Home General issues Cake napoleon technological map. Technological process of making cake 'Napoleon'. Development of technological documentation

Cake napoleon technological map. Technological process of making cake 'Napoleon'. Development of technological documentation

Napoleon - puff cake or cake with cream. Prepared from puff pastry with cream lining. It is believed that the name "Napoleon" is associated with the city of Naples. In 1912, a new cake appeared in Moscow - puff pastry with cream, made in the form of a triangle, in which it was supposed to see the famous triangular hat of Napoleon. The cake quickly received the name "Napoleon" and universal recognition. This name has survived to this day, although the shape of the cake has become rectangular.


puff semi-finished product - 5030 g,

cream cream - 3800 g,

powdered sugar - 150 g,

puff crumb - 1020 g,

Output 10 pcs. 1kg each

Dough recipe (semi-finished product):

flour - 658 g,

margarine for puffing - 438 g,

melange - 33 g,

salt - 5 g,

citric acid - 0.8 g

water - 237 g,

Butter cream:

granulated sugar - 287 g,

butter - 466 g,

condensed milk with sugar - 110 g,

vanilla powder - 5 g,

cognac - 1.6 g,

water - 100 g,

exit 1000.

We prepare the dough using accelerated technology. Water is poured into the bowl of the dough mixing machine, melange, salt, flour are added. To improve the quality of gluten, food acid is added to the dough, since in an acidic environment the viscosity of flour proteins increases and the dough becomes more elastic and elastic. Mixing is recommended to be done on a 2-speed dough mixer for 2-4 minutes at low speed. 8-10 minutes at high speed to swell the gluten better. The kneaded dough rests for 5-10 minutes in a cold place.

Margarine for lamination is used pre-chilled (to a temperature ready dough 12-14C). A lower temperature is not recommended as it will rip apart the dough layers when rolling.

Rolling dough with margarine is carried out on a dough sheeter. A layer of margarine is placed on a layer of dough rolled out in the form of a square, after which the dough is pinched with an envelope and rolled out. The main task of margarine is to isolate the layers of dough from each other.

Lamination occurs by successive rolling and folding the dough with a layer of margarine 4 layers in the form of a book. In total, roll out and fold the dough into four layers 4 times. The dough prepared in this way is considered the best in quality and consists of 256 layers. You need to cook the dough indoors at a temperature not higher than 20 "C. If the temperature is higher, the oil between the layers will melt, get into the dough, which will worsen the quality of the gluten.

From the rolled layer of dough, we mold the products onto a confectionery sheet, pierce in some places so that there are no swellings on the surface, and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Bake the dough at a temperature of 240 "C for 25 - 30 minutes. Prepare the cream;

Sugar and water are boiled in a syrup boiler to a temperature of 120 C. The syrup is cooled and combined with condensed milk. Butter is whipped with a mixer for 5-7 minutes, then the mass of syrup and condensed milk, vanilla powder and cognac are gradually added.

Puff layers are cooled and glued with cream. The surface and sides are smeared with cream and sprinkled with crumbs from the puff. The surface of the cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

The most famous among puff desserts"Napoleon" has long been with custard, it is prepared for everyday use with a cup of tea, and for festive events. Modern confectioners they experiment not only on the appearance of the cake, but also on creams for the filling.

Basic information about Napoleon cake

There is a legend that the Napoleon cake was invented in 1912 in honor of the anniversary of the victory over Bonaparte by Russian chefs. They decided to get creative and baked cakes in the shape of a cocked hat, Napoleon's famous hat. The authorship of the recipe has not been proven, but the first mention of the dessert dates back to that time.

At the same time, there are many legends that attribute the invention of the cake by chefs to Napoleon and those stories where he appears as a taster of this dish. In France, there is an analogue of this dessert called “melfeuy”, which also consists of many layers and custard.

Dessert dough

For "Napoleon" is traditionally used puff pastry. In the production, where baking is put on the conveyor, multi-layered dough is baked using various complex technologies. For modern housewives, there are more simple recipes that do not require complex skills., you can see more about Napoleon's recipe. Come in, a lot of recipes will pleasantly surprise you.

The only necessary condition is to thoroughly knead the dough several times, so a lot of strength may be required. But what better dough kneaded, the more tender and tastier it will be. For classic test for this dessert, you need to pour 220 grams of sifted flour into a deep bowl.

400 grams are also added there butter and 150 grams cold water. The dough is kneaded by hand until smooth. Then a tablespoon of unconcentrated vinegar is poured into it, everything is kneaded again. Then a wide layer about 1 centimeter thick is rolled out of the dough, another 150 grams of butter is placed on it.

The edges of the layer are bent, it is kneaded until the oil is completely dissolved, during which the dough should increase significantly in volume and acquire elasticity. Then a layer is rolled out of the dough again, the procedure with oil is repeated. A ball is formed from the dough, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator.

