Home Soups Enterprise range. Technology for making a cake "Puff with cream" Preparation and decoration of cakes from a puff semi-finished product

Enterprise range. Technology for making a cake "Puff with cream" Preparation and decoration of cakes from a puff semi-finished product

Cake - dessert, a kind of pie, consisting of one or more cakes soaked in cream or jam. The top of the cake is usually decorated with cream, icing and/or fruit.

There are also savory varieties of cakes (for example, liver cake), while the name "cake" refers more to the design of the dish: laying the ingredients in layers with the subsequent decoration of the top layer. In the liver cake example: toasted liver mince cakes with a layer of mayonnaise, topped with herbs.

Commodity-technological characteristics of raw materials

For the preparation of confectionery products, various main and auxiliary products are used, which, depending on their type, structure, and purpose, are subjected to preliminary preparation and processing. The main types of raw materials for kneading puff pastry are flour, butter, eggs, salt. With the help of weight measuring equipment, desktop dial scales, we weigh the raw materials of each item. Wheat flour is a powdered product that is obtained by grinding wheat grains. In confectionery products use the highest, first and second grade. Flour is included in all types of dough, which are prepared at catering establishments. Wheat flour of the highest grade - very soft, fine grinding, white color with a slight creamy tint, sweet taste. Cakes, cakes, waffles, as well as the best biscuits and various products from yeast dough are prepared from this flour. Grade I wheat flour is soft, but less finely ground than premium flour, the color is white, but with a slightly yellowish tint, gingerbread, cookies and other yeast dough products are prepared from this flour.

Grade II wheat flour - coarser grinding than premium flour, its color is white, with a noticeably yellowish or grayish tint. Used in small quantities in the manufacture of inexpensive varieties of gingerbread and cookies. Butter - produced from cream, it contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E.

Butter can be salted and melted, without foreign smells and tastes, with a uniform color (from white to cream). If the surface of the oil is cleaned or covered with mold, then pure oil goes for creams to prepare the cookie mass. Before use, the butter is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough, lubricated with cake molds, for a golden biscuit. Butter increases the calorie content of products, improves taste, enhances their aroma. Butter is not salty, you can replace it with salty, but taking into account the salt it contains. In the manufacture of cream salted butter can not be used.

In the manufacture of all confectionery products, except puff, butter biscuit and cream, butter can be replaced with melted butter (1 kg of butter corresponds to 840 g of melted butter). It is recommended to store the oil at t 2-4°C in a warm room in a carefully closed container, the oil deteriorates under the influence of light. Eggs are a high-calorie product widely used in the manufacture of confectionery products, containing proteins, fats, minerals and other substances. Eggs, due to their properties, improve the taste of products, give them porosity. Egg white has binding properties, is a good foaming agent, retains sugar, which explains its use in the production of creams, marshmallows, airy and some other types of dough. The volume of protein, when whipped, increases seven times, the addition of sugar reduces the volume by 1.5 times.

The yolk of an egg is rich in proteins, fats and vitamins (A, D, B1, B2 and PP). Thanks to lecithin, the yolk is a good emulsifier. A large number of yolks makes it possible to obtain a stable emulsion of water and fat in the batter, which is used in the manufacture of waffles and cookies. Yolks improve the structure of the dough, give a delicate taste to products. In confectionery, only chicken eggs and products of their processing are used. Public catering establishments use only chicken eggs, waterfowl eggs are not used, because. they are contaminated with salmonella germs.

If the eggs are contaminated, then they are placed in a bucket with holes and released into the water for 5-10 minutes, disinfected with a two percent solution of bleach. The freshness and good quality of eggs can be determined using an ovoscope or immersed in a ten percent solution of table salt: fresh eggs will sink to the bottom, spoiled eggs will float. Eggs are broken into a separate bowl (no more than 3-5 pieces) and, after checking their good quality, they are poured into a common cauldron. Prepared eggs are filtered through a sieve with cells no larger than 3 mm.

Weight of one egg 40 gr. Eggs can be replaced with various egg products, however, in the manufacture of creams, substitution cannot be made. Salt improves the taste of products. It is crystalline sodium chloride (NaCl), soluble in water. Store it at a relative humidity of 75%. Before use, the salt is sieved through a sieve with cells of 1.5-2 mm. Salt in crystals is pre-dissolved and filtered through a sieve with 0.5 mm mesh.

A large assortment of confectionery, bakery products, frozen semi-finished products, and culinary products is produced in the production workshops of the technical school.

For all bakery, flour and confectionery products produced in the workshops, flow charts were drawn up, and for products that are not in the collection of recipes, technical and flow charts and flow charts were developed and approved.

The technology of making the cake "Napoleon"

Characteristics of the cake "Napoleon"

Cake "Napoleon" consists of 5-6 layers of puff semi-finished product, glued together with cream "New" with boiled condensed milk. The surface and side surface are covered with "New" cream with boiled condensed milk and sprinkled with crumbs of puff semi-finished product. The cake is artistically decorated with chocolate icing. The shape is round. Weight 1 kg.

