Home Main courses Beet salad with green peas and tomato. Salad of beets and green peas or beans. Beet salad with beans

Beet salad with green peas and tomato. Salad of beets and green peas or beans. Beet salad with beans

Set out to learn a foreign language, but don't know where to start? We will tell!
Nowadays it is very important to know foreign languages, but no one likes cramming words and phrases. Therefore, to begin with, define the goal - why do you need knowledge of the language? Motivation is very important.
It’s boring to study something if you just need it “for show” or for evaluation. In that case, you need to come up with an idea, goal, dream, Napoleonic plans ... For example: “I’ll learn a foreign language and write scripts for Hollywood films!” After all, if you have a dream, then everything is much easier to do. To learn how to memorize words in an easy and fun way, there are a few tricks.
If you repeat the same thing over and over again, it will be remembered well. Especially if you are good at listening to everything. Just write down some words or phrases with translation to the voice recorder on your phone or download audio lectures for yourself and listen to them constantly - on the way to school or during household chores. For those who remember information better visually, it is better to write words and phrases. You can print or write them with the translation on cards and lay them out in a conspicuous place: hang them on the refrigerator, the door, next to the bed. Every time you pass by, read and say them. It is best to memorize words by topic: professions, fruits, clothes, colors, irregular verbs, etc. You should not memorize a large number of words or phrases at a time, preferably no more than 10 or 20.
There are many different applications and sites on the Internet that will help you learn a language. But their only drawback is that you have to constantly sit at the computer.
A positive attitude should be in everything, in training - in the first place. If you find something funny in every word or phrase, it will be remembered right away! You can try to speak a foreign language with relatives and friends. You can find associations to the word. For example: look (look, look, appearance) - “bow”, you can remember it as: “I look at the bow”.
If you have favorite movie or book(which have been translated into Russian), watch or read in the original language, without translation or with subtitles only. You roughly know the content, and it will be easy for you to understand the meaning. So you will understand how and in what situation it is better to use words.
A foreign language requires constant communication otherwise everything is quickly forgotten. Therefore, new words must be alternated with those already learned. And repeat, repeat, repeat... In social networks it is easy to find native speakers who will talk with you with pleasure. You can not only improve your language skills, but also make friends all over the world. Turn on the positive and let it help you learn languages! Everything will be all right!

Beetroot is an incredibly healthy and tasty root vegetable, which is often used as the main ingredient in dishes. and beans are bright, juicy, and appetizing. You can use both canned products and fresh, self-boiled. It is not at all necessary to heat treat even the root crop; it is often used raw. Healthy snacks should certainly appear on the table as often as possible, especially since all products are very inexpensive.

Such easy-to-cook and bean recipes are ideal for those who want to get rid of excess weight and just lovers of delicious food. The dish helps to cleanse the intestines, and, accordingly, helps to lose extra pounds. It is prepared very simply and incredibly quickly, and it tastes amazing.

Required components:

  • 300 gr. beets;
  • 300 gr. peas from a jar;
  • 250 grams of pickled mushrooms;
  • 300 gr. canned beans;
  • 30 gr. dill;
  • 2 gr. salt;
  • 20 gr. butter.

Salad with beets and beans recipe:

  1. The beets are washed, dried and wrapped in foil, baked.
  2. After cooking, the root crop is cooled, cleaned, cut into cubes.
  3. Drain excess liquid from mushrooms.
  4. Beans and peas are thrown into a colander, the entire marinade is decanted.
  5. All products are mixed in a salad bowl.
  6. Dill is washed, dried and finely chopped, added to the composition.
  7. Salad is poured with oil, added and mixed again.

Tip: beetroot salads should be served immediately, dishes do not need to be infused. After a while, the root crop will release juice, and, accordingly, the whole snack will flow, it will no longer look so appetizing.

