Home Preparations for the winter Unusual dishes of German cuisine. German cuisine

Unusual dishes of German cuisine. German cuisine

At the mention of the name of almost any country, each person has some kind of culinary association: Italy is strongly associated with pizza, Japan with sushi, China with Peking duck, Greece with Greek salad. Germany, on the other hand, became famous all over the world for its love for numerous and varied sausages, sausages and, of course, for beer. Indeed, the passion of the Germans for sausages is obvious - among the traditional dishes German cuisine includes over three hundred of their species, and each region of the country has its own cooking recipes. Very often sausages, sausages and sausages become ingredients for snacks, salads, hot and even first courses. However, it would be a mistake to say that the main dish of German cuisine is sausage.

Table in the German style.

The culinary history of German cuisine dates back many centuries and has its own geography. In traditional German dishes, one can often notice the influence of the cultures of neighbors - Italy, Belgium, France. It is noteworthy that sixteen German regions have their own preferences and traditions in cooking. Each region is a separate "culinary story".

Historical culinary traditions

German cuisine has a huge number of regional dishes - Black Forest cake, Westphalian ham, Swabian dumplings, Bavarian fish soup with meatballs and pickles.

The sequence of the German meal has not changed for many centuries. For instance, classic breakfast a resident of Germany necessarily includes boiled eggs, ham or sausage, bread and sandwiches with jam. Lunch consists of several courses - soup, starter, main course and dessert. Moreover, the meal is necessarily accompanied by sandwiches with cheese, fish or sausages. For dinner, the Germans eat mostly only cold dishes. It is also impossible not to note the fact that traditional drink Germany - beer, the Germans drink at lunchtime, and the inhabitants of this country sit at the table at least five times a day.

Sausage abundance.

It's amazing how great the Germans' love for hearty food is. Everyone knows that Good Friday imposes significant prohibitions on the consumption of certain categories of products, including meat. The Germans went to the trick - pork lovers came up with original recipe- meat with the addition of herbs and vegetables began to be wrapped in pasta. During the time of church prohibitions, the Germans began to use such a dish with the words - "God will not see meat under pasta."

Soups in German cuisine

Lunch for the Germans is the time of the main meal. Soup is an integral part of this meal. The first dishes in Germany are prepared in their own way and have their own distinctive features. Very often, sausage, sausages or sausages are added to the soup. For example, even the familiar pea soup here they also cook with the addition of sausages.

The famous Eintopf soup.

The most common soup recipes in German cuisine are sauerkraut soup with sausages, potato soup in Saxon style with bacon, Weimar onion soup. meet and quite unusual recipes soups - for example, strawberry soup, which is prepared with strawberries and wine.

Eintopf is the most satisfying and rich soup in German cuisine. It is prepared from meat, several varieties of smoked meats and sausages. Such a dish, as a rule, replaces both the first and second dishes.

In addition to soups, German cuisine contains a huge variety of broths. Moreover, the Germans use the broth in different versions - with eggs, with dumplings, with vegetables or rice. The most unusual German soups are beer and bread.

Traditional German food

The main distinguishing feature of German cuisine is satiety. It is noteworthy that culinary traditions with characteristic European features are also distinguished by the unusual simplicity of cooking. The most common products, for example, in Germany are potatoes, meat and vegetables. The “crown” dish of the Germans can be safely called a rather simple dish to prepare - Bavarian sausages with stewed cabbage, which can be found on the menu of every restaurant in this country.

Sauerbraten is an original dish of German cuisine.

Another equally interesting classic German dish is the sweet and sour "Sauerbraten", which is a typical example of the original cuisine of Central Germany. Preparing the dish is quite simple - the beef is marinated in wine and vinegar for several days, after which it is stewed with the addition of raisins, beetroot syrup, ginger, apples and vegetables. This dish is usually served on the table with potato dumplings or diced apples.

White Bavarian sausage - "weisswurst" - is another unusual dish that Germans most often eat for breakfast. It is noteworthy that this dish has a very light, even airy texture and consists of pork, veal, herbs and lemon. This sausage is usually consumed hot.

In some regions of Germany, sausages are so popular that they are consumed at any time of the day - at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Moreover, the Germans use sausages and sausages both as an independent dish with or without a side dish, and as additional ingredients for salads, soups or second courses.

