but there was no real evidence. One thing is known for sure - an excess of fat is fraught with human health, so everything should be in moderation.

Butter has long been a constant product in the kitchen and in the diet of every family. We cook sandwiches, add it to cereals, potatoes, confectionery. Consider the benefits of this product for the body, as well as the harm from its excessive use.

How to get the product

A food product obtained from cream by separating it from milk and then churning it in special devices. Nowadays, it is produced industrially by converting cream with a high fat content by separating and further processing it.

With this method, you can get different kinds: sweet-creamy, sour-creamy, salted, melted and with fillers.

Main product indicators:

  • the amount of milk fat - from 50 to 82.5% (melted - 99%);
  • has a homogeneous dense and at the same time plastic structure of light yellow color with a taste of cream;
  • it is well smeared and at the same time has small droplets of liquid;
  • melts at + 35 °С, and hardens at +15 to +24 °С.

Did you know? The first mention of oil production dates back to 2500 BC. e. in Mesopotamia. It was a very valuable product, and it was protected from the evil eye even at the manufacturing stage. Among the Scythians, blind slaves were engaged in the production of oil, and in Europe a taboo was imposed on people with strabismus.

We study the composition

According to the chemical composition, the product contains fats, acids, vitamins and minerals. It contains a unique digestibility set of proteins, minerals, various acids and antioxidants.

Their amount is small per 100 g of oil, and it is difficult to consider it as a constant source of vitamins and minerals, since we use this product in small quantities and not constantly. But any food with the addition of oil will be much tastier and more nutritious.


100 g of the product contains vitamins:

  • - 1 mg;
  • - 0.2 mg;
  • beta-carotene (A) - 0.3 mg;
  • - 0.13 mg;
  • - 0.01 mg;
  • - 0.12 mg;
  • - 0.05 mg.


The composition of butter contains 10 minerals and the most significant per 100 g of product:

  • - 24 mg;
  • - 30 mg;
  • - 24 mg;
  • - 15 mg;
  • - 1 mg.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

100 g of oil contains:

  • carbohydrates - 0.1 g;
  • fats - 81.1 g;
  • proteins - 0.9 g.

Important! 100 g of the product contains 215 mg of cholesterol, which exceeds the daily norm by 3 times. It is important, like all useful substances. You need to know that 2/3 of this cholesterol is produced by the body itself, and 1/3 is obtained from food.

Calorie content depends on fat content, and on average it is 748 kcal per 100 g of product.

What is the use

The presence in the daily diet of 10 to 25 g of butter helps:

  1. It is normal for the gastrointestinal tract to work - vitamin A heals wounds and ulcers, and fat serves as a kind of lubricant for the esophagus.
  2. Maintain muscle tone and bone hardness with B vitamins and the minerals calcium and iron.
  3. Vitamins A and E have a beneficial effect on vision.
  4. With colds and tuberculosis, it is a kind of antibiotic and improves immunity, since it contains vitamins A, D, B6.
  5. After injuries and illnesses, it saturates with energy, being a natural and easily digestible product.
  6. Fats in the oil are able to renew brain cells, which is important for the development of the child.
  7. Fight depression with cholesterol, which acts on serotonin receptors in the brain.

For men

For a strong half of humanity, the use of this product allows:

  1. It is easy to restore strength after heavy physical exertion.
  2. In the genital area, enhance the formation of sperm and its qualitative composition.
  3. Maintain normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

For women

  1. Participate in the renewal of mucous membranes and rejuvenation of the skin.
  2. Improve blood circulation in the ovaries.
  3. Bring the hormonal background back to normal.
  4. Helps to efficiently use oxygen in the body.
  5. Contribute to the restoration of the intestines and the nervous system.
  6. They energize and increase efficiency.

Is it possible to use

Vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids that are present in the oil indicate that it is necessary for pregnant, lactating and children. You only need to know some of the features of the reception in order to get the maximum benefit from the product.


25 g of oil per day for a pregnant woman will not hurt, but will be of great benefit. Calcium in the composition of the product is necessary for the development of the baby's skeleton, and vitamins have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and general condition of the woman. Cholesterol in the composition of the oil stimulates the production of sex hormones and is necessary for the structure of cells.


