Home Nutrition African cocoa essential oil properties and uses. Cocoa butter in cosmetology: properties, application, reviews. Benefits for the body of a man

African cocoa essential oil properties and uses. Cocoa butter in cosmetology: properties, application, reviews. Benefits for the body of a man

In addition to cocoa powder, there is also cocoa butter. Here we will talk about its properties and application in cosmetology today.

Cocoa butter is obtained by pressing the beans of the cocoa tree. This is a fairly hard and brittle substance, which becomes watery and oily after heating, and it is enough to heat up to 35 degrees. Cocoa butter is known in the culinary and cosmetic industries. It has a pleasant aroma and numerous beneficial properties.

Useful properties of cocoa butter:

1. natural natural antioxidant
2. Healing and tonic effect
3. Strengthening capillaries
4. Prevention of oxidative processes
5. Reducing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease
6. Protecting the heart muscle from weakening
7. Reducing the likelihood of developing cancer
8. Improving collagen synthesis and skin hydration
9. Normalization of cholesterol in the blood
10. Improving blood circulation in the brain
11. Skin protection from UV rays

Cocoa butter is used as a fatty base in cosmetic and culinary recipes. It is based on, which improve the condition of the body, create a rejuvenating effect. Cocoa butter is also added to medicines - against peeling lips, burns and other skin damage.

Everyone is familiar with a depressive state, for many it occurs in autumn and winter, and for some in the spring there are such ailments. Cocoa butter will help protect yourself from this disease. With the help of oil, the work of the whole organism improves.

Is there any harm in eating cocoa butter? Yes, there is, but from excessive consumption, as, indeed, from all other foods, vegetables and fruits, which we sometimes get carried away with excessively.

If you love sweets, chocolate and other products that contain cocoa, you should also be aware of the results of abuse. And here are the main ones - metabolic disorders can occur; the appearance of excess weight and as a result, the appearance of acne is possible.

And hence the contraindications of cocoa butter: for those who have diabetes; obese or with impaired metabolism, as well as young children (up to a year), since the oil contains a small amount of caffeine.

Maybe someone will ask - what about allergies? Specialists - doctors and nutritionists say that cocoa beans themselves will not cause allergies, but we should not forget that when we use our favorite sweets and other chocolate products, before we put this tidbit in our mouth, it goes through various stages of processing, where other chemical products.

Composition of cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a vegetable fat. The composition of cocoa products includes the same substances, but in different amounts and ratios. In cocoa butter, the highest fat content is approximately 95%, the remaining 5% is water, biologically active substances of a lipid nature (oleic, stearic, lauric, palmitic, linolenic fatty acids) and other substances.

The lowest fat content in cocoa powder, however, it contains more carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Cocoa powder is rich in vitamins and microelements, as well as biologically active compounds of the protein structure, which includes dopamine and serotonin.

Cocoa beans contain the largest amount of biologically active substances. So, back to cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is very fatty, hard, pale yellow in color. It has a high calorie content. The most useful and fragrant is natural, unprocessed oil. As a result of processing, the product loses some of its properties, and even the aroma partially disappears. In terms of antioxidant properties, cocoa butter is superior to other natural remedies.

The quality of an oil is determined by its purity from chemicals. It is easy to confuse it with substitutes, which is sometimes used by dishonest sellers. The oil is in a solid state at 20°C, starts to melt above 35 degrees. If it melts at 20 degrees, then this indicates its poor quality.

When buying cocoa butter, you may encounter a rather poor-quality product. Most best oil, obtained from cocoa beans grown without chemicals. Its cost is high. The first thing to pay attention to is the color of the oil. As already mentioned, cocoa butter has a light yellow color, but not white. With white color there can be a substitute. The oil has an aromatic smell of cocoa. If the oil does not smell, this is also a substitute.

Palm oil with a low cocoa content may be a substitute. Hence the conclusion - do not choose the cheapest oil.

Cocoa butter can be stored in a cool place, and not necessarily in the refrigerator, as long as it is not in direct sunlight. If the room is too hot, you can put it in the refrigerator. Shelf life up to 2 years.

Properties and application in cosmetology

Due to the content of biologically active components in the oil, it is used in cosmetology, for the manufacture of creams, shampoos, soaps and other products, in salon cosmetology - for body, face and hair care. Cocoa butter is used to soften, mainly in the care of dry skin. It is also used for skin rejuvenation.

What are the results of using cocoa butter?
The oil has regenerating, moisturizing properties. It nourishes the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, restores the cellular structure and strengthens the capillary walls. Cocoa butter can eliminate peeling, redness, flabbiness of the skin, promotes the healing of small wounds.

This is one that boosts immunity. Cocoa butter can also be used as a night cream if the skin is dry. During winter, when going outside in windy and frosty weather, you can lubricate your lips and face with oil. Covering the surface of the skin with a thin film, it protects the skin. Moisturizers that have a high water content are not suitable for this purpose.

Cocoa butter can also be used for hands, it nourishes, softens and protects the skin. The oil is suitable for use in home cosmetics. It can be used both in its pure form and as part of masks. It is suitable for any type of skin.

If you want to use it in its pure form, take a piece of oil in your hands and massage it over the skin. The piece will melt and remain on the skin as a greasy layer. But all this will pass quickly, as it is well absorbed. Cocoa butter can also be used for the eye area. There are also other options for using oil at home. Slightly melt the oil and add it in the amount of a few drops to any face cream.

In the summer, this miracle remedy can be used not only as protection from the sun's rays, it will also help to achieve a beautiful tan. The latter property is best used by those who need a tan.

Recipes with cocoa butter at home

Of course you like the flavor of chocolate. And if you also remember the benefits of oil, then try preparing the following masks.

Mask for nourishing and rejuvenating facial skin

Mix 1 teaspoon of melted cocoa butter, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and any fruit juice, add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After this mask, the cream can not be applied.

Melted butter can be mixed with an essential oil of your choice and applied in a thin layer to your face. This procedure will help with extreme dryness and flaking of the skin.

You can make a face cream based on cocoa butter. To do this, melt a teaspoon of our product in a water bath, add the same amount of jojoba, peach, olive oil. Mix everything, remove from heat and add a few drops of essential oil. Place the container in which the mass was prepared in cold water for cooling. The cream is ready.

The pleasant aroma of cocoa butter, its emollient properties and velvety texture have made it one of the most popular ingredients in cosmetic products. It can be found in lotions, soaps, creams, and other types of cosmetics.

The oil can be used to treat chapped skin, to prevent dryness and itching, and to care for lips.

For example, lip balm.

15 ml of beeswax, 20 ml of cocoa butter, heat until completely dissolved. Add 15 ml of shea butter, which should also dissolve in this mass, 3 drops of honey and 5 ml of sweet almond oil. Balm is ready. It can be used daily.

Oil for body

Melt 1 gram of cocoa butter, add 30 ml of shea butter to it, mix. Then add 12 drops, 15 ml of jojoba oil and 5 drops of vitamin E oil to the resulting mass. Mix everything and transfer the resulting mixture to a dry container, closing until it cools completely. This oil can be used as a body moisturizer.

If use natural oil in your home cosmetics, then in a short time you will see an amazing result. In almost all homemade masks, just one teaspoon of melted butter is enough.

The most commonly used masks, body wraps and massage. As for the hair, the use of oil gives them an extraordinary shine, softens well, perfectly strengthens the roots, preventing brittleness and loss. Hair, well-groomed with this tool, lends itself well to styling.

Cocoa butter masks can be purchased at pharmacies and cosmetic stores. However, many who have used this oil contained in products purchased from these sources say that there can be no better oil than at home. Here we mean, of course, that natural remedy, and not a substitute or a fake, in which the presence of chemical impurities or other components that our skin does not need is possible.

