Home Soups What can you cook minced meat. Minced meat. Let it cool

What can you cook minced meat. Minced meat. Let it cool


Classification of dishes and their brief description

General rules for cooking

Preparation of raw materials

Preparation of semi-finished products

Organization of the workplace

Description of the main workshop

Workshop equipment

Cooking technology

Technological cards of traditional dishes, their diagrams

Technological cards of non-traditional dishes, their diagrams

preparation, quality requirements.


Used Books



Meat is one of the most important places in our diet. The nutritional value of this useful product is determined primarily by the fact that it is a carrier of animal protein and fat.

The composition of meat proteins includes complete and deficient proteins. The main part is made up of complete proteins. In the carcasses of cattle and sheep, they contain 75-85 percent, in the carcasses of pigs - 90 percent. Complete meat proteins contain all amino acids, some of which are not synthesized by the human body. Thus, the main protein in muscle tissue, myosin, which makes up about 50 percent, and actin, which makes up 12-15 percent of all proteins in muscle tissue, together contain all the amino acids. Essential amino acids of meat (valine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, arginine, histidine, threonine, methionine, cystine, phenylalanine, tyrosine) perform essential functions in the human body. They are necessary for normal activities. nervous system that promote the growth of a young organism, stimulate the metabolism. The content of complete proteins in meat is determined by the amount of tryptophan, and the content of defective proteins is determined by the amount of hydroxyproline. This is a fairly reliable indicator of the concentration of connective tissue and meat hardness.

Meat of animals of different breeds differs significantly in protein composition. So, the composition of meat of specialized meat breeds of Kazakh white-headed, Aberdeen-Angus, Hereford contains more complete proteins in comparison with meat of Alatau, black-and-white (Aulieatinskaya) and Charolais.

When comparing the meat of animals of different sexes, there are more high-grade proteins in heifers compared to castrates, and in castrates - compared to bulls. There are also age-related differences in the usefulness of meat proteins. The meat of young animals is much more tender and contains more complete proteins than the meat of adult animals. Due to the lower content of connective tissue formations in pork there is less defective, difficult-to-digest proteins (collagen, elastin) than in beef and lamb. In terms of the content of essential amino acids, the proteins of the muscle tissue of beef, lamb and pork do not differ.

Meat proteins are highly digestible, digested slowly, therefore meat dishes they create a feeling of fullness longer than fish, dairy and especially vegetables.

Classification of dishes and their brief description.

Lumpy portions Small lumpy

P / f. P / f. P / f.

Roast beef. -Beefsteak -Beef stroganoff

1.5-2 kg -Latette -Fry

(cooking, stewing) -Antrecote -Azu

Zrazy chops - Moscow-style barbecue

Brass beef - Goulash

Rashitex 5g. up to 40g.

50g.-150g. (frying, stewing).

(frying, stewing)

3.3. General rules for cooking.

From minced meat obtained by grinding beef, pork, lamb or veal in a meat grinder, they prepare natural minced products without adding bread (steaks, schnitzels, cutlets), and with the addition of bread (cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, meatballs).

For the manufacture of minced products, both with and without the addition of bread, the following pieces of pulp are used: beef - the pulp of the neck, Flank and trims obtained by cutting carcasses, as well as edging from carcasses of category II; lamb, goat meat, veal - the flesh of the neck and trim; pork - trimmings. All pieces of pulp should be stripped of tendons and rough connective tissue. Such meat is called cutlet. To improve the taste and juiciness of finished products, raw fat (5 - 10%) is included in the lean cutlet meat. In pork cutlet meat, the content of adipose tissue is not more than 30% and that of connective tissue is not more than 5%. In cutlet meat made from beef, lamb and veal, the content of fatty and connective tissue should not exceed 10%.

To prepare products with the addition of bread, meat chopped in a meat grinder is combined with stale wheat bread 1st or top grade, previously soaked in milk or water, add salt, pepper (sometimes onions) and mix.

During cooking chopped semi-finished products it is necessary to take measures that reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials and ready-made semi-finished products (cutlet meat is washed with cold running water: chopped meat and cutlet mass are cooled, cold water or edible ice).

Formed semi-finished products are immediately sent to heat treatment or placed in a refrigerator for cooling to +6 o C.