Napoleon cake recipe

Napoleon cake"

Weight 1 kg.

The shape is round.

Consists of 5-6 layers

Six layers of puff semi-finished product are covered with a uniform layer of cream "New" with boiled condensed milk and glued, pressing against each other.

The surface and sides are coated with an even layer of “New” cream with boiled condensed milk and sprinkled abundantly with crumbs of a puff semi-finished product. With a plywood board, the crumbs are pressed to the surface of the cake. The surface is finished with chocolate icing.

Technological scheme for the preparation of the cake "Napoleon"

Technology for the preparation of puff semi-finished product for the cake "Napoleon"

The prepared unleavened puff pastry is rolled out to 4-6 mm and framed in a large round shape. Ready round layers are stacked on a sheet in two layers. Before baking, the layers are pierced with a fork in 6 different places in the center. Layers are baked at t=190-210 degrees for 15-20 minutes. After baking, the layers are cooled.

Technology for making cream "New" with condensed milk

Cream "New" is prepared by churning plasticized butter with a pre-prepared milk-sugar syrup.

The preparation of the "New" cream includes two operations: the preparation of milk-sugar syrup and the direct preparation of the cream.

To prepare milk-sugar syrup, milk is poured into the digester and heated to a boil (pasteurization). Then sugar is added, the resulting mixture is boiled down by adding steam 0.15-0.25 Pa-s for 25-30 minutes until the dry matter content is 72.8%. The total duration of syrup boiling is 25-30 minutes. Boiling point 105-110 0С. Ready syrup is cooled to t=20 0C.

The preparation of the cream is carried out in the following way.

Peeled and cut butter t=8-10-0С soften in a creamer. cake cream confectionery

First, at a low number of revolutions, and then at a large one for 5-7 minutes. Milk-sugar syrup cooled to 20 0C is added to the softened butter in 5-6 doses, and at the end of whipping, vanilla powder, strong wine, etc. After that, condensed milk is added to the cream and kneaded until smooth.

The whole process of knocking down lasts 15-20 minutes. Ready cream should have t=16-18 0C, humidity=22% +-2%

Tempering chocolate icing

Chocolate glaze is a product of processing cocoa beans with sugar. Chocolate glaze contains 30-34% fat, 52-55% sugar and no more than 1.5% moisture. To give the chocolate a shine, it is tempered. The crushed chocolate icing is melted in a water bath to 38 0C, then cooled to 20 0C. The mass is heated in a water bath to t=31 0C. The tempering process lasts 30-40 minutes with constant stirring, which protects the glaze from fat bloom, i.e. accumulations of large cocoa butter crystals on the surface of the glaze. Chocolate is used at a temperature of about 30 0C.

Requirements for the quality of the cake "Napoleon"

The cake should have the correct shape without dents. Top and side surfaces should be evenly covered and finished with cream and other semi-finished products. The product should not have unpleasant odors and tastes of non-fresh raw materials.

Packaging and storage

The packaging of the finished cake is made on a special cake stand, covered with a special cake lid on top. Shelf life 36 hours.

Semi-finished products and raw materials








Sand semi-finished product

Raspberry Cream

Cream on cream

Fruits, candied fruits

roasted nuts

Chocolate glaze

Custard protein cream

Biscuit fried crumb

Butter-whipped semi-finished product

Fruit filling

Cream "Soufflé"

Powdered sugar

Jam (cranberry)


Cake "Lily of the valley". Prepared layers are glued in pairs with fruit filling. The upper layer is smeared with a thin layer of fruit filling and glazed with marbled lipstick. After the lipstick has hardened, the layer is cut into cakes with a hot knife. The sides are smeared with fruit filling and sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. The surface is decorated with raw glaze in the form of a lily of the valley and a border is made.

Cake "Sandy-cream". Prepared sand layers are glued in pairs with cream. The surface is primed with cream and a pattern is applied with a confectionery comb. Cut into cakes with a hot knife. The sides are smeared with cream and sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. The cake is decorated with butter cream, fruit or candied fruit.

Cake "Leaf fall". Shortbread dough is prepared with the addition of cocoa powder and chopped roasted nuts. Molded in the form of round cakes. After baking, align the sides. After cooling, three cakes are layered with jam on the bottom, and chocolate cream on top. The top cake is placed upside down. The surface and sides of the cake are smeared with jam. The surface is glazed with lipstick, the sides are sprinkled with sand chips. 12 sectors are marked on the surface of the cake, and each is decorated with cream in the form of green leaves and patterns of white and chocolate cream.

Recipe for the preparation of a shortbread semi-finished product with cocoa and nuts, G : butter - 269; granulated sugar - 180; melange - 63; cocoa powder - 54; roasted nuts - 90; soda - 0.45; ammonium - 0.45; salt - 1.8; essence - 1.8; flour - 486. Yield: 1,000.

