Home Products Are there many calories in stewed cabbage. How many calories are in stewed cabbage, why is it recommended by nutritionists. BJU white cabbage

Are there many calories in stewed cabbage. How many calories are in stewed cabbage, why is it recommended by nutritionists. BJU white cabbage

The properties of cabbage were known even in the ancient world. Repeated references to it are found in the essays of scientists of ancient Greece and Rome. As early as 6 centuries BC. e. white cabbage was a favorite delicacy of these countries. But she herself was just the original modification of the wild kale growing in the Mediterranean islands.

At first, it was eaten only as a tasty and nutritious vegetable. A little later, they discovered medicinal properties valuable plant.

About cabbage as a treatment product

The advantages of the product were appreciated by the Americans and other nations of the world. For example, in America, some scientists argue that cabbage is very effective remedy preventing malignant tumors. Of course, one cabbage is not enough. The diet should also include other vegetables. But a two-week health prophylaxis will not be superfluous.

It can also be said about this product that it makes a person cheerful and at the same time calm and nervous system functions without undue overload.

As a food, cabbage is usually used in stew, the calorie content of which is very low (useful for those who are on a diet), fried cabbage (calorie content of cabbage after frying is equivalent to stew) and sauerkraut. Sometimes, according to recipes, cabbage is also steamed, such as broccoli.

Chemical composition of the product

Eating cabbage, we get a minimum of calories from it (about 16 kcal per 100 g of product). Vitamin C is present in sufficient quantities. At the same time, it is fat-free, which allows the product to be included in almost any more or less common diet. Need a minimum calorie? Stewed, fried or sauerkraut perfectly balances the saturation of the body, giving it the necessary calorie minimum.

Among other vitamins that the product abounds in, there are vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, PP, E and even U. The latter is extracted from and used to treat ulcers. also useful in sclerosis.

Among the useful acids, tartronic acid can be noted. It breaks down sugar, defatting it. This fact is valuable for those who want to lose weight. It is worth remembering that any temperature effect (heating, roasting, etc.) destroys this acid. But in raw and pickled form, it does not disappear.

The product also contains a set of useful trace elements and salts, at the same time, it does not contain nitrogenous compounds. This makes cabbage important in people with diabetes and kidney disorders. Copper restores disorders of the central nervous system, and iodine helps the thyroid gland to function normally. The leaves of the plant contain phytoncides. Use cabbage leaf in the presence of wounds, inflammation in the form of abscesses or radiculitis pains. Without going into too much detail, we can say with confidence: cabbage has a sufficient supply of vitamin C. So, eating it, you can not be afraid of a lack of this vitamin in the body.

A little about stewed cabbage

Stewed cabbage. The calorie content and taste characteristics of this stewed product make it popular in the preparation of many dishes. recipes. Going to any online culinary resource, you will find there a lot of recipes for stewed cabbage and recipes for other ways of its preparation.

But that's not all. In the procedures of juice cleansing with juices) in order to cleanse the body of toxins, stewed cabbage is again mentioned. calories healthy vegetable when quenching is minimal. This makes it an easy vegetarian option for any suitable diet or fasting therapy.

To remove gases formed in the intestines of babies, it is not recommended to use a fresh or fermented vegetable. It is necessary to act on intestinal gases as a laxative. And stewed cabbage is such a laxative. as mentioned above, makes it a practical tool for any diet and for health purposes.

Have you ever counted how much delicious dishes Can you make it with regular white cabbage? If not, then let's try to do it together. So: sauerkraut, salted cabbage, fresh cabbage salad, cabbage rolls (and lazy ones too), cabbage pies, lean cabbage cutlets, lachanorizo ​​(Greek a national dish from cabbage and rice), cabbage loaf, Korean cabbage, etc. In addition, cabbage is part of many salads, giving them a fresh taste. And, of course, the well-known stewed cabbage should not be forgotten - a juicy, nutritious dish that is perfect for weight loss.

How many calories are in stewed cabbage?