Due to the high cholesterol content, this product should be eaten in small quantities in order to avoid problems not only with the health of the mother, but also the baby. The acceptable rate of oil during breastfeeding is 30 g per day, taking into account the addition to cereals and soups.


Babies need to be given oil only with a fat content of 82.5% and begin to be introduced into the diet from 5 months in the amount of 1 g (at the tip of a knife), adding to grated vegetables. At 3 years old, this rate is 15 g per day. For schoolchildren, 10 g of oil in the form of a sandwich or an additive to a dish will help with mental stress, add strength and improve memory.

Did you know? Most oil is consumed in France - 8 kg per person per year, but in Brazil and Kenya this figure is 0.4 kg.

Butter: how to determine quality

Sanitary standards allow the product to be sold in the manufacturer's packaging and by weight in the seller's container. fresh product good quality has a light yellow color, uniform structure, without any streaks. Dark yellow streaks on the oil indicate its staleness. For the formation of packs, the best material is a dense foil, on which the manufacturer must indicate:

  • full title;
  • a document defining the production technology;
  • date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • series and batch number.

The same data is indicated on the boxes in which it is sold by weight. Quality product should have 72.5–82.5% fat and a shelf life of 32 to 37 days. If it is more, then the product contains animal fats, which should not be.

Features of using the product

A fatty product of dairy origin has found wide application in cooking in various dishes, in cosmetology for the manufacture of creams and masks for skin and hair, and it is also an integral component in folk recipes from a cold.

In cooking

Due to its high fat content, butter is not used as an independent dish, but it is added to ready-made dishes - cereals, soups, pastas. This is an indispensable component that is used in baking dough, prepared white sauce, creams for cakes, various fillings for pies. A morning butter and cheese sandwich is a good start to the day.

Important! This product cannot be used for frying, because with strong heating, carcinogens are formed in it.

In cosmetology

The oil is widely used in various skin care products for the face, body and hair. Masks based on it well moisturize and nourish the skin, smooth mimic wrinkles, and the hair becomes silky and healthy, the roots are strengthened.

For face

The natural product is perfect for normal and dry flaky skin - an effective fighter for the purity of the dermis.

Youth Recipes:
  1. For smooth skin: mix 25 g of oil with 20 g of honey. Apply on the face in a thick layer for 20 minutes.
  2. Moisturizing the dermis: grind boiled potatoes in mashed potatoes, add 1 teaspoon of oil, mix well. Dilute with kefir so that it can be applied to the face. Withstand 30 minutes.
  3. Deep nutrition: combine 25 g of butter, 20 g of cottage cheese and 15 g of cucumber pulp (on a grater). Keep it on your face for about half an hour.
  4. In its pure form, slightly melted, applied in a thin layer for 20 minutes - it nourishes and moisturizes the skin well.

For hair

For the preparation of masks using oil, there are certain rules:

  • it should be only natural;
  • room temperature;
  • does not apply to oily hair;
  • the mask should be kept on the hair for 30 minutes;
  • perform the procedure 1 time in 7 days;
  • the prepared mixture is not subject to storage.

A few recipes for the most used masks:

Important! So that the hair does not remain greasy after the procedure, the shampoo is first applied to dry hair, aged for a couple of minutes and washed off with lukewarm water. Then wash as usual. You can finish the procedure by rinsing your hair with acidified water - 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of water.

In medicine

Since ancient times, this component has been used in simple recipes for treatment colds in both adults and children:

Can it be done at home?

This beloved product, made at home, is much tastier and cheaper than store-bought. And the process of its production does not present any particular difficulties.

Required Ingredients

To get oil, you need to take 1 liter homemade sour cream or skimmed cream. If you buy cream in a store, then the fat content should be at least 33%. The output of the finished product is from 0.4 kg to 0.6 kg.

Step by step recipe with photo

We present the simple steps for making butter at home with a photo:

Important! Buttermilk can be used to make dough for pancakes or pies.

Harm and contraindications

Excessive consumption of this product contributes to the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to jumps in blood pressure and the development of hypertension. This problem becomes relevant after 40 years. Also, a large amount of oil adversely affects the stomach and liver, leads to vision problems.

The product of animal origin, being very high-calorie, helps to quickly gain weight, so it is contraindicated:

  • obese people;
  • if you are allergic to milk;
  • with a heart attack or stroke;
  • hypertension and diabetics.