In addition to sausages, many varieties of cutlets, schnitzels, steaks and schnelklops can be included in the traditional meat cuisine of Germany. It is noteworthy that the Germans are not too fond of spices and seasonings in the process of cooking, so spicy recipes in the traditional cuisine of Germany you will not meet.

Wismar fish.

Fish occupies a special place in German cuisine; it is prepared not only as an independent dish, but is also used to make salads, appetizers, and sandwiches. It is noteworthy that in different regions fish and seafood are prepared in their own way. own recipes. For example, Wismar-style fish is stewed with the addition of lemon zest, herbs and onions, and the main ingredient for giving piquant taste Munich-style fish is the beer in which the product is cooked.

Vegetables in German cuisine are used to prepare almost all meat, first, main courses, appetizers and salads. The most common side dishes in Germany are boiled potatoes, carrots, cabbage, spinach, and turnips. These products are even original fillings for pies.

Bread and pastries in German cuisine

TO bakery products the inhabitants of Germany are also not indifferent, as well as to meat products. A huge number of bakeries, pastry shops and bakeries operate throughout this country. The taste of German bread is specific and unusual, due to the presence of the main ingredient - rye flour. That is why German bread is usually called "earthly". At the moment, there are over three hundred varieties of bread alone, not to mention numerous butter cookies, bagels, pies with marzipan, pumpkin, fruit, cream and other fillings.

Pumpernickel is one of the most unusual varieties German bread. For its preparation, unsifted coarse rye flour is used. By appearance this bread resembles a dark brown sticky and thick mass.

Cakes are another culinary weakness of the Germans. Sweet dishes and pastries in this country are prepared, as they say, "from the heart." Each cake can be called a real multi-layered and extraordinarily beautiful masterpiece. For example, “Baumkuchen” (“tree-pie”) is a cake that not only has a unique taste, but also has its own cooking secrets. V batter a wooden roller is dipped with cardamom, cloves and a special kind of beans. Circular movements are carried out exactly thirteen times, due to which circles are created in the mass, resembling cuts of a tree. After such manipulations, the cake is cooled for a day, and then covered with vanilla, white or milk chocolate.

Traditional drinks in Germany

Of course, the traditional and beloved drink in Germany is beer. Bavaria can rightly be called the beer capital of the world. It is here that 965 square miles of green hops are located. Not surprisingly, there are beers in Germany that cannot be tasted in other countries - Pilsen lager beer, sweet beer with a high alcohol content - bock beer, Düsseldorf altbier, wheat beer ("hefeweizen"), a unique German hazy beer.

In addition to beer, Germans enjoy drinking wine. However, due to the cold climate, winemaking is not widespread here. The most popular type of wine is apple cider. On cold winter evenings, many Germans prefer to warm up with hot red wine with orange peels and cloves in earthenware cups or mugs.

German cuisine cannot be called dietary. Almost all dishes are prepared exclusively by frying, stewing and baking. The centuries-old culinary traditions of the Germans are noteworthy. A huge number of so-called rituals or ceremonies have been preserved here to this day. V holidays, for example, the inhabitants of Germany bake from the dough "glukschwein" ("happy pig") - a pie in the form of a pig, in whose mouth a coin is put. Such a dish not only pleases guests with its funny look, but also brings good luck and financial well-being to the house.

Guests of the Academy Restaurant Business there will be a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the cuisine of Germany, not going on a long journey, but visiting our next one.

Definitely define what is german national cuisine almost impossible. Each land has its own dishes and varieties.

In the southern part of Germany, there are many dishes typical of Austria and Switzerland. In the southwest, a significant influence french cuisine. The cuisine of the eastern part has adopted much from Eastern European cuisine. There are also dishes that are present in all lands, but are prepared in different ways. Sauerkraut is a good example.

German cuisine

German cuisine is considered very nutritious, with an emphasis on meat and potatoes. This is partly due to the relatively northern geographic location. During cold winter periods Germans have to eat high-calorie and nutritious food to maintain health. Such dishes, for example, include nutritious potato ingredients (Germany is among the top countries consuming the most potatoes), as well as National dish sauerkraut, rich in vitamin C. Meat is plentiful in Germany, and this is evident from the quantity meat dishes in German cuisine. Among the favorite types of meat are pork, beef, veal, game and meat from animals obtained by hunting.

The most consumed meat is pork, followed almost equally by beef.