After an hour, the dough is kneaded again for 10 minutes and removed in the form of a lump in the refrigerator. In general, you need to repeat this entire process at least 3 times. After that, several cakes are rolled out of the lump in the form of a baking sheet. Their thickness should be about 0.5 cm. They are baked at a temperature of 220 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.

Can be cooked and quick dough based on light beer. Such cakes are very crispy and airy. This test takes less time to prepare. You need to mix 4 cups of sifted flour, 250 grams of grated butter, a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of soda.

When the bulk ingredients are mixed, beer is gradually poured into them. kneading cool elastic dough. The resulting large lump of dough is divided into eight equal parts, each of which is wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

After this time, each layer is rolled out to the size of the baking sheet in which it will be baked. Each such layer of the cake must be baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes until fully cooked.

There are many more options for making dough for Napoleon. Among them are honey, based on a glass of honey, and cottage cheese, for which a glass of sugar and a glass of low-fat cottage cheese are used. All of them are good in their own way, if they are correctly combined with the right cream.

Cream for dessert

Traditionally prepared custard, for which you need to bring to a boil over medium heat 0.5 liters of milk. In a separate deep bowl, mix 4 chicken eggs, a glass of sugar and 3-4 tablespoons of flour. All this is thoroughly mixed and put on fire, the cream is cooked for about 5 minutes.

In the process of cooking the cream, it must be constantly stirred with a wooden spatula. After the cream is ready, you need to mix it again, add 200 grams of pre-softened butter to it and beat with a mixer. The layers are smeared with a cooled cream, and the cake remains for several hours to soak.

This is the easiest cream option for this dessert. There are several other cream recipes. Among them is creamy, which will require 250 grams of high quality butter and a percentage of fat. To begin with, 3 chicken eggs are ground with a glass of sugar over a water bath.

The result is a viscous mass, which has increased significantly in volume. Lightly melted butter (optional) room temperature) is whipped with a mixer according to relative uniformity. Gradually, the two mixtures are combined into one. The cream needs to be beaten with a mixer for some more time until it acquires a delicate texture.

This cream is already sweet and airy, but it can also be flavored. To do this, you can take citrus essence or vanillin. original taste will give alcohol in small quantities: you can pour a tablespoon good cognac. You need to add these ingredients at the stage of combining the two mixtures.

You can prepare a cream with a hint of cottage cheese, but in this case do not use it with cottage cheese cakes in order to avoid the obtrusiveness of one taste. For this cream, you need to mix 300 grams of mascarpone with a whipped mixture of one liter of milk, 3 eggs and a glass of sugar.

Quite satisfying and difficult will be a cream of white chocolate, but in combination with puff cakes, it will be flawless. To prepare it, you will need to introduce 200 grams of white chocolate into the composition of a standard custard, melting it in a water bath. The cream will have a thick texture and will harden pretty quickly.

If there is absolutely no time and desire to cook custard, then it can be replaced with a quick analogue. For quick cream you need to beat well with a mixer 0.5 liters of heavy cream. As soon as they begin to form a persistent foam, you need to pour a glass of powdered sugar and continue to beat. This cream will taste like a creamy custard, but if you don’t want to bother at all, you can just order delicious cake, For example

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Committee for Education and Science of the Administration of the Volgograd Region

State budget educational institution

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Profession 260807.01 "Cook, confectioner"

Volgograd - 2012

1. The history of the Napoleon cake. Commodity characteristics of the raw materials used for cooking

2. Technology for making Napoleon cake

2.1 Preparation of a semi-finished product for a dish

2.2 Parameters and modes of conducting heat treatment processes

2.3 Submission rules

2.4 Quality requirements, conditions and shelf life of the dish

2.5 Sanitary requirements

3. Equipment and tools used to prepare the dish

3.1 Device

3.2 Rules for the operation of the equipment

3.3 Safety when working on equipment and tools

1. The history of the Napoleon cake. Commodity characteristics of the raw materials used for cooking

Napoleon is a layered cake or pastry with cream. Prepared from puff pastry with a cream lining. Its recipe was developed in the second half of the 19th century.

In France and Italy this cake is called millefeuille (1000 layers). In the USA - Napoleon, in the UK - vanilla slice or cream slice. It is believed that the name "Napoleon" is associated with the city of Naples.

In Russia, the name is often associated with the preparation of this cake in 1912 in Moscow, during the wide celebration of the 100th anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleon Bonaparte from Russia. For this anniversary, a whole range of drinks and dishes, decorated in a festive way, appeared. There was also a new cake - puff with cream, made in the form of a triangle, in which it was supposed to see the famous triangular hat of Napoleon. The cake quickly received the name "Napoleon" and universal recognition. This name has survived to this day, although the shape of the cake has become rectangular. napoleon raw equipment cooking

In some sources, we also find such a legend, which indicates that, after all, Napoleon is also related to french cuisine. In speed, the cunning cook decided to consolidate his success with the emperor. And he did it ingeniously and simply: he took the old French pie "Royal biscuit", which in France is traditionally bought for the Feast of the Kings (like our Easter cakes for Easter), cut it into pieces, and put custard between the layers, diversifying with whipped cream and strawberry jam.