It is recommended to fry minced meat products just before leaving. Semi-finished products are placed in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 ° C and fried for 3-5 minutes. on both sides until a crispy crust is formed, and then brought to readiness in an oven at a temperature of 250-280 ° C (5-7 minutes). Finished chopped products must be completely fried: the temperature in the center for natural chopped products should be at least 85 ° C, for products made from cutlet mass - at least 90 ° C. Organoleptic signs of the readiness of minced meat products are the release of colorless juice at the puncture site and gray in section.

On vacation, natural chopped products are poured with fat or meat juice, products from cutlet mass - with fat or sauce. Fried potatoes, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled or stewed vegetables, boiled pasta, friable porridge.

Preparation of raw materials.

Characteristics of the raw materials used.

The main tissues of meat are: muscle, connective, adipose and bone.

Primary processing consists of the following processes: thawing, washing, drying, culinary cutting, deboning, stripping, sorting, production of semi-finished products.

Carcasses, half carcasses, quarters of meat are thawed in a chamber at a temperature from 0 o to 6-8 o C for 1-3 days. or at 20-25 ° C for 12-24 hours with slow thawing, the loss of nutrients, the meat is not thawed in water. After thawing, the brand is cut off, the meat is washed with water (20-30 ° C) using brushes, rinsed with water (12-15 ° C) and dried in air or with cloth napkins.

Preparation of semi-finished products

Chopped steak.

For steaks, choose the meat of young animals, preferably the flesh of the back or thighs, because this meat is the most juicy and tasty. The best meat is the fillet, which sits on either side of the spine and is an oblong, round muscle. A steak is prepared from the thick part of this muscle, while the meat should not be cut along, but across the fibers.

Chopped natural schnitzel.

Schnitzel (German Schnitzel from schnitzen - cut) is a thin layer of veal, pork, lamb, chicken or turkey breast, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour and fried by deep immersion in hot oil (deep fat). It differs from the chop in that the meat may not be beaten off, and in the way of frying. From the escalope - breading. A properly cooked schnitzel is golden orange in color and crispy.

The word "schnitzel", like the dish itself, came to the Russian language from Germany in the 20th century. In German, "schnitzel" means "tenderloin", that is, just a piece of meat.

Lula kebab.

An oriental dish in the form of an oblong cutlet fried on a skewer. It is made from lamb, ground with onions (without using bread and eggs). A feature of the preparation of kebabs is the long-term kneading of minced meat. The minced meat must be thoroughly mixed in order for it to become viscous and dense. In this form, it sits firmly on skewers and does not fall apart. Usually wrapped in pita bread, with added ground sumac.

Mechanical cooking scheme

Beef goes to factories baby food whole carcasses, half carcasses and quarters; lamb, goat and veal - whole carcasses, pork - half carcasses and carcasses.

The technological process of mechanical processing of meat consists of a number of sequential operations: defrosting, washing and drying; carcass cutting (division into cuts, their deboning, separation of large pieces, trimming and stripping of meat, preparation of semi-finished products).

The parts of the carcass obtained as a result of deboning and stripping are lumpy semi-finished products. The further use of each of them is determined by nutritional value and culinary properties, which depend on the amount and type of connective tissue contained in meat.

Tenderloin, thin and thick edges, top and inside of the hind leg of beef have little connective tissue. Therefore, they are used for roasting, during which they quickly soften.

The scapula, lateral and outer parts of the hind leg contain

a significant amount of connective tissue and soften with prolonged cooking or stewing.

Minced meat is not only juicy cutlets, but also incomparable dumplings, delicious cabbage rolls, casseroles, ruddy pies, pies and many other goodies. It is the basis of many dishes, which is why it is so important to know how to cook it correctly.

Today we will talk about culinary tricks in the preparation of the perfect minced meat.

How to grind

You can make minced meat in 3 ways:

  • scroll in a meat grinder

  • using a blender

  • manually - with two sharp knives

When chopping with knives, the meat turns out to be juicier: after all, it is chopped, and not crumpled, as in a meat grinder, and all the juices remain inside. A blender does something similar, but it grinds the meat into a paste. You can chop meat with one knife, but with two - 3 times faster! The knives must be sharp and heavy enough ( a good option- chef knives). You need to “straighten out” the meat on a heavy and solid board, under which you need to put a tea towel - for stability.

- says the culinary blogger Sergey Milianchikov.

Meat duets

Chefs often recommend using several types of meat to complement each other in terms of juiciness and taste. The most popular combination - beef + pork - is actually not very successful, the following duets are much more interesting:

  • beef + lamb

  • beef + chicken

  • lamb + chicken

  • pork + turkey

  • pork + rabbit

The only exception is the burger cutlet: it is better to make it from one type of meat.
For burgers, we make only beef cutlet. Indeed, in addition to the cutlet, the burger contains sauce and vegetables, which perfectly complement the meat in its “pure form.

