Home Bakery How many calories and vitamins are in boiled potatoes? Boiled potatoes

How many calories and vitamins are in boiled potatoes? Boiled potatoes

Potatoes have many different properties and are very versatile in cooking. In order to correctly introduce it into your daily diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the product in different types of preparation, which determine the beneficial properties and the presence of certain components.

Potato composition

Due to its special composition, potatoes are widely used in cooking and even in folk medicine.

The most important components are the following:

  • Starch, which accounts for about a quarter of its composition, also has 2% protein and a small proportion of fat.
  • Amino acids. The composition of this product is distinguished by the content of an almost complete set of amino acids, including those that have the status of indispensable for our body.
  • Potassium, phosphorus, carbohydrates. It is enough to consume only 300 grams of potatoes per day to fully provide yourself with potassium, phosphorus and carbohydrates.
  • Useful minerals. Among the vitamins, potassium predominates in it, for 100 g of wet weight you can get about 600 mg.
  • Other useful substances. The amount of phosphorus (50 mg per 100 grams) and a large number of various vitamins, as well as good reserves of magnesium, calcium and iron.

An interesting fact about the composition of potatoes: in each individual tuber, you can find about one percent of the ash. Most of the minerals are found in the bark.

calories in boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes quite suitable for daily home diet, and depending on the method of preparation, the presence of milk and other additives that affect the energy value of the product, the energy value may have different values.

The vast majority of sources tell us that 100 grams of boiled potatoes have only 80 kcal. At first glance, not so much. However, do not forget that boiled potatoes are used in cooking as a side dish, which means they can be served with more high-calorie foods.

potatoes on the water

Water-cooked potatoes are considered one of the most low-calorie meals that can be prepared from this vegetable.

It turns out quite logically - without using any high-calorie supplements, you get only the base value. energy value cooked potatoes. Thus, the product becomes more suitable for dietary purposes.

The value of the energy value of potatoes cooked in boiled water, subject to the basic recipe standards, is 80 kilocalories.

The addition of various spices does not affect this value in any way. In addition, this is an average figure, and it may vary slightly depending on the variety and quality of the product. Some varieties are less caloric, such as Jerusalem artichoke, the composition and useful properties also have some differences.

Any dairy products
added during the cooking process, can increase the calorie content of food to a certain extent. If we are talking about oil, again the question arises, what kind of oil is added and how. The most common additives with the name "butter" are dairy and vegetable oils.

In case you add butter based on cow's milk, the energy value of the cooked potato will be about 127 kcal. However, this applies butter. We must not forget that butter may not be dairy at all, and accordingly the value will also be different.

Look here.

With vegetable oil, things are about the same. With a slight difference, such a dish is inferior in energy value, receiving approximately 124.7 kcal. All this per 100 grams of cooked food.

jacket potatoes

Jacket potatoes, that is, cooked in water, are considered one of the most “harmless” varieties in terms of calories and cholesterol.

Possessing the smallest possible calorie value among other possible dishes from this product, it receives the status of a "universal" dish that is suitable for almost any food system.

However, the term "jacket potato" refers to a number of other wonderful recipes, which differ significantly both in the method of preparation and in the possible calorie content.

It can also become the most satisfying representative of dishes from this vegetable, if you use pieces of melted lard or, as the common people say, “with cracklings” in the cooking process.

In this case, for 100 grams of the dish you will get a solid value of 171.3 kcal with an abundance healthy fat, which significantly changes the energy value of the product.

Is it possible to eat boiled potatoes while losing weight?

Anyone who knows firsthand about the diet can convince you that the potato itself is very high in calories. And with all of the above, they will be absolutely right, because for many it is unusual to use it without high-calorie additives or not fry in oil. But does this mean that it is not suitable for a daily diet during a diet?

In fact, the answer to this question is not entirely clear. Baking potatoes in the oven or subjecting them to simple cooking, we get completely fat-free and very tasty dish, capable of transferring enough energy to actively spend several hours in a row.

Another thing is the temptation or habit to increase its calorie content with all sorts of fatty sauces and meat sauces. After all, the psychological factor is key in any diet. If you can enjoy the undiluted taste of specially prepared potatoes, then eating them will not interfere with the diet in any way, and in some cases even diversify.

