Home Preparations for the winter Sandwiches canapes technological map. Requirements for the quality and safety of complex cold snacks - canapes and light snacks. Vol-au-vents with various gastronomic products

Sandwiches canapes technological map. Requirements for the quality and safety of complex cold snacks - canapes and light snacks. Vol-au-vents with various gastronomic products

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Upload files with the Cadastral Plan of the Territory (CPT), Cadastral Extract (CV), Land Survey Plan (MP) and Technical Plan (TP) and get a drawing.
These files are obtained from Rosreestr, have an XML extension, as a rule they are in ZIP archives. You can put all existing XML and ZIP files in one folder and download them in one archive. Moreover, it is not necessary to separate the CPT from cadastral extracts, boundary plans, and others. It is also possible to download RAR and ZIP archive with these files. In addition to XML, archives may contain files with a digital signature, other files, nested archives. The output will be a drawing with the DXF extension, containing data from the selected files - it opens with AutoCAD (versions 2010 and higher), as well as a lot of open source software for any platform (including mobile ones). You will also receive a report to open in Excel (version 2007 and above) with the XLSX extension.


1. Select the desired files from your computer and extension: XML, ZIP, RAR
2. Typically, the coordinate systems used to describe real estate objects have the X-axis to the north, and the Y-axis to the east, since most CAD applications have the horizontal X-axis (which corresponds to the east) and the vertical Y-axis (which corresponds to the north) that we are used to. , for a visual display of the drawing, check the "Swap X and Y coordinates" checkbox.
3. Click "Generate drawing and report" and wait for completion.
4. When it is 100% complete - 2 links for downloading the result will appear - "download dxf", "download xlsx" - click on them and download the files to your computer.

Layers in DXF drawing:

The drawing will display data from all types of XML files, with each type having its own layer group:
1. for KPT files - layers like KPT_Contour, KPT_CadastralNumber - that is, with the KPT prefix
2. for KV files - layers with prefix KV_
3. for MP files - layers with MP_ prefix
4. for TP files - layers with TP_ prefix

In addition, each property of the KPT file is highlighted in a separate layer, so the KPT_Contour layer contains the contour of the site, and the KPT_CadastralNumber layer contains a text inscription with a cadastral number. In turn, the TP_Contour layer contains the contour of the building / structure. In the text, Russian letters are written in English characters.

First of all, you will see the outlines, and already inside each outline there will be a block of text.

The other layers are listed below:
KPT_OMS - OMS point
KPT_Area - Area and error
KPT_Location - Location
KPT_State - Plot status
KPT_Rights - Rights
KPT_Encumbrances - Encumbrances
KPT_Utilization - Permitted usage
KPT_SubEncumbrances - Sub-encumbrances restrictions
KPT_Category - FCT category
KPT_DeltaGeopoint - Point error (next to each contour point)
KPT_CategoryShtrih - Hatching depending on the category
KPT_Kvartali - Quarters
KPT_Zones - Zones
KPT_Bounds - PKT borders
TP_Type - Type: building / structure

Pages in XLSX report:

1. KPT objects - Listed objects from all KPT files with cadastral number and other properties, such as area, category
2. KV Objects - Listed objects from all KV files
3. MP Objects - Listed objects from all MP files
4. TP Objects - Listed objects from all TP files
5. Area errors - Discrepancies between the calculated area of ​​the plots and the one that is written in XML are listed
6. Areas by Category - Shows how much area falls on each category of land
7. Area by Utilization - Shows how much area is for each Permitted Use
In case of malfunctions, write to e-mail


The program is free
+ The program does not require installation

Part of the attribute information is lost during conversion
-No batch file processing
-Some objects are lost during conversion

On-line converter: Information of reference portal about the Earth http://www.50-14.ru

The first online converter in the review. Unfortunately, it did not work for me (file size limit).

Online converter: Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in the Republic of Bashkortostan

Another free online converter is available at:


Is free
+ No need to install additional software

No batch file processing
- When converting, part of the attributive information is lost

-Requires internet connection
-To import a file, you have to do a lot of intermediate operations (download, upload, unzip, etc.)

Online Converter - Converting electronic XML documents to MapInfo exchange format http://xml-mif.ru/

The free online converter available at http://xml-mif.ru/ was not tested due to the limitation on the size of the processed file (3mb).

Online converter "Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography" IN THE KIROV REGION

The converter is free, available at http://zkp.kirov.ru.

Online converter of graphic XML files provided by Rosreestr to MapInfo format (MIF/MID)

The converter is free and available at http://xmlconverter.ru/

Software Comparison Table

Program Name\Features Number of objects after conversion Number of attribute fields after conversion Version at the time of writing Possible export formats Distribution terms Batch File Processing Combining multiple xml files into one
RosreestrXML 2419/3001 68
Inster geoconverter 2757 3
XML converter 2380 16
CPT XML Converter 2380 4

Introduction. Theoretical part

1 Characteristics of raw materials

2 Preparation of raw materials for the preparation of canapes

3 Description of the design of the dish and the rate of exit

3.1 Description of shop organizations

3.2 Organization of work

3.3 Labor protection

4 Personal hygiene of catering workers

5 Tableware requirements

2. Practical part

1 Development of the range

2 Development of technical and technological maps

3 Technical routing-1

2.4 Technical and technological map-2

2.5 Technical and technological map-3

6 Technical and technological map-4

2.7 Technical and technological map-5

8 Calculation chemical composition

9 Calculation energy value products

Sales price calculation

1 Profitability




Public catering is a branch of the national economy, which is based on enterprises characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production of consumer services and differing in types of specialization. Being an important part of the food industry, designed to ensure a sustainable supply of the population with the necessary quality products catering and services, catering is one of those industries that constantly attract entrepreneurs.

Many statistical studies show that in recent years the restaurant business has begun to attract more and more investors from various business areas. This is due, first of all, to the attractiveness of this market in the context of the country's economic growth and the well-being of the population, as well as the possibility of obtaining stable profits throughout the entire existence of the enterprise with its competent management. Public catering is one of the most liquid sectors of the economy. A special place is occupied by the provision of additional services to the client: delivery of meals at home; services for celebrations (weddings, anniversaries) at home; taking orders for the production of culinary and confectionery, calling a taxi, booking tables, etc. The success of a restaurant or cafe consists of a significant number of factors; location, level of service, beautiful interior and good menu are important. However, the main attention of visitors is traditionally paid to the offered dishes, their quality and culinary features. In this regard, modern technological equipment plays an important role in gaining a positive reputation. Today, a professional kitchen must meet the requirements of reliability, versatility and economy. In catering establishments in our time, in order to increase the level of competitiveness of the institution, new modern technologies contributing to the improvement of the quality of culinary products. The main criterion for the formation of an assortment in the field of public catering is consumer demand. As a result, it is very important for catering enterprises to forecast the demand for catering products, as well as the use of a strategic approach as a modern method of modernizing management, which allows solving complex development problems in this area.

