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Olivier Wiki. Olivier salad). For the original serving Olivier

Lucien Olivier at the end of the 19th century and was considered a rare delicacy. Lucien Olivier himself never passed on the exact recipe of his salad to anyone - this appetizer was very expensive at that time and its preparation for wealthy merchants brought considerable profit to the author.

Variations of recipes that have survived to this day original salad Olivier are only replicas and attempts to recreate the taste of the famous salad.

In the book "A guide to learning the basics of the culinary arts" The 1897 edition lists the following Olivier salad recipe:

Olivier's original recipe

Ingredients for 1 person:

  • Fritillaries - 1/2 pieces
  • - 3 pieces
  • - 1 piece
  • Salad - 3-4 leaves
  • - 1.5 table. spoons
  • Cancer necks - 3 pieces
  • Lanspic - 1/4 cup
  • Capers - 1 teaspoon
  • Olives - 3-5 pieces

Step by step cooking recipe:

Cut the fillets of fried good hazel grouse into blankets and mix with boiled, not crumbly potato blankets and slices fresh cucumbers, add capers and olives and pour over a large amount of Provence sauce, with the addition of soy kabool. After cooling, transfer to a crystal vase, arrange with crayfish necks, lettuce leaves and chopped lanspic.

Serve very cold. Fresh cucumbers can be replaced with large gherkins. Instead of hazel grouse, you can take veal, partridge and chicken, but real snack Olivier is certainly prepared from hazel grouse.

For the sauce: Provence mayonnaise should be made in French vinegar with 2 eggs and 1 pound of Provence (olive) oil.

According to others, the original Olivier salad recipe is as follows:

Preparation of Olivier salad according to the classic recipe of Lucien Olivier

The method of preparation, serving and serving is similar to the first recipe.

Rumors and facts

It is believed that originally Olivier came up with kil not a salad, but mayonnaise for vodka. The word "mayonnaise" has undergone linguistic changes - originally meant a dish seasoned with Provence sauce. It was Provencal sauce that subsequently began to be called mayonnaise. And on this dish was laid out the fillet of hazel grouse, lobsters, crayfish necks, fresh cucumbers, black pressed caviar. And it was all covered with Provence sauce own cooking Lucien Olivier. And in the center of this large dish was his designer delight - a slide of potatoes, chopped eggs and gherkins.

As conceived by Lucien Olivier, there was no need to eat this “slide”. But soon the cook noticed that the guests were mixing its contents and eating with pleasure. Then he decided: if you want a salad, you will have it. The original Olivier salad recipe was different from the current one. “It included the fillets of hazel grouse I mentioned, lobsters, crayfish necks - a whole range of ingredients - and all this was seasoned with Provence sauce.

There are other versions of the "Real Olivier Recipe", however, based on the list of ingredients and comparing them with those that have survived to this day historical facts They don't inspire confidence.

Almost every Russian loves the usual Olivier salad, made from such inexpensive ingredients as green pea, doctor's sausage, boiled potatoes, carrots, chicken eggs and pickled cucumbers.

In fact, a century ago, this dish was cooked differently, with more expensive ingredients. It was considered a real delicacy and was distinguished by its exquisite, excellent taste.

The history of the creation of salad "Olivier"

The recipe for this delicious snack was invented in the second half of the 19th century by Lucien Olivier, a famous French chef. He settled in Moscow and in 1860 opened a first-class restaurant called the Hermitage. It is believed that it was Lucien who came up with a great appetizer that has become a real work of art.

Her taste struck with its sophistication, harmony, and therefore pleased all visitors to the Hermitage restaurant. Subsequently, many cooks tried to repeat the recipe for the old Olivier salad. But they, not knowing all the secret ingredients, and most importantly, the method of preparing an incomparable white sauce with mustard, were defeated. You could taste the wonderful Olivier salad, a real French one, only in the famous restaurant of Lucien.

How did Lucien Olivier himself prepare the salad?

The French chef jealously kept the recipe for his signature dish secret. Originally, Olivier served it in the following way. Boiled fillets of partridges and hazel grouses were laid out in layers of jelly made from broth and placed in the center of the dish. Boiled crayfish necks and pieces of tongue were laid out around. All this "beauty" was poured with a piquant, slightly spicy sauce (homemade mayonnaise). The dish was decorated with a composition of boiled potatoes, quail eggs and gherkins.