Among the game, the most popular is chicken, although duck, goose and turkey are also very popular. The goose is being prepared for the Christmas holidays.

Traditional dishes of German national cuisine

There are many foods and dishes that are immediately associated with Germany. characteristic German national cuisine known and loved all over the world. Germany is the leader in the production of Wurst sausages (about 1,500 varieties). Wurst is a German national product and a huge part of German cuisine. We can say that wurst is sausages and sausages. Usually all these sausages are eaten as an independent dish with a side dish of sauerkraut sauerkraut, potato salad, Brotchen buns, mustard and/or horseradish.

The traditional Viennese schnitzel, known all over the world, is a breaded veal chop. The meat is dipped in flour, egg and breadcrumbs, then fried in butter or vegetable oil until golden brown. Traditionally served with a slice of lemon to drizzle over the schnitzel. For those who don't know what it is german national cuisine, a word of advice... If you are in a German restaurant and don't know what to choose, order a Wiener Schnitzel. You won't regret it, it's incredibly delicious!

The word "sandwich" familiar to the Russian ear is actually the German word "Butterbrot", meaning a piece of bread spread with butter. It is noteworthy that, for example, Americans may think that this is a kind of sandwich. However, in German cuisine, sandwiches are served open (as in Russia) and with only one slice of bread.

The famous strudel is a cake with sweet or spicy stuffing wrapped in very thinly rolled dough. The word "Strudel" means "whirlpool, whirlwind", because the dough is rolled up, and the center of the cake resembles a whirlpool. The most famous variation of strudel is Apple strudel"Apfelstrudel" (apfelstrudel).

Apple strudel is a specialty of Austria and Bavaria. The filling consists of chopped apples, cinnamon, raisins and breadcrumbs. The cake is baked in the oven until golden and crispy. The cake is best served warm straight out of the oven. It is traditionally eaten with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream and vanilla syrup.

Not to mention the beer. Any German beer natural product because its production is strictly controlled by law. There are many types of beer in Germany. For example, some of the huge variety are Alt, Bock, Dunkel, Export, Hell, Kolsch, Lager, Malzbier, Marzen, Pils, Weizenbier. Drinks differ in the proportions of ingredients, brewing temperature and preparation technique, alcohol percentage, aging time, color and taste. It should be noted that german national cuisine primarily associated with beer. Perhaps the reason is the famous Oktoberfest festival, which attracts millions of people to taste this amazing national drink.

German cuisine is famous for its simple and very tasty dishes. Juicy sausages with stewed cabbage are known all over the world, and there is no need to talk about such a wonderful drink as beer. However, in Germany there are a huge number of dishes that may seem no less exotic than, for example, Thai or Vietnamese. Let me introduce you to some of the most unusual dishes German cuisine.

So, let's start with the first dishes.

Everyone knows that the Germans love beer, but few people know that in Germany even soups are prepared from this foamy drink, and there are a great many options for them. The simplest recipe includes beer, water and croutons. But there is also a perfect exotic - beer soup with the addition of cream or milk. As a dressing for such a dish can serve variety of vegetables, bacon or mushrooms, but the most desperate gourmets prefer to fill the beer soup with raisins and sugar.

In general, Germans love sweetish soups, and bread soup, which is very common in northern Germany and other Baltic countries, should be attributed more to desserts than to first courses. The basis for it is rye bread with special additives that give it a special sweet and sour taste. Something similar can be found in our stores, for example, Borodinsky or Karelian bread with cumin.

To begin with, the loaf is cut into small pieces and dried in the oven. The resulting crackers are turned into small crumbs, which can be stored for a long time as a semi-finished product. The preparation of the soup itself begins with the fact that the crackers prepared in advance are poured with warm boiled water with the addition of sugar and honey. When the bread absorbs all the liquid and turns into a homogeneous, viscous mass, it is heated by adding fruit boiled in syrup and whipped cream. Fruits can be very diverse, apples or pears are most often used. The result is very satisfying, but light dish with original taste.

