Home Main dishes Eclair cake with butter cream. How to cook cottage cheese cream for eclairs. Eclairs - rye flour recipe

Eclair cake with butter cream. How to cook cottage cheese cream for eclairs. Eclairs - rye flour recipe

It seems to me that Eclair cake is one of the few "miracles" of cooking that will leave few people indifferent. At least, I have not met people who would not love Eclairs ... Iya, I confess, I sin with love for them. Where? Why? How could this little treat win the love of the whole planet?

I am always curious about an event or a series of events (or maybe it’s just a “sick” fantasy of the author?), which became a kind of denominator and gave the name culinary masterpiece. Eclair… I always liked this word - there is something noble in it! Literally from the French "Eclair" - flash, lightning. It is not known for certain why and who gave this interesting name cake. There is a version that the custard cake, with its lightness, almost weightlessness, deserved such a “sparkling” name. Others believe that the oblong shape of the cake and its taste "provoke" to its lightning absorption. And perhaps everything is much simpler - the cake is so uncomplicated in terms of preparation that the process of its production reminded the creators of lightning ... We'll have to guess! France is considered to be the historical homeland of Eclairs, the creator is the French chef Marie-Antoine-Kareme. The recipe for Eclairs was first presented in 1884 in the Boston Cooking School Cook Book.

Classic Eclair is a cake made of delicate choux pastry, stuffed with custard and covered chocolate icing. I decided to cook eclairs with three types of creams: custard, cream and mascarpone.

For eclairs you need:

225 g eggs (about 4-5 pieces);
- 150 g of water;
- 130 g. butter;
- 20 g of milk;
- 140 g of flour; - a pinch of salt.

From this amount of ingredients, you will get about 16-18 eclairs (depending on size).

How to do:

1. Put water on fire, put oil in it and bring to a boil.

2. Reduce fire. Pour in the flour. Stir until the dough begins to lag behind the walls (about 2 minutes). Remove from fire.

3. Pour milk into the dough. It will "help" the dough to cool to the right temperature - so that you can safely add eggs.

4. Add eggs one at a time. Added - stirred - added. Here it is important to look at the consistency of the dough. You may need a little more or a little less eggs. I recommend breaking the last egg into a cup and adding a teaspoonful. The dough should be creamy: if you raise the spoon with the dough up, then the mass should drain slightly from the spoon. It is to drain or even stretch, and not pour in a stream. It took me exactly 5 eggs.

5. We spread the eclairs with a syringe on a lightly greased baking sheet vegetable oil. I do this: I grease the baking sheet with a brush, remove excess oil with a paper towel. No cooking paper needed.

6. Bake in an oven preheated to t 220C for about 15 minutes. My cakes were big enough and it took me 20 minutes. Focus on your oven and the size of the cakes!

7. Fill the finished cakes with cream using a culinary syringe and glaze.

Custard(based on 16-18 cakes):

60 0 ml. milk;
- vanilla pod;
- 10 egg yolks;
- 150 g of sugar;
- 110 g of cornstarch;
- 110 g butter, room temperature.

How to do:

1. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise, remove the seeds. Put the pod and seeds in a saucepan, pour over milk. Bring to a boil, turn off, cover and leave for an hour.

2. Beat the yolks with sugar, add sieved corn starch, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

3. Remove the vanilla pod from the milk, strain the milk and heat again. Pour in a thin stream to the yolk mass, stirring constantly. Beat until smooth, pour into a saucepan and put on fire. Cook, stirring constantly over low heat, not letting the mass boil, until thickened (about 8-10 minutes).

4. Remove from heat, wipe through a sieve.

5. Cut the butter into small pieces and add to the cream. Mix well.

Butter cream (based on 16-18 cakes):

600 ml. whipping cream with fat content from 30%;
- 7-9 tablespoons powdered sugar;
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar.

How to do:

Whip cream until fluffy with sugar and vanilla sugar.