How to cook potatoes for weight loss?

To eat potatoes for dietary purposes, it is enough to follow a few recipes that were mentioned earlier.

The least high-calorie is a dish from this product cooked on water (or in uniform), as well as potatoes baked in the oven or at the stake, which also saves more useful substances.

To give a special taste and satiety, you can add a little olive oil, it is slightly less high-calorie than vegetable and in small quantities will not harm the diet at all.

Useful properties of potatoes


Potatoes can be called a universal product, which is suitable both for high-calorie nutrition for prolonged physical activity, and for dietary purposes, if necessary, normalize metabolism or lose a few kilograms. The purpose is determined by the recipe, or rather, the calorie content of the ingredients.

Using the above tips, you will be able to clearly control each use of this product, ensuring that any goals of the developed nutrition are achieved.

The calorie content of potatoes is not as high as those who go on a diet think. It turns out that in a young potato there are only 66 kcal. per 100 g. If you cook it correctly, you can get a huge benefit.

Potatoes in our latitudes are a revered guest on every table. It can be eaten at any time of the year. So many dishes are prepared from potatoes that it is almost impossible to remember everything at once. We can no longer imagine a day without soup with potatoes, hot mashed potatoes with a cutlet, okroshka, etc. Potatoes fried, boiled, stewed, in potato pancakes and zrazy, dumplings with potatoes, rustic potatoes and french fries, chips, in their skins and baked - Yes, how many more varieties!

Many consider this product to be harmful for those who follow their figure. Not everyone knows how many calories in a potato, but the myth about it high calorie and harm to losing weight is rooted in the minds of people. It is believed that if you eat potatoes every day, you can gain extra pounds. Is it so?

The high calorie content of potatoes is a myth! However, harm to health, figure, condition of hair and skin is an absolute truth! Moreover, if you cook and eat potatoes correctly, there will be no negative consequences. Improper preparation and use will certainly lead to the appearance of excess fat accumulation.

Benefits and composition

In vain they scold this root crop for the fact that, apart from feeling a full stomach, it does not bring a person any benefit. First of all, potatoes are really tasty! In any form! Secondly, it contains the following useful substances:

  • minerals;
  • vitamins (B, C);
  • protein;
  • amino acids.

The whole truth about potatoes: video

How to cook?

In order not to destroy all the useful properties of potatoes, you need to learn how to cook it correctly:

  1. Before cooking, the product is poured with such an amount of water that it only covers the tubers by no more than a finger's thickness. A large amount of liquid dissolves all useful substances. This also applies to jacket potatoes.
  2. After boiling, the fire on the stove must be reduced so that the product only boils slightly.
  3. When boiling potatoes, the lid of the pot should be slightly ajar so that the water does not boil away.
  4. Without a lid, the root crop will cook much longer.
  5. After cleaning, the potatoes should not be in the water for more than half an hour.

Let's talk about calories

Boiled potatoes: counting calories

How many calories are in boiled potatoes? You will be surprised! For 100 grams of product - no more than 70 kcal. However, the number of calories directly depends on the method of cooking and serving the dish. For example, cooked with sour cream, fried onions or butter, the root vegetable increases calories significantly.

How many calories are in boiled potatoes per 100 grams of product, cooked different ways, is listed in the following:

  • boiled in a peel (“rustic” or in uniform) - 77 kcal .;
  • cooked without peel - 80 kcal .;
  • boiled with butter - 127 kcal.;
  • boiled with onions fried in vegetable oil - 125 kcal .;
  • crushed with hot milk - 97 kcal .;
  • boiled, crushed with mushrooms - 102 kcal.

Very high calorie puree with pieces of fat. It reaches 171 kcal. In dumplings with potatoes, the energy value of the dough is also added. Oven baked potatoes (in uniform) - 98 kcal.

Mashed potatoes

One of the most popular dishes on the European table is mashed potatoes. It comes from France - the country of gourmets and true connoisseurs of taste. Delicate texture and delicious aroma mashed potatoes each of us knows from childhood. A big plus for those lovers of delicious food who at the same time are trying to lose weight is that the energy value of mashed potatoes is not much higher than the calorie content of a boiled counterpart.

