Home Bakery products How to cook pilaf so that the rice is crumbly. How to make pilaf crumbly: a few useful tricks, plus a simple pork pilaf recipe. What to cook pilaf from

How to cook pilaf so that the rice is crumbly. How to make pilaf crumbly: a few useful tricks, plus a simple pork pilaf recipe. What to cook pilaf from

Pilaf is not just a dish. This is a philosophy that every nation has its own. Therefore, despite the commonality of the ingredients Uzbek pilaf differs from Tajik, and it can also be cooked in Azerbaijani, Bukhara, it can be with poultry, meat and even dried fruits. We will tell you how to cook pilaf according to all the rules, as well as adapt old national recipes for cooking under conditions and from products of traditional Russian cuisine.

You should start with this type of pilaf, as it can be considered a classic example, moreover, it is extremely common both in any cafes with an Uzbek bias, and in general in Russian kitchens.

So, Uzbek pilaf (it is also often called Ferghana pilaf) is prepared in such a way that the rice turns out to be friable, the rice does not stick to the rice. How to achieve this?

As the famous culinary specialist and connoisseur of national cuisine Stalik Khadzhiev assures, the volume of products is calculated based on the presence of rice.

Although an experienced culinary specialist usually does everything by eye, there is an exact recipe for Ferghana pilaf:

  • 1 kg of rice;
  • 350 g unsalted lard;
  • 800 g of meat;
  • 800 g carrots;
  • 150 g onions.

Important! If you want to cook a real, even let's say, authentic Ferghana pilaf, then look for a yellow carrot, which you combine with an ordinary orange vegetable in a ratio of one to three. She roasts beautifully and looks good in ready dish. If there is no yellow, then take the entire volume of ordinary carrots.

Such pilaf is prepared in a cauldron, but in the home kitchen you can take a thick-walled cast iron pan. A duck will do too.


  1. In a thick-walled cast-iron pan or cauldron over low heat, melt the lard.
  2. Heat it up well and put a couple of pieces of chopped meat. (It is cut into small pieces for Uzbek pilaf to fit in the mouth for one bite).
  3. After a minute, in hot oil, these pieces will be well fried, giving the fat the aroma of meat. Now they have to be taken out.
  4. Next, put the onion cut into half rings in the fat and fry over high heat to evaporate the water. After that, report the rest of the meat, salt and lay out a part of the carrots cut into cubes - first yellow. Salt it too and sprinkle with zira (zira is an obligatory ingredient in Uzbek pilaf).
  5. As soon as the carrots begin to fry, add the rest of it and mix everything. Let it fry a little. Then lay out the remaining vegetable, spices. In general, everything except rice, including those pieces of meat that were fried very first.
  6. Salt again, put a small pod of hot pepper, and add a teaspoon with the top of barberry, it will give the necessary sourness.
  7. Carefully pour hot boiled water along the edge of the cauldron or duckling, covering the meat and vegetables with it. Then, cover with a lid, leave for 40 minutes on the slowest fire.
  8. While zirvak is being prepared (this is the name of this rice dressing, it is the same for all cuisines where pilaf is cooked), we wash the rice. It is better to do this under running water to wash off the flour. If you don’t wash it off, you won’t get crumbly pilaf.
  9. Put clean rice in zirvak with a slotted spoon, salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. a spoon without a hill of salt per kilogram of rice.
  10. Put the washed whole head of garlic into the rice.
  11. Pour boiling water so that the water covers the rice on your finger.
  12. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and wait for the water to evaporate. When the rice is almost ready, turn off the heat, cover the pot or cauldron with a warm towel or blanket and leave to rise for another hour.
  13. Open the lid, put it on an Uzbek flat plate, put a salad of thinly sliced ​​tomatoes with onions next to it and enjoy!

Loose pilaf in a cauldron

In principle, the previous recipe is also suitable for a cauldron. All components of the dish are taken in the same proportion, prepared in the same sequence. The only difference is that the almost finished pilaf is covered with a lid, and after that the fire under the cauldron is completely extinguished. But the cauldron remains lying on the bricks of the oven, the bricks give their heat to the rice layer, bringing it to the condition. The lid of the cauldron is covered with a blanket and therefore in itself is an additional source of heat. In this form, pilaf comes, and it turns out well stewed - just like if you were cooking it in a Russian oven.

in Azerbaijani

difference Azerbaijani pilaf from Uzbek in that the meat in it is cooked separately from rice, and a special flatbread called gazmakh is used to prepare the rice part.

