Home Preparations for the winter How to cook viscous porridge from buckwheat. The ratio of buckwheat and water during cooking. Buckwheat porridge without cooking

How to cook viscous porridge from buckwheat. The ratio of buckwheat and water during cooking. Buckwheat porridge without cooking

Step by step recipes cooking viscous porridge from buckwheat or flakes

2017-10-21 Natalia Kondrashova





In 100 grams ready meal

2 gr.

3 gr.


3 gr.

51 kcal.

Option 1. The classic recipe for making viscous buckwheat porridge with milk

To cook buckwheat viscous porridge, you need flakes. If you take the core, the dish will turn out crumbly. But in the case when there is no desired product, you can grind buckwheat grains in a coffee grinder, after sorting, washing and drying the cereal, the result will be no worse.


  • 2 cups chopped buckwheat or flakes;
  • 0.4 l of milk;
  • 40 g butter;
  • some salt and sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for viscous buckwheat porridge

Pour milk into a saucepan with thick walls and bring to a boil, not forgetting to stir so that the porridge base does not burn. It is better not to leave the kitchen at this time, otherwise the risen milk will “run away”.

Pour flakes or ground cereals into boiling milk, and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly.

At the end of cooking, put salt and granulated sugar to taste, flavor the dish butter and let it brew with the lid tightly closed for a while.

As a rule, this dish is served hot for breakfast, but cooled buckwheat with milk is no less tasty.

Option 2. A quick way to cook viscous porridge from buckwheat flakes on water

In order not to waste time spying on milk, you can cook viscous buckwheat porridge on the water. It will boil faster and in no case will it “run away”.

To quickly create tasty and healthy breakfast you will need the following products:

  • 0.4 kg of ground kernels or ready-made flakes;
  • 0.8 l of water;
  • a little butter;
  • some salt and sugar.

How to quickly cook viscous buckwheat porridge

Bring 0.8 liters of water to a boil and pour buckwheat into it, not forgetting to salt.

Reduce the heat, add salt to the dish and cook the porridge, stirring regularly, until all the liquid has evaporated.

At the end of cooking, if desired, add the right amount of granulated sugar and continue cooking until the sand dissolves.

Remove the pan from the burner, flavor the dish with a spoonful of butter, mix thoroughly and arrange on plates.

Those who are forced to follow a low-cholesterol or low-calorie diet can replace butter with a few drops of vegetable fat. It is allowed to add not only sunflower, but also olive, linseed or mustard oil to this dish.

Option 3. Sweet and sour viscous porridge with buckwheat flakes and dried berries

So that the taste of buckwheat viscous porridge does not seem too bland to the household, you can add sour dried berries to it, for example, cherries, and season it with plenty of sugar.

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups buckwheat flakes;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • 2/3 cup dried cherries (you can use cranberries, fresh or frozen)
  • butter;
  • a pinch of salt and granulated sugar.

How to cook

Bring water to a boil and add 2 cups of chopped buckwheat, adding a small amount of salt.

While the base is being prepared, wash the berries. If dried fruits were taken to create the dish, fill them with water so that they soften a little.

When almost all the liquid from the porridge has evaporated, we introduce the berries, put the right amount of sugar and continue cooking for another 5-7 minutes.

Season the dish with oil and mix gently.

Such a breakfast is prepared quickly and easily, and the dish turns out to be hearty and tasty, and family members will definitely like it.

Option 4. Viscous buckwheat porridge with nuts, honey and cinnamon

You can diversify the menu and cook sweet viscous buckwheat porridge with milk, adding nuts, honey and cinnamon to it. The dish will turn out hearty and sweet, with a spicy "oriental" flavor.

For creating delicious breakfast from inexpensive and affordable products you will need:

  • 2 cups chopped unground kernels or ready-made flakes;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 150 g chopped walnut kernels;
  • 40-60 g of natural honey;
  • butter;
  • a small amount of salt and a pinch of cinnamon.

Step by step recipe

Bring water to a boil, throw a pinch of salt and pour in buckwheat flakes.

Cook the mass for 5-7 minutes, not forgetting to stir occasionally.

While the base for porridge is being prepared, grind the walnut kernels in a meat grinder or in a mortar.

