Home Salads and appetizers Unusual types of ice cream. What are the types of ice cream? And that's not all

Unusual types of ice cream. What are the types of ice cream? And that's not all

The history of ice cream began thousands of years ago - an analogue of dessert existed in Ancient China. Then snow and ice were served at the table, mixed with slices of oranges, lemons and pomegranate seeds. The industry has come a long way since then, and favorite treat acquired many flavors. Now it is served as a separate dish or added to coffee, milkshakes, combined with pastries, marmalade, jam and fruit. There are a variety of recipes with ice cream, a lot of variations and ways to prepare a cold dessert.

We will talk about what types of ice cream are - perhaps you will find new flavors and discover unusual combinations.

What's inside - the composition of ice cream

There are basic types of ice cream, their combinations and original recipes - a matter of skill and imagination of culinary specialists. Depending on the main component, there are:

Classic milk-based ice cream

Milk, cream and ice cream - these types of ice cream are made from milk, their main difference is in the percentage of milk fat.

  • milk ice cream- a product with a fat content of not more than 7.5% fat. It can be used in diet food- a healthy and nutritious dessert contains approximately 120-150 kilocalories.
  • Ice cream contains from 8.0% to 11.5% fat, the calorie content of the product is approximately 180 kilocalories.
  • Cream- a special kind of creamy ice cream, which has become an independent species. The product contains from 12.0% to 20.0% milk fat and has a high nutritional value- Approximately 230 kilocalories. Plombir - ice cream with an unusual delicate taste, which is very popular.

Pay attention to the composition of ice cream - quality product does not contain vegetable fats, preservatives and artificial additives.

Yoghurt ice cream

For the manufacture of the product, a special sourdough, useful lacto- and bifidobacteria are used. Thanks to freezing, ice cream preserves everything beneficial features yogurt and useful for the prevention of dysbacteriosis. Yoghurt ice cream contains 3-6% fat and, if you do not add a lot of sugar to it, it has a reduced calorie content.

Fruit icecream

Dessert is of several types:

  • fruit ice– frozen juice or fruit drink;
  • sorbet- homogeneous fruit and berry puree;
  • sherbet- a mixture of fruit and berry puree and milk-based ice cream;
  • milk ice cream with pieces of fruit and berries.

Popsicles can be made on your own - mix sundae or frozen yogurt with your favorite ripe fruits - a light and healthy dessert is perfect for refreshing in the summer.

Ice cream flavors

On the shelves of the store you can find cold dessert with varied flavors. We will tell you about exotic species later, but now let's remember the ice cream that we have known since childhood:

  • chocolate;
  • strawberry;
  • banana;
  • vanilla;
  • walnut;
  • Creme brulee.

Ice cream with fillings is made from classic, adding berries, cocoa, vanilla, nuts and other ingredients.

Shape and consistency - choose the perfect one

According to the consistency, a cold delicacy is of two types:

  • soft ice cream- creamy ice cream, not complicated in terms of cooking technology. It is produced for restaurants and cafes. fast food. There, from special machines, ice cream is filled into a glass, a cone or a bowl. Dessert should be eaten immediately - it is not intended to be re-cooled.
  • hardened- dense and hard ice cream, which is made in large industries. Its preparation includes many stages, including hardening, better known as shock freezing. This allows the product to be stored for a long time without the addition of preservatives. Hardened ice cream is sold in kiosks and shops - it has many flavors, shapes and packaging. The dessert is well known to us and very popular.

The form

Ice cream is sold by weight or in packages of various formats - containers, cylinders in plastic wrap, cakes and pastries. To give new taste properties to the dessert, waffles are added and wrapped in chocolate icing.

Have you tried Filevskoye ice cream in a waffle cup? Delicate ice cream and delicious waffles - an incomparable combination. Ice cream-cone, in a briquette - each has its own flavor.

Eskimo is the famous ice cream on a stick. Wrapped in chocolate icing or without it, popsicle is loved by us and popular.

You can find ice cream in white, black and milk chocolate, ice cream in the air chocolate icing cylindrical shape.

