Home Vegetables Kidneys fried in sauce quality requirements. Assortment of hot appetizers from meat and meat products. Registration and submission rules, quality requirements, deadlines for implementation. Fried offal dishes

Kidneys fried in sauce quality requirements. Assortment of hot appetizers from meat and meat products. Registration and submission rules, quality requirements, deadlines for implementation. Fried offal dishes


1. Importance of meat in the human diet

2. Preliminary preparation of meat for baking




Diet - a set of products that a person needs for a certain period of time (usually a day, a week). Modern physiology states that the human diet should contain products belonging to all major groups: meat, fish, milk, eggs, grains and legumes, vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil.

The inclusion of a variety of products in daily nutrition allows you to provide the human body with all the substances it needs in optimal proportions. Better digestible animal products, especially proteins. From meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, proteins are absorbed better than from bread, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

The composition of the diet affects the activity of a person, his performance, resistance to disease, and longevity. The imbalance of nutrients in the diet leads to increased fatigue, apathy, decreased performance, and then to more pronounced manifestations of alimentary diseases (hypovitaminosis, beriberi, anemia, protein-energy deficiency).

Meat is the main source of protein in human nutrition. Meat proteins are similar in composition to the protein in the human body. In addition, meat contains a significant amount of fat, as well as minerals (salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus), vitamins of group B, PP and vitamin D. Extractive substances of meat are very valuable, causing abundant juice secretion when eating meat. in food and thus contribute to its absorption.

Fruits and vegetables supply the human body with vitamin C, folic acid, beta-carotene, plant fibers, potassium and other substances lacking in animal foods.

Adding vegetables to meat and cereal dishes increases the absorption of the proteins contained in them up to 85-90%.

Theme of my thesis"Technology for the production of baked meat dishes".

In studying the topic of this work, we are faced with the following tasks:

study of the range of meat dishes;

development of the range and technology of the cooking process;

analysis of modern trends in the design of dishes.

In our work, we offer calculations of the composition line and energy value dishes, ready-made flow charts and cooking schemes.

. Importance of meat in the human diet

Meat, from a merchandising point of view, is usually called muscles with bones, ligaments, fat, etc. Meat also includes the muscles of the head, the diaphragm of the esophagus, etc.

In technological practice, meat tissues are classified according to their industrial value: muscle, fat, connective, cartilage, bone and blood. The ratio of these tissues in meat depends on the type, breed, sex, age, fattening, fatness, and also on the anatomical structure of the carcass part. Different ratios of tissues determine the chemical composition, nutritional value and properties of meat.

The average chemical composition of muscle tissue can be expressed as a percentage: water - 73-77, proteins - 18-21, lipids - 1-3. Extractive nitrogenous and nitrogen-free substances make up 2.5-3.2% of muscle tissue. Minerals - 0.8-1%.

Meat and meat products are the main source of complete proteins in the human diet on the European continent. Muscle tissue contains all essential amino acids (table).

Amino acid composition meat products(mg per 100 g edible portion)

Amino acids Beef (18.6% protein) Pork (11.7% protein) Lamb (15.6% protein)
valine 103,5 831 820
isoleucine 782 708 754
leucine 1478 1074 1116
lysine 1589 1239 1235
methionine 445 342 356
threonine 803 654 688
tryptophan 210 154 198
phenylalanine 795 465 611
alanine 1086 641 1021
arginine 1043 717 993
aspartic acid 1771 1016 1442
histidine 710 470 480
glycine 937 572 865
glutamic acid 3073 1754 2459
axiproline 290 150 295
proline 685 694 741
serine 780 499 657
tyrosine 658 417 524
cystine 259 138 205

Meat also contains a significant amount of defective proteins - collagen and elastin.

The softer and more tender the meat, the more muscle tissue it contains, the more valuable it is in terms of protein composition. Tough meat has a lot of connective tissue, and therefore collagen and elastin. Depending on the presence of certain proteins in the meat, the culinary use of various parts of the carcass is determined. So, the back part is used for frying, the shoulder blade, brisket, hind leg - for stewing and cooking, legs and head - for jellies.

It should be noted that the protein content varies depending on the type of animal, its age, sex and fatness. Most proteins in horse meat - 20%, followed by beef and lamb - up to 15%, in pork - 10-12%. Fat in veal contains 0.5%, in beef and lamb up to 17%, in pork - up to 50%. Fat in muscle tissue significantly improves the taste and increases the calorie content of meat. However, excess fat in meat reduces the absorption of nutrients. The best in taste and nutritional properties meat is considered to contain approximately the same amount of proteins and fats.

The digestibility of fats, as you know, the higher, the closer its melting point to the temperature of the human body.

Lamb fat melts at 50 ° C, beef - at 47, pork - at 37, horse - at 28. From the point of view of digestibility, pork fat is the most complete. However, refractory lamb fat has the least amount of cholesterol, while pork fat has the highest amount. Perhaps this explains such a curious fact that atherosclerosis is practically not found among peoples who consume mainly lamb.

Meat, in addition, is considered one of the main (along with fish) sources of phosphorus, rich in iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, contains trace elements: copper, cobalt, zinc, iodine.

The meat contains the whole complex of B vitamins, including choline, which has anti-sclerotic properties. Contained in meat and vitamin A, but in small quantities. The real pantry of vitamins is the liver. V beef liver vitamin A contains 2 times more than the daily requirement. Only 50 grams of liver provides the daily requirement not only for vitamin A, but also for B vitamins.

Preparing meat for roasting

Technological process meat processing includes the following operations: reception, quality control by organoleptic indicators; defrosting frozen meat; cleanup of polluted places; removal of the mark; washing with warm and chilled water; drying; Cutting carcasses (division into cuts, deboning, separation from bones, trimming and stripping of tendons, excess fat, coarse films); preparation of semi-finished products (large-sized, small-sized, portioned and semi-finished products from minced meat).

Meat processing is carried out at mass catering enterprises operating on raw materials, and centrally - at food industry enterprises, kitchen factories, food processing plants, etc.

Meat is classified by type, sex, age, thermal state. According to the thermal state, the meat is divided into:

cooled - meat subjected to cooling to a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C;

chilled - meat with a temperature in the thickness of the muscles from 0 to 4 "C;

ice cream - meat that has a temperature in the thickness of the muscles not higher than -8 ° C.

Meat is classified (depending on quality) into categories of fatness. So, beef is divided into two categories.

Meat of category I has the following features: muscles are developed satisfactorily, bones do not protrude sharply, subcutaneous fat covers the carcass from the 8th rib to the buttocks, on the neck, shoulder blades, front ribs, thighs, in the pelvic cavity there are fat deposits in the form of small areas.

In category II beef, the muscles are developed less satisfactorily, the bones protrude distinctly; subcutaneous fat deposits are located in separate areas only on the back of the carcass. Marked with a purple square mark. For each half carcass, 2 stamps are put - one for the scapular and femoral parts.

Skinny beef is branded with a triangular stamp. Two stamps are applied to each half carcass: one - on the scapular part, the other - on the femur.

Pork is also classified according to quality: the degree of fattening, the thickness of the fat above the spinous processes between the 6th and 7th dorsal vertebrae. Pork is divided into 5 categories.

Category I meat (bacon) includes the meat of pigs, in which the muscle tissue is well developed (especially in the dorsal and hip parts). The fat is dense, white, 1.5-3.5 cm thick. They are branded with a round brand, which is placed on the shoulder part of each side of the carcass.

Category III (fatty) includes carcasses of fat pigs with lard 4.1 cm thick or more. Carcass weight is not standardized. They are marked with an oval stamp, which is placed on the shoulder part of each half carcass.

Category IV (for industrial processing) includes carcasses of pigs weighing more than 76 kg and with a fat thickness of 1.5-4 cm. They are branded with a triangular brand, which is placed on the shoulder part of each half carcass.

Meat quality various kinds animals are determined by organoleptic and laboratory methods.

Carcasses must arrive fresh, clean, free of blood clots, bruises, and tissue damage. Chilled meat should have a dry, pale pink or pale red surface. The muscles on the cut are slightly moist, each type of meat has a certain color. Meat juice is clear. The consistency of the meat is dense, elastic, the hole formed after pressing the finger on the meat is quickly leveled. Beef fat is hard, white to yellow; lamb fat is quite dense, white; pork fat is soft, elastic, from white to pale pink.

Frozen meat has color chilled meat, but brighter. The consistency of the meat should be firm, the sound when tapped with a hard object should be clear. Meat defects include sunburn, mucus, rotting, mold, etc.

If the meat arrives at the enterprise chilled or cooled down, then it is washed, dried, the marks are cut off and Butchered. Frozen meat (with a temperature in the thickness of the muscles of -6 ° C) is thawed.

Thawing (defrosting) meat.

Frozen meat is thawed in the form in which it enters the enterprise - carcasses, half carcasses, quarters. Frozen meat is defrosted in the air.

Defrosting in water is not allowed, as this causes a large loss of nutrients and is not allowed by sanitary regulations. Proper thawing of meat makes it possible to obtain meat, the quality of which is not inferior to cooled or chilled. Defrosting is applied slow and fast. During slow thawing, half-carcasses or quarters are hung on hooks in special chambers so that they do not touch each other, walls and floor. Humidity in the chambers is maintained within the range of 90-95% with a temperature of 0 to 6-8 °C. The defrosting process lasts 3-5 days and is considered complete when the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 0-1 °C.

In this mode, the meat juice, frozen in the form of ice crystals between the muscle fibers, has time to be absorbed into the muscle fibers and, to a large extent, the meat restores its original qualities. However, this defrosting method is lengthy, requires special chambers, and can only be used in large enterprises. At fast way Defrosting meat (carcasses, half carcasses, quarters) is placed in bathtubs or laid out on tables in the meat shop and thawed at a temperature of 20-25 ° C and a relative humidity of 80-95% during the day. Defrosting is considered complete when the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches - 1.5-0.5 ° C.

To reduce the loss of juice during cutting, quickly defrosted meat is kept in a refrigerating chamber in a suspended state at a temperature of 0-2 ° C and a relative humidity of 80-85% for 24 hours.

The total cycle for quick defrost is 48 hours.

Washing, drying. After thawing, contaminated areas, blood clots, and veterinary marks are cut off from the carcasses. Then the meat is washed in a suspended state on hooks above the baths with a brush-shower or a stream of water from a hose or hose. The water temperature should not be lower than 20-30 °C. Washing with warm water reduces surface microbial contamination by 95-99%. Washed carcasses are washed for cooling with cold water at a temperature of 12-15 ° C, and then dried, since the surface of the meat is slippery, which makes cutting difficult.

Dry the carcasses with a clean cotton cloth and air. At specialized enterprises, outside air is forced and passed through filters. Its temperature is 16 °C.

In small enterprises, natural drying is used on grates installed above the baths, or hung on hooks.

Cutting beef half carcasses and quarters. Cutting carcasses consists of the following operations: division into cuts, deboning of cuts, division of large pieces of meat, their trimming and stripping (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. The name of the bones and the scheme of cutting the carcass.

Names of the bones: 1 - cervical vertebrae, 2 - scapula, 3 - thirteen dorsal vertebrae, 4 - six lumbar vertebrae, 5 - sacral vertebrae, 6 - ilium, 7 - femur, 8 - patella, 9 - tibia, 10 - iliac tubercle (maklak), 11 - ribs, 12 - sternum, 13 - ulna, 14 humerus, 15 - radius;

Carcass Cutting Scheme: I- cervical part, II- subscapular part, III- dorsal part of the longest back muscle (thick edge), IV- lumbar part of the longest back muscle (thin edge), V- tenderloin, VI- hip part (a - internal piece, b - outer piece, c - side piece, d - upper piece), VII - flank, VIII - hem, IX - brisket, X - shoulder part (d - shoulder part, e - shoulder part).