When the water evaporates, pour in the milk, add nuts, honey, cinnamon and simmer the dish for a few more minutes.

Flavor the porridge with butter and arrange on plates.

To make the dish more original, you can add a little vanilla sugar along with cinnamon, then the flavor will become even richer.

Option 5. Viscous porridge made from buckwheat flakes with egg and green onions

Those who do not like to eat sweets for breakfast, but do not want to give up viscous porridge made from buckwheat flakes, will really like this dish with boiled eggs and green onions.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 2 cups cereal or chopped kernels;
  • 800 ml of water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • green onion feathers;
  • butter;
  • salt and spices to taste.

How to cook

Bring water to a boil and send buckwheat flakes there, salting and adding your favorite spices.

Boil the eggs, cool and free from the shell, and wash the green onion in running water.

When the buckwheat is ready, fill it with butter and mix thoroughly.

When serving the dish to the table, you can finely chop the eggs and sprinkle them with the finished porridge, decorating with onion feathers. But there is another option, in which "chicken caviar" is cut into slices, and buckwheat is sprinkled with chopped green onions. In addition, you can complement the dish with cheese croutons.

Option 6. Viscous buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, onions and carrots under cheese "powder"

Buckwheat is often cooked with mushrooms; this combination has long been considered a "classic of the genre." The dish is popular because it requires inexpensive ingredients and does not take much time to cook.

To make for breakfast or lunch viscous porridge from buckwheat flakes with mushrooms, cheese and vegetable frying, you will need:

  • 2 cups of ground kernels or buckwheat flakes;
  • 400 g of champignons, oyster mushrooms or honey mushrooms;
  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • salt and spices;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • a tablespoon of butter.

How to cook

We put a pot of water on the fire, and while it boils, clean and wash the mushrooms, onions and carrots.

We chop champignons or oyster mushrooms into thin slices, finely chop the onion and rub the carrots on a medium grater.

We heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, put onions and carrots there and fry the vegetables until soft.

Add mushrooms to vegetable frying, salt, pepper, season with your favorite spices and continue cooking over low heat.

When the water boils, we throw in flakes or ground buckwheat, add a little salt and cook over low heat until the liquid evaporates.

While the base for the porridge is being prepared, grind the hard cheese variety on a grater, turning it into “shavings”.

Combine porridge with fried mushrooms and vegetables and simmer under the lid for a while. When the dish is ready, remove it from the heat, add a little butter and mix gently.

Ready viscous buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and vegetable frying is laid out hot on plates and sprinkled with cheese “shavings”. If desired, decorate the dish with sprigs of parsley, dill, basil or rosemary.

Viscous buckwheat porridge can be cooked in different ways, based on milk, water or meat broth, and a wide selection of various “dressings” will allow you to create original dishes with unexpected combinations.


Buckwheat porridge- valuable dietary product indispensable for proper nutrition of children and adults.

From flakes and prodel (crushed buckwheat), porridge is viscous. Buckwheat characterized by a large amount of delicate fiber.

Calorie content of viscous buckwheat porridge on water

The calorie content of viscous buckwheat porridge on water is 90 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and useful properties of viscous buckwheat porridge on water

Viscous buckwheat porridge on water does not burden the digestive system, as it contains pectin (therefore, it is good to give it in the evening). This substance removes from the body all unnecessary and harmful, and also improves digestion, supports the microorganisms that inhabit the intestines.

There is iron in buckwheat, as well as lecithin, which improves the functional state of the liver and pancreas. It also improves the activity of the thymus gland, helping it to produce and activate defense elements (antibodies, phagocytes). In other words, it increases resistance to diseases.

Buckwheat protein is rich in amino acids. And the addition of milk to buckwheat provides an absolutely perfect assortment of them.

Buckwheat porridge viscous on water in cooking

For buckwheat groats, for each unit volume of groats, twice as much water should be taken (1: 2). So, for buckwheat porridge, a tight lid is required, a strong fire for the first 3-5 minutes until the water boils, and then a calm, moderate boil, at the very end - weak, until the water has completely boiled away not only from the surface, but also from the bottom of the pan or bowler. In addition, a metal (not enamelled) pot or cauldron is needed, preferably with a thick, convex, rather than horizontal, flat bottom. It is this design that makes it easier for the liquid to boil away from the bottom and creates a uniform heating and swelling of the entire porridge.

