Home Salads and appetizers Chicken cutlets for a child of 2 years. Meat dishes for children: recipes for meatballs, cutlets, meatballs. Tips for Making Steamed Chicken Cutlets for Toddlers

Chicken cutlets for a child of 2 years. Meat dishes for children: recipes for meatballs, cutlets, meatballs. Tips for Making Steamed Chicken Cutlets for Toddlers

Steamed cutlets for a child 1 year old

From 1 year to 3 years.

Features of nutrition of young children

due to the fact that the transition from dairy nutrition to food of plant and animal origin continues; switching to mixed and solid foods that require chewing; increased need for calories and proteins; the diet is expanding, food is becoming more diverse; a stereotype and rhythm of nutrition, taste habits are formed.
Increased daily food intake up to 1.5 years - 1100-1200 ml, from 1.5 to 3 years - 1500-1600 ml. The frequency of meals and the distribution of their calorie content change (see Table 1).

Table 1

meal 5 meals a day 4 meals a day 1st breakfast 20% 20-30% 2nd breakfast 10-15% - Lunch 30-35% 30-40% Snack 10-15% 10-20% Dinner 20% 20-30%

The range of products is changing used for cooking second courses: from meat preference should be given to turkey, rabbit, beef, but young lamb and lean pork can already be used. children up to 3 years duck and geese meat should not be given due to the high content of refractory fats.

fish(sea, river, but low-fat) should be used in the nutrition of children 1-2 times a week. Daily rate of fish is 30 g / day, but since it is impossible to prepare a dish from such an amount of fish, the weekly norm (210 g) must be divided into 2-3 doses. For fish dishes any type of large, small-boned, lean fish can be used, but fish fillets are safer.

Eggs, rich in protein with an optimal amino acid composition, fats, lecithin, salts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine, vitamins B, D, E, offer children no more than 1 piece in 2 days. Eggs in the composition of dishes can be used every day, since the quantitative part of the egg in dishes and products for the preparation of which their presence is necessary is very small, about 1/10 of the egg.

Cereal side dishes for children of this age should be prepared from buckwheat, rice, corn grits. Recommended viscous cereals, and if the child does not like cereals, you can cook casseroles, meatballs or cutlets based on them.

New flour dishes- These are pancakes and pancakes. children over 2 years old you can pamper pasta, but not more than 2 times a week, and give preference to vegetable side dishes.

Should be widely used vegetables, not only for cooking first, but also second courses. Young children should receive 200 g of vegetables daily (cabbage, carrots, beets, herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes), and no more than 120 g of potatoes. Such a restriction of potatoes in the diet is necessary because it is a high-carbohydrate (containing starch) product, excessive consumption of which is undesirable for children of any age.

Bean Dishes(peas, beans) can be given no more than 1-2 times a week, as these products are "heavy" for the children's intestines. Legumes contain coarse fiber, which is poorly digested and can cause flatulence in a child.

Culinary food processing. All dishes are prepared only in boiled, stewed and steamed form. With the development of the ability to chew, the consistency of food becomes more and more dense. children up to 1.5 years food is prepared in pure form. After 1.5 years it should be thicker - pieces of various sizes. At the same time, do not forget to focus on the tastes and preferences of the baby. Kashi are cooked boiled. Instead of mashed potatoes, vegetables are offered stewed. It is advisable to replace the meat soufflé with cutlets, meatballs, meatballs. To new dishes for children after 2 years relate meat casseroles. They include boiled meat, various vegetables, rice, pasta. Salads for kids up to 1.5-2 years are offered mashed on a fine grater, and after this age - finely chopped.

Fish can be boiled, stewed in own juice with the addition of a small amount of fat or fish broth, or with carrots and onions.

By 3 years the child completely goes to the common table, with the difference that the food is prepared with the help of a more gentle heat treatment, i.e. boiling, stewing, steaming are preferred. Spicy seasonings and spices are excluded. As seasonings, you can use dill, parsley, onion, garlic, spinach. You should not teach your baby to abuse salt from an early age, food should be slightly undersalted - the daily need for salt in a child up to 1 year is 0.35 g, and for children older than 1 year - 0.5 g.