Another not quite traditional first course is the old Hamburg soup Labskaus, a favorite dish of sailors in northern Germany. Originally, Labskaus was a soup that was prepared from what could always be found on any Hanseatic ship. The basis of the dish is corned beef seasoned with juniper berries, the second important ingredient is salted herring. Meat and fish are minced and mixed with boiled vegetables, most commonly potatoes and beets. All this strange mass is put in a saucepan and stewed for half an hour. It is served not too aesthetic in appearance, but unexpectedly tasty dish with fried eggs and pickles. Today, real Labskaus, which over the centuries of its existence has managed to turn from a chowder into a kind of pate, is served in many restaurants in Hamburg, Bremen and other northern German coastal cities.

Baked beans

And if we have already talked about the main dishes, then it would be appropriate to recall another masterpiece of Hamburg culinary specialists - stewed beans. The secret of the recipe is that the beans are stewed in special pots, along with pears and lard. Such, to put it mildly, unusual combination ingredients gives rise to a completely unique taste, and those who dare to try it will be pleasantly surprised.

And, of course, speaking of German second courses, one cannot fail to mention sausages. They are the most various kinds and flowers, even white, like the famous Bavarian Weisswursts. Weisswursts include lard, veal and spices. They are usually served for breakfast, and unlike many others, they are usually not fried, but boiled. According to legend, the recipe for Weisswurst was accidentally invented in the 19th century by the owner of one of the Munich hotels. One day, he discovered that the pantry had run out of lamb intestines, which were used to make casings for traditional sausages, and he had to replace them with pork ones. Out of fear that the pork casing would not withstand the intense heat of an open fire, it was decided to simply boil the sausages in water. The guests of the hotel unexpectedly liked the dish, and rumors about the new recipe quickly spread throughout the city. Nowadays, weisswursts are rightfully considered one of the most delicious German sausages. It is customary to serve them with pretzel (traditional pretzel) and mustard.

It's time to talk about desserts. And here, among the many different pastries, you can also find something not quite ordinary. What is, for example, Pumpernickel. This thick sticky mass, which Westphalians proudly call bread, consists of very coarse rye flour interspersed with whole rye grains. The cooking process takes more than a day, but the result is a tasty and very healthy “liquid bread”. It is usually stored in tin cans, and in such conditions, the shelf life of the product can be calculated in years.

A very unusual cake with a funny name for our ears Baumkuchen, it is customary to bake in Germany for Christmas. Its very name can be translated as "pie-tree", it's all about unusual shape and how to prepare it culinary masterpiece. And they do it like this: first, a batter is kneaded from beans of a special variety, which is seasoned with cloves and cardamom. When the dough takes on the desired consistency, a special wooden roller is lowered into the container with it and scrolled exactly 13 times, after each turn the dough should dry out a little and brown. As a result of this simple, but time-consuming procedure, characteristic grooves appear on the surface of the future cake, somewhat reminiscent of growth rings on a tree trunk. Already finished cake cooled for 24 hours, and then covered with a thick layer of milk or white chocolate.

white beer

And finally, let's move on to drinks. Of course, beer is considered to be the most "German" drink, and some of its varieties can rightfully claim to be unusual.

Residents of the German capital prefer to drink white beer. This is a special, very light variety, characterized by a bright taste and an extremely low alcohol content. Unlike other types of foamy drink, spices are not added to white beer, and hops serve only to increase its shelf life. Such beer has not a bitter, but a sour taste, besides, it is never filtered, and the remains of yeast that got into the bottle continue the fermentation process. That is why it is necessary to open Berlin beer very carefully, the cork flies out of it in the same way as from a bottle of heated champagne. The drink is served, as a rule, in large round glasses, and many residents of the German capital prefer to add sweet syrup to the drink in order to somehow moderate its sour taste. In general, a drink for an amateur.

Another very exotic beer is rauchbier, or smoked beer. And it really is. For the preparation of such a drink, malt is used, previously aged in smoke. The raw materials for smoke can be very diverse, from burnt leaves to smoked ham. Each fragrance from this palette corresponds to a particular variety of rauchbier, giving it its own unique flavor. The taste of this beer is very peculiar and to appreciate it, you need to be a true fan of the foamy drink.

The most famous variety of rauchbier is Bamberg Schlenkerla, the malt for which is aged over burning logs of local beech. The best snack rauchbiers are served with a variety of smoked meats, but the most exquisite pleasure can be obtained by lighting a cigar with a glass of beer.

This is what German cuisine is like. The first courses here can look like desserts, and the main ones combine the most seemingly incompatible products, sour beer, white sausages, and cakes look like firewood harvested for the winter. In any case, the Germans have something to surprise visiting gourmets. When you are in Germany, be sure to try something unthinkable a traditional dish, it will be another vivid impression of this amazing country.