This term paper is the study of preparing and serving a variety of canapés

Canapes are small sandwiches (from the French canape - “tiny”) and therefore this topic of work is important and relevant in the field of restaurant business when serving a buffet or banquet.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed:

calculate the amount of products needed to prepare canapes;

to give commodity characteristics of raw materials and their preparation for production;

describe the technology of cooking, their design and serving rules, quality requirements;

develop technological schemes dishes of the task;

Describe the organization of workplaces in the workshops of the enterprise, the rules of operation and safety precautions when working with equipment.

determine the profitability of development.

I. Theoretical part

Canapes are small sandwiches (from the French canape - "tiny"). Usually canapes are miniature sandwiches, impaled on skewers. In northern Italy, France and Spain, canapes can be found in any bar. Moreover, the assortment of canapes in some establishments is striking in the richness of choice. It can be pieces of toast with sturgeon, cheese and anchovies, jamon and grated parmesan, roquefort and caviar. Less commonly, canapés are made from beef, boiled pork, or tuna. The meaning of using spicy, spicy and especially fragrant ingredients in canapes is explained very simply: you need to make sure that the taste of a tiny sandwich is felt, and guests would not have to consume several canapes at once. It is customary to take canapes with your hands or by the skewer. There is a great variety of different varieties of canapés. Canape recipes may differ even within the same city or quarter; as a rule, each culinary specialist has several dozen canapé recipes in his arsenal. Classification:

Canape with cucumber, carbonate on white bread

Canape with ham, cheese, cucumber and olives.

Canape with shrimps, grapes and cheese.

Canape with salmon, lemon, olives on quince.

Fruit canapes - bananas, kiwi, pineapple.

1.1 Characteristics of raw materials

To prepare meals, tasks are required following products: white bread, carbonate, cucumbers, ham, Dutch cheese, olives, shrimps, grapes, salmon, quince, lemon, banana, kiwi, pineapple

Fresh cucumbers Cucumber (lat. Cucumissativus) is an annual herbaceous plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, species of the Cucumber genus (Cucumis). Its fruits contain 95-98% water and a negligible amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The remaining 3% includes carotene, vitamins PP, C and B, as well as macro- and microelements. Including cucumber contains a lot of potassium. Water in cucumbers is close in composition to distilled water. Cucumbers are rich in complex organic substances that play an important role in metabolism. These substances promote the absorption of other foods and improve digestion, they stimulate appetite. Fresh cucumber very effectively increases the acidity of gastric juice, therefore it is contraindicated for those suffering from gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcer.

Cucumbers are a source of such iodine compounds, which are easily and painlessly absorbed by the human body. Studies have found that people who systematically consume fresh cucumbers are less prone to diseases of the thyroid gland and the vascular system. In addition, cucumbers, like other vegetables, have a lot of fiber. Fiber is not absorbed by the human body, but it regulates the functioning of the intestines and removes excess cholesterol from the body. Excess cholesterol contributes to the development of sclerosis, diseases of the liver, kidneys and other organs.

Quality requirements: the surface is clean, the shape is oval-oblong, the taste and smell correspond to the economic botanical variety. Preparation for production: bulkhead, washing, cutting.

In this task, cucumbers are used to make canapés.

The bread is white. The content of food substances (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) in bread depends on the type and grade of flour and the additives used. The amount of carbohydrates in the most common types of bread is 40.1-50.1% (80% is starch), protein - 4.7-8.3, fat - 0.6-1.3, water - 47.5% . When various fortifiers (fat, sugar, milk, etc.) are added to bread, the content of the above substances increases depending on the type of additive. Due to bread, the human body satisfies the need for B vitamins by 50%: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and nicotinic acid (PP). The presence of vitamins in bread is mainly due to the type of flour. When grinding grain into flour, up to 65% of vitamins are lost, and the more, the higher the grade of flour. Bread made from wholemeal flour is characterized by a higher content of vitamins.

The energy value of bread is determined by the peculiarity of its chemical composition and depends on the type, grade of flour and recipe. The energy value of wheat bread is higher than the corresponding rye variety. With an increase in the grade of flour, the amount of energy released increases. Varieties of bread, where the recipe provides for the addition of various nutrients, are characterized by a higher energy value. So, the energy value of 100 g of bread from whole wheat flour is 849 kJ, from wheat flour of the highest grade - 975, from seeded rye flour - 895, improved bread - up to 1,100, rich products - up to 1450 kJ.

Quality requirements: bread must be soft, without mold, taste - insipid, color - light, smell - yeast. In this task, bread is used to make canapés.

Carbonate is a fried or baked piece of boneless pork from the sirloin of the carcass, with a layer of fat not more than 0.5 cm. For the production of carbonade, the meat of young pigs (at the age of 8-9 months) is used. The quality of carbonade must comply with the requirements of GOST 17482-85 "Pork products, baked and fried". Refers to baked and fried foods pork of the highest grade according to GOST 17482-85 "Pork products, baked and fried". According to GOST 17482-85 "Pork products, baked and fried", the raw material for carbonade is the dorsal and lumbar muscles (fillets) with a fat thickness of not more than 0.5 cm from pork half carcasses of all categories in the skin, without skin, with partially skinned. Carbonade can be prepared either from pork tenderloin, or from pork meat, as well as from veal. In all cases, the meat is pre-cleaned from the films, but the fat layer is necessarily preserved. Then a dense breading with flour is created, sometimes a coating with a rare cloth along with flour or an emulsion coating, which contains salt, spices (pepper), saltpeter, food colorings. For better boiling, carbonades are shaped into a narrow oblong cylinder or bar, corresponding to the size and cross section of a natural cut.

Requirements for the quality of carbonate: the smell and color are characteristic of fried meat. Store at +2; +5 no more than 72 hours. In this task, carbonate is used to make canapés.

Ham is a product made from pieces of boneless meat, subjected to salting using massaging, ripening and cooking in order to create a monolithic structure and an elastic consistency in the finished product. In the manufacture of ham, it is allowed to use roasting and smoking. Pork is taken from the hip, scapular, dorsal and lumbar, cervical parts in a natural ratio after removing the bacon with a fat content (30; 5)% of pork half carcasses of the first category; second and fourth categories skinned, skinned, partially skinned;

The energy value of ham is 278.5 kcal.

Dutch-type cheeses are hard pressed cheeses with low-temperature processing of the cheese mass. Most of these cheeses have a fat content of 45% and a moisture content of 44%. This group includes a variety of cheeses that are similar in organoleptic properties and technology and differ mainly in the shape of the heads, and in some cases in the ripening period. Cheeses of this type belong to small cheeses, low second heating is reflected in the nature of maturation and physico-chemical properties of cheeses.

Cheeses are made from pasteurized milk using bacterial starters, consisting of acid-forming and aroma-forming bacteria. Lactic acid streptococci tolerate the low temperature of the second heating (41-43°C) well and are the main microflora of these cheeses. Dutch cheese is round, squared large and squared small. Dutch round weighing 2-2.5 kg refers to full-fat cheeses (mass fraction of fat is 50%). The salt content in Dutch cheese is quite high - 2-3.5%. Dutch slab large cheese is produced with a mass of 5-6 kg, with a fat content of 45%, Dutch slab small - 1.5-2 kg.