Distribution of food throughout the day. Products rich in protein and extractives, as well as having a stimulating effect on the digestive tract (stimulate digestion processes), these include meat and fish broths, raw vegetables and vegetable broths dairy products, fruits and berries, as well as dishes from them, it is advisable to give for breakfast and lunch. For dinner, you should offer cereals, vegetables and dairy products. The diet must include hot dishes.


Steam beef cutlets

Meat (beef) - 50 g, wheat bread - 10 g, milk - 10 ml, butter - 2 g, salt.

Pass the prepared meat and bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder twice, add butter, salt, beat well, form cutlets and steam them for 20-25 minutes.

Meat puree with buckwheat

Meat (beef) - 90 g, broth - 15 ml, buckwheat - 25 g, butter - 3 g, salt.

Low-fat, already boiled meat is cleaned of films, passed through a meat grinder twice, add hot water(broth) and boil for 5 minutes. Buckwheat sort, rinse, pour into boiling water, salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened (20 minutes), then add butter and meat with broth, bring the dish in the oven until fully cooked (5-7 minutes).


Meat - 70 g, bread - 10 g, egg white - 1 teaspoon, butter - 5 g, salt.

Rinse the meat under running water, remove tendons and films, cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Soak the bread in a small amount of cold water, squeeze, mix with minced meat; skip this mass again through a meat grinder with a fine mesh, salt. Beat the egg white well and add to the minced meat. Cut the minced meat in the form of balls (meatballs), put on a greased frying pan, add a little cold broth or water, cover with oiled paper, a lid, or foil and put in a not very hot (100-150 ° C) oven for 20-30 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes or carrots.

Meat, chicken or fish pudding

For 50 g of beef (chicken or fish) - 15-20 g white bread, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon butter, salt. For 200 g of mashed potatoes - 3 tbsp. spoons of milk and 1/2 teaspoon of butter, salt.

50 g of beef pulp (chicken, fish) cut into pieces, pass twice through a meat grinder along with 15-20 g of dry white bread soaked in milk (you can additionally rub this mass through a fine sieve), salt and dilute with milk until the pulp is thick, then add 1/2 of the raw yolk and egg white, beaten tightly into a foam, mix gently from the bottom up, put in a small mug (aluminum, enamel or porcelain), thickly oiled, and sprinkle with sifted breadcrumbs; top with an oiled circle of paper or foil, lower the mug into a saucepan filled with boiling water to half its volume, cover the saucepan with a lid and put on the stove. After 40-50 minutes, remove the pudding and serve with mashed potatoes.

Every young mother is well aware of how important it is to feed her beloved baby not only tasty and varied food, but also healthy. chicken cutlets for children, they are a universal option for both lunch and dinner, because they satisfy hunger for a long time, but do not overload the digestive system.

It is best to cook such a treat without the use of oils and a frying pan - it will come out both healthier and easier for the baby's ventricle.

How to fry delicious and juicy baby chicken cutlets

The most correct decision when it comes to the children's menu, and, moreover, the nutrition of a preschooler, is to abandon fatty and heavy recipes. For this reason, the ideal product for cooking cutlets for babies is chicken breast.

If the child is still very small, it is best for him to stew cutlets in a low-fat, light sauce. For example, you can use natural tomato paste mixed with purified water.

It would make more sense to chicken cutlets for a small child in a double boiler. Especially if you have this kitchen helper.

In the recipes below we will tell you in detail how to cook it. tasty dish step by step, and the options with the photo will clearly tell you which meatballs the kids love the most.

It is worth noting that any recipe can always be slightly modified to please a capricious child.

  • When choosing chicken meat for children's cutlets, pay attention to the quality and freshness of the product. Check the smell and color of the chicken to make sure you have the right ingredient for baby food.
  • The best choice for children's recipes is chicken breast meat - bird fillet. It is his experienced experts who recommend buying for the preparation of healthy cutlets.

Never buy ready-made minced meat in supermarkets and shops. Very often, for its manufacture, chicken is used, in which the expiration date is running out. Moreover, the freshness minced meat much more difficult to check.