- explains the chef Mark Statsenko.

What else to add

To make the minced meat really tasty, you can add additional ingredients to it:

  • white bread soaked in milk

  • butter

  • grated cheese

Juiciness meat filling will give raw vegetables- potatoes, pumpkin, squash or grated green apple(1 medium-sized apple is enough for 600 g of meat). Also, minced meat can be "heavier" with cereals - rice or bulgur.

Spices and condiments

Win-win combinations:

  • for beef - pepper + nutmeg

  • for lamb - cumin + coriander

  • for pork - pepper + nutmeg + a couple of drops of Worcester sauce

  • for chicken - (if you are a curry fan) turmeric

The ideal amount of seasoning can only be found out experimentally. It is better to start with small doses.

Beat off minced meat

Another secret: chopped meat with additives should not just be mixed, but beaten off properly until the meat mass gathers into a smooth and springy lump.
This is necessary so that the minced meat does not fall apart during heat treatment - it does not matter whether we are talking about kebab, which is cooked on skewers, about pleskavitsa, which is baked on a wire rack, or about ordinary chopped cutlets.

- Eva Punch writes in her book “Your own chef. How to learn to cook without recipes ”.

Let it cool

After a hot "reprisal" over the minced meat, it must be left alone.
The best thing is to send it to the refrigerator for at least half an hour. Minced meat will be infused, meat and additives will become a single whole. In addition, it will be easier to form cutlets from cold minced meat, and when frying they will turn out to be much more magnificent.

- advises Sergey Milianchikov.

How to fry

If you decide to fry the cutlets, then be sure to bread them - in flour, oat flakes, breadcrumbs or sesame seeds - they will be juicier. And after frying, bring to readiness under the lid or in the oven.

Four options for juicy minced meat in the oven with the addition of berries, vegetables, fruits and herbs

2017-09-20 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams ready meal

14 gr.

20 gr.


1 gr.

243 kcal.

1. Oven minced meat - a classic steak recipe

The classic roasting minced meat in the oven is the traditional steak. It is prepared from beef with the addition lard or one pork. Such a dish turns out to be juicy and very satisfying.


  • a pound of beef;
  • one onion;
  • 70 g of raw pork fat (or butter);
  • four chicken eggs;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • 10 g table mustard, to serve.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beef in cold water and wipe it off with a paper towel. If there are a lot of tendons and films on the pulp, cut them off (it's okay if a little remains).

2. Peel and rinse the onion.

3. Scroll the beef, lard and onion through a minced meat grinder. But if such a nozzle is not included in the kit, take a small one. Pork fat can be replaced with frozen butter.

4. Add the yolk of one egg, 50-100 ml of boiled cold water to the meat minced with onions. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir and beat twice. That is, take all the meat mass in your hands and carefully throw it back into the cup.

5. Divide the minced meat into three parts and mold each into an oval cutlet. Flatten it down. Remember, one baked egg should fit on its surface.

6. Pour into the pan sunflower oil(25-30 ml) and heat. Place patties in hot oil and fry quickly on both sides. Do not put a lid on the pan! Chopped beef steak can be medium or full, depending on individual preference.

7. Then place the steaks on a baking sheet. Carefully break one egg for each and send it to a hot oven for 15-20 minutes at 200 ° C.

8. Serve the cooked minced meat in the oven at classic recipe with table mustard.

Not only mustard, but also horseradish or sour cream sauces with fresh herbs are suitable as a sauce for a steak. The dish is served only hot immediately after baking.

2. Chopped meat in the oven, baked in foil

The advantages of such heat treatment are obvious - there is no frying! Meat wrapped in a piece of food foil is stewed in own juice with minimal fat consumption.


  • a pound of beef;
  • a quarter of one lemon;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • a pinch of sugar (or 5 g of natural honey);
  • 50 g of lingonberry or currant berries;
  • 5 ml of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beef in cold water and cut into small pieces - chop with a table knife on a cutting board.

2. Sort out the berries and rinse.

3. Put the meat in a cup, add the juice of a quarter of lemon, berries. Add sugar, salt and ground pepper. Stir and leave for a quarter of an hour.

4. Line a small oven tray with foil and brush with sunflower oil. Transfer the meat to the foil, along with the juice that has come out. Cover with foil and pinch on all sides.