Here is how plov is cooked in Azerbaijan:

  1. Pick up products - 700 g of lamb, 200 g of pumpkin, five onions, 100 g of ghee, half a pomegranate, half a glass of raisins, a little water, turmeric and salt to taste. You also need to take an egg and flour 220 g for a dough for a cake.
  2. Rice is deliberately not indicated in the dosage - it is cooked separately, so you can take it at your discretion. We wash it under running water or change the water several times. Put in salted boiling water and cook until almost done. After that, we recline, rinse with cold water.
  3. Making a gasmah: add an egg and very cold water to the flour, knead strongly hard dough. We roll it into a thin cake.
  4. We spread the cake along the walls and bottom of the cauldron.
  5. Put half of the rice on the cake.
  6. The second part of the rice is tinted with yellow, mixed with turmeric diluted in a spoonful of ghee and a teaspoon of boiling water (take a pinch of turmeric).
  7. Pour melted butter over the first part of the rice, put yellow rice on top, cover the cauldron with a lid and steam a little more at a minimum of heat until cooked.
  8. Meanwhile, in a thick-walled saucepan or frying pan, fry the pieces of lamb in oil or your own fat. As it turns red, put finely chopped pumpkin and onion, pour in pomegranate juice, add raisins, mix everything with salt and, pouring half a glass of boiling water, keep for half an hour under a lid over low heat.
  9. When all parts of the pilaf are ready, put rice on a large round dish, meat and vegetables on top of it, decorate everything with pomegranate seeds and immediately put ghazmakh - break the cake with your hands.

If you are afraid of unconventional flavors, you can do without pumpkin.

Tajik pilaf with lamb

The main ingredients in this pilaf are traditional: rice, onions and carrots. But the meat is only lamb. Besides Tajik pilaf cooked from special rice - this red cereal is called devzira, it is the best and highest quality of all the "floating" types. However, quite good Tajik pilaf can also be prepared from ordinary Krasnodar round-grain rice.

The peculiarity of the preparation is that first on vegetable oil overcook the onion (2 heads), cut into half rings, achieving a strong frying, then add the meat (600 g). It is also fried to a noticeable crust. After that, put the carrots in bars (600 g), overcook again and then pour in half a liter of boiling water. The meat should be half-cooked, after that rice (600g) soaked in salt water is laid and boiled water is poured so that the water covers the surface a little. Spices - zira and garlic. Under the lid, pilaf is cooked for another half hour.

How to cook pilaf - a basic recipe with pork

If there is no cauldron on an open fire, lamb and barberry, this does not mean that it will not work delicious pilaf for dinner. Basic Recipe, which always turns out, is pork pilaf. It is prepared quickly and simply, it requires 400 g of meat in pieces, a couple of large onions and carrots, 2 cups of rice and five waters. And also salt, bay leaf, a few cloves of garlic, a pinch of cumin and a few peas of allspice.

Vegetable oil should be taken so much that it is enough to fry the meat. After frying the pieces quickly, add the onion. Slightly reducing the fire, fry it and add the carrots. After frying a little carrot, pour in a glass of water and simmer for ten minutes under the lid. Put spices, salt. The broth should be a little salty - in the future, the rice will absorb the salt. Next is the washed rice. Pour it through a slotted spoon with water at the rate of 2 cups of rice twice as many cups of water. Bring to a boil, put the garlic cloves, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave to languish under the lid for 40 minutes. After that, turn off the fire and wait the same amount of time until the rice rests.

How to cook pilaf with chicken?

In the same way, you can use chicken instead of pork. You can cook chicken pilaf even faster, because it takes very little time to stew meat and vegetables. It is necessary to fry medium pieces of chicken in oil, salt. Separately, fry the finely chopped onion and a little garlic, add the grated carrots, still stew a little and add to the meat. Pour washed rice, parsley, peppercorns on top, salt well again and pour boiling water over. Cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes until the rice is soft. If necessary, you can add boiling water.

Recipe for multicooker

Pilaf in a slow cooker is the signature dish of many, usually a slow cooker even has a separate program for cooking pilaf, and therefore the time is predetermined by the microprocessor.