A simple recipe for children's minced chicken cutlets

A classic version of a dish for feeding young children, which most toddlers like. The ideal complement to such cue balls is vegetable puree or pasta.


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 small head;
  • Oat flour - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • Purified vegetable oil - for frying cue balls;
  • Salt - to taste.

How to cook chicken cutlets for a child with your own hands at home

  1. We wash the dietary meat of the chicken under cool water. We clean our fillets from veins and films that spoil appearance and the taste of meatballs.
  2. We chop the chicken fillet from the poultry brisket into small bars, so that you can then conveniently grind them in a meat grinder.
  3. We use the onion to give the dish more juiciness. We clean it from the husk, cut it into two halves, and then coarsely chop it with a knife.
  4. Grind chicken meat in a meat grinder. Moreover, for very young children, it is better to beat the minced meat two or even three times - this way you will get a more delicate texture of cutlets.
  5. At the very end, when the minced chicken for cue balls for the child is ready, we also grind the onion, immediately adding it to the common bowl with the meat.
  6. Pour into minced meat a little oat flour. This step will make the meatballs more useful, and at the same time will not let them fall apart during cooking.
  7. We knock out in a bowl to ground minced meat egg. Lightly salt the dish (without salt, the baby is unlikely to agree to dine with cutlets).
  8. Mix all ingredients well. And then we give our future chicken cutlets to stand for 15-20 minutes. This will help the components communicate better with each other.

How to fry baby meatballs

While the minced meat is infused, we will prepare a suitable frying pan in order to fry the cutlets for crumbs in it a little, and then stew them until tender.

We heat the pan over low heat and pour a drop of oil into it - purely so that the cutlets do not stick to the surface of the dish during frying.

We form small meatballs with clean hands, laying them in a frying pan. Hold for a minute on each side to seal the meat juice inside and make the dish tastier.

When the cue balls are slightly fried, reduce the heat and pour a little purified or boiled water into the saucepan. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the cutlets until fully cooked.

Serve chicken meatballs child with any garnish that suits his age.

Recipe for chicken cutlets in a slow cooker from breast and rice for children


  • - 300 g + -
  • - a third of a glass + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - optional + -
  1. We carefully sort out the fillet to remove all veins and connective tissue from the tender meat of the bird.
  2. Wash the meat under cold water and cut into medium pieces.
  3. We grind them in a meat grinder so that a homogeneous minced meat comes out. For small children, it is better to grind the chicken fillet two or three times, for babies older than a year, one time will do.
  4. We sort out the rice and send the cereal for pre-cooking. To do this, wash the rice in cold water and boil in a saucepan until half cooked so that it has time to soften well.
  5. If you have a slow cooker at home, it is convenient to make rice for children's chicken cutlets right in it.
  6. Let the rice cool slightly, draining the water. Mix it with minced meat.
  7. We knock out a chicken egg into a bowl for future meatballs.
  8. Salt the dish to your taste, you can wash a little greenery and finely chop it in minced meat for aroma and taste.
  9. We mix all the ingredients properly and form “hedgehogs” from minced meat.
  10. Pour a sufficient amount of purified water into the multicooker bowl and install the steam nozzle.
  11. We put our cutlets on a perforated tray and turn on the “Steamer” mode.
  12. We cook the dish under a closed lid for 40-45 minutes.

Children really like such chicken cutlets, because they have an original look and satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. If you add more rice to the dish, then a treat will come out that does not require any side dish.

These are such delicious, simple chicken cutlets for children that any caring parent can cook.

How else can you cook chicken cutlets

Dishes from minced meat, such as cutlets, are cooked all over the world, but only in our country such a dish has acquired the status of a national one. Today, the portal "Your Cook" will share with you the experience of cooking incredibly delicious chicken cutlets with various additional ingredients.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about what are chicken cutlets for children, the recipe for this dish. You will learn several variations of cooking, as well as get acquainted with valuable tips.

Knowing how to cook chicken breast patties for kids (as well as other parts of the chicken) will allow you to create a tasty dish and do it quickly enough.