Cake "Pest". Three round sand cakes are layered with jam or preserves. The surface and sides are primed with protein cream. Decorate with protein cream and powdered sugar.

Cake "Dobryninsky". Prepared sand layers are layered in pairs with protein cream mixed with cranberry jam. The surface and sides are primed with protein cream. The sides are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs. The surface is decorated with protein cream, jam cranberries and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Cake "Ivushka". Three round shortbread cakes are layered with raspberry cream on cream. The surface is primed with cream on cream. The sides are smeared with raspberry cream on cream and sprinkled with chopped roasted nuts. The surface is decorated with a cream-on-cream border and a chocolate-glazed willow branch.

cream recipe, G : butter - 788; cream 35% fat - 189; granulated sugar - 452; vanillin - 0.4; cognac or wine - 27. Yield: 1,318.

Recipe for making cream on raspberry cream, G : butter - 3,032; cream 35% fat - 725; granulated sugar - 1,736; vanillin - 0.4; cognac or wine - 124; raspberry confiture - 1,181. Yield: 6,077.

Cake pigeon's milk". The cake is made in a rectangular shape. After baking, the whipped semi-finished product is leveled and put into a rectangular shape without a bottom. Cover with a layer of cream "Bird's milk" and put the second layer of the semi-finished product. Fill the mold with cream on top and put in the refrigerator until the cream has completely solidified. After cooling, the cake is cut out of the mold with a thin knife. The surface and sides are glazed with chocolate. After it hardens, a pattern of chocolate is applied to the surface of the cake.

Recipe for the preparation of whipped semi-finished product, G : butter - 106; granulated sugar - 106; melange - 75; vanillin - 0.1; flour 140. Yield: 310.

Recipe for the preparation of the cream "Bird's milk" (Soufflé), G : granulated sugar - 308; molasses - 155; agar - 4; water - 130; butter - 200; condensed milk with sugar - 94; egg whites - 60; vanillin - 0.3; citric acid - 2. Yield: 790.

Cake "Sand-fruit". The cake can be made square or round. Prepared sand layers are layered with fruit filling. The surface and sides are smeared with fruit filling. The surface is decorated with fruits, candied fruits and jelly is poured in several stages. After the jelly has hardened, the sides are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs.


layer cakes

I. Algorithm for making puff cakes

1. Preparation of puff semi-finished product (in the form of layers or cakes) and finishing semi-finished products

2. Leveling the sides

3. Gluing the layers (the top layer is placed upside down)

4. Priming, lubrication or glazing of the surface

5. Cutting into cakes (for layers)

6. Finishing the sides

7. Finishing (decoration) of the surface

II. Distinctive features of cooking

layer cakes

Puff pastry is formed in the form of layers or cakes of a round, oval shape. To do this, puff pastry is rolled into a layer to the desired thickness and blanks are cut out with the help of rings. Puff cakes are not soaked in syrup. The top layer in the preparation of cakes is placed bottom up, because the bottom is more even.

Recipes for making puff cakes are shown in table 27.

Table 27

Semi-finished products and raw materials

Weight, g for preparation of 10 pieces

Puff with cream

Puff with confiture

Moscow puff


Puff semi-finished product

fruit filling

Crumb puff


Powdered sugar

creamy cream


NOU SPO "Barnaul cooperative technical school
Altai Krai Consumer Union"

Course work
in the subject "Technology of catering products"

Topic: Assortment and technology for the preparation of puff cakes and pastries

1. The value of confectionery in nutrition and in improving the work of public catering establishments

1.2 requirements for the quality of raw materials used to prepare the dough

2.1 Technological process of dough preparation

2.4 Characteristics of the range of puff pastry products
2.5 Requirements for the quality of products, conditions and terms of their storage

The health of the working people largely depends on correct, scientifically based, well-organized nutrition. A feature of its organization is that food must not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively meet the physiological needs and capabilities of the human body.
In modern conditions, public catering is gradually moving to the path of industrialization. Modern enterprises equipped with perfect technical means are being created; they use progressive technology, introduce scientific organization of labor and production, apply new forms of service.
In the assortment of public catering enterprises, along with dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, eggs and dairy products, a large place is occupied by flour culinary and confectionery products: pancakes, pancakes, pies, pies, pies, pies, pastries, cakes, cookies, gingerbread, etc. These products are of great variety and high quality.
Flour confectionery products are of great importance in nutrition. Since the raw material from which they are prepared is the main source of energy, a plastic material for building tissue cells.
The composition of flour confectionery products includes fats of animal and vegetable origin, which are involved in fat metabolism and contribute to the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Proteins, which contribute to the construction of cells, carbohydrates, which serve as an energy material for muscle work. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, C, D, as well as E and K, which are involved in all vital biochemical processes in the body.
Puff pastry products are distinguished by a great variety and high quality.
The relevance of my work lies in the fact that it has practical significance for public catering enterprises. The results of the work done can be used to develop recipes for puff pastry products and determine the technological standards for laying raw materials, which is necessary for a healthy, balanced and tasty diet.
The purpose of my work: to study the methods of making products from puff pastry.
The goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:
1. Determine the importance of confectionery in human nutrition;
2. Describe the range of puff pastry products;
3. To develop a menu of confectionery products from puff pastry for the dining room;
4. Compile technical and technological maps for the proposed menu.
The course work consists of two parts. In the first part, the characteristics of raw materials for the preparation of puff cakes and pastries are given. The second chapter of the work is devoted to the technological process of preparing puff pastry.
In the course of the work, I used various literature: periodicals, magazines, newspapers, scientific and educational literature, Internet resources.
In conclusion, the main conclusions of the work done are presented.