Butter cream with Mascarpone (based on 16-18 cakes):

350 ml. whipping cream fat content from 30%
- 250 g of mascarpone;
- 7-9 tablespoons powdered sugar;
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar.

How to do:

Whip cream with sugar and vanilla sugar until creamy. Separately, beat the Mascarpone and carefully, stirring, mix the cheese into the creamy mass. Stir until smooth.

The cream indicated in the recipe for each type of cream should just be enough for a full "batch" of Eclairs. So, if you want to use all 3 types of cream for a given amount of Eclairs, then reduce the amount of ingredients by 3 times!


I made the frosting very simple, but delicious. Sour, it is very contrasting and tasty in the company of sweet cream.

Need to: 1 tbsp lemon + 100 g of powdered sugar. If you need more glaze, then increase the proportion.

We do: combine juice and powder, stir. In principle, you can add more or less powder, depending on the consistency you want to achieve. We cover the eclairs with the finished glaze.

We put them in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Serve to the table. Sprinkle cakes with powdered sugar before serving.

Bon Appetit!

Cakes made from unleavened choux pastry received great love from the sweet tooth, and this happened due to the simplicity of their preparation and the mass of options for fillings that are delicious for them. You can use any cream for eclairs that has sufficient stability so that the filling does not leak out. Below are the proven proportions of the most delicious options for such filling.

Not only does this cream go well with honey choux pastry in Medovik or Napoleon puff pastry, it can become delicious filling homemade eclairs. Only in this case it is better to cook it in the evening on the eve of baking the cakes themselves, so that the mass can cool enough.

Eclairs - airy, light and simply impossible delicious dessert.

To fill the eclairs with the discussed base, you will need:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 160 g of sugar;
  • 40 g flour;
  • 2 village eggs;
  • 5 ml vanilla extract (can be replaced with an appropriate amount of vanilla sugar or vanilla powder);
  • 150 g butter.

Step by step cooking algorithm:

  1. ½ part of the prescription amount of sugar, together with vanilla extract, dissolve in milk and send to the fire to heat to a high temperature, but not to boil.
  2. Mix the remaining sugar with the sifted flour and grind with chicken eggs to get a homogeneous mixture without lumps of flour and grains of sugar.
  3. Pour hot milk in two doses into the egg-sugar mixture, which must be mixed at the same time so that the eggs do not curdle.
  4. After that, return the sweet milk-egg solution to the fire again and boil to a consistency thick sour cream making sure that the custard base does not burn.
  5. Add 40-50 g of butter to the hot base, stir until completely dissolved. When the cream has cooled enough, cover it with a film so that it covers its entire surface in contact, and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. Allow the remaining butter to warm to room temperature, then beat it into a fluffy mass, pouring in one to two tablespoons of the custard base. Then the cream is slightly cooled in the refrigerator and you can start filling the cakes.

Stuffing with cottage cheese

The filling for eclairs from cottage cheese is prepared with the addition of whipped cream or butter. The latter option is more stable and less capricious, so most housewives prefer it, considering its proportions to be classic.

To make cottage cheese cream for eclairs you need to take:

  • 300 g of fatty cottage cheese (from 9 to 18% fat content);
  • 100-150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 70 g soft butter;
  • 5 ml vanilla extract (or vanilla powder).

Cooking method:

  1. Combine cottage cheese grated through a fine sieve with butter and vanilla extract. Then you should pick up the mixer. They should beat the ingredients at minimum speed until the most homogeneous consistency is achieved.
  2. Having achieved the desired texture, it is necessary to add in small parts the last component of the cream - powdered sugar. Beat everything with a mixer until the required density, splendor and smoothness of the mass is reached.

Protein cream for eclairs

Protein cream also often used to fill cakes, but to achieve the right texture, which will not allow the filling to leak, only proven proportions of proteins, sugar and liquid should be used.

In order for the protein cream for eclairs to turn out to be more delicate, the eggs must be the freshest.