The delicacy was modestly called "Napoleon" and was a tremendous success among gourmets and Bonapartists.

2. Cooking technologyCake "Napoleon"

2.1 Preparation of a semi-finished product for a dish

Cooking test: The finished puff semi-finished product consists of thin layers of baked dough, easily separated. The outer layers are hard and the inner layers are soft.

The peculiarity of the preparation of puff pastry is rolling it into very thin layers, between which there are layers of butter.

To improve the quality of gluten, food acid is added to the dough, since in an acidic environment the viscosity of flour proteins increases and the dough becomes more elastic and elastic.

You need to prepare the dough indoors at a temperature not higher than 20 ° C. If the temperature is higher, then the oil between the layers will melt, get into the dough, which will worsen the quality of the gluten.

Dough preparation consists of the following operations: dough kneading, oil preparation, layer formation.

Test batch. Water is poured into the bowl of the dough mixing machine, melange, salt, acid and flour are added (7% of the flour is left for sawing, 10% for preparing the butter). Knead the dough for 15-20 minutes so that the gluten swells better.

Oil preparation. At the same time as kneading the dough, prepare the oil. It is cut into pieces, placed in the bowl of a dough mixer, flour is added and mixed until a homogeneous consistency. Flour is added to butter in order to bind the moisture of the butter. If this is not done, then during the rolling of the dough, the layers stick together, which prevents uniform layer formation. The prepared butter is molded into rectangular flat pieces of a certain mass and put in the refrigerator for 35-40 minutes to cool to 12-14? A lower temperature is not recommended, as the butter will crumble during rolling and break the dough layers.

Layering. The finished dough is rolled out into a rectangular layer 20 mm thick or a piece of dough is rolled up in the form of a ball, which is then cut crosswise with a knife into four parts and rolled out 20-25 mm thick.

Chilled butter is placed in the middle of the layer and the dough is wrapped in an envelope. Dust with flour and, starting from the middle, roll out the dough into a rectangular layer 10 mm thick. The resulting layer is folded into four layers: two opposite ends are connected, but not in the middle, but closer to one edge, and then one layer is applied to the other. Roll out again to a thickness of 10 mm and fold G into four layers. You need to roll out in all directions smoothly, slowly. With fast and sharp rolling, the dough layers are torn, and the products are obtained with poor rise. The dough is placed in the refrigerator for | 35-40 min for cooling down to 12-14C. During cooling, the mechanically disturbed structure of the dough, the elasticity of gluten are restored, as a result, when the dough is further rolled out, the layers do not tear.

After cooling, the dough is rolled out 2 more times and folded into four layers. The wrapped dough is placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to cool and restore gluten, and then rolled out into a layer of the required thickness. In total, roll out and fold the dough into four layers 4 times. The dough prepared in this way is considered the best in quality and consists of 256 layers.

Cream preparation: The cream is used for gluing layers, lubricating the surface of products and sides, for decorating cakes and pastries. This cream is the easiest to make and is more stable when finishing the surfaces of pastries and cakes, as it usually has a small amount of moisture.

Butter is cleaned, cut into pieces and whipped for 5-7 minutes. Powdered sugar is preliminarily combined with condensed milk and gradually added to whipped butter. Beat 7-10 min. At the end of whipping put vanilla powder, cognac or dessert wine. Cream can be prepared with cocoa powder and nuts.

Quality requirements: lush homogeneous oily mass of slightly creamy color, retains its shape well; humidity 14%.

Preparing the layer cake: Puff layers are baked, cooled and glued with cream.

Cake weighing 500 g consists of two layers, weighing 1 kg - three. Lay the last layer smooth side up. The surface and sides are smeared with cream and sprinkled with crumbs from the puff, pressed against the cake with a metal plate, aligning the corners of the cake. The surface of the cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar. This cake can be prepared with Charlotte and Glace cream.

2.2 Parameters and modes of conducting heat treatment processes

For baking with a whole layer, the dough is rolled out with a thickness of 5-6 mm, a little larger than the confectionery sheet, since it shrinks during baking. To reduce the compression of the dough, the sheets are moistened with water. A layer of dough is transferred to a confectionery sheet, shifting from the edges to the middle, pierced in some places so that there are no swellings on the surface, and left for 15-20 minutes. The dough is baked at a temperature of 240 ° C for 25-30 minutes.

2.3 Submission rules

Before serving the Napoleon cake, you should remove used cutlery and utensils from the table. Only flowers and sweet dishes should remain on the table.