One day, the chef noticed that restaurant visitors mixed all the ingredients with a spoon, breaking the original "design", and then ate the resulting mass with appetite. So the recipe for the old Olivier salad has changed. Lucien began to serve the dish, mixing all the ingredients beforehand and generously flavoring them with Provencal sauce.

Recipe for an old salad "Olivier": the necessary ingredients

There are many variations of this dish. "Olivier" is otherwise called "Russian". Modified for real Russian realities, the salad has lost its sophistication and has become a very common snack, the taste of which is familiar to everyone since childhood. Partridge and hazel grouse meat was replaced with inexpensive boiled sausage. Cancer necks, veal caviar were completely excluded from the recipe. Instead, they began to add boiled carrots and canned peas. Of course, the modern modification is tasty, but somewhat "pall". So we'll show you how to do it. chic appetizer, using the recipe for an old salad "Olivier".

So, to prepare this delicious dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • veal tongue - 1 pc.;
  • three hazel grouse;
  • black pressed caviar - 80-100 g;
  • potatoes 4 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves - 200 g;
  • boiled crayfish - 30 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers (gherkins) 180-200 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • capers - 100 g;
  • quail eggs - 6 pcs.

The following components are required for:

  • White vinegar- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • spicy mustard - 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of ground pepper;
  • salt;
  • garlic powder.

Salad "Olivier" (real recipe): cooking technology

To begin with, let's deal with the bird and veal tongue. We will wash and, if necessary, gut the carcasses of hazel grouse. By the way, if you do not have the opportunity to purchase this game, you can replace it with quails. After processing, the bird is placed in a pot of water and boiled for one and a half hours. Do not forget to add onion head and salt to taste to the broth.

While the hazel grouses are preparing, let's take care of the tongue. We wash it and boil it for two hours, adding carrots, onions, salt and spices to the broth. After the allotted time, we will get hazel grouses and veal tongue out of the water. Cool the meat and clean it. We remove the skin and bones from the bird, leaving only the fillet. Cut the tongue into small pieces. Now cook the crayfish until cooked, pull out of the water, cool and clean. Next in line are potatoes and eggs. Boil them, cool and clean.

We cut all the ingredients and make dressing

Let's see how to cook real salad"Olivier salad". We select a deep bowl for snacks. We tear and put lettuce leaves in it. We clean fresh cucumbers from the skin and cut into cubes. Grind pickled gherkins and capers. Put everything in a salad bowl. There we also place the prepared veal tongue and the meat of hazel grouse cut into pieces. Quail eggs chop into small pieces.

We leave our dish alone for now and make mayonnaise sauce. Raw yolks, mustard and salt are mixed with a whisk. Pour olive oil into these ingredients in a thin stream, kneading the mass thoroughly until it thickens. Add vinegar to the sauce ground pepper and garlic powder. Everything, mayonnaise is ready.

We dress our Olivier salad with sauce. Real recipe involves decorating the dish with black pressed caviar and crayfish tails. That's all, tasty snack ready. Now you know how to cook a real Olivier salad. As you can see, it's not difficult, the main thing is to get everything necessary ingredients and make homemade mayonnaise sauce. Bon Appetit!

Another version of Olivier salad for your holiday table

If you want to pamper your family with a gourmet dish, prepare the Olivier salad. Real french recipe is. To create this culinary masterpiece you will need the following products:

  • quail eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
  • quails - 3 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • veal tongue - 200 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • pickled capers - 100 g;
  • champignons - 100 g;
  • canned cancer necks - 50 g;
  • - 30 g;
  • olives - 50 g;
  • chives 20 g

The recipe for the old salad "Olivier" involves the use of a special one for the preparation of which you will need olive oil - 100 ml, egg yolks - 3 pcs., wine vinegar - 2 tsp. Also needed are lemon juice - 2 tsp, Dijon mustard - 1 tsp, salt and pepper to taste.