The recipe below is for 4 servings:

  1. Cut 250 g of any meat into small pieces, chop 1 carrot into bars, and the onion into a cube;
  2. Pour a couple of tables into an open multicooker. tablespoons of vegetable oil, set the frying program with a time of 25 minutes;
  3. The oil will warm up - put the meat in a piece. You do not need to put everything at once, otherwise it will not fry, but will be extinguished;
  4. After 10 minutes, add carrots and onions;
  5. When the frying is over, add salt, spices for pilaf, a couple of cloves of garlic, put washed rice on top;
  6. Pour about half a liter of boiling water (the water should cover the rice a little, one and a half to two cm);
  7. Put the program "Pilaf";
  8. When the task is completed, open the lid, stick in a couple of fresh garlic cloves, pierce the rice to the bottom with a wooden stick and leave for another twenty minutes to reach the pilaf in the heating program.

With the addition of dried fruits

In a slow cooker, you can perfectly make a vegetarian pilaf without meat, as well as a sweet dish with dried fruits. Instead of meat, you need to put only vegetables or dried apricots with raisins, and reduce the frying time to 5 minutes.

Today we will learn how to make plov crumbly, or simply how to make Uzbek plov at home.

Surely, many housewives know how to make pilaf, but sometimes it turns out to be sticky and lumpy. Moreover, novice housewives, young girls - they still do not know how to cook pilaf correctly, according to a real recipe, so that it turns out tasty and fragrant. And how to make pilaf crumbly? There are certain tricks here.

Let's make a real Uzbek pilaf in our kitchen.

Attention: VIDEO is at the end of the article.

So, what ingredients do we need for the real Uzbek, or classic pilaf? Here step by step recipe cooking this delicious dish oriental cuisine:

1) We take 500 grams of meat, onions, rice and carrots. Vegetable (can be ordinary sunflower) oil - 150 grams (2/3 cup).

Meat can be chosen according to taste - what you like. You can make chicken pilaf, but someone likes pork, and someone loves traditional lamb. I like to make from beef, especially if from young veal - then the meat is soft. In any case, cut all 500 grams of meat into small cubes, throw into a frying pan, pour vegetable oil and fry for 20 minutes until slightly ruddy. Until the crust is not necessary, since then we still have to fry it.

2) While the meat is frying, we also cut the onion into cubes, after 20 minutes we throw it into the pan, mix and fry with the meat in the pan for about 5 minutes (see photo).

3) We take carrots and rub on a coarse grater, as shown in the photo.

4) Add carrots to the pan with meat and onions, throw 2-3 teaspoons of spices "For pilaf", also mix and fry it all for 5 minutes (see photo).

5) Then remove the pan from the heat, and transfer the entire contents into a cast-iron cauldron, or into a saucepan with a thick bottom. If you take Chinese pans with a thin bottom, then the pilaf will burn at the bottom. Therefore, in order to prepare the pilaf that we need, a real cauldron, a Soviet cast-iron pot or expensive German pans, for example, from the Rendel company (see photo), which have high-quality stainless steel and a thick bottom, are best suited.

6) Rinse 500 grams of rice well with water, removing debris, if any, and also put in a cauldron on top of the meat. By the way, if there is leftover rice, it can be used to make fish and rice pie.

7) Sprinkle on top with 2 teaspoons of salt without a slide (you can three, who like it saltier). Fill everything with water, the level of which should not exceed 1 cm above the level of rice (about a finger thick). If you add less water, the rice may not cook through completely and the pilaf will turn out too dry. And if you pour more, then the pilaf will turn out sticky and lumpy, like in the dining room.

8) We put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil, and only then close the lid. We reduce the fire to a slow one, so that only the water evaporates and soar our Uzbek pilaf in this way for 15-20 minutes until the water has completely evaporated.

9) Then turn off the stove, let the pilaf stand for 10-15 minutes and stir it while it is still hot.

And for gourmets:

10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add 5-7 cloves of peeled garlic to the pilaf, simply sticking them into the depth of the rice.

To make pilaf yellow or even golden, it is necessary to pour a little saffron on the tip of a knife at the time of adding water to rice. but do not overdo it with saffron, otherwise you will cook pilaf not yellow, but orange-red, and it will not have a very pleasant taste. Still, this is a spice, and spices should be added a little bit. And then, the yellow color is also formed from carrots, so do not neglect the addition of carrots.