If you cook this dish traditional recipe with butter and milk, then there will be no more than 133 calories per 100 grams of product. It is easy to guess that reducing calories means eliminating one of the additional components. And you can do both!

An option to reduce the calorie content of mashed potatoes is to make it with a raw chicken egg instead of milk and vegetable oil instead of butter. Then the figure will be - 128 kcal. per 100 grams of product.

Perfect puree: video recipe

Fried potato

One has only to remember a sizzling frying pan with potatoes, as thoughts about the dangers of fatty foods and the calorie content of such a dish begin to fade and recede. How many calories in fried potatoes depends on the cooking option and the ingredients of the dish. So, cooked in oil (with the exception of fries and chips), there are significantly fewer calories than in the same dish cooked in lard.

  • fried in vegetable oil - 204 kcal .;
  • calories fried potatoes on lard - 212 kcal .;
  • beloved by fast food lovers, french fries and chips from McDonald's or have an exorbitant amount of calories - over 316 units!

Despite the last figure, people are simply crazy about these harmful and high-calorie dishes. Nutritionists will not change their minds about the fact that fatty foods and chips will never be healthy and promoted. If you want to eat right and take care of your health, then remember how many calories are in fried potatoes, french fries and chips, and give up these foods.

Homemade chips in the microwave: video

New potatoes

Scientists have found that calories tend to accumulate in a vegetable as it is stored. So, in a young potato per 100 grams of the product contains:

  • raw - 61 kcal .;
  • boiled or baked - 66 kcal .;
  • in a dish with butter and herbs - 84 kcal.

The calorie content of fried potatoes, even young ones, is much higher! boiled or baked potato can serve as a dish for the diet of a losing weight person, but from fried product should be rejected outright.

How to quickly peel young potatoes: video

Potato calorie table

Name of the dish Number of calories (kcal.) in 100 g.
in uniform 77
Without peel 80
Young without skin 66
With butter 127
Young with butter and herbs 84
With fried onions 125
With milk 97
With butter and milk 133
With fried mushrooms 102
With fried lard 171
in uniform 80
Without peel 77
Rustic 117
On vegetable oil 204
On fat 212
Stewed with chicken and vegetables 145
Free 312
Potato dishes
potato soup 40
Casserole 110
Fried pies 185
baked pies 150
Draniki (pancakes) 268
Zrazy 268
Vareniki 148
"Lays" ("Lays") 510
"Estrella" ("Estrella") 518
"Pringles" ("Pringles") 540
Homemade in the microwave 118
Baby Potato
With dill and vegetable oil 128
Baked with meat 130
Baked with cheese 115
Baked with cheese and butter 158
Gratin with chicken 261

The most useful is young potatoes, boiled with skin - "rustic". If there is such a product without various dressings and salt, then this can become an additional medicine to the main course of drugs for certain diseases. If you do not like boiled new potatoes, you can eat them baked in their skins.

So, the calorie content of potatoes is not as high as everyone believes. It turns out that we ourselves raise it with the help of various sauces and seasonings.

Boiled potatoes are a common dish that is prepared simply and quickly. It is served both independently and as a side dish for any meat. The calorie content of boiled potatoes can be different and depends on the method of its preparation and the use of additional ingredients.

Composition of boiled potatoes

The root crop, which was prepared by cooking, retains its composition of nutrients and nutrients as much as possible. As for the energy value, the calorie content of boiled potatoes in 100 grams is 84 kcal.

Energy composition

  • 16.5 carbs;
  • 0.5 fat;
  • 2.0 proteins.

Changes due to the inclusion of additional ingredients in the recipe different kind and quantities. It is also influenced by the way the dish is prepared: in uniforms or without peel.

For example, the calorie content of boiled potatoes with butter is 118 kcal (per 100 g of the dish). Energy composition the following (provided that 20 g of butter and 40 g of greens are taken per kilogram of tubers):

  • 15.5 carbs;
  • 4.1 fat;
  • 1.9 proteins.

The main ingredient in potatoes is starch. Its content is 13-25%, it depends on the type of variety and the time of storage of root crops. During the cooking process, the starch content does not change or slightly decreases.