With multi-portion serving, cakes are most often served on a special cake vase - vase plateau. Such a vase can be made of glass or metal and must have a high, stable foot.

When individually portioned, the cake is usually served in small dessert plates with a diameter of 200 mm, along with dessert utensils (a narrow dessert knife with a pointed end, a dessert fork with three prongs and dessert spoon 180-190 mm long and 10 ml in volume).

2.4 Quality requirements, conditions and shelf life of the dish

The cake is sprinkled with crumbs on top, the color of the dough is light yellow, the cream is white, the dough is dry, brittle, and easily delaminates. The cake should be stored at a temperature of +2 to + 6C, and the recommended shelf life is no more than 36 hours.

2.5 Sanitary requirements

All incoming raw materials and manufactured products must meet the requirements of applicable standards, technical specifications, biomedical requirements, have hygienic certificates or quality certificates.

The hygienic certificate is issued for the type of product, and not for a specific batch. To confirm the conformity of the batch of manufactured and supplied products with the established requirements (to guarantee the appropriate quality of the goods) is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Selective control of safety indicators in finished products of the baking and confectionery industry is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the manufacturer of products in agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision bodies and guaranteeing the safety of products.

Raw materials are allowed into production only if there is a conclusion of the laboratory or specialists of the technological control of the enterprise.

Raw materials entering production must be prepared for production in accordance with technological instructions and Instructions for preventing the ingress of foreign objects into products.

Flour should be stored separately from all types of raw materials. Flour in containers should be stored in stacks on racks at a distance of 15 cm from the floor level and 50 cm from the walls. The distance between stacks must be at least 75 cm.

Salt should be stored in separate bins or chests with lids, as well as in dissolved form in containers equipped with filters, and only dissolved and filtered can be supplied to production.

Fats, eggs and dairy products should be stored in refrigerators at a temperature of 0 to +4 ° C. Butter is carefully checked after unpacking and cleaned from the surface. In the presence of contamination on the surface and in case of microbiological deterioration, the oil is not allowed for the production of confectionery products with cream. The duration of storage of oil before stripping in the oil cutter should be no more than 4 hours.

For confectionery products, fresh, clean chicken eggs, without defects, with an intact shell, not lower than category II, can be used. Eggs should be candled and sorted. The unpacking of egg crates, sanitization and egg mass production are carried out under strict flow.

It is strictly forbidden to use waterfowl eggs, chicken eggs with a notch, eggs and fight, mirage eggs, eggs from farms that are not safe for tuberculosis, salmonellosis, and also use melange instead of eggs for the manufacture of any cream. Waterfowl eggs may only be used for baking small bakery and flour confectionery products.

Products that have fallen on the floor (sanitary marriage) must be placed in a special container with the designation "Sanitary marriage". The use of sanitary defects in the production of confectionery products is prohibited.

In the production of confectionery products with cream (cakes, pastries, rolls, etc.), each shift must start working with clean sterilized jigging bags, tips for them and small inventory. Issuance and delivery of bags, tips and small inventory is carried out in each shift according to the account by special persons with registration in the journal. Replacement of jigging bags should be carried out at least 2 times per shift.

Companies that produce confectionery with cream (cakes, pastries, rolls), must have refrigeration units that ensure the storage of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, in accordance with the current SanPiN "Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products" and these sanitary rules.

Creams, cakes, cakes, cream rolls should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C.

It is not allowed to store cakes, pastries and rolls together with non-food materials, as well as products with a specific smell.

Refrigerators must be provided with thermometers. To maintain the temperature at a given level, it is advisable to use a thermostat. The mode of operation of refrigerating chambers must be constantly monitored. Storage temperature test results food products should be recorded in a special journal.

Cakes are placed in cardboard boxes lined with paper napkins made of parchment or parchment. Transportation and sale of cakes without packaging boxes is strictly prohibited.

On the outside of the lid (a box with a cake or a tray with cakes, rolls) there should be a marking indicating the date, hour of production, mode and shelf life.

3 . Equipment and tools used to prepare the dish

3.1 Device

Rice. Electrical cabinet frying and baking ESHP-12

The electrical cabinet for frying and baking (Figure 1) consists of three frying and baking chambers (1). The baking chambers are heated by tubular electric heaters TEN (4) installed horizontally (four from the bottom - the lower group and four from the top - the upper group). The lower heating elements are closed with hearths (5). The baking chambers are closed with spring-loaded doors 22 with viewing windows 23. Water is poured into the baking chambers manually into a funnel (6). A roof (7) is attached to the upper chamber. To reduce heat loss, the chambers are closed with thermal insulation (8) Both the lower and upper groups of electric heaters have autonomous switching on and stepwise regulation of the heating intensity, which is carried out by setting the switch knob (9) or (10) to one of three positions. " on the control panel) the heater groups are disabled. By turning the knob clockwise, the switch is sequentially set to three positions, at which weak heating (0.25 full power), medium heating (0.5 full power) and full heating is carried out. Lamps 13 and 14 indicates the presence of voltage on the electric heaters.All controls are displayed on the panel 3. On the right side, the control knob is displayed. circuit breaker (26). The electrical cabinet is switched on with the automatic switch (26). The lamp (27) signals the power supply to the electrical cabinet.