  1. Ideally, two, maximum three eggs should be laid per kilo of minced meat. If there are more of them than a given amount, then all you will achieve is the friability of the ground meat during the cooking process.
  2. You can add a crumb of bread, but even here you need to know when to stop. No more than 250 grams are put on a kilo of minced meat. If you add more, you will not be able to taste the meat in your dish, the bread will kill everything. Don't forget to pre-soak the used bread in milk.
  3. If you pre-beat the meat, then at the end you will get a more tender and strong dish.
  4. Remember that the presence of skins is unacceptable in minced meat, if you cook chicken cutlets for a child for 1 year, they will add excess fat to the dish.
  5. Before you start cooking, you need to send the minced meat, with the ingredients already added, to the refrigerator. This will greatly improve the taste. ready meal, due to the absorption of meat juice by the bread.

Cooking with semolina

Minced meat patties can be prepared using semolina instead of flour or bread.

During the cooking process you will need:

  • seven st. spoons of semolina;
  • three eggs;
  • three bulbs;
  • four st. spoons of sour cream;
  • a kilogram of minced chicken;
  • salt.

With added bread

For this option, you need to take:

  • half a kilogram of fillet (chicken);
  • one fourth glass of milk;
  • egg;
  • bulb;
  • white bread - about one hundred grams;


A steamed dish allows you to maximize the preservation of biologically active substances that are so valuable for the child's body.

To prepare such a product you need to have:

  • chicken fillet - two halves;
  • egg;
  • salt;
  • oatmeal - two tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley;
  • butter - about 30 grams.

In addition to the actual basis for future cutlets, you can make a sauce from milk. For him you will need:

  • a teaspoon of flour;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • a teaspoon of butter.

With vegetables

Many kids will love this dish. We will cook in the oven, and not fry, so the dish will become even more useful.

To prepare meatballs with vegetables, you need to have:

  • minced chicken - two hundred grams;
  • egg;
  • carrot;
  • semolina - two tbsp. spoons;

If the baby likes vegetable cutlets, then try cooking.

My son loves cutlets from minced chicken. I cook them mostly in the oven. For this dish I use minced meat, independently made from chicken fillet, onion, egg and bread crumb. Cutlets with the addition of vegetables did not suit our taste.

Now you know what methods and options for cooking chicken cutlets exist. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new formulations. The child will appreciate if he can try cutlets with oatmeal, and then with carrots and zucchini. Give preference to baking, cooking in a slow cooker or make steam products. Remember that the children's body does not need fried food.

In the first years of a baby's life, his taste habits and preferences are formed. Therefore, the children's meat menu should be not only tasty and healthy, but also varied.

Meat and fish are a source of complete protein, iron and other useful substances, these are indispensable products in the daily menu of the child. Small children are prepared dishes from minced meat and fish - due to their shape and texture, they instill in the baby the first chewing skills. These dishes include cutlets for children, meatballs and meatballs. How are they different?

Baby meatballs- minced meat or fish dishes, rolled into small balls (usually the size of an apricot or plum). In different interpretations, they exist in national cuisines almost the entire world. Groats are necessarily added to minced meat, most often rice, bread, sometimes onions, spices and an egg are put. Meatballs for babies are stewed with sauce, steamed or baked. Fried meatballs should not be given to children.

Meatballs. This dish gets its name from the Italian word frittatella (fried). Meatballs for kids- small balls the size of a cherry or Walnut minced meat, chicken or fish. They are usually boiled in broth, soup or, more rarely, cooked in second courses. Finely chopped onions, spices and herbs are added to the minced meat. Very rarely, bread soaked in milk or water is put into minced meat.

Cutlets for children. In modern Russian cuisine, cutlets are flat cakes made from minced meat, chicken, fish or vegetable. Children are usually served with various side dishes - cereals, vegetables, as well as with sauce or broth.

With the advent of the first chewing teeth in a child (i.e., from about 1-1.5 years old) children's menu filled with meat dishes. These are cutlets, meatballs and meatballs prepared according to special recipes. At this age, the baby needs about 70-80 g meat products per day, 1-2 times a week they can be replaced with fish. Chopped minced meat dishes are very suitable in shape and consistency for a baby who is just learning to chew at this age.

