Home Kashi Turkey meat is juicy soft. Woman's world. Breast skewers in a frying pan

Turkey meat is juicy soft. Woman's world. Breast skewers in a frying pan

Turkey meat is considered a useful dietary meat in modern society. Turkey meat is very tender and lean, which is a big advantage compared to others. However, despite all the advantages, the turkey is not a frequent guest on our table. And all because many cook it wrong. As a result, the meat is dry and unattractive. And in vain, because turkey meat is very useful. It contains a large amount of valuable protein necessary for the human body, microelements: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, selenium, manganese, sulfur, etc. Turkey meat is also rich in B vitamins (B2, B6, B12,) and vitamins A and RR.

Due to the content of a large amount of vitamin PP, turkey meat helps to improve, especially when the skin begins to redden and peel off under the influence of cold. Microtraumas form on it, where microbes enter and cause inflammation. Vitamins A and PP protect the skin from these unwanted manifestations. In addition, due to the content of the same vitamin PP, the risk of senile dementia is reduced, which improves the function of brain cells. That's why turkey meat is especially useful.

To make turkey meat juicy, tender and soft, remember one secret: you can not cook a turkey for a long time. From this it becomes dry, hard and tasteless.

We present you two healthy and correct recipes for turkey meat dishes, how to cook a turkey deliciously so that you like it and take its rightful place on your table.

How to cook turkey meat in the oven:

Turkey in crispy glaze

Ingredients: Turkey fillet - 4 pieces, starch - 4 tbsp. spoons, bran - 2 handfuls, eggs - 2 pcs., ghee - 4 tbsp. spoons, salt.

Cooking: Bread the turkey fillet in cornstarch. Whisk the eggs in a separate bowl. Dip fillets in egg mixture. Then roll in finely ground bran.

Cover the baking dish with parchment paper. Place the turkey fillet on top. Drizzle turkey pieces with melted butter. Bake at 200 0 C for 10 minutes. Let the finished fillet stand for a few minutes, then you can serve it to the table.

Garnish the turkey with a vegetable salad of cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and canned sweet corn.

Turkey ham

Ingredients: turkey meat - 1.5 kg, mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt - 4 tbsp. spoons, soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons, Italian herbs (oregano, rosemary, marjoram, etc.) - 2 teaspoons, cumin, a little hot pepper, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, garlic - 1 head.

Cooking: Prepare a brine with one liter of water and salt and place the meat in the brine. The liquid should cover the meat. If there is not enough liquid, add more water. Leave the meat in the brine for three hours.

Prepare a marinade from mustard, soy sauce, spices and vegetable oil.

After the time has elapsed, remove the turkey from the brine, stuff with garlic cloves and coat well with marinade. Put the meat in the refrigerator for marinating for at least 10 hours at a temperature not higher than 5 degrees.

Line the bottom of a baking dish with foil and place the marinated turkey on it. Bake the meat at a temperature of 200 0 C for 40 minutes. During the cooking process, the meat can be watered with the juice that stands out. Check the readiness of the meat with a knife. If clear juice is released at the puncture site, the meat is ready.

The cooking time of turkey meat depends on the body part of the bird and its quantity. An important role is played by the dish that is planned to be prepared from it. The longest meat is cooked for broths and jelly. In this case, the optimal cooking time will be at least two to three hours.

Cooking time for a turkey in a regular pot:

  • fillets should be cooked for an average of 30-40 minutes;
  • a whole turkey, depending on its size, is cooked for 2-3 hours;
  • individual pieces of poultry meat reach readiness within 40 minutes.

You can reduce the cooking time of turkey meat thanks to a double boiler or slow cooker. In the first case, it will take 40 minutes, in the second - 30 minutes. In a slow cooker, meat is cooked in the “Cooking” mode with a timer set for 45 minutes.

A special method is used to prepare boiled turkey meat for a child.: first, the product is cooked for 30 minutes, then the water is completely drained and changed to a new liquid, after which the meat must be cooked for another hour. This method is recommended for newborns, young children, as well as for dietary nutrition. The body part of the bird (fillet, drumstick, thigh, etc.) does not matter in this case.