Rice. Dough mixers: a - TMM-IM: / - base plate; 2 - pedal; 3 - trolley; 4 - bowl; 5 - shield; 6 - kneading lever; 7 - hinge; 8 - cover; 9 - body; 10 - handle; 11 - door; 12 - push-button station; b - MTM-15: / - gearbox; 2 - platform; 3 - removable tank; 4 - cover-lattice: 5 - kneading blades

Rice. Mixer KitchenAid Deluxe

Rice. Machine for sifting flour MPM-800: a - general view: 1 - cast-iron frame; 2 - movable frame; 3-body; 4 - unloading tray; 5 - loading hopper; b - section: 6 - electric motor; 7-auger; 8 - vertical pipe; 9 - flexible sleeve; 10 - magnetic trap; 11 - folding bolt; 12 - cover; 13 - sieve; 14 - safety grille; 15 - impeller; 16 - V-belt transmission

Rice. Dough sheeter MRT-60M: a - general view: / - body; 2 - lining; 3 - mukosey; 4 - latch; 5 - pointer; 6 - safety grille; 7 - inclined table; 8 - tray; 9 - belt conveyor; 10 - pallet; 11 - flywheel; 6 - kinematic diagram: 12 - screw; 13 - thrust; 14 - drum; 15 - rollers; 16 - bracket; 17, 18 - chains; 19 - driving drum; 20 - tension device; 21 - electric motor; 22 - clutch; 23 - worm gear

3.2 Rules for the operation of the equipment

E electrical cabinet frying and baking ESR - 12 .

Then turn on the baking chambers by turning the temperature sensor-relay knob (12), turning it clockwise, while the signal lamps (13), (14) light up. By further turning the knob clockwise, set the required temperature of the chamber.

After finishing work, wash cabinet linings and door handles with a hot 5% solution of soda ash in water and wipe them.

Dough mixer TMM-1M . Before starting the operation of the TMM-1M machine, they check the reliability of fastening the bowl to the foundation plate and check the idling. Then, the products intended for kneading the dough are loaded into the bowl. When kneading liquid dough the bowl is loaded by 80-90%, when kneading hard dough- by 50 % capacity. Failure to comply with these requirements leads to rapid wear of the machine. Then lower the shields and turn on the machine. When kneading yeast dough yeast, sugar, salt, eggs, milk or water are loaded into the bowl. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the machine is turned off, flour is added and the dough is continued. The duration of the kneading is on average 7-20 minutes and depends on the type of dough.

After the end of the dough kneading, turn off the electric motor, while the kneading lever should be in the upper position - outside the bowl. If the lever prevents the bowl from rolling, it can be raised using the handwheel. Next, they raise the fencing device (shields) and, pressing the foot on the pedal, roll the bowl off the foundation slab. After finishing work, the working chamber and the kneading blades are thoroughly washed and wiped dry, and the body is cleaned of flour dust and wiped with a damp cloth.

Mixer KitchenAid Deluxe . * Before plugging in the appliance, make sure the switch is in the "Off" position.

* Insert the attachments into the holes on the mixer until it clicks into place. Both nozzles should be tight.

stick in the holes of the mixer.

* After lowering the nozzles into the working container, turn on the mixer.

* Turn the speed selector to set the desired speed.

* Do not block the ventilation openings on the device, as this may affect the operation of the motor.

* After finishing work, turn the switch to the "Off" position. And unplug the device.

* To remove the attachments, press the ejection button.

Use of beaters. Use for whipping cream, egg white, biscuit dough, pudding, cocktail, cream, mayonnaise, puree, sauce.

The use of nozzles for kneading dough. Use for mixing "heavy" dough, minced meat, yeast. Mix the ingredients at speed "2" or "3".

Speed ​​selection:

1 is the optimal starting speed for mixing loose and dry products such as flour, butter and potatoes.

2 - starting speed for making sauces, cake dough.

3 - for mixing liquids and seasonings for salads;

4 - the optimal speed for whipping cream, making desserts, etc.

5/6 - speed for beating eggs, cream, cooking icing sugar, mashed potatoes etc.

Screener MPM-800 . Operating principle. The flour poured into the bunker is fed by an impeller through the window of a vertical pipe to the auger, which raises it to the sifting mechanism. Here the flour is sprayed, pressed under the action of centrifugal force against a sieve and sieved. The caked lumps of flour are crushed by motionless blades. Unloading - shovels direct the sifted flour to a tray where it is cleared of metal impurity and on a flexible sleeve comes to the substituted container.