We all know what cabbage is, saying plain language"grass", the calorie content of which does not exceed 28 kcal per hundred grams. But when it is extinguished, this value can increase several times. And if you count how many calories are in stewed cabbage, cooked traditional way without the addition of meat products, then we will get a figure that is almost four times larger (equal to 102.2 kcal).

How to cook low-calorie stewed cabbage?

Of course, this is not so much, but, nevertheless, you can still reduce this figure. How? There is an easy way to do this. It consists in the fact that vegetable oil is practically not used for stewing. We start cooking with the fact that finely chopped cabbage is laid out on a hot frying pan, where it “dries up” a little, after which low-fat chicken bouillon and browned carrots with onions (put them on a paper towel to remove excess fat). It is necessary to simmer under a closed lid over low heat. Halfway through the cooking process, add the tomatoes, seasonings and salt. And a few minutes before the dish is completely ready, add a little fried flour into it - it will absorb excess moisture. How many calories do you think there are in stewed cabbage prepared in this way? Believe it or not, only 32 kcal per 100 gram serving!

Braised cabbage with chicken

Although the above recipe is not bad in itself, but sometimes you really want to flavor the cabbage with meat. I wonder how many calories in stewed cabbage will then become more? Do not be surprised! It turns out that if you choose not only the cooking method, but also the ingredients themselves, then the energy value of this dish will not exceed 72 kcal! To make the stewed cabbage with chicken you cooked, the calorie content of which is so low, also tasty, take: not just chicken, but its breast; do not fry the carrots, but let them; in the cooking process, use stewing, not frying. Please note that such a high-calorie product as vegetable oil is not included in this recipe. Therefore, for everyone who is on a diet and strictly monitors their figure, this dish should suit.

cabbage with meat

The calorie content of stewed cabbage with meat, of course, cannot be small. On average, it is about 210 kcal. But it turns out that this figure can be significantly reduced. This happens due to:

  • the right choice of meat (beef or non-fat pork);
  • use of cookware with non-stick coating;
  • using a minimum amount of oil (1 tsp only for frying meat);
  • the predominance of stewing (as the main cooking method).

If you follow all these rules, then from 500 g of meat, half a fork white cabbage, ketchup, salt and seasonings you will get an excellent dish. And to the question of how many calories are in stewed cabbage with meat prepared according to this recipe, you can safely say: “Only 95 kcal!”

And finally

Finally, I would like to say that nothing is impossible, you just need to want and you can always find wonderful ways to save your body from overloading with extra calories. Modern household appliances offer us a lot of opportunities for this: double boilers, multicookers, grill pans. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then you won’t have to cook low-calorie lunches and dinners separately for yourself. Because the whole family will eat everything that you have prepared with great pleasure. Because it's so delicious!

Cabbage dishes familiar from childhood do not lose their popularity and continue to appear on the tables. Both sauerkraut and stewed cabbage require almost no other ingredients, except for seasonings and additives, which cannot be said, for example, about cabbage rolls. Stewed cabbage can generally be included in the category of dishes on hastily: it does not take much time to cook it, and certainly not half the refrigerator of products, including such rare components as avocado and others like it. It is enough just to chop the white cabbage, put it in a pan, season with seasonings and onions to taste, and leave to languish under the lid with a little oil or water. The result is delicious and fragrant dish, able to help out in conditions of catastrophic lack of time. And at least from these considerations it is worth finding out how many calories are in stewed cabbage. Considering the fact that this vegetable is considered dietary, it is interesting to know whether such a dish can also be classified as light and not harmful to the figure. And if not, then how often it is permissible to use it, with what and at what time.