For one standard portion of choux pastry for eclairs, it is enough:

  • 4 proteins;
  • 45 ml fresh lemon juice;
  • 100 ml of hot water;
  • 360 g sugar.

How to make protein cream for eclairs:

  1. First, beat the whites with lemon juice up to firm peaks. Regarding whether the proteins should be chilled, it is worth noting that the product from the refrigerator will whip faster, but when beating proteins at room temperature, more stable bonds are formed, which makes the mass more stable.
  2. Set the whipped egg whites aside for a while and boil the syrup from water and sugar. To do this, pour the crystalline product with boiling or simply hot liquid, stirring on the fire, bring to complete dissolution and cook until the sample is on a soft ball. A drop of syrup cold water should turn into a soft ball.
  3. Turn on the mixer again and while whipping the whites in a thin stream, introduce the hot sweet solution into them. Next, beat the cream until it cools completely (10-15 minutes). After that, it is fashionable to start filling the eclairs.

Butter based option

Eclairs are prepared quite quickly, so if you don’t want to mess around with custard or protein cream for a long time, a simple but very tasty butter cream will help out. For him, you should take in equal proportions butter and condensed milk.

For 10-12 cakes you will need:

  • 200 g of butter with a fat content of 82%;
  • 200 g whole condensed milk.

Cooking process:

  1. Soft butter (its optimal consistency is achieved at a temperature of 25 degrees), beat until fluffy and white.
  2. Then, while continuing to beat, add condensed milk in small portions. Its amount can be slightly reduced, when the desired cream consistency is reached.
  3. Send the filled cakes to the refrigerator to stabilize the cream and further store the finished dessert.

With mascarpone

Gentle cream cheese Mascarpone is often used to make creams that can be used not only for cakes, but also for eclairs. It is only important to remember that this product is very capricious (it can be easily overwhipped), so you need to work with it carefully.

If there is mascrapon cheese left in the refrigerator, then you can use it as an ingredient for making cream.

For a serving of 16-18 cream cheese cream cakes, you need to prepare:

  • 250 g Mascarpone;
  • 350 ml cream with a fat content of 33% or more;
  • 140-180 g of powdered sugar;
  • vanilla to taste and desire.

We prepare as follows:

  1. After holding the container and whisks for whipping in the freezer for some time, beat the chilled cream together with powdered sugar until creamy.
  2. Whisk chilled cheese separately. Then gently fold the cream into the whipped mascarpone with a silicone spatula. You need to be especially careful so that the mass does not fall off. At the end of mixing, you can add vanilla or other flavoring.

From condensed milk

To fill cakes, you can use not only a cream of condensed milk and butter, the recipe of which was given above, but also other combinations with this concentrated dairy product, for example, with sour cream and boiled condensed milk (“toffee”).

For this version of the cream you will need:

  • 250 g of homemade fat sour cream;
  • 180 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 10-15 ml brandy for flavor optional.


  1. Beat sour cream with a mixer for a few minutes in a lush mass. It is better to cool the product beforehand. If sour cream is too rare, then it is better to pre-weigh it or use a special thickener.
  2. Then add in small pieces boiled condensed milk while continuing to whip the cream. At the very end, add cognac and with just a few rotations of the whisks combine it with the finished cream.
The ratio of the number of products in the filling:
  • 250 ml cream with a fat content of 20% or more;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 200 g butter.

The sequence of culinary processes:

  1. Mix the beaten egg with sugar with a little warmed cream. Send this mixture to the fire and warm until thickened. Refrigerate the finished cream base.
  2. Beat soft enough butter into a fluffy and white mass. In small portions, introduce from it the sweet creamy-egg mixture that has cooled to room temperature. At the end, you can add any flavoring for taste.

chocolate filling

Chocolate cream for eclairs can be prepared with cocoa in any of the above fillings, but dark chocolate will make the taste brighter and richer, as in the variant below chocolate cream"Muslin".

For him you need to take:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 30 g of starch;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 350 ml of milk;
  • 100 ml cream.