Hair masks

Rosemary mask

Heat the oil, add the same amount of rosemary tincture to it. To prepare the tincture, take 2 tablespoons of dry rosemary, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Use after cooling, after straining. This mask is best applied to damp hair 1-2 hours before washing. Then wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Rum mask

Well warms up and stimulates hair growth mask of cocoa butter with the addition of rum. To do this, mix oil and rum in equal proportions, apply to hair, and rinse with warm water after an hour.

Mask with kefir

Mix cocoa butter, burdock oil and kefir (each component one tablespoon), add one yolk. Rub the whole mass well and apply on the head - on the skin and hair roots. It is enough to hold for 1 - 2 hours, then rinse with shampoo. In general, a mask with fatty oils can be kept much longer.

You can add oil solutions of vitamins A and E to the masks, 3-5 drops each. You can use various herbal infusions, to which add 2 teaspoons of cocoa butter. Cocoa butter for skin and hair care is most often recommended for those who have dry skin and hair. And owners of oily hair can replace oil with powder.

Besides nutritional benefits, the powder also colors the hair, but more on that another time. This method of staining deserves more detailed study.

Cocoa butter is not only an essential component of the favorite treat of all the kids and many adults, but it is also an amazingly healthy product for our skin. Its effectiveness in skin care is significantly higher than any expensive cream. Due to the presence of vital fatty acids and flavonoids in the composition, the skin after applying cocoa butter is transformed before our eyes, moisture and tone increase, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Composition and properties of cocoa butter.
Cocoa butter at room temperature has the appearance of a hard and brittle white bar with a yellowish tint, which has a pleasant aroma of cocoa. There are no additional impurities or any chemical additives in such an oil, it undergoes a high degree of purification, and no heat treatment, due to which the level of useful substances is preserved in such an oil to the maximum. This natural product is good to use in face and body skin care, upon contact with which it begins to gradually melt.

This useful product mainly consists of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (lauric, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, oleic, etc.), which cause such an incredible effect from its use. Cocoa butter has excellent moisturizing, softening, protective, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, regenerating, rejuvenating and antioxidant properties that help slow down the aging process. In addition, the regular inclusion of this oil in your diet helps to increase vascular tone and elasticity, which, in general, improves their condition.

The use of cocoa butter in skin care.
This oil is ideal in the care of any type of face (combination, oily, sensitive), but it is especially recommended for owners of excessively dry, dehydrated skin, with flaking and loss of elasticity, firmness and tone. It is worth noting that it is also recommended as a rejuvenating agent for mature women with aging and aging skin. In the case of constant use, the skin becomes smoother, nourished and moisturized, noticeably looks smooth, elastic and radiant, fine wrinkles disappear, including those around the eyes. It is also recommended as a caring lip balm and for the prevention of "crow's feet" around the eyes and in general wrinkles on the face.

Cocoa butter can rightfully be considered an ideal skin care product, in particular for the face and body (especially the hands) during the winter months. In addition to the emollient effect, the oil protects the skin from frostbite, overdrying or chapping. In addition, due to its mild and delicate effect, cocoa butter is one of the few allowed for use in the care of delicate and sensitive skin, especially children. It should also be noted that cocoa butter, in some not very neglected situations, copes with minor cosmetic skin defects that appear against the background of cuts, furunculosis, etc. (scars, scars, spots after acne and acne or post-acne) and is considered an excellent means of preventing and eliminating stretch marks, including during pregnancy. Regular use of this product fights the harmful activity of free radicals, preventing the penetration of toxic and any other harmful substances into the skin. It is also useful for defensive purposes. In this case, we are talking about ultraviolet, so the oil is allowed to be used as a protective ointment before and after tanning.

Using this oil in facial care is quite simple, you do not need to have certain skills for this. In addition, it easily penetrates the skin, leaving almost no oily sheen on the surface of the face. It can be used respectively as an independent remedy, or it can be mixed with other oils of natural origin in a ratio of 1: 2 (almond, peach, sesame, linseed, olive, rosehip) and cosmetics. On its basis, it is good to make homemade creams and skin masks with a nourishing and regenerating purpose. In its pure form, drive with a piece of oil with light movements over the skin. It literally instantly melts, absorbs into the skin, making it velvety. Such a session is best done before bedtime, but with very dry skin, this procedure can be done in the morning. This procedure gives a special effect in combination with self-massage, which relaxes and calms the nervous system and muscles. Remove excess product from the skin by blotting with a paper towel. Cocoa butter is an excellent base to combine with essential oils for facial skin.

The use of cocoa butter in nutrition and medicine.
Cocoa butter is also an indispensable food product. Only that the product retains all its qualities and beneficial features, it can not be brought to a temperature above forty or fifty degrees. A honey-oil mixture is very useful for consumption (in a ratio of 1: 1). It serves as a preventative colds and also increases vascular tone. Such a “delicious, and most importantly, remedy can be given even to kids.

In the field of medicine, this product has been used for a long time, since about 1710. Nowadays, it is used to make lipstick, suppositories, etc.

Recipes for the use of cocoa butter for the skin of the face.
To improve the condition of the skin with acne or acne and various inflammations, it is recommended to use this mask three times a week: melt a teaspoon of base oil and combine with the same amount of wheat germ oil. After that, add a tablespoon of chopped fresh avocado pulp to the mixture. Apply the composition on the face and hold for half an hour. Wash off the mask with warm water.

To nourish the skin, you can make an excellent mask based on cocoa butter. To do this, you need to combine the base (teaspoon), preheated in a water bath, with the same amount of chamomile oil. In the resulting mass, add a tablespoon of fresh cucumber chopped with a fine grater in the amount of a tablespoon and the same amount of aloe juice (pre-wash the leaves, dry them, hold them in the refrigerator for an hour). This mask is best applied before going to bed, as usual on a cleansed face, and after twenty minutes, rinse with warm water. Do the mask twice a week.

Medical recipes based on cocoa butter.
To normalize the stool, it is recommended to eat a teaspoon of this product at night. The course of treatment is at least three weeks.

To improve the condition with atherosclerosis, it is recommended to take half a teaspoon of cocoa butter twice a day, in the morning (just fifteen minutes before meals) and in the evening also before meals. Such treatment effectively removes bad cholesterol from the blood, and also reduces the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels.

Adding cocoa butter to hot milk (half a teaspoon of butter per 200 ml of milk) is an excellent antitussive and expectorant for colds.

In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, immediately before the act of defecation, a small piece of cocoa butter should be introduced into the rectum.

For preventive purposes, to prevent SARS and influenza, the nasal mucosa should be lubricated with this product. Such prevention is also suitable for babies, especially those who go to the garden or attend other preschool educational institutions.

With angina, it is useful to take cocoa butter in combination with propolis. To prepare the product, ten grams of propolis are thoroughly crushed and added to melted cocoa butter (one hundred grams). Mix everything well. Take in a warm form, half a tablespoon three times a day, half an hour after a meal.

This product is effective to use for cracked nipples in a nursing mother, for pain relief of mild burns, to lubricate areas affected by eczema, a fungal infection. In addition, it effectively relieves itching.

Regular use of the oil contributes to the manifestation of the maximum of its properties in the absence of side effects. By the way, this oil has practically no contraindications. The only limitation in this case is individual intolerance to the components of the product. In addition, its use is not recommended for sleep disorders and increased excitability.

Cocoa butter refers to those natural products that, due to their unique properties, are used in various fields of production, from cooking to pharmacology. It is added to masks, cosmetics, and is also used in traditional medicine.