How many calories in stewed cabbage

The most important component of stewed cabbage, no matter how many of them end up in the dish, is, of course, the cabbage itself. Usually, fresh white cabbage is chosen for such a dish, preferably only cut, fresh and crispy. In cabbage itself, the calorie content per hundred grams is only 28 kcal, which automatically lists it in the list of products with negative calorie, since more energy is spent on its processing than is required in terms of "weight". Although 67% of energy value carbohydrates occupy, and only 26% are proteins, there is no need to be afraid of such a distribution. Like most vegetables with the exception of potatoes, cabbage carbohydrates are labeled "complex", and therefore are allowed to daily use. Although their processing is not as fast as that of simple ones, they do not cause an insulin response, and therefore there are no sharp jumps in blood sugar, which ultimately forces you to draw sugar from the body's existing "reserves", burning fat. Such carbohydrates are usually rich in pectin, fiber and glycogen, which in parallel improves the functioning of the digestive tract. It is for this reason that raising the question of how many calories are in stewed cabbage and other vegetables does not make sense from the point of view of fear for the figure and the fear of all those products that are heavier than two or three calories in terms of “weight”, but for the sake of knowing specific numbers when compiling the daily menu after counting daily allowance calorie content, beyond which you can not go. In addition, fiber helps to quench the acute feeling of hunger, allowing long time feel full, but without excessive heaviness, which is characteristic of overeating. And therefore, it’s even better to snack on complex carbohydrates, so that after half an hour you don’t want to throw something into the stomach again.

In addition to properties related to complex carbohydrates in general, cabbage has a number of other positive aspects that are transferred to its stewed version. Perhaps, in the case of white cabbage, this is generally the most dietary choice regarding the method of its heat treatment: only steamed cabbage rolls with vegetables or sauerkraut are easier. And the latter, by the way, even acquires new features that cannot be ignored. As a result of sourdough, vitamin K is also added to the chemical composition of white cabbage, which is necessary to normalize the rate of blood clotting. In the process of stewing, the useful components somewhat reduce activity, but not so much as to consider this dish not bringing anything good to the body. The juice released from cabbage helps to alleviate the condition of gastritis and peptic ulcers, and also puts the digestion process in order, improving the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Again, this leads to an acceleration of metabolism and, consequently, weight loss, and therefore makes people pay attention to cabbage not only for people who are dissatisfied with their figure, but even for diabetics and overweight people. Moreover, in terms of blood sugar levels, cabbage is completely safe - both stewed and steamed.

In stewed cabbage, the calorie content is usually about 42 kcal, if the dish consists of carrots, a small amount vegetable oil, tomato paste or fresh tomato, and, of course, the cabbage itself. Quite common is the variant of stewed cabbage with meat, the calorie content of which already floats in the range from 70 to 200 kcal per hundred grams of product. It is impossible to name a single figure, since you can choose absolutely any meat. The lightest, of course, is chicken: it is more easily absorbed by the body, although it is not inferior in protein content and chemical composition heavier species, and also has a fairly low percentage of fat. Calorie content for stewed cabbage with chicken meat is 77 kcal per hundred grams of product. Only the calorie content of stewed cabbage with mushrooms, which shows a value of 35 kcal per hundred grams, can be more ideal than such a recipe, but not everyone will be satisfied with such a combination: some people definitely need to eat something from the meat or fish group for lunch. Therefore, it is worth immediately indicating the calorie content of stewed cabbage with pork or beef. If you choose lean pieces without a high fat content and do not overdo it with the amount of vegetable oil in the pan, you can get indicators of 215 kcal and 176 kcal, respectively. This, no doubt, is not an option for dinner, where else one could put cabbage with chicken, but it is quite acceptable for lunch, because both pork and beef are very satisfying types of meat.