Operating rules. Before starting work, check the sanitary and technical condition of the sifter.

Then, the required sieve and frame with blades are installed on the screw shaft. A sieve with a mesh diameter of 1.4 mm is intended for flour premium, with a cell diameter of 1.6 mm - for flour of the 1st and 2nd grades.

The upper support of the auger is lubricated with edible unsalted fat. From above, the mechanism is closed with a lid and fixed with a hinged bolt. A flexible sleeve is put on the unloading tray, under which the container is placed.

The movable frame is lowered to the lower position and a bag of flour is placed on it, after which the frame is raised and part of the flour is poured into the hopper. Then turn on the engine. Loading of flour in the course of work is made on the move of the car. At the same time, make sure that the hopper is constantly filled with flour, which prevents it from spraying. Periodically, the machine is stopped, the sieve is removed and cleaned of impurities.

At the end of the work, the sifter is turned off and partially disassembled. The sieve is thoroughly cleaned with a brush, and the body is wiped with a soft cloth. The movable frame is set to the top position.

. Before starting work, the machine is inspected and checked at idle. Then the tightness of the scrapers to the rollers, the degree of tension of the belt conveyor and the cleanliness of the mukosey mesh are determined. After that, the operation of the electric lock is checked. So, if at idle the safety grille is raised by 5 ° or more, the electric motor should automatically turn off.

Next, prepare the car for work. Flour is poured into the mukosey and set with a latch in the working position. Check the correct installation of the pallet under the conveyor and turn the flywheel to set the required gap between the rollers.

Having rolled out the dough by hand to a thickness of 60...70 mm, place it on an inclined loading table and turn on the electric motor. Then, having reduced the gap between the rollers, the dough is again placed on the inclined loading table. After finishing work, the machine is turned off. The flour is poured out of the mukosey, pallet and trays, the conveyor belt is cleaned with a brush. The rollers are freed from the remnants of the dough and wiped with a dry cloth.

3.3 Safety precautions when working on equipment andwith tools

E electrical cabinet frying and baking ESR - 12 . When preparing the electrical cabinet for operation, set the handle of the circuit breaker (26) (figure 1) to the upper position. The presence of voltage in the network is signaled by a green lamp.

Before working with the proofing chamber, it is necessary to open the doors and fill the humidification bath hot water with a temperature of at least 70 0 C. Close the doors of the chamber for proofing, set the required temperature and turn on the chamber.

When the set temperature is reached, the red lamp on the control panel goes out.

Then turn on the baking chambers with the handle of the temperature sensor-relay (12), turning it clockwise, while the signal lamps (13), (14) light up. By further turning the knob clockwise, set the required chamber temperature.

When the set temperature in the chamber is reached (the signal lamps go out when the sensor is on), open the door and place the trays in the baking chamber.

Switching off the chambers (baking and proofing) is carried out by turning the handles of the temperature sensors-relays counterclockwise, while the signal lamps (13), (14) should go out. Complete shutdown of the electrical cabinet is carried out by the automatic switch (26).

After finishing work, wash cabinet linings and door handles with a hot 5% solution of soda ash in water and wipe them.

Dough mixer TMM-1M . During kneading, do not bend over the bowl, take a sample of the dough, or roll the bowl or remove the tank when the electric motor is on.

Mixer KitchenAid Deluxe . Mixer DO NOT operate the mixer without reading this instruction manual. Failure to do so may result in a breakdown, reduced performance of the mixer, or endangering your health or injury.

DO NOT operate mixer without proper grounding. Failure to do so may result in electric shock.

DO NOT pour water on the mixer when working. Cleaning of the internal working surfaces of the mixer is carried out only in the switched off state (the mixer must be unplugged). Cleaning of other internal (not in contact with the product) surfaces, as well as the replacement of any spare parts, is carried out only by a specialist of a service company or specially trained personnel.

It is FORBIDDEN to carry out any repairs yourself if the mixer is connected to the main power source (the machine and the socket must be turned off during any repairs). Failure to do so may result in electric shock. For servicing, please contact VISTEX-S or your restaurant's specially trained technician.

It is FORBIDDEN to operate the mixer with a defective cable, plug, socket or machine. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in failure of the mixer and electric shock to personnel.

MAKE SURE that the protective shield is installed in its original place. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in injury to personnel from the rotating parts of the mixer.

DO NOT operate the mixer unless any of the mixer panels are securely screwed together. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in product damage,

parts of the mixer out of order, as well as personal injury.

DO NOT cook any other food in the mixer. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in failure of the mixer parts, as well as personal injury.

DO NOT insert objects or fingers into mixer openings. Failure to do so may result in injury.

IT IS FORBIDDEN to remove any parts and assemblies if the mixer is not turned off by the socket and the machine in the shield. Failure to do so may result in electric shock.