Vitamins and minerals

A boiled root crop retains almost the entire composition of vitamins:

  • choline - 13 mg;
  • vitamin C - 7-8 mg;
  • vitamin PP - 1.5 mg;
  • folic acid - 10 mcg;
  • phyllolichon - 2 mcg.

Also in small quantities are vitamins of group B (namely B, B2, B6), as well as vitamins D and E, carotene.

The amino acids which are a part of boiled tubers are acquired quickly and well. Thanks to minerals, the body is alkalized.

The composition of minerals is rich in:

  • iron - 0.31 mg;
  • potassium - 328 mg;
  • calcium - 8 mg;
  • magnesium - 20 mg;
  • manganese - 0.14 mg;
  • copper - 167 mg;
  • sodium - 5 mg;
  • selenium - 0.3 mg;
  • phosphorus - 40 mg;
  • zinc - 0.27 mg.

Calorie content of boiled potatoes in 100 grams, as well as its composition depends on the shelf life ready meal. In fresh boiled tubers, the maximum composition of trace elements and vitamins is preserved. The longer they are stored, the more useful properties is lost.

How many calories are in boiled potatoes

A raw root crop has a relatively low calorie content: only 80 kcal per 100 g. During cooking, it can decrease or increase - it all depends on the preferred type of cooking and the method of serving.

The calorie content of potatoes boiled with butter increases significantly, and if you boil it in water, it becomes lower or slightly higher:

Depending on the type and method of cooking, the number of calories in boiled potatoes varies:

  • with peel (“in uniforms”) - no more than 75 kcal;
  • young with skin - 68 kcal;
  • without peel - from 84 kcal;
  • young without peel - 77 kcal.

Also, the calorie content of boiled potatoes as full meal depends on the products with which it is served:

  • mushrooms - 105 kcal;
  • garlic + vegetable oil- 125 kcal;
  • lard - 175 kcal.

Thus, the calorie content of boiled potatoes in their skins is the lowest. The value is even lower if the root crop is a young variety. That is why the dish is considered dietary and is recommended for those wishing to bring their weight back to normal.

How Low Calorie Boiled Potatoes Can Help You Lose Weight

Eating less to lose weight is a common misconception. In fact, the process of weight loss depends on the ratio of consumed and expended kilocalories per day.

Weight loss is successful when the number of kilocalories consumed daily is less than the individual threshold for maintaining body weight. With a standard threshold of 1000 kcal per day, you should consume no more than 900 kcal. If more - the weight will increase, much less - too. A nutritionist determines the calorie threshold with an individual calculation of height, body weight and physical activity.

The potato diet is one of the effective means for weight loss, if the recommendations of nutritionists are followed. The calorie content of potatoes boiled in water is very low, so it is an ideal product for a mono-diet. The best time to lose weight “on potatoes” is the end of summer. At this time, the market offers various varieties of young potatoes with a maximum content of nutrients and a minimum of starch.

There are several options for the potato diet:

  • fast (lasting 3 days);
  • 7 days.

The first option is great for fasting days and allows you to lose 1-4 kg of weight. It is not recommended to eat anything other than tubers cooked on water (200-300 g), kefir (or skimmed milk - 1-2 cups), greens and plain unboiled water.

The second option involves the following menu:

  • Breakfast - a glass of kefir or low-fat milk;
  • Lunch - 250 g of unsalted puree on the water with a small amount of greens;
  • Dinner - an egg and 200 g of boiled root vegetable salad with cucumber, herbs and a small amount of vegetable oil.

The potato diet is not balanced, it can lead the body into a state of stress. That is why it is recommended to use it with a break of 4 months.

The mention of this type of diet is doubtful for many, since the root crop is considered high-calorie. But getting better from boiled potatoes, cooked properly and eaten in reasonable quantities, is impossible.

How to boil potatoes

For those who adhere to the principles proper nutrition and strives to keep his figure normal, experts give recommendations on cooking boiled potatoes.