Cocoa butter is a fat that is obtained by processing the fruits of the chocolate tree. As it is not difficult to guess, it serves as the basis of chocolate, and the more it is included in the composition, the more useful it is for everyone. favorite treat. Unfortunately, natural chocolate cannot be found in simple supermarkets now, as it consists of cheaper components. Connoisseurs of quality and adherents of a healthy diet, as a rule, make the product on their own or buy it in specialized stores. "Live chocolate" is not a cheap pleasure.

What does cocoa butter look like?

Many people think that cocoa butter looks like chocolate, but in reality it is a mass of light yellow color. Most often they sell it in bars, which, when room temperature break easily, and at 32-35°C they begin to melt and become colorless. Before use, the oil is melted in the hands, or in a water bath (depending on the quantity). It is important to remember that it should not be brought to a boil.

The taste is bitter, but quite pleasant. The aroma is very "delicious", reminiscent of cocoa or chocolate.

Chemical composition of cocoa butter

Like any oil, it differs in refined and unrefined. The latter is considered the most useful, since it contains much more beneficial vitamins and elements.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, K, H, PP.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc.

Organic acids: arachidic, lauric, linoleic, myristic, oleic, palmitic, stearic.

In addition, cocoa butter contains caffeine, xanthine, amino acids, polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidants. Thanks to the latter, the likelihood of developing cancer is reduced, and a young and healthy appearance of the skin is also maintained.

Calorie content of cocoa butter 899 kcal per 100 g

Useful properties and health benefits of cocoa butter

  • has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties,
  • boosts immunity,
  • treats colds,
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system,
  • improves the condition of blood vessels,
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol,
  • prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system,
  • eliminates cough
  • treats cervical erosion,
  • fights hemorrhoids
  • cancer prevention,
  • improves brain function,
  • lifts the mood
  • protects from UV rays
  • accelerates the healing process of burns and wounds,
  • relieves ulcers and scars,
  • stretch marks prevention,
  • fights cellulite,
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair,
  • moisturizes the skin
  • improves skin elasticity,
  • improves skin color
  • treats skin diseases
  • eliminates fine wrinkles,
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

Contraindications and harm of cocoa butter

  • individual intolerance,
  • increased nervous excitability,
  • diabetes,
  • overweight,
  • headache,
  • children under 3 years old,
  • diarrhea,
  • hypertension,
  • insomnia.

Doctors advise to be extremely careful in the use of cocoa butter for pregnant women, as it is an allergen, and during this period the body is more susceptible. Therefore, it is worth abandoning it completely or using it in small quantities.

Do not take cocoa butter at night. It excites the nervous system, which can lead to loss of sleep.

In addition, the product is not suitable for cosmetic use by owners of oily skin. But many still add it to their funds, but in small quantities.

How to choose cocoa butter

A quality product can be purchased at specialized health food stores or for making homemade cosmetics. When buying, pay attention to the price, color and aroma.

Price per quality product very high, about $ 2.5-3 per 100 g.

The color, as mentioned above, should be light yellow, even cream. If the oil is too white, then it is rancid, or it is a substitute.

Real cocoa butter has a pronounced cocoa flavor. If there is no smell, then you have a fake.

How to store cocoa butter

The ideal storage condition is a dark and cool room. Store the product in a container with a tight lid.

Expiry date of cocoa butter 2 years.

Application of cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Cocoa butter treatment. Folk remedies

From colds and runny nose. Treat the nostrils with the product from the inside 1 time per day.

Against cough. 1) Like a lollipop, suck on a piece of cocoa butter in its natural form 4-5 times a day.

2) 1 tbsp. melt the butter in a water bath (32-35 ° C), add 1 tbsp. propolis and stir. Take a mixture of 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day.

3) Apply the product to the chest area with massaging movements - blood flow to the lungs increases, so that the patient's condition becomes better.

With hemorrhoids. 1) Before going to bed, gently place a small, hard piece of oil into the rectum.

2) Dip a cotton swab in cocoa butter and place it inside. The procedure is recommended to be done before going to bed.

With erosion of the cervix. Mix 1 tsp. product with 10 drops of sea buckthorn oil. Take a cotton swab and soak it in the resulting mixture. Then insert it deeper into the vagina at night.

The duration of treatment is 14-17 days.

From burns and wounds. To speed up the healing process of wounds, scratches, burns (including sunburns), apply cocoa butter to damaged areas of the skin.

The use of cocoa butter in cosmetology

Cocoa butter is loved to be added to cosmetic skin and hair care products, as it works wonders. It is not necessary to buy ready-made cosmetics, it is best to make it yourself. So you will be completely sure of its useful composition.

Cocoa butter for the face at home

Its cosmetic and therapeutic effect on the skin is obvious: it moisturizes and maintains the natural water balance. Therefore, cocoa butter will be especially useful for owners of dry skin, in addition, it eliminates flaking. After regular use, the skin becomes firmer, more elastic and acquires a healthy color.

For oily skin, the product in its pure form is not suitable. It should be added to your favorite masks and products in a very small amount.

Cocoa butter contains vitamins A, E and K, which are essential for skin health. Thanks to them, the product is famous for its rejuvenating effect. The oil eliminates fine lines and fights other signs of aging.

Masks for dry skin. 1. The easiest way to use the product: melt it in your hands and apply a thin layer on your face. Leave for 20 minutes, then use a paper towel or towel to remove the residue.

2. 1 tsp cocoa butter + 2 tbsp. chopped parsley. Apply the mask on your face and leave for half an hour. Then rinse with water.

Wrinkle mask. Mix well 1 tsp. honey + 1 tsp cocoa butter + 1 tsp carrot juice (optional) Apply the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

cocoa butter for hair

Cocoa butter is good for hair. It stimulates their growth, fights hair loss, strengthens the structure, adds shine, makes them more manageable and gives them its wonderful aroma.

Hair Mask. Before applying cocoa butter to the hair, it should be slightly warmed up in a water bath. So it is better absorbed and easier to wash off. Massage the product into the scalp with massaging movements and distribute it along the entire length of wet hair. Warm your head with a film and a towel. The mask should be kept for at least 2 hours to obtain the desired result. Rinse with shampoo afterwards.

For a noticeable effect, this procedure must be done 1-2 times a week for 2-3 months.

The use of cocoa butter in cooking

One of the most successful areas of its application is the manufacture of confectionery. We bring you recipes healthy treats that will cheer you up and not harm your health.

Recipes with cocoa butter

  • raw chocolate,
  • cake "Spicy note",
  • banana ice cream,
  • chocolate coconut candy.

With proper use of high-quality cocoa butter, it will bring amazing results for the whole body.

Today we listen to the song of the Italian singer Mina - lo Faresti (cacao cacao)

Natural cocoa butter, whose benefits and harms are discussed in the article, is obtained by pressing the fruits of the chocolate tree (Theobroma cocoa) from ground grains. It is used in cooking as a fat base for chocolate and desserts (but not in all "chocolate" desserts, manufacturers often use cheaper fats, such as palm analogue or lauric-type chemical substitutes). It is also used in cosmetology as part of masks and creams to moisturize and protect the skin due to the presence of fatty acids. They are equally actively used both in the industrial manufacture of cosmetics and as part of homemade masks.

