Home Bakery products Incense sticks how to keep the smell. How to use different types of incense. Types and purpose

Incense sticks how to keep the smell. How to use different types of incense. Types and purpose

The most common type of incense aroma sticks. They are popular because they are easy to use, cheap and fit perfectly into any interior. What do you need to know about them?
The “core” of the stick is thin bamboo chips, on which the base with an aroma filler is applied. Usually, charcoal or "masala" is used as a base, a mixture of fine particle dust or crushed fragrant plants. The bright black charcoal sticks emit a pure aroma filler smell when burning (charcoal does not remove impurities!).

Sticks on "masala" can be from light beige to dark brown, and when they burn, the aroma of the base plants is mixed with the smell of the aroma filler.

There are "barless" incense without a bamboo chip. They are more brittle, but when they burn, the smell of smoldering bamboo is not added to the main smell.

The quality of the stick does not depend on its color (they say, all black chemical, and light natural). The main thing is the composition of the aroma filler. If it consists of synthetic substances, the incense will be mediocre, and if it is made from pure natural ingredients, it will be excellent.

Incense differs in shape (sticks, cones) and in composition (mono-aromatic with the smell of one plant, and poly-aromatic odor compositions). Do not burn incense at night with a stimulating, exciting effect.
Sometimes burning bamboo base causes allergies. In this case, switch to either stemless incense or pure incense. essential oils just not synthetic!

Offer 14 incense for relaxation and recharging:
1. Bergamot tones, gives strength, improves memory and attention.
2. Jasmine has an anti-stress, relaxing effect, mobilizes the body's reserves. Enhances sensuality, is considered a "feminine" fragrance.
3. Ylang-ylang is a good antidepressant, it causes a feeling of self-confidence. Relieves cramps, nervous tics, headaches. Excellent aphrodisiac "male smell", increases male potency.
4. Lavender relieves fatigue, insomnia, strengthens the immune system. Stimulates blood circulation, eliminates mental lethargy, irritability and states of causeless fear.
5. Frankincense inspires, awakens interest in life.
6. Lemon tones, strengthens the immune system, has an antiviral effect. Relieves headaches, dizziness, nausea.
7. Lotus relieves fatigue, promotes spiritual development.
8. Myrrh is a strong anti-inflammatory agent. Helps with insomnia, relieves stress.
9. Opium tones, invigorates, sharpens the mind and fires the heart.
10. Patchouli antiviral. Nourishes, refreshes, gives strength and determination. Strong erotic stimulant.
11. Rose helps with depression, insomnia, stress and nervous tension. Relieves fear, nightmares. Improves blood circulation.
12. Sandalwood relaxes, calms the nerves. Helps with depression, insomnia, nervous hiccups, throat irritation, runny nose, nausea, heartburn. It is a mild aphrodisiac, increases sensuality.
13. Pine activates respiration, has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the process of rehabilitation after long-term illnesses.
14. Eucalyptus purifies the air, kills bacteria. Powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent.

Each sign according to the aroma!
Aries: pine, patchouli, rose, lemon, nutmeg, frankincense, rosemary, sandalwood, vanilla
Taurus: bergamot, mint, cedar, jasmine, lily of the valley, lilac
Gemini: sandalwood, eucalyptus, orange, nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, lemongrass, ylang-ylang
Cancer: Jasmine, Bergamot, Pine, Lavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang, Juniper
Leo: Frankincense, Lemon, Orange, Lemongrass, Patchouli, Myrrh, Rose, Sandalwood
Virgo: myrrh, sandalwood, cedar, eucalyptus, orange, lemongrass, musk
Libra: Cedarwood, Mint, Cinnamon, Ylang Ylang, Eucalyptus, Orchid
Scorpio: Patchouli, Jasmine, Pine, Lemon, Magnolia
Sagittarius: almond, myrrh, patchouli, frankincense, rose, rosemary, cinnamon, thuja
Capricorn: amber, sandalwood, bergamot, pine, lavender, sage, clove
Aquarius: frankincense, thuja, thyme, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, hyacinth
Pisces: Cedarwood, Orange, Bergamot, Lemon, Musk, Myrrh, Frankincense, Rosemary, Vanilla