1. The value of confectionery in nutrition and in improving the work of public catering establishments
Flour confectionery products are of great importance in the nutrition of the population. Their basis is flour, which contains a significant amount of carbohydrates in the form of starch, as well as vegetable proteins. Starch is converted into sugar in the body and serves as the main source of energy; proteins are the plastic material for building cells and tissues. Sugar is added to most flour confectionery products, as a result of which they are enriched with easily digestible carbohydrates. Eggs, used in the manufacture of many products, contain complete proteins, fats and vitamins.
Thanks to the use of eggs, fats (butter, margarine) or products rich in fats (milk, cream, sour cream), the content of vitamins in confectionery products is increased. In their manufacture, spices and other substances are used that not only improve the taste and aroma, but also accelerate the assimilation of these products.
In the conditions of modern production, the confectioner must have certain knowledge and the necessary practical skills. According to the qualification characteristic, the confectioner must know: the main properties of raw materials and semi-finished products used for the preparation of confectionery; types of flour and its properties; range of manufactured products; methods of organoleptic assessment of the quality of raw materials and semi-finished products; technology and mode of preparation of confectionery products, as well as creams and lipsticks; ways to finish products with lipstick, marzipan, chocolate and cream; rules for the technical operation of equipment, ways of economical consumption of energy, fuel; the procedure for using the collection of recipes; requirements for the quality of products, types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them; advanced work practices, rational methods of labor organization and requirements for the maintenance of workplaces; safety at work, sanitation and hygiene rules, as well as internal labor regulations.
The confectioner needs to have a good sense of smell and subtle taste sensations, skillfully combine flavoring substances in various proportions to obtain products with a pleasant delicate taste and aroma.

1.1 Raw materials used in the preparation of dough
For the preparation of confectionery products, various main and auxiliary products are used, which, depending on their type, structure, and purpose, are subjected to preliminary preparation and processing.
The main types of raw materials for kneading puff pastry are flour, butter, eggs, salt.
With the help of weighing equipment, table dial scales, we weigh the raw materials of each item.
Wheat flour is a powdered product that is obtained by grinding wheat grains.
In confectionery products use the highest, first and second grade. Flour is included in all types of dough, which are prepared at catering establishments.
Wheat flour of the highest grade - very soft, fine grinding, white color with a slight creamy tint, sweet taste. Cakes, cakes, waffles, as well as the best biscuits and various products from yeast dough are prepared from this flour.
Grade I wheat flour is soft, but less finely ground than premium flour, the color is white, but with a slightly yellowish tint, gingerbread, cookies and other yeast dough products are prepared from this flour.
Wheat flour II grade - coarser grinding than premium flour, its color is white, with a noticeably yellowish or grayish tint. Used in small quantities in the manufacture of inexpensive varieties of gingerbread and cookies.
Butter - produced from cream, it contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E. Butter can be salted and melted, without foreign odors and flavors, with a uniform color (from white to cream). If the surface of the oil is cleaned or covered with mold, then pure oil goes for creams to prepare the cookie mass. Before use, the butter is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough, lubricated with cake molds, for a golden biscuit. Butter increases the calorie content of products, improves taste, enhances their aroma.
Butter is not salty, you can replace it with salty, but taking into account the salt it contains. In the manufacture of cream salted butter can not be used. In the manufacture of all confectionery products, except puff, butter biscuit and cream, butter can be replaced with melted butter (1 kg of butter corresponds to 840 g of melted butter). It is recommended to store the oil at t 2-4°C in a warm room in a carefully closed container, the oil deteriorates under the influence of light.
Eggs are a high-calorie product widely used in the manufacture of confectionery products, containing proteins, fats, minerals and other substances. Eggs, due to their properties, improve the taste of products, give them porosity.
Egg white has binding properties, is a good foaming agent, retains sugar, which explains its use in the production of creams, marshmallows, airy and some other types of dough. The volume of protein, when whipped, increases seven times, the addition of sugar reduces the volume by 1.5 times.
The yolk of an egg is rich in proteins, fats and vitamins (A, D, B 1, B 2 and PP). Thanks to lecithin, the yolk is a good emulsifier. A large number of yolks makes it possible to obtain a stable emulsion of water and fat in the batter, which is used in the manufacture of waffles and cookies. Yolks improve the structure of the dough, give a delicate taste to products.
In confectionery, only chicken eggs and products of their processing are used.
Public catering establishments use only chicken eggs, waterfowl eggs are not used, because. they are contaminated with salmonella germs.
If the eggs are contaminated, then they are placed in a bucket with holes and released into the water for 5-10 minutes, disinfected with a two percent solution of bleach.
The freshness and good quality of eggs can be determined using an ovoscope or immersed in a ten percent solution of table salt: fresh eggs will sink to the bottom, spoiled eggs will float.
Eggs are broken into a separate bowl (no more than 3-5 pieces) and, after checking their good quality, they are poured into a common cauldron. Prepared eggs are filtered through a sieve with cells no larger than 3 mm. Weight of one egg 40 gr. Eggs can be replaced with various egg products, however, in the manufacture of creams, substitution cannot be made.
Salt improves the taste of products. It is crystalline sodium chloride (NaCl), soluble in water. Store it at a relative humidity of 75%. Before use, the salt is sifted through a sieve with cells of 1.5-2 mm. Salt in crystals is pre-dissolved and filtered through a sieve with 0.5 mm mesh.