The process of preparing an excellent snack

old recipe"Olivier" is as follows: boil the potatoes in their skins and carrots, cool, peel and then cut the vegetables into cubes. Boil the eggs in boiling water for 5 minutes, cool and peel. Cut the yolks and whites from three eggs into large pieces, and cut the remaining whites in half (they will be needed to decorate the salad). Wash the quail carcasses, wipe with a paper towel, coat vegetable oil, pepper and salt. Place the bird in the pan and fry it over high heat for 7 minutes until golden brown. Then place the quails for 15-20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. After baking, cool the bird, separate the meat from the skin and bones, cut it into cubes.

Serve "Olivier" to the table

Wash the veal tongue and boil for 1.5-2 hours in salted water. Then let it cool and cut into small pieces. Chop pickled and fresh cucumbers (without skin) and olives. Canned cancer necks cut into large pieces, you can into two parts. Lightly toast the capers in a dry frying pan. Place all ingredients in a deep container and mix gently.

Everything, our Olivier salad is almost ready. The old recipe involves the preparation of the original mayonnaise dressing. In a bowl, beat the egg yolks with a whisk, adding salt, mustard, pepper to them. Pour in the olive oil while continuing to whisk. Add there lemon juice and wine vinegar. Pour dressed sauce over salad. Serve the dish garnished with egg whites with caviar, chives, champignons, lightly fried in a pan, and crayfish tails. Bon Appetit!

Almost no festive celebration in our country is complete without the preparation of Olivier salad. Especially it concerns new year's eve, which is already difficult to imagine without this legendary dish on the table. Many people know that the salad owes its name to chef Lucien Olivier.

However, not everyone knows that the famous dish was invented by him in Russia, and the Russians themselves had a hand in this. The brilliant chef took many secrets of the salad with him to the grave. Nevertheless, we can imagine what this dish looked like at the end of the 19th century and how the modern Olivier differs from the original version.

A Brief History of Olivier Salad

How the Olivier salad was created

The history of the creation of the salad, which we call “Olivier”, begins with the fact that in the 19th century, the French chef Lucien Olivier went to Moscow in order to, as it is fashionable to say now, “earn extra money”. After several years of work in Russia, having acquired a small capital, he opened his own institution called the Hermitage. It was a first-class ambiance restaurant for the elite, employing more than thirty chefs who prepared amazing delicacies.

For that time, the fashion for everything French in cooking was characteristic, so the institution was very popular. The kitchen offered in the Hermitage also played a big role in this. After all, Lucien Olivier liked to add to various dishes branded mayonnaise with mustard and some secret ingredients, as a result of which the dish acquired the necessary taste and sharpness.

After many years of success, the popularity of the restaurant has declined somewhat, and visitors have gradually begun to get bored with the taste of French and Russian cuisine served here. It was necessary to come up with something new, unusual. And then Lucien created that very wonderful and delicious salad which brought him worldwide fame. By the way, many chefs tried to repeat the author's success, but the Frenchman strictly kept all the secrets of his culinary discovery, so these attempts were not very successful.

But it should be noted that the restaurant visitors themselves have made a significant contribution to the creation of the famous salad. After all, Lucien originally prepared a gourmet dish "Mayonnaise from game", which had many individual ingredients, including, for example, boiled potatoes, fillets of hazel grouse, eggs, spicy cucumbers, boiled tongue. The French chef beautifully decorated his culinary invention by decomposing a complex dish into separate parts. When Lucien brought it to the table and began to observe whether his new dish would be to the taste of the guests, he was genuinely amazed.

The fact is that guests of the establishment who were not the most experienced in cooking took a spoon in their hands and mixed all the ingredients fine dining, thus turning it into a regular salad. Then the next time Olivier himself mixed all the ingredients and served the salad that later became famous. Moreover, he did this with the aim of hurting the most unscrupulous eaters, but his irony was not understood at all by the visitors of the restaurant. But they instantly fell in love with the salad "Olivier" and the high popularity of the institution was restored.

Real "Olivier": a classic salad recipe

The classic Olivier salad recipe, created by a French restaurateur, has not survived to this day. Lucien Olivier never revealed all the subtleties and secrets of preparing his dish. Nevertheless, over time, primarily thanks to the reviews of regular visitors to the Hermitage restaurant, it was still possible to restore at least the composition of the ingredients of that very original Olivier salad.