Fantasy has no limits - author's ice cream recipes

Ice cream with unusual flavors

Perhaps you will not surprise anyone with ice cream with fruit fillings, coffee and pistachios. But have you tried pizza, pasta or smoked chicken? There are some exotics too. From the category of desserts, ice cream "migrated" to the main dishes - it is made from parmesan, corn, popcorn, beets, potatoes and truffles, Borodino bread, chacha and chili peppers.

Fancy Recipes - Fried Ice Cream

Today exotic dish Chinese food is popular in our country. You can find it in oriental restaurants or cook it yourself. To do this, ice cream is divided into portions, dipped in a mixture of eggs and breadcrumbs, then cool well and quickly deep-fry until crispy. Serve the dish immediately - warm on the outside and cold on the inside, the dessert melts in your mouth.

Lovers of classics and exotics - everyone will be able to find the taste of ice cream that they will like. Try unusual species and come up with original recipes!

The history of ice cream began about five thousand years ago, an analogue of this dessert existed in ancient China. In those days, snow or ice was served at the table, mixed with slices of oranges, lemons or pomegranate seeds. Since then, the industry has come a long way, and ice cream has acquired many other flavors. Now it is served as a separate dish or added to coffee, milkshakes, combined with pastries, marmalade, jam and fruit. To better understand this product, we will talk about what types of ice cream are.

Types of ice cream by composition:

Dairy is a product obtained by churning and freezing milk, sugar and stabilizers. In the production of this ice cream, nuts, chocolate, cocoa, fruit and berry syrups, etc. are used as fillers. This type of ice cream is characterized by a low fat content (2.5-3.2 percent), a relatively low calorie content (137 kcal/100 g) and a high water content (70.4 percent).

AT creamy ice cream, unlike milk, uses cream with a fat content of at least 8-10 percent. The calorie content of such ice cream is 190-226 kcal / 100 g, and the fat content is from 10 to 20 percent. There are two varieties of creamy ice cream - ordinary and ice cream.

Cream(French plombieres, from the name of the French town of Plombieres), unlike ordinary creamy ice cream, it has an increased fat content and calorie content. To increase the percentage of fat content, it is added butter. In practice, it is customary to single out these two varieties as independent ones, therefore, the term "creamy ice cream" often refers to ordinary ice cream, and ice cream is considered an independent species.

These three types of ice cream are the most common and are made from animal fats.

Yoghurt ice cream - for its manufacture they use a special sourdough, useful lacto- and bifidobacteria. Thanks to freezing, ice cream retains all the beneficial properties of yogurt. It contains 3-6% fat and, if you do not add a lot of sugar to it, it has a reduced calorie content.

There are also several varieties of popsicles. Among them, the most common: fruit ice(frozen juice or fruit drink), sorbet- homogeneous fruit and berry puree and sherbet- a mixture of fruit and berry puree and milk-based ice cream.

In addition, there is ice cream, which contains vegetable fats: coconut and Palm oil and soy milk.

These are the main types of ice cream in terms of composition, but in addition to them, mixed types, such as multilayer ice cream, are widely used; ice cream, which contains confectionery fat or ice cream made using chicken eggs.

According to the consistency in our time, 2 types of ice cream can be distinguished:

hardened- dense, hard ice cream. Produced mainly in production conditions;

Soft- less dense in consistency, usually sold by weight. This is made more often at catering establishments;

By palatability The most common types of ice cream are:

- chocolate,
- coffee,
- With the taste of certain berries, fruits and even vegetables,
- Walnut,
- Creme brulee.

Unusual recipe - fried ice cream

Today, fried ice cream, an exotic Chinese dish, is popular all over the world. It can be found in oriental restaurants or cooked at home. To do this, ice cream is divided into portions, dipped in a mixture of eggs and breadcrumbs, then cooled well and quickly deep-fried until crispy. The dish must be served immediately, and the dessert, warm on the outside and cold on the inside, practically melts in your mouth.

Those who wish will be able to get acquainted with the variety of ice cream made in Moldova at

Corn cobs are simmered in milk and cream, which absorb the unique taste of corn. Ice cream is unusual, but according to those who have tried it, this is a miracle of people - the taste is simply amazing!

One of the most exotic dishes. For its preparation, pre-frozen garlic puree is used. When cooking, cream and milk, brought to a boil, mixed with grated yolk and sugar, are added to the melted puree, the resulting mixture is frozen. You can eat it, but I think not everyone will take the risk of doing it ...

