Home General issues Green Tomato Confiture with Chili Peppers. Two variants of green tomato marmalade. Rum jam

Green Tomato Confiture with Chili Peppers. Two variants of green tomato marmalade. Rum jam

I looked at this confiture for a year for sure, but I couldn’t manage to buy these same green tomatoes, and then, quite by accident, I came across them on the market!
It is prepared quickly and simply, the color is not green. of course, but very beautiful .. golden with vanilla seeds interspersed ... but it tastes something very original))) these are not boiled tomatoes with sugar, but a completely independent and very mysterious product)
I definitely recommend!

from this amount I got 2 jars of 200 ml

1.2 kg green tomatoes
white sugar (1/2 of the weight of peeled tomatoes)
1 vanilla pod
2-3 cm ginger root
juice of 1 lemon

1. Peel the tomatoes from the skin and seeds, cut into small pieces. If you want to see pieces in the finished confiture, then cut into beautiful and even pieces)
2. Weigh the peeled tomatoes and determine the amount of sugar, add it to the tomatoes.
3. Grate the ginger on a fine grater so that the fibers are separated and only the pulp is removed.
4. Add vanilla seeds and the pod itself, ginger and lemon juice to the tomatoes. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the density you need is reached (I got about 2 hours)
5. Punch with a blender and arrange in clean jars, close with lids. (Jars need to be washed and allowed to dry in the oven at 100-110 C).

The other day I saw green tomatoes on the market and bought a kilogram. And all why, because I stumbled upon interesting recipe green tomato jam, even two recipes.)
I made both versions to try. Perhaps it is worth stopping by, buying a couple more kilograms, the result was painfully pleased.

Marmalade from green tomatoes and lemons.
Green Tomato and Lemon Marmalade

1 lemon
1 kg green tomatoes
3 cups of sugar (700 ml), how many in grams - I won’t say, I measured it in cups.
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 cup water
a pinch of salt

Wash the lemon well hot water With baking soda if you're unlucky enough to have a bio lemon. I was not lucky.)
Cut into semicircles, remove seeds, and put to boil in a small amount of water. Bring to a boil and drain the water.

Cut them in the same way as lemons, in semicircles.
Put water, sugar and lemon juice in a bowl for cooking jam, bring to a boil so that the sugar dissolves, add lemons and tomatoes to the syrup.
Simmer over low heat until the syrup thickens and the lemon and tomato slices are translucent, 20 to 30 minutes.
In fact, the tomatoes gave a lot of juice, and the syrup had to be boiled longer.
Keep refrigerated.

Very, very tasty!)

Legs from here:

2. Green tomato marmalade with ginger.

zest from 1 lemon
1 kg green tomatoes
700 g sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice
piece fresh ginger, see 3 or 1 tsp ground ginger
or 100 g of candied ginger.

Cut the tomatoes crosswise, pour boiling water for a few minutes, then peel.
Cut them finely and cook covered in a small amount of water (about 100 ml, but you need to adjust the amount depending on the juiciness of the tomatoes) along with ginger until soft.
Then add zest and sugar and cook until thickened.
Then take out the ginger. (If using ground or candied ginger, add it later along with the sugar). Pour into sterilized jars and close the lid.

As a basis, take the recipe from the book Lia Virkus ja Pille Enden "Tomatiraamat".

I was a little distracted by a telephone conversation and almost missed the jam. It did not have time to burn, but it managed to caramelize, so the color turned out not green, but caramel brown. Also very tasty!) But do not yawn! Marmalade should turn out the same green as in the previous recipe.

Cooked with fresh ginger and zest, but based on the results of these two recipes, it would be worth combining them and boiling with lemon and ginger together. And more ginger.

For a round in

From childhood, everyone was told that unripe fruits should not be eaten, and this is a fact. But after correct processing they will bring the body only one benefit. In recent years, the preparation of jam based on green tomatoes. Let's look at some truly delicious recipes!