Here our crumbly delicious pilaf is ready.

I heard this pilaf recipe from one Uzbek cook, altered it a bit for our Russian cuisine, and prepared it for all readers of this site. As you can see, the dish is actually quite simple, but it has its own tricks, which I told you. So cook yourself Bon appetit you and your household.

And now a few video recipes on how to cook pilaf:

1) Uzbek:

2) Tajik, in a cauldron on fire.

Rice is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. But the most famous is plov. Rice grains in it should crumble, and not form sticky fragments. However, to achieve proper cooking this dish is difficult. How to cook crumbly pilaf we will tell in our article.

Main reasons for failure

The most difficult thing in cooking pilaf is to achieve that the rice becomes crumbly and absorbs the taste of zirvak. To do this, you need not only to strictly follow the recipe, but also to choose the right products for cooking.

Rice in pilaf does not turn out crumbly for the following reasons:

  • non-compliance with cooking technology. Today there are a wide variety of pilaf recipes. In many of them, during the cooking process, the components of the dish should not be mixed. Rice is introduced at the very end, which is why it is not always possible to accurately meet all the requirements (temperature in the container, cooking time, amount of water, etc.). This leads to the fact that the grains either remain very dry or stick together;
  • wrong grain. Only suitable for cooking pilaf hard varieties long grain rice. There are many varieties of cereals that can be used for cooking. Some of them fit perfectly, but they are very difficult to find in a store or market (for example, devzira rice). Others are easier to find, but getting crumbly from them is more difficult. However, many types of rice are strictly forbidden to take for cooking this dish;
  • you need to choose rice of a certain brand. Some products, even with the observance of the pilaf cooking technology, give an unpleasant odor and stuck together lumps. This happens if the cereal is of poor quality and was harvested in violation of the collection technology. It is best to give preference to more expensive products famous brands. In this case, the risk of buying a fake will be minimal;
  • the presence of a large amount of starch in rice. To reduce its content in cereals, it is necessary to rinse the grains well. It is imperative to rinse the rice to remove all impurities from it. Their presence can also lead to sticking of grains during the cooking process. Depending on the variety of rice, it is necessary to wash from 3 to 10 times.

The most common reason for the appearance of sticky lumps in pilaf is a violation of the cooking technology. For example, rice for swelling should be poured with boiled water. The volume of the poured liquid should be 2 times more than the cereal is used.

When the water in the container in which the rice is cooked begins to gurgle, the fire should be reduced. In this case, the pan or cauldron is covered with a tight lid. The ingredients should be evaporated for 15-20 minutes (the time is determined depending on the recipe, since sometimes you need to simmer for 40 minutes).

After pouring water, regardless of the need to mix the remaining components, the cereal should not be disturbed. Rice should be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the zirvak. Only in this case it is possible to achieve good friability and excellent taste from it.

Some chefs advise using certain tricks when cooking rice. For example, use a little in the cooking process sunflower oil. You can also rinse the cereal after the completion of the cooking process.

If you choose the right rice, soak it and cook it, it will most likely turn out to be crumbly.

Video: "How to cook friable pilaf"

How to cook crumbly pilaf, because this is the main difficulty in preparing this dish?

What is required for cooking

To prepare friable pilaf, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg long grain rice(only hard varieties are taken). You can use any cereal that belongs to this variety;
  • 1 kg of meat (pork, beef, chicken, rabbit, etc.). There are recipes in which ordinary stew acts as a meat component;
  • 0.25 kg of lamb (fat tail) fat. It can be replaced with cottonseed oil;
  • 0.5–0.7 kg of carrots;
  • 0.5–0.7 kg of onions;
  • several heads of garlic;
  • spices. Their set is determined by the taste preferences of the cook. But it is recommended to include in the list such a seasoning as zira;
  • salt.

As already noted, today there is a huge number of a wide variety of pilaf recipes. Therefore, the list of ingredients can be expanded. Above was the basic set of products. But winter peas (chickpeas), corn, dried fruits, etc. can be added to pilaf. From spices, hot red and ground black pepper, barberry, suneli hops, etc. are often used to give the dish taste and spiciness. You can decorate pilaf with herbs.