Cut - the meat and bone part of the carcass, separated in accordance with the accepted cutting scheme.

Cuts (parts) are deboned manually with a knife. In this case, the pulp is separated from the bones, avoiding deep (more than 10 cm) cuts of large muscles (pulp).

Trimming and stripping - the release of meat from tendons, rough surface film, cartilage and excess fat. Thin surface films and intermuscular connective tissue are left to give the pieces more correct form they have thin edges cut off.

As a result of deboning, separating, trimming and stripping large pieces of meat in accordance with the accepted scheme of cutting, large-sized semi-finished products are obtained.

As a result of cutting, boning and trimming of beef half carcasses, the following large-sized semi-finished products are distinguished: shoulder blade (shoulder and shoulder), brisket pulp, dorsal part of the longest back muscle (thick edge), subscapular part, hem, flank, tenderloin (iliac muscle), lumbar part of the longest back muscles (thin edge), upper, inner, outer and lateral pieces of the hip part.

For cutlet meat, the pulp of the neck, flank, trimmings obtained by deboning the carcass and stripping large-sized semi-finished products, as well as the hem are used. All pieces must be stripped of tendons and coarse connective tissue. In cutlet meat from beef, the content of adipose and connective tissue should not exceed 10 and 10%, respectively.

Butchering of carcasses of small livestock (pork, lamb, veal) consists of operations similar to Butchering of beef carcasses.

3. Technological process and assortment of baked meat dishes

For baking, meat intended for cooking and frying, as well as offal, are used.

Most often, those parts of the carcass that contain a large amount of connective tissue are most often cooked: beef - brisket, hem, parts of the front and hind legs; pork, lamb and veal - brisket and shoulder blades.

The duration of cooking depends on the type of meat and the size of the piece. On average, it is 1-2.5 hours. Weight loss during the cooking process is approximately 36%. To improve the taste and increase the nutritional value of the dish, roots are added at the end of cooking. The boiled meat is removed from the broth and cut into portions across the muscle fibers. Portions can also be cut with bone (from loin and brisket).

For frying, all parts of carcasses of lamb, pork, veal are used, except for the neck, and for beef - tenderloin, thick and thin edges.

Fried dishes are more expensive than boiled ones, because they use the best varieties meat. They are more caloric and fat and therefore rarely used in the diet of sick people. You can fry meat in fat or without fat in Teflon-coated pans. Meals prepared without fat are more widely used in dietary nutrition.

For frying, meat of the first grade is suitable, containing a small amount of connective tissue. Properly prepared meat should be fried in hot fat or in a hot pan without fat, turning frequently to prevent burning. Weight loss during frying is approximately 26%.

The choice of the method of heat treatment for the preparation of second courses depends on the content of connective tissue in the parts of the carcass, fatness and age of the animal.

The average duration of the pre-cooking of meat used for roasting.

Meat Heat treatment
view Duration, h-min.
Thick edge in large pieces for roast beef of varying degrees of roasting Frying 1-00-1-40
Whole cut, the same Frying 0-25-0-40
Thick and thin edges in portions of 120-150 g for entrecote and rump steak Frying 0-10-0-20
Tenderloin in portions of 120-150 g for fillets of varying degrees of roasting Frying 0-12-0-20
Tenderloin in portions of 60-75 g for langet (2 pieces per serving) Frying 0-05-0-08
Cut into small pieces for beef stroganoff Frying 0-03 - 0-04
Hind legs in large chunks Roasting in the main way 1-10
Loin in large pieces Roasting in the main way 0-40
Roasting in the main way 0-10-0-12
Hind legs in large chunks Roasting in the main way 0-50-1-00
Whole loin Roasting in the main way 1-20

Loin in portions for natural and chops

Roasting in the main way 0-10-0-12
Hind legs, loin in portions for schnitzel Roasting in the main way 0-10-0-12
Whole ham Frying 1-50-2-00
Ham and loin in large pieces Frying 0-50
Brisket in large pieces Frying 0-45
Spatula in large pieces Frying 1-15
Natural veal cutlets Frying 0-08-0-10

Meat and some other meat products are baked with potatoes, vegetables, cereals and pasta. Meat products for baking are pre-boiled or fried until tender. Roasting is done with a side dish in portioned pans or dishes in an oven at a temperature of 250-350 °.

The finished baked product should be warmed up to 75-85 ° and have a fried crust on the surface.

Portioned baked dishes are released in the same bowl in which they are baked.

Serve baked dishes immediately when ready. On vacation, pour over melted butter.

3.1 Meat dishes baked in portions

Beef baked in onion sauce.

Large pieces of beef are boiled. The meat is cooked in pieces weighing 1.5-2.5 kg in a small amount of water (1.5-2 liters of water per 1 kg of meat). The meat is immersed in boiling water and boiled until tender at a low boil. With this method of cooking, juicy and aromatic meat is obtained. To improve the taste of meat, it is recommended to add raw carrots, parsley, celery, onions when cooking. At the end of cooking put salt and bay leaf.

For cooking, use the brisket, hem and parts of the front and hind legs of beef; shoulder blade and brisket of small livestock. The pulp of the shoulder blade is boiled rolled up in the form of a roll, tied with twine; at the brisket, the film is cut along the ribs. The ribs are removed from the cooked brisket while hot. The readiness of the meat is determined by puncture with a chef's needle. The needle enters the cooked meat easily, and the resulting juice is colorless.

Then they are cut into portioned pieces, 2-3 per serving, and placed in the middle of a portioned dish or pan. From a pastry bag, a thick mixture of milk and eggs seasoned with meat is released around the meat. mashed potatoes.

Then the meat is poured with onion sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese or ground breadcrumbs, sprinkled with oil and baked in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes.

On vacation, sprinkle the dish with chopped parsley.

For baking, you can use beef, pre-fried and then stewed.

Solyanka meat team in a frying pan.

Solyanka team in a frying pan. Cut fried or boiled meat, poultry, game, tongue, kidneys, ham, sausage or sausages into small thin slices (4-5 g each). Thin-skinned pickles with unripe seeds (non-female and others) are cut lengthwise to a thickness of about 5 mm, which, in turn, are cut crosswise into slices. If the cucumbers are thick-skinned and have coarse, overripe seeds, peel the skin and remove the seeds. Chop onion and saute with fat. Put meat products, cucumbers and onions in one bowl, add capers, olives, tomato or red sauce, mix everything and boil. Grease a portioned frying pan with fat, put a layer of stewed hot cabbage 5-6 mm, meat products with vegetables and sauce on it, which are covered with a layer of the same cabbage. Smooth the surface, sprinkle with grated cheese mixed with crushed breadcrumbs, sprinkle with melted butter and bake in an oven until a crust forms on the surface of the cabbage. When serving on a hodgepodge, put a slice of lemon sprinkled with parsley or dill, and decorate the dish with pickled berries (lingonberries, plums, grapes), olives, black olives.

name of raw materials Gross weight (g) Net weight (g)
Ready-made stewed cabbage 150
Beef 76 35
sausages 26 25
Pickles 58 30
capers 30 15
Olives 20 20
Sauce ready 50
crackers 4 4
Cheese 3,3 3
Butter 5 5
Pickled fruits or berries 36 20
Lemon 9 8
parsley 5 5

Sauce - red main.

Lamb and veal baked with milk sauce.

Lamb and veal are cooked like beef with onion sauce, but boiled champignons or porcini mushrooms, cut into slices, are placed on top of the slices of meat, poured with medium-thick milk sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with melted butter and baked.

Lamb cutlets, natural veal, baked in milk sauce.

Natural cutlets with a bone (semi-finished products from lamb, goat, veal) are lightly beaten, sprinkled with salt and pepper, fried on both sides. Then they are cut across in several places and slices of boiled porcini mushrooms or poached champignons are put into the cuts. In a portioned frying pan, greased, add a little milk sauce, put prepared cutlets, pour the same sauce on top, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with butter and bake in an oven. Served in the same pan.

* - bone mass

Garnish served separately - green pea, fried potatoes (from raw or boiled), a complex side dish and a red main or red sauce with wine.

Forshmak from beef.

Cooked meat, salted herring skinless and boneless and cold boiled potatoes passed through a meat grinder along with raw onions. Cream, raw egg yolks, salt are added to the mass, ground pepper, mix well, put whipped proteins and again mix everything gently. Molds or portioned pans are greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, the prepared mass is laid out, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked in an oven. Ready minced meat is served hot in the same bowl in which it was baked. You can add wine (madeira) and a little nutmeg to the mixture for mincemeat.

Forshmak can also be baked on a baking sheet. In this case, it is cut into portions, served with sour cream or red sauce.

Drizzle with butter before vacation, sour cream or red sauce can be served separately.

Beef baked with mushrooms in a pot.

Lightly fried pieces of beef are placed in a serving pot, fried onions, boiled champignons or fried porcini mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs are added and poured with red sauce, the pot is covered with a lid on top. Baked in an oven or Russian oven, served in a pot. Can be served as a side dish fried potatoes.

Meatballs baked with cheese sauce.

Coarsely chop beef and bacon. Add cream and stir until smooth; transfer to a large bowl; season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Beat the whites with a whisk, add to the meat, stirring. Blind minced meat balls with a diameter of 3-4 cm, roll them in flour and fry for vegetable oil, 4-5 min. Place the balls in a baking pan. Pour in cheese sauce. Bake until done.

Beef brisket baked.

Salt the beef brisket, rub with spices, lightly roll in flour. Fry the onion until golden brown, add flour, tomato paste and fry for 5 minutes. Add the roots cut into thin strips, fry again.

Grease a baking sheet with oil, lay the brisket, pierce it with a knife in several places, pour over the cooked passerovka on top, bake in the oven until tender.

Lamb baked with cabbage.

Boil the meat, cut into slices, put in a dish greased with some fat, sprinkle with pepper, if necessary, and salt, put the cabbage stewed with fat and onion on top and bake in not very hot oven within 30 minutes.

Serve in the same dish in which the lamb was baked, with rye bread or boiled potatoes.

Beef baked with potatoes in milk.

Put the boiled meat, cut in portions across the muscle fibers, into a frying pan greased with butter, put the sliced ​​boiled potatoes around, pour the dish with milk sauce, sprinkle with grated mild cheese on top and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Meat baked in Moscow style.

Raw peeled potatoes are cut into thin plates - fried. Prepared potatoes are placed on portioned pans or a baking sheet, greased, the meat is placed on top in a portioned piece, salted, sprinkled with spices, poured sour cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with fat and bake. Baking time 30 minutes, temperature 250 °C. Sprinkle with herbs on vacation.

3.2 Meat dishes baked in small pieces

Bags of pork chops with baked tomatoes.

Wash the meat, pat dry. Cut the meat across the grain into 4 equal pieces. Beat each piece into a layer 0.5 cm thick. Rinse the potatoes, boil in salted water until tender, peel, pound into a homogeneous mass. Cut the bacon into small cubes, heat the pan and quickly fry the bacon so that it becomes crispy. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Combine potatoes, bacon and garlic, season with pepper and provencal herbs. Wash the prunes and soak in warm boiled water for 1 hour. Then drain the water, remove the seeds from the prunes, chop finely. Coarsely chop hazelnuts, combine with pine nuts and dry for 5 minutes. in a hot dry skillet. Mix chopped prunes, nuts and the second third of chopped garlic, salt, add dried rosemary to the minced meat. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks and cut the fruits in half crosswise. Drizzle each half of the tomato with olive oil, salt and sprinkle with dried Provence herbs. Heat the oven to 140-150°C. Put the prepared tomatoes on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake for 1 hour, increase the oven temperature to 250 ° C and cook for another 15 minutes.

Serve with Dor Blue sauce and baked tomatoes.

Potato casserole with meat.