Germany is known for its beer. Every year thousands of tourists come to Oktoberfest in Munich to enjoy the taste of a real German drink. From wheat to Pilsner, strong, light and dark, it offers a rich selection. And although some are limited to beer, the country also has mouth-watering dishes.


Excellent addition to a measure of beer (1 liter). Despite the fact that there are pretzels in Russia, real German cannot be compared with those sold on our street. German comes from the south, from Bavaria, always fresh and soft. It is also often sold butter.

And if you don't like either (which is unlikely), it boasts the widest range of breads in the world. Do you like raisin bread walnuts, sunflower seeds, with carrots, chopped julienne, or whole grain wheat flour, all of which can be found in Germany.

Sausage, mostly fried

Bread and sausages in Germany can be found in any variety. If known for fried sausage with curry sauce, the people of Bavaria eat white sausage with sweet mustard. The name of the first sausage is self-explanatory: it is covered with curry on top.

As for the second, you still need to get used to it. White sausage needs to be cleaned, and to enhance the taste, they usually add sweet mustard. Another Bavarian dish is Wollwurst sausages with veal and pork. And in Thuringia or Nuremberg, you should try bratwurst - grilled sausages with sauerkraut.

Pork stew

Predatory animals will surely enjoy themselves in Germany. If it’s good to buy sausages in the market, then if you want to go to a restaurant, try Schweinebraten. This is roast pork. It is best if you come across a large pork shoulder, separated from the bones. It is usually served with some kind of sauce and dumplings.

fried chicken

And now let's move on to chicken dishes, namely fried chicken. Some believe that this treat is only for holidays and Sundays, but over time it began to be sold in many beer yards and markets. At Oktoberfest, you can get coupons for half a chicken. It may seem like a lot at first, but with a pretzel and beer, you'll be smarting it up in minutes.


Enough about meat. With so many lakes and rivers it can offer a wide variety of fish dishes. To some extent, stekerfish can be considered fast food, because it is often grilled in a beer yard. But it tastes much better than fish with fried potatoes. In turn, in the north you can try shrimp. Herring and rollmops (pickled herring) are also popular.

Eintopf, or Pichelsteiner

It can get pretty cold in Germany in the winter, so soups are popular. However, Eintopf is not just a soup. "Topf" in translation means "pot". This dish implies that a mixture of meat and vegetables must be cooked in this pot.

In the old days, the dish was assembled from leftover food, so there was no single recipe: today they cooked from carrots, tomorrow - only from potatoes. This tradition has survived to this day, and because of the ease of preparation, the dish is served at home and in restaurants in the same way.


Probably, before this paragraph, vegetarians were very upset. But with the case, the situation is different. Spaetzle is a variety egg noodles, sprinkled on top with cheese, usually mild. And very often cooks add fried onions for flavor. Sometimes käsespätzle is served right in the pan – don't burn yourself!


Despite the fact that gingerbread is sold all year round, they are most in demand at Christmas. Their homeland is, and they are baked from ginger dough and sprinkled with chocolate, walnuts, dried fruits and other sweets.

As a rule, gingerbread cookies are round, but now whole gingerbread houses are also baked. They are called "witch's hut".

Rote grutze

This dish takes all the best from Germany's numerous forests. Namely, berries. This dessert is made from red berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, etc. Usually the dish is served with cream or vanilla ice cream.

Black Forest cherry cake

Another sweet dish that came out of the forest. "Schwarzwald" in translation means "black forest". This calorie bomb contains the antioxidants of cherries and the sweetness of chocolate, all packed into a layered cake. We can only say one thing - you will not leave Germany hungry.

04 Feb

So I ate like this or traditional German cuisine

In this article you will learn:

The Germans work meticulously, have fun on a grand scale and eat with taste. Traditional cuisine in Germany is famous for its great diversity. In addition, each German state has its own original dishes, which are their calling card. For example, these are the well-known sausages for which Bavaria is famous or the soup with snails in Baden-Baden.

Features of national cuisine

The variety of gastronomic preferences is explained by the influence on various regions of Germany of the cuisine of other nationalities. So in the south-west of the country, French notes clearly appear. Here, white wine is not only drunk, but also added to all kinds of dishes. Many soups, dishes in clay pots and puddings are prepared.