1.2 Requirements for the quality of raw materials used to prepare the dough
The quality of flour is determined by color, humidity, grinding size, smell, taste, acidity, content and amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, minerals, harmful and metallic impurities.
The chemical composition of flour depends on the composition of wheat, the type of flour and the grinding mode.
The color of the lower grades of flour is darker and more heterogeneous. It depends on the color and amount of bran. Flour of the highest and first grades is white with a creamy tint. By color, in many cases it is possible to roughly determine the grade of flour.
The moisture content of flour is of great importance both during storage and in the preparation of products from yeast and other types of dough. According to the standard, flour consists of 14.5% and should not exceed 15%. All recipes are designed for this humidity. In flour with high humidity, favorable conditions are created for the development of mold and infection with flour pests. When baking from such flour, the output of the product is reduced, in addition, when using flour with high humidity, the flour consumption rate increases. Tentatively, humidity can be determined by strongly squeezing a handful of flour into a fist. If a lump forms, then the flour has a high moisture content, if the flour crumbles in the palm of your hand, then its moisture content is normal.
Flour that has at least a slight foreign smell can be used (in the absence of other signs of poor quality) only after laboratory analysis for the preparation of products with spices or fruit fillings, however, such flour cannot be used for biscuit, shortcrust, puff pastry products that have a delicate aroma. Flour with a slightly bitter taste can be used with the permission of laboratory analysis for the preparation of gingerbread, because. in the preparation of the dough, burnt sugar and spices are added to mask this aftertaste.
Depending on the content of gluten, flour is divided into three groups: 1) 28%, 2) 28-36%, 3) 40%.
Flour with a small amount of gluten is used to make biscuit and shortbread dough, and with a large amount - to make yeast, puff pastry. The quality of flour depends not only on the gluten content, but also on its quality. Good quality gluten cream color, elastic, does not stick to hands, resilient, able to absorb a lot of water. If such gluten is included in the composition of the flour, then the flour is called “strong”. Dough made from such flour of normal consistency, elastic, holds gases well. Products made from such a dough retain their shape during proofing and baking. Gluten of this quality, after washing, forms a sticky, gray, crumbly, low-elastic mass. Such gluten gives "weak" flour.
"Weak flour" - obtained from frost-damaged or pest-damaged grain. Dough made from such flour does not retain moisture well, liquefies, and has a weak gas-retaining ability. This indicator is especially important for flour, from which yeast dough is prepared.
The gas-forming ability of flour is called the measured amount of carbon dioxide, which is formed in a certain time, when kneading flour with yeast and water, at 30 ° C. The higher the gaseous method of flour, the better the quality of the products obtained from it.
Carbon dioxide is formed in dough from sugar glucose by the action of enzymes found in yeast and flour. The more glucose in the test, the more carbon dioxide it contains.
From flour with low gaseousness, products are obtained with insufficient volume, finely porous, and their crusts are poorly stained. Flour of the second grade has good gas formation, the method for determining gasity is the ability to produce in laboratory conditions by experimental kneading and fermentation with a small amount of dough.
When storing flour in bags, they are first opened, cleaned from the outside of dust and opened along the seam with a special knife.
The flour is shaken out of the bags under the sifters. The remains of flour in bags cannot be used for the manufacture of flour products, because. they contain dust and fibers, grass seeds, metal impurities.
When sifting flour, foreign impurities are removed: it is enriched with oxygen, air, which contributes to the deepening of the rise of the dough. In winter, flour is brought into a warm room in advance so that it warms up to t 12 ° C.
It is recommended to store the oil at a temperature of 2-4 ° C in a dark room in a carefully closed container; Under the influence of light and oxygen in the air, the oil deteriorates.
For cooking, you must use eggs without defects:
Pouring - partial mixing of the yolk with the protein, without a spoiling odor.
Odoriness is an extraneous, easily volatile odor acquired during storage with other products.
Drying - drying of the yolk to the shell, when stored in a box, they were in one position for a long time (considered technical eggs), they are not subject to food.
Krasyuk is a rupture of the yolk membrane, a complete mixing of yolks with proteins that occurs during long-term storage.
Blood ring - the presence of blood vessels in the form of a blood ring on the surface of the yolk as a result of the development of the embryo, which occurs in fertilized eggs.
Cuff - the opaque contents of the egg as a result of the development of bacteria (bacterial cuff or moldy cuff)
Mirage eggs are eggs taken from an incubator as unfertilized.
Trovyanka - eggs do not differ in appearance from fresh ones, but they have a specific smell, two or three drops of an egg can ruin the entire batch.