Incense sticks have anti-cold, bactericidal and antifungal properties. Therefore, in some countries where there is high humidity, incense is used to fumigate rooms to protect themselves and their loved ones from viral and fungal diseases. And in the Middle Ages, when the plague raged in the world, they kindled aromatic bonfires from pine trees. They gave off acrid smoke that spread throughout the city. The modern inhabitants of the planet will also not be harmed by the prevention of diseases with the help of incense. For example, lavender, pine, cedar, or eucalyptus-scented candles can be used as a disinfectant.

It is also believed that incense sticks affect nervous system people and help to cope with some diseases. So, the aroma of cinnamon, rosemary, patchouli improve memory, give vigor, inspire optimism. Rose, sandalwood, lilac, lavender, jasmine help to relax after a hard day, relieve stress. Lemon and eucalyptus contribute to a quick cure colds, take off headache, strengthen the immune system. If you want to protect yourself from negative influences, the evil eye or damage, fumigate your house with chopsticks scented with incense, tangerine, lotus, juniper. Among other things, incense can rid your home of insects. If you fill the rooms with the scent of mint, eucalyptus or lemon, mosquitoes and moths will disappear.

When Aromasticks Do Harm

Research scientists have shown that the frequent use of incense contributes to the development of lung cancer. It is worth noting that this does not apply to those people who fumigate the premises with chopsticks no more than 2 times a week.

Strong-smelling candles can cause headaches or allergic reactions. Therefore, the choice of flavor must be approached with great responsibility. Learn the meaning of smells and their effect on the body. If the smell of a fumigator makes you uncomfortable, it is better to refuse it.

Harmful to health and cheap candles of dubious quality. It is recommended to purchase incense only in specialized stores that are responsible for the quality of the product. When choosing fumigators, check to see if Strong smell through packaging - it is better not to buy such a product. Quality sticks should not consist of synthetic components. Otherwise, they will cause irreparable harm to health.

You can not light several sticks with different smells at the same time. Otherwise, aromatherapy will not give positive results. Also, do not fumigate unventilated areas.

By following the simple rules for using incense, you can be sure that they will not cause any harm to health. But they will envelop with a pleasant aroma and give a lot of positive emotions.

Reading 5 min. Views 7.2k. Published on 03/24/2014

India is a land of scents. And as soon as you step over the side of the plane, a stream of smells will follow you always and everywhere. Why so many rich aromas, from which it is impossible to hide in any corner of India? All the fault of Indian incense or incense sticks.

Where are incense used and what are they for?

The locals have been using incense in their lives for many years. Previously, They were used for various rituals and ceremonies in the form of roots, leaves, fragrant flowers, essential oils, and oilcake. They were thrown into the sacred fire in order to propitiate the gods and goddesses.

They cleansed the space of their houses with incense. Also in ancient times and in our time in India they are used in. It would seem, what could be the use of aromas? In fact, they have a very beneficial effect on the human body, but not like drugs. Yes, fragrance alone will not cure an advanced cold or intestinal problems, not to mention more serious diseases such as diseases of the heart, liver, lungs and many others.

When buying Indian incense, you should take into account their quality, you should not think that if they are from India, then they are of the highest quality. But if we are talking about quality fragrances, then we can emphasize that they still have some kind of effect.

The harm and benefits of aroma sticks, what you need to consider when buying

So what are the benefits of incense sticks? Indian incense exudes incredible exotic smells. It can be a pleasant, soft aroma of vanilla, or musk, sweet, spicy, minty, fresh, there are a lot of them.

