Home Soups Bread mixtures. Panko crackers - their description with a photo; recipes how to cook at home; calorie content and the use of Japanese bread mixture in cooking

Bread mixtures. Panko crackers - their description with a photo; recipes how to cook at home; calorie content and the use of Japanese bread mixture in cooking

Panko rusks Is a bread mix that is widely used in Japanese cuisine mainly for deep-fat cooking. Panko crackers are a mixture of air crumbs. Also, Japanese crackers can be sold with the addition of various spices and herbs.

For a long time, Japan remained a mystery country for the whole world. Of the foreigners there were only Portuguese merchants and monks who supplied Chinese silk to Japan. It is the Portuguese who contribute to the spread of Japanese culinary traditions. Panko rusks got their name from the Portuguese word "pan", which means "bread", and the Japanese word "ko", that is, "powder", "flour".

Japanese panko rusks have a richer texture than regular European rusks.

Traditionally, Japanese rusks are made from bread without a crust. The dough is baked by passing an electric current through the baking tins. Thanks to this technology, bread is obtained that is devoid of the crust, which leads to the fact that it turns stale faster. Japanese bread is made with flour that is high in protein, which makes the dough feel fluffy. Gluten combines with air to create textured breadcrumbs. Remove the bread from the oven before it is browned to avoid crusting. Then the bread is left for 18 hours and only after that it is crushed. The bread is ground in special mills, which are designed so as to injure the crumb to a minimum. The use of such mills allows you to get coarse crumbs.

Panko is traditional Japanese rusks. Of course, under this name rusks are produced not only in Japan, but throughout Asia. A special feature of this product is its structure: crackers are more like chips than ordinary bread mix. You can buy panko crackers in a large supermarket or make them yourself. The calorie content of panko breadcrumbs is 380 kilocalories per 100 g. The ratio of BJU in Japanese breadcrumbs is 16%, 17% and 67%, respectively, that is the product contains too many carbohydrates, which leads to its high calorie content.

Cooking use

In cooking, Japanese panko rusks are widely used to prepare a variety of dishes. So, they are used in Japanese cuisine for deep-frying, for cooking vegetables, breaded meat.

Panko rusks may vary in appearance depending on what is added to them. A bright yellow breading mixture indicates that the rusks were prepared with the addition of seasoning, most likely they contain turmeric. Panko white rusks contain wheat and soy flour... Black pepper, curry, turmeric can also be added to panko crackers, which makes food cooked with them even tastier.

Some Asian countries also produce sweet breads for making desserts. For this, panko crackers are mixed with coconut flakes and sugar, sometimes with rum. In the Mediterranean, rusks are mixed with grated Parmesan, oregano and other herbs. A mixture of crackers and sesame seeds looks very nice.

How to cook at home?

You can make Japanese panko crackers at home. Of course, in order to completely replicate the taste of panko, you need to use a special bread, but since it is difficult to buy, crackers can be made from a French baguette.

Yesterday's baguette is cut into cubes, after removing the crust. When cutting the rind, it is important not to cut the crumb with it. The resulting pieces must be chopped in a blender, preferably using the ripple mode. As a result of such manipulations, a sufficiently large crumb should be obtained, which will then need to be dried. At home, the crumb is dried in the oven. Spread it evenly on a baking sheet and make sure that it does not burn. Dried so that the color of the product does not change. The crackers are mixed so that they dry evenly. After the crackers have dried, they are left on a baking sheet for an hour so that they dry even better. Store homemade panko crackers in a tightly closed container.

Also, Japanese crackers can be made at home according to another recipe, and this time not from a French baguette, but from an ice cream loaf. The loaf is cut into slices and wrapped in cling film (you can take a sliced ​​loaf already wrapped in a store). It is best to wrap each slice separately in plastic wrap. The wrapped bread is placed in the freezer. After 3 hours, the loaf is taken out of the freezer and the crust is cut off. Using a blender or food processor in the pulsation mode, the bread cubes are crushed into crumbs. To prevent the bread cubes from turning into very small crumbs, you need to add them in small portions and shake them constantly inside the blender. Next, put the bread crumbs on a baking sheet for baking in the oven. The oven is heated to a minimum temperature and the crackers are dried there. Crackers should dry out, but not change their color. Stir them constantly during drying. Store the breading in a glass container.

At home, crackers are not quite the same as the famous panko, but they can be successfully used for frying products, as well as for baking.

When cooking, panko crackers absorb much less oil. They can be used to grill fish or meat for an appetizing golden brown crust. This crust not only adds appetizing quality to the dish, but also makes the meat or fish juicier. It is the panko crackers that give the crispest crust, while the usual breading mixture will make the crust tender, but not crispy. Also, Japanese crackers can be lightly fried and sprinkled on salad.