Hot boiled mashed potatoes are diluted to the desired density with potato broth, melted butter, salt are added and mixed well; you can add raw eggs. On a baking sheet, greased and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs, put a small layer of potato mass, then a layer of minced meat, and again a layer of potato mass on it. The surface is leveled, greased with ice cream and baked in an oven.

On vacation, the finished casserole is cut into portions and poured with melted butter or red or tomato sauce.

Minced meat preparation. The beef pulp is cut into small pieces and fried in the main way, then put in a deep bowl, add a little water and simmer until tender. Meat can not be fried, but boiled until tender.

The finished meat is passed through a meat grinder, combined with browned onions, salt, ground pepper and mixed well.

Pasta with meat.

Raw eggs, salt are added to the boiled pasta and mixed.

On a greased baking sheet. and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs, put a small layer of boiled pasta, then a layer of minced meat, and again a layer of pasta on top. The surface is leveled, sprinkled with oil and baked in an oven.

On vacation, the finished pasta is cut into portions and poured with melted butter.

Minced meat is prepared in the same way as for potato casserole with meat (see previous recipe).

Stuffed cabbage with meat.

In the prepared leaves of white cabbage (see page 8) wrap the cooked chopped meat, giving the product the shape of a roller. Prepared cabbage rolls are placed on a greased deep baking sheet and fried on both sides. Then pour sour cream sauce with tomato and stew in the oven for 1-1.5 hours until cooked.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are served on a dish, two pieces per serving; on vacation, pour over the sauce in which cabbage rolls were stewed.

Minced meat preparation. Raw meat is passed through a meat grinder, combined with boiled rice, browned onions, salt, ground pepper are added and everything is mixed well.

Sauce - sour cream, sour cream with tomato.

Slavic pork.

Roast pork ham (whole or in pieces) in the oven, pouring juice from time to time. Ready meat cut into two pieces per serving, pour red meat sauce and warm with browned onions, raisins, soaked prunes. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving. Garnish with potatoes, as well as cucumbers or tomatoes.

Red meat sauce.

Pork with wine sauce

Cut a longitudinal "pocket" in the fillet. Rub the meat with salt and pepper. Finely chop the greens and mix with cottage cheese and breadcrumbs. Put the filling in the "pocket". Wrap meat in bacon and seal. Fry the fillet in vegetable oil. Then bake for 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees. Pour the wine into the juice from the roast, boil down and thicken with a fixative. Season with salt, pepper and sugar. Grate the zucchini. Mix with egg and flour. Bake pancakes in melted butter. Arrange them on plates with chopped meat and sauce.

Baked slices of meat.

Cut the meat into thin slices, beat off, quickly fry on both sides in hot fat until golden brown and continue to fry on low heat for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, then put the slices of meat on a baking sheet or in a wide dish with a flat bottom, put tomato slices or tomato paste on top and cover everything with thin slices of cheese.

Bake in a hot oven until the cheese starts to melt and turns golden.

Serve with vegetables or raw vegetable salad.

Pork in Italian.

Cut the meat into cubes, salt, pepper and fry in fat, then add the tomatoes cut into halves and simmer for 30 minutes.

Grind the roots and onions in a meat grinder, dilute with broth with lemon juice, wine and garlic.

Put prepared meat and vegetables on a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese, pour over a mixture of beaten eggs, sour cream, zest, flour and salt and bake.

Drizzle with melted butter before serving.

name of raw materials Gross weight (g) Net weight (g)
Pork 166 120
Tomatoes 59 50
Red wine 40 40
meat broth 2 2
Eggs 1/5 8
Wheat flour 6 6
Cheese 22 20
Butter 3 3
Sour cream 20 20
Lemon juice 3 3
Grated lemon peel 1 1
Fat rendered animal food 15 15
Onion 6 5
Carrot 7 5
Celery root 12 5
parsley root 11 5
Garlic 2 2
Spices 4 4
Salt 4 4

Mince balls.

Finely chop the onion. Salt part of it and knead together with minced meat.

Form minced meat into small balls (4-5 for each serving), bread them in flour and fry in a small amount of oil.

In the rest of the oil, sauté the rest of the onion. Add chopped julienne to it. Bell pepper, mushrooms and stew, at the end add finely chopped cucumbers.

Combine a mixture of vegetables and mushrooms with meat balls, pour over beaten eggs, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for several minutes in the oven.

For sauce:

Preparation of sour cream sauce with horseradish. Lightly dry the flour, cool, mix with part of the butter, dilute with hot sour cream, season with salt, pepper, boil and strain. Grate horseradish root, heat in the remaining oil, add vinegar, peppercorns, bay leaf and boil for 3-5 minutes. Then remove the pepper and bay leaf, mix with ready-made sour cream sauce and boil again.

Pour the finished dish with sour cream sauce with horseradish.

Serve with mashed potatoes.

Pork baked with eggplant.

Wash the eggplant, peel and cut into slices. Wash the meat and cut into slices. Peel the onion, wash and cut into rings. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Wash parsley and chop.

4. Principles for choosing side dishes for baked dishes

Side dishes increase the nutritional value of dishes, diversify their taste, make it possible to beautifully decorate dishes, i.e. make it attractive, appetizing and thereby increase the digestibility of food. For the preparation of side dishes, a wide range of products is used: cereals, legumes, pasta, potatoes, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits and berries.

Cereal side dishes are crumbly or viscous cereals. Boiled pasta is used for side dishes, legumes - boiled and in the form of mashed potatoes.

Vegetable side dishes are widely used. For their preparation, a variety of fresh, salted, pickled, pickled, boiled, poached, fried, baked and stewed vegetables are used.

A special place in cooking is occupied by potato side dishes. The taste qualities of this product make it an almost universal side dish. Depending on the taste characteristics and the type of heat treatment of the main product, potatoes are subjected to various culinary treatments - boiling, frying, stewing.

Side dishes can be divided into simple, consisting of a single product (mashed potatoes, porridge, boiled pasta, etc.), and complex. Usually complex side dishes consist of two or three various products(carrots or beets stewed or boiled, boiled peas or beans, or other products in various combinations).

Separate vegetable and cereal dishes can also be used as a side dish.

Side dish recipes are given for 1000 gr. exit. The norm of a side dish per serving is 150 gr. Depending on the nutritional value of the side dish, this rate. can be reduced by 50 gr. or increased to 200. So, for example, stewed cabbage and other stewed vegetables can be released in 200 gr. per serving, and crumbly cereals - 100 gr.

Additionally, fresh, salted or pickled vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.) and canned fruits can be served as a side dish, 25, 50, 75 gr. net weight per serving.

For the preparation of a side dish, it is generally recommended to use table margarine, some recipes use melted animal fat, butter. If garnishes are used for dishes for which the types of fats indicated in the recipes are unacceptable in terms of taste, other fats can also be used, in this case one should be guided by the table "Norms of interchangeability of products in cooking".

We will focus on the assortment of the most commonly used side dishes.

Alfeld style potatoes.

Cut vegetables and potatoes into small cubes, tomatoes into large cubes, peeled peppers into rings. In fat, brown the finely chopped onion, salt, add the roots and simmer, stirring, until they are browned. Sprinkle the roots with paprika and immediately add the tomatoes and Green pepper, add a little water or broth and simmer under the lid until cooked, and so that by this time all the liquid has evaporated. While the vegetables are stewing, boil potatoes in salted water, drain the water, lightly fry the potatoes in hot fat in a pan, add vegetables to it, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and mix gently.

Serve as a side dish with any meat dishes cooked without vegetables.

Braised string beans.

Cut the bean pods on both sides, remove the veins, cut into pieces 2 cm long and cook in salted boiling water or in bone broth with crushed garlic. Lightly brown the finely chopped onion in the fat, quickly stir in the paprika and immediately put into the beans. When the beans are almost ready, lightly fry the flour in fat, add the chopped onion to it, fry for another 1 minute, then add finely chopped parsley and paprika to the dressing, adding a little cold water, mix well and put the dressing in the beans. Boil the beans, add sour cream mixed with flour and season with vinegar or lemon juice and sugar, tasting frequently to achieve a savory taste, then boil again. Serve with baked or fried meat, with minced meat dishes or Pörkölt.

Provencal pumpkin tea.

This dish is called tian de courge (tian is the name of the pottery in which this dish is cooked) and comes from the French village of Lacoste in the province of Vaucluse. This wonderful snack or a side dish for roasted meat or chicken.

Preheat the oven to 200ºС. Cut pumpkin pulp into small pieces. Put in a saucepan with 6 tbsp. l. water. Cover and steam for 15-20 minutes. Mash with a fork or potato masher, season and add nutmeg. If pumpkin is still watery, return to heat and cook for 1-2 more minutes, stirring, until almost all of the liquid has evaporated.

Fry the onion in butter in a saucepan until soft. Add flour and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Gradually pour in the milk, little by little, stirring to avoid lumps. Cook over low heat until the sauce thickens.

Mix white sauce with pumpkin and egg, beat well. Pour into an oiled ceramic mold. Sprinkle with cheese and almonds and bake for 40 minutes until the casserole is springy and golden.

Quince garnish.

Wash the quince, cut into large pieces, removing the core, which, together with the seeds, pour a small amount of water and boil for 30 minutes. Decant the broth, pour prepared pieces of quince over it, add granulated sugar and simmer under the lid for 1 hour until it turns orange.

Serve chilled as a side dish with any roasted poultry or meat.

name of raw materials Gross weight (g) Net weight (g)
Quince 1083 950
Sugar 25 25

Spicy roasted carrots.

Peel the carrots and cut into thick sticks. Pour boiling water for 3-5 minutes, drain the water.

Arrange carrots in a baking dish, add vegetable and butter. Fry in an oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ºС. Grind coriander, cardamom, cumin, pepper, paprika and cinnamon. Sprinkle the carrots with the spicy mixture, add the bay leaf. Place in oven and bake until done.

Ready carrots should be soft, but at the same time whole, not mushy. It is covered with an appetizing crust.

Mushrooms dried as fresh.

Wash the caps of dried porcini mushrooms in cold running water, and then pour cold milk so that it only covers the mushrooms, leave for 12 hours. Dilute the milk with water and cook the mushrooms until tender over low heat.

Throw the mushrooms on a sieve, let the water drain and cut into thin noodles. Heat the oil in a frying pan, in which fry the finely chopped medium-sized onion until it acquires a slightly golden color. When the onion is browned, add the flour, which should also be lightly browned. Dilute the dressing with milk in which the mushrooms were cooked, adding sour cream. Then add chopped mushrooms, salt and pepper to taste and, stirring, boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Before serving, season the mushrooms with lemon juice and finely chopped parsley.

Such mushrooms can be independent meatless dish, and a side dish for fried or baked meat, and a filling for an omelette.

Salad garnish of mushrooms and eggs.

Mushrooms should be very fresh, white and dense. During cleaning, break off the leg, and cut large mushrooms into quarters. So that the mushrooms do not turn black, as they are cleaned, lower them into a saucepan with cold salted and acidified with vinegar water.

Finely chop the prepared mushrooms and onions, lightly fry in butter or vegetable oil. Pour flour, pour in mushroom broth or salted water, add black peppercorns and cook until the mushrooms are ready, so that all the liquid has evaporated.

Fill the mushrooms with non-acidic homemade sour cream by adding chopped herbs to it.

Cut hard-boiled eggs into circles, lay on a flat dish and place cooked mushrooms on top of them. Decorate everything with sprigs of greens and serve with fish or poultry dishes.

Young garlic greens in brine.

Prepare young stalks of garlic and pour them for 2-3 minutes with two cups of salted boiling water.

Drain the broth into a bowl, and put the garlic in a salad bowl, twisting each stem into a circle or cutting into pieces 5-6 cm long. Add black peppercorns and bay leaf and pour the garlic with brine.

