Home Kashi Proper homemade rhubarb wine (no herbal flavor). rhubarb wine rhubarb wine simple recipe

Proper homemade rhubarb wine (no herbal flavor). rhubarb wine rhubarb wine simple recipe

In the old days, moonshine was not driven. The medieval craftsman's mind had not yet invented the famous apparatus, but the peasants' mash turned out to be noble, vigorous, fragrant. Rhubarb wine should come out the same if it's made right. There is no mood - it’s better to take care of the beds, otherwise, you will get a product that you don’t want to drink.

Wine loves to play, invigorate. And what kind of cheerfulness is there if cats scratch at the soul? So that mental anguish is not transmitted to those who will drink it, try cooking according to the recipe of great-grandmothers, but first listen to a few tips.

  1. Take spring water for wine, filtered, but not boiled, otherwise you will not get enough foam.
  2. For the base, one can of fermented rhubarb jam or any berry, except for cranberries, is enough.
  3. Buy 100 grams of fresh yeast, not packs of substitutes.
  4. Measure the amount of sugar with a faceted glass.
  5. Rhubarb pods cannot be freed from the skin, otherwise you will get porridge that you can’t really strain.

If everything is at hand, then you can turn on fun music and start working:

- 1 kg of rhubarb (without leaves) wash well;

- cut into small cubes;

- put them in an enameled cup, cover with sugar at the rate of 1: 1, press a little with a mortar to make the juice go;

- dissolve yeast in 3.5 liters of cold water, add jam there;

- mix the mass;

- add rhubarb with sugar to it, cover with a clean rag and put in a warm place;

- as soon as the mass ferments (for 3-4 days), strain, pack in bottles with a tight lid and send for a month in the refrigerator or cellar.

- do not touch the wine, do not open it, do not rearrange it from place to place, do not allow the sun's rays to touch the bottles;

- after 30 days you can enjoy a fizzy drink.

If the wort is prepared correctly, then the legs will go into the belt themselves! While the product is ripening, try out other rhubarb recipes: rhubarb pie, salads and. They are especially good when it's plus thirty outside the window.

And don't forget to cook rhubarb jam. It might be useful for you next year. Any rhubarb dishes are good throughout the year, so plant it in the garden in several places. This plant is unpretentious, does not require special care.

For avid fishermen, I’ll tell you a secret: you can always dig up worms under wide leaves!

When the rhubarb wine is ready, invite the neighbors over by pouring the fizzy drink into flasks. Let them be surprised by your invention!

But about my invention - you already know, but I know that you are waiting for the next task from me. It will definitely be, but - not in this article! No time to guess riddles, run to harvest rhubarb soon, and cook your favorite rhubarb dishes and drinks from it!

In the early 70s, my family and I often went to the city of Tallinn on a day off to wander through the narrow streets of the old city, enjoy delicious buns with coffee in small cafes and buy an indispensable liqueur "Old Tallinn" with us. In the same city, I made a discovery for myself: rhubarb juice was sold there in bottling along with other juices familiar to us in large glass tubes.

I liked this juice so much that I only drank it when I came to this city again. By the way, I have never seen such delicious sweet and sour juice for sale anywhere except Estonia. At the same time, I dreamed of someday planting rhubarb in my garden.

This dream came true when we managed to buy an old village house with a garden thirty kilometers from Tikhvin.

Now I already know that the agricultural technology of this crop is simple. Rhubarb should be planted in soil rich in humus in a sunny spot on the plot, provide it with organic fertilizer. All this my rhubarb received in our garden. The flower stalks that appear in May must be removed to enhance the nutrition of the cuttings - that part of the plant from which we will receive juice.

From the former owners of the site, we got wild bushes of blackcurrant and out-of-class gooseberries. Over time, we replaced these bushes with better quality varietal material. But winters in these parts are severe, and frosts in the spring are much stronger than in St. Petersburg. Therefore, we often had to stay without berries. That's when rhubarb came to the rescue. It was always with thick juicy petioles, and we could use this vegetable all season long. Bearing in mind that rhubarb accumulates organic acids undesirable for the body in the petioles over the summer, only young petioles should be used. Thus, during the summer you can get three harvests of this wonderful crop.

And if we talk about the use of rhubarb, then he is just a champion. Its young leaves, when the early cabbage has not yet ripened, are quite suitable for making cabbage rolls. The taste is very pleasant, slightly sour.

Young stalks are a constant opportunity to cook compotes, kissels, a dessert of finely chopped pieces in sugar, as well as absolutely amazing kvass. Rhubarb is also a filling for pancakes, pies and pies, everything is delicious, very tasty. We make jam out of it, classic, when pieces of rhubarb are in thick syrup, or boiled down to mashed potatoes for a shortcake with a “yellow” top.