Cheeses are high in protein, milk fat, and mineral salts and vitamins. During the maturation of cheese, proteins are partially broken down into simpler compounds - amino acids necessary to build the tissues of the human body. It takes less energy to break them down in the human body than to break down milk proteins. Therefore, cheese proteins are well absorbed even by children and people with weakened digestion.

Milk fat in cheese, as in milk, is mainly in the form of small balls (several microns in diameter), which also contributes to its rapid absorption by the body. Proteins in cheeses from 18 to 25%, fat from 19 to 30% and mineral salts (not counting table salt) from 1.5 to 3.5%.

From milk to cheese almost completely passes vitamin A, about 20% of vitamins B 1and B 2etc. The components of cheese are absorbed by 98-99%.

The taste of cheeses is extremely diverse. So, the taste of cream cheeses is thin, delicate; Soviet and Swiss - sweetish, spicy, cheddar - sour: Dutch - salty (with pungency); Dorogobuzhsky - slightly ammoniacal; Roquefort - sharp, slightly rancid; feta cheese - sharply salty. With such taste options, you can satisfy the taste of any consumer. Cheese is a high-calorie product. Depending on the fat and protein content, its calorie content ranges from 2500 to 3900 large calories. The least calorie cheese and processed cheeses 40% fat. The most high-calorie (about 3900 large calories) Soviet and Moscow cheeses are 50% fat. Fat is not only high calorie content cheese, but also affects its quality. The more fat in the cheese, the more tender and oily it is.

Depending on the fat content, stamps (brands) have a different shape: a square for cheeses with a fat content of at least 50% and an octagon for cheeses with a fat content of at least 45%. The stamp indicates the fat content, the number of the plant and the area where the plant is located. Stamps (brands) are applied to cheese forms in several places, which allows them to be seen on cut pieces of cheese.

Olive is a genus of the Olive family; consists of approximately 20 species distributed in warm temperate and tropical regions of Southern Europe, Africa, South Asia and Australia.

Olive as a cultivated plant has been cultivated since ancient times. So, their images are found on ancient Egyptian vases and amphoras, and information about them is found in texts of the same time. The Greeks believed that the goddess of wisdom, Athena, the patroness of peaceful labor, gave them the olive tree.

Olives are harvested green. Olives turn black during cooking. This happens due to the fact that at a certain stage of production, the brine, where the fruits are located, is saturated with oxygen.

As you know, one of the main characteristics of olives is their caliber. Caliber is the number of fruits per kilogram of dry weight: the smaller the caliber, the larger the fruits. Usually the caliber is indicated on the bottom of the jar and is written through a fraction. For example: 140/180 means that in one kilogram there are at least 140 and no more than 180 fruits.

Olives, unlike olives, are presented with or without a stone, but not stuffed. According to experts, olives do not tolerate any flavor combinations.

Olives are a healthy and nutritious product. They contain about a hundred active substances (vitamins E, A and C predominate). In the pulp - up to 50-75% fat, sugar, proteins, pectins, ash substances. Regular consumption of olives has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive organs and liver.

Olives are made salted, marinated, in oil, stuffed with various fillers.

Shrimps have high production potential, play a significant role in the structure of aquatic communities and serve as a source of valuable protein. Shrimp recipes are popular in many cultures. Like other seafood, shrimp are high in calcium and protein, but low in calories. Shrimp dishes are also a good source of cholesterol, ranging from 7mg to 251mg per 100g, depending on the preparation method. Shrimps are usually sold boiled and frozen, so you do not need to boil them after purchase. In addition, during the Soviet era, the Ocean pasta made from small shrimps was popular among the people. Shrimp (meat) boiled-frozen contains98 (kcal)

Nutritional information: Proteins: 20.5 (g), Fats: 1.6 (g), Carbohydrates: 0.3 (g), Water: 75.3 (g), Saturated fatty acids: 0.3 (g), Cholesterol: 210 (mg), Ash: 2.3 (g). Vitamins in Antarctic shrimp (meat) boiled and frozen Vitamin A: 0.01 (mg) Vitamin PP: 1.7 (mg) Vitamin A (RE): 10 (mcg) Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.03 (mg) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.04 (mg) Vitamin E (TE): 0.6 (mg) Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 5.1 (mg). Fresh grapes are a product of high nutritional value (0.7-1.2 kcal/kg) and good palatability; it contains vital mineral and organic substances, vitamins, which is why it is used in medicinal purposes(see Ampelotherapy<#"justify">Lightly salted salmon is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. The proteins of this fish are easily digestible and help to restore strength after serious illnesses, operations and physical exertion. Regular consumption of salted salmon improves the functional state of the brain, improves mood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the risk of age-related changes in the brain.

Among other things, salmon contains about 20 minerals necessary for the human body (magnesium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine and others) and vitamins A, C, B, PP, H and D in significant quantities, which can relieve inflammation, strengthen muscle and bone tissue and reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits.

Quince. Fetus<#"justify">Application in cooking

The pulp makes up about 60% of the weight of the fruit, the peel - about 40% .

Lemons are eaten fresh, and are also used in the manufacture of confectionery and soft drinks, in the alcoholic beverage and perfume industry. As a spice, lemon is used in various fruit salads, sweet dishes, biscuits, sauces, in fish, poultry and rice dishes. lemon juice improve taste various dishes(for example, Viennese schnitzel), fried fish, cold appetizers, salads. Lemons are used to make jams, sauces, creams, syrups and drinks. lemon wedges - beautiful decoration second courses. Very tasty lemon cakes and pies. Thanks to the acids contained in lemonade, it refreshes and quenches thirst; in fizzy lemonades, the carbon dioxide contained in them plays an important role; the latter produces an increased secretion of gastric juice, increasing its acidity, improves appetite. In our assignment, lemon is used to make canapés.

Nutritional properties of bananas per 100 g of product:

calories<#"justify">In countries with a temperate climate, bananas are most often perceived as a dessert product that is eaten fresh, peeled or used as an additive to confectionery and ice cream. However, in the tropics, plantains-bananas are most often used, requiring prior heat treatment. About 80% of all cultivated bananas fall into this category.

Banana split

Bananas go to production baby food, jams, muffins, surrogate coffee, ice cream and chips. Banana flour is one of the components of confectionery. Various drinks are made from the fruits, including alcoholic drinks - beer and wine. Dried bananas, known as "banana figs"<#"justify">Canapes are usually prepared on wheat bread. The crusts are cut off the bread, cut into strips 0.5 cm thick, 1-1.5 cm wide, or figured (notched), dried in an oven or on a toaster and cooled.

Gastronomic and other products for the preparation of canapes are prepared as follows:

The twine and the shell are removed from the ham and carbonate and cut across the fibers into wide thick pieces 3-4 mm thick, the fat layer is evenly divided, then the pieces necessary for making canapes.