  1. For taste, garlic or dill are added to the pot with the tubers being cooked. If the dill is chopped, it is wrapped in gauze.
  2. The skin of potatoes "in their uniforms" will remain beautiful and even if you add 4-5 drops of vinegar to the water.
  3. Before cooking the tubers in their skins, they are thoroughly washed, then dipped in hot water. So the protein will curl up, so that the amino acids will not be destroyed during the preparation and storage of the finished dish.
  4. Reduce the cooking time by adding butter or margarine to the water.
  5. On average, the process of cooking a root crop does not exceed 20 minutes over medium heat. In order for all tubers to reach readiness at the same time, it is better to choose them of the same size.
  6. Pour enough water into the pan so that it only covers the stacked vegetables, but does not exceed their level.
  7. So that the dish does not have a bitter taste, not yet boiled, but already hot water is drained from the pan, poured with clean hot water.
  8. Vitamin C is preserved as much as possible if the tubers are dipped in already boiling salted water, and then simmered under a closed lid.
  9. Root crops will not crumble and will retain their shape if you throw three circles of pickles into the water.
  10. The benefits of the dish will be higher if the potatoes are mashed immediately after cooking.
  11. Potato dishes react with aluminum, as a result of which a large amount of useful substances are lost. Therefore, it is better to store them in aluminum, glass, plastic dishes.
  12. raw egg, driven in before mashing the puree, makes the dish healthier and less high-calorie.
  13. Old tubers cannot be boiled in the peel: it is peeled in a thick layer, because a substance harmful to health, solanine, has accumulated under it. To avoid its negative influence, 2-3 cloves of garlic are added to the pan, and the primary water (hot to boiling) is drained.
  14. You can not eat green root vegetables - they contain a lot of solanine, which has penetrated deep inside.

The calorie content of boiled potatoes without peel per 100 grams depends on the method of preparation of the dish. This note considers the number of calories in boiled potatoes on water, in uniform, with butter.

Calorie content of boiled potatoes per 100 grams 81 kcal. In a 100-gram serving of the dish:

  • 1.9 g protein;
  • 0.5 g fat;
  • 16.8 g of carbohydrates.

In spite of heat treatment, boiled potatoes retain most of the nutrients. The product is saturated with B, A, E, K, C vitamins, minerals calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, copper.

Calorie content of boiled potatoes in uniform per 100 grams

Calorie content of boiled potatoes in uniform per 100 grams 79 kcal. In 100 g of the dish:

  • 2.2 g protein;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 18.2 g of carbohydrates.

Stages of cooking boiled potatoes in their skins:

  • Rinse 1 kg of potatoes well, pour into a saucepan with water;
  • add 2 g of salt to water with potatoes;
  • boil the vegetable for half an hour.

Calorie content of young boiled potatoes per 100 grams

Calorie content of boiled young potatoes per 100 grams is 62 kcal. In 100 g of boiled vegetable:

  • 2.3 g protein;
  • 0.5 g fat;
  • 12.3 g of carbohydrates.

Young potatoes have a lot of useful properties. The boiled product is characterized by a pronounced antioxidant effect, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, and is useful for preventing diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Calorie content of boiled potatoes with butter per 100 grams

Calorie content of boiled potatoes with butter per 100 grams 118 kcal. In 100 g of the dish:

  • 1.9 g protein;
  • 4.1 g fat;
  • 15.2 g of carbohydrates.

Steps for cooking boiled potatoes with butter:

  • 1 kg of potatoes are peeled and boiled in salted water;
  • 20 g of butter, 20 g of dill and 20 g of parsley are added to boiled potatoes;
  • Serve the dish hot.

The benefits of boiled potatoes

The following benefits of boiled potatoes have been proven:

  • boiled potatoes are rich in vitamin C, which is useful for strengthening immunity;
  • due to the saturation of potatoes with potassium, this product is characterized by a pronounced diuretic effect. This property of the vegetable is actively used in the treatment of many diseases of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys;
  • a decoction of boiled potatoes is useful for reducing pressure;
  • compresses based on boiled potatoes are used to treat bruises and eliminate swelling;
  • all of you, for sure, know miraculous potato inhalations. With their help, inflammation in the nasopharynx and cough are quickly eliminated;
  • Boiled vegetable masks are quite popular. To prepare such a mask, ground boiled potatoes are mixed with egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Harm of boiled potatoes

The harm of boiled potatoes is infrequent. The following contraindications to the use of boiled potatoes are known:

  • a vegetable with oil will have a high fat content and calorie content, therefore it is contraindicated for weight loss, exacerbation of diseases of the liver, gallbladder, during a diet;
  • nutritionists do not advise eating more than 250 g of boiled potatoes. Otherwise, there may be malfunctions in the digestive tract, manifested by diarrhea, flatulence, heaviness in the stomach, bloating;
  • you can not eat green boiled potatoes. It contains a lot of the poisonous substance solanine.