At the end of the 19th century in the Russian Empire, restaurants and culinary establishments for the elite could order a wide variety of products, which made it possible to make truly exquisite and original dishes. Therefore, it should come as no surprise to anyone that classic recipe salad "Olivier" includes ingredients that are completely uncharacteristic of our modern dish.

So, Lucien Olivier used grouse fillets and boiled veal tongue, boiled crayfish, black caviar in his salad, boiled eggs, fresh and pickled cucumbers. In addition, the salad included other ingredients: lettuce, soybean paste, capers. All this was dressed with a special sauce with olive oil, egg yolks, vinegar and mustard. Olivier's signature spices were also added to the sauce, so today we can only guess about the true taste of this sauce. As we can see, this recipe for Olivier salad, compiled in 1904, is completely different from how Olivier is currently prepared.

From "Olivier" to salad "Capital"

With the outbreak of the First World War, and then the revolutionary events in Russia, French chefs left the country. Connoisseurs of their culinary talent were also irretrievably lost. The famous restaurant Olivier in Moscow closed. In turbulent times, many exquisite ingredients disappeared from the tables, or they simply became irrelevant due to their high cost.

Capital salad with ham

As a result, in Soviet times, the salad "Olivier" has changed somewhat. Instead of exquisite hazel grouse and boiled crayfish, the salad included more affordable, relatively inexpensive products. In the 1920s, a salad appeared in the Moscow restaurant, which became known as Stolichny. Its composition already seems more familiar to us in comparison with the modern Olivier. These are potatoes, onions, carrots, peppers, boiled poultry meat, pickled cucumbers, boiled eggs, apple, olive mayonnaise.

Salad "Stolichny" became widespread in Soviet Russia, pushing the main dish into the background until then holiday table- the vinaigrette. Already in the 60s and 70s, having changed somewhat, Stolichny moved from a restaurant kitchen to a communal one, thus settling on the table of almost every Soviet citizen. Before that, the salad, of course, was also well known, but still it was popular mainly with the Soviet intelligentsia and party workers.

Throughout its history, Olivier has constantly changed - some components have been replaced by others, from expensive, meat dish he gradually turned into a beautiful vegetable salad available to everyone. And today there are many variations of this legendary salad. Almost every housewife prepares it the way it is done in a particular family. Nothing prevents people from experimenting by adding some new ingredients to the Olivier salad or replacing them with others.

Salad "Olivier"- a salad popular in the countries of the former USSR, considered festive and traditionally New Year's. The name was given in honor of its creator, chef Lucien Olivier, who kept in Moscow in the early 60s of the XIX century.

Abroad salad "Olivier" is known as "Russian salad" or "Russian Potato Salad".

The history of the appearance of salad "Olivier"

Culinary dynasty Olivier lived in the southern province of France - Provence. She did not stand out from hundreds of her own kind, because the culinary profession has always been popular with the French. But at the beginning of the 19th century, she became famous for creating a delicious sauce, which was given the romantic name "Provencal". Three brothers Olivier conjured in the kitchens of France, while the younger Lucien went to conquer hospitable Moscow. And men in Russia traditionally preferred pickled mushrooms and cucumbers as snacks, pickled apples and sauerkraut with cranberries. On top of all the troubles, the capital's taverns have learned to cook about the same salads, only under sour cream sauce. It was urgent to invent something new. Lucien Olivier arranged a grand "culinary-political council" with assistants: cooks Duguet and Marius, who knew the taste preferences of the Moscow public well.

A few days later, everyone offered their own version of a new salad. But Lucien Olivier decided to create something super-original. He almost did not leave the kitchen, inventing new taste: I replaced “heavy” meat with “light” poultry, introduced apples, peas - everything was not right. And suddenly - eureka! Cucumbers should not be salty, but fresh!.. The taste was found! It remained to calculate correct proportions and add spicy little things to give the dish the "overseas extravagance" so beloved by Russians. And for such a professional as Olivier, this was a matter of several trials. Soon, a salad from Olivier appeared on the Hermitage restaurant's signature dishes menu. A few months later, a rumor spread around the capital that in the Moskva restaurant, which had not previously sparkled original dishes, several masterpieces of culinary art appeared at once. Among them is the Stolichny salad, according to Moscow gourmets, the closest palatability to Olivia. The name of the chef of the restaurant, contrary to the existing fashion, was absolutely Russian - Ivan Mikhailovich Ivanov. Competition again pushed Olivier to search, and he began to experiment with a vengeance. New combinations of meat, cucumbers and apples were selected, only hazel grouse was still the main ingredient. This Olivier version has also come down to us: 2 equal parts of roast veal and hazel grouse fillet, 5 boiled potatoes, a large boiled celery root, half a can of olives and pitted olives, half a glass of pickled gooseberries and pitted cherries, 5 salted gherkins, 15 cancer necks, 300 grams of boiled porcini mushrooms, 4 boiled eggs. You can also add 2 fresh cucumbers.

