Home Vegetables Strawberry kisselikh recipes. Properties and subtleties of making strawberry jelly. Video: Strawberry jelly

Strawberry kisselikh recipes. Properties and subtleties of making strawberry jelly. Video: Strawberry jelly

During the ripening season, strawberries should be eaten as much as possible. But, in addition to eating fresh berries, you can also prepare a delicious and healthy drink from childhood - fragrant strawberry jelly. See step by step recipe with photos.

All we need to implement our plan in the amount of one liter is:

  • Strawberries - 300-350 grams
  • Potato starch - 4 teaspoons
  • Citric acid - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons (with top)

How to make strawberry jelly

First, put a pot of water on the stove. Water, of course, is better to use purified water. And while it will heat up and boil, let's deal with strawberries.
Let's sort through to identify low-quality specimens. Slightly crushed berries are quite suitable for making jelly.
Pick the sepals off the strawberries. Then put it in a colander and rinse well under running water.
By this time, the water will already boil. We place the berries in a saucepan and boil for 5-7 minutes.

Dissolve starch in a separate bowl with water. Mix thoroughly.

We remove the boiled strawberries with a slotted spoon.
Add sugar and citric acid to the strawberry broth (to enhance the taste). We try and, if necessary, make it sweeter (optional).
We twist a whirlpool in a saucepan (make a funnel) with a tablespoon.

Once again, stir the starch that has settled at the bottom of the cup and immediately introduce it into the strawberry broth in a thin stream, without ceasing to stir in a circle.

Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Strawberry jelly is ready.

strawberry jelly

Have you ever tried using strawberry jelly as a coolant? As for me, in these hot summer days, a cold jelly can become a real lifesaver.

Now strawberries have ceased to be a seasonal product. Now these bright red juicy berries can be found on the shelves of large stores even in winter. But our June fragrant strawberry, the one that is real, harvested from the garden, undoubtedly gives a hundred points of odds to its overseas "girlfriend". So, let's get ready for the strawberry season and indulge in real strawberry delicacies. And let's start, perhaps, our strawberry euphoria with jelly.

Recipe #1


  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) 350 gr.;
  • potato starch 3 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar 3 tbsp ;
  • water 1 l.

Preparation of strawberry jelly:

Put a pot of water on the fire and bring the water to a boil.

While the water is heating, wash the berries (rinse the frozen ones with cold water) and crush them in a separate plate with a crush, leaving some of the berries intact.

Add granulated sugar, starch to the crushed berries, mix the berry mixture. Starch is usually taken at the rate of 2 tbsp. per 1 liter water, but if you like a thicker jelly, then the amount of starch should be increased until the desired density is obtained.

When the water boils, put the prepared berry mixture into the pan, and again bring the contents of the pan to a boil, stirring constantly.

Turn off. Pour the jelly into shallow portioned cups, so it will cool much faster and will be finally ready for use.

Cooking spicy strawberry jelly

spicy strawberry jelly

Recipe #2


  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) 300 gr.;
  • raisins 1 tbsp ;
  • blackcurrant 2 tbsp;
  • potato starch 3 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar 3-4 tbsp. ;
  • water 1 l.
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • cloves cloves 2-3 pcs.


Plus, we also add washed blackcurrant berries to the berry mixture. When the berries turn into puree, add the washed raisins, spices, granulated sugar and starch, mix the berry mixture. The rest of the cooking technology is the same as in the first recipe.

strawberry jelly

Recipe #3


  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) 350 gr. ;
  • potato starch 3 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar 2-3 tbsp. ;
  • allspice peas 2-3 pcs.;
  • fresh lemon basil leaves 4-5 leaves (I had lemon basil, but you can use any);
  • water 1 l.


Grind the berries, add sugar, starch, allspice and basil leaves, mix the berry mixture. Otherwise, the cooking technology is the same as in the first cooking option.

The spices selected in these recipes make the strawberry flavor even more pronounced, more intense.

Strawberry jelly is an excellent drink, tasty and nutritious, it will be good both warm and cold.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Who doesn’t want to pamper themselves with a drink that is not only tasty, but also healthy for the body, and the digestive system in particular?

Kissel from frozen strawberries is a godsend for those who love such drinks, because you can cook from frozen berries at any time of the year, which is very convenient. Let's find out in more detail how you can make such a fragrant, and no less important, natural thick drink!