Beet salad with beans

Necessary components for a salad with beets and peas:

  • 200 gr. herrings in oil;
  • 2 Italian tortillas;
  • 150 gr. beets;
  • 100 gr. peas in a jar;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 80 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 100 gr. rice
  • 150 gr. fresh cucumbers.

Salad with peas and beets:

  1. Beets are washed and boiled with a regular brush, then cooled.
  2. The root crop is cleaned and rubbed on a medium-sized grater.
  3. Garlic is freed from the husk, crushed in a garlic maker, mixed with grated beets and a small amount of mayonnaise.
  4. Cucumbers are washed, peeled and grated for Korean vegetables.
  5. Rice is well washed and poured with water, salted and boiled. After cooking, recline in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  6. Two circles are cut out of the tortilla, the diameter of which should correspond to the diameter of the dish in which the salad will be served.
  7. One cut out tortilla is placed on the bottom.
  8. Top it with a layer of beets mixed with garlic and mayonnaise.
  9. The next layer is laid out half of the cooked rice and cucumbers, smeared with mayonnaise, as well as all other products later.
  10. Peas are placed on top of them, which had previously been thrown into a colander and dried.
  11. Then again rice and cucumbers.
  12. After that, beets, herring and the second cut out cake.

Beet salad with beans

Vegetables topped with pickled mushrooms are a delicious dish. The appetizer combines the best and brightest flavors. The salad will harmoniously fit into both the festive atmosphere and simply find its rightful place on the dining table.

Required components:

  • 200 gr. beets;
  • 200 gr. carrots;
  • 200 gr. potatoes;
  • 200 gr. sauerkraut;
  • 200 gr. canned beans;
  • 200 gr. pickled champignons;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 40 gr. oils;
  • 4 gr. salt.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Beets, potatoes and carrots are washed with a brush, put in separate saucepans with water and put on the stove, boiled.
  2. After boiling, the roots are cooled, peeled and cut into cubes.
  3. The entire marinade is decanted from a jar of mushrooms, the mushrooms themselves are laid out on a board and each copy is crushed in turn into slices.
  4. Onions are peeled, washed and chopped into thin slices.
  5. The beans are thrown into a colander, dried.
  6. Cabbage is squeezed out of the liquid by hand, the strips are shortened.
  7. All prepared products are poured into one salad bowl, salted, and oil is added to them.
  8. Finally, mix well with a spoon.

Important! Preparing such a salad for the future is strictly prohibited. The shelf life of the dish is only twelve hours, after which the snack can no longer be eaten.

Beans and peas are great additions to salads. They allow you to get enough of the dish even if there is no meat or fish in the composition. At the same time, beet salad with green peas looks much presentable, the consistency is heterogeneous, and the taste is multifaceted. Often, such snacks are used in diet food, and vegetarians are not indifferent to them. And just lovers of healthy and healthy food at the same time will appreciate gastronomic masterpieces.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

Quite frequent guests at our table. It is enough to remember, without which it did not pass, and even now does not pass, not a single feast. What original can surprise guests? Salad "Dawn" with beets and peas will be an excellent solution to this problem.

To prepare this wonderful salad, we need:

- one large beet,
- 4 eggs,
- 2 medium onions,
- 350 gr. canned peas,
- a pack of mayonnaise (200 gr.).

Step by step recipe with photo:

First we need to boil the beets. Even experienced housewives are often lost and do not know how to do it right and how long the whole process will take. There are several options for preparing this vegetable. Option one. Wash the beets thoroughly under running water and clean them from sand and earth. Put in a saucepan, fill with cold water. And here we already cook depending on the size of the beets. If the root crop is small or medium, then it will take an hour and a half. If the beets were born large, then it will take two hours. Readiness check with a fork or knife. Ready beets become soft and easily pierced.
Option two. This is usually what professional chefs do. Medium-sized beets should be boiled for 30 minutes, and then transferred to ice water or put under a stream of cold running water. Thus, from temperature changes, the vegetable will reach readiness and become soft.
While the beets are cooking, set the eggs to boil. It also has its own tricks. In order for the eggs to be cleaned well, when cooking, you need to add a teaspoon of salt, and then lower the finished eggs into cold water.