5. Send to a preheated oven for half an hour at 200-220 ° C.

6. After baking, taking care not to burn yourself, unfold the foil and transfer the dish to a serving plate.

The meat according to this recipe turns out to be juicy with a pleasant sourish taste, softened by light sweetness. Serve fresh chopped vegetables or finely chopped herbs as a side dish.

3. Chopped meat in the oven in the form of cutlets

A great solution for minced meat in the oven - molded patties! Universal dish with any side dish is suitable for a dinner party or family dinner. Note that there is no bread in the ingredients of the recipe, however, if desired, you can add a piece of wheat soaked in milk or cream to the minced meat.


  • 300 g pork;
  • 100 g chicken fillet;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • onion;
  • egg yolk;
  • salt, spices and seasonings;
  • breading;
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse pork and chicken in cold water and dry, finely chop with a knife. Professional chefs do this on a sturdy cutting board with two sharp cutlery knives. But, at home, you can get by with a special attachment for a meat grinder.

2. Peel and rinse the onion. Grind in the same way as meat.

3. In a bowl, combine meat, onion, yolk, salt and spices. Pour in milk and, after mixing the mass, beat lightly twice.

4. Blind cutlets from the mass and breaded. For breading, crackers, any flour (including cereal) or even nuts crushed to crumbs are suitable.

5. Quickly fry the patties in oil in a skillet on both sides. The fire must be strong, because now the goal is beautiful golden brown on products.

6. Transfer the patties to a baking sheet and bake until cooked at a standard temperature of 180-200 ° C.

The combination of chicken and pork in cutlets is original in itself, but also economical! At the same time, the taste of meat is not lost, and the quality and taste characteristics of the finished dish remain at the highest level.

4. Oven minced meat with kiwi (in the roasting sleeve)

Tell sweet and sour sauce is it a classic for meat? Try making it out of kiwi! Interesting and quick recipe minced meat in the oven with kiwi sauce will win your heart!


  • pork neck (or shoulder blade);
  • spicy herbs in a mixture (provencal or any others);
  • salt;
  • ripe kiwi;
  • flower honey;
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse pork neck and chop into pieces.

2. Rinse and peel the kiwi. Whisk in a blender and puree.

3. Put a special baking sleeve in a baking sheet, pinch it on one side. Opening the other side, put in it meat, kiwi, herbs, a drop of natural flower honey and sunflower oil. Close the sleeve tightly and shake slightly to mix all the ingredients.

4. Now leave the meat to marinate for a quarter of an hour, and then send it to the heated oven for baking at 180-200 ° C for a little less than an hour.

The recipe uses pork, but beef, lamb, chicken or turkey are also suitable for the specified set of additional ingredients.

Ingredients (18)
Zucchini 850 g
Bulb onion 1 pc.
Garlic cloves 3 tooth.
Olive oil 5 pcs.
Chopped meat assorted 400 g
Show all (18)
Ingredients (19)
850 g zucchini (I have 2 small zucchini)
1 medium onion
3 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp. l. olive oil
400 g of minced meat platter (I have beef + pork)
Show all (19)

Ingredients (13)
pork meat (neck) - 600-700 g
onions - 2 pieces
potatoes - 2-3 pieces
large egg -1 pc
hard cheese - 40-50 g
Show all (13)

Ingredients (12)
- pork (I have pulp
you can take a neck or a tenderloin) 500g
- 3 tbsp. decoys
- 2 tbsp. fresh sour cream
- 1 small onion
Show all (12)

Ingredients (12)
breadcrumbs with cheese and herbs
minced pork-beef-500g
cheese -200g
salt pepper
Show all (12)

Ingredients (17)
200g champignons
3 cloves of garlic
2 shallots (I have a red onion)
half a bunch of basil (mine is dry)
1 stalk leek
Show all (17)

Ingredients (13)
300g brussels sprouts
175g flour
50g ground walnut
100g soft plum oil
Show all (13)

Ingredients (13)
Red pepper
1 onion
400g minced meat (50/50)
Show all (13)
Ingredients (11)
2 rolls
100g smoked bacon
1 bunch of parsley
100g emmental cheese
1kg ground beef
Show all (11)

Ingredients (9)
Wheat flour 3 tablespoons
Pork 700 g
Mayonnaise 3 tablespoons
Potato starch 2 tablespoons
Chicken egg 3 pieces
Show all (9)

Ingredients (11)
Canned red beans 1 can
Minced beef 600 g
Bulgarian pepper 1 piece
Onion 1 piece
Garlic 0.17 pieces

Rice. one Chopped meat with mushrooms


  • W 1 bun;
  • Ш 10 g dried mushrooms;
  • W bulbs;
  • W a clove of garlic;
  • W 30 g lard;
  • Ш 1 tablespoon butter;
  • W 600 g minced meat;
  • W 1 teaspoon of marjoram and starch;
  • Ш 1 egg;
  • Salt, pepper;
  • Ш tablespoons of bread crumbs;
  • W 250 ml of broth;
  • W 100 ml cream.