Strawberry jelly: a recipe for frozen berries

Making a delicious berry jelly is as easy as shelling pears - it will require those ingredients that any hostess must have in the kitchen.

Cooking will not take much time, the main thing is to wait for the jelly to cool completely. Although there are also gourmets who like to enjoy warm strawberry jelly.


  • Frozen strawberries - 0.5 kg;
  • Purified water - 2 l;
  • Potato starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • White granulated sugar - 7 tablespoons;
  • Lemon or orange peel - 0.5 fruit;
  • Vanillin - for taste.

How to cook jelly from frozen strawberries

You should immediately figure out what kind of consistency you want to get jelly - medium density or very steep. If you do not like the too jelly-like texture of a berry drink, then instead of three tablespoons of starch, put two.

Almost any starch can be used for frozen berry jelly, so, if desired, potato starch can be easily replaced with corn starch.

  1. Rinse half a lemon or orange well under running water. With a sharp knife or a special kitchen device, cut off the top thin layer of zest from the citrus.
  2. We put two liters of purified water on a strong fire (you can use non-carbonated mineral water to make the taste of jelly more tender). Pour sugar into water and stir well. Bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. After boiling, we lower frozen strawberries into the pan (it does not need to be thawed first), strips of zest, add a little vanillin or vanilla sugar, and if there is a real vanilla pod in the kitchen, then we put it in boiling water.
  4. Separately, in 250-300 grams of purified chilled water, we dilute our starch, stirring until a homogeneous consistency.
  5. As soon as the strawberries are thoroughly boiled and a concentrated compote is obtained in the pan, we extract the berries, zest and vanilla pod (if you used it) with a slotted spoon or a kitchen sieve.
  6. It's time to add a thickener to the liquid to make a real homemade jelly. To do this, we take our container with diluted starch and gradually pour it into the berry infusion, stirring.
  7. We cook on low heat, waiting for the first bubbles to appear on the surface of our dessert drink: as soon as the jelly starts to boil, turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove.

The removed strawberries can be returned to the finished jelly, if you want. And you can leave the drink transparent and homogeneous - it will turn out beautiful after solidification, as in the picture.

If you like a hot drink, then you can enjoy it immediately after preparation. If you need a chilled version, then first let the jelly brew properly and freeze in the refrigerator (keep in mind that cold jelly has a thicker structure than hot).

Frozen strawberry puree


  • - 400 g + -
  • - 6-7 tablespoons + -
  • Potato starch (or any other)- 2 tbsp. + -
  • — 2 l + -
  1. Pour water into a suitable saucepan and send it to a large fire.
  2. In the meantime, we dilute the starch in a cup of cold water, making sure that all the powder dissolves and there are no lumps.
  3. Pour sugar into boiling water - about five tablespoons (if you do not like sugary jelly or strawberries are very sweet in themselves); 6-7 tablespoons for not too ripe berries or getting a sweet jelly.
  4. We lower our frozen berries into boiling sweet water, wait literally 30-60 seconds, after which we take the strawberries out and grind them with a blender or food processor to a thick slurry.
  5. Pour starch into the pan in the same way as in the first recipe. Stir with a spoon, and then send the strawberry puree to the container.

6. Knead the mixture and wait for it to boil on minimum heat. When this happens, turn off the gas and remove the jelly from the stove.

If desired, lemon juice can be added to the jelly during cooking - this improves the taste of the drink, especially if it is excessively sweet.

Homemade pudding from frozen strawberries and cranberries

The maximum benefit, taste and aroma - that's what can be said briefly about this drink. It will not only be useful for those who adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, but will also allow you to replenish the supply of nutrients, since both berries are rich in vitamins.


  • Frozen strawberries - 1 cup;
  • Cranberries (fresh berries or frozen) - 2 cups;
  • White granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • Potato starch (corn) - 3 tablespoons;
  • Purified drinking water - 3 liters.

Since cranberries are a sour berry, this recipe does not need lemon or orange zest. However, cinnamon goes very well with cranberries - you can, if desired, add a pinch of fragrant spice to the jelly if you like it.