The juice that I have long loved, squeezed out in a juicer, is already being prepared for the winter in sterile jars. Of course, more sugar is required compared to sweet berries, but the juice is very tasty and healthy. And finally, wine. It turns out that excellent wine can be made from rhubarb - dessert, dry and semi-dry, depending on the sugar content during its manufacture.

There is enough literature on the preparation of homemade wines, which indicates the ratio of the number of berries, fruits, sugar and water. There is information about rhubarb that it makes good table wine. I am ready to object to this and offer a recipe for an excellent dessert wine. Of course, you have to tinker with it, the process takes about 5-6 months. But on the other hand, how nice it is to drink a transparent golden wine that has gone through all the stages of production. It is so unusual in taste that it can never be recognized if you treat your guests to this wine.

Here is my dessert rhubarb wine recipe:

A ten-liter bottle requires: 4.5 liters of rhubarb juice, 4.5 liters of well or spring water, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar and a dozen unwashed raisins. For three days, the wine material is placed in bottles under gauze, and then under a water seal for fermentation in a dark place, in the kitchen, for example.

At the end of fermentation, the wort is removed from the sediment, freed from foam by siphoning into another clean container. After adding another 1.5 kg of granulated sugar dissolved in this wine material, everything is returned to the pre-washed bottle with a water seal.

After two weeks of fermentation, sugar is again added to the wort, which is necessary for the formation of alcohol. At this stage, the type of future wine is formed. When adding another 1.5 kg of sugar, we get dessert wine; with the addition of 0.7-0.75 kg of sugar - semi-dry wine; if no more sugar is added, we get dry wine.

The wine material is under the shutter and once every 3-4 weeks is removed from the sediment. Thus, it is illuminated. At this time, the carbon dioxide produced during fermentation is no longer present. This can be determined by the absence of bubbles released into the water from the water seal tube.

Now it's time to start bottling the wine into bottles with reliable corks in which it should mature. This process takes at least a month and takes place in cool conditions. A reliable stopper is a guarantee against the penetration of atmospheric air into the wine, which turns the wine into vinegar as a result of oxidation. And the wine is poured into the bottle almost under the cork.

This is how after 5-6 months we get a very good wine. And, indeed, it is worth the time spent on it.

And I also want to offer readers my recipe for rhubarb kvass, which is very good in the hot summer:

Cut young rhubarb stalks with skin into two-centimeter pieces and place in a three-liter jar so that they occupy a third of its volume. Then pour a glass of granulated sugar, half a teaspoon of dry yeast or 15-20 g of fresh yeast into it. The remaining volume must be filled with boiled water.

Put the jar in a dark place and cover with gauze. Three days later kvass is ready. Free the liquid from the foam and bottle. Put in refrigerator. This kvass is good on its own, but it can also be used to make okroshka.

Ludmila Rybkina, gardener

Many will be surprised, because rhubarb is a stem vegetable, what kind of wine can be made from it? However, contrary to general bewilderment, rhubarb is the best suited for these purposes.

Take freshly picked rhubarb and cut it into small pieces. You need to use only the stem, without the "goose foot". We put the stems in a saucepan, fill with water. It should only slightly cover the bottom, so don't overdo it. We put the pot on the fire. During the boiling process, steam is formed, which helps the feedstock to release a sufficient amount of juice.

When the rhubarb becomes soft, you need to remove it from the heat and cool. This process is required, although if you want to squeeze raw rhubarb, you are welcome. The wine will immediately begin to resemble herbal collection, which is unacceptable for wine.

More juice is released during the cooking process, so small residues are not difficult to squeeze out. If you have a juicer at home, then it may come in handy. Warming the rhubarb to eighty degrees, you need to remove the herbal taste. The profitability of rhubarb is 55-6 percent. This means that from one kilogram we get about one and a half liters of juice. It consists of 12 percent acid, the composition of the salt is very small that it can be ignored. If the wine must be with a seven percent acid composition, then one liter of juice will not be enough. Increase it to one and a half.

(1 percent acid and 11 percent alcohol).

1. 1 kilogram 700 grams of rhubarb. From it we get 1 liter of juice.

2. 300 grams of sugar. We get 200 milliliters of sugar dissolved in water.

3. And 300 milliliters of water

At the exit we get one and a half liters of wine.

If we need to make dessert wine from rhubarb with 15 percent alcohol, then we need to increase the amount of sugar to 450 grams. Less water is needed, because for dessert wine, less acidity is acceptable. Add sugar three times 150 grams.