The cheese is cleaned from crusts, stamps, remnants of the wrapper, foil and various damages, cut into rectangular, square or triangular shapes.

Salted salmon is laid along the spine, the spine and costal bones are removed from the part intended for cutting. Cut the skinless fish, starting from the tail.

Fruits and vegetables come to a public catering enterprise in an unprocessed form (fresh). Vegetables supplied to the enterprises, in terms of their quality, must meet the requirements of current standards, otherwise the amount of waste increases.

Fresh cucumbers wash, after which the stalk and top are removed; yellowed, with rough skin cleanse. In greenhouse and long-fruited cucumbers, the skin is not removed.

Fruits - grapes, quince, lemon, bananas, kiwi, pineapple are washed before use, the stalk is removed. In grapes, the berries are removed from the branches. The seed is removed from the quince. Bananas and kiwi are peeled. Pineapple is peeled and the inner hard pulp is cut off.

In addition, many types of products are delivered to the enterprise in pickled, pickled (olives), canned (pineapple) form.

Shrimp The edible part of the shrimp is located in the tail part of the body. Shrimp meat contains on average about 18% protein and less than 2% fat (a third of which is valuable omega-3 fatty acids). The meat is relatively non-caloric (100 g contains approximately 91-96 kcal), rich in phosphorus, potassium and niacin. It is worth paying attention to the high cholesterol content, which, depending on the type of shrimp, can range from 120 to 150 mg / 100 g. This is almost twice as much as in beef or pork meat (the yolk contains 250 mg of cholesterol). Daily rate cholesterol intake for adults should not exceed 300 mg. One serving of shrimp covers half that amount.

Tender, protein-enriched shrimp meat is very sensitive and susceptible to damage. Errors during freezing, storage or transportation have a negative impact on the quality of the product in the future. These defects can be recognized by a specialist by numerous features. In the processing of shrimp, the leading role is still given to manual work.

Freshly caught shrimp can most often be bought directly near the place of catch or processing plant. The best guarantee of absolute product freshness is, of course, live shrimp. With proper storage and transportation, shrimp remain viable for 20 hours after being caught, and with proper storage in ice, no more than 72 hours. Further, protein breakdown and deterioration of organoleptic parameters occur. In this case, it is better to give preference to deep-frozen shrimp, which, when proper processing maintain optimum quality. If “fresh” shrimp are offered in trade, then we are talking, as a rule, about thawed products. They are very susceptible to spoilage, so they must be eaten no later than the indicated expiration dates. Some quality indicators (such as texture, moisture content) of thawed shrimp do not correspond to freshly caught raw materials.

Shrimp meat in countries of origin (primarily from aquaculture) is often treated with polyphosphates (eg sodium tripolyphosphate) to prevent moisture loss and facilitate further processing. It goes without saying that this processing must be certified. With the right approach, such processing has only a minor impact on the quality of the product. If the phosphate treatment is incorrect (too long exposure time), the meat can become too soft and soapy or rubbery and tough. Often in this case, a metallic taste appears.

Shrimps good quality(cooked or raw) should have firm meat and be slightly moist. Muscle meat reacts to light pressure with elasticity. The smell is like the sea and seaweed. Some types of shrimp may smell of iodine (this scent should not be too intense). It is better to refuse soft shrimp with watery meat. Rigidity, dryness and stringiness are caused by prolonged cooking or improper frozen storage (too long storage or temperature fluctuations). Soft meat is often an indicator that the shrimp for a long time stored before freezing. At long-term storage before freezing, if the cephalothorax has not been removed, the contents of the stomach can get on the tail meat and give it a slight calcareous flavor. The biggest problem is small shrimp, which are most often boiled, frozen and canned in brine. Depending on the cooking conditions, these shrimp can be tough or soft without showing signs of spoilage. The smell of fish or even ammonia is in any case a sign of stale product.

The coloration of shrimp is rarely an indication of the quality of the product. It depends on the type of shrimp, age or conditions of nutrition, storage and processing. When pigments are added to the feed (for example, astaxanthin), the color of shrimp can change in the same way as in the case of salmon.

1.3 Description of dish design and exit rates

Ready-made canapes are released at the rate of 5 pcs. weighing 75gr. per serving. Canapes can be released on beautiful big dishes and also on dessert plates. In this task, I release canapes in bowls.

.3.1 Description of shop organization

Cold shops are organized at enterprises with a shop structure of production (in restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc.).

At specialized enterprises and small-capacity farms that sell a small assortment of cold appetizers with a workshopless structure, a separate workplace is allocated for the preparation of cold dishes in a common production room.

Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The range of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise, its class. So, in a 1st class restaurant, at least 10 dishes should be included in the assortment of cold dishes daily, and 15 dishes of the highest class. The range of products of the cold shop includes cold appetizers, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuki, kissels, compotes etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

The production program of the cold shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor, culinary shops, as well as sent to buffets and other branches.

The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest. When planning the workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of the products necessary for the preparation of cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution of washing tableware.

When organizing a cold shop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the shop after manufacturing and portioning are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in such quantities that can be sold in a short time. Salads and vinaigrettes, unseasoned, are stored in refrigerators at a temperature of 2-6 ° C for no more than 6 hours. Salads and vinaigrettes should be refilled immediately before the holiday; products left over from the previous day are not allowed to be sold: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, aspic dishes and other especially perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production.

Cold dishes are released after cooling in refrigerated cabinets and should have a temperature of 10-14 ° C, therefore, a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment is provided in the workshop.

Considering that products are made in the cold shop from products that have undergone heat treatment, and from products without additional processing, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the production of dishes from raw and boiled vegetables, from fish and meat. At small enterprises, universal workplaces are organized, where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program, specialized workplaces are organized in large cold shops.

In cold shops, mechanical equipment is used: universal drives P-II, PX-06 with interchangeable mechanisms (for cutting raw, boiled vegetables; for mixing salads and vinaigrettes; for whipping mousses, sambuca, cream, sour cream; for squeezing juices from fruits); machine for cutting boiled vegetables MROV. These machines perform all kinds of operations: cut raw and boiled vegetables, mix salads and vinaigrettes (when they are cooked in large quantities), beat, rub, squeeze juices. In small workshops, these operations are mainly performed manually.

In addition, in the workshop with a large assortment of gastronomic products, sandwiches, small-scale mechanization tools are used: a machine for cutting gastronomic products MRGU-370 (for cutting and stacking ham, sausage, cheese in trays); bread slicer MRH; manual oil divider RDM.

The cold shop should be equipped with a sufficient amount of cold equipment. For storage of products and finished products, refrigerated cabinets (SHKh-0.4, ShKh-0.8, ShKh-1.2), production tables SOESM-2 with a refrigerated cabinet, SOESM-3 with a refrigerated cabinet, a slide and a container for salad are installed , low temperature ice cream storage and dispensing counter. Ice makers are used in restaurants and bars to produce ice, which is used in the preparation of cocktails and cold drinks. The selection of refrigeration equipment depends on the capacity of the cold shop, the number of products and finished products to be stored.