For brine, you can use a salted broth in which garlic was boiled, adding vinegar and vegetable oil to it.

Young garlic prepared in this way will taste better if it is allowed to stand for several days.

Green salad garnish can be served with any dishes of meat, fish, boiled potatoes.

Salad garnish of cauliflower.

From heads of clean white cauliflower, cut off the stalks as close to the head as possible, cut off all the leaves around, rinse under cold water and put in a pot of boiling salted water. Boil the cabbage for about half an hour on a fairly high heat, without covering it with a lid, just before serving: remaining in the water for a long time, the cabbage will turn red. Drain the cabbage cooked to readiness (you can cook a delicious soup on the broth), disassemble it into kops and lay them beautifully on a deep dish. Drizzle with hot oil with ground breadcrumbs fried in it. Use with poultry meat or fish.

Brussels sprouts can be made in the same way.

Rice with bananas in Venezuela.

brew crumbly rice and dry it. Banana slices are fried in oil and gently mixed with rice.

Pepper and sprinkle with parsley, serve with baked meat.

Consider the technological process of processing raw materials and products for side dishes. The technological process mainly consists of primary processing vegetables, fruits, roots, mushrooms and cereals.

When sorting vegetables, rotten, beaten or germinated specimens, foreign matter are removed, and vegetables are also distributed according to size, degree of maturity, their suitability for cooking certain culinary products.

Vegetables are washed to remove sand residues from their surface and reduce contamination by microorganisms. Rinse vegetables and herbs in running cold water. Washed vegetables are sent for heat treatment or cleaning.

When cleaning from vegetables, parts with reduced nutritional value. Peeled vegetables should not be kept in water, as this loses some of the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates. Peeled vegetables are cut into pieces of various shapes depending on their subsequent use. The larger the cut vegetables, the less nutrients they lose when cooked.

If vegetables are subjected to further heat treatment, then the following tips should be taken into account: peeled and chopped vegetables intended for boiling should be immediately immersed in boiling water - then they lose less vitamins and other valuable components. You need to cook vegetables under a lid at a low boil, otherwise they will boil or remain raw inside. Vegetables boiled in their skins are easier to peel when hot. Puree is also prepared by mashing vegetables while they are hot.

Frozen vegetables - green peas, tomatoes, vegetable mixes, should be placed in boiling water without defrosting. If you add a few pieces of sugar to the water where the vegetables are boiled, the vegetables will become tastier. The rest of the vegetables are thawed.

Canned, salted and pickled vegetables, depending on the further use, are separated from the brine, cleaned and cut. Dried vegetables are soaked. Careful processing of vegetables, whether they are tops or roots, is as important as the cooking process itself. By removing hard, hard-to-digest parts of vegetables, or ensuring their quick and even cooking, as well as improving the appearance of the dish.

Legumes and grains.

To properly cook legumes, they need to be soaked first, especially beans and peas.

Cleaning beans is an important part of their preparation. This must be done before soaking them. The first step is to remove all pieces of debris from the cereal, weedy and grains that have lost their color. Then rinse the beans well under running cold water, keeping them in a colander. Beans and uncrushed peas must be pre-cooked; lentils and peeled, halved peas, cook according to the recipe.

Soaking legumes such as dried peas and dried beans is essential as this process brings them back to their natural size. It must be remembered that after soaking, the weight of the grains doubles.

After soaking, before cooking the legumes, they should be thoroughly washed and drained. Then put in a large saucepan with 2 liters of water for every 250 g of legumes. Bring to a boil uncovered, simmer for 10 minutes over high heat, rinse, drain and refill with water to cover them, then quickly bring to a boil again. Then reduce the heat, close the pan halfway and leave on low heat for 1 - 1.5 hours - until fully cooked. Cooking time depends on the type of water in which the beans or peas are boiled - in soft water they will be soft and faster than in hard water - and also on whether the grains are wrinkled, old, stale. Beans should be salted at the very end, otherwise they become tougher.

Lentils and split peas need to be sorted out, cleaned of weed grains, but these cereals are not required to be pre-soaked or boiled in most of the recipes below. To boil, put them in a pot of water: for every 120g of dried lentils or peas, 850g of unsalted water is needed. Bring to a boil, leaving the pan half covered; boil peas for 40 - 60 minutes, green and brown lentils - 25 - 30 minutes, red - 20 - 25 minutes. Since shelled peas boil during cooking, they are mainly used to make soup or stew thicker.

Root processing.

Upon receipt of young carrots and beets with tops, the tops are first cut off.

Radishes come in red or white, if with tops, then they cut it off, cut off the root, the skin on both sides with a thin layer. In white radish, the skin is completely peeled, as it is bitter, washed.

Horseradish root (parsley, celery).

Rinse and clean. If wilted, then lower into cold water. Yellowed and rotten leaves are removed from parsley and celery (near greens). Greens should be cut, washed 2-3 times under running cold water, and then with cold boiled water so that there is no contamination by microorganisms. Before cooking, the roots are washed and cleaned.

The primary processing of cereals includes the following operations: sifting, sorting, washing. As a rule, crushed cereals are sifted, rice, millet, pearl barley are sorted out. Losses during sorting and screening of cereals should not exceed 0.3 - 2% in relation to their mass.

Rice, millet, pearl barley are washed under running cold water. Crushed cereals (semolina, Poltava fine barley) and "hercules" are not washed. When cooking a small amount of barley and buckwheat, they can be washed.

Washing is carried out to remove shell particles, defective (feeble) grains, litter and foreign impurities, etc. in addition, cereals may contain products of hydrolysis and oxidation of their own lipids on the surface of the kernels, giving the cooked porridge a taste of bitterness. This is especially often observed in millet, which has a high lipid content, so it should be washed twice - first with warm water (30 - 40 0C), then hot (55 - 60 0C).

Mushroom processing.

Mushrooms should be carefully inspected and those suspected to be poisonous should be discarded. It should also be discarded completely wormy mushrooms, overripe, flabby, unsuitable for consumption.

So that the peeled mushrooms do not turn black, put them in salted water, adding a little vinegar.

It is good to hold dried mushrooms for several hours in milk, salting it a little. Then the mushrooms will become as fresh.

Lines and morels must be boiled for 7-10 minutes in water before cooking; a decoction containing poison must be poured out.

It is easy to remove the skin from russula if you first pour boiling water over them.

Before cooking butter and mokruh, it is necessary to remove the film covered with mucus from their caps.

White mushroom is scalded 2-3 times with boiling water. Small ones are used whole, large ones are cut.

Roots are cut off from champignons, the film under the cap is removed, immediately processed in acidified water so as not to darken.

Dried (white mushroom).

Sort, put in cold water for 10 - 15 minutes. Remove blades of grass, motes, dust particles. The water is drained, soaked in water for 3 - 4 hours. For 1 kg of mushrooms - 7 liters of water. Water is not drained, but used to prepare a decoction.

Greens give food a unique flavor. Naturally, fresh herbs are better than dried herbs: dried herbs are less fragrant. But nevertheless, you can use fresh, dried and frozen herbs. A teaspoon of dried or frozen herbs equals a tablespoon of fresh. Greens with denser leaves, such as rosemary, thyme, when cooking or preparing dressings, should be well saturated with moisture - only then will its aroma fully manifest itself. The use of thyme, tarragon, sage, mint, saffron, basil, fennel, marjoram, green onions, dill, parsley is common.

5. Using sauces for cooking baked dishes

Sauces are an integral part of the dishes. They complement dishes, give them new taste qualities, increase their nutritional value, stimulate appetite and improve digestive processes.

Sauces are prepared with meat, fish and mushroom broths, vegetable, cereal and fruit broths, milk, sour cream, butter or vegetable oil.

According to the serving temperature, they are divided into hot and cold. The thick basis of hot sauces is flour, which is previously sautéed to increase the amount of water-soluble substances in it and make the sauce elastic. In some sauces, flour is replaced with potato starch.

According to the color of the browning, hot sauces with flour are divided into red and white - the main and corresponding derivatives of them.

By density, liquid sauces are distinguished, intended for watering dishes, medium density - for dressing and baking, thick - for stuffing products and using them as thickeners of dishes.

To improve the taste and vitaminization, chopped parsley, dill, chopped radish, turnips, kohlrabi cabbage are added to them. The sauce selected for the dish should be combined with it in taste, color and calorie content.

Onion sauce.

Thinly sliced ​​onions are lightly sauted, peppercorns, bay leaf, vinegar are added and boiled almost to dryness. The resulting mass is introduced into the finished red sauce and boiled for 10-15 minutes. You can add sugar (15 g).

Used for roasting beef.

Cheese sauce.

Heat milk. Chop the cheese. On low heat in a dry saucepan, heat the flour for the sauce, add the chopped butter, mix. Then pour in half the milk. Cook, stirring until smooth, pouring milk. Without removing the sauce from the heat and stirring, add mustard, cream, cheese in turn. Pour sauce meat balls, put the form in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, for 8-10 minutes.

Sauce "Dor-blue".

Heat up a saucepan with a drop olive oil, lightly fry the remaining finely chopped garlic. Reduce the heat to a minimum, break the cheese into pieces and pour it into a saucepan with garlic, immediately pour in the warmed cream. Let the cheese melt. Mix the sauce well with a whisk, salt and pepper to taste.

Onion sauce (miranton).

In finely chopped sautéed onions, add boiled chopped mushrooms, peppercorns, bay leaf and sauté all together for 5-6 minutes. Then pour in white wine and boil it (to remove alcohol) by 1/3, then combine with the main red sauce, put salt and cook for 10-15 minutes at a low boil. Fill the sauce with butter.

The sauce is used for roasting vegetables, meat, fish.

Red sauce with prunes and raisins.

Rinse the prunes and raisins, pour a small amount of water and simmer until tender, remove the pits from the prunes. Combine red sauce with prunes, raisins, wine, kernels walnut, previously scalded, peeled and chopped, as well as pepper and bay leaf, boil. Remove the bay leaf before serving the sauce.

Sauce with ham, capers and mushrooms.

Mix finely chopped sautéed onion with ham (without fat) cut into small cubes and fry, stirring for 3-5 minutes. Then add finely chopped gherkins, capers, pour in vinegar and boil. After that, pour in the red main sauce, put chopped boiled champignons, bring the sauce to a boil, salt, stir and season with oil. The sauce is intended for dishes of hare, rabbit, pork, lamb.

Sour cream sauce on white sauce.

In white sauce cooked on meat broth, pour in sour cream (the rate of sour cream can vary from 150 to 500 g per 1 kg of sauce, in accordance with this, the rate of broth will also change), add salt, ground pepper, boil and strain.

The sauce is served with meat, vegetable, fish dishes; used to prepare derivative sauces.

Sweet pepper sauce.

Peel sweet pepper from seeds and core, rinse, dry, pass through a meat grinder along with peeled and washed onions and garlic. Put the vegetables in a deep frying pan with heated vegetable oil and simmer over low heat.

Rub the hot sauce through a sieve, season with sugar, vinegar or lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste, mix everything well and warm a little more.

Serve to meat cabbage rolls and minced meat products.

Spicy egg and onion sauce

Mix sunflower oil with vinegar. Add onion, chopped on a fine grater, chopped eggs, greens, pickle(optional), mustard, salt and pepper. If the sauce is too thick, dilute it with a little cold water.

Cowberry sauce with cheese

Place the melted cheese in a warm place so that it becomes similar in consistency to sour cream, stir in lingonberries, add sour cream, salt, sugar and beat the mass.

Serve with grilled meats.

Tomato sauce.

Heat margarine or butter in a small saucepan. Add vegetables, herbs, bones and bacon skin and brown over low heat. Mix with flour and bring to a crumbly consistency and light coloring. Mix with tomato puree, let cool.