2. Technology for making puff pastry
2.1 Technological process of dough preparation
Dough preparation consists of the following operations: dough kneading, oil preparation, layer formation.
Test batch. Water is poured into the bowl of the dough mixer, melange, salt, acid and flour are added (7% of flour is left for dusting, 10% for preparing butter). Knead the dough for 15-20 minutes so that the gluten swells better.
Oil preparation. At the same time as kneading the dough, prepare the oil. It is cut into pieces, placed in the bowl of a dough mixer, flour is added and mixed until a homogeneous consistency. Flour is added to butter in order to bind the moisture of the butter. If this is not done, then during the rolling of the dough, the layers stick together, which prevents uniform layer formation. The prepared butter is molded into rectangular flat pieces of a certain mass and put in the refrigerator for 35-40 minutes to cool to 12-14°C. A lower temperature is not recommended, as the butter will crumble and break the dough layers when rolling.
Layering. The finished dough is rolled out into a rectangular layer 20 mm thick or a piece of dough is rolled up in the form of a ball, which is then cut crosswise with a knife into four parts and rolled out 20-25 mm thick.
Chilled butter is placed in the middle of the layer and the dough is wrapped in an envelope. Saw with flour and, starting from the middle, roll out the dough into a rectangular layer 10 mm thick.
The resulting layer is folded into four layers: two opposite ends are connected, but not in the middle, but closer to one edge, and then one layer is applied to the other. Roll out again to a thickness of 10 mm and fold into four layers. You need to roll out in all directions smoothly, slowly. With fast and sharp rolling, the dough layers are torn, and the products are obtained with poor rise. The dough is placed in a refrigerator for 35-40 minutes to cool to 12-14°C. During cooling, the mechanically disturbed structure of the dough, the elasticity of gluten are restored, as a result, when the dough is further rolled out, the layers do not tear.
After cooling, the dough is rolled out twice more and folded into four layers. The wrapped dough is placed in a refrigerator for 30 minutes to cool and restore gluten, and then rolled out into a layer of the required thickness.
In total, roll out and fold the dough into four layers 4 times. The dough prepared in this way is considered the best in quality and consists of 256 layers.
When rolling out the dough on the machine, the sequence of operations is the same as when rolling out manually.
When cutting puff pastry, make sure that the knives or notches are sharp, as blunt equipment crumples the edges of the dough, and this prevents it from rising. It is also impossible to crush the edges of prepared products with your fingers.
So that the dough layers laid on the baking sheets do not deform during baking, they are not rolled out according to the size of the baking sheets, but slightly longer and wider. When laying on baking sheets moistened with water, the dough is shifted from the edges to the center.
The surface of the puff is smeared with an egg; do not grease the edges of the products, as they harden during baking, and this impairs the rise of the dough. A puff that is sprinkled with sugar should not be lubricated with eggs mixed with water, sugar dissolves in water, and when baking, the product becomes unattractive. Puffs are baked at a temperature of 210 - 230 degrees without moisture, very carefully, without shaking, otherwise the products will settle and a raw layer will form - hardening.
During baking, the butter between the dough layers melts, the moisture from the dough evaporates into the space between the layers, the volume of the products increases by 2-3 times, the products become fluffy and layered. Before baking, some products are calcined in several places, otherwise they are severely deformed.