The selection of production tables depends on the number of workers simultaneously working in the workshop, on the basis that the front of work for each employee must be at least 1.5 m. table with built-in washing bath SMVSM. In the cold shops of large canteens, mobile racks are used for short-term storage of dishes before sending them for sale. In restaurants, the cold shop has a dispensing counter. An approximate layout of the cold shop is shown in Scheme 15.

Scheme 15. Plan of the cold shop of the public canteen:

1 - refrigerator ШХ-0.8; 2 - refrigerator ШХ-0.6; 3 - production table SP-1050; 4 - section-table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-3; 5 - low-temperature counter CH-0.15; b- section-table with refrigerated cabinet SOESM-2; 7 - mobile rack; 8 - washing bath VM-2SM for two compartments; 9 - MROV-160 machine for cutting boiled vegetables; 10 - manual oil divider RDM-5

In the cold shop, a variety of tools, inventory, accessories are used: chef's three knives, gastronomic knives (sausage, for cutting ham, cheese, butter, for curly cutting butter, knife-fork), tomato cutters, egg cutters, a device for cutting cheese, a scraper for butter , cutting boards, manual juicers, devices for laying out dishes (Fig. 22), forms for aspic dishes, jelly, mousses.

Rice. 22. Inventory and fixtures used in the cold shop for laying out dishes

a, b, c - salad appliances; d - device for 1 - gastronomic knives: a - sirloin; b - gastronomic (sausage); in - for cutting ham; g - kitchen; d - with two handles for cutting cheese and butter; f, g - with one handle for cutting cheese and butter; h - for figured cutting of butter; and - knife-fork; 2 - manual tomato cutters; 3 - egg cutters; 4 - a device for cutting cheese; 5 - manual oil divider; 6 - scraper for butter; 7 - cutting board; 8 - board for cutting lemons; 9 - manual juicers; 10 - slide for side dishes; 11 - trays for aspic dishes; 12 - forms for pates, jellied and sweet dishes; 13 - blade-knife for laying out jellied dishes; 14 - spatula for laying out portioned dishes; 15 - production forks for laying out dishes; 16 - devices for canned fruit; e - tongs for laying out portioned dishes

In the cold shops of restaurants and other enterprises with a wide range of cold dishes and snacks, technological lines for the preparation of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and drinks are distinguished. Separate workplaces are organized on these lines for the preparation of salads and vinaigrettes; cuts of gastronomic meat and fish products; portioning and serving dishes; for cooking jellied dishes; sandwiches; cold soups; sweet foods and drinks. Workplace for making salads and vinaigrettes use baths or a table with a built-in washing bath for washing fresh vegetables, herbs. Cut raw and boiled vegetables on different cutting boards marked "OS" or "OB", using chef's three knives. To mechanize the cutting of vegetables, a universal drive PX-0.6 with interchangeable mechanisms is installed.

The rational organization of the workplace consists of two production tables: vegetables are cut on one table, components are mixed and salads and vinaigrettes are seasoned (this can be a modular table for small-scale mechanization SMMSM or a regular production table), on the other table salads and vinaigrettes are portioned and decorated before leave to the trading floor, for this operation, sectional modulated tables with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-2 or SOESM-3 are used. On the table are table scales VNTs-2, on the right they put dishes with ready-made salad and measuring equipment for portioning it (spoons, shovels, salad cutlery), on the left - tableware (salad bowls, snack plates). This is where the food is prepared. Before decorating salads, prepare products used as decorations (make decorations from vegetables, cut boiled eggs, tomatoes, parsley, carbonate, lemons, etc.). Cutting is done with special tools and fixtures. Prepared products are stored in sections of a refrigerated slide (Fig. 23).

Rice. 23. Refrigerated slide section-table SOESM-3

At the workplace for the preparation of snacks from gastronomic products, they cut, portion and arrange dishes from meat and fish products (assorted fish, meat; sausages, ham, balyki, cheese, etc.). Tables for small-scale mechanization are set up at the workplace (MRGU-370 machine for cutting gastronomic products). Gastronomic knives are used to cut food by hand. To control the mass of portions of gastronomic products, scales VNTs-2 are used.

If the assortment of cold dishes includes jellied dishes, then it is recommended to organize a specialized workplace for their preparation. Cut boiled and meat products on production tables SP-1050, SP-1470, equipped with scales VNTs-2 for weighing portions of products, chef's three knives, cutting boards marked "MB", "RV", trays for placing weighed products. Before decorating aspic dishes, products are prepared and decorated using the following equipment: knives for carving and curly cutting vegetables, cuts of various shapes, etc. Portions of meat or fish are placed in prepared trays (with a capacity of 30-50 servings), dishes, forms; decorate with products in the slide; pour lanspig using a pouring spoon and place in a refrigerator or use a table with a SOESM-2 or SOESM-3 refrigerated cabinet for this. If jellied dishes are prepared in trays, then on vacation they are cut into portions and transferred to tableware (trays, snack plate) using special spatulas. Snack sandwiches (canapes) require a lot of labor, and they are served as snacks mainly at banquets, receptions where there are buffet tables. To speed up the process of preparing canapés, various recesses are used.

Recesses for preparing canapés

In the warm season, cold soups (okroshka, beetroot, botvinia, fruit soups) are in great demand. Cold soups are prepared from vegetables and other products on bread kvass, beet broth, and also from fruits. Cold soups are released chilled to a temperature of 12-14°C. When they are dispensed, edible ice produced by an ice maker is used to maintain the appropriate temperature.

Vegetables, meat and other products for cold soups are cooked in a hot shop. Then the vegetables are cooled and cut into small cubes or strips on a machine for cutting boiled vegetables or manually using chef's three knives. green onion chop with a knife, rub with a wooden pestle with a small amount of salt until juice appears. Fresh cucumbers are peeled and cut by machine or by hand.

Sweet soups are prepared on fruit broths. The basis for sweet soups are fresh or dried fruits or berries. Before cooking, they are sorted out and thoroughly washed using a colander or mesh liners. Berries for making soups are used whole, fresh apples, pears are cut with a vegetable cutter, seed nests are removed with a special device. Fruit decoctions and side dishes for sweet soups are prepared in a hot workshop. Release soups with boiled rice, pasta Compotes, jelly, jelly, mousses, sambuca, etc. are prepared from sweet dishes in the cold shop. At the workplace, cooks install a bathtub, a production table with a refrigerated cabinet, table scales VNC-2 and use various inventory, tools to prepare sweet dishes , molds, cutlery. To perform many operations, a universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms is used for wiping fruits, berries, whipping cream, mousses, sambuca.

Rice. 24. Inventory used in the cold shop: 1 - molds for jelly, cream, mousse, sambuca, ice cream, parfait; 2 - molds for jellied dishes; 3 - pate forms

Fruits and berries entering the workshop are sorted out, washed in running water through a colander. Fruits and berries are released in their natural form with sugar, milk, cream. For gelled sweet dishes, juice is squeezed out of berries and fruits using juicers. Syrups are brewed in a hot shop. The prepared syrup is poured into molds, trays. Syrup for mousse is whipped using a replaceable mechanism to a universal drive. They release sweet dishes (mousses, jelly) in glass bowls or dessert plates.