Subtleties of making jam

  1. If you decide to start cooking, select the raw materials, taking into account all the subtleties and carry out its preliminary preparation. Dense, fleshy fruits that do not accumulate a lot of juice are suitable for preparing treats. If there are spoiled or cracked places, such tomatoes are rejected. Pruning rotten places will not save you from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms under the peel of the fruit.
  2. Unripe tomatoes contain solanine, which in large quantities is detrimental to human health. Solanine is also found in ripe fruits, but in a small amount. Therefore, before making jam, you need to get rid of it. There are several ways to eliminate the "poison".
  3. You can pour tomatoes with filtered purified water and leave for 3-5 hours. During this period, the solanine will be washed out. Alternatively, the second method is used: green specimens are soaked for 1 hour in salt water. All methods are effective, you only need to build on the amount of free time. Next, the tomatoes are dried on towels and chopped.
  4. Before you start cooking treats, you need to cut out the area where the stalk is located, and also remove all dots and black spots. The cutting option depends on personal preferences and the recipe itself. Usually tomatoes are cut into cubes, "orange" slices.

Green tomato jam - classic

  • purified water - 340-360 ml.
  • unripe tomatoes - 1.1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.
  1. cook everything necessary products according to the recipe and utensils for cooking treats. Pour water into a small saucepan, wait until it begins to boil. Slowly pour in the granulated sugar, stirring at the same time.
  2. Switch the stove to minimum power, continue to simmer the syrup until the grains dissolve. When the consistency is reached, turn off the burner.
  3. Start preparing the tomatoes. This includes trimming, washing, drying. If the tomatoes are small in diameter, they are cut into 4 parts. All others should be approximately equal in size. Chop them into slices or cubes.
  4. After soaking in a saline solution or ordinary water, the tomatoes must be placed in a cooking pot and poured over with freshly prepared syrup. Cover the container with several layers of gauze, wait 18-20 hours.
  5. When the specified period comes to an end, drain the resulting sweet mass and boil it separately in another saucepan. Pour the remaining tomatoes in the pan again with this composition. Detect another 16 hours, then start cooking treats.
  6. Set a fireproof dish on the stove, cook on the smallest fire until the syrup thickens and the fruits themselves are transparent. To understand whether the delicacy is ready or not, you need to drop a little sweet mass on a piece of paper. If it doesn't soak completely, it's done.

Tomato jam with citric acid

  • water - 0.35 l.
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • green tomatoes - 1.25 kg.
  • lemon powder - ¼ teaspoon
  1. It is immediately worth clarifying that in the process of preparing preserves, only purified filtered water is used. Tap water is not suitable, it accumulates a lot of chlorine.
  2. So, after preparing the tomatoes and soaking them in water to eliminate solanine, it is necessary to dry the tomatoes and chop them. Prepare a pot for cooking.
  3. Fold the prepared raw materials into it, enter so much water that it covers the components. If necessary, the amount of liquid is slightly increased.
  4. Send the refractory container to the burner and wait for the seething. When this is achieved, set the minimum power of the stove and note the time. After 10-12 minutes, the fire is turned off.
  5. Drain the liquid obtained from cooking tomatoes, it is not required. Pour granulated sugar to the slices of tomatoes, mix gently and boil over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes more.
  6. When the time allotted for cooking the treat expires, remove the dishes from the stove and leave the treat for 3 hours. Tomatoes will absorb the syrup, become dense and not fall apart.
  7. Then boil them again for a quarter or a third of an hour, leave to reach for a couple of hours. Next comes the next stage of cooking - the third. At this step, pour citric acid and stir the food.
  8. At the exit, you will get a thick jam with a yellow tint. It is enough to roll it up hot in jars, turn it over and leave it to reach for a day. Then the delicacy moves to the cold.