It is not a natural product that causes great harm to people's health, but all kinds of its low-fat substitutes, which are vegetable trans fats. These additives disrupt the metabolic processes in the body, increase the level of insulin, which, in turn, contributes to pancreatic disease and diabetes.

In many cases, the harm from this tasty and healthy product depends on the amount of consumption. If there is a measure in the food, then butter, spread on a piece of bread for breakfast, will be a useful and energetic start to the day.

In our diet there are a huge number of ambiguous products. On the one hand, they can negatively affect our health, and on the other hand, they can provide invaluable assistance to it. This is also butter, the benefits and harms of which have been discussed for more than a dozen years. It's time to put an end to this long dispute and make a choice once and for all.

What is the main benefit of the oil

So, you bought butter in the store. The benefits and harms of a product are not always obvious to you, we are used to including it in our diet and often do not think about the advantages and disadvantages. During the Soviet years, butter sandwiches were a standard breakfast for adults and children alike. Modern media, nutritionists and therapists claim that such food is harmful and even dangerous. Some foreign experts generally advise abandoning this product, replacing it with a variety of analogues.

What is the benefit of butter? The main advantage of the product is its unique composition! Just think about it: a huge amount of fatty acids that we need for a normal life are contained in a small stick of butter. In addition, the product includes a fairly large amount of vitamins B, A, C, and E.

For beauty and health

The benefits of butter are quite tangible when it comes to appearance and the beauty of man. Regular consumption of small portions will allow you to improve the condition of nails, skin, muscles, bones and hair. By the way, the oil also has a positive effect on vision. You will be surprised, but the product can also be used for medicinal purposes. Its constituent components are responsible for the formation of new cells and even promote the healing of micro-ulcers on the mucous membrane.

The benefits of oil for certain categories of people

The benefits of butter for women are expressed in its significant nutritional value, which is especially useful during the period of bearing a child and subsequent breastfeeding. Difficult childbirth and sleepless nights are very tiring for the body, which needs to draw new strength from food. What do we most often associate with butter? Its benefits and harms are associated with such a concept as cholesterol.

Do not be afraid of this term alone. In many ways, cholesterol is even necessary for our body. Do you know what are the benefits of butter for children? After all, it is this component that is responsible for cell division, growth and development of the body, and the formation of powerful immunity.

Why you shouldn't give up oil

What will happen to a person if butter is completely excluded from his diet? There are several options for development:

  • Decrease in the production of hormones of the sexual sphere, and as a result - failures in the body, menopause, a drop in sexual desire.
  • Deterioration of mental activity.
  • Protracted depression, bad mood, loss of strength due to a decrease in the amount of serotonin, the "hormone of joy and pleasure."

It is generally accepted that in one day a person should eat about 10 grams of oil (the maximum number of servings can be 30 grams). The indicated amount is quite enough to ensure the proper functioning of our body, without causing any harm to it.

A couple of negatives

What is the harm of butter? It is imperative to take into account the fact that older people should keep their cholesterol levels under strict control and follow certain dietary rules to remove its excess. It is necessary to limit the use of oil after the age of 40 years. Those who want to lose weight should also completely stop using this product for a while, since the oil has a significant calorie content. A standard briquette weighing 200 grams contains 1496 calories - a very, very impressive figure.

The main problem is that to find quality oil in modern conditions almost impossible. Most of the products offered in stores are substandard fakes or harmful alternatives. The advantages of butter over such surrogates are obvious. It contains a lot of useful components, vitamins and at times less cholesterol. In addition, it does not contain harmful preservatives. Quality products, as a rule, are often found in villages and suburbs, that is, where it is possible to keep a household. But the oil brought to our country from abroad is also quite often of low quality.

Looking for an alternative to classic butter

What can replace butter? The easiest solution is to use cream or sour cream. These products are less caloric, easy to digest and stimulate the synthesis of a very important vitamin B. When choosing from the two options indicated above, preference should still be given to sour cream. It is less oily and contains a number of bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the activity of our intestines. Among other things, it contains calcium, phosphorus and a number of essential vitamins. Instead of butter, you can also use its vegetable counterparts from sunflower or olives. They are less fatty, but also very healthy. It is important to remember that they have a different composition and cannot completely replace a high-calorie creamy product.