1.3.2 Organization of work

The operating mode of the cold shop is set depending on the type of enterprise and its mode of operation. If the duration of the work of the enterprise is 11 or more hours, the workers of the shop work according to a stepped, two-brigade or combined schedule. The general management of the workshop is carried out by a foreman or a responsible worker from cooks of the VI or V category.

The foreman organizes work on the implementation of the production program in accordance with the menu plan. In the evening, labor-intensive dishes are prepared: jellies, aspic dishes, kissels, compotes, etc.

The time for preparation of work at the beginning of the working day is used for the selection of dishes, inventory, and the receipt of products in accordance with the production task. With a good organization of production, the time to prepare the work should be no more than 20 minutes. Chefs receive assignments according to their qualifications. The foreman monitors compliance with the rules for the technology of preparing cold and sweet dishes, the schedule for their release, in order to eliminate interruptions in serving visitors. In cold shops with a large amount of work, an operational division of labor is carried out, taking into account the qualifications of cooks.

Cooks of the III category are engaged in the preparation of products that make up the dishes.

Cooks of the IV category are engaged in the preparation of dressings, portioning and decoration of cold dishes of mass demand (vegetable, fish, meat salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, marinated fish, etc.), sweet dishes. Cooks of the 5th category prepare and decorate complex dishes (jellied, stuffed fish, galantina, assorted fish and meat) At the end of the working shift, the cooks report on the work done, and the foreman or responsible cook draws up a report on the sale of dishes per day to the trading floor, buffets and branches.

1.3.3 Labor protection

This is a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of workers in the course of their work, including legal, sanitary, hygienic, medical, preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

Expressed in legal form and, first of all, enshrined in labor legislation, all these norms form the most important legal institution of the special part of labor law, although, of course, one cannot ignore the fact that labor protection in the broad sense of the word should be understood as all labor law, since all its norms are aimed at protecting the interests of all workers.

In the narrow sense of the word, labor protection is understood as a legal institution of labor law, which combines norms directly aimed at ensuring working conditions that are safe for the life and health of workers.

rules on safety and industrial sanitation;

special norms of labor protection for persons working in difficult, harmful and dangerous production conditions;

labor protection standards for women, minors and persons with reduced ability to work;

norms regulating the activities of state supervision and public control bodies, as well as establishing liability for violations of labor protection legislation;

norms governing the planning and organization of work on labor protection.

These norms, united by one goal, can be applied both at the local level and in a centralized manner.

Of a special nature are the norms establishing liability for violation of labor protection rules. Unlike all others that make up the institution of labor protection under consideration, they are also included in the institutions of other branches of law, because the sanctions provided for the relevant offenses are contained not only in labor, but also in administrative and even criminal branches of law.

The fundamentals of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on labor protection for the first time in our legislation revealed the content of the subjective right of an employee to labor protection.

Every employee has the right to labor protection, including:

To a workplace protected from exposure to harmful or dangerous production factors that can cause an industrial injury, occupational disease or reduced performance;

For compensation for harm caused to him by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of his labor duties;

To receive reliable information from the employer or state and public bodies about the state of conditions and labor protection at the employee’s workplace, about the existing risk of damage to health, as well as about the measures taken to protect him from exposure to harmful or hazardous production factors;

To refuse without any unreasonable consequences for him from performing work in the event of an immediate danger to his life and health until the danger is eliminated;

To provide means of collective and individual protection in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory acts on labor protection at the expense of the employer;

For training in safe labor methods and techniques at the expense of the employer;

For professional retraining at the expense of the employer in the event of suspension of activities or closure of a substation, workshop, site or liquidation of the workplace due to unsatisfactory working conditions, as well as in case of disability due to an accident at work or occupational disease;

To conduct inspections by state supervision and control bodies or public control of labor conditions and safety, including at the request of an employee at his workplace;

To file a complaint with the relevant state authorities, as well as other representative bodies authorized by employees in connection with unsatisfactory conditions and labor protection;

To participate in the inspection and consideration of issues related to the improvement of working conditions and labor protection.

All employees of the PPP are required to undergo training under the technical minimum program. Those who have mastered this program are issued a certificate for the right to operate the equipment.

All POP employees are required to undergo safety training, regardless of the nature of production activities, as well as equipment, qualifications, length of service and work experience in this profession.

To create safe working conditions, the administration must exercise daily control over the observance by employees of the rules of safety instructions.

Introductory briefing should be received by all employees who are newly enrolled in a training program, transferred from one training camp to another, as well as students sent to a training camp for practical training.

The current briefing is carried out before the production of high-risk work, for which a permit is issued.

Persons whose work is related to food products undergo a medical examination once every three months, examinations for tuberculosis - annually, and for bacteriocarrier and helminthic carriers within the time limits established by the local sanitary and epidemiological service. Each employee subject to a medical examination is required to have a personal sanitary book of the established form, in which the results of medical examinations are recorded.

Sanitation and occupational health is a branch of hygienic science that studies the interaction of the labor process and working environment conditions on the human body. The work of pastry chefs belongs to the 3rd group, it is associated with work in a standing position, carrying heavy loads, muscle tension in the arms and legs and work in adverse conditions (high t, high humidity), as well as work that uses different kinds equipment. With improper organization of labor, all these factors can have a harmful effect on the body.

To improve working conditions, it is necessary: ​​to observe the regime of work and rest, to create comfortable conditions for production purposes, to maintain good lighting, living conditions.

1.4 Personal hygiene of catering workers

Personal hygiene is a series of sanitary rules that must be followed by catering workers:

Keeping hands clean, do not wear rings. The best hand products are: disinfectant soap, 70% laundry soap, baby soap, disinfect hands with 0.2% chloramine solution. Hand brushes should be provided. In case of damage, treat the wound with brilliant green and put on a rubber fingertip. With angina and other diseases, work is prohibited.

The cook must have a sanitary book and sanitary clothes: a dressing gown, a cap or a scarf, an apron, a towel, a scarf for wiping sweat, trousers and shoes that are worn only at work. The presence of buttons, pins, needles is not recommended on sanitary clothing. Foreign objects must not be carried in pockets. Workers who work in a vegetable, meat, fish shop use special aprons at the sink. Cooks take food in a special room. Medical examinations are preliminary, periodic, fluorography is provided, they donate blood for RV (syphilis), stool studies for bakposev (worming). Sanitary control is carried out by the State Sanitary Epidemiological Service of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

Measures to prevent intestinal infections, poisoning and helminthic diseases in catering establishments.

Examination of cooks for bacteriocarrier at least once a year.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Thorough washing of dishes and kitchen utensils.

Keeping the workplace clean.

Destruction of flies, cockroaches, rodents, etc.

Thorough disinfection of dishes.

Boiling water from an open reservoir when used for food and drink. 8. Careful washing of vegetables and fruits.

Check for marks on meat.

Quickly lead the process of preparing chopped semi-finished products.