How to cook crumbly pilaf

Loose pilaf is prepared as follows:

  • first, all products (vegetables and meat) are cleaned and cut, and rice is soaked in water;

  • then the carrots are roasted first, and then onion and meat pieces are added to it. The ingredients are poured into a well-heated container. Meat and vegetables only need to be fried, not brought to full readiness. Otherwise, the pilaf will come out dry and tough. The result is a rich broth - zirvak;

  • then rice is poured into the prepared broth and seasonings are added. The groats are poured with salted boiling water on top. When rice is added, the fire decreases, and the dish languishes for the time indicated in the recipe;

  • then the container is removed from the fire and stands for some more time. After that, pilaf can be served at the table.

Depending on the recipe, additional recommendations may arise in the preparation technology of this dish. For example, it is forbidden to mix layers of vegetables with meat. The pilaf languishing time can also be increased after adding rice to zirvak.

If you need to cook crumbly rice, choose simple recipes, which involve performing standard actions. Only after honing your skills on them can you safely switch to more complex variations of pilaf. Follow the above recommendations, and the rice in this dish will always be crumbly.


This is the main stumbling block of all cooks who have ever cooked pilaf. Nevertheless, almost all of them agree that devzira rice is the best, as well as other Uzbek and Tajik varieties.

You can try to cook pilaf with other types of rice, but preferably not too starchy. And in any case, the rice should be washed well before laying (until the water is clear). This will wash away the starch dust and prevent the pilaf from sticking together. Chefs also advise soaking it in cold water for an hour or more.

By the way, instead of pilaf, you can use wheat, chickpeas, corn and mung beans. But that's a slightly different story.


Lamb is traditionally used for pilaf, but beef is also suitable. You can also use pork, although Muslim cooks are unlikely to forgive you for this. A chicken option is also possible, but it already has little in common with the classic Uzbek pilaf.

It is better to choose the meat of adult animals: it gives the necessary rich taste.

The meat must be cut into fairly large pieces, about 5 × 5 cm or a little more. You can fry meat in large, non-portioned pieces and grind it just before serving. It is believed that the larger the piece, the juicier the finished meat will be.


There are two main vegetables in pilaf: onions and carrots. Onions can be used. It is more difficult with carrots: in Central Asia, pilaf is often cooked with yellow carrots, but in its absence, the usual orange one is also suitable.

The main rule is not to grind. Onions are cut into rings or half rings, carrots are cut into large sticks about 5 mm thick. If you finely chop vegetables and meat, you will no longer get pilaf, but rice porridge.


For the preparation of pilaf, either odorless vegetable oil, or animal fat (tail fat), or both types together are used. At home, the easiest way to use refined sunflower oil.

No need to skimp: pilaf is a fatty dish. On average, 1 kg of rice takes about 200–250 ml of oil.


There is a lot of room for experimentation here. And yet, more or less traditional seasonings can be distinguished:

  • garlic (slightly peeled and laid with whole heads);
  • hot red pepper (laid with a whole pod);
  • zira;
  • barberry;
  • ground black or red pepper.

You can also add thyme, coriander, suneli hops, saffron or other spices to your taste in pilaf. The easiest way is to use ready mix seasonings

Other Ingredients

In addition to the components listed above, pre-soaked chickpeas and dried fruits are often added to pilaf.

What dishes to choose

A cauldron, a cauldron and another cauldron. With thick walls. In it, the meat does not stick, and the rice cooks evenly and remains crumbly. It is best to use a cast-iron cauldron (especially if you cook pilaf on a fire), but aluminum will do.

A duck can be a good substitute for a cauldron. But a saucepan, a deep frying pan, a wok and other kitchen utensils will not give the desired effect, no matter how much you want it.

The basic principle of pilaf is as follows: first, zirvak is prepared (meat and vegetables fried in oil with spices and broth), and then rice is poured on top.

The standard proportion for pilaf is equal parts of rice, meat and carrots. The number of onions may vary, but be at least 1-2 heads. The same with garlic.

Heat up the pot and pour the oil into it. It should warm up well so that later the ingredients can brown quickly.

Next, the onion or meat is fried. If you are cooking pilaf with a lot of onions, you can fry the meat first. Spread it into the cauldron gradually so as not to bring down the temperature, and do not turn over immediately - otherwise it may begin to release juice.

Onions should be fried until golden brown. ready broth gave color to the rice.