In order to cook fish or meat in batter, you need to dip the product in batter, then roll in panko bread mixture and fry in a deep frying pan. This fish or meat is served with rice and soy sauce... Panko rusks are great for Tonkatsu (pork cutlets), as well as Skakanofurai (fish chops) and Ebifurai (shrimp cutlets). Japanese rusks are often used to make Tempura. The breading gives the food a particularly appetizing appearance.

Japanese panko rusks - excellent natural product, which allows not only to make the dish tasty, but also to give it an attractive appearance.

In addition, the special air structure of the crumbs allows excess fat to drain away, which makes the dish less greasy. Using panko crackers is a great way to add new taste familiar dishes.

for semi-finished products and grilling for poultry


Decorative bread mix made from natural vegetables and spices.

For breading and decorating semi-finished products: natural and chopped.


Compound: Celery, coriander, green paprika.

Consumption rate - by prescription
Homogeneous, finely dispersed mixture of yellow-green color with a smell.


Compound: Celery, carrots, red pepper.

Consumption rate - by prescription
Homogeneous, finely dispersed mixture of light brown color with a smell.


Compound: Green paprika, coriander, bread crumbs.

Consumption rate - by prescription
Homogeneous, finely dispersed mixture of greenish-yellow color with a smell.


Compound: Celery, carrots, red paprika, bread crumbs.

Consumption rate - by prescription
Homogeneous, finely dispersed mixture of caracotta color with a smell


Compound: Coriander, garlic, ginger, bread crumbs.

Consumption rate - by prescription
A homogeneous, finely dispersed mixture of brown-yellow color with a smell.


Homogeneous, finely dispersed red mixture with the smell of paprika.
The "Spicy" mixture differs from the "Bright" mixture in less saturated aroma, taste and color.

For rubbing poultry carcasses (chickens, ducks, turkeys, partridges, etc.) when grilling or smoking.

The dosage is determined by the producer of the poultry (grilled chicken), depending on the needs of taste and color. It is used for rubbing carcasses or pieces of poultry meat to give red color and taste of red pepper and paprika.


Compound: Paprika extract, natural red paprika, salt, sugar.

Consumption rate - by prescription


Compound: Paprika extract, natural paprika red and mustard, xanthan gum, salt, sugar.

Consumption rate - by prescription


Compound: Paprika extract, natural red paprika, mustard and garlic, xanthan gum, salt, sugar.

Consumption rate - by prescription
Homogeneous, finely dispersed red mixture with a smell.


Compound: Paprika extract, natural red paprika, salt, sugar.

Consumption rate - by prescription
Homogeneous, finely dispersed red mixture with a smell.

Batter- is a dry breading mixture that, when diluted, gives a product with an elastic structure, and is used for enveloping and further heat treatment semi-finished products. Under the dough casing, the fried product remains juicy and tender. The batter can be eaten or carefully removed from the fried product.

Compound: premium wheat flour, corn starch, egg powder, table salt, baking powder (E500), spices.

The taste of batter can vary from bland to salty or sweet, and depends on the specifics of the dish. Hot or spicy spices are added to add piquancy and flavor to Indian, Asian, chinese cuisine and is also widely used in fast food in many dishes such as tempura shrimp.

Hot or spicy spices are added to add spice and flavor to Indian, Asian, Chinese cuisines, and are also widely used in fast food in many dishes such as tempura shrimp.

In addition to taste characteristics, one of the main indicators for assessing quality is viscosity. Depending on the prepared semi-finished products and the desired crust thickness, the batter can be thick or thin. Viscosity is measured in terms of drip rate.

Temperature conditions when using Compaggi Klyar Viscose.

In order for the crust to remain crispy after preparation of the semi-finished product, it is necessary to knead the mixture in ice water.
To achieve a bright taste and crisp crust, it is necessary to fry at 150-160 ° С for semi-finished products from vegetables and 170-180 ° С for fish or meat.

Usage technology:

At the initial stage of processing, semi-finished products are breaded with a dry mixture of Compaggi Klyar Viscozy manually or on a conveyor. Next, the semi-finished products are immersed in a batter diluted in water based on the Compaggi Klyar Viscozy mixture and sent for heat treatment. The ratio of ingredients in the preparation of batter - 1 (efficiency of Compaggi) - 1.2-1.4 ( cold water). Water temperature - 4 - 6 ° C. Batter is prepared with a blender or cutter until smooth. Small lumps of the mixture in the composition of liquid batter are allowed.

To achieve a bright taste and crisp crust, it is necessary to fry at 150-160 ° С for semi-finished products from vegetables and 170-180 ° С for fish or meat.