How to cook turkey meat

You can cook a lot of dishes from turkey. It is almost always recommended to pre-boil the meat until tender. In order for the turkey to lose less weight and retain its beneficial properties, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the carcass or its individual parts before starting the cooking process. This nuance will help close the pores of the meat and preserve the juice.

cooking secrets:

  • in order for the turkey meat to be softer and juicier, it is recommended to add a small amount of milk to the water during the cooking process;
  • when cutting a turkey carcass into separate pieces, it is recommended to cut the meat across the fibers (otherwise it may be tough after cooking);
  • so that after cooking the turkey is not too greasy, skin and fat are removed from the meat before cooking;
  • if the product is used to prepare jellied meat or rich soup, then pieces of meat should be chosen with the maximum amount of fat and skin;
  • if it is planned to cook the first course from a turkey, then the meat must be laid in cold water;
  • if after cooking the turkey will be used for cooking second courses, then it is recommended to put the meat in boiling water.

The process of preparing meat for cooking and cooking steps:

  • before starting the cooking process, the turkey carcass or its individual parts must be washed as thoroughly as possible;
  • depending on the further use, the meat is dipped in cold or boiling water;
  • to enhance the taste, it is recommended to add finely chopped onion to the meat;
  • during cooking, a characteristic foam may form, which must be regularly removed from the broth;
  • within 20 minutes, the turkey must be cooked over high heat, and in the second part of cooking - over low heat;
  • at the beginning of cooking, it is better to cook the turkey in a saucepan without a lid, and closer to readiness, be sure to close the container so that the broth is more rich and the meat is juicy;
  • you can make sure that the turkey meat is ready with a knife or fork (if the meat is easily pierced with a sharp object, then the product is ready);
  • during the cooking process, turkey meat should be completely immersed in water, if necessary, add liquid;
  • after the end of the cooking process, it is not recommended to immediately pull the turkey meat out of the pan, it should then simmer in the broth for 10-15 minutes.

It is necessary to salt the turkey meat during the cooking process.. Salt prevents the transfer of nutrients from the product to the water. It is necessary to salt the workpiece before the start of the cooking process. The meat is placed in already salted water. If the turkey is frozen, it must be thawed before cooking. Otherwise, the meat will become stiff.

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It was not at all the fashion for eating turkey that made us turn our eyes to this luxurious bird. Its meat is very valuable for its nutritional qualities. Nutritionists have recognized that it is easier to digest than chicken or rabbit. It contains substances indispensable for the human body:

  • easily digestible proteins;
  • proteins;
  • fat-soluble vitamins: PP, A, K, B1 and others;
  • minerals and trace elements: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and others.

It is recommended to use dietary meat for children, people suffering from oncology, diabetes. It is used to normalize metabolic processes, prevent aging of the body, and is indispensable for weight loss. That is why it is important to be able to cook turkey meat correctly. Therefore, we go directly to the tips on how to make a turkey breast juicy.

Cooking features

The turkey breast is devoid of fat, so it sometimes turns out to be a bit dry when cooked. But only for those who do it for the first time or are not interested in how to make meat juicy. Given the characteristics of the product, it is necessary to process it correctly so that the tidbit does not turn into rubber.

1. Fast frying

Roasted turkey breast is very tasty. It must be cooked on high heat in the first minutes of frying. The piece will have to be cut into plates of a convenient thickness.

They are laid out in a pan when the oil is already hot enough. With this approach, a crust immediately forms on the meat. It does not allow the juice to flow out. Chefs say that with a quick frying method, the crust seals the piece and does not release the juice, and does not allow the turkey to dry out.

2. Adding oil

It is difficult to make a turkey breast juicy because it lacks fat. However, experienced housewives went for another trick. Before cooking, the piece is carefully rubbed with butter. Do not complain that this product is greasy. Since you want juiciness, you have to put up with it. Animal fats are not recommended.

The rubbing process looks something like this:

  1. Butter is pre-softened.
  2. A piece is laid out on a plate. Aromatic herbs, a little salt, pepper are added to it.
  3. The resulting mass is rubbed on the breast.
  4. It is suggested to leave it for a few minutes on the table, and then the turkey is roasted or baked in the oven.

2. Bake in foil or sleeve

Even an old turkey breast is ideal if it is baked in the oven using foil or a sleeve. With this method, the piece is cooked in its own juice, which does not evaporate through the shell. Moisture is enough, the fibers are saturated with it. There can be no talk of any overdrying.

The existing fillet must first be prepared. It is washed, then rubbed with your favorite seasonings. Thyme, pepper, paprika goes well with turkey. You can add garlic, lemon juice, a little soy sauce. A little oil won't hurt either.