  1. Soak potato starch in 250 grams of cool water and stir until a homogeneous liquid is obtained.
  2. We put a suitable container on the fire and pour 3 liters of clean water into it.
  3. When the water boils, add sugar to it and stir.
  4. After that, we lower the frozen strawberries into the pan. If the cranberries are also frozen, then simultaneously place them in boiling water. Fresh sour berries must first be sorted out and washed under running water.
  5. We wait a couple of minutes, after which we take the berries out of the pan and pour in the starch in small portions. Knead the mixture so that it does not take lumps.
  6. Separately grind all the berries until puree and return them to the pan.
  7. Stir the jelly, turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove.

Such a vitamin jelly is perfect for quenching thirst in the summer heat - a chilled drink tones the body and gives vigor. In the cold season, hot jelly with cranberries and frozen strawberries will strengthen the immune system and help avoid colds.

Bon appetit and good health!

Step 1: Prepare the berries.

Cooking jelly was guessed back in Ancient Russia, however, then it was cooked from oatmeal, rye and wheat flakes. But when potatoes were brought to Russia, and they learned how to extract starch from it, then fruit jelly appeared. So, first of all, we need to thoroughly rinse the berries under cold running water, and remove the steps from them.

Step 2: Cook strawberry broth.

At the same time, you can put the pan on medium heat. with three liters drinking water.
Then pour the strawberries into an iron strainer and grind it. The resulting juice is set aside for the time being, but the rest (cake) is transferred to boiling water and cooked within 15-20 minutes. After that, we filter the resulting broth with a colander, and discard the cake.
Draining from the pan one glass decoction, and the rest is again sent to cook over medium heat. As soon as it boils, add sugar.

Step 3: Prepare starch.

While our strawberry broth is being cooked, you can prepare the starch. To do this, we dilute it in that glass of broth that we set aside. It took me 3 tablespoons of starch for 3 liters of broth.

Step 4: Cooking strawberry jelly.

Pour strawberry juice into the boiling broth (which we set aside at the very beginning) and again bring the mass to a boil. Then gently, in a thin stream, introduce starch, stirring. Let the berry mass boil and still cook about 5 minutes. Then take the pot off the heat and let it cool down a bit.

Step 5: Serve strawberry jelly.

Now it is up to you how to serve the jelly: hot, pouring it into glasses, or cold (like jelly) - pouring it into portioned bowls or plates, and sending it to the refrigerator to harden (it will take an hour or two). Bon Appetit!

A similar recipe can be used when preparing any jelly: strawberries, currants, raspberries, blueberries, etc.

If you want to cook more or less jelly, keep in mind that starch is consumed at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

Kissel, by the way, is not very sweet, and even a little sour. So you can add a little more sugar if you like.

Kissels were cooked back in Russia. They were prepared both as a drink and as an independent dish. Modern housewives do not forget about this amazing drink. Due to its beneficial properties, jelly is indicated for almost all people. It is well absorbed, normalizes digestion, fights dysbacteriosis, and for people suffering from gastritis, ulcers, colitis, it is just a godsend. This delicious drink is prepared quickly enough. The main thing is to have the right ingredients on hand ....


  • 100 g frozen strawberries__NEWL__
  • 100 g frozen blackcurrant__NEWL__
  • 6 tablespoons without sugar top__NEWL__
  • 3 heaping tablespoons potato starch__NEWL__
  • 2 liters of water__NEWL__

If you do not have frozen berries, you can take fresh, dried ones; various fruit juices, jams, preserves are ideal for jelly. And its useful properties will depend on what berries (fruits) you took as a basis. If you want jelly to have a laxative effect, cook it from mountain ash. Made from blueberries, it will have a binding effect, cranberry jelly will help in the fight against viral diseases.

We will have a very healthy drink, because it is brewed from two types of berries. So let's get started. We shift the frozen strawberries and currants into a saucepan, fill them with water and put on the stove over a high fire.

After about 3-4 minutes, when the water becomes warm, pour sugar into the pan, mix, and let the berry compote (this is not jelly yet) boil.

Reduce the heat and keep it on the stove for 10-15 minutes. While the berries are cooking, dissolve the starch in a small amount of water in a separate bowl.

By the way, it is not necessary to take potatoes. It can also be replaced with corn. After the compote is cooked, filter through cheesecloth.

Discard the boiled ugly berries, put the rest back on the fire and let it boil.

Then immediately pour in the diluted starch in a thin stream and mix quickly.

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