Gradually add hot boiling broth, stir and bring the whole mixture to a boil. Add garlic, spices. Cook over low heat for 1 hour. Add pepper to taste, cool.

Strain through a fine conical filter.

Serve with grilled meats.

Tomato sauce with mushrooms.

For white sauce Pour flour into part of the melted margarine and sauté it with continuous stirring, avoiding burning. Pour 1/4 of the hot broth into the cooled browned flour and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed, then gradually add the remaining broth.

Finely chopped roots and onion spasser on the remaining margarine, add tomato puree and continue to sauté for another 15-20 minutes, combine with white sauce and cook for 20-25 minutes. Strain the prepared sauce, wipe the vegetables, combine with the sauce and bring it to a boil. Sliced ​​fresh or dried boiled mushrooms fry for 5 minutes. Then connect with tomato sauce and cook for 10-15 minutes at a low boil. At the end of cooking, put chopped garlic, sugar and salt.

Serve with grilled meats.

6. Quality requirements and rules for the preparation of baked dishes

For cooking baked dishes, beef, veal, lamb, kidneys, liver, etc. are used.

Before baking, the meat is boiled, stewed or fried. Meat products are baked with and without a side dish under sauce, using portioned pans or metal dishes. For baking, grease the dishes with cold butter and add a little sauce, otherwise the food will burn. baked meat dishes in an oven at a high temperature (300-350 ° C) until a golden crust forms on the surface and the product warms up to 80-90 ° C. In order for a golden crust to form on the surface of the baked product, it is sprinkled with grated cheese or ground breadcrumbs and sprinkled with melted butter. Portioned baked dishes are released in the same bowl in which they are baked.

Baked meat with sauce should be juicy, the outer surface of the pan or dish should be completely clean. On the surface of the dish - a glossy, thin crust.

The following quality indicators are common to all dishes. The meat should be soft, juicy, moderately salty, characteristic of this type of taste and smell; products - without breaking the shape. Extraneous taste and smell of stale meat, violation of the shape, pink color on the tendon section and rough connective tissue are not allowed.

Portion pieces of meat baked in a piece should be cut into slices across the fibers. Color boiled meat beef - from gray to dark gray, pork from white to light gray. Dark, weathered color is not allowed.

The surface of the baked meat should be covered evenly with a golden baked crust.

Baked meat dishes should have typical fresh smells and pleasant taste for this type.

Deviations in the mass of individual products ± 3%, while the total mass of 10 servings must comply with the norm.

Baked dishes are stored no more than 2 hours.

Release meat baked dishes with complex and simple vegetable side dishes, with side dishes of cereals, legumes and pasta. Many dishes are served with sauces. The correct selection of side dishes and sauces is of great importance, since the taste and digestibility of dishes largely depend on this.

When serving portioned dishes, you must use the appropriate utensils. Baked meat dishes - in the dishes in which they were baked (metal dish, portioned pans). The sauce is best served separately - in a gravy boat.

When serving in portioned plates, a side dish is first placed on a dish or plate, and meat is placed on the side, and it can partially cover the side dish; in some cases, the meat is placed on top of the side dish. A complex garnish is arranged in bunches (bouquets), alternating elements by color. Green peas, asparagus and other types of side dishes can be served in tartlets.

The garnish is not poured with sauce. Sometimes the meat is completely covered with sauce.


Meat is valuable food product, which occupies one of the most important places in our diet. It contains a significant amount of complete proteins, fats, vitamins, extractives and minerals. The protein content in meat ranges from 14.2 to 20.7%, the fat content depends on the fatness of the animal; Of the vitamins, the vitamins of groups B, K, E, PP, etc. are represented in the greatest amount.

The technology of roasting meat is one of the most common.

You can bake vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, mushrooms and, excuse me, casseroles, of which there are a million. You can bake foods as such, or with some kind of sauce, or wrap them first in foil or parchment. Even some soups are put in the oven - for example, the classic onion soup, however, immediately before serving.

But roasting is the oldest and most famous way of cooking meat. The range of baked meat dishes is wide and varied. In the work, we have not touched even a hundredth of what can be prepared from meat by baking it.

List of used literature:

1. 100 the best dishes from beef / Compiled by G.S. Vydrevich. - M.: EKSMO, 2008. - 64 p.

2. 100 best pork dishes / Compiled by G.S. Vydrevich. - M.: EKSMO, 2008. - 64 p.

3. 100 best dishes of modern Russian cuisine / Compiled by G.S. Vydrevich. - M.: EKSMO, 2008. - 64 p.

4. Bogusheva V.I. Cooking technology. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2007. - 374 p.

5. Concise Household Encyclopedia / Ed. Board: I.M. Terekhov (chief editor) and others - M .: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1984. - 576 p. from ill.

6. Cooking from A to Z. Spices, seasonings, sauces. // e-book http://bukivedy. en/? p=410

7. Cooking: Reference manual / N.I. Guba, B.G. Lazarev. - K .: Vishcha school. Head publishing house, 1987. - 263 p.

8. Maslov L.A. Cooking. - M.: GITL., 1958. - 296 p.

9. Molokhovets E. Cooking and etiquette. // CD disk from "Buka" publishing house.

10. Molokhovets E. Russian table. - M.: EKSMO, 2008. - 224 p.

11. Morozov A.T. other. Cooking for everyone. M.: Economics. 1998

12. Mokhovets E. Festive table. - M.: EKSMO, 2007. - 32 p.

13. Pokhlebkin V.V. National cuisines our peoples. (The main directions, their history and features. Recipe) - 2nd ed. revised and additional - M.: Agropromizdat, 1991.608 p.

14. Festive table of Elena Mokhovets. - M.: EKSMO, 2008. - 224 p.

15. Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at public catering enterprises: Textbook / L.A. Radchenko. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2006. - 352 p.

16. Recipes of an old innkeeper. - M. Citadel-trade, 2006. - 64 p.

17. Recipes of an old innkeeper. - M.: Citadel-trade., 2006. - 64 p.

18. Rodina T.G. Sensory analysis of food products. - M.: Academy, 2004. - 208 p.

19. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: For public catering establishments / Ed. - comp.: A.I. Zdobnov, V.A. Tsyganenko. - K .: LLC "Publishing House Ariy", 2008. - 680 p.

20. E-book "Vinegret" // www.vinegret. info

21. Electronic book "Culinary" // http://www.kylinar. net



Baked beef in onion sauce


1.1 This technical and technological map applies to "Baked Beef in Onion Sauce".


2.1 For cooking beef in onion sauce baked are used following products:

Beef meat GOST 779-55

Potato GOST 7176-68

Milk GOST 13277-79, OST 40140-79

Eggs GOST 2531-01

Cheese GOST 7616-85

Parsley (dill) GOST 31554-00

Salt GOST 51574-2000

2.2 Raw materials used for cooking beef in baked onion sauce must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.


3.1 Recipe for baked beef in onion sauce.


4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of the dish "Baked Beef in Onion Sauce" is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes and culinary products for public catering establishments in 2008.

4.2 Wash the meat, add water, boil. A little sauce is added to a greased portion pan and 1-2 pieces of boiled beef are placed. Around the meat, mashed potatoes are released from the pastry bag. Meat and potatoes are poured with sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with fat and baked in an oven. Baking time 20 minutes, temperature - 250 ° C.

5.1. Served in the same pans in which they were baked. Decorate with herbs before serving.

appearance: the dish is covered with sauce baked until golden brown;

texture: soft, tender, juicy;

color: crusts - golden;

taste and smell: pleasant, with a pronounced taste and smell of baked meat.


Name of dish: "Baked beef in onion sauce"

Product name Norm per serving
Gross, g Net, g 10 30 50
beef meat 219 161 1,61 4,83 8,05
Potato 172 125 1,25 3,75 6,25
Milk 25 0,25 0,75 1.25
Eggs 1/8 pc. 5 0,05 0,15 0,25
Cheese 5,4 5 0,05 0,15 0,25
Parsley dill) 4 4 0,04 0,12 0,2
Salt 4 4 0,04 0,12 0,2
Butter 5 5 0,05 0,15 0,25

Serving yield: 330 g.

Wash the meat, cover with water, boil. A little sauce is added to a greased portion pan and 1-2 pieces of boiled beef are placed. Around the meat, mashed potatoes are released from the pastry bag. Meat and potatoes are poured with sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with fat and baked in an oven.

quality requirements.

Appearance: the dish is covered with sauce baked until golden brown;

Consistency: soft, tender, juicy;

Taste, color, smell: pleasant, golden, with a pronounced taste and smell of baked meat.

Implementation time - 2 hours.


Pork baked with eggplant


1.1 This technical and technological map applies to "Pork baked with eggplant".


2.1 For the preparation of pork baked with eggplant, the following products are used:

Pork GOST 7724-77

Eggplant GOST 13907-68

Bulb onion GOST 27166--86

Spices GOST 29053-91

Mayonnaise GOST 30004.1-93

Cheese GOST 7616-85

2.2 Raw materials used for the preparation of pork baked with eggplant must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.


3.1 Recipe "Pork baked with eggplant".


4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of the dish "Pork baked with eggplant" is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes and culinary products for public catering establishments in 2008.

4.2 Eggplant wash, peel and cut into circles. Wash the meat and cut into slices. Peel the onion, wash and cut into rings. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Wash parsley and chop.

Salt and pepper the meat and eggplant, put it on a baking sheet greased with butter, put onion rings on top, pour mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in an oven until tender. Baking time 30 minutes, temperature 250°C.

Put the finished casserole in a dish, sprinkle with parsley and serve.


5.1. Served in serving bowls. Decorate with herbs before serving.

5.2. The serving temperature of the dish is 75-80˚С.

5.3. Implementation period - 2 hours.


6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

appearance: portioned piece of meat with a slide of vegetables, baked under a crust of cheese;

texture: soft, juicy;

color: golden crust of baked cheese;

taste and smell: characteristic of fried meat with vegetables, mayonnaise.

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators:

mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) _______

6.3. Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.



Name of the dish: "Pork baked with eggplant"

Serving yield: 330 g.

Description of the technological process

Wash the eggplant, peel and cut into slices. Wash the meat and cut into slices. Peel the onion, wash and cut into rings. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Wash parsley and chop. Salt and pepper the meat and eggplant, put it on a baking sheet greased with butter, put onion rings on top, pour mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in an oven until tender. Put the finished casserole in a dish, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

quality requirements

Appearance: portioned piece of meat with a slide of vegetables, baked under a crust of cheese;

Consistency: soft, juicy;

Color: golden crust of baked cheese;

Taste and smell: peculiar to fried meat with vegetables, mayonnaise.

Implementation time - 2 hours.


Pork in a pan


1.1 This technical and technological map applies to "Pork in a pan".


2.1 For cooking Pork in a pan, the following products are used:

Pork GOST 7724-77

Beer GOST R511174-98

Table salt GOST 51574-2000

Spices GOST 29053-91

2.2 Raw materials used for cooking pork in a pan must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.


3.1 Recipe "Pork in a pan".


4.1 The preparation of raw materials for the production of the "Pork in a pan" dish is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes and culinary products for public catering establishments in 2008.

4.2 Fry the meat in vegetable oil. Place in serving pan. Salt, sprinkle with spices. Fill with beer and bake in the oven. Baking time 15 minutes, temperature 250 °C. Before serving, stack the french fries and garnish with the roasted vegetables.


5.1. Served in a serving pan.

5.2. The serving temperature of the dish is 75-80˚С.

5.3. Implementation period - 2 hours.


6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

color: Golden.

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators:

mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) _______

6.3. Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.



Name of dish: "Pork in a pan"

Serving yield: 163 g.