Benefits of fatty acids

The benefits of cocoa butter for the body are due to the high content of fatty acids. In total, 100 g of them contains 62.5 g. They have a positive effect both externally and internally:

  • Oleic (up to 43% or up to 26.875 g of the total content), due to its chemical stability, tends to prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, this product will not harm even patients with atherosclerosis (reduced vascular patency due to the formation of cholesterol plaques on their inner walls);
  • Stearic (up to 34% or up to 21.25 g) has the properties of a thickener. Because cocoa fat is popular in cosmetology - stearic acid allows you to maintain the necessary consistency of creams and masks. This also explains the fact that it is often used in the manufacture of medical ointments and suppositories. When applied to the skin, it forms a protective film. In the body, it is part of lipids that perform the function of an energy depot, that is, it tends to form fat deposits that break down and turn into energy spent on motor activity and respiration;
  • Lauric and palmitic (up to 25% or up to 15.625 g), when applied externally, are able to prevent the evaporation of water and the loss of water by cells, because they act as emollients (fats that are fixed in the stratum corneum of the skin) - they penetrate under the stratum corneum and create a barrier that prevents evaporation. In the body, these acids help regulate the water-salt balance of the intercellular fluid;
  • Linoleic (2% or 1.25 g) is involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins, enzymes necessary for the synthesis of hormones, normalization of vascular tone and muscle contractions;
  • Arachidic (traces) is good for the stomach, as it inhibits excess production of hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract, and also stimulates the production of mucus in the stomach, which helps protect the stomach lining.

Cocoa fat substitutes (such as palm and lauric type substitutes) do not contain these beneficial substances. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase chocolate and desserts with cocoa butter, although they are more expensive due to more complex processes spin. Palm, for example, is pressed directly from the soft fruits of the palm tree. Whereas, to extract cocoa butter, you must first extract the grains from the fruits of the chocolate tree, then grind them. Only from this mass is the oil directly squeezed out.

Other useful properties

Vitamin E in the composition is contained in a small amount - 2 mg, while in palm oil- 33.1 mg. Nevertheless, it has an antioxidant effect - it increases the resistance of cell membranes to the penetration of free radicals through them. Free radicals - the results of peroxidation that occurs in the body, can accumulate in cells, form insoluble compounds in them and increase the likelihood of developing cancer.

Phosphorus (2.4 mg) is also present in the composition. It is part of the bone tissue, teeth and nails. Increases their density, reduces porosity, makes them resistant to breaking, reduces fragility.

Application in the production of cosmetics

Stearic acid in the composition has a number of properties necessary in the production of cosmetics for the skin of the face and body. Its properties as a thickener are actively used in the production of masks, creams, soaps. When applied externally, cocoa butter forms a thin film on the skin, invisible to the eye. This is due to the inability of stearic acid to be absorbed completely. The film has a protective function, and also slightly evens out the skin, making it easier to apply makeup. It also increases the resistance of the epidermis to the negative effects of temperature differences (the skin of the face does not dry out).

The properties of lauric acid in the composition of the oil make it suitable for moisturizing the skin of the face and body. It is used as part of moisturizing type masks, which prevent the retention of moisture on the surface of the skin.

In addition to the fact that the product is part of ready-made cosmetic products for the face, it can also be used as part of homemade masks.

Advice! The easiest way to use such a product is to melt a small piece of butter in the palm of your hand (it melts at a temperature of 35 degrees) and apply to the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes. You can apply this mask for maximum facial hydration 1-2 times a week.


In addition to beneficial properties, cocoa butter also has harmful ones. It can be harmful in the following cases:

  • With obesity or increased weight control, it is better not to use it inside, because this will harm the figure due to the high content of saturated fatty acids that accumulate in the body as body fat;
  • The product (like chocolate and cocoa) contains obligate allergens with a high degree of sensitizing activity, i.e. they tend to provoke skin or respiratory allergies more often than other products, which can harm allergy sufferers;
  • Despite its widespread use in cosmetology, the product can cause allergic reactions and contact type, i.e. those that occur when an allergen is applied to the skin, which can also be harmful;
  • Cocoa butter contains a small amount (no more than 5 mg per 100 g) of caffeine, so it should not be used by people with diseases nervous system, as well as mental, because it can harm and have an unpredictable effect on the nervous system.

Some symptoms of the appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • intermittent diarrhea and constipation;
  • want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • weight loss problems
  • loss of appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, salivation;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • does not pass cough;
  • pimples on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of ailments, you need to cleanse the body as soon as possible. How to do it read here.

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In the article we are talking about cocoa butter, its beneficial properties, use in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. You will learn how to use a natural remedy for the skin of the face, body and hair, and how to take cocoa butter for a cough.

Useful properties of cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a vegetable fat that is obtained from grated cocoa.

Grated cocoa is ground grains (beans) of the fruits of the chocolate tree.

Cocoa butter has a hard and brittle texture, a whitish-yellow color and a characteristic chocolate aroma. At a temperature of 32-35 degrees, the oil melts and becomes liquid.

Ingredients of cocoa butter:

  • oleic acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • lauric acid;
  • palmitic acid;
  • linoleic acid;
  • arachidic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin K;
  • tannins;
  • caffeine.

How does cocoa butter affect the body:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • contributes to the acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • improves digestion.

The main use of cocoa butter is confectionery. The cocoa bean product is used as a fat base for making chocolate, chocolates, baking and other products.

A natural product is used in the perfumery and pharmaceutical industries - as a fragrance, for the preparation of suppositories, cosmetic creams and ointments.

Cocoa butter has been widely used in cosmetology. The tool is used in its pure form and as the main ingredient for the preparation of masks at home. The presence of tannins and caffeine provides wound healing and tonic properties of the product, so the oil is used to improve the appearance of facial skin and stretch marks on the body. The benefits and harms of cocoa butter depend on its use.

Types of cocoa butter

On sale you can find unrefined and refined cocoa butter.

Unrefined butter is a product squeezed from the beans of the chocolate tree and has not undergone subsequent purification. Such a tool contains the maximum amount of useful substances, has a thicker consistency, bright aroma.

Refined oil is a product that has undergone special purification. It is softer and more delicate, includes a smaller amount of fatty acids. This oil is lighter, it has no smell at all. After the refining procedure, the shelf life of the product increases. Refined oil can be used by pregnant women without fear of developing an allergic reaction.

For cosmetic and medical purposes, it is more appropriate to use an unrefined product, as well as for flavoring chocolate and desserts.

Cocoa butter in cosmetology

In cosmetology, cocoa butter is valued for its beneficial properties. The product has a moisturizing, regenerating and softening effect. The fragrant agent acts on the skin of the face and body as an antioxidant, has an anti-cellulite effect. Oil smoothes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, promotes better absorption of nutrients.

For face

A natural product is used to care for dry and aging skin. With systematic use, cocoa butter smoothes wrinkles, retains moisture on the surface of the skin, and eliminates dark circles under the eyes.

The tool can be used for the face in its pure form. You don't even need to melt it for this. Upon contact with the skin, the oil will become thinner and easier to spread. You can apply the product instead of a cream before going to bed.

To combat fine wrinkles on the skin around the eyes, mix cocoa butter with liquid vitamin E, adding 2-3 drops of tocopherol to a portion of the product. Gently apply the mixture on the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off after time.

For body

For the body, cocoa bean oil is used to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin and eliminate existing stretch marks. Natural remedy improves skin elasticity, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, moisturizes the upper layers of the epidermis.

For these purposes, lubricate the stomach, thighs and chest daily. The product can be applied neat, mixed in equal proportions with olive oil or sea buckthorn oil. Apply the product with light massage movements, rinse off after 20-25 minutes.

Cocoa butter helps to eliminate cellulite. Use a tool for lymphatic drainage massage, massage problem areas for 10-15 minutes. It is possible to carry out wraps with the product. To do this, grease the zones with cocoa butter, wrap with cling film and leave for half an hour. Wash off with warm water.