Ghee and its main properties

Special mention deserves such a topic as the benefits of ghee. In India, such a product is highly valued, but in Russia it has not received such wide distribution. First of all, you should know that a positive effect can only be obtained from the use of high-quality oil. Its characteristics include softness, grainy texture, absence of foreign odors, milky taste. Ghee can be prepared at home, or you can buy ready-made in the store. If you follow the right recipe, you can get not only tasty, but also very useful product. It is generally accepted that it has a beneficial effect on human immunity, helps restore vitality and stimulates digestive processes. In addition to internal use, the oil can also be used externally. So, penetrating through the pores, it can remove toxins from the body, as well as significantly improve the condition of the skin.

However, do not forget about certain precautions. Such a product is contraindicated in people suffering from excess weight, with high cholesterol or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Now you know what butter is famous for. The benefits and harms of the product are certainly present, but moderation and accuracy will only allow you to extract positive properties. Do not forget to properly store the product, use foil for this. In addition, you should be aware that by exposing the oil heat treatment, you destroy some of its components. It is best to add a small amount of the product to the already ready meal and enjoy its delicious taste. Butter sandwiches - excellent and nutritious dish for breakfast.

Older people still remember the real taste of Vologda butter with a slight nutty tint and an amazing aroma of freshly boiled milk. Today, however, on supermarket shelves, it has been moved by a variety of spreads on palm, coconut or peanut butter, ersatz-analogues on vegetable trans fats with milk fat substitutes on margarine, emulsifiers, conservatives or acidity regulators.

And the reason for this was the question of the harm and benefits of butter, which was studied by many scientists at the beginning of the 20th century. Then experts suggested that cholesterol, along with saturated animal fats, which this natural product is rich in, are directly related to the development of coronary heart disease.

So, this stereotypical thinking thrown into the minds of people started the flywheel of the war on animal fats in favor of diets based on cereals, limiting the intake of natural fats and replacing them with sugars.

At the same time, as statistics show, over the past decades, the growth of cardiovascular pathologies, obesity or diabetes mellitus has not decreased at all, and we are moving further and further away from the consumption of a high-quality natural product, which is so necessary for both adults and children.

Therefore, in order to refute the gloomy image of butter and find the grain of truth, let's look at its positive and negative points together. At the same time, I will try to give you a detailed picture of its constituent components, their properties and influence on the physiological processes in our body.

What is the correct butter?

Traditional raw materials for the production of high-quality butter are natural whole:

  • Cream;
  • Sour cream;
  • Milk.

Ready food product is an emulsified milk fat concentrate, from 78% in regular butter to 99% in ghee. Its nutritional value of 100 grams is about 800 kcal. It usually hardens at a temperature of about 20 degrees, melts at 32 degrees, and is absorbed by the body by 95%.

The composition of butter contains a huge amount of:

  1. Vitamin A, necessary to maintain visual acuity, activate regenerative processes, increase the body's resistance to external viruses and bacteria.
  2. Vitamin E for the youth of the body, the strength of muscle structures, the health of the skin.
  3. Vitamin B with various indexes, which are necessary for children, pregnant women, the elderly to strengthen the teeth and skeletal system.
  4. Vitamins D, K, PP, which belong to the group of fat-soluble, support nervous system, stabilize reproductive functions.

At the same time, this natural product holds the record for the number of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. At the same time, the first nutrients here, of course, are in priority, but they are capable of increasing blood cholesterol.

But the latter in the form of Omega-3, linoleic, or arachidic polyunsaturated fatty acids, are essential for a person. Since they are not synthesized by his body, but get to him only with food, helping:

  • Prevent premature aging;
  • Preserve genetic information;
  • Improve blood lipid balance;
  • Regulate fat metabolism;
  • Remove bad cholesterol.

You can find out about the most harmful foods for health and beauty in this article.

In addition, butter is a unique storehouse of proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements:

  1. potassium;
  2. Gland;
  3. manganese;
  4. zinc;
  5. sodium;
  6. Phosphorus.

Consider the two sides of the coin

The concepts of the benefits and harms of butter are often tied to the cholesterol issue, motivating that cholesterol contributes to the formation of ill-fated cholesterol plaques in humans. And this is a prerequisite for the development of a heart attack or the formation of kidney stones. Partly it is.