Description of the technological process

Fry the meat in vegetable oil. Place in serving pan. Salt, sprinkle with spices. Fill with beer and bake in the oven. Before serving, stack the french fries and garnish with the roasted vegetables.

quality requirements

appearance: Portioned pieces of meat in a pan, next to it are fried french fries and fresh vegetables.

Consistency: Meat - juicy, soft, potatoes - soft, vegetables - crispy.

color: Golden.

taste and smell: Moderately salty, spicy, with the aroma of spices.

Implementation time - 2 hours.


Meat Fantasy


1.1 This technical and technological map applies to "Meat Fantasy".


2.1 The following products are used to prepare Fantasy Meat:

Pork GOST 7724-77

Sunflower oil TU 9141-002-42807343-99

Tomatoes GOST1725-85

Bulb onion GOST 27166--86

Canned champignons TU 9167007-00562732-98

Mayonnaise GOST 30004.1-93

Cheese GOST 7616-85

Table salt GOST 51574-2000

Spices GOST 29053-91

2.2 Raw materials used for the preparation of "Meat Fantasy" must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.


Recipe "Meat Fantasy".


4.1 The preparation of raw materials for the production of the "Meat Fantasy" dish is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes and culinary products for public catering establishments in 2008.

4.2 Cut the pork across the grain. Fry in vegetable oil. Peel, cut, sauté the onion. Wash the tomatoes, cut into rings. Put the meat, tomatoes, onions and mushrooms in a portioned pan. Spread with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in oven until done. Baking time 20 minutes, temperature 250 °C.


5.1. Served in serving pans. Decorate with herbs before serving.

5.2. The serving temperature of the dish is 75-80˚С.

5.3. Implementation period - 2 hours.


6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators:

mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) _______

6.3. Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.



Name of the dish: "Meat Fantasy"

Product name Norm per serving For the estimated number of servings of raw materials (kg) by net weight
Gross, g Net, g 10 30 50
pork meat 122 102 1,02 3,06 5,1
Spices 4 4 0,04 0,12 0,2
Sunflower oil 5 5 0,05 0,15 0,25
Tomatoes 21 20 0,2 0,6 1
Onion 24 20 0,2 0,6 1
Canned champignons 14 10 0,1 0,3 0,5
Mayonnaise 10 10 0,1 0,3 0,5
Cheese 5,4 5 0,05 0,15 0,25
Salt 4 4 0,04 0,12 0,2

Serving yield: 210 g.

Cut the pork across the grain. Fry in vegetable oil. Peel, cut, sauté the onion. Wash the tomatoes, cut into rings. Put the meat, tomatoes, onions and mushrooms in a portioned pan. Spread with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in oven until done.

quality requirements.

Appearance: The dish is covered with mayonnaise, baked until golden brown.

Consistency: Soft, tender, juicy.

Color: Crusts - golden; meat in the context - white with a grayish tinge.

Taste and smell: Pleasant, quite spicy, with a pronounced taste and smell of meat baked with tomatoes, onions, cheese and mayonnaise.

Implementation time - 2 hours.


Meat baked in Moscow style


1.1 This technical and technological map applies to "Meat baked in Moscow".


2.1 For the preparation of meat baked in Moscow style, the following products are used:

Beef GOST 779-55

Bulb onion GOST 27166--86

Table margarine TU 9142-002-01445000-97

Potato GOST 7176-68

Sour cream sauce TU 9222-009048779702-02

Cheese GOST 7616-85

Table salt GOST 51574-2000

Spices GOST 29053-91

2.2 Raw materials used for the preparation of "Meat Baked in Moscow" must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.


Recipe "Meat baked in Moscow style".


4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of the dish "Meat Baked in Moscow" is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes and culinary products for public catering establishments in 2008.

4.2 Raw peeled potatoes are cut into thin plates - fried. Prepared potatoes are placed on portioned pans or a baking sheet, greased, the meat is placed on top in a portioned piece, salted, sprinkled with spices, poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with fat and baked. Baking time 30 minutes, temperature 250 °C. Sprinkle with herbs on vacation.


5.1. Served in portioned pans or portioned plates. Decorate with herbs before serving.

5.2. The serving temperature of the dish is 75-80˚С.

5.3. Implementation period - 2 hours.


6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Consistency: Soft, tender, juicy.

Color: Crusts - golden.

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators:

mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) _______

6.3. Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.



Name of the dish: "Meat baked in Moscow style"

Serving yield: 387 g.

Description of the technological process

Raw peeled potatoes are cut into thin plates - fried. Prepared potatoes are placed on portioned pans or a baking sheet, greased, the meat is placed on top in a portioned piece, salted, sprinkled with spices, poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with fat and baked. Sprinkle with herbs on vacation.

quality requirements

Appearance: The dish is covered with sauce, baked until golden brown.

Consistency: Soft, tender, juicy.

Color: Crusts - golden.

Taste and smell: Pleasant, with a pronounced taste and smell of meat baked with potatoes, onions, cheese.

Implementation time - 2 hours.

Calculation of the chemical composition and energy value of dishes.

Products Grams Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Energy value, kcal
In 100 g In the product In 100 g In the product In 100 g In the product
Baked beef in onion sauce 529,71
beef meat 161 18,5 29,79 16 25,76 - -
Potato 125 2 2,5 0,4 0,5 18,1 22,63
Milk 25 3,2 0,8 3,6 0,9 4,8 1,2
Eggs 5 12,7 0,64 11,05 0,55 0,7 0,04
Cheese 5 23 1,15 29 1,45 - -
Parsley dill) 4 3,7 0,15 0,4 0,02 8 0,32
Butter 5 0,5 0,03 82,5 4,13 0,8 0,04
Pork baked with eggplant 689,5
pork meat 147 20 29,4 24,2 35,57 - -
eggplant 100 1,2 1,2 0,1 0,1 6,9 6,9
Onion 40 1,4 0,56 - - 9,1 3,64
Mayonnaise 20 2,8 0,56 67 13,4 2,6 0,52
Cheese 10 23 2,3 29 2,9 - -
Butter 5 0,5 0,03 82,5 4,13 0,8 0,04
Pork in a pan 462,39
pork meat 129 20 25,8 24,2 31, 19 - -
Beer 30 0,6 0,18 10 3 4,8 1,44
Sunflower oil 5 - - 99,9 5 - -
Meat Fantasy 459,11
pork meat 102 20 20,4 24,2 24,68 - -
Sunflower oil 5 - - 99,9 5 - -
Tomatoes 20 4,8 0,96 - - 20,1 4,02
Onion 20 1,4 0,28 - - 9,1 1,82
Canned champignons 10 0,9 0,09 - - 4 0,4
Mayonnaise 10 2,8 0,28 67 6,7 2,6 0,26
Cheese 5 23 1,15 29 1,45 - -
Meat baked in Moscow style 652,79
Beef 156 18,5 28,86 16 24,96 - -
Onion 15 1,4 0,21 - - 9,1 1,37
Margarine 3 0,5 0,02 82 2,46 1 0,03
Potato 120 2 2,4 0,4 0,48 18,1 21,72
Cheese 5 23 1,15 29 1,45 - -
sour cream sauce 80 7 5,6 7 5,6 29 23,2

Calculation of energy value. Beef in onion sauce baked:

B (33.25x4) + F (33.31x9) + U (24.23x4) \u003d 133 + 299.79 + 96.92 \u003d 529.71 kcal

529.71x4.18=2214.19 kJ

B (34.05x4) + F (56.1x9) + U (11.1x4) \u003d 140.2 + 504.9 + 44.4 \u003d 689.5 kcal

689.5x4.18=2882.1 kJ

Pork baked with eggplant:

B (25.98x4) + F (39, 19x9) + U (1.44x4) \u003d 103.92 + 352.71 + 5.76 \u003d 462.39 kcal

462.39 x4.18 = 1932.79 kJ

Meat Fantasy:

B (23.16 x4) + F (37.83 x9) + U (6.5x4) \u003d 92.64 + 340.47 + 26 \u003d 459.11 kcal

459.11 x4.18 = 1919.08 kJ

Moscow baked meat:

B (38.24x4) + F (34.95x9) + U (46.32x4) \u003d 152.96 + 314.55 + 185.28 \u003d 652.79 kcal, 652.79 x4.18 \u003d 2728.66 kJ

Technology system

meat potato sour cream sauce
wash up
boil clear
cheese rub place in a serving pan
decorate with greenery

Technology system

eggplant meat onion
clean up Rinse clear

Technology system

Technology system

pork onion tomato mayonnaise
clean up wash
cut cut cut
sauté Champignon
cheese rub place in a serving pan
decorate with greenery

Technology system

meat potato sour cream sauce
wash up
boil clear
cheese rub place in a serving pan
decorate with greenery

Kidneys fried with tomatoes or lemon juice rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin A - 33.3%, vitamin B1 - 26.7%, vitamin B2 - 111.1%, vitamin B12 - 86.7%, vitamin PP - 41.9%, potassium - 15.9%, phosphorus - 38.2%, iron - 49.4%, cobalt - 36%, copper - 20.2%, molybdenum - 12.3%

Benefits of Fried Kidneys with Tomatoes or Lemon Juice

  • Vitamin A is responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, providing the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids. The lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, increases the susceptibility of color by the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion involved in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve impulses, pressure regulation.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Iron is a part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons, oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates the enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of the enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing tissues of the human body with oxygen. Deficiency is manifested by violations of the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor of many enzymes that provide the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
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Cooking technology

Entrecote is cut from a thin or thick edge, one piece per serving 1.5 cm thick, beaten off, trimmed tendons, sprinkled with salt and pepper. The prepared semi-finished product is placed on a frying pan heated with fat, fried for 10-12 minutes until cooked.


French fries are placed on a portioned dish, entrecote, parsley are placed nearby. Entrecote is poured over with meat juice, a piece of green butter is placed on top

quality requirements

Appearance - a fried crust on the surface, a side dish nearby, a piece of green butter on top

Consistency - semi-semi

Taste - moderately salty, characteristic of fried beef

Color - light brown

Smell - characteristic of fried beef

Serving temperature: 85-90C

Deep fried potatoes

(2nd option)

Recipe No. 692, column 2, Collection of recipes for dishes 1999

Cooking technology

Potatoes are cut into cubes, washed and dried well. Prepared potatoes are placed in hot fat up to 170-180C and fried until golden brown and cooked. The frying time depends on the temperature of the deep fat and the shape of the cut.

Ready potatoes are taken out, allowed to drain the fat (spread in a colander), sprinkled with fine salt and shaken.

Routing №2

Name of the dish: Rump steak

Recipe 575, column 3, Collection of recipes for dishes 1999

Cooking technology

From the thick and thin edges, the upper and inner parts of the hind leg, portioned pieces 1.5-2 cm thick are cut, beaten off, tendons are trimmed, sprinkled with salt, pepper, moistened in a lezon, Breaded in red breading, giving shape.

The prepared semi-finished product is placed on a frying pan heated with fat, fried from two

sides and bring to readiness in the oven.

A garnish is placed on a serving plate, a rump steak is placed next to it, poured with melted butter

quality requirements

Appearance - a fried crust on the surface, crackers cover the product with a continuous layer, a side dish is laid on the side, poured with melted butter

Consistency - soft meat, crispy crust

Taste - moderately salty, characteristic of beef fried in breadcrumbs

Color - golden to light brown

Smell - characteristic of fried beef in breadcrumbs

Serving temperature: 85-90C

Technological map No. 3

Name of the dish: Brass meat

Recipe 588, column 3, recipe book 1999

Name of products For 1 serving For 2 servings
Gross Net Gross Net
Beef (side or outer back leg)
Or pork (shoulder, neck)
animal fat
tomato puree
Wheat flour
Mass of stew Beef Or Pork - -
Mass of sauce and vegetables -
Output: beef pork - -

Cooking technology

Portion pieces 1.5-2 cm thick are cut from the lateral and outer pieces of the hind leg, beaten off, and the tendons are cut. The semi-finished product is sprinkled with salt, pepper, fried, placed in one row in a bowl, poured with broth or water, tomato puree is added and stewed until cooked. After that, the broth is drained, diluted passivation is introduced into it and the sauce is boiled.