And one more important rule for buckwheat porridge: after filling the cereal and filling it with water, do not touch, do not interfere, do not interfere in the process, do not remove or open the lid. Porridge is cooked not so much with water as with steam, and therefore releasing it means not giving the porridge the required heat.

In this article, I have collected all the tips for novice cooks on how to cook buckwheat. For everything to be delicious, follow these simple advice. And as a bonus, I will tell you about the benefits of buckwheat. I think many did not know this and, having read it, they will definitely include buckwheat in their diet more often.

To obtain crumbly buckwheat, in a saucepan it needs to be cooked for 15 minutes.

The proportions of buckwheat and water

The correct ratio of buckwheat and water is one to two. For one glass of cereal, you need two glasses of water.

How to cook buckwheat?

First you need to sort out the cereal, as pebbles can get caught, then rinse cold water. To enhance the taste (but not necessary), buckwheat can be heated in a dry frying pan for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly so as not to burn.

We take a cooking pot with thick walls, better not enamelled. Pour water purified from chlorine. If there is no filter, to soften the taste of water, you can boil it first and add 3-4 tablespoons of milk or a teaspoon of butter.

How to cook loose buckwheat

The ratio of buckwheat and water for crumbly porridge- 1 to 2 (for one glass of buckwheat two glasses of water). These are strict proportions, and it is better not to do it “by eye”.
Put on high heat, bring to a boil.

We make a minimum fire, close the lid and cook for 15 minutes. At the same time, in no case do not open and do not interfere - porridge is cooked not only in boiling water, but also for a couple. That is why the lid must be closed.

After the porridge is cooked, it is better to let it evaporate, wrapping it in a blanket for 10 minutes. After the porridge is infused, salt and add butter, mix.

Is it possible to pour buckwheat immediately into boiling water - Yes, you can. But then it will cook for 5 minutes longer.

How to cook viscous porridge from buckwheat

To prepare not crumbly, but viscous well-boiled porridge, water or milk is taken in a ratio of 1 to 4 (four glasses of water or milk per glass of cereal). Boil longer - 35-40 minutes. Salt at the end of cooking.

How to cook buckwheat in bags

On one bag of buckwheat you need to pour 1.5 liters of water. Throw the bag into boiling salted water and cook for 20 minutes. One packet is approximately two servings of a side dish.

Cooking in a multicooker

To cook buckwheat in a slow cooker, you need to strictly follow the instructions that come with your appliance. I will give instructions for the Panasonic-SR-TMH18 multicooker. If in the Panasonic-SR-TMH10 model you can easily cook 1 cup of buckwheat, then in the Panasonic-SR-TMH18 model the bowl is larger and the manufacturer suggests cooking from two measuring cups.

So, you need to pour 2 measuring cups of buckwheat into the multicooker bowl. The manufacturer recommends filling the glass strictly to the edge, you can not pour cereal with a slide. Then you need to pour 4 measuring cups of water, salt. Put the program "Buckwheat". During the preparation of porridge, in no case do not open the lid of the multicooker. After all, buckwheat is essentially cooked "steam".

9 minutes before the end of cooking, the countdown of minutes 9-8-7 and so on will light up on the display. At the end of cooking, an audible signal will sound and the appliance will switch to the heating mode. Here you can already open the lid, quickly add a piece of butter and leave the multicooker in the heating mode for another 10 minutes.

The history of the origin of buckwheat

Buckwheat is the seed kernels of a wonderful cereal plant, buckwheat, peeled from the fruit shells. The homeland of buckwheat is Nepal, the mountainous regions of India. It appeared in Russia in the 7th-8th centuries AD, it was grown by Greek monks in Russian monasteries. In Europe, it has many names: Tatar, pagan grain, beech grain, Arabic grain.
Since ancient times, buckwheat porridge has been a traditional and one of the most beloved dishes of Russian cuisine. This "black porridge", the queen of all cereals, in the words of Suvorov: "Heroic food."