2.2 Processes occurring during kneading and baking products
During kneading, complex processes occur that cause a continuous change in the properties of the dough.
Swelling of gluten and starch occurs within an hour. In the first period of kneading, the dough is sticky and wet; as the kneading continues, the dough ceases to be sticky and easily lags behind the hands.
The duration of kneading dough from flour with weak gluten should be less than from flour with strong gluten. In the process of kneading, the dough acquires new physical properties: elasticity, extensibility and elasticity.
In the manufacture of dough, the kneading temperature is of great importance, which affects the quality of the products. The temperature of the dough during kneading is affected by the temperature of the main raw material, i.e. flour.
In winter, if the flour did not come from the warehouse, it is brought into the room before use so that the temperature rises to 12 ° C.
Oil gives products a rich taste, friability, layering. The oil introduced into the dough in a plastic state is evenly distributed over the surface of the gluten, forming films. Proteins swell less, gluten is less elastic and breaks easily. When baking, oil retains air better, products are obtained with a greater lift.
The oil introduced into the dough in the molten state is distributed in the dough in the form of drops and is poorly retained in finished products, standing out on the surface. An increase in the amount of oil makes the dough loose, crumbling, a decrease reduces the plasticity and friability of products.
Eggs give products a pleasant taste, color and create porosity. Egg white has foaming properties, loosens the dough. During baking, the protein coagulates, the elasticity and strength of the product structure depend on it.

2.3 Disadvantages arising during the preparation of the dough, causes and their elimination
Below are the disadvantages that can occur in the manufacture of puff pastry, and the reasons for their occurrence.
Table #1

Products with poor lift
The dough is layered or did not stand between rolls; rolled out with strong pressure (quickly) and the layers broke
Products with bad layers
Bad gluten dough; little salt; dough and butter were not the same consistency
Products with uneven lift
Dull knives or notches; grease or fruit filling leaked to the edges
Products are compressed
Lots of salt. The dough has not rested for a long time before baking.
The crumb is dry and hard
Little oil; when laminating, the sprinkles were poorly swept from the dough; oil partially leaked out because the oven was not heated enough
The crumb is dense with temper
High oven temperature. During baking, the product was shaken or removed early
The surface of the product is gray
Low oven temperature
The surface of the product is dark
High oven temperature

2.4 Characteristics of the range of puff pastry products
The basis of puff pastries and cakes is a semi-finished product baked or on sheets in the form of puff layers, which are then cut into rectangular and square strips or in piece form in the form of various shapes (tubes, horns, rolls, bows, etc.).
Strips and piece semi-finished products are layered or filled with cream and finished with cream, fruit, powdered sugar.
Layer cake "Napoleon"
Cake "Napoleon" is a rectangle of layers of puff semi-finished product glued together with cream; the surface of the cake is covered with cream, plentifully sprinkled with puff crumbs and sprinkled with powdered sugar.
After the baked layers have cooled, one of them is placed on an aluminum or plywood sheet with the bubble side up and covered with an even layer of cream. On top of the first layer, a second layer is applied with the bubble side down, which is lightly pressed with a plywood board or sheet and the same is done with other layers. The surface of the glued layers is covered with an even layer of cream and sprinkled with crumbled scraps of puff, formed during the trimming of the layers.
Puff pastry is rolled out into a layer 5 mm thick. Cakes are cut out from this layer of dough with a round notch. Half of the cakes are placed on a baking sheet moistened with water and greased with an egg, the middle of the remaining cakes is cut out with a smaller notch, after which they take the form of rings. These rings are placed in the form of a side on the cakes laid on a baking sheet. Lubricate the products with yolk and bake for 25-30 minutes. at a temperature of 250-260°. After cooling, the flounces are filled with stuffing.
puff tongues
Flour is swept from puff pastry, rolled out in a layer 5-6 mm thick, and then cakes are cut out with a corrugated oval notch 7 × 10 cm in size. Flat cakes are placed on a table sprinkled with granulated sugar and rolled out in length, pressing them to the sugar. After that, the products are placed on a sheet moistened with water, so that the side covered with sugar is at the top. So that the tongues do not swell during baking, a strip is drawn along the middle with a notched cutter. Tongues are baked at 220-250 ° until the sugar on the surface begins to melt slightly, which gives the products a shine.

2.5 Requirements for the quality of products, conditions and terms of their storage
Product quality requirements:
Napoleon cake"
The product is of the correct form, without kinks and dents. The surface is decorated with powdered sugar. The color of the cakes is cream or golden, cream - depending on the ingredients that make up the composition. The consistency is firm and retains its shape. Taste and smell sweet, not cloying. Without foreign impurities and discrediting signs.
Round products with a good rise; in the upper part there is a hole filled with minced meat.
puff tongues
Products of an elongated oval shape, the surface is covered with crystals of granulated sugar, in the section there is a layered structure; light yellow color; the dough is dry, brittle, easily delaminates.
Terms and conditions of storage:
Cakes and pastries should be sold in the distribution network on the day of manufacture, since with high humidity, the presence of sugar and protein substances, they are easily subjected to microbiological deterioration: fermentation, souring, molding.
Of particular danger are products with creams, especially dairy (custard). In creams, a microorganism such as Staphylococcus aureus easily develops. This poses a particular danger to the consumer. These microorganisms do not develop in the cream when included as salts of sorbic acid (potassium sorbate). In butter creams, the preservative effect of sugar is manifested. The content of sucrose in the liquid phase of the cream should not be less than 60%. The effect of sugar is that it increases the osmotic pressure in the medium and thereby prevents the development of microorganisms. Therefore, the sugar content in the liquid phase is the main indicator of the stability of products with cream during storage. The sugar content in the aqueous phase is inversely related to the moisture content of the cream. As the moisture content of the cream increases, the sugar content in the aqueous phase decreases.
Cakes and pastries with cream and fruit finishes should be stored in refrigerated cabinets and chambers at a temperature of (4±2)°C. In the absence of these conditions, the sale of cakes and pastries in the distribution network is not allowed. Cakes and pastries without cream finishing after baking, cakes and pastries with fat and praline finishing semi-finished products should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 18 ° C and relative air humidity 70 ... 75%. The shelf life of cakes and pastries under the specified conditions from the end of production is from 6 hours to 30 days or more. The minimum shelf life is accepted for products with custard, cream (6 days). With cottage cheese cream, the shelf life is 1 day. The shelf life of products with butter cream containing a preservative, in the absence of a refrigerator, is 36 hours. In the presence of a refrigerator, it increases to 5 days. If the composition of the cake or pastry contains various finishing semi-finished products, the shelf life is set according to the shelf life of the finishing semi-finished product, which has the shortest shelf life.