  1. Mixed in a homogeneous mixture of eggs, starch, sugar and milk, put on fire and boil until the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Put the chopped chocolate into small pieces into the hot custard base and mix until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Whip the chilled cream in a separate bowl. Beat the cooled custard base with soft butter, then stir in the whipped cream with a spoon, and the cream is ready.

Previously, I did not like cakes, because they were always smeared and decorated with the sweetest oil cream. I was too sickening. But as soon as I tried buttercream, which was many years ago, I immediately fell in love with it. This is absolutely my taste, and I prefer it to everyone else. The cream is good in its pure form or with the addition of chocolate, as well as with fruits and berries - no matter how, it will still be tender and tasty.

I propose to prepare butter cream to stuff eclairs with them. And this amount is enough to grease one roll.

To prepare butter cream for eclairs, we need all of the above ingredients.

Pour cream into a tall container and add vanilla. I add half a bag, there is one and a half grams.

Sift the powdered sugar. Here it is necessary to do according to taste. Personally, I don't like the cream to be too sweet, and I add 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar. For eclairs that are neutral in taste, it turns out to be barely sweet, for cakes and rolls - that's it. You can add later if so. The powder dissolves easily in cream and does not leave grains.

Then add Mascarpone cheese to the cream and mix it with a spoon, trying to slightly break up a large lump.

That's how it got mixed up.

And then it remains to whip the cream until soft peaks are obtained, it takes a couple of minutes. You need to stop in time so that the cream does not whip into butter grains.

Transfer the cream to a piping bag fitted with a narrow tip and poke a hole in the eclairs to stuff them. You yourself will feel a slight resistance when the cavity inside is filled.

Cream for eclairs (5 recipes)

1. Custard
Traditional, classic cream for eclairs - custard. It does not contain a large number of calories, which is very important for those who follow their figure. Custard for eclairs is prepared like this.
Take 1.5 cups of sugar and mix it with one egg. Add 500 ml of milk and put on fire. Separately, dilute in the remaining milk, two tablespoons of flour and starch. We make sure that there are no lumps left. When the milk begins to boil over the fire, add the diluted starch and flour. Mix everything well and wait until it starts to boil. It will thicken when it boils. It is necessary to stir the cream for eclairs without stopping. When it becomes thick, remove the pan from the heat. Let it cool down a bit, pour in a bag of vanilla sugar and add 100 grams of butter. Mix everything well or beat with a mixer.

2. Curd cream

You can also cook curd cream for eclairs. To do this, you need to take 200 grams of cottage cheese and grind it with one glass of granulated sugar. Grind thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass. Then add to this mass 200 milliliters of cream and one bag of vanilla sugar. Mix everything well, but it is better to beat with a mixer. Then the cream for eclairs will turn out to be more airy and tender. We fill the custard cakes with the prepared curd cream.

3. Cheese cream from mascarone
Cream eclairs can also be made using mascarpone cheese. We take 250 grams of this product and mix it with 120 grams of powdered sugar and 100 milliliters of cream, with a fat content of 20 to 22 percent. Using a mixer, beat this mixture well. The result is a very tender, almost airy and thick cheese cream. After cooking, it must be kept in the refrigerator until the filling.

4. Oil cream
Buttercream is pretty easy to make. To do this, take 200 grams of butter and beat with a mixer until it becomes fluffy. Then add condensed milk to it in small portions. In total, you need to add 3/4 of the can. Beat the cream constantly until it becomes homogeneous and glossy.

5. Chocolate banana cream

Orange juice (or mix of orange and lemon juice) - 50 ml
Banana - 2 pcs
Chocolate - 100 g
Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Mash bananas in puree with a blender, add juice and sugar, boil for five minutes, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat, add chocolate, broken into pieces.
While stirring, wait for the chocolate to completely dissolve.
Pour the cream into jars or use immediately as directed. After a few hours of storage, the cream thickens strongly. Can be stored up to two weeks in the refrigerator. From two bananas and a bar of chocolate, 300 ml of cream came out.