Minced meat recipes for children

AT children's cooking the following types of meat are used:

  • beef;
  • veal;
  • lean pork;
  • rabbit.

Lamb, horse meat and venison are not used in the diet of children under 3 years of age.

Of the birds, only:

  • hen;
  • turkey.

Goose and duck are very fatty, difficult to digest and are not suitable for children under 3 years old.

Used for minced fish sea ​​fish low-fat and white varieties:

  • halibut;
  • sole;
  • pollock.

From river fish fit only:

  • pike;

Minced meat for children's meals prepared only from steam or chilled meat, frozen meat is not recommended, since it is impossible to control the quality and shelf life of such a product, this is fraught with the development of infections.

Carbonade, shoulder blade or thigh are best. The meat must be thoroughly cleaned of films and fat, rinsed, dried with a napkin - to remove excess fat and moisture - and then cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder twice. For older children, from 2 years old, you can skip the meat through a meat grinder once.

From the white bread added to minced meat, you need to remove the crust, and then soak the pulp in water or milk. Bread mass in minced meat should be no more than 25%.

In poultry, breast, thighs and drumsticks are suitable for preparing minced meat dishes. The meat is carefully separated from the bones and skin and passed through a meat grinder.

For the preparation of fish dishes, fillets are used, cleaned of bones and scales.

Cooking minced meat is a laborious process. Therefore, it is permissible to immediately prepare a sufficiently large volume of it, to make stocks for the future - to freeze portioned semi-finished products. However, they must be stored at a constant temperature in the depth of the freezer, repeated defrosting-freezing is unacceptable for them.

In minced meat for baby food before freezing, only vegetables or cereals are added, but do not salt and do not add spices, milk and eggs, this is done immediately before cooking after defrosting the minced meat.

Cooking methods

Most traditional way cooking meat dishes is frying. However, children under 3 fried foods are not recommended. In the process of frying, a crust is formed, which contains substances harmful to the child that irritate the digestive tract. Therefore, in the children's kitchen, the following cooking methods are used:

  • extinguishing;
  • baking in the oven;
  • steam cooking.

For children from 2 years old, it is permissible to lightly fry the cutlets, and then bring them to readiness by stewing in the sauce. Meatballs are prepared in the same way. But the traditional type of cooking for meatballs is steaming, in salted water or soup with vegetables. Sometimes meatballs are stewed with cabbage or other vegetables in a little gravy or sauce.

Cutlets for children

The first cutlets can be offered to a child at 1–1.5 years old, if he already has something to chew on. Consider several options for cooking cutlets from meat, poultry and fish, so that there is something to diversify the baby's diet.

Beef steam cutlets (from 1 year old)


  • 100 g of beef;
  • 20 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Skip the prepared meat together with bread soaked in milk without a crust through a meat grinder, add oil and salt to taste, mix well until smooth, form cutlets and steam for 20-25 minutes.

Meat cutlets (from 1.5 years old)


  • 40 g pork without fat;
  • 50 g of beef;
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 5 g of onions;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Soak the bread in water, pass the meat twice through a meat grinder. Mix meat, bread, finely chopped onion, salt. Form small patties with wet hands, then steam them or in a deep frying pan in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
meat cutlets, stuffed with vegetables(from 2 years old)


  • 90 g minced meat;
  • 10 g carrots;
  • 10 g cabbage;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 / 4 boiled eggs;
  • 7 g butter.

Cooking method:

Skip the meat through a meat grinder. Divide the minced meat with wet hands into small cakes, in the center of each put finely chopped carrots, onions, cabbage and chopped boiled egg. Wrap the edges of the cakes and pinch, flatten the resulting cutlets. Melt the butter in a frying pan and lightly fry the patties. Then place them in the oven or steam until ready for 10-15 minutes.

Meat zrazy with rice (from 2-3 years old)


  • 90 g of meat (pork or beef);
  • 20 g of white bread;
  • 30 g of cereals (buckwheat or rice);
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 / 3 boiled egg.
  • For sauce:
  • 50 g of broth;
  • 10 g sour cream;
  • 5 g flour.