Soak mushrooms and bun separately. Cut 1/2 onion and garlic into cubes, the second into thin circles. Chop 1 lard. Drain the water from the mushrooms into a bowl. Simmer onion cubes, garlic, bacon and mushrooms in oil. Stir in minced meat, marjoram, egg, bun, salt and pepper. Shape into a loaf and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Transfer the meat with the remaining onions and garlic to a roasting pan and fry for 20 minutes at 200 °. Pour in the broth and fry for another 20 minutes. Boil the released juice with mushroom water, cream and steep with starch. Season with salt and pepper. Serve the meat with sauce and, if desired, with noodles.

Rice. 2 Potatoes with minced meat


  • W potatoes - 1 kg;
  • Mixed minced meat - 500 g;
  • S sauerkraut - 500 g;
  • Bulb onion - 1 head;
  • W garlic - 2 cloves;
  • W vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.;
  • W spoon butter - 1 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Salt;
  • Ш meat broth;
  • Sour cream - 200 g;
  • Sh cheese - 150 g;
  • W egg - 2 pcs.


Fry the minced meat in vegetable oil, add chopped onions and garlic, fry, salt and pepper. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices. For the sauce, mix the broth with sour cream, eggs and grated cheese. Grease the form with butter, put in layers, first 1/2 the rate of potatoes, then 1/2 rate of cabbage, chopped meat, leftover cabbage and potatoes. Pour over the sauce and bake in the oven for about an hour at 200 ° C.

Rice. 3 Chopped schnitzel with egg


  • W you need for 4 servings:
  • W 8 pieces of bacon;
  • W 500 g minced pork;
  • W 5 eggs;
  • Ш 1 tbsp. l. bread crumbs;
  • Ш 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • Salt, ground black pepper;
  • Ш 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped green onions.


Fry the bacon on both sides in a non-greasy skillet until crisp, then place on a paper towel to absorb the excess fat.

Mix minced pork with 1 egg, bread crumbs and make 4 flat schnitzels. Vegetable oil add to the pan where the bacon was fried and fry the schnitzels for 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove from the pan.

In the same pan, cook fried eggs from the rest of the eggs, salt, pepper and sprinkle green onions... Serve the schnitzel with scrambled eggs and bacon. You can also serve tomato salad.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

There are 864 kcal per serving.

Rice. 4 Chopped beef cutlets with basil


  • W 600 g boneless beef;
  • Eggs;
  • W tsp. mayonnaise;
  • Ш 1 large onion;
  • Sh st.l. starch;
  • Basil sprigs;
  • Ш ground black pepper;
  • Salt;
  • Sh st.l. olive oil.


Wash the meat, pat dry with a napkin and chop finely. Peel the onion and chop finely. Grind the basil leaves. Mix the meat with eggs, mayonnaise, onion, basil. Season with salt, pepper and add starch. Leave on for 1 hour. Heat a frying pan with butter, spoon out the mixture and fry on both sides.

Rice. 5 Tomatoes stuffed with minced meat and feta cheese


for 4 servings:

  • W red onion 2 pcs;
  • W olive oil 2 tablespoons spoons;
  • Chopped meat 500 g;
  • Salt, pepper;
  • W celery 2 stalks;
  • W thyme 4 sprigs;
  • W tomatoes 8 pcs;
  • Brynza 300 g.


Peel and finely chop the onion. Put it out until transparent while hot olive oil... Add minced meat and stir fry until crumbly. Season with salt and pepper. Wash the celery, peel and cut into thin slices. Wash the thyme, dry and chop. Stir in celery and thyme to the meat and fry a little.

Wash the tomatoes and cut off each "cap". Remove the contents from them, rub the fruit pulp through a sieve, while collecting the juice. Heat the oven to 200C. Place the tomatoes in a baking dish and fill them minced meat... Chop the feta cheese and spread it over the tomatoes. Cover with "lids". Pour in tomato juice... Season with salt and pepper.

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