A fragrant piece is wrapped in foil or placed in a sleeve. After that, it can be immediately sent to the oven. Before the end of baking, the wrapper is opened so that the top is browned.

3. Using batter or breading

Thin batter or breadcrumbs are ideal for preparing turkey breast. In the process of frying, they are transformed into a "fur coat" that envelops pieces of meat. Juice does not flow through such a shell. Accordingly, the meat remains juicy, which was required initially

There are a huge number of batter recipes for poultry. It can be prepared by mixing different products. Usually the composition of the liquid mass includes eggs, milk, a little flour, starch. You can immediately add spices and salt to the bowl.

You can bread a turkey in breadcrumbs, breadcrumbs. But the most juicy breast is obtained if it is triple wrapped: first in flour, then in eggs, and finally in breadcrumbs.

4. Marinating

Properly prepared marinade allows you to make the meat juicy and enriches it with its taste. The turkey itself is fresh, neutral, but it quickly absorbs the aromas that are located nearby.

Turkey marinades are prepared on the basis of different ingredients:

  • Orange: citrus fruits are cut into rings, mixed with crushed garlic, steamed sage, salt, ground pepper.
  • soy: garlic, lemon juice, a little salt and sugar, balsamic vinegar are added to soy dark sauce.
  • Kefir: a simple marinade is obtained by mixing kefir with lemon juice, curry, pepper, a little salt can be added from spices.
  • Mustard: sprigs of rosemary, thyme, pepper and garlic are carefully ground in a mortar, they are transferred to a bowl with mustard, combined with lemon juice and yogurt.
  • garlic: combine crushed garlic with salt, rub the turkey breast with a mixture, wrap in a film and leave to marinate for an hour.

5. Beating

It is often believed that meat intended for frying chops is beaten off with a hammer. Not at all, because the method is universal, it allows you to improve the quality of turkey meat. However, it is necessary to beat off correctly. Prepared pieces do not need to be spread on the board. It is advisable to wrap each serving in cling film, and then knock on them.

6. Baking temperature

When, it would seem, all the secrets of how to make a juicy turkey breast when frying and stewing are revealed, it remains to recall the temperature regime of cooking. Let's talk about baking in the oven. The meat will never turn dry with the right choice of temperature.

By the time the turkey is cooking, the oven should already be preheating. Do not send a pickled or buttered piece to a cold oven.

The bird can be sent in the form for baking when the thermometer shows about 220-230º. After about 10 minutes, the temperature drops by 10º. Then the procedure is repeated again until the oven cools to 180º.

The successive decrease in temperature was not chosen by chance. At 230º, the top is quickly baked, a crust appears. At a lower temperature, the meat inside the piece is well baked. A consistent decrease in heat in the oven allows you to get a juicy, baked breast as a result.

And finally, tips on what to do so that the turkey breast is definitely juicy will not be superfluous:

  1. Pre-soaking in cold water or mineral water with the addition of salt helps soften the meat. However, it is worth remembering that subsequently you will have to salt less or completely avoid adding this product. The brine is prepared taking into account the proportions: 50 g of salt per 1 liter of liquid.
  2. When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the color of the meat and its smell. Turkey meat should be pinkish without specific unpleasant odors. Noticing the raids of yellowness, an unpleasant smell, it is better to refuse to purchase the product.
  3. Chilled breasts should always be preferred over frozen ones. During the freezing process, some of the moisture is lost, so it is difficult to achieve juiciness.
  4. If it was not possible to ensure the juiciness of the breast, because the article caught your eye, when the meat is already ready, it can be “revived”. Creamy, tomato or sweet and sour sauce is perfect for the breast. You can stew the finished meat in it for a few minutes, and then pour it on top.
  5. Cut the breast only across the grain.

Knowing how to make a turkey breast juicy and tasty, you can plan a menu for the coming days and upcoming holidays. It will definitely find a place for new dishes that will be useful and easily digestible.

Baked turkey fillet with herbs and spices is a delicious diet dish. Turkey meat contains a large amount of vitamin B and is considered a low-allergenic product.

To prepare the dish you will need: 1 kg of turkey fillet, 1 liter of purified water, 6-7 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1/2 tsp. ground coriander, 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper, 1/2 tsp. dried basil, 1/2 tsp. curry, salt to taste.