Cooking method:

Boil rice (or buckwheat). Pass the meat through a meat grinder along with white bread soaked in water and squeezed out. From the resulting minced meat, form cakes and put the filling in the center of each: boiled rice (or buckwheat porridge), mixed with finely chopped onion and egg. Bend and pinch the edges, form cutlets. For the sauce, mix the broth, sour cream and flour. Fry the cutlets for 2-3 minutes on each side, then pour the sauce and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Chicken steam cutlets (from 1-1.5 years old)


  • 90 g of chicken meat from the thigh or breast;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Skip the meat with onions through a meat grinder, add bread soaked in milk and once again pass the resulting mass through a meat grinder. Add slightly melted butter to the minced meat, salt. Form cutlets with wet hands, steam for 15 minutes. You can stew them in milk in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Cutlets from turkey meat (from 1.5-2 years old)


  • 100 g of turkey meat (breast or legs);
  • 1 st. a spoonful of boiled rice;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Pass turkey meat through a meat grinder, mix boiled rice with minced meat, salt, add egg, milk and mix thoroughly until smooth. Form cutlets and steam them for 20-25 minutes.

Fish cutlets (from 1-1.5 years old)


  • 100 g fillet of pike perch (or cod, or sole);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the fillet through a meat grinder along with bread soaked in milk, salt, add butter, mix, form cutlets. Place the cutlets in the oven, fill with 1 / 3 water, or steam for 10-15 minutes.

Fish cakes with cheese (2-3 years)


  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 30 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • 5 g flour.

Cooking method:

Skip the fish fillet through a meat grinder along with bread and onions soaked in milk, add finely grated cheese, egg, salt. Thoroughly mix the mass. Then form cutlets, roll them in flour, lightly fry on each side and simmer until tender in white sauce (see sauce recipe below).

Bilip fish cakes (2–3 years)


  • 300 g of pike perch (or cod, or sole);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 30-40 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • 5 g flour.

Cooking method:

Skip the fish fillet through a meat grinder with bread and onions soaked in milk, add cottage cheese, egg, salt. Thoroughly mix the mass. Form cutlets, roll them in flour, lightly fry on each side and simmer until tender in white sauce.

Meatballs for kids

Meatballs can be made from many types of meat, poultry, and fish. They are small in size, have a delicate taste and are convenient because the baby can hold them in his hand and eat, training the skill of independence. They appear in the diet of a child from the age of one in the first and second courses.

Meatballs for children (from 1–1.5 years old)


  • 40 g lean pork;
  • 50 g of beef;
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 1 egg white;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Pass the meat twice through a meat grinder and mix with bread soaked in water. Beat the egg white thoroughly and mix with minced meat. Form small balls and boil them in lightly salted water with herbs.

Steam meatballs in Polish (from 1.5 years old)


  • 100 g lean pork;
  • 50 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 / 2 egg white;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • a little butter.

Cooking method:

Pass pork and chicken fillet through a meat grinder, add beaten egg white, salt, butter and finely chopped dill to the minced meat. Mix the minced meat, form small balls. Place the meatballs by a teaspoon into the simmering broth or soup and cook until tender, 15 minutes. They can be boiled and steamed, and then put on a plate with a side dish.

Chicken meatballs (1–1.5 years)


  • 90 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of boiled rice or rice flakes;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • greens to taste.

Cooking method:

Clean the fillet from the skin and films, pass through a meat grinder. Salt the boiled rice and grind in a blender along with herbs, and then mix with meat. Add in the beaten egg and mix again. Roll minced meat into balls and cook in vegetable broth(or steam) 15-20 minutes.

Children's chicken meatballs (from 1.5 years old)


  • 100 g chicken breast;
  • 50 g potatoes;
  • 30 ml of milk;
  • 200 ml chicken broth;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Pass the chicken breast through a meat grinder or chop in a blender along with milk. Boil potatoes. Mix minced meat with potatoes, form small balls and boil them in chicken broth, salting it, as well as putting bay leaves and herbs in it.

Broth with fish meatballs (from 1.5 years old)


  • 60 g of pollock fillet (or hake, or pike perch);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • 1/4 eggs;
  • dill;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the fillet with bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder, beat the egg with herbs in a blender. Combine everything, add butter, knead minced meat. Form small balls. Boil meatballs in vegetable broth for 10-15 minutes.