However, if we take this fact more scrupulously, then it turns out that not all of it is bad. In the human body, there are two types of cholesterol, which are natural polycyclic lipophilic alcohols synthesized both by the body and supplied to it with food from the outside.

But in our blood, they are present in a complex of lipoproteins with soluble compounds and transporter proteins to ensure the stability of cell membranes. However, they can be of two varieties:

  1. Low molecular weight, slightly soluble and prone to transformation into a precipitate of cholesterol crystals.
  2. High molecular weight or good cholesterol, which:
  • Do not precipitate;
  • Activate the activity of serotonin receptors in humans;
  • Improve reproductive function;
  • Contribute to the production of biologically active substances necessary for the life support of the body.

Therefore, now, we can consider two sides of the same coin.


Let it be a positive line, which is characterized by qualities that are useful for a person. Due to the unique composition, high calorie content, excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, the use of butter in reasonable amounts allows adults and children not only to keep warm in the cold conditions of a harsh climate, but also:

  • Increase mental activity;
  • Heal small sores on the gastric mucosa;
  • Increase immunity;
  • Block the development of malignant cells and metastasis;
  • Resist fungal diseases;
  • Protect tooth enamel from destruction;
  • Improve brain function;
  • Normalize the microflora of the digestive tract;
  • Accelerate metabolic processes;
  • Renew body cells;
  • Maintain the natural elasticity of the skin and tendons;
  • Activate the production of vitamin D;
  • Quickly recover after heavy physical exertion;
  • Strengthen lactation in a woman during breastfeeding;
  • Fight infertility, impotence, neuroses;
  • Increase emotional stability.


As for the negative impact of this natural product on the human body, it can only manifest itself in cases of its excessive use, more than 15 grams per day. And if you take into account high calorie content, then lovers of butter who do not control its intake may develop:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Serious cardiovascular pathology;
  • Elementary obesity.

However, the greatest danger today is caused by “modernized” analogues, which in fact represent a legalized fake of high-quality product natures with:

  1. Dangerous fatty acids trans isomers;
  2. margarine;
  3. Various flavors;
  4. Food flavor enhancers;
  5. emulsifiers;
  6. salt;
  7. Stabilizers.

Yes, manufacturers make them cheap, affordable in the price segment, calling them “light” oils, but they are far from a natural product, and milk fats are present in minimal quantities here. Therefore, the choice of such a product is wrong, especially when it is bought for children.

According to numerous experts, the reasonable use of butter allows you to increase a person’s working capacity, restore his vitality and fight chronic fatigue syndrome.

Therefore, we all widely use it in cooking to give an exquisite creamy taste:

  • Various soups, pastas, mashed potatoes, sauces, vegetable stew;
  • Morning sandwiches;
  • Baking.

And combining it with herbs and spices, you can not be afraid of the appearance of cholesterol plaques. Since these natural fillers actively prevent such a process.

As for traditional medicine, I wanted to note here that since ancient times this product has been used by our grandmothers in recipes from:

  1. Colds;
  2. worms;
  3. Rheumatism;
  4. Arthritis;
  5. dry cough;
  6. Urticaria;
  7. Dysentery.

However, for the elderly, especially after 50 years, the use of butter, like other animal fats, should be limited. Indeed, sadly, their body at this age begins to fade, their hormonal levels decrease, and the reproductive system fades away. Therefore, for them, excess cholesterol can actually provoke the development of atherosclerosis.

At the same time, I want to urge everyone to buy only high-quality butter. It is better to buy more expensive than to get health problems later.

Good appetite! See you!

Butter is a very popular product. But in the 20th century, they began to accuse him of every conceivable sin: he undermines health, causes obesity and heart disease. Let's figure out if the harm of butter is exaggerated, and what benefits can be from this source of animal fats.

Where did the myth of harm come from?

Scientists have noticed that more and more people suffer from heart disease and excess weight, and decided to find out what is the reason. Experts studied the diet of the average person. The conclusions turned out to be disappointing: the increase in the incidence is caused by cholesterol, which is quite abundant in butter. As a result, the product fell out of favor with everyone who is struggling with excess weight and / or atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of their blood vessels.

Here you need to understand that obesity cannot be caused by the use of butter alone. As a rule, overweight people eat other, more harmful foods.