Stewed cabbage in the diet of those who follow the figure

Depending on the ingredients used in the dish, the calorie content of stewed cabbage will jump significantly, giving either very dietary indicators, or advising you to be careful with it. Of course, given the merits of cabbage in the field of nutrition and influence on the digestive tract, it cannot be ignored in your own diet: few other vegetables can boast such an effect on excess weight and metabolism. And, of course, not everyone is able to eat pure stewed cabbage, occasionally diluting it with mushrooms or other vegetables. The option of stewed cabbage with meat in terms of calories may not be the most ideal, but it is acceptable in the morning. Moreover, it can be made even easier if you use not fresh, but sauerkraut for stewing. Such a trick will reduce the calorie content of stewed cabbage, even for particularly heavy meat variations. For example, a recipe with beef will “feel better” by as much as 40 kcal, now giving out 132 kcal instead of 176 kcal. And for a simple sauerkraut stew, the calorie content will show 65 kcal per hundred grams for a dish with onions and carrots without other additions. Plus, the vinegar content in sauerkraut will be a good bonus to the fat burning process launched by the vegetable itself.

One point is worth considering before you cook stewed cabbage, inspired by it. useful properties: in large quantities, this vegetable can cause flatulence, fermentation in the intestines and increased gas formation. leveled out side effects adding dill, anise or cumin to sauerkraut, as well as limiting its portions.

The modern generation of people is extremely attentive to their health and overweight. Most try to attend fitness clubs and eat healthy, plant-based foods that are low in unhealthy fats and cholesterol. Stewed cabbage is ideal for such nutrition, because. it is a low-calorie product and contains a lot of useful substances. To determine the calorie content of stewed cabbage, one should take into account the specifics of the preparation of the dish and the list of additional ingredients, but in any case, it will be much more useful than fried side dishes.

Calorie content of cabbage depending on the variety

On the shelves you can find a great variety of varieties of cabbage: white, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and many others. The calorie content of stewed cabbage is affected not only by the method of preparation, but also by the variety. Below are the options for preparing lean dishes with the addition of vegetable oil, which immediately increases the calorie content by almost 3 times.

White cabbage. This is the most common variety, the most rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, fights viruses and infections. In the finished form, the stewed product with butter contains about 75-100 kcal per weight of 100 g, without butter - only 35 kcal.

Cauliflower. A very useful form, improves digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a side dish, it goes well with meat, you can complement the taste with olives or tomato puree. The oil added during stewing provides a calorie content of about 70 kcal per 100 g.

Brussels sprouts. Prepare very quickly and is truly dietary product, which is very useful for children, pregnant women and the elderly. It can be used for diabetes and various diseases of the digestive system. During cooking, you can add ingredients such as onions, carrots and spices, the finished dish is obtained with a calorie content of 58-59 kcal per 100 g.

Cooking options with cabbage in terms of calories

During cooking, a large amount of oil is often used, which significantly increases the calorie content. Therefore, it is recommended to add no more than 2 tablespoons of oil. Since cabbage itself is a fairly light food, various meats, potatoes or mushrooms can be added to the dish for nutrition. Below are the most popular cooking methods to navigate how many calories are in stewed cabbage with the addition of various ingredients.

  • In 100 g ready meal contains:
  • cabbage stew with beef meat - 160 kcal,
  • stewed cabbage with lean pork - 140 kcal,
  • cabbage stew with chicken - 150 kcal,
  • stewed cabbage with potatoes - 125 kcal,
  • stewed cabbage with mushrooms - 119 kcal.

As you can see, this vegetable, even in combination with meat products is an diet dish. The main rule is to choose meat without pieces of fat and add a minimum amount of oil during the cooking process.

The benefits and harms of stewed cabbage

The benefits of stewed cabbage are obvious: a high content of vitamins A, B and C, as well as an abundance of trace elements (phosphorus, potassium, sulfur) and fiber make it indispensable in the human diet. It significantly improves metabolic processes in the body, prevents constipation, cleanses blood vessels and improves immunity. This product can be used by persons suffering from various stomach diseases, tk. vegetable stew are soft foods. It is forbidden to use only in extreme cases: with exacerbation of gastric ulcer, patients with high acidity of gastric juice and people prone to diarrhea.