But do not forget that aroma sticks can also harm your body. If, when buying incense, you did not take into account their quality, then the result will not be long in coming. Poor quality sticks exude too strong a flavor that can be felt without opening the package. Of course, it is not advisable to buy such a product, since artificial flavors are probably present in the composition of incense.

Ideally, quality incense is made from natural ingredients such as sandalwood, oils, aromatic herbs, flowers, spices, roots, and tree leaves.

Hence, of course, the conclusion is that you should not buy sticks with flavors such as strawberries, vanilla or roses.

Such Indian incense can lead to diseases of the respiratory systems, headaches, and also cause allergies, disrupt your sleep. Allergies can also be caused by using them too often. So don't overdo it.

Of course, the main indicator when buying incense sticks will be their price. Incense with a low price tag, of course, leaves much to be desired, because they use artificial flavors.

It is also worth considering that incense comes with a base in the form of a bamboo stick, and baseless. Baseless ones are much better because they exude a clean, natural scent.

Types of incense

Incense is different and the methods of their production too. There are both traditional and modern ones. It depends on where and how they will be applied.

  1. indian incense with bamboo base. These are the most common types. They consist of a bamboo stick and a mixture of coal dust and sometimes some herbs. Of course, this type of sticks does not differ in special quality and they are used in bad-smelling dirty rooms. In addition, charcoal incense emits too much smoke, which often distorts the aroma that we expected to smell.
  2. Chip incense. They are closer to natural and are more often used in their manufacture. natural oils. They have a pronounced floral scent. Most often, such incense is used in temples.
  3. Baseless. The positive quality of this type is, of course, the absence of a bamboo base. The scent is clean and natural. Unlike other species, they are very fragile. Most often, this type of incense is used in.
  4. Plasticine incense. They are very popular in India, as they exude an intense aroma and are able to fumigate large areas. Minus - they smoke a lot.

Many of us use incense sticks (incense). This product became very popular during the "esoteric boom" when the magic of the East began to penetrate our country. In those days, they were credited with all sorts of "magic" and healing properties, used during rituals, practices and various ceremonies. Then incense began to be used mainly as fragrances, to create a pleasant atmosphere, and so on.

Recently, there have been many discussions on the Web on the topic “are aroma sticks harmful”? The use of incense is said to increase the risk of lung cancer, asthma, and other diseases. They are also credited with a psychotropic effect and are sometimes even classified as narcotic substances.

In fact, incense sticks have practically no effect directly on health. They cannot cure a cold or relieve stomach pain, nor can they cause cancer or asthma. Incense does not have a narcotic effect and does not contribute to the expansion of consciousness.

Incense sticks can only be harmful if they are of poor quality. Then you can earn a headache and an allergy. Also, outdoor incense will seem too smoky and spicy and may cause discomfort. This, by the way, applies to most Indian incense, as in India they are used to drown out the unpleasant odors that literally soak the streets.

In order to avoid such troubles as allergies and headaches, you should carefully consider the choice of incense sticks, and do not buy incense that is packaged in a bright wrapper and is inexpensive. High-quality aroma sticks are never cheap. In addition, you need to make sure that they do not smell too intense and “poisonous”. If you feel a strong smell even through the packaging - it is better not to buy such sticks. You still can't use them at home.
Incenses with "popular" smells, such as rose, vanilla, pine, lavender, strawberry, as a rule, leave much to be desired, because artificial flavors are used in their manufacture.

"Types of incense".

Among the whole variety of incense sticks presented in stores, there are undoubtedly higher-class incense and indeed good quality. These are Japanese incense. As you know, the inhabitants of the land of the setting sun are distinguished by a scrupulous approach to business and are literally obsessed with the high quality of production. Japanese aroma sticks are a fundamentally different product, which is most often handmade at a family business, recipes are inherited under big secret, and raw materials (herbs and plants) are harvested at certain times of the year and in certain places.
In addition, Japanese incense is baseless. This means that the aroma of the stick is not distorted by the smell of smoke and burning bamboo base (as happens with Indian incense). The Japanese do not welcome perfume additives, so the aroma of these incense is never sharp and "chemical", and you will not get a headache or an allergy.