The Rhineland is dominated by the traditions of Belgian and Dutch cuisine. They are represented by blood sausages, horse meat dishes, potato pancakes and rye cheese buns.

In Bavaria, there is a clear presence of the cuisine of Austria and the Czech Republic. A variety of flour dishes are especially common here. Variety of noodles, dumpling soups, salty cheese pretzels. Also popular are sour cabbage, which is added to many dishes, and liver pates. And, of course, the famous Bavarian beer.

Northwest Germany is famous for its rye bread, and for cooking various dishes use all kinds of root crops and fish. And in the northeast, pork dishes and an abundance of sweets predominate. Even the omelets here are mostly sweet.

In the nutrition of the Germans, as in all areas of their life, they cannot do without their national practicality and thoroughness. The Germans love plentiful, tasty and satisfying food. Perhaps this is due to ancient traditions, when chefs liked to prepare dishes that had to look very appetizing and have a great taste. In addition, traditional German beer has always been combined with the use of not only salty, but also smoked and fatty dishes.

Sausages with sauerkraut

Daily, popular main dishes include meat rolls with mushrooms and other fillings, schnitzels and, of course, sausages. For garnish, pasta, french fries and stewed cabbage. Special place in national cuisine Germany is occupied by sauerkraut, it is considered a favorite dish of the Germans. And they cook it here in all known ways. In addition to adding to salads, it is boiled, fried, stewed and even mashed.

It should also be noted that special dishes served on major national holidays and prepared in full accordance with old recipes. These include: asparagus with braised pork in gravy, stewed pork leg with garnish of potatoes and sauerkraut, and roasted suckling pig.

A special place in German cuisine is occupied by dessert dishes. Sweets amaze with variety: fluffy buns, shortcakes, fruit muffins, biscuits and custards, rice puddings, waffles, and gingerbread. This is just a small list of common, daily desserts.

Deutsch rice pudding

But there are special sweet products that are usually eaten only on Christmas holidays. These include stollen - fruit bread. It is a hard cake with candied fruits, nuts and marzipan added to the dough. It is baked a month before consumption, and aged until it acquires a special taste and aroma. German confectioners add strong alcoholic drinks. They believe that it reveals fruit aromas in a special way, sets off the taste of almonds and chocolate.

German fruit bread - stollen

From drinks besides traditional beer, prepared with special love and according to ancient traditions, the Germans use cider, schnapps and mulled wine. Good wines are also popular.

German mulled wine with cinnamon stick

If we talk about the diet, then the Germans are used to eating up to five times a day. These are traditional breakfasts, lunches and dinners, as well as several intermediate snacks.

Breakfast in German

No German breakfast is complete without bread or rolls. Special attention is paid to these products in Germany. How many varieties of bread there are, no one will undertake to say. It is made from a variety of doughs (for example, potato, carrot) with the most unusual additives (olives, pumpkin seeds). Fresh pastries are served with jam, honey, ham and cheeses.

Breakfast can be supplemented with eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt and fruit. Drinks are traditionally coffee or tea.

As a rule, this happens from seven to eight in the morning. Breakfast times can of course vary depending on people's work schedules.


The Germans begin to dine at twelve o'clock in the afternoon. A full dinner table consists of soup, main course, starter and dessert.

Snacks are represented by varieties of sandwiches. For their preparation, sausages, cheeses, fish and, of course, butter are used. Many snack dishes from eggs, which can be boiled, stuffed, served with sauce. Omelettes with a variety of additives are very popular. Herring and sardine snacks are very popular.

Soups also amaze with the variety of ingredients: beer, potato, cheese, lentil, fish, noodle soup. A component for the soup can also be pumpkin, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli. Ginger is often used as an additive.

The main course consists of grilled or stewed meat, schnitzels, steaks, fish or ground meat dishes. Served with vegetables, potatoes or rice.

Desserts can be very different: cakes, muffins, gingerbread, marzipans and a huge variety of options. They can be served with compote, which is prepared from a large number of fruits with a minimum amount of water.


Dinner takes place from six to seven in the evening and mainly consists of cold dishes. But, nevertheless, it is quite satisfying and plentiful. This fish dishes, baked pork, beef rolls with sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers, sausages and cheeses. During dinner, the Germans allow themselves to drink traditional beer.

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