A very tasty wine is obtained if rhubarb is mixed with apple juice. The ripening period of apples and rhubarb is almost the same. So it is not difficult to implement the idea. The optimal mixture is 70 percent apple juice and 30 percent rhubarb juice.

The addition of sugar and water once is calculated based on the recipe for rhubarb wine, the other - apple juice. And it makes no difference whether we make wine with 11 percent alcohol or 15 percent. The main thing is that fermentation proceeds simultaneously. It is worth repeating that this is by no means an equivalent result. This is the same as we would dare to mix ready-made wines from rhubarb and apple juice.

Both apple wine and rhubarb wine are not subject to long-term storage. After one and a half years of aging, the wine has the best taste. However, after two years it is still not worth drinking this wine.

Rhubarb wine tastes like apple wine - this fact is explained by the increased content of malic acid in the stems of the plant. After completing all the preparation work, you will have a reddish drink with a herbal flavor and an 11-degree alcohol content. At home, you can cook several modifications of rhubarb wine.

What you need for classic rhubarb wine

For a classic recipe, any kind of rhubarb will do. The main condition is the presence of juicy and ripe stems. Only the stems will go into the container (the rest of the parts give an unpleasant aftertaste to the future wine). Full list of ingredients:

  • rhubarb stalks (3 kilograms);
  • sugar (half a kilogram is required per liter of juice);
  • water (in equal proportions to juice);
  • unwashed raisins for sourdough (about 40 grams).

The proportions of water and sugar depend on the volume of rhubarb juice. Instead of store-bought raisins (which are of poor quality), it is better to use cherries, strawberries or raspberries. Berries must be fresh.

Cooking process

3-5 days before squeezing the juice from the rhubarb, it is necessary to prepare a wine sourdough. Berries are poured into a jar, mixed with water (about 150 grams) and sugar (25 grams). The jar is covered with gauze and kept in a warm place for 3-4 days. If a sour smell appears in combination with foam, fermentation has begun. Further algorithm of actions:

  1. Rinse the rhubarb stems thoroughly, remove the "white leg" and finely chop. Put the resulting mass in a saucepan and fill with water.
  2. Wait for the boil and begin to boil the stems to the softening stage (slow fire). After that, turn off the burner and cool the mixture to room temperature.
  3. Pour the broth into a new container. Grind the stems with a blender.
  4. Water is mixed with decoction and rhubarb gruel. Sugar and sourdough are added to the same dish. The neck of the container is protected by gauze from insects.
  5. The wort is stored for 3-4 days in a dark room. The contents of the jar are mixed daily with a wooden stick. After that, the wort is filtered through cheesecloth. The cake is thrown away, and a liter of juice and sugar (100 grams) are mixed into the liquid part.
  6. The resulting product is transferred to the fermentation tank (filling should not exceed 75 percent limit). A water seal is placed on the neck. The storage location must be dark. The temperature regime is about 18-27 ° C.

Second phase

Another portion of sugar is added after five days. The entire fermentation process will average 25-60 days. Make sure the water seal has stopped bubbling and the liquid has cleared a little. Drain and filter the fermented wine. Sweeten the wine (if needed) and bottle it.

Bottles must be sealed tightly, preventing air from entering. Watch the product for about 10 days to prevent re-fermentation. Transfer the bottles to a dark, cool place (5-16°C) and keep there for six months. Filter wine monthly. When the sediment ceases to stand out, the drink is ready.

Rhubarb with citrus

Take a kilogram of rhubarb stalks, rinse them, chop them and fill with water (1.75 liters). Leave the liquid for four days, then start straining. Further operations:

  1. Dilute a teaspoon of special wine yeast with warm water.
  2. Stir the liquid until foam forms.
  3. Pour the juice into the rhubarb decoction.
  4. Cut the orange and lemon into quarters.
  5. Squeeze out the juice from each quarter.
  6. Mix the decoction with citrus juice and seal with a water seal.
  7. Wait three days (this is how long the fermentation process lasts).
  8. Stir the drink and wait another 3 days.

The wine is removed from the sediment and bottled in glass bottles. If you can get an oak barrel and arrange for some extra aging, that would be great. The infusion lasts six months, after which the product is finally bottled and sealed with corks.

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Rhubarb Wine

Rhubarb Wine

1 kg of rhubarb, 4 liters of water, 5 kg of sugar, 1 lemon, 5 g of gelatin.

Rhubarb wine is prepared in May-June. Place sliced ​​rhubarb into water. Cover the vessel and infuse for 10 days, shaking daily, then strain the liquid and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Mix the resulting liquid with sugar, lemon juice and zest, then add the dissolved pre-soaked gelatin. Pour the liquid into a fermentation vessel or barrel. After 10 months, the wine can be poured into bottles.

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