Japanese aroma sticks good tea and aged wine are expensive compared to Indian and Nepalese. However, they deserve it.
There are several Houses in Japan that have been producing incense for several centuries. One of them is Shoyeido. This company has a long history and an excellent reputation, the products are certified, and the level of quality is beyond doubt.

You will need

  • Stand for aroma sticks and aroma sticks;
  • For resins, incense and fragrant herbs - an incense burner, sand and coal;
  • Stands for baseless sticks, cones, barrels and spirals;
  • Aroma lamp, warm water and a candle.


The most common type of incense is incense sticks. Such sticks are made mainly in China or India. They are made using a bamboo straw that is first dipped in an aromatic mixture and then in an aromatic oil. Aromatic mixture may include shavings fragrant trees(sandalwood, juniper, etc.), crushed fragrant herbs and essential oils. When buying sticks, be careful. Indeed, for the manufacture of their cheap options, synthetic essential oils are often used, which give nothing but a strong smell. In order to burn an incense stick, you need to set it on fire and lightly blow it out so that it smolders without fire. It is better to purchase a special stand for aroma sticks, since they are in the form of ash when burned.

Another type of incense is charcoal sticks or cones. The aroma of such sticks is not mixed with the smell of burning bamboo, but they are more fragile and require special coasters for their use.

There are also incense, which is called "clay". The binding base for aromatic herbs and essential oils in such incense is ghee, honey or resin of fragrant trees. Among such incense, they are less common, and you can attach them to any surface. In India, they are popular in markets and streets.

Cones and barrels are compressed fragrant herbs and sawdust of fragrant trees. This is the most natural and convenient type of incense. Any flat candlestick or bowl that can withstand heat can serve as a stand for them. The ashes from such incense do not scatter, but remain on the stand.

Incense in the form of resins (incense, myrrh, etc.) or loose ground herbs require special incense burners. Censers, most often, are bowls on low (metal, stone or clay). Sometimes they are covered with a lid with holes, and sometimes they are suspended (for example,). In order to burn solid or loose incense, you need to take an incense burner, pour sand or coarse salt into it (half the volume), put a special charcoal tablet on the sand, which is set on fire. Coal tablets, more often, are treated with saltpeter so that the coal easily catches fire from a match. Otherwise, coal is sprinkled with alcohol, and then set on fire. Incense in the censer is thrown on hot coals. In this case, it is better not to overdo it with incense, the same incense needs only a couple of grains. Fragrant herbs should be ground into a powdery state. If the grass is coarse, then it is better to grind it in a mortar.

In addition, liquid essential oils of fragrant herbs and trees are used as incense. Here you can not do without an aroma lamp. However, now they are produced in huge quantities, for every taste and budget. Pour a little warm water into the container of the aromatic lamp and drip a couple of drops of essential oil. It remains to set fire to a heating candle, which is located under the bowl of the aroma lamp.

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Always carefully read the composition of incense. If it contains non-natural essential oils or herbs are replaced by a synthesized aroma, then such incense will not give either a healing or ritual effect.
Be careful with incense that has a charcoal or bamboo base. Such incense sticks can, in some people, cause headaches and allergies.
When using a censer with a charcoal tablet, it is better to light the charcoal next to an open window or under the window. At first, the coal gives off a lot of black, odorous smoke, which disappears when the tablet is heated.

Useful advice

In Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan, loose incense is produced that does not require hot charcoal to burn. Such herbal powder is simply poured onto a refractory stand in a slide or path, and then set on fire.
Use unfamiliar incense with caution. Even if you or your loved ones do not have allergic reactions, you can suffer from individual intolerance to this particular aroma or herb.


  • Maria Kedrova, “FRAGRANCES OF BEAUTY AND HEALTH. Secrets of Cleopatra", "Peter", 2007
  • incense sticks how to use

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