Having fulfilled the goal and completed the tasks, I believe that puff pastry flour confectionery products are of great importance in nutrition and should become part of all national cuisines. They have many positive qualities: beautiful appearance, good taste, aroma and are easily absorbed by the body.
As a result of writing the work, it was found out that the peculiarity of the preparation of puff pastry is rolling it into very thin layers, between which there are layers of oil.
The finished puff semi-finished product consists of thin layers of baked dough, easily separated. The outer layers are hard and the inner layers are soft.
Cookies, cakes, pastries, pies and other products are mainly prepared from puff pastry.
In this paper, I have considered the technology for preparing products from puff pastry. The quality of raw materials was determined, preparation and dosage were carried out. The dough was kneaded and the product was prepared on the basis of the data in the main regulatory document - the Collection of recipes for bakery and flour confectionery products, and the knowledge gained in the course of industrial practice at the enterprise.
As a result, the goal of the work set before writing is fulfilled, the tasks are solved, the work can be used as a teaching aid for confectioners when preparing puff pastry.


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At large catering enterprises, the management of labor protection is assigned to the deputy director, at other enterprises, to the director. In confectionery shops, the management of labor protection is assigned, in addition to managers, also to the head of the shop.

Managers are obliged to organize control over the implementation of labor legislation, orders and instructions of higher organizations.

Together with the trade union organization, they develop an action plan to create normal and safe working conditions, organize briefings, exhibitions, lectures, display of transparencies, posters on labor protection and fire fighting equipment. The head of the shop supervises the good condition of the operated equipment, machines, fences, the timely implementation of preventive maintenance of equipment, vehicles and the safe conduct of loading and unloading operations.

For newcomers, the head of the shop is obliged to conduct an introductory briefing and monitor the timely provision of workers with high-quality sanitary overalls. The head has the right to suspend work in certain areas in cases where it is dangerous to health, and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The most important measure aimed at preventing accidents is the mandatory conduct of production briefings. All employees who first come to work and students sent to the workshop for internships undergo introductory briefing. Briefing at the workplace and repeated briefing is carried out to consolidate the rules and instructions for labor safety and the ability to apply skills in practice. Unscheduled briefing is carried out when changing the technological process, acquiring new equipment. Occupational diseases of confectioners are

liver disease, flat feet, varicose veins.

Occupational safety in the operation of technological equipment . All electrical equipment is grounded, that is, metal parts are connected to grounding conductors laid in the ground. Due to this, when a person is included in the circuit, a current passes through his body that does not pose a danger to life. There should be rubber mats in front of circuit breakers and machines and the inscription: "High voltage - dangerous to life." The danger of electric shock increases at elevated room temperatures, in humid and damp air.

The safety of working on mechanical equipment depends on the design of the machine, the presence of guards, alarms and interlocks. Before starting the machine, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the working chamber and near the moving parts of the machine. Tidy up the workplace and overalls, check the presence of guards for moving parts of the machine. Check the serviceability of the starting equipment and the correct assembly of interchangeable mechanisms. Start the machine and test at idle, make sure the drive shaft rotates in the direction of the arrow.

Do not overload the machine chamber with products; when pushing meat into a meat grinder, vegetables into a vegetable cutter, you must use a wooden pusher. When working on a universal drive, it is necessary to remove and install interchangeable mechanisms of the machine only when the electric motor is turned off. After a complete stop of the car. While the machine is in operation, it is not allowed to leave it for a long time. To prevent injury to the hands when working on the dough mixer, the safety guard must be closed. Replaceable bowls are fastened with a locking mechanism, the fastening strength is checked before starting. The bowl is rolled and rolled only with the kneading lever in the upper position. Load the bowl after stopping the machine. Before transportation, the bowl is fixed on the carriage with a screw brake. Add products to the dough mixer with the engine running.

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