For hair

Chocolate tree oil is also used for the beauty and health of hair. The agent is melted in a water bath and applied to the entire length of the curls or only to their tips. The product is used both in pure form and as part of various masks. The exposure time depends on the specific recipe; in its pure form, the oil can be kept on the hair for 30-50 minutes.

Regular use of hair oil makes them obedient, shiny, lush at the roots. The tool improves the structure of each hair, seals split ends.

Cocoa butter has a dense texture, so it is not recommended to use it in its pure form for oily hair types.

For lips

Since the oil has a wound-healing effect, it is used to treat cracked or dry lips. The agent is applied in a thin layer 3 times a day. The oil is used to protect against frost in winter and sunlight in summer.

If you add sugar or honey to melted cocoa butter, you can use it as a home scrub. Scrub your lips for 3-5 minutes, and then rinse with warm water, apply a moisturizing or nourishing balm.

Cocoa butter for cough

Chocolate tree oil is used not only in cosmetology, but also in home medicine. The product is actively used to treat cough in adults and children. You can cure a cough with a remedy for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma. However, do not forget that the main treatment should be medication.

To eliminate a cough, melt ½ teaspoon of cocoa butter in a glass of hot milk and drink the drink. With the help of a remedy for diseases of the respiratory system, a back and chest massage is performed.

Cocoa butter in cooking

Cocoa butter is one of the main ingredients of white, milk, dark and bitter chocolate. By the way, if dark and bitter varieties of slab sweets can be prepared without vegetable fat, then White chocolate You can't do it without cocoa butter.

The product is also used in the manufacture of sweets, bars, cakes, creams, icing. You can add cocoa butter to pastries, cereals, puddings and even drinks.

Cocoa butter for children

Products with cocoa butter can be safely given to children if they do not have an allergic reaction to it.

Also, the remedy is used to treat cough, this is most relevant for young children, when not all medications are allowed.

Cocoa butter during pregnancy

During pregnancy, cocoa butter should be used with caution - products containing fat from cocoa beans can be consumed in the absence of personal intolerance.

But even with a normal reaction of the body, it is recommended to limit the consumption of chocolate and other desserts. The caffeine in cocoa butter increases blood pressure. The product impairs the absorption of calcium by the body.

External use of the product will help to avoid the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs and chest, improve the condition of the skin of the face and body, hair. So cosmetic application cocoa butter during pregnancy is possible.

What is the cocoa butter equivalent

The cocoa butter equivalent is a substitute natural product, or to be more precise, a whole group of substitutes. The cocoa butter equivalent is hydrogenated vegetable fats - cottonseed, rapeseed, soybean, palm and others. Such oils undergo special processing, which allows them to acquire the properties necessary for use in the preparation of chocolate.

The cocoa butter equivalent is used to make chocolate bars, sweets and other confectionery products cheaper.

How to melt cocoa butter

You can melt cocoa butter in a water bath, the product begins to melt at a temperature of 32-35 degrees. If you want to use the product in its pure form for the skin of the face and body, you do not need to melt it first. Upon contact with the skin, it will become liquid.


The use of cocoa butter has no categorical contraindications. Do not use the product internally and externally in the presence of individual intolerance. It is also not recommended to use cocoa butter and products containing it for insomnia and overweight.

How to store oil at home

Store cocoa butter in a dry and protected from sunlight place at a temperature of 16-18 degrees.

The shelf life of the product is 2 years from the date of production.

Where can I buy

You can buy oil from cocoa beans in a specialized store or online stores of natural cosmetics, organic products.

The average price for 100 g of cocoa butter is 150 rubles.

Cocoa - varieties, benefits of products (butter, powder, cocoa beans), use in medicine, harm and contraindications, drink recipe. Photo of chocolate tree and cocoa fruits

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Cocoa is a food product of the same name, widely used in various fields such as cooking, cosmetology and pharmaceutical industry. Currently, the most widespread use of cocoa in the food industry and cosmetology. And the use of cocoa for medical purposes is recorded somewhat less frequently. However, there are now a number of scientific studies proving the undoubted benefits of cocoa not only as food product, and the product with medicinal properties. Consider the use of cocoa for medical purposes, as well as the beneficial properties of this product.

What is cocoa?

Currently, all residents of developed countries know the word "cocoa". After all, it is cocoa that is the main component of the delicacy loved by many - chocolate.

However, in everyday life, the word "cocoa" means several products obtained from the fruits of the cocoa tree, for example, cocoa butter, cocoa powder and cocoa beans themselves. In addition, the name of cocoa is also a drink made from powder.

Icing for confectionery products is prepared from cocoa powder, and it is added to the dough to give chocolate flavor. And cocoa butter is used for the manufacture of many confectionery products (chocolate, sweets, etc.). In addition, cocoa butter is successfully used in cosmetology and the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of suppositories, ointments and other dosage forms for topical and external use.

Thus, all cocoa products are quite widespread and known to almost all people, and they are obtained from cocoa beans collected from the chocolate tree.

Chocolate tree (cocoa) is an evergreen species of the genus Theobroma, family Malvaceae, and grows in regions with a tropical climate around the world - in South America, Africa, on the islands of Southeast Asia. Accordingly, cocoa beans are currently produced in Asia (Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia), Africa (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo) and Central America (Brazil, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Venezuela).

The cocoa tree is large, reaching up to 12 m in height, and the branches and leaves are located mainly along the periphery of the crown in order to capture as much sunlight as possible. There are flowers on the tree, from which later, after pollination, fruits grow, which are attached not to the branches, but directly to the trunk of the chocolate tree. These fruits are similar in shape to lemons, but somewhat larger and provided with longitudinal grooves on the skin. Inside, under the skin, there are seeds - about 20 - 60 pieces in each fruit. It is these seeds that are cocoa beans, from which cocoa powder and cocoa butter are obtained, which are widely used in cooking, cosmetology and the pharmaceutical industry.

Technology for obtaining cocoa powder and cocoa butter from beans very interesting. So, after harvesting the fruits from the chocolate tree, beans are taken out of them (see Figure 1).

Picture 1Appearance fresh cocoa beans extracted from the fruit of the chocolate tree.

Cocoa beans, freed from the shell of the fruit, are laid out in small piles on banana leaves. They are also topped with banana leaves and left to ferment for a week in a sunny location. Under the leaves, the temperature reaches 40 - 50 o C, and under its action, the sugars contained in the beans are fermented, turning into alcohol and carbon dioxide. In other words, exactly the same process takes place as during the fermentation of berries or fruits in the manufacture of wine. Since a lot of alcohol is produced, some of it is converted into acetic acid, which impregnates the beans and prevents them from sprouting. Through soaking acetic acid cocoa beans lose their white color, and acquire a characteristic chocolate brown color. Also, during the fermentation process, the cocoamin contained in the beans is broken down, thereby reducing the bitterness of the seeds.

After fermentation is complete (about 7 to 10 days after placing the beans under the banana leaves), the beans are taken out and laid out in a thin layer in the sun to dry well. Drying can be carried out not only in the sun, but also in special automated dryers. Sometimes fermented cocoa beans are not dried, but roasted over a fire.

It is during the drying of cocoa beans that they get their characteristic brown color and the smell of chocolate.

Next, the shell is removed from the dried beans, and the seeds themselves are crushed and pressed on cocoa butter presses. The cake remaining after pressing the oil is crushed to obtain cocoa powder. Ready-made cocoa powder and cocoa butter enter the world market, and are further used in the food industry, in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.

In addition to cocoa powder and cocoa butter, cocoa vella is obtained from dried beans, which is a crushed peeled shell. In the countries of the former USSR, cocoa well is not widely used, and in the world this product is used as an additive to livestock feed.