This ice cream is a mystery to many. Most do not even believe in its existence, but it really is! Before cooking, bitterness and a specific smell are removed from the onion by passaging. Next, eggs, milk, cream, sugar and vanilla are sent to the blender. They say that onion ice cream is very fragrant and tasty.

Golden ice cream - the most expensive in the world one portion can cost $1000! It is served only in the most elite restaurants in major US cities. Layers of gold foil less than a human hair thick, rare fruits and berries are placed in a glass with delicious ice cream. The dish is eaten together with gold foil, which is so thin that it does no harm to the body. I think no one will refuse to try this ice cream.

Another kind of unusual ice cream. It consists of heavy cream, egg yolks, sugar and freshly ground pepper mixture. During the freezing process, the ice cream is constantly stirred so that the pepper is evenly distributed. Even kids love this ice cream!

Making gingerbread ice cream is easy. Pickled ginger is whipped in a blender with sugar and mixed with ice cream, poured into molds and frozen. The dish looks very appetizing, but its taste, nevertheless, is quite specific.

People who have tried ice cream green tea They say it's great! There are many recipes for this ice cream, but they all differ in the low-calorie content of the products included in it. Main components - green tea, water and whipped proteins.

The army of bacon lovers is huge, and especially for them, ice cream expert David Lebovitz decided to prove that bacon is not only suitable for breakfast. He created a new kind of ice cream based on glazed bacon! It looks very appetizing, and this dish has already gained its considerable popularity.

Carrot ice cream contains cream, milk, coconut milk, yolks, carrots, sugar and spices. Looks pretty enticing and definitely worth a try if given the chance.

The food company Aunt Bessie is trying to breathe new life into the fate of ice cream by replacing its base ingredients with various alternatives. The company has released a new type of ice cream - potato cone. It consists of mashed potatoes, sausage, sauce and green peas. Now ice cream can be consumed not only for dessert.

This is what the world has been missing! It's Viagra flavored ice cream!

The process of making ice cream from fish is quite complicated and some difficulties arise. The fish contains a lot of water, which becomes hard as a rock when frozen, but Sato (the first creator of fish ice cream) solved this problem by soaking the fish in alcohol. To destroy the strong fishy smell, the fish is soaked in milk, egg liqueur, whiskey, brandy, and other types of alcoholic beverages, after which nuts, almonds and chocolate are added.

Charcoal ice cream is dark gray in color and seems to be one of the cheapest. It's hard to guess what it tastes like. I wouldn't risk trying it myself, but I'd love to see how others react.

Japanese black sesame ice cream impresses with its deep black color, despite which the dish is quite edible.

In order to beat off the smell when making octopus ice cream, it must be boiled for eight hours in black tea. What comes out of this in the end to taste - it's hard to imagine. Who else but the Japanese could eat it?

In this jar, a brave eater who decides to taste its contents may well meet whole frozen shrimp.

lovers spicy dishes should appreciate it. Wasabi is not only a great addition to raw fish, but also, as it turned out, is a good ingredient for ice cream.

Nagoya city is famous for its poultry. The Japanese would not be considered Japanese if chicken ice cream did not appear in this city. It is quite easy to imagine this dish as a taste - chicken wings in ice cream instead of the usual sauce.

Eel is a delicacy in Japan, so it is not surprising that the Japanese have chosen to use it as the main ingredient for ice cream. Many people think that the mild, unrepeatable taste is quite acceptable so that the dish can still be called ice cream.

Ice cream is a frozen sweet mass, which is preferably made from milk and dairy products, may be with the addition of various flavors and food additives, fruit and chocolate.

Ice cream is inherently very high in calories, some varieties of ice cream contain up to 20% fat and up to 20% carbohydrates. All types of ice cream can be divided into three groups: cream, fruit ice and sorbet. The composition of ice cream includes animal or vegetable fats, the basis fruit ice are juices and fruit purees frozen in the freezer, and sorbet is a soft ice cream based on fruit juices. You can also classify ice cream by other types. For example, in terms of composition, texture, taste and type of packaging.