Types of buckwheat

Types of buckwheat are divided according to the integrity of the grains. The most useful, the core is a whole buckwheat kernel, there are grades I, II and III (depending on the size of the caliber, the amount of impurities). Use the core for cooking side dishes and crumbly porridge.
Buckwheat is a crushed grain with a broken structure. A viscous porridge is cooked from it.
Smolensk groats are heavily crushed buckwheat grains. And finally, buckwheat flour. It is used for making pancakes, dumplings, dumplings. It is not suitable for baking bread, as it does not contain gluten (gluten).

Useful properties and nutritional value of buckwheat

Good porridge is buckwheat, but why is it good? Let's start with the fact that this is an absolutely environmentally friendly product. It is unpretentious to soils, does not require fertilizers. By the way, the taste of buckwheat immediately changes from fertilizers, so they are simply not used.
Buckwheat is the only cereal crop that crowds out weeds on its own, so no herbicides are needed. And due to the content of a large amount of fiber in it, it also perfectly cleans our intestines, liver from toxins, heavy metals and cholesterol.


Compared to other cereals, buckwheat contains more vegetable protein: 13.6 grams per 100 grams of cereal or 5.7 grams per 100 grams ready porridge. For example, meat contains 15-18% protein. The composition of buckwheat protein is close to protein chicken egg. It contains 18 amino acids, of which 8 are essential, which are not synthesized in our body, that is, they must be in food. For example, lysine and netionine. They are absorbed from buckwheat by 80%.



Buckwheat carbohydrates are complex, slow. They are released and absorbed by the cells of the body gradually, giving a long-term saturation and excluding a rapid rise in blood sugar.


The mineral composition of buckwheat is even more unique. It contains a record amount of iron necessary for blood formation, as well as copper, potassium for the cardiovascular system, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, necessary for skin, nails, hair, teeth. Cobalt, magnesium, iodine, molybdenum - for the functioning of the nervous system.


Buckwheat contains vitamins: B1 - for the central nervous system, B6 - for pathways nervous system, B9 (folic acid) - for hematopoiesis, vitamin E (beauty vitamin).

And to obtain vitamin PP - routine, it is a natural raw material and is used in pharmacology. This vitamin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, fights against artherosclerosis, varicose veins, arthritis, hemorrhoids, fragility of blood vessels.

This cereal also contains phenolic compounds that protect it from spoilage. It keeps well even at high humidity.
The organic acids contained in buckwheat (malic, citric) improve digestion and promote the absorption of meat, fish, and vegetables. To stay healthy, it is enough to eat buckwheat porridge two to three times a week.

Buckwheat for weight loss

Due to the unique protein composition, buckwheat can be recommended for a short mono-diet, despite the rather high calorie content - 132 kcal per 100 grams of porridge.
And since it has the ability to increase the basic metabolism in the body, other excess carbohydrates are also burned in the fire of its calories.

On a buckwheat diet, you can eat as much porridge as you like and lose weight at the same time. Eating buckwheat allows you to burn more calories than it contains.

Favorite recipes with buckwheat

Here are my favorite buckwheat recipes, which I hope will help you diversify your diet with this healthy cereal.

Buckwheat porridge viscous on water rich in vitamins and minerals such as: silicon - 59.6%, magnesium - 11.1%, manganese - 17.2%, copper - 14.8%

What is useful Buckwheat porridge viscous on the water

  • Silicon is included as a structural component in the composition of glycosaminoglycans and stimulates the synthesis of collagen.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, is necessary to maintain homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. Lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, increased risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by growth retardation, disorders in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of the enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing tissues of the human body with oxygen. Deficiency is manifested by violations of the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
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Do you know what ratio of buckwheat and water should be when cooking delicious and nutritious porridge? If you do not have such information, then you will find it in the presented article. We will also reveal to you the secrets of preparing a crumbly, viscous and maximum-calorie dish.

How to cook buckwheat?

The ratio of water and cereals plays a very important role in the preparation of homemade porridge. Before telling you about the proportions in which such ingredients should be taken, it is necessary to tell you how buckwheat porridge is generally cooked.