In addition, the modern "butter" bought in the store, in fact, may turn out to be margarine or a spread that includes a huge amount of salt, trans fats, preservatives and other harmful impurities. Naturally, all these additives undermine health and cause malfunctions of various organs.

Let's talk about benefits

Butter is high in fat, but these are the "good" fatty acids that the human body needs. Unlike, for example, trans fats, which margarine is “stuffed” with.

The natural product contains vitamins E, C, A, D, several representatives of group B. All of them are necessary for the health of the skin and hair, muscles, bones, nails and internal organs.

So, vitamin D is needed for the formation of nervous tissue and bones, vitamin A is needed to maintain healthy vision, it also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and normalizes the functioning of the mucous membranes.

The use of butter has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, including helping to get rid of constipation, reduce pain during exacerbations of gastritis. Regulates hormonal balance, increases efficiency, strengthens the nervous system, fights fatigue.

Butter is good for:

  • reproductive organs;
  • eye;
  • nervous system;
  • digestive processes;
  • skin, nails and hair.

Therefore, a sandwich or porridge with butter for breakfast will only benefit. They will help get rid of morning nervousness, give strength, relieve irritation of the mucous membranes and increase efficiency.

Regular use of this natural product reduces the likelihood of infection with fungal infections, because it contains lauric acid. This compound speeds up getting rid of such an unpleasant disease as candidiasis.

Vitamin D in butter helps fight depression, preserves vision and memory, improves concentration and other cognitive functions. Whereas arachidonic acid (belongs to the omega-6 class) stimulates the brain. That's why using this dairy product especially useful in winter, when a person needs a lot of calories, and his brain activity suffers due to lack of sun.

In turn, saturated fats, which made butter disliked in the 20th century, have a powerful antitumor effect. In particular, they prevent the appearance of metastases in oncological diseases. In addition, these fats boost immunity.

Finally, the benefit of butter is that it helps keep your teeth healthy.

* Skurikhin I. M. Chemical composition food products. M. Agropromizdat, 1987.

Folk recipes

The product has been widely used in folk medicine. The treatment methods and recipes below can be used if there are no medicines on hand.

  1. When coughing, the resorption of butter with honey helps. These products can also be dissolved in warm milk.
  2. The same product will relieve pain in the gums, including when teeth are being cut. It is enough to lubricate the painful area with a small amount of oil.
  3. For lichen, rashes, urticaria, burns, it is applied externally, applied directly to the affected areas.
  4. A boiled egg smeared with butter will help soothe the pain in the bladder.
  5. To eliminate intestinal flu, drink a small amount of this product with a glass of pomegranate juice.
  6. Can be used as an overnight mask for aging skin.
  7. Garlic oil (3 cloves of garlic per 350 g) - not only tasty snack but also a prophylactic against colds. You need to use it daily for 1 tsp, spread on bread.

Harm of butter

You should not get involved in eating such food. Excess can cause diarrhea, nausea and heaviness in the stomach. And regular abuse causes an increase in cholesterol levels and provokes the appearance of plaques on the vessels. In the long term, this causes liver and heart disease, especially with an unbalanced diet. But for this to happen, you need to eat butter daily and with spoons. Therefore, its harm is clearly exaggerated.

Another thing is that the danger is represented by expired or fake, low-quality analogues. correct, healthy food should not contain emulsifiers, flavors and other additives.

Signals that the product is of poor quality can be:

  • low price;
  • lack of a list of ingredients on the package;
  • a note that the butter has been reconstituted;
  • the presence in the composition of vegetable fats, palm oil etc.;
  • the presence of starchy lumps, powder formations on the inside of the pack;
  • when melted, the oil breaks up into 2 substances of different consistency and shade;
  • an indication that the product has a fat content of less than 80%;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor or aroma of margarine.

And when you mistakenly buy a poor-quality product, don't eat it. It is better to throw away junk food than spend money on restoring health.


You should not give up butter, even if you control your weight and count calories. Also, do not rush to exclude it from the diet in the presence of any diseases. But do not forget that it is advisable to eat no more than 50 g of a quality product per day.

We also recommend reading: The benefits and harms of sour cream.

Recently, there has been a lot of conflicting information about butter. Some are of the opinion that this product is harmful to the human body, as it contributes to obesity. However, nutritionists, on the contrary, recommend daily consumption of oil, especially in young children's bodies, as well as pregnant women or the elderly.