Thoroughly boil and fry

Carry out secondary heat treatment

Carry out mechanical processing of fish, meat and preparation of semi-finished products from them at different workplaces.

Wash, disinfect a chicken egg before use, egg melange - only in the dough.

Boil milk, yogurt, cottage cheese to use in dishes after heat treatment.

16. Cutting boards must be made of solid hardwood (oak, birch) with a smooth surface. All boards must be labeled according to the products processed on them (MB; MS; PB).

Special requirements are placed on the cold shop, as the products are not subjected to heat treatment.

In accordance with sanitary standards, it is necessary to reduce the number of manual operations and avoid contact of food with hands, to do this, use special equipment (measuring spoons, molds, etc.) when dispensing snacks, use forks with droppers when laying out products, etc. It is especially important to reduce the shelf life of semi-finished products used for the preparation of cold dishes and the timing of the sale of finished products, strictly observe the established temperature regimes for processing raw materials.

1.5 Tableware requirements

At the POP, dishes are used: porcelain, faience, glass, stainless steel, cupronickel. Cutlery only made of stainless steel and cupronickel. The number of simultaneously used dishes and appliances should be at least three times.

All metal tools after washing hot water disinfected by boiling and calcined.

For washing dishes use bathtubs with two compartments. First, they are freed from food debris, then they are washed with detergents at t 50 °. In the second, rinse with hot water at least 65 °. Then the dishes are dried and stored upside down on racks. Kitchen utensils are not disinfected, as they are constantly subjected to heat treatment. POP enamelware is prohibited.

II. Practical part

.1 Development of the range

Table 1 - Menu for a banquet-buffet

Name of dishes and products Exit, gr.Price, rub.I. Cold appetizers with meat and poultry Canapes with cucumber, carbonate on rye bread15g\5 pcs63-90Canapes with ham, cheese, cucumber on white bread15g\5 pcs146-95Canapes with shrimp, cheese and grapes15g\5 pcs198-80Canapes with salmon on quince with lemon15g\ 5 pcs231-00Fruit canape 15g\5 pcs63-75Canape on toast with Parma neck and candy tomatoes25/10144.00Canape with ham, blueberries, creamy mousse on wheat bread toast25/1073.00Canapes with smoked breast with tropical mango petals 25/1088.00 Raw smoked beef rolls and smoked Chechil cheese 20/1086.00

.2 Development of technical and technological maps

Technical and technological map (TTK) is a regulatory document. The card is developed for new and specialty dishes and culinary products manufactured and sold only in this enterprise (these cards are not valid for products supplied to other enterprises). It, along with the technology of preparation of products and the norms for laying products, includes requirements for the safety of the raw materials used and technological process, the results of laboratory studies of products in terms of safety.

The technical and technological map, as well as the standard of the enterprise, consists of the following sections:

Product name and scope of its application. Here the exact name of the dish (product) is indicated, which cannot be changed without approval, the list of enterprises (branches), subordinate enterprises that have the right to manufacture and sell this dish (product) is specified.

List of raw materials used for the manufacture of a dish (product). All types of products necessary for the preparation of this dish (product) are given.

List of requirements for the quality of raw materials. A mark is put on the conformity of food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the manufacture of this dish (product), the requirements of regulatory documents, as well as the availability of a certificate of conformity and a quality certificate.

Norms for laying raw materials in gross and net weight, output of semi-finished products and finished products. Here, the norms for laying products with gross and net weight for 1, 10 or more servings, the yield of semi-finished products and finished products are indicated.

Description of the technological process of preparation. This section should contain a detailed description of the technological process of preparing a dish (product), including cold and heat treatment modes that ensure the safety of the dish (product), as well as the use food additives, dyes, etc. Cooking technology and culinary products must ensure compliance with the safety indicators and requirements established by the current regulations, in particular SanPiN

Requirements for the design, serving, sale and storage, providing for the design features and rules for serving the dish (product), the requirements and procedure for the sale of culinary products, the conditions, terms of sale and storage, and, if necessary, the conditions of transportation. These requirements are formed in accordance with GOST R 50763-95, SanPiN and SanPiN

Quality and safety indicators. These are the organoleptic indicators of the dish (product): taste, color, smell, consistency, the main physical, chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish (product), in accordance with GOST R 50763-95.

Indicators nutritional composition and energy value. The section indicates data on the nutritional and energy value of a dish (product) (tables "Chemical composition of food products" approved by the USSR Ministry of Health), which are determined when catering for certain categories of consumers (organization of dietary, preventive, children's and other nutrition).

Each technical and technological map is assigned a serial number. The card is signed by a process engineer, responsible developer, approved by the head of the catering enterprise or his deputy. The period of validity of technical and technological maps is determined by the enterprise.

Name of the dish: Canape with cucumber and carbonate on white wheat bread

Scope: This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Canape with cucumber and carbonate".

List of raw materials:

To prepare the dish "Canape with cucumber and carbonate" the following raw materials are used:

Rye bread, GOST R 2077-84

Dutch cheese, GOST R 7616-85.

Carbonate GOST 23670-75

Fresh cucumber GOST 1726-85

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: Raw materials used for the preparation of canapés must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have a certificate and a quality certificate.

Table 3 - Recipe

Name of raw materialBookmark rate for 1 servingGross weight (g)Net weight (g)White bread2020Fresh cucumbers3025Carbonate3230Greens21Total 765 pcs

Cooking technology:

Bread is cut into plastics 1.5 by 1.5 cm in size, slightly dried in an oven. Carbonate is laid out on bread, cut out with a special recess for canapés or in the form of a square. A cucumber is laid on the carbonate.

The bread is neatly sliced. Color and smell correspond to the type of products. Corresponds to the main product, without extraneous aftertaste.

Physical and chemical indicators:

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.

canape decoration quality energetic

ProteinsFatsCarbohydratesEnergy value, kcal16.715.4310.53.35

2.4 Technical and technological map No. 2

Name of the dish: "Canape with ham, cheese, olives and cucumber"

Scope: This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Canape with ham, cheese, olives and cucumber."

List of raw materials:

To prepare the dish "Canape with ham, cheese, olives and cucumber" the following raw materials are used:

Ham GOST R 23670-75

Canned olives GOST

Fresh cucumber GOST 1726-85

Table 3 - Recipe

Name of raw materialBookmark rate for 1 portionGross weight (g) Net weight (g)

Cooking technology:

Cut out pieces with curly notches, lay on top of each other, secure with skewers. Put on a plate.

Requirements for registration, submission, implementation:

Served on a plate and garnished with herbs.

Served cold. Canapes are prepared no earlier than 15 minutes before the holiday and stored in the refrigerator.

Quality and safety indicators:

Physical and chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) 20.3

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) 1.648

Mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) 0.7

Microbiological indicators:

The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

Nutritional and energy value

ProteinsFatsCarbohydratesEnergy value, kcal7,519,380,55441,76

2.5 Technical and technological map No. 3

Name of the dish: "Canape with shrimp, grapes and cheese"

Scope: This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Canape with shrimp, grapes and cheese."