Icing for eclairs

To prepare the glaze, you need to mix 2 tbsp. condensed milk, the same amount of powdered sugar, 1 tsp. butter and 1 tsp. vanilla sugar. Put this mixture on the stove and bring to a boil. Don't forget to stir constantly. Pour hot glaze over cakes and put them in the refrigerator.
Melted white or dark chocolate can also be used as icing for cakes.

Eclairs are an incredibly delicious cake with a delicate airy filling inside. Cream for eclairs is prepared the most diverse. It turns out delicious with custard, creamy, cottage cheese, sour cream is also suitable. You can fill the cake with condensed milk or fruit and berry filling. In any performance, eclairs with coffee or tea are extremely tasty.

Recipes for how to quickly make custard for cakes

Your cakes will turn out incredibly tasty and tender if you decide to repeat the proposed recipes. Custard for eclairs is a classic. This filling option is the most favorite among the sweet tooth.
It is important that it does not turn out very cool, at the same time it does not spread.
There are a lot of filling recipes for these cakes. Prepare eclairs with butter cream, custard, protein. Each confectioner tries to bring something from himself into the way of cooking.
For those who have never prepared such a cream for cakes or cakes, we suggest trying several recipes in order to select the one that you like the most to your taste.

simple custard


  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • flour premium- 3 tablespoons;
  • yolks - 4 pcs;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • vanilla essence - a few drops.


  1. Separate the egg yolks carefully from the whites. Add sugar to them, whisking, and then a little flour. It is important to mix the mass until smooth. It is best and easiest to work with an electric whisk.
  2. Add milk to the mixed ingredients and, after mixing, put the dishes on the fire to heat up.
  3. Stirring constantly, cook until bubbles appear. The cream, having boiled, will immediately begin to thicken. It is important not to rearrange the spoon, not to be distracted, otherwise the cream may either burn or lumps will form.
  4. As it cooks, it will be clear that it is time to remove the cream from the fire - it will resemble the consistency of steep semolina porridge. At the end, add vanilla essence, mix and set aside until cool.
  5. The custard prepared according to this recipe, after cooling, is sent to the refrigerator and is already waiting in the wings until they start filling the eclairs with filling.

Low calorie custard buttercream


  • butter 89% - 30 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • egg - 4 pcs;
  • powdered sugar - 30 g;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • vanilla pod - 1 pc.

Cream preparation

  1. First, mix the separated yolks with powdered sugar. Then, gradually adding flour, mix. You will get a thick mass, reminiscent of baby puree.
  2. Warm up (do not boil!) milk. Combine it with sugar, add a vanilla bean cut in half - let it share its pleasant aroma with the sweet milk mixture. After the pod is removed. Add the norm of butter and, whisking with a whisk, achieve its melting.
  3. Gradually pour sweet and fragrant milk into the yolk mass. On the stove, bring the mixture to the first sign of a boil and quickly remove it from the stove.
  4. Next, the mass must be given time to cool. Cover the bowl with cling film and set aside. Once the filling has cooled, you can fill the eclairs with it. For a cake, this cream is also suitable.

Eclairs with cottage cheese cream are considered a non-classical dessert option. This cooking option and recipe was already invented by modern housewives. Cakes are not so high-calorie, but no less savory.

Preparing cottage cheese cream for eclairs is easy, a beginner and inexperienced chef can handle it.

It is important to choose tasty in moderation fatty cottage cheese and good cream, preferably homemade. If cream is in short supply, you can replace it with regular fat sour cream. This one based on cottage cheese can be used to decorate biscuit cakes.


  • medium-fat cottage cheese - 220 g;
  • sugar (can be replaced with sweet powder) - 200 g;
  • cream - 220 ml;
  • vanillin or aromatic sugar - 2 sachets.