Tomato jam with cloves and rum

  • rum - 40 gr.
  • vinegar (6-9%) - 0.25 l.
  • small tomatoes - 1.1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • clove buds - 2 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  1. As in all previous cases, tomatoes must first be prepared for further action. To this end, they are soaked in saline or ordinary filtered water. Further, the fruits for treats are cut into slices or arbitrarily.
  2. Start cooking syrup from half the volume of granulated sugar and 0.5 liters. water. When the granules are completely dissolved, inject the entire vinegar solution on prescription.
  3. Put chopped tomatoes into the sweet mass, mark for 6 minutes and turn off the burner. Leave the ingredients to infuse for 10-12 hours.
  4. After this period, drain the syrup, add the rest of the granulated sugar to the tomatoes. Boil again, during this time, prepare the lemon. It must be washed and cut into cubes with the peel.
  5. When the syrup boils and boils for 5 minutes, put tomatoes and pieces of citrus on it. Add the cloves in buds, stir and continue simmering on low power.
  6. When the treat is merging with the syrup, turn off the burner. Rum is added after cooling down. Pack into containers, store in the refrigerator.

Tomato jam with nuts

  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • drinking water - 370 ml.
  • walnuts (peel) - 220 gr.
  • green tomatoes- 1.1 kg.
  1. Choose small tomatoes, it is convenient to cut them into slices not too thick. The nuts must be freed from the shell, and the kernels should be separately fried in a dry frying pan without oil for 5 minutes.
  2. Next, the nuts are crushed to the state of crumbs by a method convenient for you (blender, rolling pin, etc.). Boil thick syrup from water in the amount according to the recipe and granulated sugar, the granules should dissolve completely.
  3. Stuff the tomatoes with nuts and put in a fireproof container. Top with syrup, cover with gauze or a towel, leave for 20 hours at room temperature.
  4. After the specified period, pour the syrup, boil it, add it to the tomatoes again and roll it into jars. For even cooling, it is better to leave the jars in the kitchen.

Considerable popularity among vegetables for preservation is occupied by green tomatoes. They are rolled up for the winter in the form of jam, following a special technology, in order to enjoy later. delicious snack. Review popular and delicious recipes.

Video: green tomato jam recipe

Having reached for tomato jams, I cooked 6 or 7 different pieces in a row. All of them, such as or, were from ripe tomatoes. And only one I was curious to make from green, unripe. With all my love for tomatoes, I am skeptical about green ones. But to complete the spectrum of jams, you must try this one too! Fortunately, your own tomatoes can be picked green.

1 kg green (unripe) tomatoes
300 g sugar
juice and zest of 1 lemon
5-6 thyme sprigs
30 g rum
couple pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg
a sachet of pectin

All jams are prepared in the same way, only green tomatoes do not need to be skinned - what a relief!
Tomatoes can be chopped in a blender. I just cut them pretty small.
Peel the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice.
Tomatoes with sugar lemon juice simmer over low heat (I did it in a slow cooker on Stewing) for 30-35 minutes.
When they give the juice, put the sprigs of thyme.
5 minutes before the end, remove the thyme, add rum and spices, and when it boils after that - pectin.

I tried hot jam and decided that this is finally a real muck :)))
The jam had a characteristically poisonous taste, which is why I don’t like green tomatoes (well, except for fried ones, the taste disappears in fried ones).
Yeah, I thought, I'm not going to cook this jam anymore. I remembered that soda appeared in one of the recipes I met - maybe it just extinguishes the green-tomato poisonousness? But I didn't want to experiment. I let the jam cool, then put it in the fridge and forgot for a few days.
And when I decided to try it after the refrigerator ... hocus pocus!
The bad taste was gone.
The jam was delicious!
Not at all like any of the tomato reds.
My husband, who heroically tasted at my request a small piece of green tomato from jam, confidently said that it was a zucchini. "Well, you cooked squash jam!" No, not a zucchini...

Still, I'll have to cook another variation of green! You can add to it more spices he will survive. And 30 g of rum, which was quite enough for red tomatoes, was lost here. Ginger maybe? Rosemary? Allspice peas (catch later, when it gives off the aroma)? Do you have a green tomato jam recipe? walnuts Now I'm also interested.

So the tomato season continues :)

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