Various parts of the fruit of the chocolate tree have been used as food by humans since ancient times. The first mention of a drink made from cocoa fruits dates back to the 18th century BC, during the existence of the Olmec people in Central America. The Olmecs adopted the Maya and Aztecs for making a drink from cocoa fruits.

And Europeans learned the taste of a drink from cocoa beans only after the conquest of the American continent, when the Spaniards brought it to their country. During the period of importing cocoa beans from Central America, a drink made from them was very expensive, and therefore only available to royalty.

During the 16th century, cocoa was made from powder with vanilla and cinnamon added, which were also very expensive spices during that time period. And in the 17th century, sugar was added to the drink, which significantly reduced its cost and contributed to the spread among the broad masses of the population of European countries. In the form of a drink with sugar, cocoa was used in Europe until 1828, in which the Dutch scientist van Hoyten came up with a way to extract oil from cocoa beans. Van Hoyten took the oil from the beans and the powder from the pomace left after the extraction of the oil, mixed them and created a solid product - chocolate. It was from this moment that the victorious march of chocolate began, which gradually replaced cocoa in the form of a drink from the diet of Europeans.

Varieties of cocoa

There are many classifications of cocoa by variety, taking into account the type of chocolate tree, the area of ​​​​growth, the method of harvesting fruits and other characteristics that can affect the properties of the end products of cocoa beans - powder and oil. However, all these varieties and numerous classifications are necessary only for professionals involved in the industrial use of cocoa.

And the main varieties of cocoa, in fact, are only two - these are criollo and forastero. Criollo refers to the highest quality cocoa beans obtained from varietal trees. Forastero refers to cocoa beans of lower quality compared to criollo. However, one should not think that Forastero cocoa is of poor quality, as this is not true. In reality, the Forastero variety is cocoa beans. good quality, but without the characteristics of a premium product, they do not have a special zest, some excellent properties, etc. That is, it is just an ordinary, good and very solid product. But criollo cocoa beans are a premium product with special excellent properties.

The specified division into grades is used only in relation to raw cocoa beans. And after fermentation and drying, cocoa beans are usually divided according to their taste into bitter, tart, tender, sour, etc.

cocoa products

Currently, three types of cocoa products are obtained from the fruits of the chocolate tree, which are widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in cosmetology. These cocoa products include:
  • cocoa powder;
  • Cocoa oil;
  • cocoa beans.
Each cocoa product has a range of properties, some of which are the same for all three - butter, powder and beans, while others are different and unique to a particular product.

Collection, fermentation and drying of cocoa beans, making chocolate - video

How chocolate is made from cocoa - video

How to determine the quality of cocoa powder - video


This photo shows a view of cocoa fruits attached to the trunk of a chocolate tree.

This photo shows fresh cocoa beans being extracted from the fruit.

This photo shows cocoa beans after drying.

The photo shows cocoa powder obtained from dried beans.

The photo shows cocoa butter made from dried beans.

Composition of cocoa

The composition of all cocoa products includes the same substances, but in different quantities and ratios. For example, cocoa beans contain 50 - 60% fats, 12 - 15% proteins, 6 - 10% carbohydrates (cellulose + starch + polysaccharides), 6% tannins and dyes (tannin) and 5 - 8% water with dissolved in it minerals, vitamins, organic acids, saccharides and alkaloids (theobromine, caffeine). In addition, cocoa beans contain biologically active substances, which in their biochemical structure are proteins, carbohydrates or fats. Accordingly, other cocoa products - butter and powder - also contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and biologically active substances of protein, carbohydrate and lipid structures, as well as vitamins and trace elements, but in different ratios compared to cocoa beans. Protein, fat and carbohydrate fractions contain a large number (about 300) of biologically active substances that cause beneficial properties, such as anandamide, arginine, histamine, dopamine, cocohil, polyphenol, salsolinol, serotonin, tyramine, tryptophan, phenylethylamine, epikacetin, etc.

Cocoa butter contains 95% fat and only 5% water, vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Accordingly, cocoa butter contains biologically active substances mainly of a lipid nature, such as oleic, palmitic, linolenic fatty acids, triglycerides, linalool, amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, etc. Cocoa powder contains only 12 - 15% fats, up to 40% proteins , 30 - 35% carbohydrates and 10 - 18% minerals and vitamins. Accordingly, cocoa powder is rich in vitamins, microelements, sugary substances and biologically active compounds of the protein structure (tryptophan, phenylethylamine, dopamine, serotonin, etc.). And in cocoa beans there are 50 - 60% fats, 12 - 15% proteins, 6 - 10% carbohydrates and 15 - 32% water with minerals and vitamins dissolved in it. This means that cocoa beans contain the largest amount of biologically active substances compared to powder and butter.

Let's consider what biologically active substances are included in the composition of all cocoa products, as well as the properties of beans, butter and powder.

Cacao butter contains a wide range of polyunsaturated fatty acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic, linolenic), triglycerides (oleo-palmito-stearin, oleo-distearin), fatty acid esters (amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, butyl acetate), methylxanthine, caffeine, phytosterols, polyphenols, sugars ( sucrose, glucose, fructose), tannins and vitamins A, E and C. Cocoa butter is white-yellowish in color and has a chocolate aroma. At ordinary air temperature (from 22 to 27 o C), the oil is hard and brittle, but at 32 - 36 o C, it begins to melt, becoming liquid. That is, cocoa butter melts at a temperature slightly below body temperature, as a result of which a chocolate bar containing this component is normally hard and dense, and melts pleasantly in the mouth.

cocoa powder contains a large amount of potassium and phosphorus salts, as well as anthocyanins (substances that give a characteristic color), alkaloids (caffeine, theobromine), purines, flavonoids, dopamine, anandamide, arginine, histamine, cocochil, salsolinol, serotonin, tyramine, tryptophan, phenylethylamine , epikacetin, etc. In addition, the powder contains a wide range of trace elements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum and fluorine) and vitamins A, E, PP and group B. Quality cocoa powder must contain at least 15% fat, have a light brown color and smear when you try to rub it between your fingers. If you collect cocoa powder in the palm of your hand, then it will pour badly from it, and a part will certainly remain on your hand, sticking to the skin.

The composition of cocoa beans includes cocoa powder + cocoa butter. A distinctive feature of cocoa beans from butter and powder is the content of a large number of aromatic compounds (about 40, among which there is linalool terpene alcohol), as well as organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric and acetic).

Useful properties of cocoa products

Consider the beneficial properties of each cocoa product separately to avoid confusion.

Cacao butter

Cocoa butter can be used internally, externally and topically, either alone or in combination with other ingredients. For example, for topical and topical use, cocoa butter can be mixed with other active ingredients or applied alone. Inside, cocoa butter can be consumed by spreading it on sandwiches or seasoning food with it.

Cocoa butter has the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays on the skin and reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of the skin;
  • Stimulates the immune system, reduces the incidence of colds and infectious diseases, prevents cancer;
  • Increases life expectancy and slows down aging;
  • Improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, preventing their aging and wilting;
  • Improves the barrier functions of the skin, promotes the disappearance of acne and blackheads;
  • Moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness and increases its elasticity by activating the process of collagen production;
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks in the skin, including on the nipples of the breasts;
  • Has antitussive effect;
  • Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • Normalizes the condition of the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, improving microcirculation, preventing atherosclerosis and preventing cardiovascular diseases;
  • Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Helps to cure dermatitis and bronchial asthma.

Cocoa powder and the benefits of cocoa (drink)

The beneficial properties of the powder and the drink prepared from it are the same, so we will present them together. It must be remembered that the powder has a beneficial effect only in the form of a drink. And when adding it to the dough or confectionery, unfortunately, the beneficial effects of cocoa are leveled and do not appear.