Cod meatballs with herbs (from 1.5 years old)


  • 100 g cod;
  • 15 g of white bread;
  • 5 g of onions;
  • 8 g spinach;
  • parsley;
  • 10 g of lettuce;
  • 1 teaspoon of butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Cod fillet, along with onion, spinach, lettuce and parsley, pass through a meat grinder, and then mix with bread soaked in water. Add butter and egg to the mass, salt, mix the minced meat thoroughly. Form meatballs and boil them in vegetable broth or steam them.

Meatballs for children

Meatballs are similar in composition to meatballs, but also contain a lot of rice and vegetables. The combination of meat, cereals and vegetables contributes to better absorption of meat proteins. Meatballs are often served with sauces.

Meatballs in a special way (1.5–2 years)


  • 100 g pork or ground beef;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped vegetables bell pepper, carrots, onions, zucchini, tomatoes;
  • 1/4 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of flour;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Minced mince together with vegetables through a meat grinder or chop in a blender, mix with egg and flour, salt, add herbs, knead. Form balls, put them in a deep frying pan and, pouring 1 / 3 water, simmer for 10 minutes. Then add red or white sauce and simmer until tender for another 15 minutes under the lid.

Classic Meatballs (2-3 years old)


  • 50 g pork or beef;
  • 10 g of bread;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of milk;
  • 10 g carrots;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 st. a spoon with a slide of rice;
  • 1/4 eggs;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the meat with onions and carrots through a meat grinder, add bread pre-soaked in milk and pre-cooked rice to the minced meat, add the egg and salt. Mix the minced meat and form meatballs, fry lightly in oil, pour red sauce and simmer in the oven or on the stove under the lid for 30 minutes.

Cottage cheese and fish meatballs (2–3 years)


  • 60 g cod fillet;
  • 30 g of white bread;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 30 g of cottage cheese;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Soak the bread in milk and pass through a meat grinder along with the fish fillet, mix the resulting minced meat with cottage cheese and finely chopped onions. Beat the egg and mix it with minced meat, salt, add herbs. Pour into a baking dish or skillet and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Mix milk with sour cream until the consistency of the sauce, pour the meatballs with the mixture and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Fish meatballs (1.5–2 years)


  • 80 g fish fillet (cod, pollock or hake);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 1 / 4 egg yolks;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the fillet together with the bread soaked in water through a meat grinder, add the yolk, butter and salt, knead the minced meat. Form meatballs and place them in a deep bowl, filling with white sauce for 2 / 3. Put the stew on a very small fire for 25-30 minutes.

Baby sauces

Sauces that complement children's meat dishes¸ not only enrich their taste, but also contribute to better assimilation of the product and expand the taste preferences of the baby. Especially often sauces are used in the preparation of meatballs.

Milk sauce (from 1.5 years old)


  • 5 g (1 tablespoon) flour;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sour cream 10% fat;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 20–25 ml of water.

Cooking method:

Fry the flour in a pan so that it is slightly browned, pour in milk and water and bring to a boil, wait until the mixture thickens, add sour cream, wait for it to boil again and turn off the heat.

White sauce (from 2 years old)


  • 1 / 2 tsp flour;
  • 80 g low-fat broth;
  • 1 / 2 tsp butter or heavy cream;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Fry the flour in a pan so that it is slightly browned, pour in the broth, bring to a boil, wait until the mixture thickens, add butter or cream, lemon juice, wait until the sauce boils, and turn off the heat.

Red sauce (from 2–3 years old)


  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 1/2 cups of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, put them in a pan and fry lightly on vegetable oil, then pour water there and put the tomato, chopped in a blender until smooth. Add bay leaf and salt and cook for 10 minutes.

Children's side dishes

What to cook for a baby for a side dish meat dishes? For meat cutlets and meatballs the best addition become boiled or vegetable stew; fish cakes serve well with rice or vegetable stew; buckwheat, rice, pasta or potatoes are suitable for meatballs, and they go well with poultry green pea, cauliflower and rice with vegetables.

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