When the meat and onions are fried, carrots are laid. It is fried for several minutes until softened.


Then all the ingredients are poured with hot water. It should cover the meat by 1-2 cm. Garlic, red pepper pod, spices and other ingredients are put next. Everything is salted to taste (or a little more salt is added than you like: the rice will absorb it) and cooked over moderate heat for at least 40 minutes until the meat is tender.


After the zirvak is cooked, rice is laid. It is better to do this with a slotted spoon to distribute the rice evenly. From above it can be flavored with a couple of pinches of cumin - for flavor.

  1. Rice is drowned in the broth (if necessary, more hot water is added through a slotted spoon so that it covers the dish a little) and stewed in open form until the water is completely absorbed (about 20 minutes). Then the fire is turned off (if the pilaf is cooked on a fire, then by this moment the firewood should just smolder), the cauldron is covered with a lid and the rice is left to steam for about 15-20 minutes.
  2. After laying the rice, the cauldron is immediately closed with a lid and the contents are stewed for about half an hour at minimum heat, and then for about 10 minutes it comes without fire.

When the fire is turned off, wrap the lid with a towel: it will absorb the condensation and prevent it from getting into the dish.

Garlic and pepper are removed from the finished pilaf. If large pieces of meat were used for cooking, then they are also taken out, cut and spread on top of the mixed pilaf. If small pieces were used, you can mix the pilaf with them.

Pilaf is traditionally served on a large plate and topped with a head of garlic. This dish goes best with fresh vegetables.


Do you know other secrets of cooking pilaf? Share them in the comments.

All cereals (and rice is no exception) I have been cooking for many years very in a simple way: I fill them with water in a ratio of 1: 2 (1 cup of cereal / rice, 2 cups of water), bring to a boil and boil for 1-2 minutes. Next, I remove the cereal / rice from the burner and let it “ripen” - usually it takes 10-15 minutes. Rice (like any other cereal) is grain-for-grain! And then I add everything I need: meat (any, to taste: lamb, pork, chicken.) with spices, carrots and other vegetables, sometimes with mussels and mushrooms (this is already a risotto). Naturally, all this is already cooked :-) Stir and consume hot! :-)

Pilaf is a very tasty and balanced meal. This National dish Uzbek, Tajik cuisine and some others. And in each national cuisine pilaf is cooked in its own way with its own little secrets. Pilaf can be cooked with different meat. The traditional pilaf is pilaf with lamb meat, but it will turn out no less tasty with pork, beef, and chicken.

It is very important for pilaf to choose the right rice, half the success in this dish, so to speak, depends on it. I take steamed long rice for pilaf.

Vegetable oil is poured into it and put on fire. The meat can be cut into large pieces, laid in heated vegetable oil, pre-salted. Then 2 onions are cut into half rings and placed in a cauldron. 3-4 large carrots are cut into strips and sent to meat and onions. After that, you can fall asleep spices. When the meat, onions and carrots are fried a little, washed rice is added in an even layer and water (boiling water) is poured at the rate of 1 part of rice to 1.5 parts of water. Everything is covered with a lid and waiting for it to boil. after that, the fire is made small. For flavor, you can put a whole head of garlic in the middle of the pilaf (you do not need to peel it, after cooking it is removed from the pilaf). Pilaf is cooked in general for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the meat. Rice is laid 30-40 minutes before the expected readiness. The pilaf is ready when all the water has boiled away. When preparing pilaf, do not mix it.

Traditionally, pilaf is laid out on a large dish by simply turning the cauldron over it, the meat is obtained from above.

There are a lot of options for cooking pilaf. But oriental cuisine is quite heavy, and I give the recipe for an "adapted version of pilaf." So that heartburn does not torment later.

  • Pour into ducklings (cauldron or deep frying pan) sunflower oil for about 1 cm .

  • When the oil is hot enough, throw in the meat slices. I usually add in parts, mixing. The meat should be browned on all sides.. I add in parts in order to so that the meat is fried before it releases the juice. Then there will be no soot at the bottom of the duckling. and the slices of meat will remain juicy inside.

  • When the meat is already "golden", add the chopped onion (cut as you like, but not too finely). Fry the onion until golden brown .

  • Next, add grated carrots (you can use a beetroot grater, but I usually take a smaller "carrot grater"). Carrots don't need to be fried.. just mix and add the following ingredients.