Cocoa in the form of a hot drink prepared from powder with milk or water with sugar has the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • The use of cocoa in the form of a drink has a neuroprotective and nootropic effect, increasing the resistance of nerve cells to the effects of negative environmental factors and improving the functioning of the brain. So, thanks to the neuroprotective effect, brain cells are much better able to tolerate episodes of oxygen starvation, trauma and other negative effects, as a result of which the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, dementia, etc. is significantly reduced. And thanks to the nootropic effect, after about 2 months of regular use of cocoa in the form of a drink, a person improves memory, attention, the thought process accelerates, thoughts and decisions become more accurate, clear, etc., which makes it much easier to cope with difficult tasks .
  • Improves cerebral circulation, due to which the performance of human mental activity is significantly increased.
  • Due to the effects of flavonoids (epicatechin) and antioxidants (polyphenols), with regular consumption of cocoa in the form of a drink for 2 months, a person's blood pressure level normalizes.
  • Reduces the risk of skin cancer by reducing the negative effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays on the structure of the skin.
  • Reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of any localization due to antioxidants.
  • Increases the overall resistance of the body to various infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Slows down the aging process in the body due to the effects of polyphenols.
  • Improves the overall condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  • It normalizes the mental state of a person, contributing to the relief of depression, eliminating anxiety, anxiety and fears, and at the same time improving mood.
  • Normalizes the level of cholesterol and hormones in the blood due to the action of flavonoids and peptides.
  • Reduces the adhesion of platelets, preventing the formation of blood clots, which reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and thrombosis.
  • Improves hematopoiesis (formation of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets), preventing blood tumors and deficiency of formed elements.
  • Accelerates the healing of various wounds.
  • Contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels, preventing its sharp fluctuations or increase, which prevents or significantly slows down the development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Improves the functioning of muscles and bones.
  • Improves and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, eliminating various functional disorders (for example, myocardial dystrophy, tachy-brady syndrome, etc.) and, thereby, preventing the development of severe organic pathology.
  • Prevents anemia due to iron content.
  • Restores muscle condition after active training in athletes and after physical exertion in people of any age and gender.
  • Tones and invigorates due to the content of caffeine and theobromine. Moreover, the tonic effect of cocoa is much milder than that of coffee, since the main active alkaloid in it is theobromine, and not caffeine. In addition, due to the low caffeine content, cocoa can be used as an invigorating drink for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases (for example, hypertension, heart failure, etc.) and respiratory systems (bronchial asthma, etc.).
In order for cocoa to fully exert its beneficial effect, it is recommended to drink 1 cup a day in the morning. To prepare a drink, 1 - 1.5 teaspoons of the powder is poured with boiling water or hot milk, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla or other spices are added to taste. It is better to drink cocoa in the morning, as the drink tones and gives energy, which can lead to problems falling asleep if taken in the evening.

cocoa beans

Dried cocoa beans can be consumed 1 to 3 per day as a dessert or as a snack. Beans are high in calories, so they perfectly satisfy hunger, and at the same time are healthy and tasty. Connoisseurs of this useful product recommend eating beans with honey.

The health benefits of cocoa beans are as follows:

  • Regular consumption of cocoa beans improves brain function through the action of flavonoids and antioxidants. After 8 weeks of daily consumption of beans, memory, concentration, speed and accuracy of thinking, ability to solve complex problems, etc. improve.
  • Neuroprotective effect on the brain due to the content of antioxidants (polyphenols). Brain structures become more resistant to the damaging effects of negative factors, such as oxygen starvation, trauma, etc., as a result of which the development of Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia, etc. is prevented.
  • Normalizes arterial pressure due to the action of flavonoids and antioxidants. According to a study by Italian scientists, consumption of beans for 2 months normalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves metabolism and DNA synthesis in cells due to the content of purines.
  • Improves blood formation and accelerates wound healing due to the content of iron, magnesium, chromium and zinc.
  • Maintains a normal level of glucose in the blood, preventing its sharp increase, due to the content of chromium.
  • Improves heart function, normalizes the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles and bones due to the magnesium content.
  • Slows down aging due to the action of antioxidants (polyphenols).
  • Reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, the development of diabetes and malignant tumors due to the effects of epicatechin.
  • Improves skin condition, smoothes wrinkles and increases elasticity, and also prevents stomach ulcers due to the content of cocoheal and sulfur.
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails through the effects of antioxidants and intensive nutrition with vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  • Increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays on the skin and reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of the skin due to the content of melanin.
  • Increases sexual desire and brightness of sensations due to arginine.
  • It relieves depression, anxiety, anxiety, fatigue, and also improves mood due to the antidepressant effect of serotonin, tryptophan and dopamine.

Cocoa improves brain function. Selection, storage and preparation of cocoa - video

Which is healthier: cocoa or chicory (nutritionist's opinion) - video

The use of cocoa in medicine

In the pharmaceutical industry, cocoa butter is widely used, on the basis of which suppositories are prepared for vaginal or rectal administration, as well as ointments and creams for application to the skin and mucous membranes. Cocoa butter is the main auxiliary component of these dosage forms, since it provides stability and a dense consistency at ambient temperature and fast, excellent melting and melting at body temperature.

Moreover, cocoa butter is used to treat the following conditions and diseases as part of complex therapy:

  • . Take a small piece of oil and drive it along the chest, while doing a light massage, which will improve blood flow to the respiratory organs and speed up recovery.
Also, cocoa butter is widely used in cosmetology for the preparation of masks, creams, wraps and other procedures, as it quickly and significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Cocoa beans and cocoa powder are not used in medical practice. The only area in which cocoa is used in the form of a drink is preventive and rehabilitative medicine. According to the recommendations in these areas of medicine, it is recommended to drink cocoa as a tonic and tonic drink to increase efficiency and better tolerate physical or psycho-emotional overload.

Cocoa lowers cholesterol and normalizes lipid metabolism - video

Cocoa for the prevention of thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes - video

Harm cocoa

Cocoa in the form of a drink made from powder or cocoa beans can be potentially harmful to humans due to the following factors:
  • The presence of caffeine. This component can be very harmful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • Unsanitary conditions for processing beans. Cockroaches live in beans, which are often not removed before grinding, as a result of which these insects get into cocoa powder. In addition, the beans lie on the ground and on surfaces that are poorly washed and treated with disinfectant solutions, as a result of which various microbes, soil particles, etc. can be on them.
  • Allergic reactions. Due to the presence of chitin (a component of the cockroach shell) in cocoa powder, people can develop severe allergic reactions, since this substance is very highly allergenic. Unfortunately, any cocoa powder contains chitin, since cockroaches live in cocoa beans, and it is not possible to remove all insects from them.
  • Mycotoxins and pesticides. Cocoa bean powder may contain residues of pesticides that were used to control pests on chocolate trees, as well as mycotoxins, harmful substances produced by fungi that live on beans.

Contraindications to the use of cocoa and chocolate

Pure cocoa beans, cocoa drink and chocolate are contraindicated for use if a person has the following conditions or diseases:
  • Gout (cocoa contains purines, and their use will exacerbate gout);
  • Kidney disease (cocoa has a diuretic effect);
  • Age under 3 years (cocoa is a highly allergenic product, so children under 3 years of age should not drink it in the form of a drink, and eat it in the form of chocolate or beans);
  • Increased excitability and aggressiveness (cocoa has a tonic and stimulating effect);
  • Constipation (for constipation, only cocoa butter can be consumed, and beans and any products with cocoa powder are best excluded from the diet, as they contain tannins that can aggravate the problem);
  • Diabetes mellitus (cocoa can only be drunk to prevent the disease, but when it has already developed, then you can not use the product).