Nutritional value and chemical composition "Boiled potatoes according to 1-206".

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of the edible part.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
calories 75 kcal 1684 kcal 4.5% 6% 2245 g
Squirrels 2 g 76 g 2.6% 3.5% 3800 g
Fats 0.4 g 60 g 0.7% 0.9% 15000 g
Carbohydrates 15.8 g 211 g 7.5% 10% 1335
Alimentary fiber 1.4 g 20 g 7% 9.3% 1429
Water 78.9 g 2400 g 3.3% 4.4% 3042
Ash 1.3 g ~
Vitamin A, RE 3 mcg 900 mcg 0.3% 0.4% 30000 g
beta carotene 0.02 mg 5 mg 0.4% 0.5% 25000 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.1 mg 1.5 mg 6.7% 8.9% 1500 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.06 mg 1.8 mg 3.3% 4.4% 3000 g
Vitamin B4, choline 13.2 mg 500 mg 2.6% 3.5% 3788 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic 0.509 mg 5 mg 10.2% 13.6% 982 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.269 mg 2 mg 13.5% 18% 743 g
Vitamin B9, folate 9 mcg 400 mcg 2.3% 3.1% 4444 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic 14.5 mg 90 mg 16.1% 21.5% 621 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.1 mg 15 mg 0.7% 0.9% 15000 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone 2.1 mcg 120 mcg 1.8% 2.4% 5714 g
Vitamin PP, NE 1.5 mg 20 mg 7.5% 10% 1333
Niacin 1.1 mg ~
Potassium, K 499 mg 2500 mg 20% 26.7% 501 g
Calcium Ca 12 mg 1000 mg 1.2% 1.6% 8333 g
Magnesium 22 mg 400 mg 5.5% 7.3% 1818
Sodium, Na 95 mg 1300 mg 7.3% 9.7% 1368
Sulfur, S 17.1 mg 1000 mg 1.7% 2.3% 5848 g
Phosphorus, Ph 54 mg 800 mg 6.8% 9.1% 1481
trace elements
Iron, Fe 0.8 mg 18 mg 4.4% 5.9% 2250 g
Manganese, Mn 0.14 mg 2 mg 7% 9.3% 1429
Copper, Cu 167 mcg 1000 mcg 16.7% 22.3% 599 g
Selenium, Se 0.3 mcg 55 mcg 0.5% 0.7% 18333
Zinc, Zn 0.27 mg 12 mg 2.3% 3.1% 4444 g
digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 14.9 g ~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 0.9 g max 100 g
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 0.1 g max 18.7 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids 0.01 g from 0.9 to 3.7 g 1.1% 1.5%
Omega 6 fatty acids 0.032 g 4.7 to 16.8 g 0.7% 0.9%

The energy value Boiled potatoes according to 1-206 is 75 kcal.

Main source: Skurikhin I.M. and etc. Chemical composition food products. .

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet application.

Product Calculator

The nutritional value

Serving Size (g)


Most foods cannot contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis


The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to caloric content, you can understand how a product or diet meets the standards of a healthy diet or the requirements of a particular diet. For example, the US and Russian Departments of Health recommend that 10-12% of calories come from protein, 30% from fat, and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake.

If more energy is expended than supplied, then the body begins to use fat reserves, and body weight decreases.

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Energy value or calories is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during digestion. The energy value of the product is measured in kilo-calories (kcal) or kilo-joules (kJ) per 100 grams. product. The kilocalorie, which is used to measure the energy value of food, is also called a "food calorie", so when calorie values ​​are reported in (kilo)calories, the prefix kilo is often omitted. You can see detailed energy value tables for Russian products.

The nutritional value- the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

The nutritional value food product - a set of properties of a food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person in the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

vitamins, organic substances needed in small amounts in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. The synthesis of vitamins is usually carried out by plants, not animals. The daily human need for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heating. Many vitamins are unstable and "lost" during cooking or food processing.

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