List of raw materials:

To prepare the dish "Canape with shrimp, grapes and cheese" the following raw materials are used:

Shrimp GOST R

Dutch hard cheese lent GOST R 7616-85.

Grapes GOST 25896 - 83

Table 3 - Recipe

Name of raw materialBookmark rate for 1 servingGross weight (g) Net weight (g) Shrimp 2625 Grapes 2725 Dutch cheese 2525 Total 785 pcs

Cooking technology:

The cheese is cut into cubes, grapes are laid on top and a skewer with shrimp is fixed. Lay out on a plate.

Requirements for registration, submission, implementation:

Served on a plate and garnished with herbs.

Served cold. Canapes are prepared no earlier than 15 minutes before the holiday and stored in the refrigerator.

Quality and safety indicators:

All ingredients are neatly chopped. Color and smell correspond to the type of products. Corresponds to the main product, without extraneous aftertaste.

Physical and chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) 20.3

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) 1.648

Mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) 0.7

Microbiological indicators:

The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.

Nutritional and energy value

ProteinsFatsCarbohydratesEnergy value, kcal11.877.3216.45424.7

2.6 Technical and technological map No. 4

Name of the dish: "Canape with salmon, olives, lemon on quince"

Scope: This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Canape with salmon, olives, lemon on quince".

List of raw materials:

To prepare the dish "Canape with salmon, olives, lemon on quince" the following raw materials are used:

Salmon s\s GOST R 28698-90

Olives GOST R

Lemon GOST 4429-89

Quince GOST R

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: Raw materials used for the preparation of canapés must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have a certificate and a quality certificate.

Table 3 - Recipe

Name of raw materialBookmark rate for 1 servingGross weight (g)Net weight (g)Salmon s/s3025Lemon105Olives1010Quince3030Total 805 pcs 15 gr.

Cooking technology:

On a slice of quince, sprinkle with lemon, put plastic salmon, fix a skewer with olives.

Requirements for registration, submission, implementation:

Served on a plate and garnished with herbs.

Served cold. Canapes are prepared no earlier than 15 minutes before the holiday and stored in the refrigerator.

Quality and safety indicators:

All ingredients are neatly chopped. Color and smell correspond to the type of products. Corresponds to the main product, without extraneous aftertaste.

Physical and chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) 20.3

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) 1.648

Mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) 0.7

Microbiological indicators:

The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0 Proteus not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.

Nutritional and energy value

ProteinsFatsCarbohydratesEnergy value, kcal4,682,1629,36383,68

2.7 Technical and technological map No. 5

Name of the dish: "Fruit Canape"

Scope: This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Fruit Canape".

List of raw materials: For the preparation of the "Fruit Canape" dish, the following raw materials are used: Banana GOST R51603-00

Kiwi GOST R51496-99

Canned pineapple GOST 4429-89 Requirements for the quality of raw materials: Raw materials used for the preparation of canapés must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have a certificate and a quality certificate.

Table 3 - Recipe

Name of raw materialBookmark rate for 1 serving Gross weight (g) Net weight (g) Pineapple 2525 Kiwi 3025 Banana 3025 Total 855 pcs.

Cooking technology

Banana and kiwi are cut out with a notch, stacked in layers on top, fixed with pineapple on a skewer. Served in cream.

Requirements for registration, submission, implementation:. Served cold. Canapes are prepared no earlier than 15 minutes before the holiday and stored in the refrigerator. Quality and safety indicators: All ingredients are neatly cut. Color and smell correspond to the type of products. Corresponds to the main product, without extraneous aftertaste.

Physical and chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) 20.3

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) 1.648

Mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) 0.7

Microbiological indicators: The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10; Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1 Caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0 Proteus not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.

Nutritional and energy value

ProteinsFatsCarbohydratesEnergy value, kcal0.650.2510.23143.5 2.8 Calculation of the chemical composition and energy value of dishes

.9 Energy value calculation

Canape with cucumber carbonate on bread

B (0.17x4) + F (0.03x9) + U (0.6x4) \u003d 0.68 + 0.27 + 2.4 \u003d 3.35 kcal

35 x4.18=14.0 kJ

3. Calculation of the cost for the sale of "Canape with cucumber and carbonate"

Name of raw materialGross weightNet weightPrice per 1kgTotal per 1pc.Total Per 5 pcs.White bread202025-0000-502-50Fresh cucumbers2725100-0000-271-35Carbonate3030250-007-5037-50Greens11250-0000-251-25Cost price42-60

Price with a markup of 150% 63-90

Sales price calculation

Canape with ham, cheese, olives and cucumbers

Name of raw materialGross weightNet weightPrice per 1kgTotal per 1pc.Total per 5 pcs.

Price with a markup of 150% 146-25

Sales price calculation

"Canape with shrimp, grapes and cheese"

Name of raw materialsGross weightNet weightPrice per 1kgTotal for 1pc.Total for 5 pcs.

Price with a markup of 150% 198-80

"Canape on quince with salmon and olive"

Name of raw materialGross weightNet weightPrice per 1kgTotal per 1pc.Total per 5 pcs.

Price with a markup of 150%231-00

"Fruit Canape"

Name of raw materialsGross weightNet weightPrice per 1kgTotal per 1pc.Total per 5 pcs.

Price with a markup of 150% 63-75

.1 Profitability of development

Profitability (German rentabel - profitable, useful, profitable), a relative indicator of economic efficiency. Profitability comprehensively reflects the degree of efficiency in the use of material, labor and monetary resources spent on production. The profitability ratio is calculated as the ratio of profit to the assets, resources or flows that form it. It can be expressed both in profit per unit of invested funds, and in the profit that each received monetary unit carries. Profitability rates are often expressed as a percentage. Economic efficiency is the economic result of production activity. An increase in efficiency is expressed in an increase in labor productivity and capital productivity, a decrease in material consumption, an improvement in the quality of products, an increase in profits and profitability of production. Having made a calculation of the dishes included in the menu and having calculated the cost of one serving of each dish, we determine the markup. The mark-up category of an enterprise is determined based on its class.

Canape is very convenient and quick to prepare. And it is not very high in calories. light snack. Since it is one of the laborious work, the price on the menu will be exceeded.


As a result of studying the preparation of canapes, we came to the conclusion:

Having studied this topic, taking into account the traditional products of the Ural region and the peculiarities of the buffet menu, the following results have been achieved:

· A technology for preparing cold appetizers canapés in assortment has been developed.

You can make canapés from everything you have at hand. The shape of the canapes can be different: round, square, triangular, diamond-shaped. As a rule, they are cut out of bread, peeled from the crust, using special molds. Sometimes, however, they simply cut the bread into small square slices. Almost any product can serve as a filling for snacks.<#"justify">Ready-made canapes are served at the table on low dishes or dishes with legs, where they are laid out in one layer, placing sandwiches of the same color in rows or groups. It is customary to serve a spatula, a fork or a wide knife to a canapé.

As a rule, they offer 4-5 types of canapes.

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