How to brew a cocoa drink (recipe) - video

White cocoa with marshmallows (recipe) - video

There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Hello, my dear friends, readers and guests!

It is impossible to engage in the preparation of homemade cosmetics if you do not know what properties those substances that are part of the cosmetic product that we want to prepare have.

Therefore, I decided to look at a few of the main components of most homemade cosmetics in more detail.

I propose to start with the most important component and consider the beneficial properties of the oil and the various ways to use it.

From this article you will learn:

Useful properties of cocoa butter and methods of application

Cocoa butter (cocoa butter, cocoa butter) is a fat squeezed out of cocoa liquor - ground grains of the fruit of the chocolate tree. The basis for the production of chocolate.wiki

Cocoa butter is included in most cosmetic products for homemade: face and body creams, lipsticks, hard massage tiles, anti-cellulite products, lotions, children's cosmetics.

Therefore, it is simply impossible not to know the properties of cocoa butter and how to use it, as well as the features of the manufacture of cosmetic preparations based on it!

How is cocoa butter obtained?

Cocoa butter is obtained from the fruits of the cocoa tree, and freshly picked cocoa beans do not have the taste and aroma properties characteristic of chocolate and powder, they have a bitter-tart flavor and a pale color.

The main producers of cocoa butter are West African countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, and Cameroon. Côte d'Ivoire produces about 43 percent of the world's cocoa.

Cocoa butter is also produced by Indonesia, Colombia, Brazil, Malaysia, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic.

Main way to get:

  1. The seeds extracted from the fruit of the cocoa tree undergo a process such as fermentation or fermentation, resulting in a darker brown color and a "chocolatey" smell and taste.
  2. Then these seeds are sorted, cleaned, carried out heat treatment, crushed to the state of grains, which are very finely ground, obtaining grated cocoa, from which, by hot pressing, cocoa butter is obtained, and the cake remaining after pressing is used for cooking.
  3. Then, depending on the application, the cocoa butter is refined.

Natural cocoa butter, used in cosmetology, has the highest level of purification and does not contain any chemical and harmful impurities.

One of the best for making homemade cosmetics is virgin cocoa butter - high-quality unrefined cocoa butter.

It is not deodorized, and therefore has a delicious, rich aroma of dark chocolate, and completely retains all the beneficial properties of cocoa butter.

Physical and chemical properties of cocoa butter

Natural cocoa butter, which is used in cosmetology, has a yellowish creamy color and a characteristic subtle, barely noticeable aroma of cocoa beans.

Cocoa butter refers to solid oils (butters) - Cocoa Butter

At temperatures up to 25-27°C, cocoa butter remains firm in its consistency and breaks easily.

Its melting point is 28-34 C degrees, which makes cocoa butter very convenient for use in cosmetology, because when it comes into contact with the skin, the normal temperature of which is 36 ° C, cocoa butter begins to melt and is easily absorbed by the skin, immediately removing its dryness and irritation.

Cocoa butter is one of the most stable, highly concentrated natural fats.

The chemical composition of cocoa beans

Cocoa butter contains unsaturated and saturated fatty acids such as oleic, stearic, lauric, palmitic, linoleic, and arachidic acids.

These acids are partially present in the natural skin secretion, and therefore they all play a very important role in the vital activity of our skin (they contribute to its hydration, restore, slow down the aging process).

Cocoa butter contains:

  • 3% polyunsaturated fat
  • 35% monounsaturated fat
  • 61% saturated fat

As well as copper, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and manganese and vitamins A, group B, vitamins C and E, melaxontin, caffeine and tons

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and has known healing and moisturizing properties for the skin.

Cosmetic properties of cocoa butter

The main feature of cocoa butter is a high content of antioxidants (cocoa mass polyphenols) and an unsurpassed ability to increase skin elasticity.

The main properties of cocoa butter in cosmetology:

  1. Due to the high amount of oleic acid, cocoa butter is able to restore the barrier functions of the surface layer of the skin and retain moisture in it, so it can be successfully used in products for dry and flaky skin.
  2. Due to the content of palmitic acid, cocoa butter has lipophilic properties, due to which cocoa butter enhances the penetration of active substances into the skin.
  3. Natural vitamin E (tocopherol), which contains cocoa butter, has skin moisturizing properties, as well as properties, it enhances collagen production, thereby reducing wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity.
  4. Polyphenols such as CMP (cocoa mass polyphenols) inhibit the production of IgE immunoglobulin responsible for allergic reactions, so cocoa butter can be used to treat allergic dermatitis.

How to use cocoa butter for skin?

Cocoa butter is a water-repellent occlusive agent.

It is able to reduce transepidermal water loss (TEWL), coat the skin with a protective waterproof film and retain moisture in the epidermis, so it is especially useful for dry, chapped, sagging and aging skin.

Main uses:

  1. It is part of cosmetic products for face and neck, décolleté, lips, hands.
  2. Cocoa butter is able to regenerate skin cells, so it can be used in products to restore the surface layer of the skin, as well as be used in anti-aging cosmetics to treat wrinkles around the eyes and in the corners of the mouth.
  3. Cocoa butter has protective properties, so it can be used to protect the skin during low temperatures in winter.
  4. Cocoa butter has a high emollient effect, and is also a lubricant, enhancing the sliding effect of oils when applied to the skin.
  5. Cocoa butter, due to the content of caffeine, is part of anti-cellulite cosmetics, is used to prevent skin stretch marks and increase its elasticity.
  6. Cocoa butter can enhance, so it can be added to lotions for. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that it does not have a sun protection factor (SPF).

How to use cocoa butter in the manufacture of home cosmetics?

It is believed that cocoa butter can be used in its pure form, simply by applying it to the skin of the face.

But, according to experts, cocoa butter for the face cannot be used in its pure form, due to the fact that it has comedogenic properties (4 each), can clog skin pores and is not recommended for application in its pure form to oily and problem skin.

  1. Therefore, in the manufacture of home cosmetics, it is usually added to other oils in an amount of not more than 5%.
  2. Pure cocoa butter can be used to lubricate dry elbows, knees and. To do this, you need to hold a small piece of oil in your hands and lubricate the necessary places on the body with it.
  3. In the manufacture of home cosmetics, cocoa butter is used as a structure-forming agent in the manufacture of creams, lipsticks, balms, massage tiles and body butters, and candles.
  4. And also added to soap in an amount of up to 15% to create a stable foam and bath bombs, as a binder.

How to store and shelf life of cocoa butter?

Shelf life 2 years. May be stored in the refrigerator.

Precautionary measures

Cocoa butter can cause allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components.

Where to buy quality cocoa butter?

In search of good cocoa butter, I spent more than one day. Today it can be bought in almost every online store of goods for the manufacture of home cosmetics.

The average price for 100.0 is from 170-190 rubles. But, I found the best cocoa butter in terms of price-quality ratio here

Here, 100% natural cocoa butter without fillers, preservatives, additives and artificial colors can be purchased within 350 rubles per 200 grams.

Interesting video about cocoa butter

How cocoa grows and how its beans are obtained is very interestingly told in this video.

I hope this information will be useful to everyone who was interested in the issue of using cocoa butter for the face, for skin and in cosmetology, as well as in the process of making home cosmetics.

If you have something to add on this topic, I will be very glad if you share your knowledge in the comments on this post.

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Alena Yasneva was with you, be healthy and take care of yourself!

Photo By iprachenko/https://www.shutterstock.com

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