How useful or, on the contrary, harmful this product is for the human body, we learn from the head of the Municipal Public Health Center Luminitsa Suveike.

Oil is a food product rich in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, D, E, PP, as well as B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, manganese and zinc. Vitamin E is necessary to maintain the health and beauty of the skin, hair and nails, as well as the strength of our muscles; vitamin A maintains the normal visual apparatus; without vitamin D, our bones and teeth cannot be healthy. All of these vitamins are fat soluble and are best absorbed and metabolized in the presence of natural fats.

What are beneficial features this food product for our body?

  1. contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats;
  2. is the most easily absorbed form of vitamin A, essential for the thyroid gland;
  3. has an optimal ratio of omega-3 - omega-6;
  4. contains lauric acid, which plays an important role in the treatment of fungal infections and candidiasis;
  5. contains lecithin, necessary for the metabolism of cholesterol;
  6. contains antioxidants that protect us from the negative effects of free radicals;
  7. is an excellent source of vitamins E and K;
  8. the fats contained in the oil have antitumor and anti-carcinogenic properties;
  9. is a good source of selenium;
  10. contains alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which are primarily anti-cancer agents, as well as stimulate muscle growth and strengthen the immune system, and, secondly, are often used in weight loss supplements;
  11. Vitamin D, contained in butter, is extremely useful and helps in the absorption of calcium;
  12. is a source of iodine in the most easily digestible form;
  13. protects against gastrointestinal infections in young and old people;
  14. is an excellent source of energy and is not deposited in the adipose tissue of the body;
  15. contains arachidonic acid, which plays a very important role in the functioning of the brain and is a vital component of the cell membrane.

And what is the harm of butter?

The disadvantage of butter is the adverse effects of its combination with certain foods, namely the combination of butter (saturated fat) with simple carbohydrates such as bread, corn, potatoes, this combination promotes the deposition of fat. The combination of butter with complex carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals, etc.) is correct.

Butter or margarine: which should you choose?

Between butter and margarine, it is worth choosing in favor of butter, provided that it is made from cow's milk, without adding vegetable oils such as palm. Margarine tends to contain trans fats, which are considered by medical professionals to be the most dangerous type of fat because they increase the body's levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and also lower levels of good cholesterol (HDL), while the presence of bad cholesterol closely associated with the development of various heart diseases.

Is oil really an anticarcinogenic product?

Among the fatty acids, butter contains butyric acid, which is a source of energy for the colon and is also known for its anti-carcinogenic role.

For consumption, should you choose butter made at home, or the one that we meet on store shelves?

It is preferable to use natural, homemade oil that has not been heat-treated. It is also recommended to use at least 80% fat butter, because 65% fat butter (at a more affordable price) may contain water.

What is the daily norm of oil consumption for adults and children?

Adults should consume at least 10 g of butter daily, but not more than 30 g. The need to include butter in a child's diet occurs simultaneously with the start of complementary foods. Start introducing the oil at 1g/day, gradually increasing to 4-6g/day by one year of age and up to 10-15g/day at age three.

The use of butter is contraindicated, first of all, for children under the age of 5-6 months, as well as for people suffering from acute pancreatitis, hepatitis and cardiovascular diseases.

Many people avoid butter because it can raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of obesity, what is your opinion on this?

When we say "butter" we automatically think of "cholesterol"...According to a study conducted in 1991 by the US Medical Research Council, people who consumed butter throughout the study had half the risk of developing heart disease. vascular disease compared with those people who ate margarine instead of butter. When you hear the word "cholesterol" you automatically think of something in a negative way, and imagine something that is not healthy at all, but "good" cholesterol is necessary for maintaining the health of our digestive system, as well as for the development of the brain and nervous system.

What are we risking by completely eliminating butter from our diet?

If we exclude butter from our diet, we risk losing its useful components:

  • Vitamin A, which is an essential element for a wide range of bodily functions, from vision to keeping the endocrine system in good shape.
  • Minerals, especially selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant. In percentage terms, oil contains more selenium than cereals or garlic. This element enriches our body with iodine, which is so necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland (as well as vitamin A).
  • Butyric acid, which serves as an energy source for the colon. This acid is also known as anticarcinogenic. Another fatty acid found in butter is lauric acid, which is a strong antimicrobial and antifungal agent. The oil also contains other fatty acids that provide excellent protection against cancer.