  1. Through a sieve, you need to grind the norm of cottage cheese well, combine with sugar. If, after grinding, the cottage cheese remains rough in appearance, you can use a blender to grind it further.
  2. Whip the cream with the whisk of a mixer, but do not overdo it. Otherwise, the cream will turn into butter, which is unacceptable. For those who will cook sour cream, recommend milk product thicken slightly with a confectionery thickening powder before whipping and mixing with curd.
  3. Pour whipped cream into a bowl with cottage cheese, send the contents of a couple of packets of vanilla sugar here and beat again. The cream can be considered ready if all the ingredients are well whipped, dissolved and turned into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Immediately after cooking, you can fill the eclairs, with curd cream they will turn out incredibly tasty. By the way, the cream is suitable for sponge cake.

Butter cream recipes for eclairs

Eclairs with butter cream are incredibly high in calories. But no sweetheart will refuse them. Especially if the filling is prepared with condensed milk. This is very tasty dish for dessert. They are loved by both adults and small sweet tooth.
It is better to serve eclairs with condensed milk in a duet with tea or fragrant coffee. After all, they are incredibly sweet. After cooking, store in the refrigerator. True, they are unlikely to remain on the second day after the feast. No matter how much you eat these cakes, you want to swallow one more.

Cream with condensed milk

The smallest housewives will be able to cook eclairs with butter cream. For the filling, you need to combine only two products. It is also suitable for sponge cake.


  • butter - 200 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 200 g


  1. Butter is used soft, but not very melted. It must be thoroughly beaten with a mixer or blender with a whisk.
  2. As soon as the butter is whipped until white, gradually pour in the condensed milk and mix immediately. Condensed milk is used ready boiled.
  3. Done, you can fill eclairs, profiteroles or any choux pastry.

air cream

Based on this filling recipe, even without confectionery experience, you can cook holiday profiteroles or eclairs. The preparation is simple, the composition of the ingredients is available - everything can be found on the farm.


  • sugar - 220 g;
  • butter 89% butter - 200 g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • cream (fat content not less than 22%) - 1 cup


  1. The egg in a separate bowl should first be beaten well with sugar.
  2. Pre-heat the cream, but do not bring them to a boil. Pour them into a saucepan with a sweet egg mass. Mix. Next, continue to work with a whisk, placing a saucepan with liquid on a stove with a small fire. The mass, heating up, will thicken.
  3. For flavor, add a little vanilla essence.
  4. Set aside the thickened mass to cool. In the meantime, beat the butter until white.
  5. The final touches in the preparation of the cream: you need to combine the butter with the contents of the saucepan, beat until airy with a mixer. Now you can fill the profiteroles and eclairs.

For comparison, we suggest trying the protein cream recipe. Compared to the classic custard, it will turn out like a cloud, light and airy. When you bite into a piece of cake, you will immediately feel how it melts in your mouth. the most delicate filling. It takes about 20 minutes to prepare. The difficulty lies in the fact that during heating in a water bath, you need to continuously mix the mass with the beaters of the mixer so that it is brewed evenly. Protein cream for eclairs is suitable for a biscuit or waffle cake.


  • squirrels - 4 pcs;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • fragrance - to taste


  1. Carefully, trying not to get the yolk, separate the whites. Pour them into any iron bowl.
  2. Put her on water bath and start beating at low speed.
  3. After a minute, start adding sugar in a thin stream. Now you need to switch the mixer or blender to high speed. After about 10 minutes, the mass will begin to thicken, acquire a beautiful shine. As soon as it has become dense, you can remove the dishes from the water bath. The filling is ready, you can fill the eclairs with it.

In a short period of time, it is really possible to prepare any and varied cream for eclairs. In any design, these cakes will delight anyone who wants to try them. For variety, you can fill them chocolate filling, melting a sweet bar and mixing it with cream, jam, fruit jelly, or put whole nuts or candied fruits inside. It will turn out delicious if you fill it with sour cream filling mixed with fresh strawberries, wild strawberries.

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