DO NOT store anything in the mixer (especially: explosives and poisonous substances).

Screener MPM-800 . It is forbidden to open the cover of the sieving mechanism and remove the sieve until the machine stops completely, use the sifter without a safety grill, push the flour into the hopper by hand and speed up its exit.

Dough sheeter MRT-60M . While the machine is in operation, it is forbidden to clean the rollers and other mechanisms, as well as to put your hands under the safety grille.

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The technology of making the cake "Napoleon"

Characteristics of the cake "Napoleon"

Cake "Napoleon" consists of 5-6 layers of puff semi-finished product, glued together with cream "New" with boiled condensed milk. The surface and side surface are covered with "New" cream with boiled condensed milk and sprinkled with crumbs of puff semi-finished product. The cake is artistically decorated with chocolate icing. The shape is round. Weight 1 kg.

Napoleon cake recipe

Napoleon cake"

Weight 1 kg.

The shape is round.

Consists of 5-6 layers

Six layers of puff semi-finished product are covered with a uniform layer of cream "New" with boiled condensed milk and glued, pressing against each other.

The surface and sides are coated with an even layer of “New” cream with boiled condensed milk and sprinkled abundantly with crumbs of a puff semi-finished product. With a plywood board, the crumbs are pressed to the surface of the cake. The surface is finished with chocolate icing.

Technological scheme for the preparation of the cake "Napoleon"

Technology for the preparation of puff semi-finished product for the cake "Napoleon"

The prepared unleavened puff pastry is rolled out to 4-6 mm and framed in a large round shape. Ready round layers are stacked on a sheet in two layers. Before baking, the layers are pierced with a fork in 6 different places in the center. Layers are baked at t=190-210 degrees for 15-20 minutes. After baking, the layers are cooled.

Technology for making cream "New" with condensed milk

Cream "New" is prepared by churning plasticized butter with a pre-prepared milk-sugar syrup.

The preparation of the "New" cream includes two operations: the preparation of milk-sugar syrup and the direct preparation of the cream.

To prepare milk-sugar syrup, milk is poured into the digester and heated to a boil (pasteurization). Then sugar is added, the resulting mixture is boiled down by adding steam 0.15-0.25 Pa-s for 25-30 minutes until the dry matter content is 72.8%. The total duration of syrup boiling is 25-30 minutes. Boiling point 105-110 0С. Ready syrup is cooled to t=20 0С.

The preparation of the cream is carried out in the following way.

Peeled and cut butter t=8-10-0С soften in a creamer. cake cream confectionery

First, at a low number of revolutions, and then at a large one for 5-7 minutes. Milk-sugar syrup cooled to 20 0C is added to the softened butter in 5-6 doses, and at the end of whipping, vanilla powder, strong wine, etc. After that, condensed milk is added to the cream and kneaded until smooth.

The whole process of knocking down lasts 15-20 minutes. Ready cream should have t=16-18 0C, humidity=22% +-2%

Tempering chocolate icing

Chocolate glaze is a product of processing cocoa beans with sugar. Chocolate glaze contains 30-34% fat, 52-55% sugar and no more than 1.5% moisture. To give the chocolate a shine, it is tempered. crushed chocolate icing melt in a water bath to 38 0C, then cool to 20 0C. The mass is heated in a water bath to t=31 0C. The tempering process lasts 30-40 minutes with constant stirring, which protects the glaze from fat bloom, i.e. accumulations of large cocoa butter crystals on the surface of the glaze. Chocolate is used at a temperature of about 30 0C.

Requirements for the quality of the cake "Napoleon"

The cake must have correct form without dents. Top and side surfaces should be evenly covered and finished with cream and other semi-finished products. The product should not have unpleasant odors and tastes of non-fresh raw materials.

Packaging and storage

Package finished cake is made on a special cake stand, covered with a special cake lid on top. Shelf life 36 hours.

Classic recipe for making delicious cake Napoleon according to GOST with oil cream includes 4 stages:

  • rolling out puff pastry;
  • cake baking;
  • making cream Charlotte;
  • shaping Napoleon cake.

If you don’t want to cook puff pastry for Napoleon cake yourself at home, you can purchase 1 kilogram of ready-made puff pastry for baking in the store and skip the first step of this traditional recipe, going straight to the preparation of Charlotte cream. But there is a chance that the cake will not turn out as tasty as intended, since homemade puff pastry turns out, as a rule, tastier than store-bought.

If you decide to make a Napoleon cake, as our grandmothers did it - completely at home, then step by step follow the steps below classic recipe starting with the preparation of puff pastry. It is not necessary to prepare all the ingredients of the cake in one day, the recipe allows for the preparation of puff pastry one day, and Charlotte buttercream and the cake itself the next day.