It is no secret to anyone that the mentioned dish is very useful for the human body. It contains a huge amount of iron and other minerals.

Can you cook this porridge? different ways. Someone makes it on the water, someone adds a little milk, and someone is used at all

In any case, the principle of cooking this dish always remains the same.

Where is the tastiest porridge?

To get the most delicious buckwheat, the ratio of cereals and water must be strictly observed. By the way, completely different devices are used for these purposes. Some housewives prefer on the stove, while others use an oven, slow cooker or even a double boiler.

Whichever way you choose to cook this dish, if you follow all the requirements of the recipe, including the ratio of buckwheat and water, you will definitely get a delicious and very nutritious lunch.

Choice of Ingredients

Does the set of products affect the proportions? The ratio of buckwheat and water when cooking in any kitchen device must be determined based on the selected ingredients. If you decide to use only the two products mentioned, then you must use the classic proportions, which we will discuss below. If it is done using vegetables, legumes, meat, mushrooms and other components, then here you should rely on your culinary knowledge. This requires taking into account the already existing volume of vegetable or meat broth, as well as the number of other products and so on.

The standard ratio of buckwheat and water during cooking

Those housewives who often make family members know how much liquid and dry matter should be used to get a classic dish.

Experienced cooks also know that the ratio of buckwheat and water during the preparation of a delicious dinner should be 1 to 2. In other words, two parts of pure liquid should fall on one part of dry cereal.

Only if these proportions are observed, you will get a classic buckwheat porridge, not a viscous consistency, but not too crumbly.


Now you know what ratio of buckwheat and water should be when cooking homemade porridge. However, for tasty and nutritious meal this information is not enough. Therefore, we decided to reveal a few secrets of how to easily and quickly cook healthy buckwheat porridge. For this we need:

  • buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • clean drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • fine sea salt - add at your discretion;
  • butter - 1.5 table. l.

Cooking process

The ratio of buckwheat and water in the slow cooker should be the same as when cooking porridge on the stove, in the oven, etc. However, for this you should use a special multiglass that comes with the device.

So, to prepare homemade buckwheat porridge, dry cereals must be sorted out, put in a sieve and rinsed in warm water. Then the product needs to be shaken well and put into the multicooker bowl.

After adding the above amount of drinking water to buckwheat, the ingredients should be salted, mixed and tightly closed. It is desirable to cook such a dish in the mode. In the absence of such a program, you can use "Cooking" or "Stew".

As a rule, buckwheat porridge is cooked for 25 minutes. It is during this period of time that the cereal will absorb all the moisture, swell and fully cook.

After the porridge is cooked, it is flavored with butter and mixed well. Such a dish is served at the table as a side dish or as a separate dish along with

How to make dry and crumbly porridge?

There are some cooks who like very dry and To prepare such a dinner, we recommend using less drinking water than indicated above. Instead of 2 glasses of liquid, you can add 1.5 or 1 to buckwheat. In this case, you will get a very crumbly, but no less tasty dish.

How to make viscous buckwheat porridge?

In addition to lovers of crumbly buckwheat porridge, there are those who like a viscous dish. In this case, we recommend adding about three glasses of drinking water to one glass. At the same time, the dish should be cooked strictly under a closed lid on a minimum fire. Such heat treatment will not allow the liquid to evaporate too quickly, making the porridge thick and viscous.

Cooking high-calorie and nutritious porridge with broth

If a dish of buckwheat is intended not for dietary, but for hearty and nutritious nutrition, then we suggest making it using meat product and vegetables. For this on vegetable oil fry chopped carrots and onions, and then add pieces of beef and wait for it to brown. After that, a couple of glasses of water are poured into the dishes and stewed under the lid for about half an hour.

Over time, 2 cups of buckwheat groats are added to the meat and vegetables and mixed well. Having received a viscous mass, about 4 more glasses of water are poured into it. In this case, the liquid should cover the ingredients by about 4 centimeters. Only with this ratio of products you will get tasty and hearty meal with meat broth.

After all the components are in the pan, they are tightly closed, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for about half an hour. During this time, the meat will be completely cooked, and the buckwheat will swell. Lunch will be fragrant, tasty and nutritious.

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