Now it's time for the bow. We clean it and cut into strips.

For this salad, onions are marinated. We do it this way: 150 gr. boiling water take half st. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and 50 gr. vinegar. Pour the cooked onion and leave to marinate for half an hour. Onions prepared in this way are perfect not only for salads, but also for barbecue.

Cut hard-boiled eggs into cubes.

We rub the boiled beets on a coarse grater.

We open the peas and proceed to the direct preparation of the salad.
Place half of the grated beets on the bottom of a deep plate or salad bowl and coat with mayonnaise.

Spread lightly squeezed pickled onions

Now comes canned peas. And again we coat a little with mayonnaise.

Lay the chopped eggs on top of the peas.

And put the rest of the beets on top and decorate the salad with a mesh of mayonnaise.
It will be great if you let the beetroot salad brew for 30-40 minutes.
Now you can serve.

You can be sure that the Zarya salad will decorate any table. And your culinary skills will be beyond praise.

Almost like a vinaigrette, one might say by looking at this recipe. Say and be wrong! Indeed, in vinaigrette, the main taste is not set by beets at all (although there is no way without it), but by pickled cucumber. And in our salad there is a fresh cucumber, and the dressing is prepared not from vegetable oil, but from mayonnaise. And the rest, yes - a bit like a vinaigrette. Also beets, also peas. After all, the beauty of culinary creativity is to create many different dishes from a certain set of products.

So, we are preparing a simple and delicious beetroot salad with green peas!


  • 1 large beet;
  • 1 can of peas (about 200 g);
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt.


1. We prepare products for the salad.

2. Boil beets in salted water for 40-50 minutes. Checking the beets for doneness is very simple: you can easily pierce them with a fork or knife. After cooling and peeling.

3. Cut the beets into small cubes.

4. Pour the beetroot cubes into a salad bowl. Drain excess water from canned peas and add it to a salad bowl.

5. We first peel the cucumbers, after which we also cut them into small cubes. The liquid that stands out during cutting must be drained.

6. Send cucumbers to a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

7. Thoroughly mix the salad.

8. Fill with the desired amount of mayonnaise. You can use both store-bought mayonnaise and make your own mayonnaise from eggs and sunflower oil with a drop of lemon juice.

If you don't know how to make a beet and green pea salad, then in this recipe we will tell you all about creating such a dish. Salad can also be served on Lent, on days when vegetable oil is allowed.

Beets for him can be baked or boiled. In the first option, juiciness and vitamins and minerals will remain in the vegetable. In the second - it will cook faster. Canned green peas can be completely replaced with frozen peas, after blanching them in boiling water for about 5-6 minutes, remembering to add citric acid to the water so that the peas do not darken.

So, let's prepare the necessary products for the salad with beets and peas and start cooking! We immediately peel the onion from the husk, rinse it in cold water. Let's open a jar of canned green peas, salt the marinade, leaving only peas.

Peel the beets, rinse and cut into rings. Put them in a cauldron, pan or saucepan. Fill with hot water and boil for 15 minutes from the moment the liquid boils in the container. We will not salt the water, but it is not forbidden to add a little sugar - then the vegetable will acquire a sweetish aftertaste. After cooking, transfer the boiled beetroot pieces to cold water for 5 minutes to cool.

At this time, cut the peeled onion into half rings, fry in heated vegetable oil until golden brown for about 3-4 minutes.

We cut the cooled pieces of beets into medium cubes, laying the slices in a deep salad bowl.

Here we will pour out canned green peas.

Put the fried onion half rings together with vegetable oil - they will play the role of dressing.

Let's add salt. Grind the washed dill or parsley.

Gently mix the entire contents of the container with each other.

Put on plates and serve. Salad with beets and peas is perfectly stored for about a day in the refrigerator.

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