In the dishes where the meat was stewed, put fried potatoes, sautéed vegetables (carrots, onions), cut into slices, peppercorns, bay leaf. Pour in the prepared sauce and simmer until done.

Holiday: When on holiday, meat is put in a lamb along with vegetables, sprinkled with chopped herbs. In order to improve the taste and aroma of dishes, it is recommended to cook in portioned pots tightly closed with lids.

quality requirements

Appearance - The meat is cut in one portion across the fibers; vegetables that have retained their shape, not boiled

Consistency - soft, juicy

Taste - vegetables and spices

Smell - vegetables and spices

Serving temperature6 65C

Technological map No. 4

Name of the dish: Zrazy chops

Recipe 559, column 3, recipe book 1999

Name of products For 1 serving For 2 servings
Gross Net Gross Net
Beef (side and outer thigh pieces)
or pork
For minced meat:
Mass of onion passivated - -
Eggs ¼ piece ½ piece
Parsley (greens)
Mass of minced meat -
Semi-finished product weight - -
Animal fat, rendered edible
Mass of stewed zrazy - - -
tomato puree
Wheat flour
Weight of sauce - - -
Side dish #694: Mashed potatoes -
Exit -

Cooking technology

Portion pieces 1-1.5 cm thick are cut from the side and outer pieces of the hip part, beaten off, minced meat is placed in the middle, rolled up in the form of small sausages and tied with thread or twine.

For minced meat: passivated onions are combined with chopped boiled eggs, parsley, ground breadcrumbs, put salt, pepper and mix

Sprinkle prepared zrazy with salt, pepper, fry, put in a saucepan or a deep baking sheet, pour hot broth or water, add tomato puree and stew for about 1 hour.

Then the zrazy are taken out. The broth is filtered, diluted red passivation, passivated tomato puree and vegetables (onions, carrots) are introduced into it, boiled for 15-20 minutes and filtered. Zrazy is poured with prepared red sauce, peppercorns, bay leaf are added and stewed for 30-35 minutes at a low boil.

Vacation: when on vacation, a side dish is put on a serving plate - mashed potatoes, next to zrazy 2 pcs per serving, poured with red sauce

quality requirements

Consistency - soft, juicy

Taste - meat and minced meat

Color - dark red to brown

Smell - stew

Hot appetizers differ from hot dishes in their smaller mass and serving methods. They are served in portioned frying pans with handles (in kronshels) and small saucepans with a long handle (in cocotte makers).

Hot snacks are included in the menu after cold ones.

Fish baked in shells (chill mold).

Mushrooms, crabs or crayfish necks stewed in oil are added to small pieces of stewed fillet of small-boned fish (pike perch), seasoned with steam sauce. The resulting mass is laid in a slide on a natural or metal sink, poured over with medium-thickness milk sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, poured over with butter and baked, served in the sink.

Kidneys in Madeira (honeycomb). Sliced, fried kidneys are placed in a portion pan, poured with red sauce and wine, boiled mushrooms are added, brought to a boil, served in a sink on a patty plate with a napkin.

Mushrooms in sour cream. Porcini mushrooms or champignons are fried with butter, put in cocotte bowls, poured with sour cream sauce, brought to a boil, served sprinkled with herbs.

Sausages in tomato. The casings are removed from the sausages, cut into pieces, poured with red sauce or red sauce with Madeira, brought to a boil and served in a crumble.

Meatballs in sauce. Meatballs are prepared, fried, put in a portioned frying pan or kronshel, poured with red sauce with vegetables, brought to a boil and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

quality requirements. Registration. Terms and conditions of implementation

quality requirements. All hot appetizers have a serving temperature of 60 - 65 C. Taste and color should be appropriate for this type of product. Signs of spoilage, extraneous odors are not allowed. The output must be correct.

Gastronomic fish products should be well cut, peeled, there should be no fingerprints on the surface of salmon, chum salmon, herring should be well cleaned, without a dark film inside.

Each type of prepared product for decorating salads can be stored in the cold for no more than 12 hours, seasoned salads from boiled vegetables - 30 minutes, salads from raw vegetables are not stored.

Jellies are stored for 12 hours, pates for 6 hours, stuffed fish for 24 hours, aspic fish and chopped herring for 24 hours, butter in portions for 6 hours.

Features of cooking vegetable dishes for dietary nutrition

Nutrition according to specially designed rations (diets) is called dietary (food in rest homes, sanatoriums, canteens of vocational schools, etc.). Its varieties are therapeutic and therapeutic-prophylactic nutrition. Often, medical nutrition is called dietary, and catering establishments in which it is organized are called dietary canteens. Medical nutrition is also organized in ordinary canteens at industrial enterprises, institutions and educational institutions. To this end, at least 20% of the canteens of industrial enterprises, 10 student canteens, and 5% of the places in urban canteens are allocated.

Therapeutic (dietary) nutrition. Nutrition of sick and convalescent people is organized according to special diets. Nutrition in this case is equated to therapeutic methods of treatment and contributes to the fastest recovery of the patient. In most diseases, any therapeutic agents give a positive effect only in combination with proper nutrition under the supervision of medical staff.

Basic methods of preparing healthy meals

Medical nutrition is based on general principles rational nutrition and should be complete, except for individual restrictions due to the characteristics of the disease. Cooking for patients is carried out according to the rules of rational technology, but has a number of features that are determined by medical recommendations.

These features come down to a special set of products for each therapeutic diet, providing sparing diets, using special processing techniques that reduce the content of certain substances (sugars, purine bases, etc.), limiting salt and spices in many diets, increasing vitamin food activity, etc.

Restriction of a set of products for medical nutrition dishes. In the manufacture of dishes for all diets, the following products are used: wheat bread from flour of the highest, 1st, 2nd grades (except for diet No. 9) of yesterday's baking; butter and ghee, vegetable fats (olive, corn, sunflower oil); lean beef; chicken, rabbit and lean fish (cod, pike perch, perch, navaga, pike); cereals and pasta; milk, kefir, curdled milk, non-acidic cottage cheese; vegetables with some restrictions depending on the nature of the diet.

When preparing dishes for all diets, it is prohibited to use smoked sausages, canned snacks, fatty meat of geese, ducks, fatty fish, combi fats, beef, pork and mutton fat, black bread, cream cakes. In addition to these general recommendations on a set of products for therapeutic nutrition, there are a number of restrictions due to the characteristics of each diet.

Sparing regimens in clinical nutrition. Technological processing of products for medical nutrition should provide the so-called sparing regimes. They are based on exclusion from the diet or restriction of irritants that can adversely affect the functioning of a particular organ. Sparing is distinguished mechanical, chemical and thermal.

mechanical sparing It is usually used in the manufacture of dishes for people suffering from peptic ulcer and in case of damage to the chewing apparatus. Food in these cases is prepared mashed or chopped (mashed soups, chopped products, jelly, etc.). In order not to form coarse crusts on products, they are not fried, but boiled in water or steamed and stewed, products containing coarse fiber are excluded, raw vegetables.

chemical sparing consists in the fact that strong irritants of certain parts of the digestive tract and its glands are excluded from the diet: strong broths, mushroom decoctions, sour sauces and condiments, spicy foods. Roasting is not allowed, since this method of processing produces pyrogenetic decomposition products of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, melanoidins and other products that irritate the digestive tract. Particularly harmful in this case are the products of fat oxidation and acrolein, which are formed during roasting.

Thermal sparing is that the temperature of hot dishes is reduced to 60-65 °, and cold dishes are served at a temperature not lower than 10-12 °.

Restriction of the content of individual: chemicals in clinical nutrition dishes is used quite often. Usually, the technologist is faced with the task of limiting the content of extractives, purine bases, cholesterol, and sugars. This is achieved by a special set of products and special methods of their culinary processing.

To reduce the carbohydrate content, the amount of sugar, honey, cereals, pasta, legumes, bread, fruits and vegetables containing a lot of sugars and starch is limited in the diet, or the latter are subjected to special culinary processing; so, carrots, beets, potatoes are finely chopped and washed many times with cold water.

Features of cooking technology for various diets

In canteens for therapeutic nutrition, the following therapeutic diets are usually provided: No. 1, 2, 5, 7/10 and 9.

Diet number 1. It is prescribed for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis with preserved or increased secretion.

When preparing dishes, it is forbidden to use meat, fish and mushroom broths and canned vegetable broths, vegetables rich in essential oils and glucosides (radishes, radishes, parsley, celery, onions) and coarse fiber (cucumbers, legumes, cabbage); berries, fruits that are sour and contain a lot of fiber (apricots, grapes, plums), dry unrubbed fruits (prunes, raisins, wine berries); salted and pickled foods, butter dough, pies.

In the manufacture of dishes, all types of sparing are used - mechanical, chemical and thermal. For the purpose of mechanical sparing, soups are prepared pureed (puree-like) or mucous. It is allowed to cook soups with finely chopped, well-boiled products, vermicelli, noodles. Vegetables for soups are not passivated.

Second courses are cooked boiled and mashed to avoid the formation of a rough crust on their surface. The meat is carefully trimmed, and the skin is removed from the fish. Most dishes from these products are prepared chopped (cutlets, meatballs, puddings steam cooking). Boiled products from quenelles (fish, chicken) are widely used. Eggs are soft-boiled or cooked from them steam omelets and soufflé. Vegetable dishes are also prepared pureed (mashed potatoes, carrots, beets, puddings, soufflés). They also use boiled vegetables containing little fiber, carrots, beets, pumpkins, zucchini, cauliflower. white cabbage do not use, as it contains a lot of coarse fiber.

Cereal dishes are prepared in the form of mashed or well-boiled liquid and viscous cereals. You can also use boiled finely chopped pasta and steam puddings from them.

To ensure chemical sparing, products with a sharp taste, spices, strong broths are excluded, flour is not sautéed. Therefore, vegetarian soups are cooked, sauces are prepared without broths and tomato puree. Sauces are often replaced with butter and sour cream. Kissels, jellies and mousses are prepared from non-acidic berries. Fruits for compotes are wiped.

Diet number 2. It is prescribed for gastritis; with insufficient secretion and acidity, with chronic bowel diseases (colitis). Foods with coarse fiber are excluded from the diet, sweet pies, very sour berries and fruits, fermented and salty foods.

Technological processing of products for this diet should provide mechanical sparing of the digestive tract, and light chemical irritants are allowed. Therefore, all the requirements for technological methods that provide mechanical sparing in the manufacture of dishes for diet No. 1 are also met for diet No. 2. However, in this case, less stringent requirements are imposed on chemical sparing: in addition to boiling and poaching, it is allowed to fry and bake products, but without breading. You can use soaked herring, meat and fish broths, mushroom and vegetable broths for soups. They prepare borscht, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage and beetroot, but with finely chopped vegetables and without sautéing them. Mild sauces are used (sour cream, white with lemon juice, milk, mushroom broths, but without mushrooms).

Diet number 5. It is prescribed for diseases of the liver, gallbladder and other diseases accompanied by impaired function of the liver and gallbladder. Coffee, cocoa, meat, fish and mushroom broths, sorrel, rhubarb, garlic, radishes, legumes, cereals, mushrooms, pickled and salted foods are excluded from the diet.