Nowadays, loving butter has become almost indecent. You only hear: “butter is harmful - too fatty”, “a lot of cholesterol”. Involuntarily, doubts arise whether the product is useful or not. Who should enjoy a sandwich with butter, and who should not, the ZdravCom correspondent found out.

Text: Katya Stern

To make butter, different peoples used somewhat similar technologies for whipping milk or cream. For example, the Arabs made a bag of goatskin, tied it to two pillars and swung it to victory. The Mexicans - hot people - placed a container of cream on the horse, behind the saddle, after which the rider started galloping across the prairie. The Indians also had primitive stirrers.

The Russians went their own way - they melted milk or cream in the oven, cooled and whipped the oily liquid released during this. The resulting oil was washed in cold water. The product was not "long-playing" - it had to be reheated again and again. Perhaps that is why Russia occupied one of the first places in the export of ghee - it was called “Russian”.

By the way, ghee, like regular butter, is still the main thing for Indians. Since they do not eat meat, cow milk products - beings of divine origin - make up for the lack of animal fats in the diet. For the manufacture of ghee, called ghee (or ghee), Hindus use not only cow's milk, but also buffalo milk. However, for religious ceremonies, lighting lamps in temples and cleaning the images of the gods, only ghee from cow's milk is taken. They say it tastes almost indistinguishable from our traditional butter.

Now on sale you can find various types of ghee. However, if desired, you can cook ghee at home. To do this, melt the finished butter in a thick-walled saucepan over medium heat and bring it to a boil. After that, it remains to reduce the heat to a minimum and regularly remove solid particles that form on the surface of the oil. After the water has evaporated and all foreign matter has been removed, only a golden, viscous liquid will remain in the pan, through which the bottom will be visible. Pour it into a jar and keep it in a cool dry place. It will take about an hour to “melt” one kilogram of butter, and at the end you will get about 800 grams of melted butter. When frying in ghee, make sure that no water gets into the pan - otherwise it will splash. Actually, ordinary butter splashes precisely because it contains water, and it burns because of the non-fat components it contains.

The composition of butter is a whole story. Butter contains 150 different fatty acids, including 20 essential ones. Most of the fatty acids are saturated - they increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, creating the preconditions for heart attacks and strokes. However, there are also unsaturated fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic, which are indispensable for our body. They play a very important role - remove cholesterol from the body. The milk fat contained in the butter promotes the absorption of calcium, which, in turn, affects the lowering of cholesterol levels in the blood. Butter also contains the main fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K.

Butter is a high-calorie product and easily digestible. It is widely believed that its use leads to an increase in blood cholesterol levels, scientists still argue about this. Thus, the following experiment was repeatedly repeated at the Tufts University School of Medicine (USA): laboratory animals were kept on a diet based on butter. Yes, the little animals got fat and became lazy, but their cholesterol never exceeded the norm!

Oddly enough, cholesterol is a substance without which a person cannot live: cholesterol is necessary for the production of sex hormones, as well as bile acids, which ensure the normal process of digestion. According to a dietitian Alexey Dobrovolsky, "experts" who intimidate people with cholesterol, for some reason lose sight of the fact that about 80 percent of cholesterol is produced (as well as the intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands, genitals), and only 20 percent comes from food. Studies show that if more than usual cholesterol comes from food (for example, there are a lot of cholesterol-rich foods in the diet), then the liver reduces its own production. That is, foods rich in cholesterol have no effect on the content of cholesterol in the blood of a healthy person. The intensity of cholesterol synthesis in the liver is determined primarily by the genetic characteristics of each individual person.

For people under 40, and especially for children and adolescents whose hormonal system is just building up, butter is a powerful source of cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamins, says Mr. Dobrovolsky. No wonder they give oil in kindergartens and in the army.

After 40 years, when active hormonal saturation is no longer so relevant, an excess of foods rich in cholesterol and saturated acids can lead to health problems - the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, for example. Therefore, at this age, animal fats - oils, lard, sausages - should be limited to the maximum and emphasis should be placed on.
illustration: travamurava.blogspot.com

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