  • Add tomato sauce, favorite seasonings, salt to taste and a few whole cloves of garlic. Optional - raisins. To mix everything. Garlic serves "to separate tastes and smells" so that each ingredient does not lose its individual taste. That's how I was taught, I don't know how it works, but I think it really works.

  • Smooth out the mass at the bottom of the duckling. Sprinkle raw rice on top. Fill with water like this so that the water covers the rice by 1-1.5 cm. (You can add more or less rice, the more rice - the more water. I used to do it by eye. I just pour usually 1 cm, and then, if necessary, add boiling water along the edge of the ducklings, if the water has already boiled away and the rice is not ready yet)

  • Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer until water evaporates. Moreover, all the water should evaporate, the pilaf remains dry and crumbly. If some of the water remains, the rice will still be separate, not sticky, but it’s hard to call it crumbly. When it’s almost ready, you can chop the greens on top and add more garlic (chopped or garlic). The garlic that was added earlier will not leave garlic flavor. If you want the aroma of garlic in pilaf to be felt, you need to add more.

  • Turn off and mix .

  • Long grain rice varieties boil less, round-grain - more, they often produce a sticky sticky mass.

  • steamed rice holds its shape better than just polished.

  • In water containing acids, salts and oils, rice is less boiled, and it turns out crumbly.

Can be added to plov half-cooked rice.

but I prefer raw: it is already cooked in a suspension of water and oil (the oil in the duckling box floats up and comes into direct contact with the layer of rice). I don’t remember a case where pilaf didn’t turn out crumbly and golden. If everything was successful, then the pilaf will simply melt on the tongue: both rice and pieces of meat.

There are many recipes for pilaf, but no matter what the recipe is, first of all, starch must be washed off the rice, which forms a paste on the surface of the cereal. Rinse the rice in hot water, you can do this several times. Personally, I prefer to cook Uzbek plov. It is based on zirvak - stewed meat with spices. I put the washed rice on the finished zirvak and pour it with hot water so that it covers the rice by 3-4 cm. I cook it with an open lid at a high temperature. If, nevertheless, a paste has formed on the rice and the rice has begun to stick together, the situation can be corrected by increasing the temperature of the brew. In this case, I cover the open cauldron with a towel, its function is to absorb moisture. I put a lid on top of the towel and bring it to readiness.

In cooking pilaf, the main thing is to follow the cooking technology, take the right utensils and products. Most the best pilaf obtained in a cauldron and on an open fire. Rice before cooking must be soaked and washed thoroughly, then it will not stick together in pilaf. For cooking pilaf, the best rice is Devzira, but it is not always possible to buy it. Will go and round Krasnodar or Chinese. You can also take steamed rice, it is easier to cook it, the pilaf will be crumbly, but the taste is average. All products for cooking pilaf are taken per kilogram, This is rice, meat, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, half a liter, spices. First, onions are fried, then carrots, then meat with spices, water is added, the base of pilaf is boiled - zirvak. Rice is put, the main thing is to observe the proportion of water. If you cook in a cauldron, then the water should be two fingers above the level of rice. Pilaf is not disturbed, it is only pierced to release steam. After boiling the water, the cauldron is closed, the fire is removed and the pilaf is left to reach about twenty minutes.

When you cook pilaf, the main thing is to keep the proportion of rice and water; if you don’t add it, it will burn, if there is a turn simple porridge Well, the temperature is also important.

Meat - lamb is best - cut into small pieces, fry in very hot oil. Then put onions and carrots, cut into strips. Add spices I add turmeric and basil be sure to rest the usual seasoning. Pour in water, put salt, bring to a boil. You can add garlic cloves, 2-3 whole pods of hot pepper.

Rinse rice, put in a pot with meat, smooth. When the water boils away, pierce the rice in several places to the bottom of the boiler with a knife or a wooden stick, close tightly and leave for 20 minutes. on very low fire. Put on a dish without stirring, a slide.

We prepare vegetables and meat. We cut the meat into cubes, carrots into strips, finely onions. We take more carrots and onions so that the pilaf is juicy.

Fry the meat with onions in vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Add carrots and fry for another 5 minutes. We fall asleep with rice, add garlic to rice, add some salt. DO NOT INTERFERE, fill with water for 3 fingers and, closing the lid, cook until all the water has boiled away.

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