In the manufacture of dishes for diet No. 5, mechanical sparing is not essential. Special requirements are imposed on heat treatment - it is necessary to limit the use of animal fats as much as possible and exclude the products of their thermal decomposition. Therefore, only butter and vegetable fats are used without heat treatment. For this purpose, dishes are cooked in boiled and baked form, and vegetables, in addition, are consumed raw. Exclude the passage of flour and vegetables. The decrease in fat content is compensated by the increased content of carbohydrates. It is necessary to reduce the content of cholesterol and nitrogenous extractive substances (creatine, creatinine, purine bases, etc.) in them. The first restriction is achieved by the exclusion of foods rich in cholesterol - eggs, animal fats, brain dishes, etc.

Reducing the content of nitrogenous extractives is achieved in the following ways: exclude broths (meat, fish, mushroom) in the manufacture of soups and sauces; meat and fish for cooking are pre-boiled;

With this diet, it is necessary to reduce the content of glucosides in dishes and essential oils by excluding garlic, radish, radish from recipes; Onions are first boiled and then added to dishes. These restrictions also determine the set of dishes for diet number 5.

Dishes from grated cottage cheese are widely used (steam puddings, casseroles, etc.); include dairy and lactic acid products; eggs are used only for the preparation of culinary products; cereals (oatmeal, oatmeal, buckwheat) and baked dishes from them, pasta are used in large quantities; and casseroles of them with raisins, dried apricots, etc.; prepare salads from raw vegetables, baked and boiled vegetables (except mushrooms, sorrel and spinach).

The range of soups can be very wide: vegetarian borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot, dairy, vegetable, fruit soups, etc.

Meat and fish dishes prepare boiled (boiled beef and veal, boiled pike perch, etc.), steam (beef meatballs, chicken fillet, veal); sauces are used milk, sour cream, sweet (fruit and berry), white on vegetable broths; sweet dishes are prepared in the form of kissels, compotes, mousses from berries and fruits of all kinds, except for very sour ones.

Diets number 7/10. For kidney diseases, diet No. 7 is prescribed, and for cardiovascular diseases - No. 10. There is much in common in the requirements for a set of products and their technological processing in the manufacture of dishes for these diets; the amount of salt is sharply limited, meat, fish and mushroom broths and sauces, foods rich in cholesterol, salty and pickled foods, legumes, spinach, sorrel strong teas, coffee, cocoa and chocolate are excluded. In case of kidney disease, the menu should include products containing lipotropic substances - cottage cheese, milk and lactic acid products - and having a diuretic effect - pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, beets, prunes, etc. Food is prepared without salt, and salt is given with the permission of the doctor (2-4 g per day). Spices, onions, celery mustard, horseradish, dill, garlic can not be used.

In cardiovascular diseases, the amount of salt is limited, but not as strictly as with diet number 7. The amount of liquid is also limited. Preparing meals for this diet causes a number of technological difficulties. Sharp restriction of salt makes dishes tasteless and reduces appetite. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare dishes in which the absence of salt is less noticeable. The restriction of nitrogenous extractive substances is achieved by the same technological methods that are used in the manufacture of dishes for diet No. 5. The same requirements apply to heat treatment methods: boiled, baked or fried dishes are prepared from boiled products(meat, poultry). To limit fluids, reduce the volume of servings of soups, the number of drinks, etc.

The absence of salt is less felt in such dishes as borscht and beetroot, which have a sweet and sour taste, fruit and milk soups, milk, sour cream, vegetable sauces with citric acid.

In cereals, pasta casseroles and puddings with dried apricots, raisins, the amount of salt can be minimized without compromising the taste. Cereal cutlets and meatballs are prepared with fruit and berry sauces.

Diet number 9. It is prescribed for diabetes mellitus. The success of treatment mainly depends on the quantity and quality of food, the technology of its preparation and diet. The amount of carbohydrates in the menu of this diet is strictly regulated, and therefore a special set of products is recommended for it.

Nutrition in diabetes mellitus should be as fractional as possible (5-6 times).

In patients with diabetes, liver function is very often impaired, so lipotropic substances are necessarily included in the diet: meat, fish, cottage cheese, oatmeal and buckwheat. Dishes should be excluded from foods rich in cholesterol (liver, brains, etc.). It is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in vitamins B and C, mineral salts(from bran, yeast, rosehip decoction, etc.).

Sweets are also excluded - sweets, chocolate, confectionery, muffins, jam, honey, ice cream, dried fruits, and sugar is allowed only in limited quantities as directed by the doctor. Do not use spicy, spicy, smoked and salty snacks and dishes, peppers, mustard, grapes, bananas, raisins. Sour cream and cream are limited.

Mechanical sparing with diet number 9 is not required, so grinding products is not necessary. Dishes are cooked boiled, and fried ones are included in the menu only once a week, and with concomitant liver diseases, they are completely excluded.

Dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta containing a lot of carbohydrates are limited, taking into account the above norms. Bread and bakery products are consumed mainly from rye flour or bran.

Soups are prepared vegetarian: vegetable, borscht, pickles, and only once a week you can cook vegetable soup in a weak beef broth. In the manufacture of sweet dishes, sugar substitutes are used - xylitol, sorbitol and saccharin. Sorbitol in its chemical composition is a six-atomic alcohol, its sweetness is less than that of sucrose, it is well absorbed by the body. Xylitol is almost equal in sweetness to sucrose. These non-carbohydrate sweet substances can be used successfully in the manufacture of any sweet dishes for Diet No. 9.

When using saccharin, it is pre-dissolved in hot water - 1 g in 1 liter of water. This solution is taken as much as provided in the sugar recipe, i.e. 1 g of sugar replaces 1 g of saccharin solution.

Offal dishes have a high nutritional value and good palatability. Some offal contains more protein than meat. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and have a high calorie content. When preparing dishes from offal, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of sanitation and hygiene, since if the rules are violated, offal can serve as a medium for the development of microorganisms.

Prepared by-products are immediately subjected to heat treatment. They are most often boiled and then fried or stewed. Some offal is immediately used for frying.

Boiled tongue. Prepared languages ​​are placed in hot water bring to a boil, add raw carrots, parsley, onions and cook at a low boil for 2-3 hours, put salt at the end of cooking. If salted tongues are used for cooking, then they are placed in cold water, as this contributes to a more complete extraction of salt. The boiled tongues are placed in cold water for several minutes and the skin is removed from the hot tongues. Tongues are cut into portions, poured with a small amount of broth and brought to a boil. Until the holiday is stored in the broth.

They release it on a plate or a la carte dish, first put a side dish - mashed potatoes or green peas, put the tongue next to it, pour it with red sauce, red with onions and cucumbers, sour cream with horseradish.

Beef tongue 126, or lamb 143, or pork, or veal 127, carrots 4, onions 4, parsley 3, garnish 150, sauce 75 Yield 300.

Kidneys in Russian. The processed kidneys are soaked, poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the broth is drained, the kidneys are washed, poured again with cold water and boiled for 1-1.5 hours at a low boil. Ready kidneys are washed and stored without broth, covered with a damp cloth.

Lamb, veal or pork kidneys are raw, and beef kidneys are pre-cooked, cut into slices and fried. Pickled cucumbers are peeled, cut into diamonds or slices and stewed. Potatoes - sliced ​​\u200b\u200band cubes, fried. Browned vegetables are combined with cucumbers, browned tomato is added and stewed for 10-15 minutes. Then diluted flour sauté is introduced, fried kidneys, potatoes, peppercorns, bay leaf are put and stewed for 20-25 minutes.

Kidneys in Russian can be cooked in red sauce. In this case, fried kidneys, potatoes, browned vegetables, poached cucumbers are put in a deep bowl, poured with red sauce and stewed. When stewing, add bay leaf, peppercorns.

When on vacation, put in a lamb or a la carte pan, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic and herbs. If a dish is prepared in large quantities, then the potatoes are not put during stewing, but they are used as a side dish when on vacation.

Kidneys fried in sauce. Pork, lamb and veal kidneys are raw, and beef kidneys are pre-boiled, cut into slices or circles, sprinkled with salt and pepper, put in a frying pan heated with fat and fried for 5-6 minutes, poured with red, onion, tomato or sour cream sauce and bring to a boil.

When on vacation, fried potatoes or crumbly porridge, next - the kidneys and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Brains are boiled. The processed brains are placed in a bowl in one row so that they do not deform, they are poured with cold water so as to cover only the surface of the product, carrots, parsley, onions, peppercorns, bay leaves, salt are added and vinegar is poured in. Water is acidified in order to improve the taste and color of the brains, as the proteins coagulate better and the brains acquire a denser texture. Bring to a boil, cover the dishes with a lid and cook for 25–30 minutes at low heat without boiling. Store them in the same decoction. Boiled brains are portioned.

When on vacation, boiled or poached rice, mashed potatoes or green peas are placed on a plate or a la carte dish, brains are nearby, boiled champignons or porcini mushrooms, cut into slices, are placed on top and poured with steam or white sauce, you can let go without mushrooms.

Brains are fried. The boiled brains are cooled, cut into slices, sprinkled with salt and pepper, breaded in flour, put on a frying pan heated with fat and fried until golden brown.

On vacation, a side dish is put on a portioned dish: fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, stewed vegetables, a complex side dish consisting of 3-4 types of vegetables, next to them are brains, pour them with melted butter and lemon juice or put a slice of lemon, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Free brains. Boiled brains in halves or whole are sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour, moistened in lezon and breaded in ground breadcrumbs, deep-fried until a crispy crust is formed, removed from fat, placed in a frying pan and heated in an oven.

When on vacation, fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, green peas or a complex side dish are placed on a portioned dish, brains are nearby, poured with melted butter or tomato sauce is served separately.

Fried liver. The liver, cut into portions, is sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour (it can be scalded before breading), placed on a baking sheet heated with fat, fried at high heat until a crispy crust is formed, and brought to readiness in the oven. It is impossible to overcook the liver, as its quality worsens (it becomes tough).

When on vacation, fried or boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes are placed on a portioned dish or plate, liver is nearby, poured with melted butter, you can put fried onions on top.

Liver stewed in sauce. The semi-finished product prepared for frying is placed on a baking sheet heated with fat, fried, then poured with sour cream or sour cream sauce with onions and stewed for 15–20 minutes.

When on vacation, boiled or fried potatoes, mashed potatoes or crumbly porridge are placed in a lamb or a plate, next to it is a liver, poured over it with sauce.

Beef liver 127, or lamb, or pork, or veal 119, wheat flour 5, melted animal fat 7, sauce 75, garnish 150. Yield 300.

Liver Stroganoff. The liver, cut into sticks 3–4 cm long and weighing 5–7 g, is placed on a frying pan heated with fat in a layer of 1–1.5 cm, sprinkled with salt, pepper and fried for 3–4 minutes. Then pour sour cream sauce with onions, add browned tomato puree, sauce "South" and bring to a boil. The dish can be prepared without Southern sauce.

On vacation, the liver, along with the sauce, is placed in a lamb or a portioned pan, sprinkled with chopped parsley. Garnish - fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled pasta - served separately or together with the liver.

Tripes in sauce. The treated scars are rolled up, tied with twine, put in a bowl, poured with cold water, salted, brought to a boil and boiled for 4–5 hours at a low boil. 30 minutes before the end of cooking put raw vegetables, bay leaf and pepper. When the scars become soft, they are taken out, freed from twine, cut into noodles, combined with red, onion or tomato sauces and stewed for 15-20 minutes. When on vacation, a side dish is put in a lamb or a la carte dish - boiled potatoes or stewed rice, scars are placed next to them in sauce, sprinkled with herbs.

Heart or lung in sauce (goulash). The heart or lung is pre-boiled, cut into pieces in the form of cubes weighing 20–30 g, lightly fried, then put in a deep bowl, browned onions are added, poured with red sauce and stewed for 15–20 minutes. Finely chopped garlic is placed in the finished goulash.

When on vacation, a side dish is put in a lamb or on a plate - boiled or fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled pasta, crumbly porridge, next to it - goulash with sauce.

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