After the death of Olivier, the owner of the Great Hermitage restaurant (as the tavern began to be called at the beginning of the 20th century) was the Olivier Partnership, the composition of which changed several times. During the revolution of 1917, the restaurant was closed, various institutions were housed in the building, during the years of the NEP there was again a restaurant, and from 1923 to 1941 it housed the Peasant's House. However, the Olivier salad, which ended its history so sadly in its own restaurant, has won a place on the home tables of Muscovites. As you know, its main components are

In this recipe, as I remember, pressed caviar was also cooked by Olivier close to this recipe. Instead of hazel quail, instead of crayfish necks, crab meat, and, instead of pressed caviar - red, but lying separately from the salad. And yes, I added Worcestershire sauce to homemade mayonnaise. Very very tasty!!!

Here is another version of the recipe "Togo Olivier"
Kabul sauce (“kabul soya”, as it was often called in the 19th century) is made from sautéed on butter flour, broth (or water), grated horseradish, cream and salt. Ingredients: flour 20 g; butter 10 g; broth 50 g; horseradish 20 g; cream 20 g; salt - to taste.

Salad Olivier, the way it should be.

The pre-revolutionary Olivier salad recipe includes hazel grouse and black caviar. It was invented in the second half of the 19th century by the Frenchman Lucien Olivier, who moved to Russia, one of the founders of the legendary Moscow restaurant Hermitage.
Interestingly, it was this salad that largely provided the restaurant with great fame. And the richest merchants and industrialists, as well as famous writers, liked to gather in the Hermitage. For example, in 1879 a gala dinner was held in the Hermitage in honor of I.S. Turgenev, in 1880 - in honor of F.M. Dostoevsky, in 1899 - the famous celebration of the centenary of Pushkin's birthday, which was attended by most of the most prominent cultural figures of that time. And, of course, all these feasts could not do without the original Olivier salad. True, by the end of the 19th century, various variations of its ingredients began to appear, including those that incredibly increased the cost of an already expensive salad. And in Soviet times On the contrary, the traditional list of ingredients has become such that Olivier has become a truly popular dish. And, nevertheless, it is not a sin to occasionally treat yourself to this salad prepared in the traditions of Tsarist Russia. And we give one of the recipes of those years, not the most complicated, but at the same time quite luxurious, and most importantly - delicious.

For this dish you will need (based on 4 servings)

Fritillaries - 2 pieces.
Veal tongue - 1 piece.
Black caviar - 100 g.
Crayfish - 25 pieces.
Pikuli - 1/2 can.
Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces.
Quail egg - 10 pieces
Pickled capers - 80 g.
Sauce Provencal - 1/2 can.
Kabul sauce - to taste.

Cooking method

1. Fry grouse and chop the pulp.
2. Boil the tongue and cut into equal pieces.
3. Add meat of boiled crayfish, cubes of pickles, chopped eggs and cucumbers.
4. Gently mix the ingredients, put them in a salad bowl, add Kabul sauce, capers, Provencal sauce.
5. When serving, decorate the salad with caviar.

Important additions

V original recipe Provencal sauce is not mayonnaise from the store, but 400 grams olive oil, beaten with two fresh egg yolks, with the addition of French vinegar and mustard.
Kabul sauce (“soy kabul”, as it was often called in the 19th century) is made from flour sauteed in butter, broth (or water), grated horseradish, cream and salt. Ingredients: flour 20 g; butter 10 g; broth 50 g; horseradish 20 g; cream 20 g; salt - to taste.
Thus, the preparation of Olivier according to pre-revolutionary recipe will require a little more time and much more costs from you than the familiar and beloved by many Soviet version of this salad. But the result is worth it!

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