Classification of ice cream by its types

1. By composition:

1.1. Ice cream based on animal fats.

1) The most famous species for us is ice cream. This is the most high-calorie and fatty dessert, but also the most delicious. It consists of whole cow's milk, cow's butter, condensed or powdered cream, sugar, chicken eggs, fruits, berries and cocoa products. The fat content of such a product is from 2% to 20% of milk fat, calorie content is 200-400 kcal per 100 g.

2) Milk ice cream. It is low in fat and calories. The composition of such a dessert includes whole or powdered milk, sugar, corn starch, vanilla sugar. The fat content of milk ice cream is about 3-4% of milk fat, the calorie content is 150-200 kcal per 100 g. Ice cream. The main component of this delicacy, of course, is cream. The taste of the dessert also depends on the fat content of the cream. The percentage of fat content of cream should not be lower than 10%, then the ice cream will turn out delicious. The calorie content of creamy ice cream is 180-200 kcal per 100 g of the product, the fat content is about 20%.

1.2. Ice cream based on vegetable fats: coconut and palm oil.

3) Fruit ice. This is hard ice cream, the main ingredients of which are juices, fruit and berry purees, yoghurts, and even coffee and tea. Sorbet is an ice cream mixture that does not contain cream. This cold dessert is made from natural juices and fruit purees, sometimes with the addition of light alcoholic drinks.

4) Sorbet does not contain animal fats, and the amount of sugar is minimized.

2. By consistency:

1) Hardened ice cream. This type of dessert is made mainly in factories. After preparation, it is frozen (hardened) to low temperatures and kept in this form until sale.

2) Soft ice cream. Such a product is made mainly at catering establishments for consumption immediately after preparation.

3) Homemade ice cream. They are made at home and stored in conventional freezers. By taste qualities: Vanilla Chocolate Creme Brulee With chocolate With taste of berries and fruits Coffee Other.

3. By type of packaging:

1) Bulky. These include cakes, pastries, rolls, ice cream bottling in plastic containers, trays, bowls and packaging of ice cream in a polymer shell.

2) Small packaged. This classification of ice cream is the most common. The largest assortment is the packaging of ice cream in wafer, plastic and cardboard cups, as well as briquettes, wafer rolls and cones, on a stick, in chocolate or other glaze, etc.

The strangest and most unusual types of ice cream

For lovers of cold desserts, there are premium desserts, unusual and exclusive types of ice cream. Consider some of the most famous photographs of unusual types of ice cream:

1. Photo #1 - Fried ice cream. It is quite easy to prepare. To begin with, balls are molded from ordinary ice cream and frozen very hard. Then rolled in flour, eggs and breading and frozen again. These balls are fried for vegetable oil just before serving. This dessert is very common in Mexico.

2. Photo No. 2 - Ice cream with bacon. Another gourmet dessert is bacon ice cream. At the heart of such culinary masterpiece lies glazed bacon, the inventor of which was the expert David Lebowitz.

3. Photo No. 3 - Black ice cream. Black sesame is just added to it, which is why the corresponding color and name are obtained. This delicacy came to us from Japan.

4. Photo No. 4 - Golden ice cream. There is also a special premium ice cream. One portion of such a masterpiece costs about $ 1,000. Only the most famous can boast of such a premium delicacy. expensive restaurants America. This dessert is made only from the most delicious ice cream using gold foil. Actually, because of her presence, they began to call ice cream golden. The foil is so thin that it should be eaten with dessert. It will not bring harm to the body. Exotic and rare fruits are also added to the glass.

5. Photo No. 5 - Ice cream with seaweed and caviar. This photo shows another premium ice cream. The composition includes seaweed and fish caviar. The dessert comes from Japan.

5. Photo No. 6 - Onion ice cream. In this photo we can see a combination of incompatible products. Onions are sauteed before use to make them sweet. Eggs, milk, cream, sugar and vanilla powder are mixed in a blender. Despite such an ingredient as onions, the dessert turns out to be very tasty.

Ice cream: harm or benefit?

Traditionally, ice cream is considered a harmful product. But it turns out that it also has a lot of advantages. Firstly, this dessert contributes to the production of serotonin in the body. This is a substance that helps us get rid of stress, improves mood and improves memory. Secondly, real ice cream contains a lot of substances useful for the body: 25 fatty acids, 20 amino acids, 20 vitamins, 30 mineral salts, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. In a word, only ice cream from natural products, without the addition of dyes and essences.