  1. In order to cook a tasty and tender turkey fillet, first prepare the meat. Take the bird fillet and rinse under warm running water. Then let the excess water drip off the fillet and place the meat on a cutting board. Remember that you should have a separate cutting board for raw meat. Cut the turkey into pieces 3-4 centimeters thick. Transfer the chopped fillets to a separate bowl and set aside.
  2. Prepare the marinade for the dish. Take a deep bowl and pour the required amount of water into it. Put salt in the water, the water should be very salty. In order for the salt to dissolve faster, you can heat the water to a warm state over low heat. Add the required amount of ground black pepper, mix the ingredients well.
  3. Take your sliced ​​turkey and dip it into the marinade. The water should completely cover the meat. Cover the bowl with a lid and refrigerate for 2 hours. At this time, prepare seasonings and spices.

    Take the garlic and place it on a cutting board. Press each clove with the wide side of the knife, then peel the garlic from the husk. Rinse it under cold running water. Cut each garlic clove lengthwise into 3-4 pieces.

    Take a medium-sized bowl and pour all the spices into it to prepare a tender turkey fillet. Feel free to experiment with seasonings to suit your taste. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the spices and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Set aside.

    Remove the meat marinated in salt water from the refrigerator. Remove from dish and pat dry with kitchen towel or paper towels. Make small cuts or indentations on each piece and insert garlic slices into them.

    Take a baking sheet, grease it with a little vegetable oil and cover it with food foil. One side of the foil should extend far beyond the edge of the baking sheet so that you can then cover the meat from above. The foil itself does not need to be oiled. Lay the chopped turkey fillet on top of it. Cover each piece with spices, generously smearing all its sides. Then cover the meat with the remaining foil.

    Preheat the oven to 230 degrees, place a baking sheet with meat in it. Roast the turkey for 20-25 minutes. Next, turn off the oven, but do not remove the turkey from it. Leave the baking sheet with the meat in the switched off oven for 2 hours. During this time, the meat will completely reach and become tender and juicy. Remove the turkey from the oven after the time has elapsed.

    Delicious and tender turkey fillet is ready! Serve the meat dish with baked or boiled potatoes, fresh vegetables and herbs.

Hello! Before cooking, I keep turkey meat in brine from 4 hours to a couple of days, depending on the piece of meat, for a turkey thigh weighing about a kilogram, it is best from 12 to 24 hours. For 1 liter of water I take 35-40 grams of salt, boil and cool! You can add any spices to the warm brine: onion, garlic, bay leaf, clove bud, allspice, dry herbs, etc. And immerse the meat, you can keep it at room temperature if the room is not very hot, or put it in the refrigerator.
Then I take out a piece and bake it in the oven in the sleeve (about an hour), or the carcass in a slow cooker (stewing program for meat). The meat is tender and juicy! If you want to fry steaks, then heat the pan strongly so that the piece immediately becomes covered with a crust and seals the juices inside. I really like the method, the piece is salted evenly! Which is very difficult to achieve by smearing salt and spices only on top. The method is also great for boiled pork or large chicken / turkey

How does brine help make meat juicy?
“Keeping food in brine is similar to pickling, but the chemical processes that take place are fundamentally different. By and large, the magic of brine is based on three pillars:

Firstly, diffusion: the process of mutual penetration of molecules of one substance between the molecules of another, leading to spontaneous alignment of their concentrations throughout the occupied volume - in this case, salt molecules, which are much more in brine, penetrate into the cells of abstract meat (bird), where these fewer molecules.

Secondly, osmosis, which is actually a special case of one-way diffusion, in which solvent molecules penetrate through a semi-permeable membrane towards a higher concentration of the solute. In our case, water acts as a solvent, and although the concentration of salt in the brine is much higher than in the cells of the same bird, the concentration of other dissolved substances in these cells contributes to their additional saturation with water: on average, meat aged in brine weighs 6 -8 percent more than before immersion in brine.

Finally, the third whale is protein denaturation: under the influence of a saline solution, proteins that are initially in a twisted state unwind and form a matrix that holds water molecules inside the cells, preventing moisture from escaping from a piece of meat (poultry) kept in the solution during heat treatment. True, if you overcook the meat to the state of the sole, no amount of denaturation will save it: the proteins linked together will shrink, and most of the water they hold will flow out one way or another. The denaturation process also occurs when heated - which is why salted foods cook faster, because the salt has already done some of the work that goes to the heat.

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