Diet based on stewed cabbage

Based on this product, you can arrange an excellent unloading for the body under the slogan "stewed cabbage - funny calories!" Indeed, low in calories and heat treatment make this product extremely safe both for the figure and for the gastrointestinal tract; in stewed form, it can be consumed in large quantities. But such a diet cannot be called balanced, so nutritionists strongly recommend sticking to a cabbage-based diet for no more than 6-7 days, and a strict monocomponent diet for no more than 3 days.

When dieting, you can eat as Lenten dish, as well as with the addition low-fat varieties meat. Ideal for this chicken breast. It is not forbidden to add vegetables such as carrots, onions, herbs. During the cleansing of the body, one should not forget to drink plenty of water, at least 1.5 liters per day. You don't have to starve, you can eat as much as you want. In a few days, the result will already be evident: extra pounds will begin to go away, and the body will cleanse itself and get rid of toxins.

However, not everyone can consume vegetables in large quantities. Contraindications may be in the following cases:

  • diabetes,
  • severe diseases of the digestive system,
  • various problems in the work of the kidneys.

Otherwise, such a tasty and uncomplicated vegetable diet will help you gain a slender, toned figure and feel great.

Stewed cabbage is a dish with a large amount of vitamins and minerals. calories cabbage dish depends on the cooking recipe (with meat, potatoes, tomato paste) and the type of product (cauliflower or white cabbage). Due to its composition, the dish has numerous beneficial properties for the body. In addition, the product is low-calorie and helps to lose extra pounds. Stewed cabbage has a number of contraindications for use, which you should familiarize yourself with before taking it.

Energy and nutritional value

Calorie content of stewed cabbage per 100 grams - 102.2 kcal. This product also includes:

  • proteins - 2.7 g;
  • fats - 5.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.2 g.

The amount of calories, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in stewed cabbage differs depending on the additional ingredients used in the preparation of the dish.

Calorie table of stewed cabbage with additives per 100 grams:

The number of calories depends on the type of cabbage used in cooking (values ​​​​are given for 100 g of product):

The calorie content of a sauerkraut product that has been stewed is 16.6 Kcal, and the nutritional value 1.3/0.1/3.8 g.

The composition and benefits of stewed cabbage

The vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals. If it is stewed, then the amount of nutritional components decreases, but it is still of value to the body.

  • retinol - beneficial effect on the skin;
  • niacin - normalizes the process of digestion;
  • thiamine - improves mood;
  • nicotinic acid - supports the liver;
  • riboflavin - is involved in the renewal and growth of tissues;
  • biotin - keeps sugar in an acceptable value;
  • choline - normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • alpha-tocopherol - slows down cell aging;
  • pantothenic acid - activates the production of adrenal hormones;
  • ascorbic acid - increases immune protection;
  • pyridoxine - promotes the absorption of fats and proteins.

The chemical composition of the stewed cabbage dish is very diverse, and includes many useful substances. Among them are the following macronutrients and micronutrients:

Although the listed components that make up stewed cabbage are contained in small quantities, with systematic use they often better compensate for the lack of nutrients than pharmacy complexes.

The use of a vegetable has a beneficial effect on the following systems of the human body:

  • cardiovascular - reduces the fragility of the vascular walls;
  • gastrointestinal - relieves dysbacteriosis, is the prevention of constipation;
  • urinary - reduces the risk of gallstones;
  • nervous - eliminates depression and anxiety.

In the absence of contraindications to taking stewed cabbage, you can eat it every day. To fill the body with the listed beneficial substances, 200 g of the dish is enough. You should not replace the main meals with only this food product, because the menu should be varied.

The most useful is stewed cabbage made from sauerkraut.

For weight loss

Since eating stewed cabbage improves metabolism, it is customary to take it for weight loss. Reception of a cabbage dish normalizes weight.

Stewed cabbage is a low-calorie product and has a low glycemic index, which contributes to a long feeling of satiety.

Due to the high content of insoluble fiber particles, cabbage gently cleanses the intestines. This allows you to lose weight in a short time.

It is safe to diet with this product for no more than 3 days. Such a diet is considered unbalanced, so long-term use will entail unpleasant consequences in the form of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

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