But keep in mind that ice cream is not for everyone. There are a number of flaws in this wonderful dessert. For example, it has been proven that it can cause headaches. When a cold product enters the stomach, the body temperature decreases very quickly, the vessels constrict and the blood flow to the brain slows down. From this arises headache. It is also necessary for people who are overweight and diabetic to limit their consumption of ice cream. This delicacy is very high in calories and contains a large amount of sugar.

Ice cream is very harmful for people suffering from chronic gastritis, coronary heart disease, those with high cholesterol, and allergy sufferers. And for people who have weakened kidneys, the use of such a delicacy is completely prohibited. Other people are advised to consume ice cream no more than 1-2 times a week. When buying, pay attention to the expiration date, storage conditions, because if the ice cream has melted and then frozen again, this will affect its quality, taste and shape.

Nevertheless, ice cream remains one of the most favorite treats not only for children, but also for adults. Alas, not always famous brands make their products from familiar products(milk, sugar, cream). Experts advise always paying attention to the composition of the product, carefully reading the label and not buying suspicious products. Pay attention to the price of ice cream. After all, the cheapness of such a product indicates that it is made from vegetable fats, which must be indicated on the packaging. Such ice cream cannot have the name ice cream. Every year, experts check each brand of ice cream and compile the so-called black lists.

One of the homemade ice cream recipes is shown in the video:

Source: sweetcool.ru

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Types of ice cream

  • Creamy ice cream (based on animal and/or vegetable fats).
  • Sorbet (sorbet, sherbet) (soft ice cream based on fruits, berries, juices).
  • Popsicles (relatively hard juice-based lollipops, usually without milk).
  • Melorin (based on vegetable fats)


Ice cream is a very ancient delicacy. There are authoritative opinions [whose?] that the history of ice cream has more than 5000 years.

Back in 3000 BC, desserts were served at the table in China, vaguely reminiscent of ice cream - snow and ice mixed with slices of oranges, lemons and pomegranate seeds. Recipes and methods of storage were declassified only in the XI century BC in the book "Shi-King".


There is an assumption that ice cream was introduced to Southern Europe at the beginning of the 14th century through Marco Polo. He described ice cream in his travel journals. There are versions that it was he who brought from the East a recipe for an exotic ice dessert, which was very reminiscent of the well-known sherbet. After that, sherbet became a popular dish among aristocrats. At first, ice was stored in special closed places and served only for royal families and popes. Gradually, the production of ice became cheaper.

The first published recipe for ice cream appeared in 1718 in Mrs. Mary Eales' collection of recipes, published in London.

In some European countries (Belarus, Ukraine and Russia), frozen milk was national dish. In Kievan Rus, finely planed frozen milk was served. In the villages, a mixture of frozen cottage cheese, sour cream, raisins and sugar was made for Shrovetide. In the modern version, ice cream appeared in Russia in the middle of the 18th century.


Before the advent of modern methods of freezing, ice cream was a luxurious delicacy only for special occasions. Ice cream production was quite complex.

Currently, ice cream is produced using automatic freezers in cases where the productivity should be from 1 to 15 kg per hour. Capabilities for the production of more serious volumes are available at cold storage facilities.

The process of production of hardened (industrial) ice cream at cold storage facilities and dairies consists of a number of sequential operations: preparation and processing of the ice cream mixture, freezing, packaging and hardening of ice cream, packaging and storage of finished products. The process of preparing the mixture includes the following stages: preparation of the feedstock; preparation of a mixture for ice cream, by mixing raw components, according to the recipe; filtration and pasteurization of the mixture for purification from mechanical impurities and pathogenic microorganisms; homogenization of the mixture (crushing of fat globules) to improve the organoleptic properties of the finished ice cream; cooling to +4°C and maturation of the mixture. The freezing process is, in fact, the process of turning a liquid mixture into ice cream. This process is carried out using continuous freezers, in which the mixture is whipped with air and frozen to a temperature of -4°C. Immediately after freezing, the ice cream is packaged and hardened (shock frozen to -12°C). Hardened ice cream is packed in individual or group packaging. Packaged ice cream is placed in warehouses long-term storage, from where in the future, shipment to trade is carried out.




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