Advantage of Compaggi Clar Viscozy

Reduces the level of thermal losses during the preparation of p \ f;

Increases the juiciness of the product;

Improving appearance;

Golden bright color of the product;


It is used in the production of meat, chicken, fish semi-finished products and semi-finished seafood products.

The mixture is used for the preparation of semi-finished products "tempura", fish, meat, seafood, shrimps and squid rings, vegetables are popular: boiled potatoes, onions, peppers.

In dry and semi-scientific terms, breading is a chopped mixture of products that is used to roll meat, fish, vegetable semi-finished products, fruits and cheese before frying. The purpose of the breading is to form an appetizing golden brown which improves the quality of food and makes it attractive.

Why do housewives love breading?

Breading helps to keep the shape of the products during frying, and also protects them from moisture evaporation, so they do not lose their juiciness and softness. Thanks to the protective shell, the semi-finished product does not burn in a hot frying pan, and the ready-made food retains valuable nutritional properties and acquires new flavors. Various types of breading radically change the perception of familiar dishes, striking with unexpected taste and spicy aroma.

Rating of breading

In French, “paner” means “sprinkle with bread crumbs,” so originally breading was the name given to a mixture of ground wheat bread crumbs.

Breadcrumbs- the most common type of sprinkling, which is used for frying meat and fish cakes, zraz, meatballs, schnitzels and baked goods confectionery... Bread breading gives a crispy crust and a delicate texture to the finished product.

Flour of all varieties is the second most popular type of breading. It gives a softer crust and does not "interrupt" the taste of the main dish, giving it additional nuances.

Beaten egg liquid breading(sometimes only white or yolk is used) make the dishes surprisingly tender. If only yolk is used, cutlets and baked goods take on a rich, bright yellow hue, and whipped whites create a crisp white airy layer.

Batter It is also considered a variant of liquid breading, and its advantages are that using the dough, you can get a completely new dish with an unexpected taste.

Chopped walnut used in breading fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits. It changes the taste of dishes, increases their calorie content and nutritional value.

Cereals(semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, wheat, rye flakes) - a great idea for a bread mix for meat, fish and vegetable cutlets. Such dishes turn out to be very tasty and original due to the "openwork" effect.

Vegetable shavings(pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, zucchini) makes dishes healthier and festive, but the grated vegetables should be pre-dried in the oven. Cheese breading not only tasty, but also transforms the appearance of culinary products.

There are also unusual breading mixes - chopped chips and crackers, finely chopped fresh herbs, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, and a mixture of spices and seasonings. They are suitable for meat and fish products, cheese and vegetables.

Learning to Bread Correctly

The secret to perfect breading is to use a lezon - an egg chatter with milk, kefir or cream, in which semi-finished products are dipped before breading. This is necessary in order for the breading mixture to adhere better to the cutlets, however, if you are working with wet "raw materials", you can get by with eggs alone or not use a bladder at all, since excess moisture prevents the formation of a golden brown crust.

Semi-finished products, breaded in breadcrumbs, can be perfectly stored in the refrigerator or freezer for a long time. Flour breading requires immediate frying, otherwise the semi-finished products will lose their aesthetic appearance. To obtain a harder crust, double and triple breading is used, which is an alternation of several layers of lezon and breading mixture.

Complex recipe for breadcrumbs home cooking. Step by step recipe home cooking with a photo for cooking at home for 46. Contains only 60 calories.

  • Prep time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 46
  • Calorie count: 60 kilocalories
  • Servings: 5 servings
  • Complexity: Complex recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Other

Ingredients for seven servings

  • Basil breading.
  • 8 parts of rusks
  • 1 part almonds
  • 1 part basil
  • Breading with walnuts.
  • For meat cutlets and poultry cutlets.
  • 7 parts of rusks
  • 1 part nuts
  • 1 part dill greens
  • 1 part garlic
  • Mint breading.
  • 8 parts of rusks
  • 1 part mint
  • 1 part dill greens
  • Dill seed breading.
  • For lamb.
  • 8 parts of rusks
  • 1 part garlic
  • 1 part dill seeds
  • 1 part barberry
  • Breading with black currant leaves.
  • 7 parts of rusks
  • 1 part garlic
  • 1 part dill greens
  • 1 part currant leaves
  • Red pepper breading.
  • For meat and fish.
  • 7 parts of rusks
  • 1 part garlic
  • 1 part dill greens
  • 1-3 parts sweet pepper

Step by step cooking

  1. As I said. ... I wash the greens and dry them in electric.
  2. drying. When there was no drying, then in bunches in the shade.
  3. Then I grind to the desired size in a thermomix
  4. or blendore.
  5. And I make it up in parts according to desire and taste.
  6. I often add Parmesan cheese, shredded.
  7. Well, of course, sea salt, freshly ground pepper to taste.

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