Stage 1 - Preparation of puff pastry:

  1. Pour 400 grams of flour and 3 grams of salt into a cup for kneading dough.
  2. In 170 grams of water, add 1 gram of citric acid - literally on the tip of a knife - and stir well.
  3. Pour the dissolved water into a bowl of flour. citric acid and 1 egg and knead the dough. good dough should be non-sticky and plastic. After the dough is ready, it must be placed in the refrigerator, preferably with a rolling pin for 30 minutes.
  4. Take 315 grams of butter and cut into a separate cup into pieces, then add 20 grams of flour and beat until smooth.
  5. Lay a plastic wrap on the table and put the oil on it, forming a square layer, 2 centimeters high. Then wrap the butter and refrigerate for 30 minutes. The oil should be plastic and not spread. If the oil has not had time to freeze slightly, hold it a little more in the refrigerator.
  6. Sprinkle 25 grams of flour evenly over the entire surface of the table to roll out the dough. Put the dough and make an envelope out of it, closing on 4 sides, while its central part should be slightly larger in area than the previously formed layer of butter. That is, you should get a square with four petals that are bent inward. The edges of the envelope should be thinner than the middle and allow the oil to be completely sealed.
  7. Take the butter from the refrigerator, take it out of the bag, sprinkle it with flour a little and put it in the center of the dough envelope, and then seal it well on four sides, bending its petals in turn one by one.
  8. Remove the rolling pin from the refrigerator and carefully but firmly roll out the dough evenly into a 1 cm thick rectangular sheet. Then, along the rectangle, you must first fold one end of the sheet to its middle, removing excess flour, and then the other, and then fold the sheet of dough in half, resulting in 4 layers of butter.
  9. Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate with a rolling pin for 30 minutes.
  10. Remove the dough and rolling pin from the refrigerator and repeat the process of forming the puff pastry - roll the dough along the rectangle into a sheet 1 centimeter thick, fold the two ends of the sheet along the rectangle to its middle, and then fold the sheet of dough in half, resulting in 16 layers of butter.
  11. Wrap the dough in cling film again and refrigerate with the rolling pin for 30 minutes.
  12. Remove the dough and rolling pin from the refrigerator and repeat the process of rolling out the puff pastry as before, which should result in 64 layers of butter.
  13. Also wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate with a rolling pin for 30 minutes.
  14. Remove the rolling pin and dough from the refrigerator and repeat the rolling of the puff pastry in the same way, which should result in 256 layers of butter.
  15. Wrap the dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator, it can be used to make the Napoleon cake only after 30 minutes. If you are going to cook the cake in the following days, then consider the fact that puff pastry can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

It turned out 1 kilogram of high-quality homemade puff pastry for the Napoleon cake. If you don't feel like messing around with making puff pastry, then you can buy 1kg of puff pastry for baking at any store and follow the step by step classic Napoleon cake recipe from the next step.

Stage 2 - Baking cakes:

  1. Take a baking sheet and line it with baking paper. Preheat oven to 220 degrees Celsius.
  2. Take 1 kilogram of puff pastry and roll it out to a thickness of 5 millimeters.
  3. Cut out two square layers of 22 centimeters by 22 centimeters from the dough. Do not discard cuttings.
  4. Put 2 cut layers and trimmings on a baking sheet, and then put in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees Celsius.
  5. Cool cakes to room temperature.

Stage 3 - Preparation of cream Charlotte:

  1. 1 hour before preparing the cream, put 100 grams of butter and 65 grams of milk out of the refrigerator. To make the cream tasty, it is recommended to take oil with a fat content of at least 82.5%, and milk - at least 3.2%.
  2. Beat 65 grams of milk with egg yolk. Strain through cheesecloth. Add 90 grams of granulated sugar and 4 grams of vanilla sugar and put on a small fire, while stirring constantly.
  3. Bring the syrup to a boil and simmer for about 3 minutes until it resembles condensed milk.
  4. Then the syrup must be poured into another small saucepan and covered with a film, left to cool to room temperature.
  5. Cut the butter into pieces and beat until it brightens and becomes fluffy.
  6. Continuing to beat the butter, gradually add the syrup, which has cooled to room temperature, in a thin stream until a white fluffy cream is obtained.
  7. Add 1 tablespoon of cognac to the cream and beat. Butter cream Charlotte for a real Napoleon cake is ready.

Stage 4 - Making the cake:

  1. Place 1 cake on a tray and spread Charlotte buttercream evenly on top so that the cream is a little more than half the cream.
  2. Lay the second cake on top of the first cake with the bottom side up and press down.
  3. Spread the second cake evenly with the remaining cream.
  4. Grind the baked scraps into crumbs.
  5. Sprinkle the top of the Napoleon cake with crumbs from the cakes and powdered sugar.

Cake Napoleon according to the classic recipe is ready. If desired, cakes can be made from the cake by carefully cutting it into pieces. Bon Appetit!

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